ROOSEVELT’S RINGING LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE. A Document Breathing with the Life of Patriotism and National Duty. VITAL ISSUE DECLARED TO BE PROSPERITY Government in the Philippines by Tagalogs Would Be Equiv alent lo Government in America by Indian Tribes— New Duties and Problems for the Nation. Oov. Theodore Roosevelt has complet ed (he formal acceptance o£ the Repub lican nomination (or Vice-President. IUh letter bear* an Oyster Bay date and is directed to Senator Edward (). Wolcott of the notification committee. It reads; To Edward O. Wolcott. Chairman Committee on Notification of Viee-Presi dent—Sir: 1' accept the nomination us Vice-President of tlie United Stales, ten dered me by the Republican national con vent ion. with a very deep sense of the honor conferred upon me and with an In finitely deeper sense of the vitHl Impor tance to the whole country of securing the re-election of President McKinley. The nation’s welfare is at stake We must itintinuo the work which has been so well begun during the present adminis tration. We must show in fashion in capable of being misunderstood that the American people, al the beginning of the twentieth century, face their duties in a Calm mid serious spirit; that they have no Intention of permitting folly or law lessness to mar the extraordinary mate rial well being which they have attained fit home, nor yet of permitting their ling to he dishonored abroad. Kettrw Disaster It Democrats Win. I feel that this contest i* by no means one merely between Republicans and iJeuiocrata. We have a right to appeal to all good citizens who are far-sighted enough to see what the honor und the Interest of the nation demand. To put into practice the principles em bodied in the Kansas City platform would mean grave disaster to the nation; for that platform stands for reaction and disorder; for an upsetting of our finan cial system which would mean not only great suffering but the abandonment of the nation’s good faith; and for a policy abroad which would imply the dishonor Of the Hag and an unworthy surrender of our national rights. Its Mirrens would mean unspeakable humiliation to men proud of their country, jealous of their country's good name, and desirous of se curing the welfare of their fellow-citi Bens. Therefore, we have a right to ap peal to all good men. North and Smith, East and West, whatever their polities may have been in the past, to stand with us. tie cause we stand for the prosperity of the country and for the renown of the American flag. Prosperity the Great Inane. The most important of nil problems is, of course, that pf securing pood govern ment and moral Hnd material well-being within our own borders. Great though the need is that the nation should do its Work well abroad, even Ibis comes second to the thorough performance of duty at borne. Under the administration of Pres ident McKinley this country lias been blessed with a degree of prosperity ab solutely unparalleled, even in its previ ous prosperous history. While it is, of course, true that no leg islation and no administration can tiring success to those who are not stout of heart, cool of head und ready of baud, yet it is no less true that the individual capacity of euch man to get good results for himself can be absolutely destroyed by bad legislation or bad administration, while under the reverse conditions the power of the individual to do good work is assured and stimulated. Tills is what has been done under the administration of President McKinley. Thanks to his actions and to the wise legislation of Congress on the tariff and finance, the conditions of our industrial life have been rendered more favorable than ever be fore, and they have been taken advan tage of to the full by American thrift, in dustry and enterprise. Order has been observed, the courts upheld and the full est liberty secured to all citisens. The merchant and manufacturer, but above ail the farmer and the wage worker have profited by this state of things. Uependent on KiiiHnclal Uuratton. Fundamentally and primarily the pres ent routes! is a contest for the eontinu ence of the conditions which have told 1u favor of our material welfare and of our civil and political integrity. If this nation is to retain either its weil-lieing or ita self respect It cannot afford to plunge into financial nnd economic chauw; it cannot afford to indorse governmental theories which would unsettle the stand nrd of national honesty and destroy the integrity of our system of Justice The (Hibey of the free coinage of silver at a ratio of It! to I is a policy fraught with to every home in the land It mean* unsold misery to the head of every household, and. above ati. Is the w omen and children of every home. A* to lUMiumin \i#n oh *»M*rr. N' to ii our op(nn.ri t* cttAmpi n fi*« •iltnr at l«i to t tit*) am riilmr linuut-w* or Mimr In Ihrlr altitml*. If invit im In Iknr «ttampo>u4ii|i of Cvitra* tutmi all i:*M iu kwiiof or tup pid »a an* gruuial If ulanvm, tk*a »>»•* am a ****** tu tk* wotfara of ik* -win lrjr \\ n*i(o r tkfp *K. it it,no- «.< .t*r pinpuMv if »i*r*lj akbpK it hmim Hut HttW I li *!*•• *av* •• it nrt* it tk* i *«a boa**t.t V j Imu* can t** para* »at In rto .*»»• (a*) iku* hmIi. for tn* par aaiouatt) of took an i»*on u lv Iw boat «o>t a a k* tka Jo In* of aut mi •# tool. ,.f ana, fe tt !.j .it* i* t taat t IIUU) t*«lt Ik* *«it Wiki at Mti) knata in ifc* Into! Tka kata. ni *n*ak. a » a n*>» af an* k far taankma a at I,*ut*n4utM intp n«tt » ta ik* anti -anl vaitara ikai U r»* an**# ka iai*ot * pwil fatlk nakaa* tkta ira mentions importance is not merely cnn ceilotl but insisted on. Men who are not willing to make such hii issue paramount have no possible justification for raising it at ail, for under such circumstances their act cannot undrr any conceivable circumstances do might but grave harm, (•old Masts Must Htund. The success of the party representing the principles embodied in the Kansas City platform would bring about the de struction of nil the conditions necessary to the continuance of our prosperity, ft would also unsettle our whole govern mental system, and would therefore dis arrange ail the vast and delicate machin ery of our complex industrial life. Above all, the effect would lie ruinous to our finances. If we are to prosper, the cur rency of this country must tie bused up on the gold dollar worth 100 cents. The stability of our currency lias iieen greatly increased by the excellent finun cinl act passed by the Inst Congress. Hut no lnw can secure our finances against tile effect of unwise and disas trous management In the hands of un friendly administrators. No party can safely tie intrusted with the management of our national affairs unless It accepts ns axiomatic tlie truths recognised in all progressive countries us essential to a sound and proper system of finance, in their essence these must lie the same for all great civilised peoples. > Hal i.nic Miiiin lor nnur-narntn. In different stages of development dif ferent countries face varying economic eonditions, hut at every stage and under all circumstances tile most important ele tnent in securing tlieir economic well-be ing is sound linance, honest money. So intimate is tin* connection between Indus trial prosperity and a sound currency that tlie former is jeopardized not mere ly by unsound linance, but by the very threat of unsound finance. The business man and the farmer are vitally interested in this question; but no man's interest is so great as that of the wage-worker. A depreciated cnrrency means loss and disaster to the business man; but it means grim suffering to the i wage-worker. The capitalist will lose much of his capital and will suffer wear ing anxiety and the loss of many com forts; but the wage-worker who loses his wages must suffer and see his wife and children suffer for the actual necessities of life. The one absolutely vital need of our whole industrial system is sound money. One of the serious problems with which we are confronted under the eonditions of our modern industrial civilization is that presented by the great business com binations which are generally known un der the name of trust*. The problem is an exceedingly difficult one aud the difficulty is immensely ag gravated both by honeitt but wrong headed attacks on our whole industrial system in the effort to remove some of the evils connected with it, and by the mischievous advice of men who either think crookedly or who advance remedies knowing them to lie ineffective, hut deem ing that they may, by darkening coun sel, Hchieve for themselves a spurious reputation for wisdom. No good whatever is subserved by in discriminate denunciation of corporations generally and of u 11 forms of industrial combination In particular; and when this public denunciation is accompanied by private membership in the great corpora tions denounced, the effect is, of course, to give an air of insincerity to the whole movement. Nevertheless, there are reul abuses, Hnd there is ample reason for striving to remedy these abuses. A crude or ill-considered effort to remedy them would either be absolutely without efft-et or els*- would simply do damage. I’lan for l-'edentl Interference. The first thing to do is to find out the facts; and for this purpose publicity as to capitalization, profit* ami uil else of importance to the public, i* the most u*e f it I measure The more fnct of this pub licity would in lt*elf remedy certain evils, uud. a* to the others, it would in some • a->c* point out the remedies, and would at least enable n* to tell whether or no< certain proposed remedies would be use ful. Tile State acting in it* collective ca pacity wou d thus tiiet find out the facts and then tie aide to take such measures a* wUdotii dictated Much can he done by taxation Keen wore can Ik- done hr regulation, by i lose supervision and the unsparing excision of ad unhealthy, de structive and ant) social elements. The separate I*'ate governments can d* a great deal; and where they decline to in >p« talc the national government must step in. Mutt II* IWala mth 11 tut Htea. While imylng h« ! i the ku'twll) ef k>e|)iii( >ur hone* In >e>l»l tl hum# the \tuerl'an |*eu(>l# > iflifl. If I he} m tab Iw rutaiii their aelf iea(te« |, refrain frnut 4( the eathta'e ett*an •t<>n Wire* the Aral ■••ai.ueuiai ret g.*«aa mat u Uh>nj llall «i»l *h* thir ■ « ■ t * . . ■ * l Ih i eel»*» a uti'et iha •#•»• art! limit *1 the earn* .Hi*, a I \ • a' ar. i .< > . It m h' mg the retuiaimnarp «tr the aeth ef ttgttwa »ttl *• hit imlt, fenneaaee amt the gr*«< >*»U * ei then ke *t aa the |..u»«ta >-*»■»> r| ana r ■« a gee re* fr»m egf ehtte a«4 la 4taa feea te-tag the re«»‘e'enter} at a* git*, and were confirmed to os by the j treaty of peace in 1788. Yet the land thus confirmed was not then Riven to us. It was held by an alien foe until the army under Oen. Au thouy Wayne freed Ohio from the red man. while the treaties of Jay and Pinok ney secured from the Spanish awl Brit ish Matches and Detroit. Louisiana Purchase and Philippine*. To 1803. under President Jefferson, the greatest single stride in expansion that we ever took was taken by the purchase of the Louisiana territory. This so-called Louisiana, which Included what, are now the States of Arkansas, Missouri, Louis iana, Iowa, Minnesota. Kansas, Nebras ka, North and Mouth Dakota, Idaho, Montana aud a large part of Colorado aud Utah, was acquired by treaty and purchase under President Jefferson ex actly aud precisely os the Philippines have been acquired by treaty and pur chase under President McKinley. The doctrine of "the consent of the governed,” the doctrine previously enun ciated by Jefferson iu the Deelaratlou of Independence, was not held l*t# self government introduced for a number of years; in otic part of it. the Indian Territory, it has nut yet been Introduced, although nearly a, century ha* elapsed Over elioriootts tracts of It, including the various Indian reserva tion*. with a territory In the aggregate a* large a* that of the Philippines, the couatitutkon has never yet "followed the Hag," the army officer and the civilian agent *1111 eierctae ant born* without asking tke “eons.-nt of the governed " We 11111*1 proceed la tke Philippine* with the urn w!*r caution, taking each tu> * eastV* step a* it become* desirable, and *c< omio oiattug the detail* of « ur policy to lb* peculiar seed* of the »l!ti*tion Hut *v suon a* lit* prevent revolt U pul lbs* and order evl*b!i«hevi, ll 4* 111 *11 duulrtediy he possible i* give in Ike 1*1 s ols * targe swtcirv of ** If govern mat tkau Jdrttus « uatly gave Lout via •• klv.oiv Usi l ike t*Mllpi»iwem ft’s rut gregt pi * it rie*s«MHi wav tke |iV|»>illt«» of Florida This was 9«(tl) '(.tie >1 bv < •* i>resl «1,4 parti• kj yatvksw. t . < <* Jt< ks*or let** tl»» Mstl ynautiM ague n its* *-'t-t*>... * ll vgi ini'* un.iv r Ihstuin-1 M .*,**, the efts >«• ion* J *4* kg... . \Um» ft*tit« hi *+ 4***4 'Ju» $4* establishment. Any territorial govern ment we might establish would uecensar ily, because of the population, be an oli garchy, which would have to be support ed by armed soldiers. Yet Hawaii has now been annexed and her delegntes have sat in the national conventions of the two great parties. The fears then expressed in relation to an "oligarchy” ami "armed soldiers” are not now seriously entertained by any human being; yet they are precisely the objec tions urged against the acquisition of the Philippines at tills very moment. Militarism la Not Involved. We are making no new departnre. \Ve are not taking a single step which in any way afTects our institutions or our traditional policies. From the beginning we have given widely varying degrees of self-government to the different territo ries, according to their needs. The simple truth is that there is noth ing even remotely resembling ••Imperial ism” or "militarism" involved in the prescut development of that policy of ex pansion which has been part of the his tory of America from the day when she became a nation. The words mean abso lately nothing as applied to our present l~>licy In the Philippine, for this policy is only imperialistic in the sense that Jefferson’* policy in Louisiana was impe rialistic; only military in the sense that Jackson's policy toward the Meimtube* or t’uater'a toward the Sloiix embodied noli tarism; and there U no mote danger of Its producing evil result* at home now than there wa* of it* interfering with freedom under Jefferson or Jackson, »r in the day* of the Indian wars on the plain*. I tor army is relatively not large aa It wa* in the day* of Wayne, we have not >»ne regular for every 1 t«»i iuhabtauta There ia n<> more danger of a draft than there i» of tire ie inirvalu, non of slavery. Wlgtil Vo w Sue tea* Mrlael*. When we expanded over New Nlevtco and I aliform* we «*• tried t o. govern ■went to these territories and prevented • Hetr falling under the "militarism” of a • tn talofshtp tike that »f Mauta Ur, or the "Imperialism ' of a real .injure in th> day * of kfatiiuc an W e put a *1 p lo UMperiab*** in Memo a* soon a* the I'tvii War rtaol We made a great anti imperialism *trtde when •« drove lint Mpamard* from Porto Him *14,1 Ihe I’h ippiUea and tlvtvkv mad.- read) the i ground in Iheae island* fur th*t gitadW i *dy liifVMitg nreasme of veil govern ment for which their populations are severally fitted. Cuba is being helped ulung the path to independence as rapid ly as her own citizens are content' that she should go. Of course the presence of troops in tlie Philippines during the Tags! insurrection has no more to do with militarism or im perialism than had their presence in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wyoming dur ing the many years which elapsed before the final outbreaks of the Sioux were defi nitely put down. There is no more mili tarism or Imperialism in garrisoning Lu zon until order is restored thun there was Imperialism in sending soldiers to South Dakota In ISitO, during the Ogalialla out break. The reasoning which justifies our having made war against Sitting Hull also justilies our having checked the out breaks of Agttinaido and his follower*, di rected, as they were, against Filipino and American alike, No Abandonment, Tlie only certain way of rendering it necessary for our republic to enter on a career of "militarism” would lie to aban don the Philippines to their own tribes, and nt the same time either to guarantee a atalde government among these tribes or to guarantee tliein against outside in terference. A far larger army would lie required to carry out any such policy than will he required to secure order under the American ling; while the pres ence of this Hag on the islands is really tlie only possible security against outside aggression. The whole argument against President McKinley's policy in the Philippines be comes absurd when it is conceded that we should, to quote tile language of tlie Kan sas Pity platform, "give to the Philip pines first a stable form of government." If they are now entitled to independence, they are also entitled to decide for them selves whether their government shall be stable or unstable, civilized or savage, or whether they shall have any government nt all; while it is, of course, equally evi dent that under such conditions we have no right whatever to guarantee them against outside interference any more than we have to make such a guaranty In the ease of the Hovers (who are merely the Chinese analogues of Aguiiialdo's fol lowers). If we have u right to establish n stable government in the islands it necessarily follow* (hat it is not only our right but our duty to support that government iiu tii the natives gradually grow lit to sus tain It themselves. How else will it be atalde? The minute we leave it, it ceasea to be stiilde. Now n UnMtlnn of Contraction. Properly speaking, the question is now not whether we shall expand- for we have already expanded lint whether we shall contract. The Philippine* are now part of American territory. To aurren der them w ould lie to surrender American territory. They must, of course, he gov erned primarily In the interests of their own citizens, ttur tirst cure must be for the people of the islands which lime come under our guardianship its a result of the most righteous foreign war that has been waged within the memory of the present generation, They must he administered in the interests of their in habitants, and that necessarily means that any question of personal or partisan politics in their administration must lie entirely eliminated. Wo must continue to put ut the heads of affairs in the different islands such men as (Jen. Wood, llov. Allen and Judge Taft; and It is n most fortunate thing that we are able to illustrate what ought to be done in the way of sending officers thither hy |iointing out what ac tually has been done. The minor places in their administration, where it is im possible to fill them hy natives, must he filled hy the strictest application of the merit system. 1't is very important that in our own home administration the merely minis terial and administrative others, where the duties are entirely non-politieul, shall lie filled absolutely without reference to partisan affiliations; hut ttiis is many times more important in the newly ac quired islands. The merit system is iu its essence as democratic as our com mon school system, for it simply means equal chances and fair play for all. Parallel with In-llan (loveriiinent. It mutn be remembered always that governing these islands in the interest of the inhabitants may not necessarily in to govern them as the inhabitants at the moment prefer, to grant self-government to Luzon under Agitinaldo would lie like granting self-government to an Apache reservation under some ioeul chief; and this is no more altered by the fact that the Filipinos fought the Spaniards than it would Ik- by the fact that Apaches have long been trained and employed in tile United States army and have ren dered signal service therein; just as the Pawnees did under tin- administration of President tjruut; just us the Stoekbrldge Indians did in the days of lien. Wash ington, and the friendly tribes of the six nations in the days of President Madison There are now in the United State communities of Indiana which have ad vanced so far that it has been possible to embody them as a whole in our po litical system, ail the members of the tribe becoming United Stales citizens There are other communities where the hulk of tile tribe are still too wild for it to is- possible to take such a step. There are individuals among the Apaches, Paw iiis-s, Iroquois, Si.uiv and other tribes who are now United Stales citizens an-1 wlto are entitled to stand, am! do stand, on an absolute equality wl>t all mn i-iti M-M of pure white blood Me|| of Indian blood are now serving in tie army ami navy and in t‘oiigfess no! occupy high position Imth in the business and the po litical world. Ki I - piii->•' Hope of loiter I v. There Is every reason why us rapidly as au Indian, or any !•<»!> of Imb,,i. . become* fit for self government, in or r should be grant ml tile f iil, ,t equality With the whiles, but I hr re w ollirt be i o ju.titicatiou whatever in treating m.s rubes to Work out their own lie struct loti t.l r. tlv the satin reasoning applies in tire rasa of tin Philippine* I -> turu ..ret it... Islands to \g t- ti-io and U * t .. w els would Hot he to gt.r srif g ret turn nt to ike isian-ters' un-lei n-• t-iteuM < antes eminent They w "Hi rttlqdy Is- pul at the nterr* Ml a sywde am »f * 'him *.- half It at irk far uenv freely than ever It dour I shed a wrier I'weed, w klh It rail Mrs. q. !*»•*»t-m woutd ohaa.n to a ■•niy p rsstkw a...h r sash an •• -gars kjt \ - afs truly, I llt tiio .Kt, U Pres lent silicv l.ini-oiti's slay. | III* wise, difciftrd falthfulns *« cum j H ind* th«* rs-spe* t and confidence of the lie should be teelest.-d aud ottul Itavi a Congress upon wllssUi he lu vn-w of the** great things, ho* small tio p*‘*iu, oil-1 » pia!•*« *oo * .-I his hi.thtight for a m* f putage tradition inborn* a* of a | man • to. «ut uf his aw to spit* his face, Vt l of su n are Janes. Itruiiy and Wei > t • ! • g» lo Usd j 1 os -U In great thing* Mr ho, this i* net the year to hog, ! I I, os *o these It t y. lots I UK 4 Mi M il Yot M »4*JJKft.