The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 07, 1900, Image 6

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He Said that “Ignorant Foreigners” Com
prised Fully One Half of the Number of
Votes Received by McKinley.
Deliteate Assertion of Democratic National Chairman Jas. K. Jones,
that "He Believed Bevontly that Bryan Hal Been Elected
anil Was Swindled Ont of the Pres.facj."
“Be Belicrei tiial is 1900 tnc Bimetallic Forces Wonld Win a Great Victory
Els Declaration Tie! He Principles of 1896 Are AOsolntely
Essential to llie Welfare of He Country.”
(Extroct* from the a(Mro.«s of United StatP* Senator Jump* K. .Tonox, elialr
mau of the Democratic natiounl commit ice, before the Logialuture of Arkansna.)
Bryiin's manager, 3. K. Jones, said:
“Hundreds of thousands of ignorant
foreigners, who were here taking bread
out of the months of honest labor, voted
at the last election at the dictation of Me
lory." This still makes It! to 1 tlse para*
mount issue.
He reasserted his conviction “that the
principles he spoke for were absolutely
essential to the welfare of the country.”
That is lt> to 1.
had been elected and was swindled out
of the presidency. He told how the rail
roads, the banks and the bondholders, ar
rayed against Bryan with a campaign
fund the like of which was never before
seen in this country, and which was used
lavishly. Business men were intimidat
ed by the threats of the money power.
The Senator said, with groHt pride, he
would never forget the liberal responses
from the people of Arkansas to the Dem
ocratic campaign fund.”
Predicting that the Republican party
would drop the idea of the gold standard
and endeavor to bring aliout bimetallism,
the Senator said "the McKinleyites saw
the handwriting on the wall.”
"What has become of the promised
prosperity?” the Senator asked.
“Mr. McKinley seems to be advanc
ing. but the prosperity is not coming
with him.” Senator Jones said "the gold
ites bail been put on notice.” He believ
ed “that in t!XH) the bimetallic forces
would win a great victory. Kising prices
always bring prosperity, declining prices
adversity. The repeal of the Sherman
act huil been followed by a decline of to
per cent in prices. The cause of it was
the striking down of one-half of the
metallic money of the world.” Senator
Jones concluded by asserting his belief
“that the principles he spoke for were
-bsolutely essential to the welfare of the
l'n the midst of the enunciation of such
views as these the Senator accounted for
the election of the Republican ticket by
On the day after delivery the Sena
tor’s speech was reported in Arkansas
Gazette, the principal Democratic paper
of the State and the organ of the Demo
cratic party. Front that report, the ac
curacy of which has never been <iues
tioned by the Senator, the above is
Kiuley’a supporters. These foreigners
comprised fully one-half of the number
of votes received by McKinley."
These are the words of the tnnn who
conducted the Democratic campaign iu
1800. The same mnn is the present chair
man of the Democratic national com
mittee. He owes his position to the wish
of Mr. Hryun.
The language quoted above was used
In a speed). It is no remembered scrap
of idle conversation. It was uttered in
tio heat of discussion. It was a deliber
ate expression.
“Hundreds of thousands of ignorant
foreigners," said Chairman James K.
Jones of the Democratic national com
mittee, “who came here taking bread out
of the mouths of honest lubor, voted at
the last election at the dictation of Mc
Kinley's supporters. These foreigners
comprised fully one-half the number of
Votes received by McKinley.”
And then on this basis that the Re
publican party owed success in l.MMI to
"ignorant foreigners.” i'liuirmun Junes
proceeded to hold out the hope of success
in 1000.
“Can there be any doubt,” be asked,
“ns to which shall prevail, the six and
oue-hulf millions of intelligent Itryan vot
ers or the three und one half million*
‘ignorant foreigners' who Voted for Mc
Kinley ?"
It will Seetn to sensible people almost
incredible that the chairman of the
Democratic national committee could
make such statements in a puMie speech.
Hut the Honorable .Isa. K. Junes did it.
More than two months after the elec
tion of IMni he uttered the assertion
The occasion was no U•» sc riots* than
an addresa before the legislature of Ar
kansas. detialwr Jones hod |o.t been
elected to bis third term in the I'niled
States Heiiate. On tbv 'Jtnh •>( January,
l*t*T, the Hisitur appeared before an in
fe. uni y- si aces u it h . Hi4t, |4gi>)a
lure at tb« in l.iitli It f |f,
returned bis thanks to the people of \r
kan*aa through tb« ir rvprt sentauven, the
Legislatnte an t itum Its piflasadtd t
vsm the deft st of Itryan, speaking a* the
chairman of the |t>m>.ii natnoial
summit tee and Ihe head »f the manage
ment of the Item era) ■ vaoipa.a1* Its
said that he 'belie«. d btmitl) that H |
aa had been eb»t»*l and was snisp. d
snt of tbs prvatdeSsy '*
U* dsslar* i his belief “that Is I •** tl
Mm*tabor fuses* *w«M *-n g««at *t
The Senator spoke for over an hour.
Ilunniug through his speech were two
principal thoughts. One was this idea,
that Uepilblirnn success had been achiev
ed through the "ignorant foreigners," n
remit which the Senator resented in the
name of the native Southern population
which was “more American."
The other central idea with the Sen
ator was the injustice of the unequal
distribution of wealth. Upon this he
dwelt with almost the emphasis which
he gave to the "ignorant foreigners.”
"What has been the cause of this
great struggle?" the Senator asked. “The
people are as honest ami as industrious
as they ever were. Whut, then, was
the matter? The last census report shows
that the wealth of the country was $tl5,
OlKI.iM*1,000, or about $.1,000 to each fam
ily of five members.” The Senator quot
ed figures to show the inequality in the
distribution of wealth. "Why was Mas
sachusetts so much better off than Ar
kansas? Were they more industrious
and more deservingV" lie considered
that the Southern people rank fully up
to, if not alieail of, the people iu the
balance of the country. The Southern
people are more completely Anglo-Saxon
than tbo«e of the other States and there
fore more Viueriean.
At this point tile chairman of the Item*
erratic national committee made one of
tile most remarkable of this series of
startling statements for Arkan<as con
sumption. He illustrated Ids assertion
that the Southern people are "more
American" than tin- rest of the country,
iu this way:
"It took the people of the combined
North and Ku»t four years to conquer
the Southern |ieople, and the latter had
built for them u pension list that was
The Senator’s »|ieech bristled with as
sertions intruded io incite the spirit of
class prejudice. He said
"Millionaires and pau|M-r« grew on the
same bush. When you make a million
•ire you make doaetis of pauper*."
the men who advocated the gold stand
ard the S- tiatof >(escribed as "no better
than a viie thief "
The argument by whbh he hd up |o
tb s rooetiistou is interesting. Tbs* Sen
at -r said that in I si A i national debt
'‘amounted to V.n,M‘i.oil " II, show
j ed * how many bales of c..ii<*n w >otd have
i paid this debt then and hew many uow '
! Then be proceeded:
"The non who I *.<h the bond* then
| gate gr,t nbat bs worth a<« at "ss in g»N
: N *w they ate pant in g «td tU , dod-bog
Ib, bnr.b n a; . the pe- /- M la.
It** tost be.,S of c.ltea WotM bate paid
I lh« debt when it sstrusirtdr.l it would
' tab* '*»*•«» may bate, now Is pay it with
| > at ttt'sresi ’* A set ^ Tone* m*I “that
I be who ttnd*-rti*.h N tstkv the ps- id, pay
W. H loan they hed roe*i». 1.4 I - pay
was tm toiler than 4 »<h tbwf."
' rk yob North-rw Stale*,*’ the It, a
I «•-.» t* d. “|,t after th,c tsrt »f s issiicl
| Hr y in i ■ • , | . tk4M 1,1 . i i .1,1
I la rtitw at What I'letrl ,,. | r,.,i.,4 |H
[ ItW || b* st i bl ally It at II. tea
Why F.x-Henutor W. A. Peffer Is Sup
porting McKinley.
In a published letter issued at Topeka,
Kan., ex-U, S. Senator PefTer of that
State xayx one of the principal reasons
why he leaves the Demo-Populist party
is that it is not tit to govern the coun
try. His exact words are:
“The Democratic party is not fit to
govern this country under inodoru condi
tions of universal freedom. Look back
upon the second administration of Presi
dent Cleveland. I'pward of $250,000,000
in 1'uited States bonds were sold with
out special authority of Congress to pro
cure gold for the redemption reserve.
Most of the bonds were sold to or through
syndicates of speculators at enormous
“The Republicans were wiser. The
war with Spain made large expenditures
necessary: Congress authorized the bor
rowing of money, and $2<XI,«MJU,IJiM> of 3
per cent bonds were sold to our own p<se
pie in sums of $25 to $500. This is the
fourth year of the McKinley administra
tion, and not one dollar of gold has been
bought or borrowed. The treasury now
holds nearly, if not unite, $I.'si.uimi.imhi
in gold coin anti bullion, nud there is
plenty of money in the country for the
transaction of the people's business."
On the Philippine <|uestiou Mr. Peffer
says: “The insurrection of Aguiualdo and
his followers must lie completely and per
inaucutly suppressed tiefore elvil govern
ment can be permanently established In
the meantime the President is exertiug
every effort to preserve order and protect
sit iM-accuhly disposed persons.
“As before staled when one sovereign
power cedes territory to another, the al
legiautv of the inhabitants is transferred
to the Hew sovereign, 'The saiue act
which transfers their eonniry transfers
the allegiance ,,f these who remain in It.'
That is the language of the Mitpretue
Court of the 11 lilted Stales ill the ease of
the Aiuericau Insurance Company vs.
Canter, 1 Peter*, 511.
“Our nattoual title the Philippine*
it a* good in law as the titles we hold
for fur home*, and the allegiance of tito
| $ dlplli- * to the I lilted States is iloe the
| same as till* of tile people of Alaska or
; Hawaii r New Melli u, AiltoWa or OMn
I horns
' V cc tunes* on of able and < -.n*ci, a
{ ttons lie u h ol d to Judge Taft of 111, ..,
* iff I ftt (R ul jttrinl « it in il tkvsfll In | Itg
| t it D4 IW feat fuf
I i if mi»» rI #ft«t i lug iiifurmiii .a
[ (til til** Mm •( tb. H that
I vk«
If* tl>
>»f all* tvriMiittif
ill I* a I *UI«i t*f thf
m |m % uk *6 m 11.a
PhU.ppie.s as ii i*.
»vf h*Mm* »|t(n W*
iWrar m lk« An**!
t| i|«i tlmi ««<i ii«
f #t»4 |«ff
Shouting About the Consent of
the Governed.
Bryan's Utterances Wholly Inconsistent
with the Practice of Democrats, Who
Have Invariably Suppressed
the Colored Vote
The verification of theory is practice,
the test of sincerity is conduct. When a
person or a party preaches one thing anil
practices another, there is no excuse for
being deceived us to his honesty. Four
years ago when Mr. Itrynn captured the
Chicago convention by his eloquent “cross
and crown" speech on the free coinage
of silver, there was plenty of room for
doubting the soundness or even the sanity
of his proposition, but it was difficult to
question his sincerity or the sincerity of
the party which Dominated hint. How
ever bud their logic, their theory accord
ed with their practice. The party us
then organized, so far as it hud the pow
er had practiced what it was then preach
Tlw Southern States are the backbone
and body of the Democratic party in
practice. They are the States where
the party is most completely devoted to
.Mr. Bryan and his doctrine, and they ure
also the States where the party is and
has always been in most supreme control.
It is in these States, therefore, that we
must look for the practice verifying par
ty principles. These States were the
home of the greenback movement, of the
wildcat hanks, and they were and are
the hotbed of free silver; therefore in
advocating It* to 1, Government paper
money and the overthrow of the national
banks, Mr. Bryan is entirely consistent
with the practice of his party as at pres
ent organized.
in his speech accepting the nomination
for President, at Indianapolis, however,
he preaches a new gospel for .Democ
racy. It is not money and hanking this
time, hut it is “Liberty,” the “consent
of file governed,” and “equal political
rights,” regardless of race, etc. Here
are a few extracts. How do these pro
fessions accord with Democratic prac
tice, where its control is supreme?
“It was <!od Him Then why does Mr.
self who placed-In Bryan's party resort
every Human heart to force and fraud to
the love of liberty, disfranchise the col
lie has never made a ored "race" iu this
race of people so low country?
Iu the scale of drill
ration or Intelligence
that It would wel
come a foreign mas
We cannot repudl
Nor can we “repndl
i "rep
ate the principles of ate" the principle of
self government In self government In the
the Philippines with Houth, without weak
out weakening that cuing that principle
principle here." jthroughout the repub
"A republic can Yet Mr. Bryan's par
have no subject*. A ty has made millions
subject is possible of citizens Into "sub
only in a government Jeets,” practicing gov
restlng upon force; he eminent by force
Is unknown In u gov
eminent deriving its
Just powers from the
consent of the gov
" T h e Democratic
party dispute* this
doctrine (of vassai
age'j and denounces
it as repugnant to
without the "consent
of the governed.”
While "the Demo
cratic party disputes
this doctrine " In
words It Is enforcing
It In practice in a
both the letter and nuarter of the States
spirit of our organ of the Union.
I zed law."
“If governments de Very true, but In
rive tlielr Just powers what Ntstes where
from the consent of Mr. Bryan's party has
the governed, it Is: power to prevent It
Impossible to secure!do "governments de
tltie to people either! rive their Just power*
by force or pur- from the consent of
chase." 11he governed?" When
and where did It try
to practice this pre
'Mcn may dare to
cept ?
Mr. Bryan's
do In crowds what party is uu organized
they would not dure fraud, fur Its Hitpre
to do as individuals, maey In many State*
tint the moral charac has been obtained by
ter of an act Is not doing "In crowds
determined by the what they would not
number of those who dare to do as lndlvld
Joln In It. Force can uals." Its "right" to
defend a right, tiut rule Is "created" by
force has never yet force,
created a right." I
"Bights never con , of course not. Yet
tl I e t : duties never Mr. Bryan’s party Is
clash, t'uan it tie our "unurping poll t leal
duty to usurp pollti l ights" of hundreds of
cal rights whbU be ihoiisHUds of Amerl
long to others?" cun citizens.
"There are degrees True, the "Creator"
of proficiency In the never "denied to any
art of self govern people the capacity of
incut, hul It is a re
Section upon i k* ('re
utor tu say that Ha
denied to any people
the capacity of self
"Once admit that
some people are caps
ble of self govern
incut and others are
not. and
capable pe
elf government," lint
despots and llemo
crais always have.
While Mr. Bryan
was saying tills his
parly was using fraud,
force uiid legislation
that the to deprive a whole
pie have a race of their political
right to seise upon rights, and estahllsti
uni govern the In lug "the reign of the
• ty
III this coun
capable, and J o u
wake force brut
force the only fouu
datlon of government
and Invite the reign
of the despot."
' Would we tread In
the paths of tyr-j
a any.
Nur reckon the tyr
ant's lost';
Who Mketh another's ertjr,
llbevtv. total Insecurity |u
III* f reedom Is *i*u taking the liberty of
t •
I which
diet cl
and the Mouth,
ha* been af
by Democratic
la paying "the
Ityrant s cost" lu pot
■ disorder and so
Would we
Make re
the del
for the
I* the i
aa the
dv tu
others It has **c»|
»< ed Its awn progress
' erl'y. "the lind who
relgnesl over
Ha hy Ion
I* the «i>*l who It
reigning yet."
d gt
> pr<
tan *
M| l
p g »
4 a
i 4
Mi lit
Is del
th< e
. .i
Mr. Bryan Is insincere ami is merely ns- i
ins these "liberty phrases'' t<> catch
Totes where political rights are uiore ad
vanced than ill the Democratic States,
or else he does not represent the Demo
cratic party at all. The party’s practice
for a generation speaks infinitely louder
than Mr. Bryau’s words. What the
party has always done and is now doing,
it may be relied upon to do if elected to
power. Until the States whore Mr. Bry
an’s party reigns supreme show some in
tention of practicing these "golden pre
cepts.” their declaration in nati <ul
platforms and candidates’ speeches, may
properly be taken ns only so much mate
rial for political deception.
It is not a question of wliefher the en
franchisement of the negro was a wise
or unwise policy, but it is a question of
rommon political honesty. If the party
believes, as its practice shows, that the
negroes are an inferior rats* and cannot
with safety to our institutions he admit
ted to political rights, to proclaim the
doctrine that the "Creator never denied
to any race of people the capacity of
self-government,” is obvious hypocrisy.
Some of the Democrats in tin- South,
who are more frank and honest than Mr.
Bryan, are already repudiating any pre
tense of seriously living up to his ethe
real political declarations. The Macon,
Ga„ Telegraph, for instance, frankly de
clares its unwillingness to tnke Mr. Bry
an seriously in this “consent of the gov
erned” talk and says:
"It Is nil sweet and nice enough to Indulge
on Fourth of July occasions In the generali
ties about the ‘consent of the governed,’
uhout ‘Inullenulile rights,' about the equality
of all men at birth, and so forth, Just ns our
forefathers did who owned slaves and who
robbed the Indians of their land, but It Is
another matter when you try to apply It to
the Negro, the Indian, the Kanaka and the
Filipino. We of the South are contending
for our own, and we are going to have it.
The Negro has nothing that we want that
wus not taken from os by force and given
to him. lie has no land, he has no birth
right, no heritage nothing but a right to
help govern which was given wrongfully to
him. When we take the ballot from him we
leave him In a far better condition than he
found himself when In- came among us as
a result of Yankee thrift and speculation.”
Tint Macon Telegraph, with real South
ern frankness, tells the simple truth
about the Democratic position on this
subject. Its statement is supported by
both tlie theory utwl practice of the party
wherever it is in power. Moreover the
Democratic party has never been dishon
est enough to pretend to believe in the po
litical enfranchisement of the inferior
races,^and Mr. Bryan's sudden admira
tion of Lincoln ami udvocaey of Garri
sonian principles is a personal (light in
political oratory, which has no relation
to the past practice or future intention of
tlie present Democratic party. If Mr.
Bryan should he elected the ollices would
he filled and tlie Government conducted
by people who, like the Macon Telegraph,
jeer at these “equality phrases" as empty
generalities. They evidently regard these
utterances as so much verbal halt for
new votes in the "enemy's country." But
here Mr. Bryan’s cunning is not as wise
as the Telegraph's frankness. Honesty
is always respected and such cheap cun
ning ns Mr. Bryan's Indianapolis speech
reveals will fail to deceive. The Ameri
can citizens are not ignorant Filipinos,
they are too well informed on the policy
and practice of the Democracy on this
subject to be caught by Mr. Bryan’s
rhetorical if not hypocritical phrases. The
name of "Lincoln" and "political liberty”
are too sacred to he flippantly used in
such a cause. The American people have
some sense of the fitness of things.
Senator Stewart Telia What Ails the
Nebraska Colonel.
Senator Stewart of Nevada, the stal
wart silver leader, will vote and work for
McKinley this year. He is tired of Bry
an and Brynuism and here is why he has
left the Popocrnt fold:
“Mr. Bryan's unparalleled campaign
for the principles of the Chicago plat
form and his insistence on the adoption
of that platform nt City,” said
Senator Stewart, “induced the people to
suppose the campaign of 1!MM) would l»e
conducted on the issues of In this
way they were mistaken. An hallucina
tion induced Bryan to make wur on an
army of ghosts and hobgoblins, which a
diseased brain created. His instinct,
which has formerly led him to consider
realities, departed. He sought his closet
in pursuit of phantoms, nnd strung to
gether ten thousand words, which he
gave to the public nt Indiunapolis. He
omitted all mention of the issues of ItilMl
and summarized the paramount issue of
the present campaign iu a pledge to the
Tagal Guerrillas."
Whatever the direct result of Senator
Stewart's secession from the fusion alli
ance in Nevada, the rapid spread of the
Western revolt against Col. Bryan's In
dianupolia program introduces an element
of doubt into the canvass in Nevada,
Colorado, Montana, Idaho and I'tah
which was wholly lacking four years
ago. But on the defensive in one and
all these former strongholds by an at
tempted change of issues, and gaining
no uinteriul strength elsewhere by the
sudden aiiout fuee of his acceptance
Speech, it is easy to nee the stump of
genuine inspiration on Mr. Stewart's
prophecy that the Nebraska lender's pres
ent "anti-imperialistic" canvas* is doom
ed to defeat.
Nevada silveriles. what are left of
them, are bothered about the determina
tion of Senator Mlewurt to support the
policy of the administration. Surveyor
General Kelly says: "I think Jones will
go neat," and Sam BuvW, the acrobatic
humorist who conduct* the ('arson Ap
peal, is Stale controller and engages in
various occupations, meanwhile rtpicsse*
his ideas in the oue sentence: “The Ap
peal will blister Stewart,"
Investigation by Father Malone,
the American Priest.
Lord Salisbury's Diplomatic Plans—
President McKinley s Independent
Policy—Our Course Regarding
China Tells the Story.
Rev. Thomas II. Malone of Denver
writes from London his information and
opinion on the relations between the
United States and Great Britain. The
letter is the more significant because four
years ago Father Malone's sympathies
were strongly with the free silver cause
and his influence was east on the side of
Bryan. For some time this widely known
priest hus been abroud and his facilities
for judging of what are the actual rela
tions between the two governments have
been exceptionally good. The letter is
addressed to Mr. It. C. Kerens, the Mis
souri member of the Republican national
committee. Father Malone writes:
“Mr. McKinley’s attitude during the
present crisis in China must be sorely
disappointing to such men as lion.
Bourke Coekran and others who have a
special object in making it appear that
the President lias really if not nominal
ly entered into an alliance with England.
“Mr. Coekran and those who think
with him are well aware that if the pop
ular mind cun be led to believe Mr. Mc
Kinley's administration is committed to
the fortunes of England the Irish and
Germans of the country would resent
his attitude to the extent of throwing
their votes against him at the polls.
“But in considering this question one
should be actuated by higher motives
titan partisan advantage, for the welfare
of our country, regardless of purty, must
depend upon the patriotic impulses of tho
"I, too, would resent any alliance be
tween the United States and England,
but I would equally resent the charge
that such au alliance exists until it shall
have I teen proven beyond the peradven
ture of a doubt. Now, what are the
facts in the case ns demonstrated by re
cent developments? The Chinese trou
bles, which at the present writing arc in
u most acute stage, furnish the key to the
position of the United States Government
in so far at least as any alleged alliance
with England is concerned.
"Mr. Hay's note to the powers sets
forth clearly the President’s policy, and,
looking at it from this side of the ocean,
I confess thi«t it seems to'disarm the
critics who for the past year have been
profligate in charging undue sympathy
for England on the part of our Govern
r runt mo j'.itgiisii point oi view ujis
policy, it is frankly admitted here in
London, has been keenly disappointing.
It was assuredly the desire and inteution
of the British Government to so use the
United States and Japan as to conserve
its own interests at home and abroad.
This would readily have beeu done by
throwing these two countries between
China and Russin so ns to thwart ami
weaken the latter, afld thus gain a timely
advantage over the allied powers,
“Indeed I speak advisedly when I say
that it was confidently hoped that Mr.
McKinley, in consideration of England's
attitude during the Spnnish-American
war, would readily acquiesce in Lord Sal
isbury's well-laid plans for action in
China and allow our Government to be
pushed to the front and thus shield the
British Government in an hour of trying
need. Hail the President consented to
commit the United States to a policy of
joint action with the powers England
would have been highly elated, for in
that ease we would soon find ourselves in
open opposition to Itussia, and, while
nominally protecting American lives and
interests, we would in reality be fighting
the battles of the British Empire.
“But Mr. McKinley’s more prudent
course, as outlined in Mr. Hay’s note,
lias not been received with cordial good
will in England, whose position may lie
inferred from a paragraph in to-day’s
Globe which expresses amazement that
the United States will suffer the Vhole
campaign to be rendered abortive in or
der to gratify what it is pleased to cult
•the cold and calculating designs of Itus
“One feels from tlie ntmospherp that
tlie United States Government is in no
mood for an alliance of any kind with
England. That 'Barkis is willin' ’ on this
side of the ocean there is no shadow of
"Hence, looking at the President** pol
icy from the point of view affurded iu
England, I am convinced that he meant
what he said at the dinner of the Ohio
Society iu New Yolk when he affirmed
that bis policy was both to avoid entan
gling alliances with as wed as hostility
to an.v other nation. And I am moreover
convinced that the British Empire is re
ceiving neither eneoumgciucnt nor sym
pathy at this time from the Government
at Washington.
“London, England."
HlllWIiM ('alley llaa l.aoklH lh*
WurkMi In Dal Mur*.
In l*g»; tbrrv *»• a rmiH I'mlni
■ u| rut n, uni,.nutmg |m 'J.'JXt,n75.MU*i
bHahrU. Tlu> bighrtt r,
cura rrti hnl year In I’bn-agii as*
n ul. |K*r bu«H» I. during On- unnMi
<<f .%|*rtl Iltirmg n > ulln r Mill tint Itir
j iirkv ii.m It :k« ii*ni». In Hi im uil* i. at
i ill* bright at Ik* lit >414 lociiit. It |ul a*
1 l»w •• I ? •* , i-fNii. mi I t Urni gh l lii’ r»»«
! of IMai It ilnt t.. l t**iii b high, r than £'<1 (
I ikr l*. .ml f ir »!*• wnil bait at
1 ik» y*ar bring mu l»* •Imrili attar I in an
n Him . MW-lit <»f %|*'KlnU’i’* iW*’in*n
In I at a) tk«n> ill Ihr Utijiii i r<i|i t
i ••*« *in<t> Ntl. It um.itiD'ii. g In illjb
IbllliU liutbi It, a bn It til yi^.lill.T'W
• *w(i at I MW I m> I Un ag i yiicr «f rain,
bmlvr, during I.’.* a 'l •• I IMHI 4i I I
nut tun>b twlna Ju mi't a b»»h*l. ak »b I
a a* na>| *j it at a bu»b*i b*l«<» ib« b-g » I
leeonl prion .if IMW. For in luonth* of
lh<* Jiir it iliit Rot gel tielow rrnt*
« liuebrl After ?••»»»*. 1 the im^, wa«
between ai', ami ;Wl rent* a bu«br|,
who'll wm« liter |u II lit* ti 1.11,Url I ■met,
«r front D in *» |»r tori liTii«r, thau
iho range for I bo <»««■ imti.hI m laiai.
That I be Until., lu I Hint . .oil,I gel |r..ut ifuarlrr |« tin,,] i,nr, pn.T, f„r
ibeir forn Mmi in iMni. nub oul> aboal
•tie irnllt (•>*, t..r» t , nil, »»■,.*» bow
gieailf «hr» In-it. m..| by ibe brut.leitril
utarbela I be ||if« poliof of Riling
Ibe rll| Workman'* ilium r |.ail bet g,%
on Hum 'the «|,uoit of ibe I ■.mu
eraite |>artt ■ -, nt v ml that ihe ^r. h n|
«•' *1" »»»» ! »• * tie fl.tu lb, litrg, , .
of lbo W,t f. nr tear*, u,.| t* t»<t tin# ir
<•'»» Hi. »,M.e I . M. Rttbio •• Itolti i. , |r
Imni, b*.never, n ib a to, i«4 breaking
Ioiwro* «ir **» of W»R Ibete «,l| R,, |
liRtee Rot fH..|n(lty, lu Ibe t-wfl* bolt
Ir IRiM nttb 4 W |*#t real ,,, e,„w
• < i> I *e» o, |» ». .... „ H ,,,, ,
!»• *|t»4 J »• ttRtl f I..I. .g «■«»,