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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1900)
[ The Northwestern KUHLlbHED EVEKY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKO. K. lit NSCHOTEK, » Editors an.I (iKO. II. (illlHON, | Publisher* TERMS: |!,00 pen year. if paii> in advakck Entered at the Loup City Postulflce for trnns mission through the malls us second class tnatter. HEPUBLICAN TICKET National For Preside ni. WILLIAM MoKINLEY Ft Vice Pn Idcnt, THEO. ROOSEVELT. State IVciidcntlnl Elector*: .1 T NF.SHIT, Hurt. II It WINDHAM Ca-s ED ROYCK. Custer. L M HAGUE, Kearney. S P DAVIDSON, Johnson .1, L. JAUOHHON. Douglas. J L KENNEDY. Douglas JOHN L I.ANGLIC, Saline For Governor: C II DIETRICH, Adams For Lieutenant Governor E P SAVAGE. Custer Secretary of State fi VV MARSH. Richardson. | For Treasurer: WILLIAM STUKFFLR. fuming ^ For Auditor, . CHARLES WESTON. Sh( ridan ■ For Attorney General: F F N 1'IIOUT. Gage For Land Commissioner. a ll FOhl.MEK, Nuckolls. For Superintendent y W K FOWI.KK, Washington ConRreulunil kCoaitroMinan. flth Dial. MON EH 1*. K INK A1D ^ HmialnrlKl, Senator, Ifitli Mist. II HMKLSKK i County. * Representative, Wtli Dlst. THEODORE OJKNIJYK. For ( ouniv Aitorm W. II WI I.lil A Ms. Mr. Bryan said at Knoxville, Ten. on Sept. 10, I8‘J0 that if any one believed that the gold standard was a good tiling and should he main tained, they should not vote for him. After a successful trial of it for •> years most people will take him at his word. Colonel Roosevelt will make 40 speeches in Nebraska during Octo ber. It will surely be au exhilara ting feeling to the fusionists to hear n ieal live colonel that had back bone enough to go to Cuba. Well, Brother Kd., in regard to that revenue deal you say one of the revenue commissioners had rendered ■y a decision that all mutual insurance companies must pay S cents on each hundred dollars issued in policies, all of which seems to trouble you very much. This commissioner rnus> have been a Republican as you for got to mention the ruling of your crazy state auditor last spring when he decided that the Woodmen order could not accept another member in llic statu because the authorities of the state of Illinois refused to allow a couple of wild cat companies thu* 1 were organized in Nebraska and had 1 no standing anv place, to do Imsi 3 ness in their state. But no one was A seared, and so it will be now, at the next visit of the fool killer all will > come right as it did with your audi tor. If holding Hu* Philippines is such a grave crime as Mr. Bryan would have you believe it is why did he re sign his commission as colonel of the Second Nebraska and go to Wash iugtun to lobby for tbe ratification of the Paris treaty. Seventeen dem ocrats voted for ratification and the measure passed by one vote, show ing that .Mr. Bryan's iutiuence wus the power tli it curried the measure. Hid he do this for the purpose of making an issue for his fall cam paign or w i he honest in his en ^ deavors? if lie Was honest in wlml he did tlit-ii ted<I it a is light to take possession of those 1 ulandi- then wh\ does lie t»pp sc keeping th**m now? Them is iio newei i . ue*i discovered' win it should l» • wrong now it it wa> right lb'll and we believe tin American people wid impiea* ti.l* fuel upon Mr. Brva > s in 1 ’«i • I oredil\ iti Suvciith-r, \ ft r l In H k*> • Mntlwta «l I'kll'lieil »Ife*|i | w,t|* tautlji of |H'vt ft* , -il'l n e l Mot |,e». it* Id a 'minister I li»i. > l Iain's * <.>igh ).■ Ill ily I Well ilk* IMS k|»bn HHI 1111 | I I I »'iy Oil Ii •* .. IV *• «'* tl leittly to it j I < i*' t» wti e >lt, 11' gt* 1 111. kllet. |e,| its uo* ■ i,. |i. , f > • • im, bit lit |, »; |i i all t | I ll*e tl h"» to sie I ikr< « i‘ ' »f l« t It** I v -l • • Mil Im Mint t 'telga tools I of *|t-' |»y (»l. n.I.M Rn>. THE r. Indications That It Will Gi%Te Its Vote to McKinley. ; Public Sentiment Steadily et.miglng. Abuw of Executive Authority. Omaha,' Sept. 10.—At h pace thnl evinces deliberation and sober thought Nebraska Is making its way toward the Republican column. It h; no Idle assertion to say that at this very time Nebraska is a doubtful slate, with sentiment steadily chang ing in favor of the Republicans, In tlmt degree as to justify Ibe assertion that It will give its electoral vote to McKin ley. The effort of the fusion earnpiMgn managers to stem the tide by trying to meet the logic of events with bug aboos and vagarle* is falling far short of accomplishing its purpose. In the first place, the people of Ne braska are too intelligent to be duped In any such way. They know that the cry of "Imperialism" nnd "militarism" Is only a scheme to divert attention from the real i iuw. They know that It is intended for no other purpose thou to beep them from thinking of the ter rlble distress of four yearn ago, and from comparing the philosophy am, prophecy of the "boy orator" lit 1800, ns to wliat terrible things would hap pen if McKinley was elected, with what really lias happened. Knowing tills, the people are turning their bucl t upon bugaboos nnd are giving prob lems associat' d with tbeir domestic ut fairs careful consideration. The people are «-klrg themselves what guarantee have they, If Bryan is elected, that the torriule Industrial end commercial distress of four years ugn will not return? They arc aid ing themselves why they should desert a wi o leader and sound policy a policy that Ims brought good prices for all farm products, that i as closed the free sou;) house and opened the factories to t n million la boring pi ople tor an unwise lender, nun ilii uiisoU'Hi policy tiiai, every miiei 5L li.'s lip'-n tested nml applied, lifts j precipitated n financial mid Itidusl rial | t rlslh, has stilled tlie hand of lal. ir I find oxtimaiPdied the Art',, in nearly j ' •. f torf. They are asking themselves why: tl ■ should reject which has Pei a i proven to lie for their best interest! for that whieli Id toiv proves to he weighted down with Injury and dan ger. There was a time when many of the people of Nebraska permitted others to think for them. They were too busy with their own personal affairs, or too confiding, to devote attention to polit ical problems. For that reason many honestly believed in the vagaries of Bryan in IS'.Mt. They accepted what | he said as gospel truth without stop ping to consider for a moment. It is different today. They have learned to the contrary in the school of expericm-e. They have been taught to think for themselves, and. in doing tills, they have discovered to what ex tent their confidence has been imposed Upon. They have discovered that not one of Bryan’s predictions of 1HOO lias come true. That lie was wrong in each and every instance. He told them McKinley’s election would visit upon the country Inconceivable disas ter. Hi* told them that just so sure as McKinley was elected tills country would lie visiled by such suffering and j distress as It hud never before known. Results have demonstrated that this, to say ilie least, was a vicious and shameful Imposition on public credul ity. NOTHING TO GAIN. i no people or .\enrasKa know nv this time that they have nothing to gain by voting for the Hryati electoral ticket. They know full well that e tahlishcd policies of government are In such dose sympathy with Industrial conditions that they cannot be dis turhed without causing unrest, and they know further, that to substitute policies that are a tax on enterprise and energy for policies that are stlniu (stive means to do that which Holier reason holds to lie inimical to the pub lie weal. It is vastly more Important to the Tolers of Nebraska that there shall b good markets and good prices for farm ! products that labor shall lie employ* ■!. that the money of tin- nation shall 11 free from “purious contamination ami ■ shall he ti • v *rj best, that money may be had at a low rate of interest ns a st .ml.n • i 'Vvtrv ,1 hs a i ! to the debtor, t lei li t at the |*hlhp | iei si, II t»e tut ed t,x r to Agu ii Bid >'» tr. • ivniHili'l t. 1 ■ •nr• < • I i- * alt putt otic America! s S ' ill III r - !■?!>« Ilf the J*ftH I • tm |iroh‘i , ttin tlr»- and forerun tl to lie i I » the wi |f.- ■ of the \ men- a t • , t horn*. •• 1 • I i.U . t ill that It» li, t : " »H Am* i > an «t»n sttd 0,< I ' i . i . t h! • i* path #b tw» U *r»Jr *i#». —-- ' Ladies and Gentlemen IWATC1H /•'N'D I * -ij bring vour Watch, Clock and Jewo'ry repairing to G. 11. MORGAN, the graduate of the Omaha WaV makers college, who can manukieturc any piece of a watch you may desire him to, < r can make you a watch to order if you desire him to 1 have had fifteen years ex perience at watch repairing. I guarantee my work to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ( all on me when you want to be dealt with fairly and squarely. Yours for business. G. II. MORGAN, Loup City Jeweler. <HVJ> fW% W9*l\9f y>nm 1 ! pj^Qjeley | 1111 AIR. ^^(lPCj NUJiRA5KA. V i I ifufff'fb Produce cacti a d|a- 4 L! JuUni eii-e liartny lirdnltn »-i UAftnUftir paUiol'ur.v. Tht* dis- )s Pf. JhPf iRvl. - as. m, .is ... i> to « r..ri . I ll 5 tie 1) ill I.. . J 1 flu n (*1*0 Gold Treatment. rl |U»&UVI4 .irroar. d l.y Dr las J USING..I la K. Keeley. 'j TO THE PUBJ-ICi Tina Keoloy In A •tltute at Elair, Nebraska, Is Die ; only place In that State where the y: genuine Keolcy Romedioa and Treat- ,Jf inent Is given. ’Ll (bgGnl) THE LESLIE E. KEELEY CO. f • WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULAR*. »* 4j THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. Blair, fob. m <\*ka 'MM * u Ganie Wanted ,llS,ts SHIPPERS, Wrt T/jitit Gallic in any I .aiitity it Highest Market Price and guarantee -aisfietlon. Capital Slto.OOn Reference, 1. S, N'iit'1 Rank or Your Express Agt. PERRY, HAUER A EN N I )m alia, Netir, and Philadel phia, P.i, Wholesale Rutter, Eggs, Poultry and Game, J£n*ltire<I DnatliK AkoiiIhh Onlv :i ron in^ tlr** enabled J. M. Gar rettsou, of San Antonio, Tex . to lit* down when attacked by Asthma, from which lie suffered for years. He writes his misery was often n> great that it scouted In* endured ttieugouici of death : but Ur. King's New Discoyery for Con sumption wholly cured him. This mar velous rnedt. ino is the only known cure for Asthma tm well a- C josntnption. Coughs and Colds, and ail Throat, Chest an 1 Lung troubles. Price 50c and *1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Odendtthl Itrov The progressive nations of the world arc the great food consuming nations. Good food v II digested gives strength. I f you cannot digest wli it you eat, you n ed Kodol UyspepsmCure, it digests what you < at. You need not diet your -elf It contains all of the dtgestanis ombineil v. in, the be-t known touU-e td reconstructive* It \*. IiI * \m • Ii 1 ’ a lt las»es c l lends ill a buttle No < r prepit itiou w ill do ltd*. It in i -11> n lieve. ami <|uiciclv cure- all ioui3’*li ti l« Udendkhl Hi -ip Ml fir'* riWlttl I* I M Higgins, Klitor hcoewa, l l v - w . .ill,.led for years with l*th » t • ’• no I IK nr Of recede helped until tiled I. a «•(.* Anil. 1 \. (be Ail t L l'.| tl ftFp- l',f. i |.\*P liy » ! hi ll, III! ,i . f«r Pill . . t . Ut iy ■ ' obt » i ¥ J0m{ the market affords is none to good for those who buy their goods from me and if you will I will show you prices that will convince you that you saved money, and that it paid you to our complete line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents furnish ing goods. Don’t fail to examine before making your purchases. Our L’oods are fresh andourprices right.—Yours respectfully, J. Phil Jaeger. South Side Public Square Loup City, Nebr, mi li iirnuTS FURWftiRE, FIXTURES AT We aye fHeadquaytefs for WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making tirst class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable imr prices are right. WK HKI'AIK HINDKHH AND IIOH-i. DOW K118 AND GlIMtAN I KK nl It WOKK TO OM K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER m ** *>,#**•■* Tin; •» t \\ W D lint te, i m. »»\i.n utui t i It*" e > tl frtuii U . Paris * Ti s -• INION PACIFIC *« T v Jti -a Hi *>*-»* f | 4t .1(1% 4**I f'ttfe ’ • "-a 4Ta» . . 41-‘* S iijft.fila = « - % t 4 I' •’ -'M' %4S ■* - •% 4# **M4 {h4V * !« »s?A ’# 4 *•* • * 4 • |4-- tl* . 1 i I M *ftl t1*1 f» ' ■ if jN* -' » 9l4.14 4 4 * ^ i a , MM 4i. «U| MM MM ! r ^ • t • Ik I 4*i • « | * -*« 1% •< • M’lT I i v ! w. Mu M h . * i 4 *% M J vyf . You will never timl any other pill* 'll j '.upr ittl'l >ni pleioaiit (•* IkeWItl’B l.l ile holy KUern. O'lemlubl Bro* Kodol dyspepsia Cure > *i***t wh«\t you eat. ; 'w'"- * ♦ he f>* d and It Id* ft t .ye I. >»tlt! iilitfr and tccot *mt«*n * 4b «*h,. I diin*tiw of* If ili* |t , tIf d i oVi-fedc)l(f*'«i* But «nd ton ' S »i *t prepantUos f,m apj.i ,u i. |u r Meieney It in* 11 >i.,4»* fitly eurtM IHr *| • i 11 Im|i - tt. II.Mitt.uttt, ft tit. ■ r-. o. Still *»t in.wli If nine a. < b ll> .t).M iu ii t»ti . 111 'ranipB ma a*, ’to h 'toil, film iiN'iiiiyoitiua, M»»v o« J kit MB* ul i CSutitf* 4 » i«| *f • MSS UAMk UMtM.,