The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 21, 1900, Image 4

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    I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
Uoaal I?sws.
l)r. Romine, the dentist.
Go to Sheppards for fine hand en
graving. 9 7
G. II. Scott is putting a new iron
fence around his property.
Mrs. W, If, Williams Is visiting rela
tives ip Custer county this week.
Mr. and Mrs, \V. D. Cliftou are visit
ing friends in the city this week
Fritz llickel has purchased a new set
of Fairbanks scales for bis farm.
Mrs Peter Rowe's mother and sister
of Kearney, were visiting her this week.
Write Ilavden Bros Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
All kinds of )
.Jewelry repairing >SHEPPARDS.
Promptly Done at )
The German Vereln held one of their
social dances nt the Porter block Mon
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Rowan Sutton arc down
from Valley county visiting friends and
To prevent consumption quickly cure
throat ami lung troubles with one min
ute Cough Cure.—Odendahl lJros.
Theo. Seketura is boarding at the
hotel de Snyder again, his bondsmen
thinking that the safest plan/or them.
If you want your watch nut In good
icpalr by the only first class workman
In the county call on O. II. Morgan, the
When you want bargains In the line
of Jewelry don't fail to call on G. II
Morgan. Ho carries the finest line in
the Loup Valley.
Geo. Weaver, K. A. McCullah and
Clarence VVeacvr, of Harrison county
Iowa was in the city the first of the
week looking up a location.
I)ayid Richardson of Elm township
lias been nominated for supervisor of
his district by the pops, vice bro. Lee
compelled to quit. Dave is a good man.
Mothers endorse It, children like it,
old folks use it. We refer to One min
ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure
all throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl
The most dainty and effective pills
made are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers
They are unequaled for all liver and
bowel troubles. Never gripe,—Oden
dahl Bros.
G. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew
dry repairing In a workman like man
ner, When you have something to Co
this in line, don't fail to cal) on him
Rev. Jacobus, German minister at
this place will start for Onr.aha next
Monday to bring his family here, having
made arrangements to permlnently lo
cate at Loup City.
The familiar face of Mrs. L. E. Wal
worth was again seen in our city this
week. She came out on business and
staid but a couple days. She reports
Miss Sadie well.
Mr. Fowler of Arcadia, passed
through town going home Tuesday,
with a double deck wagon containing
711 head of shoals, which he had purclias.
ed down in the dried out district
Dayid Schoeniug, son of .John
Schoening of Divide came down from
Lost Cabin, Wy. Wednesday last to
visit his relatives. Henry Scboening
went back with him and Intends to
make that his future home.
The Loyal Mystic Legion of America,
held their picnic at the hall last Satur
day on account of the cold snap. Every
body had a good time and plenty to eat.
This lodge is showing considerable ac
tivity of late and bids fair to cut quite
a figure in the fraternal world.
As usually treated u sprain will dis
able the injured person for three or
four weeks, but if Chamberlain's Pain
Balm is freely applied a complete cure
may be effected in a very few days.
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, cuts
bruises and burns. For sale by Oden
danl Bros.
L. J. Beehthold went to brand Island
last Friday and took the examination
required tor section foreman with the
U. P. He passed with honors and
on Tuesday was ordered to Boeius. to
take charge of the section at that place
Louie Is elated over his success aud hi.
many friends rejoice with him.
Large sun spots, astronomers »av,
caused the extreme heat this summer
aud doctor* declsre near!) all the pros
Gallons were Induced by disorders of
th< ntomache. Good health follows
good digestion. Kudo! |>yspep«ia Cure
digests what you eat. If you have lurii
ge.tiou or dyspepsia It will quickly re
lieve aud permanently cure you —
Odeudahl Uro*
Geo. K. Boomer, of company (First
Nebraska will give a aeries of free Ulus
Irate.I lecture* uu the Phillppiue* in
this county next week The lecture*
are very Interesting and Instructive aud
I* given by an eye witness who i* pet
fcct'y familiar with hi# subject The
date* are fixed *1 follow* Athlon. II o
dxy night Kept it. K<* kvtlle. Tueeday
high! Kept. W, llassrd. Wiiarxla)
night Kept M, |.ilchit*ld.
night Kept, 17, and l.oup l ily, Friday
and Katurday night* sept, if* 9* |»»ni
f»:l to attend Alu *1 I' «
Hoeekner the fashionable tailor.
Go to Sheppards for first class watch
The little child cf Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Hansel is much better
Mr. Bust of the K ist Owen Lumber
Go. was in tbe city this week.
The cold wave Monday made every
body resert ct their heating stoves.
Mrs. T. >1 Reed returned home Wed
nesday evening from her trip east.
The moving gang have at last pulled
J. T. Ilale’s building from Pilot Knob
Then. Ojendyk, Republican candidate
for Representative was in the city Tues
day night.
Thos. Chamberlain and Enos Kirk of
Elm twp. uere circulating in the city
J. I. Depew, purchased a now four
horse power cugine for his shop the
old one being too small.
Eddie Dunlap was bound over to dls
trlct court In the sum of #:i00.00 bonds
at the prcletnlnery last Thursday.
DeWitt's Little Early HI sera are
prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful,
purifying little pills.—Odendahl Bios.
L. G. Leroy and Mr. Morrison of Mt.
Paul were in this vicinity a few days
ago looking up the Insurance business
(J, II. Morgan has added a fine line of
silver ware to his stock of jewelry and
Is now prepared to flII orders In that
C W Patch and family of Wyoming
and a brother-in-law of Ira Foster of
this city, was visiting here over Sun
Mrs. Ben. Snodgrass of Cleveland, 111.
arriyed with her children Wednesday
evening, to visit her parents, Mr and
Mrs. John Shrove.
Look out for the county fair next
week, Come in Wednesday and Thurs
day and enjoy a good time among the
pumpkin*. We’ll all be there.
Don't forget that the Sherman county
fair will be held on Sept., 25-20 27 this
year. Good attractions are promised
and every body should turn out.
Th* Loup City band is making things
lively around the hose parlors these
evenings They are dispensing some
tine music.
People who burn the Lamp of Reason
need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest
reason producer known. 35c Ask
your druggist.
You can spell it cough, coff, caugh,
kauf, kaf!\ kough, or kaugh, but the
only harmlesg remedy that quickly cures
itisOne Minute Cough Cure.-Oden
dahl Bros.
The Chicugo Optical Company repre
sented by A. Boone will be in the city
during the three days of the fair. Sept.
25-26-27. Call on him at Chase's drug
The great success of Chamberlaiu’s
Colic, Choler and Diarrhoea Remedy in
the treatment of bowell complaints has
made it standard over the greater part
of the civilized world. For sale by
Odendahl Bros.
Chris ITouck and Chas. Gasteyer left
Tuesday morning for Denver,Colo. Mr
Houck on pleasure and business and Mr.
Gasteyer on business and pleasure. The
latter will visit New Mexico before re
Loved by the people, hated by its
would-be rivals; the foe of disease, the
friend of humanity—Rocky Mountain
Tea, made by the Madison Medicine Co
Ask your druggist.
.lames Kunes and Miss Bertha Novy
of Bristol township were married by
Judge Angler Tuesday Sept. 18, 1900,
Mr. Frank Novy and Miss Barbra Bo
kout acted as bridesmaid and grooms
Geo Deitiinger reports a 12 pound
girl at hi* house which arrived last Fri
day. with the evident intention of stay
ing. The folks arc doing well Mr.
Delninger says and from all appearan
ces Geo. will pull through.
’Tp to date" 1’hotographs at M
Lescbius iy’a Photo Gallery Loup t’ity
duilng th" month of September and
October on every Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Stamp size photos 18 for 2fi cent*.
J. T. lisle almost miraculously »•»
capcl the fell destroyer last Monday
while moving his buildlug A large
iron pin that had been driven in the
ground to attach a block and tackel to,
pulledu,> with such force that it went
80 feet beyond Inin and a* it passed hint
It struck bmi enough to put him oil
duty next day.
The Republican campaign was opened
In Sherman county by lion tl L. Dob
ton. secretary of state of Iowa, who de
livered a lengthy, logical Slid eloquent
address at this place Tuesday evening
He was greatly applauded by the audt
ence siol although he *po*e over two
, hours, held the crowd la rapt attention
Mr D>>b««n4 ivmarks on the money
question Were esccptunslly plain and
convincing After the meeting «M
over heretofore pap nits Is were hot ral
to say I voted for llryan four year*
ago but If God atll forgive me I will
never be gulily of such a thing again',
other populists whostteaded gave Mr
Dobson the credit of handling the sub
t*s't very fairly and seemed sell pleased
with his rpeevh.
CHAMBERS LAKE. (Altitude 12.000 feet.)
Dear Northwestern.
As permitted I herewith jol you a line from
the Rockies.
Seated In our camp hut a few feet below
timber line. In sight of the beautiful snow
that caps Longs Teak, on our left and Clarks
on our right, and at the head waters of the
Casta La Poudra river, and the lake like glist
nlng silver below presents to one a scene rich,
grand and thrilling, one long to be remember
ed. And as l gaze on natures grand panorama
I can wonder why tourists chose the east when
the west presents to the sight seeing eye so
mnch that Is magnitlcent and grand.
Chambers Lake Is a beautiful sheet of water
clear and lee cold, located between two ranges
of the Rockies, about 2.000 feet below timber
line and receives Its water from the snow of a
port of the Medicine Bow range of the Rockies,
fed to it by cascades rumbling, tumbling and
roarin* down the mountain side and last but
not least by a canal that taps the Little Lara
inle some 7 miles from the lake and Is hung
along the clifs or side of the mountain a 1 uuO
ft. above our camp built at an expense of half a
million dollars, and is known as the sky line
ditch, making the lake one grand reservoy,
which empties Into Poudra river and flows
some so miles down the Poudra Grand canyon
and supplies the Larnnilc canal or Grand
ditch, and Irrigates many thousand acres of
As one travels through the Irrigated portions
of Colorado, and views the beautiful well fruit
ed orchards, the Immense Helds of grain and
the innumerable medows of dark green alfalfa,
one ran only imagine the great wealth and
value of water when used for Irrigation. Colo
rado lands without water rights are In a man
ner valueless, but with sufficient water to In
sure a crop Is worth and readily sells at from
four to ten thousand dollars per quarter, then
farms are generally pretty well Improved, that
Is good houses but seldom barns or ganarles.
Your readers perhaps will think this an exhor
bltaut price to pay for a quarter sec. of land
ami may wonder bow any money cun be made
at farming In this laid of dykes and ditches,
but It seems they do and not a few of them
paid out 0(1.000 oa their farms In one year, and
water has done ull this for Colorado and t be
llcvs the Loup City ditch can do this and
more and do It for 75 per cent less money than
is and must be expended here, and why'r Be
cause the Loup will furnish more water and it
is easier to get and better land to irrigate. The
farmers are very busy just now threshing their
grain and turning the last water of the season
on their potatoes. Their wheat weighing out
.10 to tw bushels to the acre and an ordinary
days run for threshers Is 2.<*J0 bushel, some
made at high us t too. They furnish hands
teams and board and charge 5 cents per bushel.
The potato crop will not be an average one
this yeur as the stand Is generally poor. Wages
run from 1*5.OS 135.00 per month and work Is
assured narrly the whole year. Nebraska boys
need no recommend or reference and are well
represented here. Fort Collins, the county
seat is a beautiful town of s or 10 thousand In
habitants, laid out In circular form, line wide
streets, beautiful grovet and elegant buildings
situated on the left bank of the Poudra rlvtr
and under the mountain, and Is surrounded by
some of the finest fruit farms In Colo. Alfalfa
Is the main stay of the Colorado farmer. It Is
their only fertilizer, and In order to keep up
the productive properties of the land it must he
turned under at least once in three years.
Sherman county land would aot require it.
E. o. Paige.
E. F. Beushauseii was over from
Ord, Thursday.
The play entitled “Lady Audley's
Secret” will be given at the opera
the 27, inst, by home talent.
C. F. Beushsusen arrived home
from Colorado, Saturday night.
.Jack Frost is giving us a gentle
reminder of winter.
Frank Kearns left overland with
his family for Oklahoma Mood ny.
C. F. Heushausen went to Ord,
--— ♦ -- ... ■
Go to Sheppards If you want a pair
of Glasses that will do your eyes good.
He is the only Optician In this part of
the country that has UP-TO-DATE In
struments, and KNOWS HOW TO
8 day alarm ^
clocks ) Sheppards.
$3.60cta at j
The Hrttvery of Woman.
Was grandly shown by Mrs. John
Dowling of (Sutler, I*a., in a three years
struggle with a malignant stomach
trouble that caused distressing attacks
of nausea and indigestion. All reme
dies failed to relieve her until she tried
Eleetrlc Hitters After taking It two
months, she wrote; “I am now wholly
cured and can now eat anything. It Is
truly a grand tonic for the whole *y*.
tern as I gained in weight and feel
much stronger using it.” It aids
digestion, cures dyspepsia, Ipiprove* ap
petite, give* new lift*. Only ode Ouar
an eed at Odetidahl Hro*
♦ * ♦
A WOMHHtM I. Ct ttr.
or uohhhosa
a momxr.sit vikuimia iihiok
lla>l Alnmat (llvan tp but Usa Hnoighl
0»rli in I'trluft Health ny l bamhwi a‘N*
| I'ullt ( bo,era ami lilaribnai llemedy
Pram ih»- Ttiu< *, llitlstllh* la
I antlered with diarrhoea for a long
time an I thought I was past being
cured I ha I »pri»i much time and
mosey and suite red »o much ml* cry
that I had aim ot decided to give up all
hop,. of recovery and await the re,u't
but nothing the adverli«em*ut of t hatu
t>»rlaOi * i «»lh\ » holer a and Dlarrh, i-a
itetuvdy ant) also •umr tr»t ltn<>ilal«
*t ittng I • w some o<dtd*lf it cun v in I
town Wlotighl by this feme I|, | d t’ldetl
to tf» It After taking a few do* * |
sMtshni) waii wf that trouble, and )
siiblii »*| farther l« my readers ami
fsl i**-sufferers that I am a bale ami
b«arty moi l«» day ss l (ret a* eetl as I
aver -ltd in my life t» H Hisiti
"sold by '> bit l«bi Itr h§.
announcement cards
Qerinan services at the Baptist church in
Loup City, Sunday. Sept. 3d, ut p. m. and in
Ashton, Sunday Oct. 7. at 2, p. m. All arc in
vited to attend.
Rkv. Jagohcs Pastor.
The Ladies of the O A. K. will give a
Bloomer social at Society Hall, on the night of
Sept., St IlKMi. The ladies will uppear tu bloom
ers. Admission 10 cents including supper,
which will consist of Ice tea, lemonade, sand
witches and cuke. Every body come.
Sept. 20 Is Date of Burlington’s Next
Low Kate Excursion to Points East.
The last of the Homo Visitors’ Ex
cursions is announced for Wednesday,
September 26
One fare plus $2 00 is the round trip
offered from all Burlington Route sta
tions in Nebraska ami Kansas to every
where in Iowa, Wisconsin and the
northern peninsula of Michigan and to
uoarly everywhere in Illinois, North
ern Misgouriand Southern Minnesota
Tickets good to leturn until October
SI, 1900.
For rates and tickets, apply to nearest
agent of the Burlington Route, or ad
dress—J. Francis, Gen. Pas, Agent,
an* the moat comfortable, commodious
means of travel for largo parties, In
tending settlers, bomeseakers, bunting
These ears are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebraska points to
California and Oregon points, and are
tltted up complete witn mattresses, cur
tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring
nothing to be furnished by the passen-'
gers. Uniformed porters are in charge
of these cars who are required to keep
them in good order, and look after tlie
wants and comforts of passengers.
These cars are new, of modern pattern,
and are nearly as convenient and com
fortable as first-class palace sleepers.
For full information call on or address
II. J. Clifton, Agent.
(Special Dispatch,) Paris, Aug 2.'».—
American whiskies received the olflclal
approval of the exposition to-day, when
Gold Medal was awarded to Rcrnlielm
Bros , Louisville, Ky , on their I. W,
Harper whiskey.—Sold in Loup City,
by T. H
The emergency bag* sent by a church
society to Kansas soldiers in the Philip
pines contained among the necessities
uboxof DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,
the well known cure foi piles, injuries
and skin diseases. The ladies took care
to obtain the original DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve knowing that all the coun
terfeits were worthless Odendahl
The progressive nations of the world
are the great food consuming nations.
Good food well digested gives strength.
If you cannot digest wh it you eat, you
n *ed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests
what you eat. You need not diet your
self. It contains all of the digestants
combined with the be-t known tonics
and reconstructives. It will even di
gest ail classes of foods in a bottle. No
other preparation will do tills. It In
stantly relieves and quickly cures all
stomach trouble.—Odendahl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. i
Septemor 5th, UlOO f
Notice is hereby glveu that the follow,
lug-named settler has filed notice of her
Intention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will be
made btfore the county Judge at Loup,
Nebraska, on Thursday, October 22, 1900,
vl*: Mary A Baird, Timber Culture Entry
No. 7516, for the S. E fourth Section 2,
Township 15, Range 16 west of the 6th p. in.
She names the following witnesses to
provo her continuous resldonce upon and
cultivation of said land, vi*; J. II Drupur,
Chris/wink, James Bowen, Anton Dymnk,
all of Loup, t Ity, Nebraska
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Department of the Interior
Land office at Lincoln, Neb. i
August IK, Ilk JO. (
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler bus tiled notice of her
Intention to make dual proof In snp|x>rt
of her claim, ami that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of Sher
man cotiuty, at Loup City, Nebraska, on
Oetoliet ird, like, vl*. Surah C. Huuner,
llomstead Entry No. 1711. tor the East half
of the North East fourth, smtlon yn,
Township 15. north of Range 16 west, nth
p in She name* the totlwing w 11 ness to
prove her continuous residence ti|»>u and
eulltvntion of, said land, vis Ed Ytsssi,
llatry sawyer, f rank curry, 0,(1, Dennis,
all uf Litchfield, Nebraska
J W Johnson, Register.
notice r»»R pi hi.ication
Department of tbe Interior
l and Ofltee at Lincoln, Neb i
August IS, I I
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
I ng named s* ttlcr has filed notice uf Ete
Intention to make final proof In supps'rt
of bte claim, and that said proof will
bn made before J l Angler, ewunty
)udgo of *heftnatt county, at L up
illy, Nebraska, on October 1st, I'OJ, vis:
Letwig | sreen. Homestead Entry No
I »''s lot the North tot fonok, sec1toa
v, II 11 He names the following «eil
j EM4E4 It* |******* h # ««»•#! IH i *14* f*4 U i|t «
I *«||MM l «mitV«ll>44 Ul, *4l<l 44*I. *14
| HIU V) lift MW H* tt%* 11 4> 4,
! Mb4NVll f *lM<44 IU4 4, 4 < ttf
j li iM‘ I, MciffiTk*
J * J »i«»i>i
Astigmatism is not a disease but is simple a defect in
the shape of ti e eye ball It necessitates an irregular strain
upon the muscles in adjusting for different objects. There is
no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue,
Especially {dead Ael)es
A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people
who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their
eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cause.
I hoy believe that they can see as well as any one and in a
good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just
the same.
If any one thinks their eyes are not right corne in and
sec me. I am the only optician in this part of the country
that can correct astigmatism. Eves tested free.
The Leading Optician and Jeweler.
Loup City, Nebr.
Low Rains To Colortilii utnl Utah of
fureil liy the IturlliiKton Itoute
On August 7 and 21, and on Septem
ber 4 and IS, the Burlington will sell
round trip tickets to Denver, I’ueble,
Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Luke
City, Deadwood and Hot Springs, for
one fare pluss Tickets sold at these
remarkable low rates will be good to
return till October 81.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
Route will be pleased t > tell you the
cost of a ticket and to help you plan
your trip. Descriptive literature free
on application
IJ rents to 1001,
That big state paper, The Semi-Week
ly State Journal, will be mailed from
now until January 1, 1001, for 25 cents.
This Is the biggest offer of reading mat
ter evei made in the west and Is done
for the sole purpose of Introducing il
to thousands of r.* W homes Here’s
your chansc to get an up to date, relia
ble state paper for a mere song. Send
in your quarter and you’ll get the paper
all through the remainder of this year
Address The State Journal at Lincoln,
Neb. _
On Sheppard's
Jewelry Store
if you want bargains in the
jewelry and silverware line;
and if you want glasses or your
eyes tested for glasses see him.
He can give you information
that will be of value to you.
The finest Optician anil Jeweler
in the country.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Casern.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Noktiiwehtikn Unlhllng,
orri< *. <>na diMir rul of
•Irun atore
\\\ L. MAIK’Y,
n 1st
nri'u »: on K\rr mi»i. in rue hvikamk
uwr t irr, sah.
Fip^r U.A.- > Work Guaranteed
I oil* CITY . . . NKR
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
Sf. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansan City, Porlluntl,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil all points anti all points
East and South. West.
No 62 Passenger. 7:66 a. in
No Ml Freight!
No. 51 Passenger.4.16 p.m.
No. 52 Freight..I2i&0». in.
Sleeping, dinner an<l reclining chair cari
(seal b free) on through tram*. Tieket*
Mold and baggage checked to any point In
the United Staten or Canada.
For Information, mapM, time table* and
tickets call on or write to II I,. Arthur
Agent, or J. FltANCJs, Ucu’l. I'aMMenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. SB leaves daily except Sunday (pual
enger). s:nn a. m.
No. 85 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in.
No. Hn leave* Tuesdav, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed)2:65 p. m.
No 8" arrive* dally except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. <5 arrive* dally except Sunday (pas*,
enger) 7.:t'< p. in
First ela*» service and dose connection*
east, west and south
If you are in need of glasses und
have tried every where to get your
your eye* properly fitted, don’t he
too much discouraged but call on
me. I am a graduate optician and
if I do not fit you properly it will
cost you nothing. We want our
patrons to be satisfied with our work
and wo think we succeed very well.
Don't forgrt 0. H Morgan’s when
your eye* are out of order and yo*
want to know exactly what i9 the
matter with them.
Wtien you are born the fCreator starts
you going aud you go a long time, if
you grease the main- spring of life with
Rocky Mountain Tea. Great luh ioator.
Ask your druggist.
Poisonous toadstool* resembling
mushroom* have caused frequent death*
this year. Hu suru to use only tliu genu
ine, Observe the game cam when you
ark for OcWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve.
There are poisonous counterfeits I re
Witt's I* the only original Witch llazci
Halve, It is a safe and certain cure for
piles and all akin diseases.—Odendalil
line kitin'* Arnlt-a *alv«
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures It surpasses »uy oilier salve, lo
tlon, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Hums. Holies, Sores, Felons, l'leers,
Tetter, Hall Kheunt, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hand*. Skiu Eruption*; Infallible
tor IMes Cure guaranteed Only k5e
at Odendalil Hros.
♦ • •
The complete aervice of
via l tiiou Pacillc,
enaltlea passengers to reach the
principal citiea In tween the North
Pacitfc Coast sail Mi*»>uri Itlver
not only iu i hi' ahorteat
|Mta«tli|e space
of time,
hut also in llw most comfortable ami
enjoyable manner. rise dining
car* on tlua tram are atm lied
with the beat the maikat aitonla.
AP urealt aeive*l a la carle.
II ,1, Ci lino, Agent,