The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 05, 1900, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
Coal Company Makes a Concession to the
Striking Miners.
Aline Worker* Are Warned Not lo lie
T«ni|>lnl Ilf lmreu»<! — Kegulnr Ad
value I'revluuHly Fixed—Sixteen I’er
Cent Heller Wage* limn lief ore Strike.
r PHILADELPHIA, Oct. L—The fol
lowing notice, bearing date of G< tober
J, wile pouted today in the vicinity of
i.U the collieries of the Philadelphia
A* Heading Coal Iron company in
tlie anthracite region.
Philadelphia At Heading Coal and
iron Co„ October 1. Thin company
will pay an advance of JO per cent on
ull men and boys employed In Its col
r lleries. This advance takea <‘tTi ct to
day. It. C. LI1THEU,
General Superintendent.
Beneath this notice another wan
posted which read as follows:
Fellow Mine Workers, United Mine
Workers of America Do not pay any
attention to this notice posted by Mr,
Luther of the Philadelphia A- Heading
Coal ami Iron company, but wait un
til you bear from President Mitchell
of the United Mine Workers of Amer
ica, or until you have decided by your
own locals what Is right, for you to
do. C. B. POTTK...
Mr. Potter Is an officer in the dis
trict branch of the United -.iiio Work
er out America.
The regular Heading company ad
vance for the last half of September
and the first half of October had pre
viously been fixed at o per cent above
the >2.50 basis. The scale for the pre
eceding thirty dayB wife at the >2.50
basis. The advance of 10 per cent of
fered in the posted notice by the
Heading company is separate and dis
tinct from the natural scale Increase
and hence the total Increase to the
miners would be 10 per cent.
BHAMOK1N, Pa., Oct. 1 -Notices
were posteo here today by the Phila
delphia & Reading Coal Ac Iron Com
pany to the effect that beginning with
tomorrow an advance of 10 per cent
on the net wages of all men and boys
Will obtain. Willie some strikers said
they were ready to go to work in the
morning others hold that it would not.
be wise until President Mitchell had
Issued official notice as to the course
y tin men sb , ild pursue.
Interest i* manifested as to whether
the Reading company's collieries will
be able to work tomorrow, Irrespec
tive of the question of the recogni
tion of the mine workers' union by
the mine operators.
SCRANTON, Pa., Oct. 1.—At every
colliery In tho anthracite region a
notice will be posted Tuesday morn
ing announcing a 10 per cent Increase
In wages based on the present Beale,
effective October 1 and, that the oper
ators will arbitrate any grievance
their employes may present. 1 here
is no condition to be attached as to
the men returning to work before the
arbitration shall begin, so it Is to be
inferred taat the men are privileged
to meet in convention ami adopt any
plan of action they may deem advisa
ble before entering upon arbitration.
It is supposed the miners will come
together as members or the umon, llx
the minimum of the concessions they
will be content with and then go forth
as Individuals to treat With their em
ployers tnrough committees of em
ployes. The arbitrations being con
cluded satisfactorily committees of
I employes will report back to the con
vention of United Mine workers that
they have come to a settlement and
the strike will then bo declared off.
This would avoid the recognition of
the union by the operators and at the
same time permit the union to regu
late the terms of settlement.
IIiim No C’onf4'mmIoii to .Muk«.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Oct. 1.—The
kcasq of Henry E. Youtsey, also
charged with being a prlnciiml In the
Ooebel murder, will bn taken up at
Georgetown on Monday. The prose
cution claim* that Youtsey wa* in the
secretary of state'* office with H>>w
ard when the *hootlng occurred. Yout
*ey I* represented by L. J. Crawford
and R. VV. Nelson, two of tne ablest
* erlmluul lawyer* in the atHte. Colonel
Nelson sent the following telegram
here today; "All publications In
newspaper* that Youtsey would make
HetiNutlonnl disclosure*, and a* to
agreement* with the common wealth,
uru false."
Auluiuiiltlle In llm Aruir.
WASHINGTON. tVt l Lieutenant
General Miles, commanding the regu
lar army. In lit* annual repo.d to the
secretary of war, will renew hi* sug
Kesltoll for the Use of the autoiuobtle
There are now at Fort Myer. Va .
three automobiles. but they have not
proved quite satisfactory on account
of lack of facilities for recharging
them with electricity. Meanwhile
General Mile* and other officer* inter
ested in making the automobile useful
for the army have been waking tnvew
tigat hms oi oihei power* than elec
vihI W-uki l« vkul lass,
JOl.lKr III thl. I Orth laU of th«
lillsslt kiwi civmpaity this afternoon
admitted that the entire giant. with
would l>e Idle on tl oudny Morning
About J CUM) Hst-n Will l» »(?H teal No
* a use l* given fur the »u *a* icsioa, nor
U ll known bow long || wrl Inal
torrz in tiiu unhid status.
Funner Secretary of .Igulmiltlo Will I'ru
nout lllii ( dun.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1.—Sexto Jopez,
formerly secretary and confidante of
Aguinaldo, arri.ed here tola/ on tho
Campania. Lopez Is said to have eomo
here at the invitation of Fisk Warren
and he expects to explain to the peo
ple tho Filipinos' side of their light
with this country,
Lopez is a small man, with a yellow
complexion and straight, black hair.
His secret 'ry, who rays that he haa
known Lopez for eight years, I, a eo
lonial from Queenstown, and describe*
himself as a Britisher from head to
foot. At the dock there was only one
man to meet him, a largo aundy-baired
personage who wan addressed as Mr.
George, but to reporters refused to give
his name, iI<■ iluted the i-'lllpluo and
together ihey began a hunt of the dock
for Fisk Warren, who finally made his
appearance and tho party wuut to tho
Imperial hotel.
While coming up froi i quarantine
Lopez gave out the following state
"My object In visiting the United
| States Is not to interfere in American
politics, l»ut solely to tell the American
people what the Filipinos desire In ref
erence to the future government of our
country. It has ig»eu an id tliat my
coming to America Is In the interest
of certain persons and parties. We,
as Filipinos, know no parties In tho
United titati ■ w.- h n e on I. one de
sire, to set k Justice for our country.
“Those who desire to give us justice
will no doubt be glad to know the wants
and conditions of the Philippines. All
we want is peace with honor to both
parties and I hope to be side to show
tliat the conditions of our country are
such os to fit us for the maintenance
of thut independence!"
1*1 »x for Nuiiiomii NmIIti'I.
WASHINGTON, Oct. J.—Baron von
Sternberg was at the state depart
ment In reference to closing up that
portion of the Samoan agreement rel
ative to the payment to the natives
the value of the rifles surrenderor by
When the Germans assumed control
at Apia they deemed It expedient to
quiet, the belligerent factious. This
was agreed to by the natives on the
understanding that $12.50 for each
rifle should be paid. Some 2,000 rifles
were turned over. Dr. Solf, the gov
ernor, has proposed that the payment
shall he made under the proposition
of the foreign consuls thut the con
siderable amount of money Involved
shall not lead to disorder among the
i stive*. The three parties Interested
It: Samoa at the time of the surren
der of the rifles the United States,
Germany and Great Britain—will
Jointly contribute the amount re
quired and ho difficulty is apprehend
ed In malting the settlement.
Prominent lt»llnm<l Mnn
SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 1—Word was
received here today of the death of W.
B. McNider of this city at. the Presby
terian hospital in Chicago last night.
Mr. McNider, until recently, was gen
eral freight and passenger agent for
the Great Northern railroad at this
point, and up to a short time ago was
district deputy for the Klks of the
northern half of Iowa, lie was prom
inent In all public enterprises inaug
urated for the advancement of Sioux
city's Interests. Mr. McNider had
gone to Chicago to suhm't to un op
eration for cancer. It was generally
known that the operation was a danger
ous one.
To lliiiiif From <«*llovts Tr«P.
FRANKFORT. Ky., Oct. 1—The
motion for a new trial in the case of
Jameg Howard, charged with Goebel's
murder, wan overruled this afternoon.
Howard was sentenced to hang in De
cember. Additional affidavits wero
filed this tin rning by the defense and
counter-affidavits by the prosecution
in the motion for a ni w trial. All of
the affidavits filed by the defense ex
cept one attack Jurors who seat In the
case. One was signed by the defend
ant and alleges that the jury was not
kept together on one occasion, as the
law requires.
Uftooln \ft«*r th«» t'on ventlmi.
K ansas CITY, Mo.. Oct. 1.—The
Young People's Tent iterance union con
vention tdosed tonight with au address
by Eva Marshall Shout*, the national
president. The meeting place of the
next convention was left to the execu
tive committee of the lllllon. to he de
cided within the next sixty day a. The
location will be at Lincoln, t'hlcago,
Indianapolis or Los Angeles. The
( handier of commerce of I,ns Angeles
has offered f.'.ooo to war Is defraying
the expenses if It be held there.
Cotaiiim W lltiMMl lti« t'ruM
PARIH, Oct l (New York World
Pabelgrut i Mrs. Potter Palmer,
with her htisUtiul, this week gave her
last reception and will l«sv < Parla
October In, tiling for home on the
steamer Is uts, !,l<»toi after s few days
spent In Liiiileir
All of , rs Paitn *r‘s efforts to se
cure the dei ora Goto of the L* solo of
HoSof have proved futile and sne has
suddenly t om-ludcd to give up the
kisisCa Alleged Mvwsit.
LONDON ik t I An Interesting re
port i«>lues from KuiMti|s«in to the
I effect that M*. Knu> t, in a Ui*r t«
: hU wife tAMunrlag that he Is g Hug
) *<n a six moaths1 holidav. .aid. la sob
»un>». that attar the captuns af
Ms ha t »l «rp he Xn. s (he struggle
• as hojH tet , Ildl runIIset. d tuoderalllu
j hut that Mr ffieu* srUttmry l»
, havlur overruled his tewnvel.
All Sign* Point to an Early Termination
of tbo Coa! Miner’s Strike.
Iucrtitnn Would lie * Cirnut VU'lory—
I'ruInMa I’liill of IrUlmni nl Outlined
iu llln|ntl<'h from liallctim.
HAZLETON, Pa.. Sep:. 21).—Not
standlng the minor* of settlement
und of concession upon tbo part of the
operators there was no change In the
great coal strike situation here to
It was probably the most Inactive
•lay that President Mitchell and hi*
oflcial miaff have spent since the strike
began. That President Mitchell was
waiting for Information from New
York cannot be denied, a* he lntl
mated several times during the day
that something might develop before
night. In the forenoon he had two
lengthy conversations over the long
distance telephone and between 4 und
5 o'clock till* afternoon he was at tho
wire for more* than half an hour. To
whom he talked he declined to say.
When he was pressed to say something
on the general strike situation he
"1 his has been the greatest Indus
trial contest between labor and capi
tal in the history of America. If tho
10 tier cent Increase mentioned In the
newspaper* Is cored, while far fom
satisfactory. It Is the greatest victory
ever achieved by organized labor and
won under the most adverse circum
stances. I, of course, have nothing to
nay as to wnat action win be taken as
to the acceptance or rejection of any
proposition; this must be determined
by the whole body of antnraclte rnln
era themselves. Our organization will
not make the mistake which has
wrecked many other organizations of
assuming the power to determine
through Its officers the happiness or
misery, the weal or woo, of the 500,000
men, women and children dependent
upon the anthracite coal industry for
a livelihood.”
In discussing the reported 10 per
cent advance offered to (he men by
the operators, Mr. Mitchell said;
“Under the sliding scale such an in
crease would practically amount to
nothing; what the men would gain in
one day they might lose the next.”
liy the sibling scale Is meant that
the wages are Oxen according to the
market price of coal. If there Is an
advance In the price the miners share
In It, and should there he a decrease
the miners correspondingly share such
a .decrease.
If an Increase of 10 per cent In
wages 1m offered the miners It will
probably be done by means of posted
notices and the personal visitation of
representatives of the mine owners
and not to the United Mine Workers,
because the operators will not recog
nize the organization. If tlip men so
Informed desire to consider the prop
osition they would have a meeting of
their union called for the purpose of
having the officers of those bodies no
tify the three district presidents. These
presidents would Inform the national
president. As Mr. Mitchell Is not em
powered to accept anything less than
all the miners' demands, he said he'
I could do nothing but instruct the men
to refuse the offer.
If the strikers should still feel that,
they ought to entertain tnis proposi
tion they can ask the national presi
dent through a local union meeting
and then >a district convention to call
n Joint convention for three districts
This request, however, would not be
compulsory, the national president be
ing allowed to use ills judgment.
Order letuul Intended to litcmtao Demo
tion to the King.
WASHINGTON. Sept. *29.—Lleuten
nnt General Mile* haw Issued a general
order to the army Intended to secure
a general Improvement In the morale
and physical condition of the force.
The order particularly directs the In
culcation of patriotic principles, the
celebration of national holidays by pa
triotic readings, strict attention to sa
lutes. respect for the llag and attentlo
to good martial music, especially vo
cal music. The Importance of disci
pline Is dwelt upon and loyal and
cheerful obedience demanded. It Is di
rected that the three arms of the serv
ice, whenever practicable he assem
bled for Instruction In Imttle tactics,
and It is ordt rad that there be fre
i|uent marches and sports calculated to
develop the military spirit
iRiHifh llttrr* l-rfl • •• Mtfhf.
I-ON DON, dept. 29 Lord Huberts
reports to the war office under date
of Pretoria, Hcpteinle r 27, as follows
‘ The If.ters sttackeil a portion of pM.
get's fore* at Pienaars river station
this morning, but were beaten off af
ter three hours' light tug
' Puller occupied Mai mac river and
the eastern side of Iturghers' ptsa on
ffeptemher 2i, after alight resistance
IMIbron, H>dts and t.lndtvy hate H< n
feu upted."
Sis M i In
IfiN'IMlN dipt Jh "The insuim
ministry has rtilitml," i«ude* the Vo
k' hslIU* (if Ik# iNllU
Mall, and Manful* I to will probably
*ur. ve | to the premier ship gush a
change would ini al« I Japan's poll, y
la t'h to* Mmr<fuIs |ta fevers hearty
to ep-ra»i‘**» »ttb Great Mruaia and
Mr.-ugly iipp>HMM the partition uf t hi«*
or Huasi is a> n Isu-> there."
son CO41 4S WELL
Hit I'nltt.i Mint Worker*' I nlon Maj
Tit l |> liltuiulnou* Tlrlili.
HAZLETON, Pa., Sept. 2S.-~l'ros
lilent Mlti lu*ll of the United Mlno
Workers today sent a telegram to the
central Pennsylvania bituminous coal
field, which possibly may have the ef
fect of bringing the soft coal mine
workers into the contest which the
anthracite workers are now waging
against the mine owners. The tele
gram was sent to Richard Gilbert,
secretary of District No. 2 at Clear
held, Pa. It was as follows:
"Issue circular letter Instructing all
mine workers In central Pennsylvania
that they me not to load coal for ship
ment into market formerly supplied
by anthracite operators. We aio in
formed that the Philadelphia tit Read
ing, Delaware At. Hudson and New JeV
b > Central roalroads are now at
tempting to defeat anthracite strike by
sending their cars Into central Penn
sylvania to have them loaded with bi
tuminous coal. Please comply with
thin request at once.”
President Mitchell said he had liceii
watching the bituminous coal held
closely for Just such a move as he
alleges lias been made try the rail
roads mentioned in his telegram and
ho does not fear that they will make
much of a success In getting the Hoft
coal into tho anthracite market. The
miners in tho central Pennsylvania re
gion, ho continue*', are in thorough
sympathy with their fellow workmen
in the eastern purt of tho state and
President Mitchell feels sure that as
soon us they hnd that the coal they
are loading or are asked to load is to
take the place of the hard coal they
will refuse to handle it.
l-alior leaders do not expect a hub
jm nslon of work In tho soft coal fields
unless the operators Insist on sending
their coal to the anthracite market.
They also say that the Philadelphia
& Reading, Delaware & Hudson and
Jersey Central railroads being unable
to fill theh contracts for hard coal
are prevailing upon their customers to
accept soft eoul wherever It can he
used as a substitute. Considerable
Interest is being manifested as to the
effect of President Mitchell's action tu
attempting to defeat the alleged move
ment of the coal-carrying roads.
This was a day of rumors. Around
Btrlke JoiidrjuiirtcrH tnere were stories
In circulation tnat Archbishop Ryan
ami Senator Hanna were coming here
to sea President Mitchell, that all tae
coal-carrying roads had agreed to ar
bitrate ull differences and that tho
strike had been settled. The last
mentioned rumor wan the only one
which the labor leaders paid any at
tention to and in connection with It
they sent a telegram to the president
of the union In the three districts
cotujuising the entire anthracite coa'.
held of Pennsylvania.
H«*cr#t liii|iftrliil Drirefa Mm hi to IImv«
lit un InruiuI.
PARIS, Sept. 28.—The French con
sul at Shanghai cables under date of
September 26 (Tuesday) that Tuug
Full Stun has Just been appointed
general of the western anil northern
armies. The consul adds that accord
ing to Chinese information the vicer
oys anti governors have received a.i
imperial decree instructing them to
tight the foreigners and destroy them.
Cro«'k#r llrl|fu<l« oflircrv
KEOKUK, la., Sept. 28.—The Croclt
or brigade association finished ith sua
sion here this afternoon with a large
campfire. The following officers were
elected: President, H. H. Rood, Mi.
Vernon: vice presidents. Colonel J. H.
Monroe, Muscatine; VV. M. Penn, lies
Moines; Lieutenant Daniel Hnibiee,
Ames; Captain Mayes, lied Oak; eor
respondlng secretary, D. VV. Hushmdl,
Council bluffs; recording secretary,
Captain (J. VV. Kepler, Mount Vernon;
treasurer, Peter Koine, Dubuque.
Muscatine was selected as the place
fur thu next meeting.
Wlilt» Opu t* *nelt«r*N ri*r*.
GRAND FORKS. N. D . Sept. 27 —
At a meeting of the republican state
central committee today a le'icr was
read from Governor K. b. Kancher,
who waa renominated. In which h»
withdraws front the ticket by reason
of his bad health. He Is uow at Hac
rainento, Cal. The coinmlttee ad
vanced Prank White of Valley City,
the candidate for lieutenant governor,
to first place and put David burtiett
of Cooperstown In his stead.
Trn ftr r«m Itu rgm#,
HAZLETON, Pa Kept It The As
sociated Press late tonight secured
fiom President Mitchell the admis
sion that he believe* the mine oper
ator* have agreed to make the mine
worker* an offer of a to per cent In
creaee In wage* Purl her than lhi«
Mr Mitchell de* lined to talk its lui
1-era reticent alt day on the subject
sad several times declared that he
knew nothing of the rumors of a set
tlement of the strike.
H.ltlesfcie IIS t.i iks .tries.
WAfflllNllTUK, ffept b of Urn
■ it war ahtpa which were l,i.| we«h
or-terect to prureed to Ike Hvleai to
rein tores the Astatic squadron lbs Al
bany and lb* \V*lmin*'-u alre* ly
hat* atarled o* their lc«« )»«r*«y
I he Albaay satte-t from I'tsraeua y*a
tev-lav and t-day the Wilmington left
M-otievtdco for bah In Hiastl •
•be will rrusa tba Attanlle and
I via Urn Mediterranean
Tbs Coal Miners in Markle Blopei Aooept
Part of Firm's Terms.
Htiorlff of L,iix#ru* Onuntjr MuU»* Ar
r»iig*-i»i»ntn for Kunlilnjt Tr»vp» frum
Minmndunli If 0<a<vi*loti for Uielr li®
Arlan* — I’liiuo to He Muintnlned.
HAZLETON, Pa., Hept. 27.—The 'el
sis at the mines of (i. II. Markle ft Co.
hits boon readied. There were many
expressions among the men toduy of
dissatisfaction with some of thn firm's
answers to their demands. The prin
cipal grievance Is thn wage scale, They
ask for only about half of what, the
United Minn Workers are demanding.
Operations ut thn Markle collier!#*
wore suspended today so that the em
ployes could hold a meeting lo dlacuss
the Arm's answer. The meeting was
held In thn fornoon and this afternoon
the committee composed i f employes
of the several Markle, with the
exception of Ehervaln, which Is com
pletely tied up, made known to tin firm
the decision of the employes. They
accept the Arm’s proposition In regard
to the hoistlsg men from the slope, ac
quiesce In the refusal to pay the engi
neers hy thn hour and wa-H to further
arbitrate all thn other gi levancss ex
cept those relating to semi-monthly
pay and the location of powder houses,
which have been adjusted hy the an
swer of Markle ft Co.
I lit* Hit 11 H1BU ut’i nmi i.u i “inuiii m
work pending the arbitration negotia
tions and agreed to ask the flrrn to
"deduct from the pay of each family
that returns to work their quota for
the payment of the arbitrator selected
by the men,"
Judging only by the talk of the
men It looks an If a considerable num
ber of men will not go to work to
morrow morning. The force of men at
each of the Markle slopes; is now very
shorthanded. The firm for the time
being refuses to discuss anything in
connection with Its future actions
The request made yesterday by Sher
iff Harvey for troops, although not re
fused, was not granted by Governor
Stone. The sheriff and the state offi
cials at Harrisburg, however, have an
understanding and If the necessity
arises soldiers will be thrown into this
region In short order. If this be done
the first to arrive would le one of the
commands now stationed at Shenan
There were no disturbances report
ed In this region today. Rumors of
contemplated marches of strikers are
constantly in circulation, but as far
as can be teamed there Is no truth in
any of them.
With regard to the general strike
situation In the Lehigh Valley It ran
not he said that many great gains were
matte on either side today Some who
quit work yesterday at the Tomhickon,
Derringer and Cowan mines returned
today. The Lehigh Valley Coal com
pany reports more men working to
day than nny time since the strike tx»
The labor leaders claim accessions
to their ranks from both the mines at
Eckley and Lattlmer. The daily pro
duction of coal In the district Is stead
ily decreasing. This is shown from
the shipments of coal from the region
today, which indicate a falling off of
more than 75 per cent.
AuntrlM nml Italy Only Unverniueutt that
Keply Favorably.
PARIS, S«pt. 27.—It is asserted from
excellent diplomatic sources that Aus
tria and Italy urc the only powers
which have replied favorably and un
conditionally to Germany's note. It
is certainly a fact that the replies of
Russia and France are almost identi
cal, involving the punishmeut of the
originutors of the antl-forelgn assaults
but not making their surrender an ab
solute condition of the peuce prelim
Japan takes a middle course, lean
ing a little more strongly toward Ger
many. while Great llritalu declines.
A powerful argument used against
Germany's position was its establish
ment of a precedent that would per
mit the powers In future wars to de
mand personages considered by them
to be guilty leaders and that their pun
ishment* Is deemed (it before peace ne
gotiations are undertaken.
Ar«p|»U r*m«|tv'a I'roptHliiuH
OTTUMWA, la. Sept M Ottumwa
has accepted Andrew Carnegie's *p
j proprlatlou of |;.0,0<»o for a free public
library, the election on the Issue giv
ing s majority of almost i>»)0 In favor
of the mesxure 212 were cast by male
voter# The women were also permit
t«d to vote and their majority tncrene*
I «d the total to almost Suo The m»a»
ure lost last June when 'he judge of
| the district court held that the wontru
wore not entitled to vote The male
I vole in June gave a majoilty of It
| arwius' the measure, the Issue carry
' tug only by the votes snot hs the we
i men The etevtlon settle* the
I tlon
a< «i**u •• • Mein t r
HhUTMIFK N*h he |it }4 — The
pall** kwbed op n suspicious character
•as pot him in the sweet hoe. It*
Soon WOa spotted as the patty whs held
I an * Itohemien named I vensht. II*
tng near Virgin.* tit weeks ago It
vanafci w*a sent f»r an t at anew Idea
U4e*1 huger n* hi* WetiUat The
: prtsuani dentes that he had anything
j W> da with Ike Ml up hat It t* wow
I known that he served time be fern
Terribly lulu I lim<bi('ro.Hlng: Acclitent
ut I'llitr.
STANTON, Neb., Ort. 1.—At the
railroad crossing Just cast of the vil
lage of Pilger, in this county, Ed Us
<tlck was struck and killed by a special
freight. Me hail been in Pilger and
w;ts returning home. He was seen bj
a number going toward the railroad in
a wagon, his team going at a smart
jog. U stick tiad his need bowed upon
Ida breast, apparently giving uo atten
tion to his team or the surroundings.
His team slowed to a walk as they
approached the track and just not
over it as the train struck the wagon
back of the fore wheelB. I'stick waa
thrown under engine and dragged
for the distant i* of over a hundred
feet. His death was probably instan
taneous. Mis intestines, stomach,
heart, lungs and liver were torn out
of the body and lay some thirty feel
from it. The right arm was cut off
and there was hardly a whole hone
in the body. The undisputed evidence
showed that the trainmen made every
effort to avoid the collision as soon as
they discovered the danger, though ut
the time of the accident the train was
running at a greater rate < f speed
than permitted by the ordinances of
the village of Pilger, within whoso
limits the accident happened. A
broken Jug, which had contained
whiskey was found near llie corpse.
Murder Trial al Alliance,
ALLIANCES, Neb., Oct. 1.—District
court convened here Monday with
Judge W. H. Westover of nushvtlle
presiding. This will be the most im
portant term of court ever held In
Box Butte county from the fact that
there are several very Imprtant crim
inal cases to be tried. There are five
criminal cases on the docket, two of
which are for murder in the first de
gree. Monday was occupied In pass
ing on motions and setting cases down
for trial. Tuesday the case of the
state of Nebraska against Richard M.
Cline was called for trial. In this
case Cline Is charged with shooting
and killing one B. C. Richardson last
August. Cline and his wife are trav
eling musicians and when they came
to Alliance were t|lred to play music
In Richaroson's saloon. Some diffi
culty arose between Cline and Rich
ardson and Cline was expelled from
the saloon. This angered him very
much and he got a revolver and son
after met Richardson in a restaurant
which Joins the saloon and after some
words with Richardson the parties
came together and Richardson slapped
Cline and Immediately Cline shot him
through the abdomen, from the ef
fects of which he died soon after. It
is alleged on the part of the defense
that before Cline and bis wife were
put out of the saloon that Cline's wife
had been insulted by a guest of Rich
ardson's saloon and Cline took the
matter up and Richardson took the
part of his guest and from this the
shooting resulted.
The state Is represented by County
Attorney Smith F. Tuttle. Judge A.
W. Crltes of Chadron, B. F. Gilman
and William Mitchell of Alltance and
the defense by Judge F. G. Hamer
of Kearney and R. C. Noleman of
Alliance. Much Interest is taken In
the progress of the trial and the court
rtioni Is taxed to Its capacity at each
Nebraska Hoy Dir* In Luzou.
SUPERIOR, Neb., ~ct. 1.—Letters
addressed to Roy Henderson have
been returned here bearing the word
"deceased." Roy had enlisted as a
musician in the regular army and left
Chicago some four months ago. Since
that time Ins parents have heard Just
once from him. It seems strange,
howpver, if Roy had died In the
United states service his name had
not appeared in the roster given week
ly by General MacArthur. The let
ters were returned from Vigan. north
ern Luzon.
Klerlrlc l.lglit at Allinnre., Neb.. Oct. L—On
Thursday the electric current was
turned on and the result is that Alli
ance is now one of tue best lighted
cities of the west. The plant is among
the best, having two large incandes
cent machines and one large arc ma
chine and run by a large Corliss en
gine. Th plant is housed in a good
brick builoltig. ftOxSO feet, and etjulp
l*ed with two large boilers and two
I'nrkMi rirfcetl In Oinalta.
Pl-ATTBMOUTH. Neb. Oct. I.—A
very large number of Plaltsmouih
people attended the Ak-Bar Hen In
Omaha While on the corner of Elf
t.enth and Earnam streets I'red Kgeit
berger had his pocket* pit ked and U
now minus a gold watch and •- uo.
ttliyhuni System tur Kilgtr.
El Ml AH. Neb. Oct I. Eugar Is
putting In a telephone system
! throughout th* city. A large uutuhwr
, of phones are already in pl*«* and th*
I streets ar* bristling with pole*. Th*
! company consists of Edgar bus urea*
men and th* system Is th* Central
Telephone riystvm of Hi. lamia.
A U«»a NxUI tuatol.
Pl.hTTBMol Til. Neb, ihl t A
gold nodal runted. In whi<h lh> re
I were SIS 'CMOUI!1! tiMg place «4
Murray Tuesday evening Th«r* wan
a In a* alien law** from a number of
surrounding tow a* fb# Judge# w«r*
H*« Mt Garcia of Omaha. Hr NssrU
aad Mr Ellaa of Nebraska City and
th*y awarded th* medal to Mtsa Mec
M> Irnaald of Murray The winner *a
ye i« is f i M Aurora in November to
i»mpat« Air the diamond medal