£___2 13he f\r * ante Veronica mutd not got s» what It t ail coat Alan to writ* ll He did not w a' to he harsh and cruel tow r«l« «be uf factional* rretls f. whoa# only fault had hewn llu* she had n d he-n dr«*wn. wd In the ghipwr-«k, an t eel h** felt tl dlMt ult to he kind t» her who had Spoilt hia Ilf* He Wtoie that he* e f„rth ah* and the my as mid he his (its, that h* w|sh-l to ai i*w h**r and l,#f soy n Ugh tw li«e in roglfwtl, h •* that he could not bring himsplf to come and see her. He told her that he was parted from Joyce, who was now hovering between life and death, and that he would not burJen her with the sight of his unhappiness. He would always be g!ad if she wrote to him in any time of trouble or diffi culty, to give his advice and help; but that most probably he should leave England. He told her that if she fol lowed his advice oho would remain in England, which was a safe place for her to live in. Besides, he would rather that the boy was brought up as an Englishman. There was a lot of tiresome law business to be gone through. His marriage with Joyce had to be annulled, and the old general would not allow him to provide at all for his daughter. Joyce felt keenly the difficulties of her position, but most of all she felt the separation from Alan. Alan was seated In his office one day when he heard a heavy step on the stair. It was his old enemy Hutchin son. He was half drunk, but sober enough to want to pick a quarrel. His schemes had been baffled by the idiotic straightforwardness of a man who pre ferred honor to love. Naturally enough Hutchinson could impose no hush-money on a man who would con sent to hush up nothing, but who put away the woman who waa dearer to him than life rather than fail In do ing what was right. But Hutchinson, baffled at every turn, still had his re venge. He meant In the end to be even with Alan, let It cost him what It might. He eamo today to gloat over his enemy's misery. Some one had to!d him that Alan's hair had turned grey, and he wanted to see for himself. But Alan was just In a fit mood. He remembered as soon as he saw tne man that he might have saved Joyco the rrownlug misery of marriage with one from whom she had been obliged to be separated, that he had deliber ately done his best to ruin her, and Alan's wrath burned hot within him. He sprang up from his desk as soon as he saw Hutchinson, and caught hold of him. He gave him a little shake, and, looking him straight In the face, said: “You dog! why did you not tell me that Veronica was alive when 1 told you I was about to marry another woman? Why did you let me do an innocent girl an Injury?" Hutchinson looked at him. He was going to prevaricate, but his hatred was too much for him. "Because I hated you!” he cried. "Yes, and I hate you now! I shall never be content till I see you dead at my feet, you villain, who deprived me of everything I pos sessed! And you dream that 1 should forego my revenge! You tool, to for get that you had me to deal with!" “Yes," said Alan slowly, “I forgot that I was dealing with a devil, and not a man. A man might have had pity.” ‘Pity” Hutchinson sneered. "Pity towards a man who ruined me? Not 1! Hut I have not done with you yet. you may be very sure of that!” Alan sprang at him. “You get out of my office this moment,” he ex claimed, “or I will throw you down stairs." He looked so fierce that Hutchinson went at once. Six months had elapsed since he had said good-by to Joyce—six months of such utter hopelessness that Alan re solved that he would leave England. The firm of Dempster was going to be gin operations In Australia. Any thing. thought Alan, would be better than this life. He would work hard and live hard. He settled five hun dred a year on Veronica and the boy, and made a will leaving all else he had to Joyce. She would not let him do anything else for her whilst he was alive, but she could not refuse a ben efit by his death. He knew that the general only had his pension. He had learned that he had brought his daughter bac k to London. It was too much to tie near Joyce and vet not see her. Every time he went out he was letting his eyes stray everywhere, hoping, fearing that he might see the one woman in the world for him. Hut < hunce never favored him, and bis ar ! rnngements were m ole to go away ! After much deliberation he resolved i to write to both women who loved him. He wrote to Veronica a b't’er which, poor soot, hurt her. ulthougn he had no intention of lu/ir).; otherwise j than kind Dear Veronica I am going to Aus tralia. I do not think 1 shall see you again, but I h ive arranged everything f r you with Trunott the •»«.,ver. You ; will have five hundred a >ear whether j I live or die I hope you will bring the boy up well. ALAN MACKENZIE Poor V«ronic a cried bitterly when •he received this letter It ■rriuid to her that Alin th >ught he hi t ItuLhed l all hla obligation* to her hv paying her five hundred a year, and Ye'onba 1 who wag yearning for a ll'tl* love and * who had made a pilgrimage acrueg the dark water* to a laud where that* wa* i but Hub* *uu. for love a *we*t nuke! Alan had a fight over Am Joyce He had Mid he would fiivt Write I ■ to i I' it « • v to- > . i t !, «•. leave th > country within* a word of ’ f trewt.l to the aweti worn vn whom ha bad wooed and won Openly who for alt perfect w eh* had been hi* wife, and whom he loved m«we than any th fig mi earth I f» he cwfiUao* I t PROF. T. H. NORTON. CONSUL TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN IN ASIA MINOR. One of llie Best Informed Men of llie Day on the Problems That Hare Arisen In That Foreign Land—Profesior -t Languages in I nlrrrslty of Cincinnati. Consul to the Garden of Eden—that la the lemarkable appointment that President McKinley recently made Officially the appointment did not read just that way, but Harput, Turkey, Is considered by learned men und stu dents of ancient history to be iden tical with the spot where Eve first sug gested to Adam that apples were good to eat, says Leslie's Weekly. And to Harput, the Garden of Eden. Prof. Thomas H. Norton, of the University of Cincinnati, is to go, to represent the United States of America. Prof. PROF. THOMAS H. NORTOK. Norton’s mission in the little Turkish town, midway between the Tigris and the Euphrates, will lie to establish the farthest inland consulate representing this nation. The work he will have to do will be largely diplomatic, as Mar put has now no commercial interests in America, and up till now there has never been a consul of the United States there. Prof. Norton was nomi nated by the president to establish this consulate in the center of Armenia chiefly on account of his familiarity with the Turkish people and their lan guage, and his ability to handle the various diplomatic questions arising from the destruction of American property at Ilarput during the relig ious troubles of 1895, when about $100, 000 worth of American property was destroyed. The new consul uses French (the official language of th<> Ottoman empire), and is also familiar with Arabic, modern Greek and Rus sian. Five years ago. when Turkey requested the United States govern- | ment to recommend a scientist compe- 1 tent to found and build up a school of science at Constantinople, the late Secretary Graham sent to the Porte the name of Dr. Norton. The Arme nian atrocities came soon after tnis, and the Turkish plan was given up for the time being. Prof. Norton for seven years lived in Great Britain and Canada, for four in Germany, and for six in France,' where he had charge of a large chemical factory. He was the first to travel through Greece and Syria on foot and alone, and has walked, through Asia and Europe, a distance of over 12,000 miles. He was born in Rushfoid, N. V., on June 30, 1851, and now lives in Cincinnati’s aristocratic suburb, Clifton, For 17 years he has been professor of chemistry at the I'niverslty of Cincinnati, and for three year* its librarian. He will take charge of his new post of duty early in the fall. Wire Nall Cnuurd Appendicitis. A 9-year-old boy named Isaac Lip son. who lives in Chelsea, Mass., was operated on for appendicitis a few days since with a rather unusual result. Hospital physicians found the appen dix in bad condition and on making an I incision in It. there was encountered a wire nail, one inch in length. It was successfully removed. From a medical standpoint the operation was an interesting one. Since the discov ery of appendicitis there hav« bren ma«.’ foreign substances found in the diseased organ, but this is the first time in the history or medical science that such a thing as a nail has been found. The nail was badly rusted. !>«*:» Ili Cm unt il hy Hrlrf. Grief over the demise of her neigh bor and friend, Mrs. Goldberg, was re sponsible for the death one day tills week of Mrs. Sarah Tilles of Philadel phia. Mrs. Goldberg died suddenly and Mrs. TiHes went to the house to 1 assist in making preparations for the funeral. She had hardly caught a glimpse of the dead woman's face when she became hysterical and faint ed. Attacks of this nature rapidly fol lowed each other and the unfortunate woman eventually became so weak ened that death ensued in three da)3. One Out of Kverjr Five lllvorred. The close of the court year in Cleve land, O., and the totaling up of the number of divorce cases tiled discloses the startling fact that one out of every five Cleveland marriages seems to be a failure. In other words, for every live marriages one divorce is asked. For the fiscal year ended June 30. the figures for which have just been made up, 3,235 licenses to marry were is sued in that county. During the game 12 months tilti divorce petitions were filed. (ihantly I>r«-Hiii Wlili-li Curoc True. After having Ills rest disturbed by troubling dreams his thought being that his wife was dead. Edward M. Powell of Camden, N. .1.. awakened the other morning to find her hanging by the neck from the bedpost in the room and cold in death. The dream seemed so vivid that Powell, gazing at the corpse, hardly knew whether he was awake or still dreaming and it was necessary for him to touch the body to dispel his doubts. A Monopoly of VoIi biiop*. From Naples it is announced that the Italian government he.s given to one of the great international tourist companies a monopoly of Mount Ve suvius. Now if the company could only obtain similar concessions from the rest of the volcanoes of the world, incorporate them in a volcano trust and limit production, there would be a distinct service involved. Uh«*»p ttud Unique llat Adornment. Mrs. Cash of Athol, Mass., was at Brookside park lately when a big buff butterfly alighfpd on her hat, took a fancy to it. and decided it would make a nice spot for a butterfly home. The insect took possesion and began laying eggs, and has remained there ever since. Mrs. Cash wears the hat on the street and other public places and the butterfly with its nest attracts everyone's attention. THE CHINESE, LEGATION \ II)' 1 of Interval in ih***«* tiny* ami « wor4 a* t<» Ui> t‘hin***e legation in Wanking Ion, the home of the iff-hie \V« Tltig fang, the fhitu *> minuter, will not I 11*1 OOt of lli'tie The t'huimi' k*iii(|Mttm In the na< 11 i ni i ' il i « la* iot * hie to »t*4i»re |t, tail It •t*h*4 kite fur g tile a white Ike !• at'on »♦•«« 4ii*g I* «• fttrmerlt *1100114 la a miw i* n»«4 ywit of 1 he i>wa When l.t Haag yi 4 thi* rgwwtry a trial! it few years ago he did not like the hi cation of lh« strut lure, bettering It too far uw.ijf from Ihe other legation hnthltl’K* The i|iiurteiw Were for this i irMon rent teed to the Hnydei house The I'hlliea* minister when he t.atk , up hi* resident.« in the new legation received ha lira* r p« rtie« »# an e» ' crrtalner Wtsh'ng to show his ho»* pitallty like cabinet officer* amt otheis. he threw open lilatkol* to the p'lldl. fh> rrow’d swooped down upon hint like an acs cm he regardless of iso tatttdM tmik a»4jr his tarn a brsa and everything *>>*. in.. . <»t|.| *tr.» an I made a wreck generally nut of the •our c'elesiiwts hiMiae and premise* After that the n lnis.ee felt In. k ten tis dtgntijr and ev.loat.a American *d to Do the Work. Lovers of the woods and of wild ani mals know that there has been an alarming decrease In all kinds of North American game, and that some of the noblest species are in imminent danger of extinction. I he matter is attracting the attention of state legis latures and public-spirited persons, and has led to the organization of the League of American Sportsmen, the aim of which is to create a standing army of game protectors, with repre sentatives in every state and territory of the Union. There are now nearly 3,000 members, including such men as Governor Roosevelt of New York, Gov ernor Richards of Wyoming. Dr. C. Hart Merriam, chief of the United States liiologlcal Survey, Mr. W. T. Hornaday, director of the New York Zoological park. President Jordan of Leland Stanford Junior university. President Gilman of Johns Hopkins university and Mr. Ernest Seton Thompson, the artist-naturalist. An illustration of the good which the league is doing comes from California. Long before the first white man en tered the Golden Gate a vast herd or seals nml sea-lions played about the entrance to San Francisco bay. Part of the herd still remains—perhaps thirty or forty thousand—an object of interest, even of affection, to the peo ple of the state. Yet a few months ago the California fisi commission do- < elded to have all these creatures killed. Expert hunters and riflemen had already been engaged; but the league took the matter In hand, and Interested the authorities at Washing ton so effectually that the herd was saved. The protection of Bong and Insectivorous birds: war against the "game hogs" who disfigure the papers with pictures of themselves posing be side piles of game or before clothes lines full of fish; above all, the crea tion of a love of wild animals and a gentlemanly and exalted standard of sportsmanship these are the Interests of the league. At present it is work ing to save the antelope of our west ern plains from going the melancholy way of the buffalo. lion u Kolillcr KtrU In ltattl«». The worst time the soldier passes through, says a veteran, is not when he is under fire—no matter how thick the bullets fly—but about half an hour before the battle begins. Whether a man is a novice or an old campaigner, ho Is pretty sure to feel solemn then. His thoughts turn toward his home and friends; he speculates on the pos sibility that he may be spending his last hours on earth. In fact, nothing makes so great an Impression on the soldier's mind as the time he spends Just before the battle. It sobers the most daring and reekless men. Rut the mood soon passes. Within five or ten minutes after the tiring has com menced all the depression has disap peared and is succeeded by a feeling of keen pxcitement. amounting In some cases to a regular frenzy. The soldier gees his comrades falling around him. but the only Impression, as a rule, Is one of regret, with possibly an idea that their death must be avenged. Cliaract«rW»|r of Ginseng. Ginseng is parsnip-shaped, and when freshly dug is of a white, creamy col or. The root is hitter to the taste, hut not unpleasant, and is highly valued in China for its supposed medicinal properties in combating fatigue and old age. In that country it can only be gathered by permission of the ruler. Ak« (I Hratch 4 «olfc*r. Mr. Tom Morris, the well-known Scotch golfer, attained his 79t.h year the other (lay. and, as usual on his birthday, played a round of the St. Andrews links. The veteran golfer, notwithstanding his advanced age, is hale and hearty, and almost dally en joys his round of the links. I'lteworil to tlie Toner. The Lord Mayor is the only person, besides the Queen and the Chief Con stable who knows the password to the ! Tower of London. The password is sent to the Mansion House quarterly, signed by Her Majesty. Bicy tuition*! capital he a*w the high roil er* of i ongres* gather' t abort! the i ml I a hie* and the.* he pit Wed up hts Rr*t knowledge of the game tf'ar ward* he dev* !iii» i| intu a pr» t< »ioa ■,! guelder gad foi ion he *a known in ail the large illles of the r .iiMrr a* a Hiatt for whom ' the only limit wa* the ceiling " fortunately for him •elf Alhto had a devoirs! *t*l*r w .o from Hate to time i*'iei'del him *» a port lew ef hi* winnings m r«ai Mill*, and Ihciefute h Hu* niti* i hlmnelf with enough money to llv< oi, (lining the remainder of his life, it ' •> M lilO* 1.4* I. m « .1, awJ as fa, r f u, a ,, l.tair a *** » **f v»fc *1 f|, »>f • r«*.1 fa 4, t#r*4 I* fa)|MMt| |> him