The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 07, 1900, Image 4

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    I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
Uoaal r?sws.
Dr. Romine, the dentist.
T. M. Sped wont to the state fair
School opened Monday with a good
Peter Howe came up from Howard
county Saturday.
G.JI. Morgan Is having an awning put
over his store front.
Jimmie Conger took charge of dray
line Monday morning.
E. A Hrown and wife are visiting
the state fair this week.
T. C. Chamberlain of the west side
was in the city Saturday.
Geo. E. Ilenschoteris putting a new
coat of paint on his dwelling
Lewis Holler put down a hydraulic
welt for VV. G. McNulty Tuesday.
W. G McNulty destroyed a forest
of weeds along our streets this week.
Mr9. Lew McGraih visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Iloppor at Glbkon, last week.
T. M. Heed keeps repairs for the Mc
Cormick, Buckeye and Woods ma
There will be bicycle and foot racing
at the fair grounds tomorrow afternoon
at 4 o'clock.
Save your feed by buying
a corn harvester of T. JVI. Reed.
Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
W. II Morris has chargo of the gener
al store of J. Phil Jaeger during that
gentlemans absence.
Mrs. S. E. Gallaway and little daugh
ter and Miss Etta Travis took the train
Monday morning for Lincoln.
All kinds of )
Jewelry repairing > Mini'rABun.
Promptly Done at )
To prevent consumption quldkly cure
throat am! lung troubles with one min
ute Cough Cure.—Odendahl Bros.
When you want bargains In the line
of Jewelry don’t fail to call on O. II
Morgan. lie carries the finest line in
the Loup Valley.
If you want your watch out in good
repair by the only first class workman
In the county call on O. II. Morgan, the
The following second band articles
for sale at Gasteycrs; One each, cup
board, bureau bedstead, range, base
burner, and three cane bottom chairs.
Mothers endorse it, children like it,
old folks use it. Wc refer to One min
ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure
all throat and lung troubles.— Odendahl
Mrs Hclnricbsen an old lady living
near Ashton, committed suicide last
Friday by drowning herself in Oak
Creek. Further particulars have not
been learned.
The most dainty and effective pills
made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They are unequaled for all liver and
bowel troubles. Never gripe.—Oden
dahl Bros.
J. I. Depew has been forced to take
up the precept of holy writ and tear
down and build larger. Ilis increasing
business could not be accommodated in
his old quarters.
Loved by the people, hated by its
would be rivals; the foe of disease, the
friend of humanity—Rocky Mountain
Tea, made by the Madison Medicine Co
Ask your druggist.
We understand Andrew Gorski of
Ashton has been nominated for state
senator by the socialists. Andrew may
have a social time but we Immaglne it
will be a little lonsome.
G. II. Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew
clry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to do
this in line, don't fail to call on him.
Loup City is well represented at the
state fair loan official capacity thia year.
W. R. Mellor is there as a manager, S.
K. Gallaway and L. X. Smith as gate
keepers and C. J. Tracy and Mr. Barnes,
as policemen.
”lTp to date'* Photograph* at M.
l<0*cblnt'<y'» Photo Gallery Loup City
duilng thi month of .September and
October on every Monday. Tuesday.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Fiiday.
Stamp si/e photos is for k'6 cent*.
A* usually treated a sprain will dis
able the Injured person for three or
four weeks, tut if Chamberlain's Pain
Halm i* freely applied a complete cure
may lie effected In a very few days.
Pain Halm also cures rheumatism, cuts
bruises and burns. For sale by t»den
danl Uroe.
This office printed a set of sale bills
for Mtanlslaw <ioc, Monday. The sale
will take place at his farm on Mouday
Pm*at Ih.fJUa ui three miles
north cf Achaupp* tldiig lie will sell'
all hi* l*rm machluery and about U>
bead of cattle also 7 head of horses
l.arge sun spots, astronomer* say,
caused the ea'retue beat this summer
and doctors declare nearly all the pros
trallous were Induced hy disorder* of
lh* •tom*.he Guod health follow,
good hot ltd |i|«pe|.*iai'ure
digest* what too eel If you have ln<1l
gesitonwr dyipepala it will <|ukkty re
lleis and peruiuisiillji cure yew-.
CKlendahi Hr os
Boeckner the fashionable tailor.
John Oyster of Ravenna, paid Loup
City a visit Tuesday.
Go to Sheppards for first class watch
John Travis is in St. Joe buying bis
fall and winter goods.
Billy Neville lias had quite a serious
case of strangulated hernia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bullock and daugh
ter of Rockville was in the city Tues
Do you need a mowing ma
chine? If so call on T. M.
Go to Sheppards for fine hand en
graving. 0 7
W. II, Williams returned from the
National G. A. R. encampment Monday
W. T.Gibson went to Ashton Mon
day to begin work on 1. M. Polski's
new residence.
Miss Kayte Moon left for St. Joseph
Mo., Monday morning to purchase her
fall stock of Millinery goods,
DeWltt's Little Early Risers are
prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful,
purifying little pills.—Odendahl Bros.
T. M. Reed sells cycle grind
ers that are 0 K. Call and
see them.
Harold Scbaupp was kicked by one
of their horses Monday evening. The
injury was quite painful but nothing
People who burn the Lamp of Reason
need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest
reason producer known. 85c. Ask
your druggist.
Messrs*Chas. Holmes, William Nut
ter and Walter Scott of Gibbon, where
the guests of J. T. Hale over Sunday.
Mr. Scott bought a line team from Mr.
You can spell it cough, cofT, caugb,
kauf, kaff, kough, or kaugb, but the
only harmless remedy that quickly cures
it is One Minute Cough Cure.-Oden
dabl Bros.
Go to .Sheppards if you want a pair
of Glasses that will do your eyes good.
He is the only Optician lu this part of
the country that has UP-TO-DATE in
struments, and KNOWS IIOW TO
What came pretty near being a serious
blaze occured at the Round Front barn
Tuesday afternoon. By soir.e reason
the bed lu the olHce caught fire and
when discovered was burning Biliously.
The great success of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholerand Diarrhoea Rem edy in
the treatment of bowell complaints has
made it standard over the greater part
of the civilized world. For sale by
OJcndahl Bros.
Mr, Hoover of Boelus was in the city
Wednesday purchasing stock. He got
53 bead of fat steers from W. H. Conger
and 65 head from S. F. Reynolds, and
sold to Mr. Conger 200 head of two
year old heifers.
John Brumbaugh, the old original
John “ah,” who roamed our hills and
trapped the beaver in the days of the
coyote and the Sioux Indian, was look
ing over his old haunts this week. He
was on his way to Idaho.
I have just received quite a line
of boots and shoes, and am now able
to sell my customers new goods,
(nothing old) and especially in the
line of seamless shoes, from the
largest and only exclusive seamless
factory in the country; every pair
guaranteed. Call and see me.—H.
The emergency bags sent by a church
society to Kansas soldiers in the Philip
pines contained among the necessities
a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel .Salve,
the well known cure foi piles, injuries
and skin diseases. The ladies took care
to obtaiu the original DeWitt’s Witch
Hazel Salve knowing that all the coun
terfeits were worthless.—Odendahl
0. Benschoter tins by consent of the
store keepers changed his system of
general delivery. He will make deliv
eries at!» 00 and 1 Hki a. in. and ‘JKK)
8:00 and 6:00 p. in. ThU will make It
much more convenient for all parties
eoneeaned and will not keep the ex
pres* t» am on the jump from day light
to dark.
Michael Niece of the south west part
of the county made this ottlce a plea*
ant call while in the city Tuesday. Mi
N tece I* a veteran of the civil war and
also a veteran Kcpnblicao, having voted
for John if. Fremont in 'M and for
every Hepubllcan president since lie
*ay- McKinley Is among the he^t Pre»|.
dent* we ever had and will be elected
this fall by a larger majority than be
1. aat Tuesday evening a* the Wood 1
uieu closed their lodge, a It bel of voic
e# aa* heard at the foot uf the stair* and
upon Investigation it was ascertained
that about JO ladies uo mtiet, ut the
Hoyal N tghhif* each wuh a wat r
m'd’oo were about to make a raid upon
the camp They were admitted an I at
iswe proceeded tu carve ihc luclu* fruit
I h* boy* (oitcluded that the melton
colic time bid arrived and t*n*t*d them
•elve* accuruiugly After the f* set the
room Was cleared and aamnaJ dance *«•
as*joyed fur aa hour
The sail new s reached us Fiiday
night that Mrs. Christ Heinrichsen,
living east of Ashton, had l ommit
ed suicide by drowning herself in
Oak Creek, When found her body
lay on the bank and her head in the
water. Her slippers lay on the bank
beside her. Family troubles is sup
posed to have been the cause of the
act. She was intered in the German
Lutheran cemetery Sunday.
Ohlsen Bros working gang is here
errecting a new brick dwelling for
I. M. I’olskl.
Mr. Bob Swanek is having a new
frame house built.
Miss Maggie llapp, Miss Barbrie
Blumer aud Mrs. Sylvia Schatipp
took the train for Oklahoma, Tues
day morning.
A new voter arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. .Julius Bushausen
Thursday morning and hurrahed for
Mr. Willard Thompson and Frauk
Kearns left for Oklahoma overland
Wilson Bros, shipped two car load
of cattle to South Omaha, Tuesday.
K. G. Taylor, Thus. Jamrog and
Mrs. J. E. Conklin visited the state
fair at Lincoln, this week.
TbeoOjendyk went to the state
fair Friday.
Wilson Bros, finished shelling
corn for Webber Stott Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Conklin re
turned from Oklahoma Monday.
John Ilaintnotu], living 3 miles north
west of Litchfield, died Thursday night
August 30, 1900, of bloody flux. lie
had been at the hospital at Lincoln, dur
ing the early summer and came home
much improved in health and made sale
of his effects preparatory to moving
back to his old home in Indiana, but
sickened and died before gettiug start
ed. He was about 55 years old and had
liyed in Sherman county 12 years.
Italph Gofl started overland with his
fumily and effects for Colorado, where
he expects to make his future home
O D. Eaton will move to Colorado,
sometime during September,
D. W. Titus has gone east on a pleas
ure trip and to take in the National G.
A. R encampment.
P. N Patterson, J. C Patterson and
J. II. Stanton, of Danbury, Iowa are
iD the city. They are here looking up
a location.
H day alarm )
clocks iSheppards.
$3.60ct8 at J
The llruTery of Woman.
Was grandly shown by Mrs. John
Dowling of Butler, Pa., in a itaree years
struggle with a malignant stomach
trouble that caused distressing attacks
of nausea and indigestion. Ail reme
dies failed to relieve her until she tried
Eleetric Bitters After taking It two
month*, she wrote: “I am now wholly
cured and can now eat anything. It Is
truly a grand tonic for the whole sys
tem as I gained in weight and feel
much stronger since using it.” It aids
digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves ap
petite, gives new'life. Only 50c. Guar
an coed at Odendahl Bros.
We have 100 acres of fresh pasture
lands just west of Adam Schaupp's resi
dence. Our charges will bo 50 cents a
month for each animal, owner to take
to and from pasture.
S F. Reynolds.
D. A. Jackson.
Hail A Initial Given Up bill IVm llroughl
llni'lt lu I’urfi-r Health by Chaaaberla'n's
Co Hr I hit rru ami Diarrhoea llemaily
Pnigi the TIMM, IlltUulIc Va
1 Miittered nitli diarrhoea for a long
time ami thought 1 wa« paat being
cured. I had apent much time and
money and (uttered »o much misery
that I had «liuo»t decided to give up all
hop*- * ot recovery and await the ie»ult.
but ii'itictug the advertiaemeiit of CUaiu
bnrlaih'a l ollc, <'bolera and iHarrboea
Itemed) and alau acme totimonlala
alating how mw wouderful cures bad
been wrought t»v Ihi* remedy. I d enied
to try It. After taking a fear doaea I
wa* entirely well of that trouble, and I
*idrfo*ay further to my reader* and
f* 1 ow>*ulf*rer* that I am a h tie and
hearty man to day and feel a* aell a* I i
ever rlld In my life O it RnoMI. 1
at Id by Odrndahi Itroa
• • •
-% |*wtl4«f Hii I «|> Uli ill
It* m >*e, every thing In >lghi w d«t
draatic oil teral |dH», hot h tih are ruigh
ty dangervm«* X<* need In drnauitte
y woe body a her* I»r Ring * .Hear I.He
I*tlb do Ih« work tumi) an I pelf ct
lv I 'tie* He *■ 1 *\ he, t'un* 11| at mi Only
tent* tl Oden lahl Hi *a
German services will be held at the Hap
tl»t ehiirch in LoupCItyon Sunday Sept. Sth
1300, at 2:00 p m., and at Ashton, on Sunday
sept. 10th at same hour.
The Kcv. Ur. Sexton of Seward will preach
In the Presbyterian Hall on Sunday. Sept
Vth at half past 10u. m : at Austin at 3 p. m.
and at Kockville In the evening.
AT Til K M. R. CH 'JKCH.
Services will be held at the M. K. church on
Sunday, Sept. 9th, ns follows:
Morning services 10:30, Subject! A univers
al Language Evening service 8:00, Subject:
•The Monk that shook the World.’’
iservlce on Oak Creek at 3:00 p. m. Subject:
"A Parting Wish."
As the service at Oak Creek is the last at
that point for the conference year, it Is hoped
that al the friends at that place may be in
W. E. Matthwsh, Pastor.
Special train for Lincoln via the
Burlington Route leaves Loup City
Neb, at 6 a in, Tuesday, Sept. 4th.
Round trip only 94 75 Including ad
mission to the State Fair.
C A Its roll TOUUIST8
are the mogt comfortable, commodious
means of travel for large parties. In
tending settlers, homeseakers, hunting
These cars are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebraska points to
California and Oregon points, and ure
titled up complete with mattresses, cur
tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring
nothing to be furnished by the passen
gers. Uniformed porters are in charge
of these cars who are required to keep
them in good order, and look after fhe1
wants and comforts of passengers.
These cars are new, of modern pattern,
and are nearly as convenient and com
fortable ns first-class palace sleepers.
For full information call on or address
II. J. CLirroM, Agent
We wish to say that on and after
September 3rd we will be prepared to
do all kinds of freighting anil general
draying.—Yours for prompt delivery,
J. W. Coni IKK.
Buy a pigin-tho-bag sewing machine
when at a reasonable price you can buy
a “New Home" that you and everybody
else knows is the best sewing machine
there Is? —For sale by T. M . Reed
A black parasol in the north pnrt of
town, la-*t Tuesday, finder will confer a
great favor by leaving same at the
Mas L, I) Gardner.
(Special Dispatch.) Paris, Aug 25.—
Arneucan whiskies received the official
approval of the exposition to-day, w hen
Gold Medal was awarded to Uernbeirn
Bros., Louisville, Ky, on their I. W.
Harper whiskey.—Sold in Loup City,
by T. II Elsneu.
Notice Is hereby given that the firm of Slo
boitny ,v Chelewskl has by mutual consent, dls
aolveil partnership, anil that on amt after the
date of this notice the business will lie eon
ducted by John Chelewskl. ami the said John
Chelewskl does assume all debts contracted
by the tirm up to the date of such dissolution.
Dated this 1st day of August, 1800.
H 18 John i uei.ewski,
Daparlrnent of the Interior.
Land OfBee at Lincoln, Neb. I
Septemer 5tli, 1900 f
Notice la hereby given that the follow,
lug-named settler has tiled notice of her
Intention to make final proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will be
made btfore the county Judge at Loup,
Nebraska, on Thursday, October IS, 1800,
viz Mary A Baird, Timber Culture Entry
No. 7808, for the 9. E fotlt'th Section 2,
Township 15, Range 18 west of the 8tli p. in.
She names the following witness..s to
piove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz: J. II. Draper,
Chris Zwink, James Bowen, Anton Dymok,
all of Loup, i lty, Nebraska.
J W. Johnson, Register.
Department of the Interior.
Ltl>d Office ui Mncoln, Neb <
.VtlXUHt |H, IW)«. I
Notice la hereby given that the follow,
ing-numed settler hns tiled notice ol her
Intention to make final proof In support
of her claim, amt that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of Hhor
muucounty, at I.oup City, Nebraaka, on
October ird, I tan, via: Huraii C. Hunner,
lloui a I cud Entry No. I7IMT lor the East half
of the North East fourth, keollon jo.
Township IS, north of llanife Id weal, etli
p. Ut nil) name* the follwinic willies* Jo
prove her continuous teal deuce upon and
cttlltvalloa of, aald land, via Ed. \urum,
llarry sawyer, Frank Curry, o. C iteunla,
alt of l.ltelifteUt, Neb make
J W Jotiaaoa, Itrglster.
|l> partno-nt of the Interior
I and ooice at I tacoln, NeS t
august la, IWii, I
Notice > hereby given that the follow
lag earned a* I tier ha* died not tee of hi*
tntenlloa to make dual prowl la • uppc*rl
of hie elaiMt. end that aunt pruut will
be u. vde before J \ tug let. county
Judge ut Ubertnau county, at i, up
tity, Nebraaka, on October lat, l av*, i .f i
t, ntwig l.traea. Ilouiect, ad Entry N »
lv .t I u the North t a.t fou.iIt, aeetiuu
a. M l' He the fulluttlag wit i
upon on4 valiirttknt of, *ant rmt. ttt
Kite tl helaan Antehnnt Heiaerta* a.
Reinert Hetaeffteea, fobtwe hllae, a trf j
ttvaard Mebeaaha
J h ■ J lived Regular ]
Astigmatism! '
Astigmatism is not a disease but is simply a defect in
the shape of ti e eye ball It necessitates an irregular strain
upon the muscles in adjusting for different objects. There is
no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue,
(Especially fiead Ael)es
A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people
who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their
eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cau-o.
They believe that they can sec as well as any ono and in a
good many cases they can. The overwork is going on just
the same.
If any one thinks their eyes are not right come in and
see me. I am the only optician in this part of the country
that c:>n correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free.
The L aiding Optician and Jeweler.
Loup City, Nebr. >f
Low Itatrs To Colorado und I'tali of
fered liy the llurlifijctoti Route.
On August 7 and 21, and on .Septem
ber 4 and 18, the Burlington will fell
round trip tickets to Denver, I’ueblo,
Colorado Spring?, Ogden, Salt Lake
City, Deadwood and Hot Spring?, for
one fare plus* Tickets sold at these
remarkable low rates will be good to
return till October 111.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
Route w ill be pleased t > tell you the
cost of a ticket and to help you plan
your trip. Descriptive literature tree
on application
't.l cent* to 1001
That big state paper, The Semi-Week
ly State Journal. will be mailed from
now until January 1, 1901, for 25 cents.
This Is the biggest offer of reading mat
ter evei made in the west and Is done
for the sole purpose of introducing it
to thousands of rrw homes Here’s
year chante to get an up to date, relia
ble state paper for a mere song. Send
in your quarter and you'll get the paper
all through the remainder of this year.
Address The State Journal at Lincoln.
Sf. Joseph,
Kansas City,
Ht. Louie,
anti all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City,
San Francleeo,
and all points
No 52 Passenger..*.7:65 a. ui
No. BO Freight .12.5ot>. in
No. 5) Passenger.4.15 p. 111.
No. 5« Freight. .pgirsia.m.
bleeping, dinner and reclining clialr car#
(seals free) on through trains Ticket*
Hold anil baggage checked to uny point in
the United States or Canada.
For Intorinallon, niupa, time tablea Hiid
tlcketa call on nr write to It, I,. Artbni
Agent. Or J. FIlANOIs, Gen'I. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
U. 1*. KAII.WAT.
No. sfl leaves daily except Sunday rpass
eilger). a :ou a. m.
No an leave* Monday, Wcdneaday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in.
No. 90 leave* Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 9:55 p in
No H7 arrive# daily except Sunday (mixed
12:0» p. in.
No. >5 arrives dally except Sunday ipass.
eti er) 7 36 p. m.
First class service and close connection#
east, west and south
On Sheppard’s
Jewelry Store
if you want bargains in the
jewelry and silverware line;
and if you want g.asses or your
eyes tested for glasses see hi in.
He can givo you information
that will be of value to you.
The finest Optician ami Jeweler
in the country.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Case*.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Noiithwestciui Building,
A- 8* MAIN.
• •rrii’K. -one door of I'htM'i
drug eiore
W. li. MAKCY,
Ilfv’.VT 1ST
urri' R ON « V*T •»,»*: l*i .*1,I* svjf AIO
i.oui' nry. xa'm.
i.«*t i- 4*1 r\
If you are ir. need of glasses and
have tried everywhere to get 3our
your eyes properly fitted, don’t he
too much discouraged hut call on
me. I am a graduate optician and
if I do not fit you properly it will
cost you nothing. We want our
patrons to he satisfied wiih our work
and wo think we succeed very well.
Don't forg t <J. H Morgan’s when
your eyes are out of order and yon
want to know exactly what is the
matter with them.
When yon are born the Cieator starts
you going auil you go a long time, if
you grease the main- spring of lift' with
Rocky Mountain Tea. (ireat lubileator.
Ask your druggist.
Poisonous toadstools resembling
mushrooms have caused frequent deaths
this year. Be sure to use only the genu*
hie. Observe the same care when you
ask for l)eWitt’s Witch llu/.el Salve.
There are poisonous counterfeits. |ie
Witt's i« the only original Witch Hazel
.Salve, It is • safe and certain cure for
piles and all skin diseases.—Odendab!
Ilui'blou's Aralra salt«
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures It surpasses any other salve, to
(Ion, ointment or balm fur Cull, t’orns,
Bums, Holies, Sores, felons, 1'leers,
Tetter, Hall Rhetini, Fever Sores, Chap
(ted llsnd*. Hkiu Kruptions; Infallible
lot Piles, t,'ure guaranteed Only Jj.'ic
at 1 Mendalil Bros
The complete service of
via I n ion Pactkc,
enable* passengers to reneh the
principal cities the North
Pavitlo t’oasl and Missouri Kiver
not only In the sleirteat
|»>*»ih|e space
of time,
hot *!*<• to the uo*»t lauofoitable and
n j"\ vhli' manner The dining
lorn u this train ere stocked
with the lest the market a third a.
AT no-nit aeived n la carte.
II, J t*».irr«ji Agent.