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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1900)
I. S. SHEPPARD. Jeweler and Lioaal Daws. Dr. Romine, the dentist. C. M. Smith is visiting in the east this week. O. L. Mercer of Ashton was doing business at the bub Monday, The street commissioner is jogging up delinquents to get a move on them. lieaseboter Bros., shipped a car of fat steers to South Omaha, this week. D. A. Jackson is cutting and curing his large field of broom corn this week. Write Hayden Bros. Ornaba Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les’ T. M. Keed keeps repairs for the Mc Cormick, Buckeye and Woods ma sh i tier y. Stewart Ware went to Grand Island, Mondav morning to accept a position in a barber shop. Mrs. A. B. McPherson moved to Lin coln this week where she will make her homo in the future. Save your feed by buying a corn harvester of T. M Reed. Billy Rowe repaired the restaurant building belonging to G. II. Sooty Wed nesday, We understand E. W. Vandorn will move his family 10St. Paul where Ho is employed. The war aloud in ihe west has cleared away. Earl Li has again provod his cue cess as a peace maker. Jesse Kentfrow moved his family to St. Paul yesterday, where he expects to keep boarding house. Mr, Clark, proprietor of the Loup Citvar.d Ravenna creameries, and lady was in the city Wednesday. Jocob Benschotor puschascd the barn belonging to Billy Neville and has moved It to his residence lots. All kinds of 1 Jewelry repairing [SHEPPARDS, Promptly Done at) I o prevent consumption quidkly cure throat and lung troubles with one min ute Cough Cure.—Odendahl Bros. Edwin Flock of Detroit, Mich, and Miss Maud Nayler of Alliance, Nebr., were married by Judge Augier last Friday, If you want your watch Dtit in good repair by the only llrst class workman in the county call on O. II. MoaOAN,the Jeweler, Chris.'Jobanseu, W. G. Odendahl, II. Eisner and Mr. Cording folded their tent and went north to the lakes to hunt Sunday morning. When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don't fail to call on G. II Morgan. lie carries the tinegt line in the Loup Valley. G. H. Scott jr., wife and boy are visit ing Mr. Scott's parents here this week. He is an attorney and has an olllce in Council Bluffs, la. Augugt Reiman informs us that Mrs. Reiman is slowly but surely getting bet ter under the treatment received at the Grand Island hospital. The following second hand articles for sale at Gasteyers; One each, cup board, bureau bedstead, range, base burner, and three cane bottom chairs. A copious rain fell in this vicinity Monday and Monday night. 2.10 inches of water fell which leaves the ground in splendid condition for fall plowing. Mothers endorse it, children like it, old folks use it. We refer to Ono min ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure all throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Draper and Mr. and Mrs, Henry Renslnk and son Frank, of the west side were among those participating in the enjoyments of the R. N'. A . social Tuesday night. The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWltt's Little Early Risers, They are unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe,—Oden dalil Bros. Mr. and Mrs. David Doner and family and several invited guests from the north west part of the county was in at tendance ut the Royal Neighbors social Tuesday night. G II Morgan the Loup City .lewder does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing in a workman like man-, ner. When jou have something to < o tills in line, don't fail to call ou him I'Ims State Fair management c'eined Up #♦: VHi of a mrplus tin* year, paying «>n an Indebtcdne*. of f-VUnO and ieav »n»C •leVm In the trea.ury, Prn.penU la in evidence m title ran for »i re, A* usually treated a .pram will ,||. able the In plied pefaoa fur three or four Weeks, hut if <'l»aiiit>erl*in'* I'ain llalui i» freely applied a complete etire may be effected In a tery few Jay *. Faiu Halm al.«> cure* rheumatism, cut brul»e* an l i.iirn*. For *ale hy u,|en •laid llros. l arge sun spots. a*lronomer* .ay, caused the eaireme heat thl* ...miner and doctors declare nearly *i| the p,,„ (ration* were induced hy dleurder* of lb * stout ache tiood health follow, good dige*tl«ui Kotlol l»y*pr|»M4« ur* • bge.t* Wh«l «oueat If youbayelnSl ge.noaer dy*pepau it will •|ui*hly re lleye and pe*u»an*i.tly «ure you thteudahl Utu. JJoeckner the fashionable tailor. Go to Sheppards for first class w atch repairing. John Hayes moved to the Conger farm below town Monday. Do you need a mowing ma chine? If so call on T. M, Reed. Go to Sheppards for fine hand en graving. 0 7 DeWitl's Little Early Kisers are prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying little pills.—Odendahl Bros. The county fathers are in session this week. How nice it would be if some one of them would ask why the court house square had not been mowed * G, II. Morgan has added a fine line of silver ware to his stock of jewelry and is now prepared to fill orders in that line. T. M. Heed sells cycle grind ers that are O K. Call and see them. Don't forget that the Sherman county fair will be held on Sept., 25-20 27 this year. Good attractions are promised and every body should turn out. Earney Kentfrow was sent to Ord Wednesday to take charge of the cream ery at that place during the sickness of the manager there. Go to Sheppards if you want a pair of Glasses that will do your eyes good. He is the only Optician In this part of the country that Iras UP-TO-DATE in strumentt, and KNOWS HOW TO USE THEM. The Loyal Mystic Legion will give a picnic at Otlewski’s grove tomorrow, Saturday, if the day is fine, otherwise it will be held at their ball. People who burn the Lump of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason producer known. 35c. A-k your druggist. A cyclone accompanied by a tidal wave almost swept Galveston, Tex., from the face of the earth last Saturday. At least 1 000 people were killed and drowned. •T. Phil .Jaeger and lady returned home from their trip to the city, Tues day evening Mr. .Jaeger has purchased a large line of new goods which will be here in a few days. Watch his new ad a id go learn his low prices. The great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholerand Diarrhoea Item edy in the treatment of bowell complaints has made it standard over the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by Odeudab! Bros. Miss Kayte Moon returned from Kan sas City Wednesday evening where she had been replenishing her stock of fancy millinery goods and has purchased a new line of the latest fall fashions which w ill he open for inspection in a short time. Charles Hid, a former resilient ofStaer man county but now living in Valley, was in the city Monday. Mr. Hill in forms us that his wife has been at the St. Haul hospital for 4 weeks under treatment and lias been entirely cured. Mr. Hill desires to thank the Woodmen, for assisting him in his trouble. I have just received <|uite a line of hoots and shoes, ami am now able to sell my customers new goods, (nothing old) and especially in the line of seamless shoes, from the largest and only exclusive seamless factory in the country; every pair guaranteed. Call and see me.—11. Dolling. The ltoy&l Neighbors of this city held another of their enjoyable socials at their hall last Tuesday night after lodge. An entertaining program of about an hours length, consisting of resitations, readings, songs and dialogues, had been prepared and wasably carried out by the members. About 150 members and in vited guests had assembled and listened to its rendition, after which a basket “upper was disposed of. The room was then cleared and all who enjoyed a so cial donee was given a i opportunity to do so. The occasion w as greatly ap preciated by ull and wa- one of the best this society has gived. Loved by the people, hated by Its would be rival* the foe of disease, th-l friend of humanity ltoeky Mountain l ea. made by the Madison Medicine i o A -a your druggist. A •hooting air ray mcur.d at the farm oi WT. N. Sherman. U mile* down tin* vul.iy «*i» thr* south *id* of the river ia-t >Mur«Uy morning, which cairn* \«r» war making* of Mr sh mi«n The partkul r» a* to the truul .• not icrn made vi ry • pee die but there •a»« bad bUt.ul 4oins place. The ,|t|, ,, hrrrd the right Pith* near the point of) the hip pacing through tits ile*h and around Ihe tone emmi g out In bind the hip bnt did not break the b M, ■|,b»* •>*ol W4* Bud from a I*. etllbrr revol ver In the hau I* id l.ddte Ii, UnuUp. a •Oiflo-law of Mr *dietin»i> warrant • »wof* out fi*r Mt I' M.tap and the *•**' rt | o t | b ut to lef irr, ,» j, teg ihe prel* m.narj e*tiutnatton wbhh *4» held )e*t#r Ujr Ip lo date I'lMMngrvpht at M a*.v I'll* tu *• tilery I. >up 1 dv dming ih< month o» Mnptewhns aid ttotob-i n«t every Monday. |.t#.d<v Mr whin* tag. Ihur.dav and Vitday Mtauip tla* photo* l* tnt a vent*. MA KK1ED Gicow— Hickman—At the reoiactice of the brides parents in this city, on Wednesday evening hept l'J, 10 )0. Mr Darwin D. Grow jr, and Miss Luama Hickman were joined in ravriage. Miss Lottie Jaeger played the wedding march as the bride and groom came in and were trade one, Itev. W E. Matthews was tbe officiating clergyman. Otdy the immediate families of tlie con tracting parties wore present and the ceremony was performed at 8:30 p. m. after which a delightful supper was served. The young couple took the train next morning for a wedding tour. This couple is of tLe most highly re spected among our young people. Mr Grow has lived here all bis life and is an iodustroue, and iutuleotual young man. He lias been head clerk In tin drug store cr W. T. Chase for the past six years and has proved himself c m potent, constant am) affable. The fair bride has lived here about three years and is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. W H. Hickman, one of our best families The young people start In litc with tin* finest prospect- and it is the hope of their host of friends that their journ* y will be a pleasant and happy one. ASHTON ITEMS The M. W. A. supper and dance was given in the hall Thursday night. Rockville and Ashton played a game of hall last Saturday. Although the Ashton boys made a brave fight they were beaten by a 3coro of id to 3. We stated in our last weeks items that Willard Thompson and Frank Kearns had gone to Oklahoma, but wc understand they did not go. S. 3. Fair and daughter, Mrs. W. M. Smelser, were over from Rock ville Saturday. Messrs Willard Thompson, L. A. and Iv F. Wilson and T. I). Wilson left Sunday morning for the western part of the state on a hunting trip. They were to be joined by four more at Loup City. They expect to lie gone a month. W. M. Smelser s sale took place on the 1st, but not being able to dispose of all of his goods in one day it was continued to the follow ing Saturday. JIM. NOTICE. If desiring goods sold at public auc-1 tlon please call on me Tj miles north of Litchfield, or address me at that nlace. I aui an experienced auctioneer and will guarantee satisfaction.—Yours re.-pt. D. 11. ]{I( HAKKsOV .- ♦ ♦ ♦ ---* H day alarm | clocks ]■ Sheppards. $3.60ots at J '111#* lit uv»iy ol Womun, Was grandly shown by Mrs. John J Dowling of Butler, Pa., in a three years struggle with a malignant stomach trouble that caused distressing attacks ol' nausea and indigestion. All reme dies failed to relieve her until she tried ; Electric Bitters. After taking It two months, she wrote: ‘‘I am now wholly cured and cun now eat anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the whole sys tem as 1 gained in weight and feel much stronger since using it." it aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves ap petite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guar anteed at Odendahl Bros. A WONDBRFUL CUKE OF DIARRHOEA A 1KOUIM NT VIRGINIA EDITOR Had AlnioMt Given Up l> Was Grou^ht 1 Hack o l*erf«*r Health by Chamber ahr> Colli* Cliol«rn ami UiurrlioiGt Rem*it.\ REA l> HIS Kill X'Oltl A Is* r rum the- 1 him, tillisUbc \i 1 suffered with dianlioea lor a long! time and thought 1 «s. paat being! cured. I hid spent much time and money and suffered so much misery j that I had almost deold-'d to give up ill hops-of recovery and > a lit the rest,it, but noticing theadverUs.'inenf*if*’l»ani fieri tin’s 1 fdlc, I’liolera and IMari'hoi-a llcruetly ami *'s« -tu •• t, »! Ituoniiils i •tatlnff how some wonderful cures had tu t n wrought by thi* remedy. I I -cided i to in it. After taking a few tie * I i ml i ii »i'h In «-,y fort t 1 • * i,• i * h i» and !t l.oii. -..'I I- i that I a . ami' heartv nun tu . y toil *• 1 •. «.t ■ I ever «tnl la my life, if. It Muon, so d by (i l -ttd ih! Bros. .% rna.ln MU I <p ietl .u ev*r> 'iiMig ill . so !»' drastic id...r.I |.,.i*. b.i? I«.th ,r i„igt, tf il»n|(ftHi- No need to il| unite flit, do Ho work C . I tt,! ! . t ijf, i |«M lisa U> he,t tUftl, it I Only! • on: ,t Odendabi 111 - mi*»***i it» m *&* %«|| * U*H4 «| i *• |>*J M4«lbd IMIINW ''%4*U$ #**4 * i *#• Ml 4* I* l«* '-es* • 4 |s 9 • * ' | J , » t ■ • •* i ., W3x-i• NIVlNHOtN AM30H (I 9U 14MMI •#>)!« I « « If t* * 4* >t i-i * i *4 **U | IQ310GJ 39 1.N0Q ANMU It'IME.NT CIAKIJS MISWON WORK, A bountiful KUppt't will . e .'Tied i y the Ladies ni tin ‘ 'i • : ry in ihi 111 in (if Mr. uiid Mrs, W. H Ml 1 r. Wednesday St pi l:dh from T.imj p n. M.iMe and enter tainment w In- provtd d. This supper I given for tin - hem 'it el tii Orphans Hume tl York, Nib O' iitii'ii n it re requested to brink their laities with them. Price i f suppi' will be n ecu is. By order of Committee, -—i), —— AT TU® M. E. CHimell. On Sunday Sept, in, there will l e preaching ut ihe M, E. churcli. mornine 10:30 evening .it S, unit on Wiy iie creek ut 3. The l’ustor will preach lii ast-.-rmon in Loup City on Hun | day moftitn;: Sept M »t 10:30 an.l at WLq i • creek mi Sunday uftcrnoim at 3. Everybody cordially invited. The Epworth I, ague will have .. I.usint s me link Umui dii.te'y .. r p.. Sunday night. All members are requested to be pre sent. W. 0 Mai t'l| wi:s, Pastor — o (i. A H. SOCIAL. I The Ladies of the O A. R will give a Bloomer social ut Society Hall, on the night of S' ; t . 3! 190b, Tin latl ■ . , appeal in bio 1 era. Admission 10 cents including .supimr. which will consist' f Ice tea. lemonade, saiid i witches and cake. Every body ci trie ♦ • • You can spell it cough, cofl-, caugb, kauf, katl', kough, or kaugh, but tire [only harmless remedy that quickly cures itis Ono Minute Cough Cure. — Oden* dtiil Bros. l'BLLMAN OKIUNAItV M.KEPINL CARS POK TOt KIMS are the most com fort able, commodious means of travel for large parties, in tending eulers, bomoseakcis, hunting parties. These cars are run on the Cnion J’At H lo daily from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are titled up complete wirn mattresses, cur taine blankets, pillows, etc,, requiring nothing to be furnished by the passen gers. i'nif'irmed porters are in charge of these car- who nr'1 re-mired to keep them m good order, and !• ok r the want* and comforts of pt-s« tigers. These cars are ne w, of m-lein pattern, and art nearly »ts convent- ? - .it'd com fill tabic as Uist-ci.,-- p,-,iae« • ieeper-., I or full inform u ion tali on or addre. -> II. J, CUKTUN, Agent TAKE NOTICE. VTe wish to say that, oft and after September did we will lie prepared to do all kinds of reigbttng an ! general diaylng. -Yours for prompt delivery. J. IV. Cum.kb HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL. (Special Dispatch.) Paris, Aug 23.— American whiskies received tin: ntlieiiil approval of the ex posit ion to-day, when Gold Medal was aw/rded to Renibcim Bros., Louisville, Kv , on their I. W. Harper whiskey.—Sol! in Loop City, by T. il El.snlk. The emergency bag* sent by a church society to Kansas soliliers in the Philip pines contained among the necessities a box of DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure foi piles, injuries and skin diseases. The ladles took care to obtain the original DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve knowing that all the coun terfeits were worth!?**. -Odendahl Eros. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that the tlnn of Sio boday & ('hekwKki ha by mutual con ■ . > - Helved partnership. and that on ami after the date of this noth e the Hi-lm -- v. ill he con ducted by Jo n C'helewski. mi l the 11.1 John Clieleuskl doe* us uime ail U. ... s eonlr.iet d by the linn up to the date of such lio lotion. Dat <1 this 1st day of Aug '-t. !«i. 8 id Johii Cnaj.LwsKi, NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I.and Office at Lincoln, Nob i Sepiemcr >th, l.cS) i Notice is hereby given that the follow, lag-named settler lias file t notice of her intention to make (Inal proof in Hiipportof her elaliu. and that said proof will be made lx fore the county Judge at Loup, Nebraska, on Thursday, October 1‘«Mf viz: Mary a Baird, Timber Culture Entry No. ,5 for the S. K fourth Seeilon •», Township la, Rang. 15 west oftheSth p, in. She name- the fo!'owing wllue-Ms lo pmve her eoutinuou* residem-e upon and cultivution of said laud, viz; J. 11. Draper, L‘hr - /.wink, James l; men, Anton Dyniei:, all of Loup, r ity, Nehra-ku. J. \V. Johnson, Register. ■ i>tk k koh \i>in BcvartOii nt of the Inte rior. I .an i OfTim il I ,ni nlii, Ni li I Ann .it In, hkiO. i Noth n !i mnOiy yin n that *(>•■ roll .« . it i-hunr <1 h»*ttier lm* filed. inn lee of bt-r tiiti lit ion'n inn i* tlna. |ir>it In »u|i|>ni t Of hi ! I in. HI: ' t Ital • .A • if will,! turn In (» fore tin* Hot nty Jwlgn of ahi-r mua i .i iuly, ni (.•»♦! ,i iily, Ni hi , nn Oetoi i • "I. i , y ran ptuiiini, Horn* l t '.airy .So I i fir tin. f ni Uti f of thti Nit, t i .li it., ». i i To, i n<ir1h f Bv , |t tn. Rh*t im* tli* tMl * ii : a i In- 4 to phiitt her .not ii i i# r ii y ifrr n ] , and H i v ■ • i, I . h i ttrrj • • i •* N f i t ii • rj if . t l», to N i»:-r * i it. ■ the' • .» at f*ti hi f >t ’ Offr. -..<t ffHM • ta of, itf! t m l ,, li* ti ' I • t » Bm 11 • m, Wr* it I** ,i t •» . f'» *.*i N,i« n * a If N f I 4 W, * (*«*■#», j 4 ] Astigmatism is not a disease but is simph a defect in the shape of ti c eve ball It necessitates an irregular strain upon the muscles in adjusting for hfferent objects. There is no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, Especially jiead Aches A peouliar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eves. They lay all their suffering to some other cause. The ’ believe that they can see as well as any ono and in a good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just the same. Il any one thinks their eyes are not right come in and see me. 1 m the only optician in this part of the country that c n correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD, The Leading Optician and Jeweler. Loup City, JVebr. * TO TDK KOOK IKS. l/iiw Hat** To Colorado and ttuli Of fered l»y ihe llurlluglon limits KOI It ia;i» I.KTl l it IIAVS On August 7 amiand oa Septem ber 4 and Is, the Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Denver, l'ueble, Colorado Springs. Ogden, Salt Lake < ity, D idwood and Ilot Spring', lor one fat pi i t'J, i i, i it d at the*e remarkable low rate* will be good to return till O >.tober dl. The :ii agent of the Burlington Bout* w ill i-e pleased t»t< 1 i you the cost of u ticker and to help you plan your trij D.'-criptlvn literature *ree on applie dI in 4 '* r«n! s fi» 1 ifO 1 That big Cute pa, <-r. The S mi-Week ly State Journal, will be mailed from now until January i, i!)bl. for 2o cents. Tins Is tii bigg*-t oll'cr of reading mat ter ever made in the c.< t an ! Is done 1 for tl»e sole purpose of introducing it to thousands of t * w aouiei Here’s ' your ehu’ise to get an up to date, rHi» I bit* state paper for a mere song. Send in your tju.irter and you'll g< : tin* J*•»i *'i ' all through the remainder of this year. On Sheppard’s | Jewelry Store if you want bargains in the jewelry and silverware line: and if you want glasses or your eyes tested for glasses see him. Ite can give you information; that will be of value to vou. I. S. SHEPPARD, The finest Optician anti Jeweler in the country. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and f-.oiary Public,: - ! WUl Defend in T'orecioauro Outea. AI .AO DO A General Real Estato Business. Offl.’B In NottTawwtrKHH liulMin,:. i.ucr cm, - - >lot4ka , a. J. NIGHTINGALE, I I lol’p oirr, • • ma A • S- MAIN. HI Y.M( IAN & Sl'KGKON I.Ul I* «rrv. ERA ka , < »* > i I U|# *SU«lt lm«( ift Ml* ,#"*» W. 1„. MA1U Y, Mi J-: • V M £>%‘W Of I H * i \ % * /.o/7» fil \ Stitt. .1. I). INKS. PA IN I ER, ■ v» ■ . . -'t;AN». P 1 U4 »• l 4 I V . Mil N I.UI'l- CITY, XEBU. l-ini'ln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Cliieugo, Butte. Sf- <(<> . !»n, Salt Luke City. Kmniii' city, Portland, «t. | Bis. San Francisco, aril all points and all point* Ear: and South. West, » •'*»' ' U AVK AS 11)1.1 lltVS: COINO MAST Nd l*.n- entfcr. . 7:95 a. m So. i)ii Freight . . ,.l/ .»p, m. UCHNu WEST •v ' 1 i’UHSiiiigsr.4:15 p.m. Freight .lhHt, m. | i*,- dinner amt lerllntii.j chair earn ti ' on through train* Tickets *'1 1 I'm! • ' ••• mi"t m 1 to any point In tin: Cnltml Si:.tes or Canada. For Into ition, map*, time tablet and ticket- < : i on or »ni- t„ it. |. Arthur ' in J. . I. \.N' Ih, Coii’I, Passenger Agent, imi,lua, Nebraska, U• I*. BAII.WAT. S 1 vi- daily except Monday (pans- < erntcri. ■> a in. N". H■ haves Monday. Wednesday uml Friday, (tnizeil) I *:.*<) p. in. Mo. •«( leave* TncHday. Thursday and <■ nI*l, (mixed)*/ i). in. o * ■ arrive* daiiy except Sunday (mixed IS 11, rn No. *5 arrive* dally except Sunday pass, en.’eip . i . p. in. Fn si cla**service mid rlo„e connect non • a*!, Weal and aoulli w. I). Clifton, If you arc in need of glasses and have tried everywhere to get your your eyes properly fitted, don't be two much discouraged but call on rue. 1 aai a graduate optician and if f do not lit you properly it will cast you nothing. We want our patrons to be satisfied with our work raid we think we succeed very well. Don’t forg't (!. II. Morgan's when i your eyes are out of order and you want to know exactly what is the matter with them. Wlion you are born the < jeator starts you going and you go a long time, if you grea»c the main- spring of life with Iiocky Mountain Tea. tireut lub icator. Ask your druggist. * Poisonous toadstools resembling mu~iirooms have caused freijuent deaths this year Be sure to u-e only the genu ine. O ,'i-rve the same care when you a k f *r J>eWltt'« Witch Hazel Salve There are i>oi«ouou« counterfeit*. 11 ■ t*.- only original Witch lla/ei w a ' tfe and certain cure for i ii‘ ii I d sk’n ilisdi'es. < t lendalil tiro-. Ilm k iiii i \■ tin a -al\ e II in w .r -wide fame for marvelous cm, i: .1 n- c SIIV > flier salve, |o tin *l ., it r hiltll for (’lift, » cr»|N, ;'n i» .'-or* Felons, Fleers, i i * ' ItticuM, Fever -ore.-, « hap i Iiri»| t on -, i |,| all i tile I- i P * ' v gi'sraeti ,'d I hilv '•*>»’ : < • t, I, tiro • • • I , i uuidete setk tc«' of • r ffu:. si’EciiL m* I ni.m /a. tie, ‘ > r o h (lie • v> t (fie North i 1 \|> iri Uiver • ■ • • * n« -> p 1 -pace «•( tune, i c't(aidemi,| t Ii* dining i • |i III- l|i t* itld k* I ii i- ** \*f! At n at* letfril H la carle U J Fltttus gent. k