The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 12, 1900, Image 4
Uoaai Daws. Go to Sheppards for tine hand en graving. 0 7 John Piontkowaki went to Ashton Tuesday. M. II. Mead’s baby Is quite sick at this time. F.|S. Hayburst received a new buggy Wednesday. L. k. Williams of Ashton was in the city over Sunday. Mr» S. F. lieynol ls is visiting ntSar gent, this week. Orin Manchester of Davis Creek was at the bub Monday. K. A. Draper is plastering the dwell ing house of J. T. Hale. Low Winkelman has resigned his po sition at the St. Elmo hotel. Elder Matthews preached at Wester ville, his new appointment, last Sunday. Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les The Loyal Mystic Legion of America, has gained 25 new members in the past two weeks. Rev. Madely, the new M. E. minister preached his first sermon at this place last Sunday. Mi»s Myra Keith went to Lincoln Monday, where she expects to make her home for the present. l'rairie lires are beginning to make their appearance. Look out for them and provide a good firebreak. Billy Rowe put up a new barn for Detlif Petersen, on his farm, 23x112, and still we feel the efl'ectsof Colonel Pros perity. It brings to the little ones that price less gift of healthy llesh, solid hone and muscle.. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 115c. A-k yonr druggist. • If you want your watch nut in good repair bv the only tlrst class workman in the county call on <L II. MouoAN,the Jeweler, When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don’t fail to call on G. II Morgan. He curries the finest line iri the Loup Valley. Don't forget that Jaeger sells underwear cheaper than anybody. Iiobt. Young came down from the north west Monday, lie came home Tuesday and went to Archer, the same day to accept a position at that place. M rs. W. II. Conger went to Lincoln, Tuesday to meet her mother, Mrs. Har riet Beck of Carroll county Mo. They returned to Loup City Wednesday eve nlug. We are In receipt of a Deadwood, S. D. paper sent by an unonimous friend, giving a full account of the Roosevelt rally, and from that newspapers account it must have been a hummer, Mrs. T. S. Nightingale received word from her sister. Mrs. Frank West, who Is living in Massachusetts, informing her of the death of their daughter Alice, a lady of about 1ft years of age. G. 11. Morgan the Loup City Jeweler does all kinds of watcli, clock and Jew - elry repairing in a workman like man ner. When you have something to do this in line, don't fail to call on him A McKinley, Roosevelt and Deltrlcb club was organized Iasi Saturday eve ning at Loup City, with a membership of 107. These names were secured in a day and a half, and quite a number has been added since. If you want an overcoat, a suit ot clothes cheaper than Omaha, Chicago or New York prices, call at Jakgkbs. Next Saturday week, Oct. 20, John Terry of the south part of this county, will off er at public sale at the Bound Frontbarn in this city, 100 head of tine cattle. All who are interested in the cattle business should make it a point to attend. When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver tablets, Price 2’i cents. Sample free atOdendah! Bros. Drugstore "e understand that ex-senator lleapv of Clear Creek, was nominated for state senator by the tuiddle-of the-road pops at Kearney. Tuesday. Ml. lleapy i« a very tine gentleman and a good citizen but this time he is,going to get left. Why experiment on youraelf with re madie* of dnubtfu! utility when you can get f bamber a n’» < ougli Remedy whieli ha* *!ood the t -» of time |'m„ ty-live year* »ale and u*«* have proven that remedy to lie a prompt and certain cure for cold* It w III cure a i old m a day If taken a* toon a* the cold ha* been contracted and before It baa »©' tied In the ayatem. naM bv Odeud*h! llrua “I wi»h to eaprea* my thank* to the manufacturer* of * ham1 erlalu a robe. • holer* and IMarrhoea Remedy fat h*» lug put on th - market mcti a • on derlul medicine,** tat * " W M*a*in gill, of IteauiuoM' Tea** there are mail) U»uu**u I* of mother* aku** cbll drew have deen *«%ed from attack* of dyaamtery an I • teler* iefaotum «k« moat aiao feel >ha«*f«f| lit* for .ale by IMendahl Unit Joseph Pedler vent to Lincoln Mon day. Go to Sheppard* for first class watch repairing. Geo. Oilman is pushing on the lines for Jimmy Conger at present. A baby hoy was born to Mr and Mrs Edward Snyder the first of the week J. M Aaldrup ot Boelcs and Andrew Wilson of Austin, were pleasant callers at this office Tuesday. Stewart Conger held the ribbons two days la«t week on the large dray wagon belonging to his brother Jimmie. No o her pill can equal DeWltt’s lit tle E'tIv Kisers for promptness, certain ty and efficiency. Odendahl Bros. Messrs S. J Fair. A. J. B. Falibairn and E. G. Paige of Rockville, were do ing business at tbe county seat last Sat urday. Woolen Blankets than bv the case at the mills, at Jaegers. Fred Odendahl took out a dray licens last Friday which makes the fifth dray in the city. Who says business is not booming. Pure Whiskey IIARPEK Perfect Whiskey HARPER Every bottle guar anteed HARPER —Sold by T. II Ki.s NEK, Loup City. Miss Josie Nodene of Galesburg, 111 , and a sister of Miss Emma Nodene and a niece of Mrs. Alfred Anderson, is vis iting in the city. Elias Petersen of Albian, B ione Co., an I who owns a quarter section of land , six miles east of Loup City, was in town this week. ”l!p to date" Photographs at M. I,eschinsky's Photo Gallery Loup City dining tb • month of September and October on every Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Stamp size photos IS fork’s cents. Cbas, Gasteyer has on exhibition at Ids store a number of flue specimens of ore well impregnated with gold, silver and copper taken from O. F. Hall's claim in New Mexico. Mr. Gasteyer will Invest some money iu the venture Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying He Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits Odendahl Bros. Go to Sheppards if you want a pair of Glasseg that will do your eyes good. He is the only Optician in this part of the country that has UP-TO-DATE in struments. and KNOWS HOW TO USE THEM. Last Wednesday morning our oblig-1 dentist, Mr. VV. L. Marcy, came rushing into our office with a cigar In each band and said it was a boy, weighed plenty for its age and was a true blue McKin ley ite. Lewis Haller put down a hydraulic well for Win. Sharp, on his farm just north east of town A good flow was reached and Mr. Sharp has removed his steel wind mill from his city property to his farm. Anew remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odendahl Iiros. drug store It is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. It is quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as soon as the llrst indication of the disease ap pears. Price 25 cents per box Sample free —Odendahl Pro?. Pricce. the 25 year old horse belong ing to S. F. Reynold#, succumbed to the inevitable the other day. Poor old Prince, he wa9 a raithful old cuss anil to be made up into bologna at the last end is tough, (that Is Prince was tough but it is the inevitable for he who be longs to a butcher. It is well to know that I»eWitt's i Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn and stop the pain at once. It will cure ec zema and skiu diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeit# may tie offered you. See that you get the original HeWItt's Wlich Hazel Salve. Odendahl Pros. <J Phil Jaeger and Odendahl Pros, have laid b'ick side walks across their business lots, Odendahl Pros put it down infront of their small building tnd will continue it on to the corner of tlm block in the spring This is a move In the right direction and should be come contageous. There hu been nine men here for the past three week* selling cultivators ami plow# to the farmers The farmers have the right to buy their goods where they please ami we luve no kick com ing but past *‘X per let e Would ill ilcate •hot it IS Hie best poliey to patronize our home merchant* A few year- ago the t *hiti Plow Co , were here with the *tme scheme nmj they left a memory he hind them, and farmer-should not for get spider and the rty Huy y,,ur good* i rum yimr home in err haul- and if you need a fiend when the traveling •»k*r Is gone, you hive him In your home mereh mi Msamrh * Iran ».*«• Was the result of his splendid health iiiJminu.le nil) and tremendous msi. gv are not f ■ nut where Memavit I iv* hl'tnej. «n<l Ilia .-Is are out of order If you »«*i these quoin ** and it,< si.. < esa Ihi » bring, ,,*> ||, King s Ns » I 1 ; Hus, drug store AXMOI'SrKMKJiT C AT PRESBYTERIAN HAM,. The Kev. C F Graves will preach In Pri s byterian hall at 111.30 a m. Sunday Oct 14. Sunday School at the close of the HI IVice He will also preac h ai A -tin at 3 tW p. m and at Kockriilti, at 7:30, Sunday school Is held every Sunday in Pres byterlan Hall at il:3tia m. —.— u——.— • GERMAN SERVICES. The Installation of the German minister, Kev. G. Kobertus. will take place Sunday, Oct 27. 1900 iu Loup City, at 10:00 a. m. and in Ashton at 2:30 p.m. Tola ceremony will lie a very Important one and also Very Interesting One which will testify to the willingness and pleasure of the new pastor to serve the con irrigation, and the willingness and picas ire of the congregation to treat tlielr pastor with love and honor. The installation will be per formed bv the Kev. 11. Kahtneier of Harvard Nebr. We heartily invite the members and friends of the oongregation In Limp City, and Ashton at the hour of this important ceremony. U. Kobertus, Pastor. MARRIED. HARRINGTON— WaLLWORTU- At the home of the brides mother, Mrs. L. E Walworth of 3255 Indiana A ve, Chicago III. Mr. Frank E. Harrington of Delta. N. V. and Miss Sadie Walworth of Chi cago, Rev. Wm. A. Bur-h officiating, were united in marriage Oct., 3, 1000, Miss Sadia came with her parents to Loup City, when a small child and grew to womanhood in this city She is a young lady well liked by her many friend and acquaintances who wish her snccess and happiness in her matrimo nial venture. School suits for boys cheap at Jaegers. This is the season when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take. Odcndah) Bros. Wonder if the Times' man’s special • ‘Republican” reporter viewed that crowd at the hall Wednesday evening, and if so wither he saw’ any one, or heard anything drop. Remember that Jaeger has the finest line of Ladies and Misses cloaks and capes ever' brought to the city, at prices that defy competition. Custer county ha* another tradgedy on bands. Last Saturday a man by the name of Hess, living near Mason City, stabbed his son-in-law, ./obn Drake, with a pocket knife while they were in that town doing their weeks trading There seems to have been an old family fued which grew out of some trouble oyer a homestead Mr, Drake was stabbed twice in the chest in the region of the heart and last reports had it that there was little prospects tor his re covery. 'vach man has his friends and each their stflries and not having any knowledge of the case we refrain from j publishing eitlnr side at present as they are very conliicting During the winter of 1*!>7 Mr. dames Heed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay. Clay C , W. Va , struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a rnapner as to bruise it severely, it became very much swollen and pain ed him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physician*, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallons of whiskey in bathing it, hut nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlains Fain Haim This brought almost a complete cure in a week s time ami he believes that had he not used ibis remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Fain Halm is unequaled for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Odendahl Hros Last Monday evening when ye junior editor reached home he noticed an un i usul comotion in his residence and upon ! investigation he came face to face with a house full of friends who had came to remind him of the fact that lie had reached the 44th mile stone in lifts journey We were rather taken by sur prise, but after the sudden shock of coming so abruptly into the midst of an unexpected company of one- friends had worn off, we set about to assist, to ! the best of our abllltv, in the evenings enjoyment, Kach one trad brought a I long a basket of the tat of the land, and when the proper tune came, preceded to supply us and our family with a square i meal, hut before sitting dow n to th« re past we were called up Iwiore the a« -•'inblage and received a lecture deliver led hy K«v. \V K. Mattuews In In* de I hghtfut style, at the end of which In* j pic-enied us with an elegcd rocking [chair for which th" doners have our j prof i, i- thanks Ueat-o received o*v ; erat nice ha id Kerchief* to »i uim'Ii an i editorial hr-.w during till* heated cam ' pa ge l lie following parties w» r< pre j seiil | ter V\ K Mat'ln**. and wile Mr and Mr. < II Krerv-h Mr ah ! Mr. ' I! \\ f. diet M an I Mr. Jo. M ■« Mr and Mr* Henry french Mr md Mr* 4 lain wvltjupp Mr and Mrs. J I. I n p. * Mr. an l Mr* i.m. Mr, and Mr. r tut. Johan<en ,4|i an I Mr*. !■ ; 44 IP 'er 4|r m l 4|*. Iniui-e 1'on 1 |sr, M'.ii s 1,'H'IH »t l Jo*l«* \n.|. «»e M>« I l-ofh-.lin and da .gtilrr M ni le, Mrs M in liltsus, t>ii < w M>* k lie llomw It• ill, i ttigMe . M'.s 4 . ra and 4|*.ier II*' . d ’ *1 I 4. I»i!' M • .1 i I*sob. r, and Mr lame* Johansen lrr. W, 11. Lewis. I.awrencevlll, Va., writes. “'I am using Kotin! Dyspepsia t'ure in tny practice among severe east s 1 of indigestion Mini And it an admirable remedy" Many hundreds of phvaiei aus t'ep Mol upon the use of Kodol D; s | pepsla Cure hi stomach troubles. It digests what you eat. and allows you to eat all the good foot! you need, provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Giyts instant relief and a permanent cure.—<Mi mltthl Bros. ♦ ♦ ♦ <1. II M organ has now a 3od() stock of new Jewelry for his costumers to select from lie can suit you in any thing in j that line. Don't fall to examine his stock before making your purchases. All kinds of I Jewelry repairing SHEPPARDS. Promptly Done at ) PC LI.MAN OKIJI X AK Y HI.KKPI AO CARS run TOURISTS are the most comfortable, commodious j means of travel for large parties. In tending settlers, homeseakers, bunting parties. These cats are run on the I'nion Pacific daiU from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are fitted up complete with mattresses, cur tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiting nothing to he furnished by the passen gers. I’niformed porters are in charge | of these cars who are required to keep \ them in good order, ami look after the wants and comforts of passengers. These cars are new, of modern pattern, and arc nearly as convenient and com fortable as first-class palace sleepers. For full Information call on or address II. .1. Clifton, Agent I will pay 4 cents a pound forold liens and 5 cents fori spring chickens. 8. F. Reynolds. The best method of clensing the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers, j Easy to take. Never gripe. Odendthi | Bros. llurkleiTs Arule* Ault« Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures, it surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns. Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Odendabl Bros. ♦ • - Uo not get scared if your heart troub- j les you. Most likely you suller from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cim dl- j gents what you eat anil gives the worn I out stomach perfect rest. It is the only j preparation known that completely di gests all classes of foods; that is why it cures the woast canes of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all con ditions and cannot help do you good. — Odendahl Bros. Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your body, if you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. A-k your druggist. -- ■ ♦ • ♦-—. Tuesday night a number of friends of Rev. \V. K. Mattuews assembled at the M. E. church and tendered that gentle man and his family a reseeptfon before their departure for their new field of labor. A court was organized and Mr. ; Matthews was put on trial for his con- j duct during his three years stay among us and upon <'ue evidence being taken, was convicted of having done his full duty in every particular, and of having p-rcad seeds of kindness and scatter ed sun shine wherever his duty ca led. At the end of the trial he was.of course convicted and Judge Argier sentenced him to receive #21.00 and a nice lot of presents w hich had been brought in for the occasion, after which he received a small amount of cash that came in late, These donations were the marks of es teem showered upon a deser ving man by tbe people of the world who do not belong to tli« church, but who felt their obligations tu a deserving minister. J K«. VI. NOTICE. William C. mil mi. IMalntitr. v*. A I red W. Wiicox and Kunna Wilcox, husband and wire, tidunt* The above named defendant, Alfred W. I Wilcox, will take notice that on the 3rd day of October, the above named j l UlntifT filled inn petit ion In the District J I Court of* Sherman county, Nebraska against the above named defendants, the oiiiect and pray* r of which are to reform the d(scription in a ceitatn deed, executed j and delivered l*y the said defendant* to J *a l plaintiff on the ttii day of November, i 1“ d convey 1 ti(f to the said plaintiff by inuiaae, the N *rtli W **et ifuartur of ' eM'iion, No .n# in Township in, north of ' I .and* i*‘. woftl of the At it Principal Ma j rid ,*n sit u*t< in hheroian rounty. Neb. j ! ra*ka, mt which instrument • tumid { I riif ifnlly have tonveved the south j West *|Mattel 4 f Mi l mi Ism .*•, Iftstea i l »*f the Not h West qoar'rr thereof I i a • I farther • have tu* sabl insir imeot • te to espies* upon it* fa*« and to | *vey til tall plaintiff the muth West j *4 * irler »f u i se « li on As ihsiead of the | Worth West q mrier thereof, that the •au*p ili til be tueli* to confottii to and to Ndvi'biats the pulp'*** and mien |ti * of the partt««, to satisfy i'll 1*111 i! a oil 4bi fm a dee*' I lb* n* tofore mi** d**| an t dellveied by the P *. .tttf to «*td defendant t ffwd a . w tint fthe rinveysnee tu hm* | of u»» e.ii»h West <|uartef of said tss j t P • * je. I *a are require*! to *a» l pel j tom u »^r btfftnw the l.ih day o h ,* ! w m i law t » ivnae p uibl i Ay w m a WhMtih kittllf** toioft (hi* ith day f neither H»\ i Astigmatism! Astigmatism is not a disease but is simpK a defect in the shape of the eye ball. It necessitates an irregular strain upon the muscles in adjusting for different objects. 1 here is , no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, (Especially {“lead Aches A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eves. Tliev lav all their suffering to some other cause. The believe that they can see as well as any one and in a good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just the same. I If anv one thinks their eves are not right come in and see me. lam the only optician in this part of the country that can correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD, The Loading Optician and Jeweler. Loup City, Nebr. | ADAJVI SCHAUPP WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF GKAIN. I also handle Hard and Soft Coal and exchange flour and feed of 'all kinds for wheat. HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL. (Special Dispatch.) Paris, Aug i'o.— American whiskies received the olilcial approval of the exposition to-day, when Gold Medal was awarded to Bernbeim Bros., Louisville, Ky , on their I. W. Harper whiskey.—Sold in Loup City, by T. II Klsskr. You little knew when first we met That some day you would be J'ho lucky fellow I'd choose to let. ray for my Kooky Mountain Tea.— Ask your druggist. N day alarm ] clocks ! Sheppards. S3.50cts at ] •lob Couldn't Have Si nod It If he'd had Itching Piles. They're terrldly annoying; bur Bucklen's Arni ca Salve will cure the worst ease of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it,s the best salve in the world Price 23c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by druggists, Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is Infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption.—Odcndabl Bros. On ttie loth of December, 1897, Rev, S, A Donation. pastor M. E. church, South, Pt. Pleasant. W Va. contracted a severe cold which was attended from the beggfnnlng by violent coughing, fie says: “After resorting to a number of so-called ‘specifics,’ usually kept in the house, to no purpose' I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy. which acted like a charm. 1 most cbeerefully recommend it to the public ’ For sale by Odcndahl Bros. NOTICE FOB I’l;HI.ICATION. Dapariiuunt of the Interior. l-aml Office at Lincoln, Neb i septemor 5th, lswo \ Notice is hereby given that the follow, lng-numed settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made lit fore the county Judge at Loup, Nebraska, on Thursday, October 24, 1900, viz: Mary A Baird, Timber Culture Entry No. THUS, for the S. E fourth Section 2, Township 15, itange IB west of the 6th p. m. She names the following witnesses to piova bar continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Draper, Chris/wink, James I’.owen, Anton Dymok, all of Loup, ( lty, Nebraska. J IV. Johnson, Ueglster. The complete service of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL via Union Pacific, enables passengers to reach the principal cities between the North Pacific Coast and Missouri River not only in the shortest possible space of time, but also in the most comfortable and enjoyable manner. The dining ears on this train are stocked with the best the market atfords. AI* meals served a la cart**. H. ,f. Clifton, Agent. KEEP YOUR W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cams, DO A General Real Estate Business. Otlce In NoHTMWSMTtnn riolidln*. Lour CITY, - NH It MANILA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. i i NBA A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN A SUttOMIN M>rr CITY. MI HKA-KA "llll K •< >»• r»«l Itf 4ru«| »«>r» W. I.. MAItCY. #/#:.!•# i s t • ** »!« ». »*\ I **i Mill I'l l LI' ><^1 MU l.<>Vi' * tr\ ,VA7* On Slit'i parti's Jc»wt*lrv Stort* f§ il* voit want (•ar^niua in tho jowilrv uml *ilv»«rwar«* lim*: anil if Mitt want ^.aa^tmor \oiir *‘\f* Watts! n»r gUf*< v Itiid. Hi* ran givn you information that will tw ot I illltt' fo \ oil ! ' ill (UTAH!), fh# ftut *1 i Ijihi'l iii Itit«l J«>Vt<)t f III III# Cl# Ml I f%