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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1900)
The Northwestern * (PUBLISHED EVERY KRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. GKO. K. HI- Nsf’HOTEK, l Editors and OEO. H. t.llIXIM, I Publisher* TEK-M A:—#1 1*1 PEK TEAK, ir PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postuftlce tor trans mission through the mails as second class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET National For President. WILLIAM McKINLEY For Vice President, THEO. ROOSEVELT. State Presidential Electors: J T NE9BIT, Hurt. K II WINDHAM, Cuss ED ROYCE, Custer. L M HAGCK, Kearney B 1* DAVIDSON, Johnson J. L JACOBSON. Douylus J L KENNEDY, Douylas JOHN I. LANGER, Saline. For Governor: C II DIETRICH, Adams For Lieutenant Governor. V E I* SAVAGE, Custer Secretary of State: G W MARSH. Richardson. For Treus urer: WILLIAM STL'EFFEK. Cumlnu For Auditor. CHARLES WESTON. Sheridan For Attorney General: F N PKOUT. Gnue For Land Commissioner, Cl. D. FOLLMER, Nuckolls. For Superintendent. Jf W K FOWLER, Wash I nylon Conuresslonal Congressman, fith Dist. MOSES I*. KINK A ID. Senatorial. Senator, nun Dlst. II SM ELSE It County. Representative. 67th Dist. THEODORE OJENDVK For County Attorney W. II. WILLIAMS. Russia has applied to the United States for a loan of $150,000,000. Fact brother Brown, and wu have it, V*- we sold goods to Europe and got it under a gold standard. Less than 20,000 troops have ac complished that which pessimist? said would require 100,000 to do in China. The United States. (Jrent Britain, Russia aud Japan, follow ing the determination of President McKinley to advance on l’ekin with a small force if a large one was not at hand, have succeeded in carrying out our presidents ideas and the le gationers are rescued. This proves the old Yankee theory, that the wav _ _ to do a thing is to do it, to be cor ^ rcct. It makes all the difference in the world wither bankers are in the pop party or not. Now wo know a man who served two terms as a pop coun ly treasurer uud made enough money to buy an interest in a bank .mil build a brick residence and “He’s all right." He is a pop. Then there was A. T. Nichols, he was a pop and that party kept $5,000 in his bank until they lost it,although they knew he was going to the wall, but then “lie was all right." Say boys that guff is too thin people are laugh ing at you. Ves brother, the United States got her money to lend principally from her export trade during the past 4 years and the in tin x of gold conse quent upon her open industries, and hlessyour gizzard the goverumeut did not loan this money it was priv ate parties who could not receive an v ducats realized from your “stamp act.” So you immagine our great beneficiary orders are about to suc cumb to this “stamp act." Well you are wise beyond your generation and people, who are posted, will rise up and call you looney some day if you don't look u leedle oud. ('lease tell us how those orders are effected v out side of a ‘Jcent stamp for checks and drafts. What has the fusiooiala given us that was worth the powder since they have been running things in Nebraska that indicates a reason for ugaiu electing them. Is our tax any lower since they have been masters.' Has our state been ruu ou a more economical basis? if so for all that is right sh< w us. Has peace, liar uiony mid good government been oil . ime.i? If so we again desire to be shown, for a contiuuai scramble for place, charges ami recbaige* have been made by one atate oltner against another. Due sx»s hi* c >1 league is a thief and lire next in tine • toll t ien\ it. It 0 next one **v» I’s a lie ap<l the onlt i on* iusinii that can la drawn, judging troiu tlieir own declaration* is that (her eli nl l tw retired for the sake of the good name of the state 1IK Kill. Poynter’s Term Will Close With a Deficiency of at Le^st $100,000. Facts and Figures Taken From the Official Records Which Will Ad mil of No Dispute. Important Statistic* H«*urhi£ on tin* Wealth and Il«**ou of the ft'artu. Om:ilin, A tig. 27. It Is a low esti mate to say tiiat at the dose of tlie llscal year the state of Nebraska will l»e facing a deficit in llie funds for tin1 maintenance of tlie various state In stitutions <>f not less than $100,000. If anything, tlie amount will lie larger. Neither is tills mere conjecture. Al ready the records in the auditor's of fice at Lincoln reveal a large short age, aud. assuming that there will lie no increase in the rat* of expenditews, tlie deduction lexis op to theae fignroa. At beat the shortage cannot fall below the ■oo.iioii mark. This Is certainly n bad showing for the I’oyuter administration, consider ing tlie fact that the last legislature appropriated for general purposes more than $2,0*10,000. More than $.“>00,000 was appropriated for salaries and wages alone and yet, generally speaking, there will lie a large shortage in these funds. The records in tlie auditor's office at tliis very time, witli six months’ ex penses unprovided for, show a short age in tiie funds appropriated for the Normal School at l*cru, tlie Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City, the Fish Hatchery at South Bend, the Soldiers’ and Sailors' Home at Mil ford, the Soldiers’ and Sailors' Home at Grand Island, the Institute for Fee ble Minded Youth at Beatrice, the Asylum for the Insane at Norfolk, the •idustrial School at Kcui'uey, the Asy ium for the Insane at Lincoln—In short, they show n sfagrtuga In the funds of wvery stab* institution. These facts are taken from flio otti vial records and they cannot la* »k* ccsafully refuted. The records also show an utter disregard for law In tin* matter of diverting funds. While the law contemplates that specific ap propriations shall be used only to meet obligations against such funds, the practice in general is to use many specific funds as general funds. The custom is, where a fund is exhausted, to draw on some other fund specific ally appropriated for other purpose's, an act clearly in violation of law. That the present fusion administra tion lias been an expensive luxury to tile people of Nebraska can no longer be denied It Is ii fact, which tin* of ficinl figures will substantiate, that at flic end of Governor I’oynter’s present term tlie state of Nebraska will have paid out more money and Incurrt . more indebtedness in the way of def icits and unpaid bills for the main tenance of the public institutions than for any other two years since the state was admitted to the Union. Neither is there any excuse for this large deficiency. The last legislature was liberal in its appropriations, and. while it did not appropriate the large amount demanded by the heads of the various state Institutions, for the sim ple reason that it would have Imposed a hardship on tax payers, it appropri ated an amount which, had the insti tutions been honestly and econom ically managed, would have been abundantly sufficient. Fallacious Prophecy. Rack in the olden times, when the people were less tolerant and the lamp of reason and intelligence shone leas brightly than today, false prophets were frequently exiled and false prophecies were put under a ban. Not so today. The spectacle of to day Is that of a fulse prophet running for president on the Democratic ticket with his false prophecies recast into a platform of principles. Of all the prophets, Bryan has been the most prolific and st the same time bus made more and greater mistakes, in the campaign of 1 Mild he said that a Republican victory would bring untold distress and suffering, is there one man It.- Nebraska who be lieves it todayV <>n the contrary. Isn't It tile universal belief, and Is it not an established fact, that the country is more prosperous in general than for i many years? Itryan said Republican victory meant Industrial slavery. Where is it? Itryan said Republican victory meant low prices fur farm products. 1 lias tlint collie true is there a farmer | In Nebraska today who believe* it ? Bryan said a gold standard would Iiii|hoerisli the masses and decrease the purchasing capacity of labor ami farm products lias this come trio Is tlisre a farmer whe will toy that he Is foiling less for his cattle, hogs, corn, w h«st, oats, butter wool or any other product of the farm tlmi he re i ini four years ago? ts tharo s la borer who will say that he Is getting h-» * pay for his work Ilian he received four years ago? Itryan s philosophy wa* fulhn hot* then and It is )iui as fallacious now I lie re i* no more logic or truth in i philosophv of today than there w i tour years ago It no* without foin» d'ltiou iu fai t then and it m w ithont«a tu fa<i now It was in |. ad.-d to frtgtu, u the i*. .ph then and i ft Is Intended to frighten the people ; | how. Mvrryliody admits that he was1 wrong in 180tt, not in one prophecy, j not iu one instance, hut In all. What ' right, what excuse has any one to of- j for for pretending to believe In his j vagaries today? Bryan has himself | deserted his philosophy of 1S;»6 lie has taken another tack, not of his own ! volition, but his philosophy of lH‘»d j 1 lias lieen shattered by tlie logic of ! events and there is nothing left of | them but the reverberating echoes of tlie calamity forebodings of tin* "boy orator," so lie has been forced to seek shelter behind a new orthodoxy. Ho j has taken cover behind "militarism" and "imperialism," something new to! tlie voters and something therefore with which ihoy may lie more easily duped. If elected, his peculiar brand of "militarism" when analyzed would he found to he that hydra-headed monster, free trade; and his "impe rialism,” free silver, Bryan and his party may rant about "militarism" and "imperialism," hut behind it all. ami the hidden motive, is to get Into position to promote the cause of free trade and free silver. No one knows better than Uryuu that Lis free trade aad froe stiver sophistry lias lost caste with the poople. No *tw knows better that he that It wonld be politi cal suicide to attempt to corduwt a campaign hi defense of thus* priori pies. Fre» silver and free trade art dead. Bepubliean prosperity has dis credited them in the minds of the peo ple and iias stamped them out forever, Mr. Bryan still adheres to them, but. with all Ids boasted fortitude, he dare rod attempt openly to Impress then upon the minds of the electors. Tlit* Faruirri rroi|ior. Tin* American Agriculturist will hardly he* accused of being a partisan publication. It is one of the oldest, us well as most substantial of the period icals devoted to the interests of tin* farmers, and whatever appears in its columns is worthy of credence and | Consideration. In the I* ue of this mugualne for March 17, 1900, an artl- j cle appeared which gives very dearly the condition of the farmer today as compared with hie condition during I the years of Democratic suprem acy Ui the 'hut. These figures Were ill moat part derivet} from •surces which the Agriculturist vofjchg* f*r as yecu Rite. The editor Indulged In a Mt&c in dependent Irivestlpatfon aloag these | lines and fr m aaswers from a Mat of i many humlred correspondents, in l whom lie placed great faith, he de-1 rived the figures which he gives in the I article from which we condense the | following: The advance in farm values In the I I'nitcd States in the year 1900 ns com pared with the years of Democratic depression, 1894-90, Is shown by the j following figures: tJain in value live stock. . .$098,000,000 i lain in value staple crops. 4o1,oo0,ihm) tJain in value live stock * products . 370,000,000 j tiain in value other prod ucts . ”00,000,000 -— Totnl gain .$1,009,000,000 flaili in real estate.$2,550,000,000 Total advance .$4,219,000,<»00 The above figures show that the pro duce of farms of the- 1'uited States In the year 1899 realized to tin1 farmers $1,000,000,000 more than in any of the years 1894-90. The farm value's for 1899 arc given as follows: Land, buildings, etc. .. .$14,500,000,000 Live stock . 2,558,000,000 Improvements and ma chinery . 500,000.000 Total .$17,558,000.000 J The total of these items in the Dem ocratic year 1895 was $14,200,000,000 and tlie highest previous figure reached was in 1889, when the total was $15,984,000,000. The prices received by the farmers per head for live! stock in 1900 com pared with t lie lowest point since* 1892, which was during the years of Democratic depression, is shown in tlie* following table: Low Point 19440 Horses .183.05 $45.00, Mules . 39.00 48.87 Cows . 21.40 31.12 1 Cattle .. 14.15 24.83 Sheep . 1.80 2.97 j Hops . 4.13 4.09 The editor of the Agrioultlirlst turns 1 from these ligures, showing the pros pemtis condition of the farmers, to an ! other line of argument, which is also n very telling one. He takes up the question of farm mortgages and lie finds that ten years ago the farms of the (Tilled States were encumbered to the amount of $Ltt8ti,O0O,OllO. This year this large amount has been re duced to *HUO.O0tUi0O In l.V*l the av erage si7,e of eaoh mortgage was . $1,221. In l'.ssi th<‘ average alxe was $1."«ai In 1st St, 74 isr cent of these mortgages Were for purehnse price and Improvement*, the rate of Interest was 8.3 |a*r cent and the |s>rceiitug« of value of the farms mortgaged was 38. I his year iS |wi cent of the nmrt gages are for purchase price and I hi provemanu. the rate lias .b-, lin*d to 8 fist, and oiilv 27 per cent wf tile v*|i|e of the farms of the (Tilted States are liy mortgage. These ligures are iindout't.dlv us lo-grty Correct as It Is |*os«lh|e to obtain They were Kiitin’itsl as staled ;|lsi(i hv i p. rbnl hid wldeh Is min |uirtlsau and tin* r« subs given Mere not shad .1 m favor •*f cttt.i i party (bat t its v indicate however a targe gain ill all ||(al g.s . to III.ike fur Mm* fWio-t* rlty of the I let i fi l and one w idi li sltioild iall It.* atienlbvii of lh.* |u*op|c lets' ( rtf it lit i . *... * . t;. uii I i ll* s> I i * ' » • And see our fine line of Jewelry. If you are a lover of the beautiful, REMEMBER That we keep the nobbiest goods in the Loup country, and sell them under a strict guaran ee that they are just AS REPRESENTED and invite you to call and be convinced. Our repair depart ment is complete and onr w >rk guaranteed to please you. It YOUR EYES are failing you, we will guaran tee to correct them. GALE ON O. H. MORGAN. The Jeweler. Game Wanted nv$$m SHIPPERS, We v/ant Game In any quantity at Highest Market Price and guarantee satisfaction. -Capital $115,000, Reference, l'. S, N’at'l Bank or Your Express Agt. l’ERRY, BAUER & ENNIS,—Omaha, Nebr, and Philadel phia, Pa,—Wholesale Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Game, The Philippine natives tun pell-mell, At the sound of our Yankee yell, (be But, ob, what a gait they'll h ive.inav After Rocky Mountain Tea. Prevented A Trasulj Timely information given Mrs. Geo. Long, of New Straitsyille, Ohio, saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She bail tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try l*r King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her: and she writes, this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia Such cures are positive proof of its power to cure all throat, chest and lung trouble*. Only 50c and $1.00. Guaran teed. Trial bottle free at Odemlahl Bros, drug store. Millions will be spent in politics tins year We can't keep the campaign go lug without money any more than we can keep the body vigorous without food, I*y“peptics used to starve them selves, Now Kodol I>jrapepsia Cure <11 grsta what you eat ami allow* you to eat all the goo.I food you want, It ra.l I. illy cure* stomach troubles For sale by < Mendalil Itros THE BEST. the market affords is none to good for those who buy their goods from me and if you will STEP THIS WAY I will show you prices that will convince you that you saved money, and that it paid you to GOME END SEE our complete line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents furnish ing goods. Don’t fail to examine SiARHE STOCK before making your purchases. Our goods are fresh and our prices right.—Yours respectfully, J. Phil Jaeger. South Side Public Square Loup City, Nebr. HARDWI IE, IMPLEMENTS tFURNITURE, is, , id FIXTURES AT T. . REED’S We aye Headquayteys foy WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and J respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable our prices are right. WK REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK To Qll E SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER n : •THE OVER LAM) ROl’TE Till ONLY IMURII Mot i r to ati<l from tl v Pacific Coa*t. UNION PACIFIC Two TmitiH U41U IrtML N* t»r*«.ia |*» Drn%«*r wH*t i'ulori*to Pt»IM» 1 i T*u Irwin* iUlh Iron. X«tr*%fc4 l*> I mu ^iwuiad i «*lifovo * i-.tutH j Thr«** |r«iM »Ut|v (nitu N* t>ra«iiti I" w»*4? !.*•%** I IT|f inti t uh yuiiiU. | T*« tfnilWi *4n4l| U* ; ' III I N*»f!fe 1*4* in* iVw*l WUlb t | ! r Mlri'lioK* fur Tun »•*«« «•«( IN 4%lU j iimUdi ami tiifcfin Cif« till Maiii##• Mj |*» 4b«i H»l4 II H> “'M** U»MW* I hi4* i| PitiM*4 * p* * On ii tVr* ■ Wr«itan Vifli l*inun lbI II i Utf j «•** Afi ' n You will never llnil any oilier pill* »o prompt mill unpleasant h* lieWltt’a I.lltle Karly Kiser*. Oclemlabl l*ro* Kjdol Dyspepsia Cure D what you eat. Iti 'USe v liijt ihi-fi» d an 1 aid* Nat ro it. *t< niriK and *vcon« itructinK *toc csh4M t«*d dlgt**!!** or« Kart* It littk' lai* 't di »m wl d;t*vnt* * III and toil ir N • ••''. t prtpnrCiua can approach St tn cflleteney It in* itMiftrriitiftktins(« in iioiitiyminM I. ; t I, II* (ft Intys*^ hour ** • tnacli N ‘it*» a. hu k Hi nlachi <).<*> ff'tifl4,4’>ami >nd ail I'tlik r n Milt-1 f Hi ; 'ri't<|i|j* that INtHHf by t C M* l< «C> . CtW4«* r » k«l« by m>».NIMlU. UN •'I t *|S V ^ W