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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1900)
TAJ,MACK'S SERMON. ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTER OP THE SAVIOUR. (Artillan* Creed l«> r.muintc the t|,.« Which Were ('uu»plo»ou» til tin Kvrllily l ife end Mliililrntlon* of tlMUl. fCnpyrtaht. INA by IX'Uts Klepsch.) In Ibis trrmun, which Dr. THiniage Muds from Paris, he huuIjiwk ihe character cl ihe Savior and urges all Christians lo (Xerdsa (he Qualities which were (tmsplruoim in Christ's earthly life. The text is Unmans vili, 9, Now. if eny .mail -have not the spirit cl C hrist be is none df bis.’’ There Is nothin* more desirable than e. pleasant disposition. Without it we « nnot be happy. When we have lost our temper or become impatient under some light < rows, we suddenly awaken to a new appreciation of prop er equipoise of nature. We wish we he,] been born with self balance. Wo envy those people who bear Ihern aelves through life without any per turbation, and we (latter ourselves that however little self control we may now have, Ihe lime will come, under the process of years, when we will be mellowed and softened and the Yvrong things which are In ns now will (hen be all right, forgetful of the fact that an evil habit in our nature will grow Into larger proportions and that an Iniquity not corrected will become Ihe grandfather of a whole genera tion of Iniquities. So that people with out the grace of Cod In the struggle and amid the annoyances and exas perations of life are «pl to become worse Instead ct better. Now. the trouble »s Ihat we have a theory abroad In tha world that a Iliad's i lsposltlon cannot be changed. A man says, ‘ I am irascible In tem per, a.nd I can’t help II." Another man says, ' I *m revengeful naturally, and I can’t help it." A man aaya, "I am Impulsive, and I can’t halp It." And ihe l»lls the truth. No man can correct his disposition. I never knew a man by forces of resolution to change bis temperament, hut hy his grace Ood can take away that which Is wrong and put in that which is right, and I know and you know people who since their conversion are just the opposite of what they used to he. In other words, we may by the spirit of Ood have the disposition of Jesus Christ •Implanted In our disposition, and we must have It done or we will never see heaven. ' If any man has not the disposition of Jesus (’hrist, he ia none of his." A Spirit « r (imillami. in Ihe first plate (he spirit of Christ whs a spirit of gentleness. .Sometimes he made wrathful utterances against Pharisees and hypocrites, but the most of his words were kind and gentle and loving and Inoffensive and at traetlve. When we consider the fact that he was omnipotent and could have torn to pieces his assailants, Ihe wonder Is greater. We often bear the persecution and abuse of the world because we cannot help il Christ en dured It when he could have helped II MUle children who always shy off at rough man rushed Into his presence .rnd clambered on him until the peo ple begged the mothers lo take them V'way. Invalids sore with wounds Ihat tthey could not 4>ear to have auy one come near them begged Christ just to put 4iis hand upon the wound and •oothe It. The mother with the sick est (Mid wav willing to put the little on** In Christ's arms. Keif righteous people rushed Into tiis presence with a woman of debased character and said, ‘ Now, annihilate her. Hast her, kill her." Jesus looked at her and saw she Was sorry and repentant, and he looked et them, and he saw they were proud and arrogant end malignant, and he said, "Get him that is without sin cait the first stone at her." A blind man sat by the wayside making a great to do shout his luck of vision. They told him to hush up and not bother the fdaster. Christ stooped lo hltn end said, ' Whs! wilt ihou that I do unto thee*" Gentleness of voice, gentleness of manner, gentleness of Ilf* The llfenil i T wyinpMlhy. My sister had her arm out of joint and we were In the country, and the uelghbo's came in. and they were all sympathetic, and they laid hold of the arm end pulled and pulled mightily until the anguish was intolerable, hut the arm did not go lo its place Then the old country doctor was seat lor. and he c aine In ami with once touch It was all right He knew (list where to put his finger and iusl llow to time h the bone We go ouI in Christian woik with Ini rough a hand cud Phi iinsym patheth a manner, >1111 we tall in mir work, while some Christian, in the gentleness of Christ, jiui* along, pul* his hand of sympathy op (he sore apni the lorn ligament* are hi a It'd mil the dlatnrtied hum. ate (<) dtn <l, t in lor fn« geiillem *» of Chtial The dew cf cite sUtiiRMr right will Miuiopltah nnue g(x*| than (illy CarihtM-icn ahuiarimu tl<>w import ant it ta lhai in smtig lurth lo aerve Christ we hare miiui ihlii« i| his g> n UrnrM1 la that Ihe »■•*»• Isai mil shn when n- art <>• tailed* 'I h< nils la aa rye h r an iye, a Imuh im n («db. rr'iid i <c itort, *«• pM h'< 4mh litre him n imp a aa y,« nnnd*1 After awhi't t o I *.h up tali lbs lac s « f I «ud Ml le u »» < lot krn llrittu and yen Mr, Will wow. I sruat (*■* il'trtiilh ‘ hew ■ ac p*i«r»i bgarlatys ''Nw. tvW h>!• f owe s#n my la • 1 (Whs* Vw slit tretef |«I bln* (a n to war agt<g Ohu>4t»<- bln. gnd |h»n (e* hot 1 1 a . | 'j ,, lbs gec#l*»a»aa < I f b‘g lot t a • v '( bwca an/ dm* city w is 4* *i<d i<i acerbity or hypercritlclsm? About forty-five >ears ago the Presbyterian church was split into the new school and the old school. The chasm got wider and wider. The most outrage ous personalities were indulged In. Good tnen on one side anathematized good men on the other side. Wider and wider the chasm got. until after a while some good people tried another tack, and they began to explain away the difficulties, and soon all the differ ences were healed, and at Pittsburg they shook hands and are now to be one forever. How to l.nv* tt»H Father. Did you ever know a drunkard re claimed by mimicry of his staggering steps, his thick tongue or his hic cough-’ No You only madden his brain. But you go to him and let him know you appreciate what an aw tul struggle he has with the evil huhlt, and you let him know that you have been acquainted with people who were down in the same depths who by the grace of God have been rescued. He hears your voice, he responds to that sympathy, and he Is saved. You can not scold the world Into anything bet ter You may attract it into some (hlng better. The stormiest wind comes out from its hiding place and says. "I will arouse this sea.” And it blows upon the sea. Half of the sea is aroused or a fourth of the sea is aroused, yet not the entire Atlantic, But after awhile the moon comes out calm and placid. It shines upon the sea, and the ocean begins to lift. It embraces all the highlands; the beach Is all covered. The heart throb of one world beating against the heart throb of another world. The storm could not rouse the whole Atlantic, the moon lifted It. “And !," said Christ, “if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me.” Clothing Our Mikoilucn. What is self-sacrifice? it is my walking a long Journey to save you from fatigue. It is my lifting a great number of pounds to save you from the awful strain. It is a subtraction from my comfort and prosperity so that there may be an addition to your comfort and prosperity. How much of that have we? Micht not I rather say. “How little have we?" Two chil dren—brother and sister—were pass ing down the road. They were both very destitute. The lad had hardly any garments at all. His sister had a coat that she had outgrown It was a very cold day. She said. “Johnny, come under this coat.” “Oh, no," he said, “the coat Isn't large enough!" “Oh," she said. “It will stretch.” He comes under the coat, but the coat would not stretch. So she took off the coat and put it on him Self-sacrifice pure and simple. Christ taking off hts robe to clothe our nakedness. Self sacrifice. 1 have not any of It, nor have you compared with that. The sacrifice of the Son of God. Christ walked to Kmmaus. Christ walked from Capernaum to Bethany, Christ walked from Jerusalem to Gol gotha How far have you and I walk ed for Christ? His head aehea, his heart ached, his hack ached. How much have we ached for Christ? Thu Nh-iI of Humility. How much of that humility have we' If we get a few more dollars than other people or gain a little high er position, oh. how we strut! We go around wanting everybody to know their place, and say, Is not this great Babylon that 1 have built for the hon or of my kingdom and by the might of my strength?' Who has anything of the humility of Christ’ The disposition of Christ was also the spirit of prayer Prayer on the mountains, prayer on the sea, prayer among 'he sick, prayer everywhere. Prayer for little children: “Father, I thank- thee that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and pru dent and revealed them unto babes.” Prayer for h!a friends: “Father, I will that they be with me where I am " Prayer for hie enemies: “Fath er, I forgive them; they know not wbat they do.” Prayer for all na tions “Thy kingdom come.” How little of that, spirit you and I have. How soon our knees get tired. Where i is the vial full of odors which are the prayers of ail the saints? Which of us can keep our mind ten minutes on i prayer without wandering’’ Not you. not I. Oh. that we might have the spirit of prayer which was the spirit of Christ. We want more prayer in the family, more prayer in the church, more prayer m the legislative hall, more prayer among the sick.more prayer among the aged, more prayer among the young The great advam e ment of the church la to lie in that direction y«t The Spirit of llsril Wurk. Th« spirit of Christ, i remark Iv. was a spirit of bard work. Nut one Ua> moment in all his life. Whether h* was talking to the fisher men in 'he bes k or pre*ckiug to the sailors on the dock or adni'nlstering | fo the rustic* a*utiit the mountains or 1 sp»n ling an evening in Bethany, al | ways iiusy fur others With hands j heart, h'-tt I busy fur others Hewing in the Nasareth carpenter shop, t**<*h i mg Ike lams how to walk without I emit has. curing the , hild'e fits, pro i vi ling ration* fur the hungry host Ituay busy, imsy' Iks hardy men who pulled the net out of the a**a hliod with ttimndering treasures, th« shepherd* who hunted uti grassi pligs ! for Unit U s ha lo nibble at. the ship wrights pounding swat In the dry* | h* he th* wiiyeiuahei« of Kugedi dip ' I* ig 'he Jgivs* lrout the vat and poor* 1 lag them into th- goatskins were not name nuay than I'kt ai Bony busy for skua From Ike moment he i went mt of the arnvanaary of Beth I i«h««n lo the m«i*»nt wham the - rate# 1 < plunged rolo the *>n het on the Muael) mount, buay for others I lows 'kat re i mind Its of yourself* Hun that IS mind you of myself? If we lift a burden, it must be light If we do work, It must be popular. If we sit In the pew, it must be soft. If wo move In a sphere of must be brilliant. If we have to take hold of a load, give us the light epd of the log. In tutfc way to heaven fan us, rock us, sing us to sleep. Lift us up toward heaven on the tips of your fin gers under a silken sunshade. Stand out of the way, all you martyrs who breasted the fire! Stand out of the way and let this colony of tender foot ed modern Christians come up and get their crown.-;! What has your Lord done to you, O Christian, that you should betray him? Who gave you so much riches that you can afford to despise the awards of tho faithful? At this mo ment, when all the armies or heaven and earth and hell are plunging into the conflict, "now can you desert the standard? Oh. backslidden Christian, Is it not time for you to start anew for God and anew for heaven? SAVING THE LOBSTER. liooil Work of (he Newfoundland De partment of rialierle*. The Newfoundland department of marine and fisheries is now operated very much on the same lines as the Canadian, though, of course, on a much smaller scale. It was first organized as a ‘ fisheries commission" lu 1H90, previous to which date there was no public department specially charged with the supervision of the fisheries. The last annual report of the depart ment contains some information which may Interest your readers. Regard ing the artificial propagation of lob sters the report states that In the past from 300,000,000 to 400,000,000 lob sters were annually hatched and planted in the waters, at a yearly cost of $1,100. If only a small percentage of these survive to reach maturity the results cannot fall to prove beneficial in sustaining the stock of lobsters lu the waters, and thus counteracting the effects of such heavy drafts as are now made, year after year. 1 may explain that this propagation is car ried on by means of floating Incuba tors, the invention of Mr. Nielson. Two hundred and fifty of these Incu bators aro occupied by fifty men around the shores of the great bays. There Is no other country where the artificial propagation of this valuable crustacean 1b carried on upon such an extensive scale—not excepting the United States or Norway. It Is well known that In nearly every lobster producing country this favorite crus tacean is threatened with extermina tion. The quantity secured each year is lessening and the price advancing. Newfoundland, I regret to say, is no exception to the decline in the lobster fishery. The export each year is les sening, though the number of hands employed in taking It has doubled. The size, too. Is diminishing in most districts. The report states the ex port for 1898-'9 as 56,156 cases, value. $565,000. In the previous year the ex port was 61.951 cases; value, $619.51(1 The department Is using the most vigorous measures to arrest the de cline; but the due enforcement of the rule.s In regard to the size of lotrsters taken and the spaces between the laths In the traps la very difficult. The department has recently prohibited fall Ashing—a wise measure which already seems to be attended with good results and meets general ap proval both among fishermen and packers. The report (dates that there Is "a marked improvem *nt in the iqode of packing and a much better article than formerly Is produced, though there Is still great room for improvement."—Montreal Gazette. CAPE NOME’S NEWSPAPER. Odd Little sheet Which Chronicle* Town's Happening*. One of the mcmt interesting curiosi ties that has come down from the new gold fields Is a copy of the Nome Dally News. This publication, which con sists of four pages, with four short columns on each page, sells for 25 cents a copy. The Sunday Herald, if sold column for column at the sumo rate, would cost about 19.25 a copy, instead of 5 cents. The Nome news paper has arrangements for regular subscribers, and it is furnished to them at the rate of $35 a year. Ac cording to this odd publlcatlou. the new gold mining town of Alaska is busying Itself with the small matters which usually engrott* young comni'i nitie* The additions or alterations ueiug made in local buildings art . chronicled, and announcement is made that all of the watches, chronometers, and clocks about the town, whh h have been running by "mm time taken last December, have been found to be an hour slow and have been brought up to date. All lines of Industry aie rep resented In the advertising column* of the Nome paper, hut no class of business men dea« rtb« their warm more prominently or attro lively than the sakwiUkeeper* The Invat t'pait v saloon, the firotto, (he ih>r« shoe, the Hold belt, the l*toneer and ihe RI4n rado. all use the News' advertising col uurn* to Milk-U patron vg. Physician* law yets and survey. *r« aU<> make their prewu.x knogrn through the ad vet * mg rotunma of this -»4*i little daily New Turk Herald lu V*Mlf•■»«(« I wype' Cupper may be ama gams'rd th*t is coated with mercury hy pkn lug It when perfectly .lean m m-tallk nor i «*ry vi In a salt of the met it Clean*, the cwptMM hy rtgslgg m awl* lye rinae in funning water and dtp In di lute hv-trm hkirh* or sulphur . alt and then plunge igto a ve**»t . oa'act lag n*n sty or a ewluti-.n of h hot da of mercury a hen the . upper will h* i c«at"d with the got* fc silver BOUND FEET IN CHINA CRUEL FASHION HAS A STRONG HOLD ON WOMEN. | A Ufa Time of SutTnrtug Endured for No Other Purpotr Than to Merve the End* of Ignorant Pride—Terrible I’aln I* Endured. The cruel fashion of binding the feet has a strong hold upon Chinese women. The Instrument used is a small roll of firm cotton webbing about two and one-half inches wide, uays Leslie's Weekly. This webbing must have no Htretch or give to it. and is woven especially for such use. The process is usually begun when the girls have reached the age of six or seven years, though in some cases CHINESE "GOLDEN LILIES.’’ Bound Kept of a Chinese Woman, Compared With an American Wo man's Hhoes and an Ordinary Tea cup. where a particularly dainty pair of ‘‘golden lilies," as the Chinese call these poor deformities, is desired, the binding is begun as early as the third or fourth year. The foot is taken and all the toes except the great toe bent under the instep, which is thus forced up. When this has continued for some time aud the foot has become quite pointed In shape and the Instep considerably arched, the binding is extended and the heel and toes drawn together, thus preventing the growth of the foot in length. In the style of binding in North China greater pains are taken to preserve the pointed effect, while in southern Chins the shortness of the foot Is so much desired that the point ed effect is almost lost und the feet become mere stumps. The excruciating pain endured by Chinese girls In the process of foot binding is impossible to describe. Ta ken young, while the feet are growing, they are bound and wrapped so tightly with the webbing that circulation is almost entirely cut off, and the band age ia left on just as long as possible, often for weeks, for It is a saying that every dressing of the feet loses a mite of daintiness. But the worst of it is that the torture is drawn out through a life time, for the binding ran never cease. The seams ami As sures caused in the feet by their dls- j lortlon becomes sore, and often gan grene sets in and carries off the s.uf ferer. In order to prevent this it is custouiacy to powder ttie feet with saltpetre while binding them, thus lit erally putting them in pickle to pre serve them. The result of this bind ing is that all the weight of the body in standing is thrown on the heel and the foot loses the power to balance the body. A small-footed woman can not stand still, but, like one on stilts, she must constantly be stepping back ward or forward to keep her balance. Coin Disappears. Her*- is a new and pretty trick, which is said to have originated in Germany: It consists in causing a coin placed under a wineglass, the whole covered with a paper cone, to disap pear and return as often as desired, lake a wineglass, and. having placed a little mucilage ail around its edge, turn it over on a sheet of white paper, and w hen dry cut away the paper close to the glass. Stand the glass mouth downward on a sheet of paper similar to that covering the mouth of the glass, make a paper cone to lit over the glass, and you are ready to aston ish your friends. Borrow a penny and lay it on the large sheet of paper by the side of the winegless, cover the glass with the paper cone, and place tile whole over I he coin. Command 'he penny to disappear, and on remov ing the cone it will appear to have obeyed your command, as the paper over the mouth of the gla*s effectually conceal* it To cause it to reappear, you replace the cone and carry away the g'ass under it, Kansas Mumrn In I vbleni v. Kansas women continue to keep iu evidence. One of theme ran a state I convention the other dav ami com j pelted the nomination of her i audidate | for the supreme bench Another, the wife of the mayor and banker In her town, runs the beau hotel in the state so It t* called. It is a collage but lit tie larger than the ordinary. It I* beautifully furnished and ahe superin lends the i-ooking slid the serving The table Is said by traveler* to e«c*l any thing of the kind iu the *«ai, ,md she 1 Is gatiiag rich on hai own account ; Her Uuahaud haa nothing to do with i the affair lie dines there like any other man SI I ,4a I »•<*** Iron V S* !** **•«*! ‘I ha Itetgiaiva gre re Job mg aver the I rssjs- of Hlptdo, the youth eho at teiuptra tv sUMitWe the f'nuca of Wabw It* pu**raateat - made no ef fort to sasjMte the perann of ittpijn though tha tee gave It ih* power is tgwwfvwtwte >he culprit until b* should attain the age «*l twenty one A fen aWer winded people among whom ere some smmeni lurlete dept-re* thee* | rirvretnstnaee* end are heartily sahanvesl ml the ent boat sera uI the pno pie who i heated and feted dlpd-i When I he awe nut nf court DIVORCED AND REMARRIED. Horn i get of at I-on* So para tod Couplf with No Element of Scandal. At St. Paul recently occurred the marriage. In the office of the court commissioner, of (ieorge H. Cutler of Skykomish county. Washington, and Anna C. Cutler of Oklahoma. Thirteen years ago to a day before the solemni zation of this marriage the parties to it were first made mail and wife. F*r several years they lived happily to gether and their union was blessed with two bright looking boys, who were named Martin and Charles. Some time after, however, things began to go backward for the happy family. Cutler was unable to get any work. They owned a little farm of 160 acres at Enid, Ok., on which they lived. Fin ally he went to Montana to seek work and got a Job at railroading and things began to look brighter. While In Mon tana he met a gentleman from Boston who was going to Klondike and want ed some sturdy western man to go with him. Mr. Cutler, who Is a strong built mmi. six feet in height, accepted the offer. He accordingly sent his wife $400 and told her he was going That was in July, 1897, when the Klondike craze was llrst on, and they succeeded in getting the last boat out of Seattle for the gold country. That was the last heard of him by his wife for a long time. Finally the lit tie family on tin* farm in Oklahoma began to get In hard circumstnn es and wire In danger of losing the little tract of land. As a last resort the faithful wife went to the judge in their little town and told him about it. He asked her If she had heard from George in the last six months and if he had sent her any money. She told the Judge that she had not and so he told her lie would grant her a divorce and that by getting this divorce she could save the land. She didn't like to do it. but as a last resort she dually consented. All this time Mr. (hitler was in Klondike and was striking some rich claims, one of them, which netted him and his partner from Bos ton $08,000 last year. This spring he started for home and arrived at Seat tle on June 29 lust oil the steamer Gar rone. He immediately telegraphed his divorced wife to meet him at Omaha, Neb., with the little boys, which she did. They came from there direct to St. Paul and were married as above related. AN ANCIENT HELMET. The medieval warrior, with his coat of mail, his helmet and lanee, would cut a sorry figure today on the modern battlefield, wiiere the Mauser bullet sings Its song of death and deadly shells decimate companies at a timp. In his day, the medieval warrior knew his business well, however, and though weighted down with the body protec tion he carried was capable of wedd ing heavy weapons and accomplish lug remarkable feats. To cleave an enemy in two was an accomplishment, some possessed. The accompanying illustration shows a helmet, such as was worn in medieval times. It is of the reign of Richard II. of Knglnnd. The visor of the helmet lifts upward on a hinge and its position tnay he further regu lated by the screw which slips in the groove above it. The holes along the AN ANCIENT HELMET, lower edge were for the purpose of se curing the chain armor that covered the neck of the wearer. Vljrairrr of the Iforaeielifce. In days gone by there was a little fishing village of the name of Mavl soun. near Nairn, where the natives were thought to be foolish folk. One rtuy one of the Inhabitants found an old horseshoe on the shore, and. as they had never seen such a thing be fore. no one knew what It was. Some one suggested that It was the new ^mooii, but he oldest and wisest flsher i iViu declined that if that were so, it 1 wonVI be In the sky. He had ions • wondered, however, what became «.f | ihe old moons and he thought after this discovery the mystery was solved that lifter the old moons were clone I with they fell to ihe earth ami horse • shoe was ok of them W«I|«I»V uUir * Uniit I laird Wolaelev. commander in chief of the llntioh army la particular about appearing in nnifnim when going about tilth ally, and t* ail o(tl< era 'o appeal nluctlisrly attired Hit arrlv mg at a certain town to Inspect the ■ rcwipa a dinner party was given In hb> honor lo whi'h 'be icrt|.-»ra were in vited One of the iilthera Inquired if he waa lo dreae * ’in ofRcer or a gentleman Hr w untried to iliau •a an off ei whatever else he might it# tea h»MW Hellccaata* BSS I i*e delta* d«eitbwewi«ra and ib* j dubcmiin Valley railroad* were suit i wader th» Hammer r«*Mitly and were ysnkaeel by I abut ti latereet* fur M tidp cmiu aw b the former ruaa • from aaltna Kan te M< Mnrwa Kaa . gad lbe tattei from dfciWmeie it The aebm Wa»* mada water *a order mt the federal itswcl THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS FOURTH QUARTER. LESSON I.. OCT. 7. LUKE 14: 1-14. - r Holden Text: Whosoever Lxalteth Him self shall be Abased: and He That Humhletli Himself Shall be Kialtnl,— Luke 14: 11. 1. "As (rather ‘after') be went Into the house of one of the thief Pharisees.” "This may denote that he was of high of ficial position, but probably includes some official distinction, hs that he was chief j of the synagogue, or member of the local * Sanhedrim.”—Andrews. "To eat bread on the Sabbath day.” "Salibath banquet ing was common, and became proverbial for luxury.”— Int, frit. Com. "That they watched him.” R. V., "were watching,” “were engaged In watching/' 2. “There was a certain man before him.” Sump thought the Introduction of the sick man was a scheme of the Phari see to see If Jesus would heal him on the Suhhath. and thus test his oplnbjis and actions In regard to the Snbhaih, and possibly his power of healing. 3. "And Jesus answering." The thought of their hearts, or the whispered ques tion of what Jesus would do. No wonder that Jesus asked them, "Is It lawful to heal on the Halibuth day?" 4 “And they held their peace.” This was not bees use ihey did not believe it to be unlawful, for Jesus had before been accused of breaking the 8abba!h by heal ing a man (Luke S: 7; 13: 14: Mali. 12: 10). They wauled Jesus to give his own decision and then they could llnd fault with It. They may have wanted to see Jesus heal the man. even If he broke the law. "Anil ho look him.” Perhaps to show that i he healing came from him, perhaps as a medium of the healing pow er. “And healed him.” Showing t be opinion of Jesus as to healing on the Hut^T bath. It was lawful to do good on the' Subbath days (Mark 3: 4). 5. "An ass or an ox fallen Into a pit," ete. Jesus knew that even their narrow Interpretation of the Sabbath law allowed them to do thus on the Sabbath. * "And they could nol answer." For the question was unanswerable. If they would save an ox or an ass from his '"/uuir mi tin n.iiiuatn, I>\ Mliu rr.imm iji common sense could they say It was wick ed to stive a man from his affliction? T. "('hose out (were choosing) the chief rooms.” Heals; the best and most hon orable places at the table. This was go ing on before his eyes. The pretensions and conceit of the Jewish doctors of the law had been fora long period Intolerable, 8. "When thou art bidden ... to ft wedding.” A marriage feast. This Is chosen because at a wedding feast there is more formality, a greater variety of I guests, and more attention paid to their ' • nk. "Hit not down in the highest room." The place highest In honor, the chief seat "A more honorable man." Who would have a right to the place you have chos en. 8. “Thou Iwgln with shame.” Begin am - phaslaeti the reluctance of tills movement. "To take the lowest room" (place). "Hlncu the oilier Intervening places are alt as signed."- Vincent Thus the self-exalted guest had to take a much lower place ( than he would otherwise have received la. "Hit down in the lowest room (place): "that,” that, of results, rather than of purpose. "There Is no recommendation of 'the pride which apes humility' going to a low place in order to he promoted.”— Int. frit. com. “Friend go up higher,1’ The one who chose the highest place did bo according to his own estimate of Ids worth, and thus culled attention to tils conceit rather than to Ids worth. But the one who takes the lowest sent lets others make known his worth, so that, h" lui "worship” (rcveienee. honor, icy sped) "in tin- presence of them that sits at meat" with Mm 11. "For whosoever exaltetli himself." Christ now stabs tile great principle Il lustrated by Ids parable. It touches the earth, but reaches heaven. Humility is best for earth, and It "Is the passport to promotion in the kingdom of Uod." 12. "Hold he also to him 'hat hade him " That remarks of Jesus to the host were suggested hj the feast to which Jesus ind Ills dlsrlpkx hail been invited. "Call (invite) not thy friends," etc. This Is not a prohibition of any gathering of friends and relatives: for Jesus was then present at xueh t gathering. "And a recompense lie made thee." By a return Inltatlon, by the social advantages gained by the enjoyment and benefit of sodul int* rcourse. 13. "But when thou tnakest n feast, call tile poor.” etc. Those who are in need; those you call for their good nnd not your own. Compare l’latli's Fhaedrus, 233. 14. "And thou shall be blessed." You have the blessing of a virtuous deed, of having done good to those who need It: of adding to the happiness of the world; of partaking of the spirit of the saints and ang'-ls In heaven. "Recoinpermed at the resurrection of the lust.” The first resur rection. spoken of Ih Rov. 20: I, S. Washington Church Kixlsk CIcikIs. "The story that a Washington worn an sent notices to the ministers or the capita! of the opening of her sum mer home with the request that they be read from the pulpit, may he a libel, although I have beeu told that it is a fact." said a min who has been in Washington for several months, "but I’ll tell you what I have seen there—men and women carrying ko daks into the pews on Sunday. No. not to take a snapshot of the minis- < ter. but the Washington fiend stops on his wav to church to make shots and after the service he lingers on his way horn*’ to do likewise. There Is no other place in the country where the kodak fiend is so insatiate as he is in the capital." V The World's Oldest Newspaper. No list of newspaper curiosities would he complete that did not include the Kia-Pau of Pekin. Like most things In the celestial kingdom, It Is easily first In point of antiquity, for If has iteen published continuously for over I two ve«rs If tiegan as a month ly, became a weekly in Idkl and since the tteginning of the century has been s dally It is now quite up to date, publishing three edition* a day, amt to safeguard the purchaser, each edition t* printed on different colored paper the first being yellow, the aevonJ white and the last gray Ihst Water. Uf %!•**#. \bout one half of southern Us.Im |« water. The inlet* and hoy* are «o numerous a* to he one of the wonder* of the world Ikon the salt water an t fresh water are temarkaldy clear Pt«h and >dher marine animats m*v he wen to »he depth of twenty and thirty feet lu-aralli the surface of the w*t*r There *r* no <*ttd> hea. he* »ad no tide flat* Th« timhrr ttmo -town to the water * . dg» The w*t*r* *f* NO old that tt*r« *1 welt *« *he|l> Ml ate tktMN|h>t| the jear ft