The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 28, 1900, Image 2

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«►>.»» IIOIKIi * lllllMIJI, R<a*an<l I'nha
...— . ■ 'i ■ 1t!
The empire of Morocco Is the most
important state that is absolutely with
out w newspaper.
Within the last 95 years the popu
lation of Belgium has doubled itself,
rising from 3,000,0u0 to 6,000,000.
Sound passes through air at the ve
locity of 1,142 feet per second; through
water, 4,900 feet; through iron, 17,500
The queen’s autograph fetches about
12; that of BJackmoro, 12s; Mr. Glad
stone, 10s; Lord Byron’s cannot be
bought as a rule for, less than 15.
Moscow has the largest hospital In
Europe, with 7.0JQ beds. There are
ninety-six physicians and 900 nurses,
ahd about 15,000 patients are cared for
fhe famous clock ”Les Trois
Graces,” now on view at the Paris ex
position was once bought for $20,003.
Fifty thousand pounds has now been
offered for it.
In Java a small state exists which Is
entirely controlled by women, with the
single exception of the sovereign, who
is a man. He I*, however, entirely de
pendent on the three women who form
his state council.
An example of patient Industry is
the sorting of hogs' bristles as it Is
carried on at Tientsin, China. Each
one of the bristles has to be picked
out, measured and placed In the bun
dle of hairs of corresponding length.
The new Duke of Argyll made a
statement at Oban recently to the ef
fect that he was Innocent of mu 1c,
and could not tell the difference be
tween "Pop Goes the Weasel” and
“God Save the Queen.”
A group of miners In Queensland,
have clubbed together and presented
Major General Baden-Poweil with a
cake of pure gold, on which Is In
scribed, "This is 24 carat, what the
Croydon miners take you to be.”
An effort is being made to Induce
the Prince of Wales to open the Glas
gow exhibition next May, and It is
expected his royal highness will ac
cept. There is to be a corner in the
exhibition devoted to matters pertain
ing exclusively to Scotland, showing
what the country was like some centu
ries ago and what it is like at the pres
ent day.
Railroads have taken little interest
In acetylene gas for car lighting an l
there have been many failures in this
field. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway company aro making ex
periments In the laboratory on a gen
erator for lighting a car. One advan
tage of acetylene gas in that each car
can be made a separata unit. The >•
are to be service trials of llio appara
tus on the cars.
A curious coincidence Is mentioned
In the latest Melbourne ptipers. An
Australian lady, who was just conclud
ing her visit to London, left or lost
her purse on the roof of a bus in th
Strand. As It happened, the next pas
senger to take the seat she vacate 1
was also an Australian and he foun 1
the purse. One of her visiting cards
was inside, and the tinder recogniz
ing the name, communicated with th
lady in Melbourne and the purse was
restored intact.
A curious fact is related by th >
‘ Sydney Morning Herald" In connec
tion with the realization of the estat
of the late Mr. James Tyson, the Aus
tralian millionaire. It appi ars that
on his private office at Felton being
"tldted up," fixed depo.slt receipts for
,t;30,0b0 in the Queensland National
Hank, scrip for 97 shares in the sam •
bank, and fixed deposit for titiu.OO;
shares in the City Bank, and o'he
snip were found strewn about ainorr ,
a mass of valueless papers.
1 he Eng lah war offli is < xpi-rttnent
lug with a new magazine ride. It i
the invention of an Australian and it
possesses several advantage, over the
Lee-Meuord arm, which is at present
employed in the British army. Th
automatic feed of the cartridge f o i
the fi.ajtauiue Into the L-i<- efi is a
•hiking feature. It was trie I at Ha
ley In the recent t otupetl <>na and tir*!
thirty shots in the minute. with 2»
hits, of which 17 were bull s eyes
The rifle Is raid to be vastly a ip* no
lo either the L> r M tforJ or me Man
ser in stretiRtn cfBcitsm y an I sitnpil
city of eonetrw'ilo# while it is 3S pc -
cent cheaper to maaofartitie ami lit on
and one fourth pounds tlgtier than th
present l,*« Met ford rifle It hr* bee i
•trobgiy* n l-il t»y Lor
(harlot IWesford and th- re is I ttl
dueht that It Will be Intro lured intr
the Ilf Utah arm* al t*»e end of tbs
Month African campaign.
the famous |ti ant L'ttunion go
non*, whuh for years has b< -u tn
chief gold prodoesr of Montana, u vtr
taally Idle. only a Midi fur-* of m t
Mtf engaged ib dttdipWMI bora
I'gie IMS* II ■. « l •
of ||el«na to |hs lt c tr,.l» yf I **
Jim fits |ts atllooo ljuinri set* a
years sf<>. sate# w*o, g tints II ktt
rspill 1 it* ’
id sods. lift' ' 1 t
ii—I M drop *fi * s * ady gri I fu
ys«>a The «••»•* 4 he S4S h»*et-r.
that the at me a -» ns rnwa hid
decs eeeiia
National Sin* Are FunUhed by Keen
Instrument* — No Calamity Happen*
by Chance, but la Directed by Divine
(Copyright, 1900, by Ijouls Kiopsch.)
Dr. Talmage, In his journey west
ward, through Europe, has recently
visited scenes of thrilling historic
events. He sends this sermon, in
which he shows that nations are Judg
ed in this world and that God re
wards them for their virtues and pun
ishes them for their crimes. The text
is Isaiah vii, 20, "In the same day
shall the Lord shave with a razor that
is hired, namely, by them beyond the
river, by the king of Assyria."
The Bible is the bolde. t book ever
written. There are no simiitudes in
Osslan of the Iliad or the Odyssey so
daring. Its imagery sometimes seems
on the verge of the reckless, but only
seems so. The fact is that God w’oiud
startle and arouse and propel men and
nations. A tame and limping simll
tude would fail to accomplish the ob
ject. While there are times when he
employs in the Bible the gentle dew
and the morning cloud and the dove j
and the daybreak in the preaen'.at on |
of truth, we often find the iron chariot,
the lightning, the earthquake, the
spray, the sword, and, in my text, the '
razor. This keen-bladed instrument 1
has advanced in usefulness with the
ages. In Bible times and lands the
beard remained uncut save in the saa
sons of mourning and humiliation, but
the razor was always a suggestive !
e umKaI Tin vrl d an 1,1 ci # T lr.n cr h iu an.
tagonlgt, "Thy tongue la a sharp ra- j
zor working deceitfully"—that is, It
pretends to clear the face, but is really
used for deadly incision.
In this striking text this weapon of
the toilet appears, under the followin’
circumstances: Judea needed to have
some of its properties cut off, and Gol j
sends against It three Assyrian k ngs
—first Sennacherib, then Earhad.'.on
and afterward Nebuchadnezzar. Thesj 1
three sharp invasions that cut down [
the glory of Judea are compared to so
many sweeps of the razor across the
face of the land. And these devasta- )
tions were called a hired razor because
God took the kings of Assyria,
whom he had no sympathy, to do the !
work and paid them in palaces and
spoils and annexations. These sing;
were hired to execute the divine be
hests. And now the text, which on its
first reading may have seemed trivial
or inapt, is charged with momentous
import, "In the same day shall the
Lord shave with a razor tiiat is hired,
namely, by them beyond the river, by
the king of Assyria.”
IUr,om of
Well, if God s judgments are razors,
we had better be careful how we use
them on other people. In careful
sheath these domestic weapons are
put away where no one by accident
may touch them, and where the hands
of children may not reach them. Such
instruments must be carefully handled
or not bandied at all. But how reck
lessly some people wield the judg- I
ments or God! It a man meets with
business misfortune, how many there
! are ready to cry out: “That is a judg
| ment of God upon him because he was
| unscrupulous or arrogant or over
| reaching or miserly. I thought he
! would get cut down. What a clean
sweep of everything! His city house
and country house gone. His stables
emptied of all the fine bays and sorrels
and grays that used to prance by his
door. All his resources overthrown
and all that he prided himself on
tumbled Into demolition. Good for
him!'' Stop, my brother. Don't sling
around so freely the Judgments of
God, for they are razors.
Some of the most wicked hus'ness
men succeed, and they live and die in
prosperity, and some of the most hon
est and conscientious are driven into
bankruptcy, l’erbaps the unsuccessful
man's manner was unfortunate, a: d
he was not really as proud as he lock
ed to be. Some of those who carry
their heads erect and look imperial are
: humble as a child, while many a m: n
in seedy coat and slouch hat and un
blacked shoes Is as proud as Lucifer,
You cannot tell by a man's look. I’, r
lutps he was not unscrupulous in busl
I ness, for there are two sides to every
story, and everybody that accomplish
aft anything for himself or others g> ts
industriously lied about. Perhaps his
bustne*.* misfortune was n .t a puulsi
nient, but the fatherly discipline to
prepare blzn for heaven, and God may
love him fur more than he loves you,
Mho can pay dollar for do lar and a «•
put down lu the commercial catalogues
a* At Whom tb** 1. **d luveth ti»
fives |lOtt iKOI and lets .He on einbi II
tred pillows'* No, wh<>m the laird
loveth he eh isteneth lie iter keep
your hand off the Lot I a razor*, 1 at
they rut and wound p*wipo> that do
not deserve H If yon want to shave
off some of the bristling pi id* uf your
own heart do so but be very ca • cl
how you put the shtrp edit* an othrra
How | do dislike (to hei,avoir of ito**
pvrsous who when p- opl« are u *f»f
iunale say. ‘ I told you so getting
punished *erv*d him right’ ‘ If tho «
I loll you so t got their desert, they
• out l k ng ago have t«< n pits he I over
the hatilenieiti. The m •(»• in t #1
I neigh tail a *>••* so sMialt that It t the
a micro** *u** to Rat It, glvea lb m
more trouble thru the • kt h s'c
wam tbeir usa opto* It th atr
wawitWM super* Hum* and • ->oe<iu.*«
pharwMoai m l aiwaya hbkaphwptotM
they babe th* r«*uf of 4>vi»e |wdeh* hi
and aha*pea it **« th* h**ae of their
‘ ut»b bard h«*ru awi then rm I* * •*
on men sprawled out at full length
under disaster, cutting mercilessly.
They begin by soft expressions of
sympathy and pity and half praise and
lather the victim all over before they
put on the sharp edge.
Mti'lct of Kind Word*.
Let us be careful bow we shoot at
others lest wo take down the wrong
one, remembering the servant of King
William Rufus, who shot at a deer,
but the arrow glanced at a tree and
killed the king. Instead of going out
with shafts to pierce and razors to
cut we had better imitate the friend
of Richard Coeur de Lion. Richard, in
the war of the Crusades, was captured
and imprisoned, but none of his
friends knew where, so his loyal frien t
went around the land from stronghold
to stronghold and sang at each win- j
dow a snatch of Rong that Richard j
Coeur de Lion had taught him in other
days. And one day, coming before a
Jail where he suspected his king |
might be incarcerated, he sang two i
lines of song, and Immediately K ng
Richard responded from his cell w,th j
the other two lines, and so his where
abouts were discovered, and a success- !
ful movement was at once made for
his liberation. So let us go up and ,
down the world with the music of kind
words and sympathetic hearts, sere- !
nadlng the unfortunate, and trying to
get out of trouble men who had noble
natures, but by unforeseen clreum- I
stanees have been incarcerated, thus
liberating kings. More hymnbook and
less razor.
Nothing Kmr "Happen*."
Again, when 1 read in my text that
the Lord shaves with the hired razor
of Assyria the land of Julea I think
myself of the precision of God’s provi
dence. A razor swung the tenth part
of an inch out of the right line means
either failure or laceration, but God's
dealings never slip, and they do not
miss by the thousandth part of an inch
the right direction. People talk as
though things in this world were at
loose ends. Cholera sweeps acres i
Marseilles and Madrid and Palermo,
and we wateh anxiously. Will the epi
demic sweep Europe and America?
People say, "That will entirely depend
on whether the inoculation Is a suc
cessful experiment; that will depend
entirely on quarantine regulations;
that will depend on the early or lat"
appearance of frost. That epidemic is
pitched into the world, and it goei
blundering across the continents, and
it is all guess-work and an appalling
"perhaps." I think, perhaps, that God
had something to do with It and that
his mercy may have in some way pro
tected us; that he may have done aB
much for us as the quarantine and the
health officers. It was right and a ne
cessity that all caution should be used,
but there have come enough macaroni
from Italy, and enough grapes from
the south of France, and enough rags
from tatterdemalions, and hidden in
these articles of transportation enough
cholera germs to have left by this time
all the cities mourning in the ceme
teries. I thank all the doctors and
quarantines, but more than all, and
first of all, and last of all, and all the
time, I thank God. in all the 0,000 ■
years of the world’s existence there
has not one thing merely “happened
so.” God is not an anarchist, but a
King, a Father.
National Minn rut)Ulie<l.
Further, my text tells us that Go I
sometimes shaves nations. "In the
same day shall the Lord shave with a
razor that is hired." With one sharp
sweep he went across Judea, and down
went its pride and power. In 1861 God
shaved the American nation. We had
allowed to grow Sabbath desecration
and oppression and blasphemy and
fraud and impurity and all sorts of
turpitide. The south had Its sins, and
the north its sins, and the east its
sins, and the west Its sins. We had
been warned again and again, and we
did not heed. At length the word of
war cut from the St. Lawrence tv the
gulf and from the Atlantic seaboard to
Pacific seaboard. The pride of the
land, not the cowards, but the heroes,
on both sides went down. And that
which we took for the sword of war
was the land's razor, in 1862 again it
went across the land; in 1863 again;
In 1864 again. Then the sharp instru
ment was incased and put away.
Never In the history of the ages was
any laud more thoroughly shaved
tl/f.n during those four years of civil
combat, und, my brethren. If we do
not <|iiit some of our Individual and
national sins the laird will again take
u* In hand. He has other razors with
in reach besides war—epidemic*,
droughts, deluges, plagues grasshop
per and locust—or our overtowering
success may «o far ex-lte the jealousy
of other lands that under some pre
text the gnat nations may combine to
put us down. Our nation, so eazlly np
pma* hed on north and south and from
both oceana, might have on hand at
once more hostilities than were ever
array* 1 against any one power. I
hope no such i un hi nation against us
will ever be for mud, but 1 want to
show that, as Assyria was the hired
' against Jud* * and Cyrus tbt
tn 'I razor against itabylon, and ths
Until* the hired razor against the
Goths, there are now manv razors
that the laird could hire If, bei auae of
our national sins, he should undertake
to shave us In lllu t)*inizzy was the
tazor with whivh the laird shaved
France Japan waa the razor with
* ■ H he shaved China and A'nefh a
the mof with wht- h he shaved arro
gant oppressive aa I Mlhle haling
- ■ I • *. »•,..**« •».« 1 • r. ..4 ,,t It a
la* V«y a speedy and worl latte
tNMWtng lo »i«d hinder on both si-lea
the sea ail national vahsmily It it
dw n«d let u as a nation either by un
righteous law at Washington or bad
U»»a among outsell** defy the AP
! mighty
Hrrailth of lM»ln- Lot#,
King Henry II. of England crowned
bis son as king and on the day of
coronation put on a servant’s garb,
and waited, he, the king, at the son’s
talde, to the astonishment of ail the
princes. But we know of a more won
drous scene—the King of heaven and
earth offering to put on you, his child,
the crown of life, and in the form of a
servant waiting ou you with blessing.
Extol that love, all painting, all sculp
ture, all music, all architecture, all
worship! In Dresdeniaa gallery let
Raphael hold him up as a child, and
in Antwerp cathedral let Rubens hand
him down from the cross as a martyr,
and Handel make all his oratorio vi
brate around that one chord—“He was
wounded for our transgressions, bruis
ed for our iniquities.’’ But not until
all the redeemed get home, and from
tho countenances in ail the galleries of
the ransomed shall be revealed the
wonders of redemption, shall either
man or seraph or archangel know the
height and depth and length and
breadth of the love of God.
At our national capital a monument
In honor of him who did more than
any one to achieve our American inde
pendence was for scores of years In
building, and most of us were dis
couraged and said It would never he
completed. And how glad we all were
when in the presence of the highest
officials of the nation the work was
done! But will the monument to him
who died for the eternal liberation of
the human race ever be completed?
For ages the work has been going up.
Evangelists and apostles and martyrs
have been adding to the heavenly pile,
and every one of the millions of re
deemed going up from earth has made
to it contribution of gladness, and
weight of glory Is swung to the top
of other weight of glory, higher and
higher as the centuries go by, higher
and higher as the whole millenniums
roll, sapphire on the top of Jasper, sar
donyx on the top of chalcedony an.l
(hrysoprosus above topaz, until far be
neath shall be the walls und towers
and domes of our earthly capitol, a
monument forever and forever, rising
and yet never done, "Unto him who
hath loved us and washed us from our
sins in his own blood and made us
kings and priests forever.” Alleluia,
A**a«*luutli>iui Have ('hanged Heroril* of
the World.
Massacres have profoundly affected
the history of the United States, aside
from the way in which it was affected,
by the influx of Huguenots as a conse
quence of the St. Bartholomew and
kindred crimes in France. The mur
ders of the French protestants, under
Ribault, iu Florida, by the Spaniard
Menendez in 15G5, sent the French to
Canada instead of to the South Atlan
tic coast of the present United States,
gave the latter to Spain, and thua
made Florida far easier to win by the
United States after this country's in
dependence was gained. Devastation
along the northern border of New
England by the French and Indians in
the various Intercolonial 'wars, which
ended with 1763, Incited the resistance
on the part of England aid its depen
dencies which drove Fvance out of
Canada and the Mississippi Valley In
that year and hastened the revolution,
which, a dozen years later, expelled
England from the thirteen colonies,
says i/oslle's Weekly. Onslaughts on
the French in Santo Domingo by the
negroes In 1S01 and 1802, that Island
being then a French colony, prevent
ed Bonaparte from sending an army
to take possession of New Orleans,
which had been retroceded to France
by Spain, and was one of the causes
of the cession of Louisiana by France
to the United Statea iu 1803. which was
the first and greatest expansion ever
made in this country, and which made
all subsequent expansions—Florida,
Texas, Oregon, California. New Mexi
co, Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico and the
Philippines—inevitable. DPraell'a as
sertion in the case of Lincoln, that
“assassination has never changed the
history of the world,” needs to be mod
ified when the assassinations affect a
race, or a large element of a people,
especially when incited by religion or
tool lull |:i«‘4 tlo'l lift 4.
This Ih the time of the foolish elec
tion bets. One man In Coldwater,
Mich., lias wagered that If Bryan la
elected, he promises to support Ins
contestant's mnther-ln-law for life, in
Indianapolis u real estate firm nn
uoutn eH that a 3-t O-acre farm, a cottage
and live lots have been placed In Its
hands to be sold on the following con
dition*. The deeds to all the property
are to lee made out and deposited by
the owner* with the cash paid for
them. If Bryan Is elected the owner
ship of the property passes to the par
ties putting up the cash and the money
goes to the owners of the property. If
McKinley Is elected both the deeds and
the i a«h arc passed over to the tu-rson
or pci -on* who put up ths money,
thus the property I* sold at what la
[claimed to h« It* fair rash value If
Hryan I* elected, and given away la
M Kinby wins
I •>.*••! *••! I I* VV
t'robabi) Ih* t»»ug**t heard la the
world Is that of a metal worker ta
Marseille*. I'rsnif The man la sev
enty tour years wt 1 When fourteen
years of age he had a heard all tm he«
lung It grew from year to year and
now hie hirsute alia hment when un
rolled reaches the re*pe-table hasth
of ten feel ten lie 'o s >Vlon this man
giwi (ml • he sort l«s h<* l« ir I
rutted up In a Mg akeln under hM
arm Mine* he la rather him all In else,
lag a' it *>• f* et th e luchr*
the heard la mors than twke the area •
(ioldeu Text: H:* Ye IIiich of tho
Word, irnil Not Hearer* Only, Depriv
ing Your Own Bel von.— Jus. 1: 22.—
Tho Clock liptlaw.
1. There should he n brief review of the
life of Christ from the beginning up to
tho close of the third yturs of hi* ininls
2. This quarter's les«nns extend over a
period of about eight month*, from April
to December, A. 1>. 2;*. They nil bciong
to the third years of the ministry of
Jesus, the year of development, a large
part of (he teachings, being the enforce
ment and enlargement of those that had
been uttered to Home extent before.
2. As to places, the events belong to
the last part of the Galilean ministry anil
the earlier part of the 1 orean ministry,
with excursions east to Deeapolis, north
to Ce* I’hlllppl, ntnl west to the re
gion of Tyre and fcldon.
The Trumpet Cull presents the following
plan for a review by Professor Hamltl:
"Note to Leader. About three weeks
before Review Sunday give each scholar
a diagram of u clock face with the name
CHRIST In center a* below, and say, T
wish each of you to make a Review Les
son Clock in this way. On the line from
the word Christ to No. 1. write one thing
which yon learned about him In the lirst
lesson, tin the next l.m- write one thing
learned about Christ from Lesson IL,
and so for each lesson of the quarter.’
"Tell the scholars that for Review Sun
day you will have a large clock face on
the hoard. Tell them to bring their com
pleted diagrams to you on the third Sun
day In March and you will use the beat
one as a copy for Idling out your large
"The above plan may he adopted either
for single class or entire school. If a
General Exercise Is desired, conduct the
review as follows: Select the twelve
scholars who have shown most Interest
In this work; assign one lesson to each,
and have each prepared to make a brief
statement of that lesson. Have a real
Bliiklng dock placed where all can see It.
When nil Is ready, turn the hands to one
o'clock; as the (lock strikes one, let first
scholar tell of Lesson I. In his own words.
Then turn the hands to two o'clock, and
as the clock strikes two, have next
scholar give statement of Lesson II. Fol
low this plan with all the lessons. Inter
sperse with songs."
We look at the life of Christ from an
other point of view, and It gains reality
and vividness If we trace out the move
ments of Jesus upon the map. Like the
Greek scholar in Tom Brown at Oxford,
who traced on a map by means of colored
pins the famous retreat of the ten thou
sand under Xenophon, we may trace In
the same way the Journeys of Jesus re
ferred to tn the lessons for this quarter.
At each place we may call for a brief de
scription of the town, and for the chief
events which cluster around It. hut es
pecially those connected with the life of
Christ. If we have a large map we may
use pins with llyers on them marking the
name of each place as we come to it.
Alliance of Marriageable flirle.
The Mutual Protection Alliance so
ciety is the name adopted by an asso
ciation of wompn In Plymouth county,
Mass. To be eligible for membership
one must be between 17 and 30 years
old, and must agree to let the society
examine into the qualifications of any
suitor for a member's hand. The meth
od of looking into the character of a
young man is simple. The society J
holds one of Its stated meetings, and
each young woman who has a swain of
whom she is at all doubtful gives his
name and as many particulars as she
deems desirable to the club. All is
held in strict secrecy. A committee
is appointed from among those pres
ent. and then there commences an in
vestigation. Woe to the young man
who has been engaged and broken it
nfT without good cause, to him who i
runs off to Boston and puts poison in- I
to his mouth to steal away his brains,
nr to him who is mixed up in any ma
trimonial entanglement. By the time
the committee lias got through with its
inquiries there is not much left to find
out about the victim. If the report Is
unfavorable the young man soon finds
himself ostracised, anil It Is said that
j already several have left the county
without making good explanations.
CnbwHM PMlfoy 1 «-l«-i;rn|ib Mire*.
A peculiar but very serious difficulty
besets tlie operation of telegraph lines
in Hie Argentine Itepubllr. The small
spider, of the variety that spins a
long cobweb and floats it In the air, is
so plentiful there that the floating
webs settle ou the wires ill enormous
quantities As soon as dew falls or a
shower of rain come# up every mi
croscopic thread becomes wet and es
tablishes a minute leak. The eflf et
of thousands and millions of such leaks
Is practically to stop the operation of
the lines, and the government tele
graph department, •specially la lt'i*#m
Ayres, lias ben put to vast lUconvent
eme by the cdhwetHs A nuniter of
expedients have been tried, hut to ftu
t attests Tln» in ns.
A well known It t i*r «f fa»M »*» in
i Philadelphia Is nmktna a quaint little
j collection ul tiny «lre*ael «l«a# that
| are models of the fristi ake wears
herself Wbm the dt*««mahrr sends
home * new garment he duplnaiss It
by % tiny model us a dwli Meiy.htng
must he (srfiKl, even down to ike »*t»!
l,o and ootid silver or gu'4 hilton*
114 dt tin w*l hie kies The Jutli are
(stud in s (In* case In their own
. dressing r«»om. wMh the Is to ol
thetr tisallow ukdsrnsolh
l ord HumpI'S Soldlrr Hoy.
The youngest son of the late Lord
Russell sailed for South Africa, early
in the year as a lieutenant in th©
Royal artillery. The occasion was
marked by one of those intimate
touches cf family affection which ex
cite universal sympathy. As the great
troopship swung slowly from her
mooring the lord chief Justice, stand
ing on the quay, failed to descry his
son among the crowd of faces that
lined the hullmarks. At last he gave
a shrill whistle, using his fingers In
a manner well known to schoolboys,
and the evidently fambiliar call quick
y brought young Russell to the side
of the ship to wave farewell: Th©
touch of nature evoked a hearty cneer
from all who witnessed it.
Shirt Walat Kuehrn I'r.rty,
At a Rath beach progressive ourhro
party the women wore white shirt
waists and black skirts, the inen wliito
duck trousers and shirt waists of rain
bow uues No one was admitted in
other than shirt wast attre.
Itlana'n ftWIlguriMl Deg.
During the thunderstorm In Phila
delphia a few evenings ago lightning
struck a marble state of Diana at an
entrance to Pair mount park. Imme
diately afterward the left leg of the
statute turned brown. Next morning
all the coloring had disappeared ex
cept one large spot, which has so far
resisted persistent scrubbing and th®
application of powerful acids.
liner filrl »t ChnnlntiqiM.
A typical Boer young woman of tno
wealthier class is a student at Chau- *
tauqua, N. Y: She la Miss Carrie
Rousseau, of Kenilworth, a suburb of
Cape Colony, and is the daughter of a
cousin of President Steyu, of th®
Orange Free State, and a grandnieco
of General Bntha. She and hor mother
left South Africa at tae outbreak of
the war and have been traveling in
this country since.
It Is a noteworthy fact that in th®
state of Utah there is not one Irish
OMAI1A AND «r, I. Of IS H. II. CO.
ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30th, Oct. 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th and 5th.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 20th, 30th, 0<-t.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 6th. On
Aug. 21st, Sept. 4th and 18th HALF
RATES (PLUS $2.00) for round trip
to most all points South. Now Is tho
time to take your vacation. All Infor
mation at Omaha A S». 7-ouls R. R.
Office, 1415 Furnam St, (Paxton HO
TEL Hloek), or write Harry E.
Moores, C. P. L T. A., Omaha, Neb
At one time the kaiser called Victor
Emmanuel III. "The wandering royal
UmI for the Bowel*.
No matter what alls yon, hendaobe
to a cancer, you will never get well
until your bowels are put right
CASCARETS help nature, cure you
without a gripe or pain, produce easy
natural movements, cost you Just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARBTS Candy Cathartic, tho
genuine, put up In metal boxes, every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Re*
ware of Imitations.
Ftrmt for m> on #*My t«rm«. or ti*n ro, !■ It ,
l»eb., Mina, or h. D. J. Mulball, hlooi illy, low*.
In driving a nail a woman either
drives it crooked or hits her finger.
vis MUnourl J itrlllo Kjr., anil Iron .Moun
tain Ituule,
To points in the West, Southwest, and
Southeast at half-rates (plus $2) for
the round trip. Tickets on sale Tues
days, September 4 und 18, October 2
and 16. November 6 and 20, and De
cember 4 and 18, 1900. For full Infor
mation, land folders, etc., address any
agent of the above lines, or H. C.
Townsend, O. P. & T. Agent, St. Louis,
t>on't bn fooled «nth a mackintosh f
or rubber cost. If v«u want a cost |
that wlH keep yu 4ry In the h*r<J fi
•st •♦vriA buy th« Pish Br«n«|1
Slkkvr. If not for &Ato In yvuf J
tool*, writs for tus to
A. J. TOW UK. Ik.»tnn, Mj««. j
Don't stop Tobacco suddenly
It luJnrpM nerrnm «t**i*b’ to do no. PA' O
CUrtl' l>< ihr aalr pure that fHAC, Y C'Hi*
and hatltee ran when to xton oaM »uh it
vuuruntre ihat three aeter will pure eat Pe^
RAPA Pl'iR’l I« I't'oi'i” »' 'ihx'inle»i It hat
on>tq tin i ihou sail*. It will rura tt«i.
A ail dr :a;UM ar M »x*tl pen'll (I a lux;
S tw*«» 11TT< ItueMwl ftro. Wr'Mi
tUftPKA CHIMlCAU CO., La tiruxxa, Wk
TVtatrd a 'he m»t arUetle Banner fro u »»'!*
II u ra*r»trU t»pe «•« la* *x»«t l.urlhut I ap"
1 a* ear 1 Bw»tt t*r1»•*> nelta'loa taxi >>" M>
had at «ur M'lat piiflu it am » A ln*i •
ttdunuriaaard"**pate wittered ftea
hr mail. 4) < hua<t el At * x»'t.iM'iwe«<a
M» «a a< ! • A r u« tvyt p ami • AX' a- a.
ItAMTNuA | WI .It X i lit. Mlituu. Pm*
VfyteG/4TT» ^Tll'.ou&nA
• eaa raat w f 1! ^
. MmUxww lUrlt J lew HAMi
ff' #- • f«* l| H M Ml M< * I* * hr •
f •« % •* l\*l «« I* $ I •* A • A
A M««*l 4 tildt U I mf M* %
• 1 4 t * Ha 4 O I »d ll«f \ t •• *« * j |4 *
H 4 h i % n»l« 4 %44 « U(l
!%•*«••« I « 4** • 4 « V •» 4 • i .« « .
AN OHAtIA, Su. |t Nat