The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 28, 1900, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
” ' r ' r r ' ■*"*" " . .. ■ '
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Priests and Preachers in Anthracite Re
gion Counsel With Parishoners.
How Humbiy Wan Spent by the Men In
terested In the Labor Struggle—Tlie
Hay I'aHHrn Onletl), but Trouble Is
Looked for Home Hay This Meek.
HAZLETON, Pa., 3ept. 21—There
la absolutely no change In the coal
strike situation in the Lehigh valley
today and the customary Sunday qui
etude prevailed. This afternoon the
^ employes of the Calvin 1 ardee mine
met at Lattimer and the United Mine
Workers held mars meetings at Epley
and Heaver Meadows. Tonight the
presidents of the three anthracite dis
tricts, comprising the entire hard coal
fields of Pennsylvania, had a confer
ence with President Mitchell for the j
purpose of discussing the situation us
It now prevails in the anthracite re- j
During normal times a colliery here
and there workn on Buuday, but today
not a pound of coal was mined in the
Hazleton region. Today the twenty- j
five or more towns in this region were !
quiet. 1
Many miners, accompanied by their
families, visited neighboring villages
to see relatives or friends, as is their
custom on Sunday, while most others
remained indoors at their homes.
All the mining towns had their full
quota at the churches and it was a
subject of remark by strangers now in
the region that an unusually large
proportion of the population attended
church. The women and children, I
however, were in a vast majority. The
Catholic faith Is the dominating de
nomination in the coal region.
*»•««, Three of the deputies who were
sworn in by Sherltt Harvey of Luzerne
county and who are sons ol prominent
Wllkesbarre familes were arrested last
night at Freeland on the charge of
highway robbery. They ne Hamilton
Farnam, VanBuren B. Howard and A.
R. Shoemaker, Jr. The men are ac
cused of robbing a Polish liquor deal
er of $167 in cash. There are two
sides to the Mory. The Ptdander says
^ he was delivering beer at Highland and
that the deputies asked him and he
consented to let them ride In Ills wag
on to Freeland. At the outskirts of
that place, he claims, the men assault
ed him and took the money from his
The other stcry Is to the effect that
the Polander demanded a >ee for bring
ing the deputies to Freeland and not
getting 1t he sot up the cry that he
had been robbed. A irowd soon gath
ered and the deputies were taken Into
custody and given a heading before a
justice of the peace, which lasted un
til 2 o'clock this morning. The ’squire
committed the three men. but instead
of locking them up at Freeland the
accused were criven thirty miles over
the mountains to Wllkesbarre. where
they arrived at daylight this morning.
This was done in order to prevent the
possibility of the men being taken
from the local lockup by a crowd
which was still waiting to see w hat dis
position was to be made c.f the depu
ties. There Is an exceedingly strong
feeling against deputies in this region,
be they accused of crime oi not. The
three men were released‘on bail after
their arrival at Wllkesbarre.
H'hrz ITnltoH \Tlnu Wnrl-r-rt’ nrunn
lilt' u u i lcii .rilin’ wi ^air
lzene spent Hit* day in various parts of
this district looking after the inter
ests of their organization. Tivey con
sulted the leaders of local unions and
urged mine workers who have not yet
struck to leave their work.
..enjarain James of the national ex
ecutive hoard said today that he ex
pected the number of strikers will he
greatly increased tomorrow. He pre
dicts that a number of mines which
have liven running pretty full during
the last week will he tied up completely
Navul i’oo«triirt<»r *»>• that Krniarks
on l>rv*e% Wt*rf M♦«!.
MONTREAL. Sept. 21 -Lieutenant
Hobson arrived In till* city this even
ing. He was shown the answer mole
by Admiral Ib wcy to the Interview
with the lieutenant sent out from
Vancouver. He said be was deeply
grieved that Admiral l>»w. ■ had tiken
the matter up in the w av reported lb*
deviated that ha was not responsible
for the statement made !n the Van
couver Interview. He h id betwi ap
proached by a reporter rnd In the
course of a conversation had stated
that the Spanish ships had been sunk
be aus* the plugs were diawn hy the
Spanish He explain* I that it was Itn
piMMttde to sink a ship l*y hitting It
above the water line Admiral l»w%*>v
had. however, compelled the dpanlard*
to sink their ships an t taat was past
as effective as sinking them with
•hell* I'eisanallv he had the hlgh>*-t
possible rsMpea-t for Admiral Ik****
and his great achievement and he
greatly regretted that anything had
I wit at’rllMtted to him which might
leal to destroy the gtor of the ad
tetrat • deeds
StsiMllsast '!» *»«**.
MKHtl) City n- pt jt \n artl* I*
la a to»* Aagele. paper a|*.* iti *g the
annex*tl *a of Mexico w* the I ml* I
Plate* ceusea th* M*tlss Herald to
deay that Ahserl aft* la thla roust ry
at* • •Mtapinag against th* prftlktl la
tagrlt* #f Meat.*
English Paper* Tlilnk the I'nlted Slate*
Value* China’* (loud Will Too Highly.
LONDON, Sept. 24.—The morning
papers are too fully occupied with the
general election campaign to bestow
much attention on the Chinese prob
lem. The Standard, which discusses
editorially the replies of the United
States government, says:
“The policy thus laid down implies
the existence at Washington of a very
exaggerated estimate of the good will
of the Chinese rulers. It Is to be fear
ed that the action of the United States
will tend to weaken the Influence of the
allies, and for this reason it is greatly
to be regretted.”
According to the Pekin correspond
ent of the Daily News, wiring Septem
ber 16, tne Chiuese declare most pos
itively that the empress dowager and
the emperor will in no case return to
the Imperial palace In Pekin, as they
hold that It has been desecrated by
the intrusion of barbarians. Ibis ir
reconcilable attitude receives confir
mation in many reports emanating
from Shanghai. One of these Is that
us a reply to the denunciation of
Prince Tuan and others by the viceroys
an imperial edict, dated September 17,
deals more leniently with the Boxer
movement and reminds the people that
both the Boxers and Chinese Christians
are Chinamen, who shall receive im
perial protection if they quietly dis
perse to their homes. The edict points
out that it Is Impossible for the Impe
rial government to distinguish be
tween good and had Boxers. It says
that if the rebel Boxers still continue
to assemble they will be dealt with
Another report ways that the edict
frankly declares that no executions
can he sanctioned until an adequate
inquiry has been made.
Further indications that Prince Tuan
has resumed his former ascendancy
are found in the Shanghai reports of
his promotion and in the statement
from the same quarter that General
Tung Full Slang has been appointed
generalissimo of the northern Chinese
armies and Prince Chaung, general
commander-in-chief of the Boxers, has
been made a grand councillor. It Is
also reported that Loh, former gover
nor of Kiaug Su province, a Manchu
and bitterly anti-forelgn. has been ap
pointed to succeed Li Hung Chang at
According to various accounts of the
Pei Tang affair the Chinese bad an
ticipated that, the allies would attack
in force. The Britishers and others
who left Tien Tain with the intention
of cutting off the retreat of the Pei
Tang garrison, arrived too late. They
were only halt way to their destination
when the forts were captured.
The Tien Tsin correspondent of the
Standard explains that the Russians
refused to provide trains for 'his force,
but gave the Germans and Austrians
ample notice and railway accommoda
Advices to the Standard from Shang
hai place the losses of the allies be
fore Pei Tang at 300, principally due
to the explosion of mines, one of
which, 200 yards long, exploded like
an earthquake, killing and wounding
large numbers and literally blowing
two mounted officers to pieces.
Porto lllco Want* Pay.
HAVANA, Sept. 24.—Porto Rico's
demand on Cubf r the repayment of
more than advanced to Spain
to conduct miL .perations against
Cuba, has been tv . ource of consider
able amusement. Cubans are asking
why they should repay these funds ;
lent to the enemy for the express pur
pose of subduing them.
General Wood will return the doc
ument forwarded from Washington to
Governor Alien of Porto Rico, togeth- |
er with a memorandum, couched in
diplomatic language, pointing out that
he Is unable to take any action in the I
Ill illicit of Million*.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal , Sept. 22 —
Three Russians, named Marie Gurebo- J
' witch, Jel Flelduwn and Robert
Schoub, have reai hod this city in
search of a phantom fortune of Ida.
000,000. Right years ago they saw iu
the Wat ... * Courier a ttttNmt th at
one Yaakob Mstssek Harnwtti, whose
I heirs they claim to be, hail died in
| America, leaving the sum mentioned, j
Rater the story was repea'ed by a <Jv
' ing million tire in Chcntchin. and \
1 search is being ma le for the treasure
.iiI.IIh. Silk lu t tilnit,
\Y AH Hi Nil TON. Sept. 21 Acting
Surgeon tlea *ral Hsche ef the army
received today the follow lug cablt)* I
gram front Surgeon Farley at N igas i
j aki
"Will .eat forty-one Including three ;
Olllceis, to th* t nlted Stales, eighty- j
four remaining one hundred »ud !
fortjr-on** st*k in h iapittt at |Vklti. '
IIS ht n»n T-tln, many of th*»ni mild" ;
t.r.lkl. atofn. ua ike Pl.h.og Haskt.
ST JOHNS. N F Sep* |» -An un- i
known American ti.buig v-«*.‘l loan ;
dert-d ist the Grand Ranks last week
! and all of her rfe», aNusi twenty in
Bustler perished The Freni h "bank
er- Thoruly I »und«te.t an t fourteen «f
I her crew were 4r »wn*d .kilt sis «. j
| <■ ac *d The e* hootier U Ml* bint three ,
H.t.ak It.*. -» to*
t.ONOON, S pi Ji It was *t
I plain* I in I >t m th * ilriuak f uetgn
I i th*e that tt w v* found Iwipalwtii
la itie p were t<> »»v«pl the N tmits
withdrawal itrepeill n, w th.y had
reliable taf rut n that ih» Hn*ts
acre real? |o fc >.p* I*, kin kt «• » tk
. ae (he »’ r*ttt*d
feeveral Powers in Receipt of Notes from
United States Anent China.
French, <ierraan » n I KumhIhii Inquiry
Krtcli <i«ti Itt* I*ro|ier Reply—Trochlea!
und Ntcto Department Hedge Whole
Mutter with Great Wrcrtcy.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22.—Tho
United States government has made
full and complete answers to the vari
ous Inquiries that have been addressed
to It by the powers relative to the Chi
nese troubles. Moreover, It has gone
farther and has made a disclosure of
ull Its purposes and as a member gf
the administration puts it. It has
thrown Its hand open on the table.
The action was taken after the cabinet
meeting today anti a luncheon at the
White House that followed served to
reduce the decision to an ultimate
At 3:30 o’clock Minister Wu called
by appointment upon Acting Secretary
Hill and was handed a memorandum
embodying the response of the United
States government to tho request of
Prince Chlng that Mr, Conger or some
other person be Immediately empow
ered to begin negotiations with the
Chinese authorities for a final settle
ment. The minister came away with
a dissatisfied expression upon his face.
Next came M. Thiebaut, the French
charge. A few minutes’ conversation
sufficed to Impart to him orally an an
swer to his own verbal Inquiry.
Then Baron Sternberg, the German
charge, who had been notified of the
readiness of the State department to
make answer to the German note, call
ed and was given that answer. He
hastened away to cable it to his gov
The department then sent the an
swer to the Russian inquiry forward
ed by messenger and wired cablegrams
containing the substance of the an
swers to its diplomatic representatives
abroad. Thu3 Hosed one of the most
Interesting and Important phases of
the Chinese entanglement.
The State department absolutely re
fused to make any statement as to th*
nature of the answers, taking the
ground that to do so would be a vio
lation of the diplomatic proprieties.
However, as it was calculated that all
of these answers will h ive reached
their destination abroad by tomorrow
it was promised that the text of the
communications should be given to
the press tomorrow forenoon. The
ministers and charges who received
the messages here adopted the same
secretive attitude. The president him
self, it seems, had given instructions
that every effort should be made to
maintain secrecy in this matter until
tho official disclosure.
With all this it Is known that the
German proposal that negotiations
with China he deferred until the Chi
nese responsible for the Pekin outrages
have been surrendered to the allies
has failed of approval by our govern
ment. The declination has been con
veyed in a manner that cannot give
offense, but (t is i relieved the Uni
ted States government cannot recog
nize thp principle that a country may
be called upon to surrender its own
citizens to a foreign power or powers
for punishment. The government
d res not relinquish the Idea of the ul
timate punishment of th-* offenders
when they are properly identified, but
it does not believe that the pursuit of
this object should put a stop to all ne
Ht'lii'inr to Help Out tl»* Merrbunti of
the Htrlckon City.
NEW YORK. 8*pt. 22 —The Now
York CrHIt Men's association Kas pars
ed a resolution recommending the ad
visability of the extension of credits
to customers at Galveston who suffered
loss or whose property has been d*’
stroyed and suggested the granting of
new t redit an l further concessions as
may be helpful and necessary to en
able the victims of th« Galveston dis
aster to re-establish themselves once
I.l Hung ( tiuug «l TIku Tain.
TIKN TSlN. S ;it Z<\ ala Shang
hai, rt-pt. H -Id Hung Chang ha* ar
rived here and I* domiciled In hi* own
yatneu. under a f'otisrk guard 11U
reception here * *s a repc'ttion of h *
reception at Ton Tlu, only the Hu*
stun* and J>;<au ***** 4' tiling on him,
those of the other n.alto;.* uot taking
pan In It.
(I'«M M*» Krsnn.*
MTTMIt k<|. I* % A*pt 2! Th* *o*»
on tii** prup*4ltiuo 'if thf ftl l*« « him
ii*y nitbuf^ * utiiY Uni in *4*
ur # of 4 i»* f #nt in * ’i**i »4« r
l*#!V*»4 l.ktiv |R>| 14 flikiuili# |i» ill
1 »v;»t in*-** of thv 4a l nil th*
Ifti'tofiiNi In tU# tfuiniry will rvnum*
U(*Vfft||v-n» 11 )t|4 a* Th«* fHUhpU tf)
«tii <ivv •mphiym »il t»» 2.7w*» •hiikt* i
noffciuvti in ) !f,< hi iiu«k t>« l Run
ktM»l«H4 Im* i l» .»H
HuZKVlVH1 Mml, hV?»* 2* Th#
tfllR ilf !kl|f »ii# 9 0* Mill) *i|H» t HR!
hi Of* t«i i ik m l «m# imr Ml*
My. oft* NfRdtl 19 *t#ftUi f M |r« w
iftlk llvsl m ih# hut#) b| Ml Ml
fh# i ? h>9 to |n ' • NVirlf
fti! lb# h<|llA«*4 h99*M t#f«*
I vtni no ftf# 4*a#*i* of 4p
I ptrCat
Civil Authorities Amuuito ( ImrgA o f Mo
nii-l|>ul A n* lit (Aivcolmi,
GALVESTON, Tex., Sept. 21.—'This
evening Mayor Jones proclaimed that
martial law would cease at noon to
morrow and the civil authorities
would assume charge of municipal af
fairs. This was done at the sugges
tion of General Scurry, who expressed
the belief that conditions had reached
such a stage that the civil authori
ties were ablo to cope with the situa
tion. This, however, does not mean
the immediate withdrawal of the mi
lltla. They are to co-operate with the
city officials in the enforcement of
ord» r and will continue on duty as a
part of tli# government. Since niurtitf!
law has prevailed In Galveston good
order has resulted. It was feared In
some quarters that when It became
known thaj the militia had given way
to civl!*nuthority the looting and rob
bery which began after the storm and
continued until the declaration of mar
tial law might recommence. The mil
itary forces will be used as a check
on this character of crime, however,
and will in nil probability remain
here for the next twenty days.
The shooting of negroes by military
men for looting has had a most salu
tary effect and has In a measure ter
rorized the offenders; still there are
cases of robbery reported daily, which
are being dealt with severely.
The stencil arising from the bodies
beneath the ruins is becoming un
bearable. Today orders were Issued
to impress every aulo-bodled man for
street cleaning service. Over t>00 men
were secured today and irtider this
order are fully 2,000 men engaged In
the work, Still this force Is‘not suffi
cient und more men must he secured.
Men for this service are to he Import
ed from the interior of the state.
The work of removing the dead from
the debris still continues. The pres
ent method of disposition Is crema
tion and as each corpse is taken out
it is thoroughly saturated with coaloil
and thrown into a blazing tire. This
plan of incineration has been entirely
successful and the bodies are ouiekly
destroyed. Funeral pyres are blazing
throughout the city and In this way
Galveston is ridding itself ot tho dead.
Iltirtiiltftnjt Compel TIiounhimI® of ChluoM
to \Yit«le Into Ihi* Amur.
LONDON, Sept. 21.—“Authentic ac
counts have been received here,” says
the Moscow correspondent of th" Stan
dard, “of a horrible massacre at lilag
ovestchensk, which was undoubtedly
carried out under direct orders from
the Russian authorities, which then
let loose the tide of slaughter through
out Amur.
“The entire Chinese population of
5,000 souls was escorted out of town
to a spot five miles up the Amur, and
then beifig led in hatches of a few
hundred to the river hank, were or
dered to cross over to tie Chinese
side. No boats were provided and the
river Is a mile wide. The Chinese
were flung alive into the streurn uhul
were stabbed or shot at the least re
sistance, while Russian volunteers,
who lined the bank, clubbed or shot
any who attempted to land, No one
escaped alive. The river bank for
miles was strewn with corpses."
Emperor Ortler* Viceroy® to Kitermliirtte
ftehelllnu® Subject®.
WASH1NOTON. Sept. 21 —The state
department has received the following
telegram, dated the lkth Inst., from
the consul at Cre Foo, China
Secretary of State. Washington, 1).
C.—eighteenth Yesterday again be
seeching governor ascertain facts Pao
Ting Fu; also fate mlssloiMities un
accounted for in Chi 1.1; ulso condi
tion mission property west Shan
Tung. Now replies no foreigners Pao
: Ting Fu. Others escaped, hiding
places unknown. Impossible a*<ertain
whereabouts. Imperial edict ordering
civil and military officials extermi
nate ltoxers now issued. Property
Intact exceptuig Lin- Itlng m1 salon.
which Is destroyed. Coventor arrived.
| rioters dismissed, head official. From
other sources tod.% bain governor
i I. sued orders throt tghi iut province ex
terminate lloxers. FOWLKIt.
lit Inrliim
CHICMio in y. : t 21 \ i
estate In the Knglleh aristocracy has
1 fallen to the lot of a tnnn who last
; week was unb.oilrig vegetables in
I South Water street The man c name
U William 1, h Cary and the estate,
which lie tilde* an old rastle on the
Isle of Man. I* aid to tie worth I .on,*
-MSI Con fir text ten of the llr.t news of
hi* good be It was re rlvul hy Mr Cary
i today. It • ino- In the shave of |stt»ra
and neuiev to pay his |m«u- to I'ng
land The Mills fall* to h I fit hy the
i death, without direct heir, of Colonel
Henry Cary, a veteran of th« Crliweati
|h| ® if f tHhi.
NKW VilHK. |*< 3! I* IU iMtlI*
I reaving issue the BtssOtv at Review
! Will editorially pnldleh this
Hoe haw been nu me i on a tn
mkiv ..f Uvi* •< >w -.a.cs the. probable
vniats *n>alton id alt •* »| I'W* .ad let
! Mriyk line# la the t alt“ I S'it*. Tha
Piestrl-al Review * is rev eal tv lo
i i rviel lUl rapid yrugma was beta*
. mads in Ibis d' hr the Hsian
1 dal tntereais iMittulkaf lbs tour bah
I tag t ante*.
Freswlent and His Adv’gors Compelled to
Face Trying Situation.
Government at IWrlln Atk* for ami Will
(irt Imineillate Heply—lloth limits
anil Pranee signify Tlielr Inteutloci tv
to H« gin Negotiation*.
WASHINGTON, Sept 20.—With the
Germuu proposition to postpone peace
negotiations with China until tho per
sons responsible for the Pekin out
rages are punished and the French and
Russian notification of the purpose of
those governments to begin such nego
tiations at once, awaiting him, the
president found much matter of impor
tance to dispose of on his urrhal in
Washington from canton this morning.
He lost no time in notifying the offi
cials he desired to consult on his re
turn and the day was largely given up
to private discussion. Although it was
announced that no answers to the Ger
man note would be ready today, tt ap
peared that the president, after tulklng
over the situation with Attorney Gen
eral (iriggs, aiding Secretary Hill and
Asslstknt Secretary Adee, had arrived
at a conclusion as to the nature of the
response that should be made. Mr.
A<me spent (lie afternoon consulting
Acting Secretary Hill and In drafting
the note of response, tmt all informa
tion as to Its nature was refused Ht
the state department. It was said that
the note is to be gone over carefully at
a further meeting between the presi
dent and such of his cabinet us ure in
the city.
The German government apparently
Is anxious for a speedy answer, us
Huron Sternberg pnid two visits to the
stole department after the German note
was delivered. The Chinese minister
also was twice at the state department
today seeking to influence the govern
ment not to agree to the Joint action
proposed in the German note. The
conclusion reached from the day’s de
velopments is that the powers are di
vided as to China and that at present
Germany and Great Hrltuln stand
aligned against France and Russia,
while both sides are ardently seeking
the adherence of the t’nttcd States
government. The Issue appears to he
made up in such shape as to dismiss
further hope of obtaining that har
mony of uction respecting China that
the president has been seeking so far
and the point apparently has been
reached where the I nited States must
takes Hides or at once proceed to act
entirely independent of other powers
in reaching a settlement. The Chinese
government Is urging the latter course
upon the state department, but thus far
there has been a restraining force in
the desire to avoid making the United
States the first of the powers to change
front iu the dealings with China.
Attention was directed in some cjuar
ters to the fact that in the very begin
ning, in the note of July 3, Secretary
Hay had notified the Chinese govern
ment that he expected that the guilty
parties in connection with the outrages
would be punished. However, Pis de
mand was not made a condition pre
cedent to negotiations. Now the be
lief is growing that If tile United States
government is forced to a speedy de
cision as to the German proposition tt
may resort to direct negotiations with
tlie Chinese government and, having
settled its scores with that govern
ment, withdraw from China, giving
notice to the allied powers there as to
the arrangement made, in ord°r that
that arrangement should n main in full
force and unaffected by any settlement
that the allies may make tlieicafter
as to China.
Twelve Aiiirrlraii Hokllitri Slain and
Twenty till Wnnnilril.
MANILA. Sopt. 20.—Puling the lout
seven dava then* Iihs been a distinct
lncri*ni<i* In insurgent iiggresslon. par
th'ularly near Manila, along the rail
road and In the province* of Laguna.
Moron*, liulucan. ftueva Kcljn and
Pnmpauga. culminating on Monduy In
hii engagement near Hlnubm, near the
cast end of l.ngun dc Hay. In which de
tachment.! of the Fifteenth and Thlrty
ooventh regiments. ninety men all told
met 1,0110 inmirgent*. urine I with titles
and entrenched. The American loss
wa» twelve allied, including Captain
Puvld P. Mitchell and 8e< end Lieuten
ant tieorge A Cooper, tioth of the Kif
ieet.tli lufantry; twenty six wounded
and five missing. who are probably
dead The enemy had b*en pursued
far several dsys.
There are rumors tn Manila of *!•
tv k* on the railroad llefuges* are ar
I living h«ie from various province*
i The Mtlm of M mil* ar* reatleaa and
I many ars leaving the city. The hostile
1 demon*!rations are parti* uhsriy luarh
■ * I along the railroad and ou the ihorea
of l aguna d« Itay, The insurgents
have atta* ke l garrisons and out post*.
, In s-oiw* i asr i they have • nursed lawn*
fleeing »h#n purau»-1 Uuigutnt t, I'o'o
Ms Ud os and I a lew an have tween su j ■
| )e* te»l is this treat meat,
• seas* VS swss Via.• la liar
I'KhIV lk|i fs Mr Conger, ttv*
1 I n>t»d tHslea minutsr says that |s
. kin must he ia«upteii in Hr*tgn triigg
■ uit. was* sstitewteni is "(kw ini ns uth
] vrwtee sit the value of the *spe«Htiu4t
, a Hi he U**t
tie*** • at ch ide* ha* iveinl itrifers
1 ye hihitisg the Asterv*sti Inwpi from
1 shout inf ftons hosts, IsodlPf er fwfag
| M»
»-■ Ml ^»» •
Minn WI1I1I1 Vtorkcd the Flnt Day
Shut lion'll or kn’IrnilT Crlfiplod.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19.—If, as
President Mitchell of the United Mine
Workers claimed last night, 112,000 of
the 141,000 mine workers in the Penn
sylvania anthracite coal fields were
idle yesterday, it is certain that this
number has been cor.eid-ribly aug
mented today by additions to the
strikers’ ranks. Reports from the
four big districts embracing the hard
coal region are to the effect that few
er men are at work today than were
working yesterday and that colliers
that worked full-handed yesterday are
badly crippled or shut down today.
The weather has grown much colder
since yesterday and this change is
greeted with Joy by the mine work
ers, who believe it will greatly in
crease the demand for coal an l thus
force an early adjustment of the diffi
culties between them and their em
ployers. Talk of arbitration Is so per
sistent that the hope is growing that
ibis method of settling the strike will
finally be adopted, although the mine
owners declare they will deal only
with their employes as Individuals,
and the strike leaders sny they will
Insist upon formal recognition of the
union. This difference would appear
sufficiently strong to keep employer
nnd employe apart forever If persisted
One little band of miners In the Wy
oming valley, those of the West End
foal company, at Mocana'iua, number
ing a few hundred men, stand out
prominently as the only men at work
out of nearly 90,000 In the laickawan
na ami Wyoming regions Efforts to
have them Join the strikers have fail
ed. They say they have always been
treated kindly, they have no griev
ance, ami they will, therefore, remain
loyal to their employers,
THE DEAD Will RIACH 6,000.
Thi* Property !.»•• of 933,000,000 Blot
ConHlileml Too Hlgli.
GALVESTON, Tex., Sept. 19.—Re
luctantly one Is forced to the opinion
thut the number of dead, which had
been placed at 5,000, is too low aud
that the number will go as high as
6,000, and perhaps even above that
number. The list wtll reach the total
of 4,437 with additions sent out today.
In addition to all this, It must be re
membered that only a comparatively
rt-uW number of the negroes who per
ished in the storm have been report
ed. After considering all these facts
one can hardly do anything else but
conclude that the total to be finally
reported will l>e above 8,000. Every
one has tried to be as cxmaervatlve as
possible in making estimates, both as
to the losses of life and property, but
it is not. possible to reiterate the for
mer estimate of 5,000. Judge Mann
stated today that in his opinion the
list yvould go bh high aa 7,000. The
exact number, of course, will never be
definitely known. One can only hope
that these larger estimates will prove
too high, and that at least a part of
the horror of the work of the storm
will not be so Btrongly in evidence.
There is no deveiopment which
would lead to the lielief that an esti
mate of a property loss of $22,500,000
is too high. While one occasionally
finds a business man whose property
has not suffered greatly, it must lie
stated that this class is hopelessly in
the minority and that large losses aro
the rule.
Ht. I.onU Help* (ho Tfinn*.
ST. Rons, Sept. 13.—Almost $70,
000 In money has been raised In St.
Louis by the Merchants’ exchange, the
Interstate Merchants’ association and
other similar bodies for the relief of
Galveston sufferer*, and the work con
tinues unabated. A considerable quan
tity of supplies had been sent to Gal
veston, but this bus been discontinued
on receipt of the following: “Your*
advising generous donations of food
stuffs received, for which heartfelt
thanks are gendered. Future dona
tions should be In money
“Chairman Relief Commute*,®
Fighting nn the Front!, r.
Fighting Is proceeding at Komatb
poor*. All th* available men hav»
lieen aent to the frontier. It M eg*
P*cte4 that Komail bridge will be de»
stroyed. Theie Is great unea*lne=,*
Koutati|voort is a town on the Trans
vaal frontier and on the rallrtwd lead
ing from Pretoria to Portuguese ter
ritory. It tv situated about fifty mile*
! from IjOurcnso Marque*.
l umlrll t‘»Flm*a
•mi x CITY. Hept t7 — W P Camp.
Im-11 a half bn-ed 'or whom the oW, era
of the Booth p«uit*uilary »t
SiiHi* Falla have been searching for
more than two m»nth*. w*a captured
In thl* city ll» ra< aped Irom lb*
Hi,mu Fall* prison July I II- had yet
to *»rve seventeen month* of Hi* **a
•en«e of two and a half y«ar*. whtch
he facets*ei on being l'in#i| guilty of
re. eivtng stolen ffigertf Campbell
| ha* l-cu jn Bloc,* CMy a m *nth
i miih* t»«*ii I««a.
rtlUNKV N.H. Bept |» Eight
i thousand a* r*a of hot • grasing land
: WAS sold by the I ubm Pa*IB- R*a l
rnAtpauy through their Mtl Ag*nt (Mi*
I, t ,,.i, to th* AiMmW Henlty ->»«
It Pnyne lu>c*(a**ut ,>.mp4ny Th*
land la *Miht mile* we*t of dtdmiy I he
dsnmnd I f Cheyenne ,ouaty land* M
dai)» b* ■ outing grentwf I nrge bun hea
i *l >ntt|e aad iteep w)l| «v»ntoAll* util
j u« every quatur •»* Uvv In the > vunty.