The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 12, 1900, Image 6

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W.M. Stewart, Nevada, l). S. Senator. McKinley promises the better admin
istration. Bryan preached treason in encouraging the Filipinos to resist.
Lee Mantle, Butte, Montana, ex-U. S. Senator. Bryan would degrade the
American flag.
Qeorge Hoadly, New York, N. Y., ex-Oovernor of Ohio. McKinley Is a bet
ter man than Bryan ever can be.
James H. Eckels, Comptroller of Currency under President Cleveland.
Afraid of free silver and against Bryanism.
W. D. Bynum, ex-Congressman and Democrat. Indiana. Pavers sound
money and scouts the idea of “Imperialism.”
Col. Oliver C. Sabin, formerly secretary of the Silver Knights of America.
The present money standard has proved the best. Free trade means
pauperism. Is an expansionist.”
Dr. George L. Miller, founder of
the Omaha Herald. Bryan unsafe.
Judge Eleazer Wakeley, the
leader of the Omaha bar. Because
Bryan Is mistaken about the Phil
William A. Paxton of Nebraska,
who twice assisted Bryan’s election
to Congress. Silver.
Thomas B. McPherson, President
of the Omaha Cattle Loan Co. and
cashier of the Union Stock Yards
National Bank. Bryan's election
would cau'e a panic.
Euclid Martin, of Omaha, for
years a leader of the Democratic
party, formerly Chairman of the
Democratic State Committee and
Postmaster of Omaha under Cleve
land. Favors the present stable
Edward Rllgy, of Omaha, party
wheelhorse. Bryan’s failure as a
prophet, and prosperity.
F. B. Lawrence, President of the
Lawrence Shot and Lead Co., Ne
braska, has voted Democratic since
1864. Wants stable currency.
E. Wyman, Shelton, Neb., Popu
list member of Legislature. Will
not fuse with the Democrats.
George E. Pritchett, Nebraska, a
lifelong Democrat. Money issue.
B. T. Farnsworth, formerly Dem
ocratic city attorney of South Oma
ha, Neb. Because Bryan has been
giving aid to the Filipinos.
Judge W. D. McHugh, leading at
torney, Omaha. Bryan's failure as
a prophet.
Warren Snltzler, Nebraska, nom
inee of the Gold Democrats In 1897
for Supreme Court Justice. General
Charles W. Lyman, President of
the Commercial National Bank,
Omaha. Always been a Democrat
Is against radicalism as represented
by Bryan.
William F. Wappich, resigned
from Douglass County (Neb.) Dem
ocratic Council because he could not
endorse, the Kansas City platform.
Democratic party Is populistic.
W. L. May, ex-8tate Fish Com
missioner of Nebraska. Voted for
Palmer and Buckner In 1896. Sil
Lee W. Spratren, Omaha, promi
nent worker In the Democratic
ranks. Silver.
E. L. Stone, of Dewey & Stpne,
furniture dealers, Omaha. Prosper
ity and believes In letting well
enough alone.
William M. Bushman, leading
warehouseman, Omaha. T* osper
Dr. George Tllden, Omaha. Dem
ocratic worker for many years. Sil
ver and the Philippine question.
Henry W. Yates, President Ne
braska National Bank. Many years
a Democratic worker. Believes In
letting well enough alone.
Dr. H. Chambers, Fremont, Neb.
Active supporter of Bryan in 1896.
Bryan's predictions In 1896 came
N. J. Pascoe, Dodge County, Ne
braska. For twenty-five years a
Democrat Expansion and sound
JuIIub Beckman, Fremont, Ne
braska, a leading business man.
Bryan unsafe. Is satisfied with
present prosperity.
Dr. John T. Pottoc, formerly a mem
ber of the Illinois Legislature.
George W. Jones, Lawrenceville, 111.,
formerly Bherlff of Crawford County
and a leading Democrat Believes in
expansion. The administration has
proved its competency In handling all
Judge W. C. Duncan, of Columbus,
Ohio. Cannot support the principles
of Popocracy, and is for expansion.
Judge N. B. Hyatt, Webster City,
Iowa. Bound money and expansion.
Jas. B. Miller, a life-long Democrat
and business man of Mt. Carroll, 111.,
after reading the statement signed by
Wm. T. Baker of Chicago announcing
his intention to vote for President Mc
Kinley this year, said: ‘‘The senti
ments of Mr. Baker are mine exactly.
I could not express them in clearer or
more forcible language. I shall vote
for McKinley.”
James S. Evans, southern Democrat,
now of Chicago. Democratic party is
hypocritical in talking about consent
of the governed in the Philippines
after forcing white supremacy in the
General Walter S, Turnbull, a San
Francisco capitalist.
Horace G. Platt of San Francisco,
CaL, a prominent lawyer.
J. W. Oates, brother of Governor
Oates of Georgia, of Santa Rosa, Cal.
Formerly Democratic candidate for
State Senator.
Oeorge W. Baker, a leading San
Francisco lawyer. Mr. Baker handled
all the funds of the Silver Republicans
In San Francisco and all California In
William D. English of San Fran
cisco, Cal., formerly chairman of the
Democratic State Committee and State
Harbor Commissioner. Brother of ex
Congressman Warren D. English.
Colonel C. H. Maddux of San Fran
cisco, formerly State Senator.
Robert Y. Hayne, a member of the
San Francisco bar,
Crittenden Thornton of San Fran
cisco, the lawyer.
Russell Heath, an influential farmer
in Santa Barbara, Cal.
E. F. Bcrward of Fresno, Cal., the
James A. Leisen of Menominee,
Mich., formerly Democratic State Sen
E. J. Pemberthy, formerly Demo
cratic Postmaster of Houghton, Mich.
W. C. Dewitt, for many years cor
poration counsel of Brooklyn.
L. J. Williams, president of the West
Virginia Bar Association.
J. Hervey Cook of Flshkill-on-the
Hudson, N. Y.
John H. Scheldt, the Brooklyn
John W. Cummings of Fall River.
Mass., the prominent lawyer and Gold
Democrat, ex-mayor of Fall River.
J. H. Thomas, Annapolis, Md., ex
collector of the port. Opposed to 16
to 1.
Adolph Hirsch, of Heller Hlrsch &
Co., New York. Sound money.
L. C. Mead, Fresno, Cal., ex-mem
ber of Legislature. Democrats at
Kansas City were cowardly on silver.
S. M. Large, Athens, 111., ex-member
Legislature. McKinley has given good
William Bourner, Vandalia, 111.,
farmer. Cannot swallow the Kansas
City platform.
O. Van Hoorebecke, Carlyle, III., ex
Unlted States District Attorney. Im
perialism Is a bugaboo and dislikes
1« to L
James Rice, Denver, Colo., ex-Secre
tary of State. Free silver has proved
to be a mistake.
E. E. Andersen. New York City, cot
ton broker. Democrats cannot assume
responsibility for Bryan.
William C. Webster, prominent at
torney, Nokomls, 111., and life-long
Democrat. Believes In continuing
Lloyd Jackson, Baltimore, Md„ Bry
an's manager In '9ti. Kansas City plat
form is un-American on expansion.
W. F. Ritter, Jersey City, Demo
cratic Alderman. In faver of holding
the Philippines.
Lyman Henry, Ouray, Colo., Chair
man Populist Committee. Four years
have shown the Republicans were
J. M. Dill, Belleville, 111., Judge Cir
cuit Court The Republican party was
proven right in 'H.
Jacob Stern. Erie, N. Y„ Surrogate 1
of Erie County. **! am what Bryan
ealla an imperialist."
Fred I mirier. Puna. III., Preeideut
Altgetd Club in he Favor* expansion
and Opposes tree silver.
C, II Hopkins, Renville, Minn
Isading farmer and Populist. Th*
gold standard has proved to he right
‘ Jack Ms ' t-.rd H 1>, Ur*,
wool grower SI Kin «y * kdminiair *
lion has helped tam er*.
Henry Kellar. Hauit Center. Minn ,
•tale Senator |* at, expansionist and
sound i«« n*y man
U It Perkin* Mine, spoil*, Minn
St Aulh-ny x*t* xu 11, g;<>ea tired
of Bryan Ism
Timothy Coakiey Boat ,u Mas* ,
lawyer and free * r m*<i Is.#* mu
wish l« **« Am*rii aa haalad
W S H< tunaon Mar * ns y|.,,
Dwmoerat l'*t la years fhe snti-ex
panmok argument is thinner than
tilt sloth
A A M idler mih gt t « r County,
Illinois. Ctrmtt i< t I • a a -
longer has a Ae«», * p»-H*sy
M I Fwwte of et * i I'nti. ow, t (tiled
Mates IMatrtet Ai> ?»«y la the t teve
land admlaietratK.
G. A. Koerner, Belleville, 111. Sliver.
Phil M. Oundlaeh, Oundl&ch Drill
Works, East 8L Louis, 111. Bryan has
disrupted the party.
Adam Ouentz, ex-Presldent Western
Brewery, East St. Louts, 111.
Barnhard Hartman, President 8tar
Brewery. East St. Louis, III.
Ous Htlyard, ex-County Surveyor,
East St. Iamls, 111.
Edward Abend, attorney, East St.
liouls. 111. Was on Democratic Elec
toral ticket four years ago. Favors
Oreen Paterson, farmer East St. I
I*ouIs, III. Was formerly Democratic
Central Committeeman
Richard Waugello. cashier Belleville
Savings Bank East St Louis. Ill
Edgar H. Oans, one of the ablest at
torneys In Baltimore, Ml Wants
fund money, Mellevea Imperialism a
-traw man
H II Waldo, lifelong Democrat,
Rockford, III lh»n't want free sliver
Judge William Newton. Flint. Ml- h
In favor of expansion as a Jeffersonian
ix-mocralte policy.
W W Ford, Bloomfield. Mo, for
ears one of the leading Ikemorrat*
if Stoddard County Believes that **
: nn»ion u right and cry of Imperial
■a l» senseless
Thut> a* K Hymn of New York, a
l-mo-rst and ssatwltlnl with W I
am C Whitney In huslnena enter
i< rises prosperity and the money
Sidney V Isiwsll. prominent Demo
-rati- attorney <>f llnnklu Bryan's
p»- -tttoa In tke Philippine rebellion la
John J »bn«<«n recently Chairman t>f
the Hemusrntle Central Commute* of
M>lkmaM County. Missouri Prosper
H C Nprlegnie. bus tanas man. HI
Psjh* |B We should 1st sell enough
Weheter Veure ef Hubbard Ms,
who baa bean a lenut rat fur maty
W. A. Peffer. Kansas, ex-U. S. Senator. Bryan’s action in connection with
the Philippines is treason.
Hon. Charles Denby, of Evansville, Ind., President Cleveland’s Minister to
China. Mr. Bryan first urged the purchase of the Philippines from
Spain, and soon as the islands were purchased he set up the cry
of imperialism, and harps upon It night and day, which he knows to be
Marlon Butler, North Carolina, U. S. Senator. Democrats carry elections
by unlawful means.
W. E. English, Indianapolis, ex-Congressman, and son of the Democratic
nominee for Vice-President in 1880. For expansion and sound money
and for supporting an honest administration.
Joseph H. Outhwaite, of Columbus, O., ex-Congressman and a leader of
his party. Want sound money. Nothing in Imperialism.
M. B Nicholson, Council Grove,
Kan. Judge District Court. “The
present attitude of the Democratic
party Is not patriotic.”
J. M. Dunsmore, Speaker Kan
sas House of Representatives, 1893.
I am a loyal American and propose
to support candidates who will vote
to hold every Inch of ground ac
quired by war.
Paul F. Jones, Marlon, Kan., fu
sion nominee for Senator In 1896.
I have always been a Democrat, but
I can’t see how a man can call him
self a Democrat and array himself
under the banner of Bryan.
W. A. Cfaoguill, Humboldt, Kan.,
fusion nominee for Legislature In
1898. The Republican party Is the
party of progress; the Democratic
the party of negation. I Bhall vote
the Republican ticket.
Judge B. H. Thompson, Norton,
Kan. With prosperity at home and
the country enjoying the respect of
the world, this is not the time for a
F. H. Horton, Mayor of Clifton,
Kan. Mr. Bryan's prophecies have
failed to come to pass, and he and
his party are now acting unpatrlot
Chas. Enlow, Populist, Wabaun
see County, Kansas.
Wm. Clarkson, Populist, Marlon,
L. W. Kee, Concordia, Kan.
Capt. John Ritchie, Eldorado,
John Livermore, Harper County,
J. H. H. Kelly, Council Grove,
Geo. Ross, Washington, Kan.
John Brown, Lomax, Kan.
Reuben Kent, Spring Mill, Kan.
C. Bailey, Spring Hill, Kan.
0. F. Nelson, Brown County,
B. G. Hopkins, Council Grove,
Judge Shipp, Ft, Scott, Kan.
W. C. Short, Osborn County, Kan
W. D. Olney, Burlington, Kan.
Thos. Hanson, Summltt, Kan.
Jos. O'lJarr, Emporia, Kan.
Jos. Spencer, Spring Hill, Kan.
Brey Cassaway, Spring Hill, Kan.
Arthur J. Heath, Wilson County,
tieo. w. Bayne, Oberlin, Kan.
Dr. Carl Swenson, President
Bethany College, Dlndsborg, Kan.
Dr. N. 8. Tobey, Sallna, Kan.
A. A. Newman, department store,
Arkansas City, Kan. Prosperity.
Geo. Crotzer, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
VV. H. Daniels, painter, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Ell Evans, merchant, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
H. R. Troth, electrician, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
J. 8. Faulk, carpenter, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
8. R. Green, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Wm. Flfer, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Frank Bruton, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
P. Kamm, traveling man, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
C. F. Bliss, traveling man, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Newton Bilger, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
A. Utz, farmer, Delaware County,
Kansas. Prosperity.
J. P. McClug, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
John Cramer, carpenter, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
J. L. Glossell, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
D. 8. Carly, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Jas. Brown, paper hanger, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
C. G. Holstrum, tinner, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Geo. Geiger, pharmacist, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Thieman Williams, farmer, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Frank Mannock, farmer, Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Henry Harmes, painter, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
James Jackson, ex-County Clerk,
Oberlln, Kan. I shall go with the
Republican party because It has
principles and stays by them.
Professor W. W. Runyon, Marlon,
Kan. The Philippine policy of the
Democrats Is unpatriotic, contradic
tory and absurd.
George W. Simmons, Argentine,
Kan. President of a club of forty
Democrats who voted for Bryan,
but will vote for McKinley. As be
tween Populism and socialism, fil
tered through the channel of Bry
anism, we prefer McKlnleylsm.
J. T. Gaskell, Mayor of Sterling,
Kan. I don’t want a change.
Judge R. J. Graham, Ottawa,
Kan. I am In accord with this ad
ministration on the Issue Mr. Bryan
calls "lmperlaJlsm.”
D. L. Seeley, Kingman, Kan.,
nominated this year for County
Commissioner by the fuslonists, de
clines, saying: I believe a contin
uance of the Republican party In
power will be for the country’s
W. H. Savery, Populist County
Attorney, Cloud County, Kansas. I
will take the stump for McKinley
because I believe he is right.
Orson King, Mayor of Randolph,
Kan. Present conditions make it
Impossible for me to again vote for
Mr. Bryan.
Will Bozorth, Catlln, Kan. I
have a boy In the Philippines, and I
want to stand by the party that
stands by my boy.
C. E. Collins, Baxter Springs,
Kan. Populist leader. McKinley's
administration has brought pros
B. J. Jones, Hutchinson, Kan.
Populist State Senator. Repub
licans are right on the money ques
James Don Ivan, Lakln. Kan.,
Chairman Democratic Committee.
Bryan represents too many political
T. W. Wool, Altelope, Kan., ex
Confederate soldier Bryan'B course
h«n encouraged Aguinaldo in rebel
P. J. Hamble, Valley Palls, Kan.,
Chairman PopullBt Committee.
Convinced free silver Is a fake.
J. J. Prey, Topeka, Kan., ex-man
ager Santa Fe road. The Repub
lican party runs the country on cor
rect business principles.
John Rehrlg, Burlingame, Kan.,
ex-Populist Representative. Mc
Kinley la right on the money ques
C. W. Matns, Sewell County, Kan.,
Populist Probate Judge. Has had
enough anti patriotic utterances.
Rev. P. K. Jones. Marlon. Kan.,
minister and Populist. McKinley Is
right on the Philippine question.
J. W. Farrell. Wler City. Kas .
Captain Spanish war. Democrats
cannot consistently fuse with Popu
James Ixifty, Council Groves.
Kan., Probate Judge. McKinley
hss made u good President.
W, B Klbbe. Council Groves.
Kan.. Populist leader llryanlsra Is
like rainbow chasing
John Brown. Agency Township.
I’M* County. Kan. Well satUfled
with thla administration and pros
NVm Addis, ex Mayor of Kmpo
rla. Kan
Thu* W Wood. Marlon County,
W, A Dlarh et retary Popii
Hat Convention Central Committee,
l.sHstte Ciunity, Kan«a*.
John I *r*i<n Populist Central
Convention Commit lest, Riley
County. Kansas
U j Oarhett Populist, iitinaa
i>twttf, Kansas.
A V tluugktua Cottonwood
Pails, Kan
Ham P»a»t. Populist, WiIusxms
I County Kaasaa.
A. B. Burton, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Dr. Glllman, physician, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
John Gillis, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Henry Blumherg, farmer. Dela
ware County, Kansas. Prosperity.
W. M. Stewart, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
H- H. Painter, retired farmer,
Delaware County, Kuusas. Pros
^ John Wander, farmer, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
W. M. Daniils, painter, Delaware
County, Kansas. Prosperity.
Anthony Hahn, Sumner County
Andrew Downer, Ellis County,
J. F. Kelsey, Jewell, Kan.
Fryer Augood, Harvey, Kan.
S. A. Black, Ktley, Kau.
M. J. Garrett, Jefferson, Kan.
W. Whlpky, Kndosdaie, Kau.
J. L. Ilopkius, Kingman, Kau.
J. H. Lancaster, Franklin, Kau.,
a soldier in the Philippines.
Fred oil, Eudora. Kau.
Buruett Baxter, Franklin, Kan.
H. E. Noble. Sherman, Kan.
George 1 'alley, of Ottawa. Kan.,
a Philippine soldier.
Pierce Noeeman, Kingman. Kan.
O. C. Grove, Harvey, Kan.
li. U Lut aa, aditor of the McCum
l Kan t Transcript.
George li. Shaw, traveling man
Ottawa. Kan.
Charles laingleft, Cowley, Kan.
John Srhatta, Ureeiileaf, Kan
A It Stafford, Smith. Kau
Lieutenant Willtam Weaver, Em
poria, Kan., a Philippine soldier
ti A. Vaadever. Hui> hinaoa. Kan
J W tierrymnu. Ashland. Kan
W it Thompson, Howard. Kan.,
who soldiered with KwavtvH in
W F Nobis. St Joha, Kan
William t'otltae, Horton Kan
V PrIndia itartun K in
I* i t NaMwtaaaa ttuHon, Kan
W T Itavta, Burton Kaa
J Waal la *4t'- r Mali*
M<* Afia>4 *4 fra* *11% ay
Ita l* a*»ra yuM>i*fc
l*» M 4 H«air rkarlMiM, W V*
[ *W MiKialaf tiuai ik» im*i "I m<
! k**4 <*» Ik* •*>(•« t*f my ton *
Majuf a UtatfcM ra«rt«*iaa. W Va
Waal mia»4 w«a*i
' J<4ai lil. i»vlt*«
itvni rtt Hilttiti it twMl
H it N»Mt«<« ut iitKtliM, X*»
l»t*M#4 lltlttiiti
I’mI ^ WtflHvf ul Kimw
t i«t »*« t>.«
*<*<«» fw f i ><«4itiu«M ktit
tlon. J. Sterling Horton, Nebraska, ex-President Cleveland’s Secretary of
Agriculture. Against Bryanism.
Hon. James E. Boyd, the only Democratic governor Nebraska ever had.
Imperialism is Impossible and free silver a mistake.
Dennis A. Hayes, President Green Glass International Association: “1 do
not allow politics to mix with my business affairs, but 1 cannot help
thinking how politics and business go together. I hope for Mr. HcKInley’s
election from the working man’s standpoint. When the Wilson law be
came effective our trade was reduced 15 per cent In wages. After
McKinley was elected wages were restored. I am an expansionist.”
General John C. Black, of Illinois, former Pension Commissioner. Expan
sion and favors supporting our men in the Philippines
General Paul Van der Voort, Nebraska, formerly national commander of
the G. A. R. Sound money.
John 8. Buzzard. Huntington,
Ind., Democratic candidate for sher
iff In 1894. Bound money, national
growth and commercial and Indus
trial prosperity.
Captain L. C. Baird, civil en
gineer and Spanish war veteran,
Jeffersonville, Ind. ‘‘I am for ex
pansion and sound money."
John T. Strange, attorney, Ma
rlon, Ind. Delegate to the Demo
cratic National Convention of 1896,
late Democratic candidate for Grant
county circuit Judge. Believes In
letting present prosperous condi
tions alone, and that McKinley’s
administration deserves endorse
Joseph Newberger, ex-postmaster
Matthews, Ind.
Hon. George T. Whittaker, Dun
kirk, Ind., state’s attorney. "Bryan
is a many-sided, dangerous man.
I am opposed to his disloyal propo
sition to haul down the dag in the
Paul Krauss, Indianapolis, Ind.
Albert Lleber, brewer, Indianapo
lis, Ind.
Capt. William H. HUllgoss, Mun
cle, Ind., for many years on Dela
ware county Democratic county
committee, “Imperialism Is a
fake.” Is an expansionist.
Otto Krenzel, Indianapolis, Ind.
Sound money.
Capt. W. W. Keen, Dunkirk, Ind.,
served In three different regiments
during the civil war and has been a
Democrat many years. Opposed to
Uryan'a scheme of shouting Impe
rialism. It Is flimsy and the thin
nest thing yet produced.
George W. McDonald, secretary
of the Gold Democratic Committee
of Indiana.
Albert Traber, one of the most
prominent German-Amerlcans of
G. C. Conn, Elkhart, Ind,, ex
Congressman. Present prosperity
and opposition to free silver.
George A. Tanner, Indianapolis,
prominent Democrat. Had enough
of 16 to 1 and anti-expansion.
Col. Iieroy Templeton, Indianapo
lis, formerly of Fowler. Nothing
in the Issue of Bryan democracy.
Maurice Thompson, Crawfords
ville, Ind. Sound money and ex
Judge Charles N. Pollard, one of
the most prominent lawyers of
Howard county, Indiana, and his
son, Otis Pollard, have repudiated
Bryan and announce their intention
of supporting President McKinley.
Judge Pollard has been prominent
In Democratic politics for years and
was nominated by President Cleve
land in 1885 for a Territorial Judge
ship. He is tired of Bryanisin.
J. C. Carelton, Bedford, Ind.,
Mexican war veteran. McKinley
has promoted soldiers from the
Herman Hulman, Jr., wholesale
grocer, Terre Haute, Ind. “The
financial question is, of course, the
main Issue with me, but 1 approve
the foreign policy of the McKinley
administration. I regard Mr.
Bryan’s views, both on the money
question and foreign affairs, as un
wise, not to say unsafe. I am will
ing to intrust what interests I have
at stake to an administration that
has made such a splendid record.”
A. H. Urban, manager Indiana
Shovel Co., New Castle, Ind.:
“Bryan is an insincere and dan
gerous man The issue in the cam
paign Is Bryanlsm, and I want to
see It effectually and finally blotted
D. F. Kennedy, Indiana organizer
of the American Federation of Ua
bor. Opposed to l«i to 1 and noth
ing in “imperialism."
John Ruby, business man Charles
ton, W. Va. Sound money.
H. D. McCormick, formerly Demo
cratic State Senator in Missouri, now
resident in Kentucky. Want sound
Richard Dalton of Missouri, who
contested with William Stone In 18P2
for governor. Made Republican
speeches this campaign.
Col. John P. Irish of California,
Cleveland's naval officer at San Fran
cisco. Sound money and expansion.
General Charles Tracy, New York.
Sound money.
L. C. Krauthoil, Illinois. Sound
L. M. Martin, Iowa. Sound money.
W. R. Shelby, Michigan. Sound
Clinton K. Tharp, Mayor of Wash
ington, Ind., former member of the
State Senate.
John P. Frenzel, Indianapolis.
Sound money.
Talford P. Linn, leading attorney
Columbus, Ohio. Sound money.
Thomas F. Corrington, Georgia.
Sound money.
Cordon Woodbury, New Hampshire.
Sound money.
Dr. L. Tibbetts, Rockford, 111. I
voted the Gold Democratic ticket foiw
years ago, hut am for McKinley nowT
1 have experienced no change of heart
on Hryanibin.
George Conklin, Sumner, 111., ex
Town Clerk, i>emocratlc candidate for
County Clerk in Kankakee County
four years ago. I am in favor of Mc
Kinley, prosperity and expansion.
F. C. Hasemeyer, Peotone, 111. I
voted the Democratic ticket for fifteen
years, but am now opposed to free sil
ver and am In harmony with expan
sion and McKinley.
Professor S. S. llamlll, Jacksonville,
III. Former Instructor and friend of
Bryan. 1 have notified Mr. Bryan that
I cannot support him and his policy
this year.
Dr. C. W. Mathews. Richmond, 111.
I have been a life-long Democrat, but
recently declined re-election as Coun
ty Central Committeeman, and will
support McKinley.
Dr. R. H. Henry, Peotone, 111. I
have renounced Bryanism and will
support McKinley this year.
John Cann, Will County, Illinois.
Democratic ex-Committeeman. I
voted for Bryan four years ago, but
will work for McKinley and prosperity
this year. «
Robert Norman, Peotone, 111., ex
Justice of the Peace and member of
the Democratic Central Committee. I
have come to the conclusion that I
cannot vote for Bryau again, for. If
Bryan is elected, It will bring a return
of hard times
Dr. H. S. Burnett, Raleigh, Saline
County, 111. I wus born a Democrat,
and would not feel right In any other
party, but the unprecedented prosper
ity of the country will cause me to I
vote for McKinley this year.
Daniel Crabtree, Weber, Jefferson
County, 111. I will be 100 years old
next February and have always voted
I he Democratic ticket, but this year, If
I live, l shall vote for McKinley and
ihe whole Republican ticket because I
believe It is beat.
Dr. J. W. Htone, Springcrton. 111. 1 ^
cannot support Bryan and hts plat
form this year, but will assist protec
tion and expansion by speech and bal
Lgjuls F. Ogden, Wisconsin. Sound
Dr. Thomas Goostrce, of Salem, 111.,
one of the oldest practitioners In
Southern Illinois and a life-long Dem
ocrat, has renounced Bryan and the
Democratic ticket, saying he and his
two sons, also Democrats, will work to
secure the success of the Republican
ticket. He says Bryanism savors too
much of anarchism
Samuel Keel of Salem, III., who sup
ported Bryan In lH9i>, has severed his
connection with the Democratic party
and will vote for McKinley.
W. O. Ferguson, n retired farmer of
Odin. III., and a former Democratic
wheelhorse In Marlon County, has
served notice on the Democratic lead
ers that he stands no longer tdeptltled
with that party and will support Mc
Kinley, for the reason that the ex
pansion policy Is Democratic doctrine
of the Jefferson brand.
John Sager, a merchant. Helm, HI.,
was raised a Democrat, but has Joined
the McKinley club of his place, and In
a speech on that occaaiou he repu- I
dialed tlryan and all that Bryanism
Ferdinand Stedenger. editor, Rock
ford, 111. Favors prosperity. Against
1« to I.
Samuel Belcher. Gilman, 111 Against
any change
Thomas II Htukee. Lincoln, III., fi*r
uterly Democratic p*iet master Huger 1
coating the Bryan pill does nut make
it pnlatahls.
Halley Roeaette. editor, IieKalh. Ill
McKinley has given a wise and pa
trlettr administration and de*ervea re- ,
Judge Fred Bros 4, Cairo 111. Want
a government that will stand fur
sound principles and practices
A R Haines. Cantos. Ill, a Isrmo
< rslir Hainan h Bryan t» a poliiteai 1
mounts bank charlatan and trickster
I a at for stpnnatou esd sg »tn*t id to l
km apposed to tbs giving up of a pet>
Me ten ik* Philippines
Judge W H t'urran P*bin. Ill , ■
•levied Judge of I'ssewslt County by
[ ike I ns mortals six >ears *« I ana ■
tired of llryanUm and am sow devot
sg at time Is Ike organ islIon of i
MrpoMn an flilts
J M Kiefer and vj i it ncd, Ms
.•mb. IM it * organised tbe brat it
its *»«c ran* riuk in land a it k IPs
!wwksnt but tbey are ail fur M< Kia
ley now.*
Roderick Von. Mansteln, Chicago,
in., President of the Society of Vet
eran* of the German Army in Illinois.
Although I am a Iiemocrat I am
strung I y oppo-cd to the popocratlc 14
to I fallacy, and shall work and vote
for McKinley.
l»r John T. Pollock, former tienio
cratlc member of the Illinois l^gUU.
ture and one of the famous "Jei" who
elected John M Palmer Senator Al
th«,ugh a stanch democrat I Intend to
suppttrt 'I KInter and th* whole Re
publican ticket this fall.
i-Ham • malty and threw ooaa, Ptr
y, III \V< hate always hewn d-ouo
• rate, but the present unpatriotic and
tilde of the IVromum* port) and M >
Hurleys splendid a 'minutra'ion ha*
• *»<•«• I us lo |oln the Hepuldtraas
I > Ui* hllerrurh Christian County
Illinois f armer I bare always Uwe«
an un- <mpton<tsiaa ttomuerwt am |
am n«*w squarely fur M Kin ley
Prank Ms acker. V na, Hi | a,,,
ha l work for tke p*,t threw year* sad
worked wrert saw HR I ( -*«-» M hot
Ways, and had feel »•«•« *j,
urn# and shall no (water *,rt* ia*
d» m<« ralte ticket, hot supguft M.KlT
Joha U Jeaaiaas. Hurts*. |r (4t
mg ISMmrsi and >*Wii«« at wmu.
.B 3S
*and my vhau**
*ok to due im ihe imywnaJistM >—it ^