The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1900, Image 10

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Uhey fire a Happy Clam'S of People
A rich Chinaman wears silk, a poor
one cotton. Since the proportion of
rich to poor is about one in a thou
sand, it follows that the growth and
manufacture of cotton are vital nee
cessltles. It is thought cotton culture
was begun in the thirteenth century,
the plant coming in from India, where
It has been known for 2000 years. In
spite of her unequaled agriculture,
China does not raise cotton for export
—nor, in fact, enough for her own
needs. In the growtn and manufact
ure of it, as in everything else, the aim
is not, as in these United States, to
save hand labor, but to use as much of
it as possible. There are uo power
r~ ... ,.i •
gins for taking out the seed. Instead,
the Chinese use the little hand-gins
very like those still to he found in the
homespun regions of the Appalachian
chain. The gin is nothing more than
a couple of small wooden rollers, made
fast In uprights affixed to a bench.
Tuey are turned by a wooden crank,
revolve one against the other, and free
the cotton of seed by drawing the lint
The lint is fed to them by hand, and it
takes a long and steady day's work to
gin five pounds of lint—which means
twenty pounds of cotton In the seed.
The cotton is carded simultane
ously with the ginning. A second
man stands nt the end of the bench
beating the clean cotton with the tee
kung, or earth bow. into big flaky
"bats.” These bats the women spin
in various ways. Sometimes they use
the old-fashioned spinning wheel
Much oftener it is something approxi
mating the ancient distaff. The spin
ner twirls it steadily, walking around
and around as she twirls, thus wind
ing the lengthening thread into very
lung hanks. If it is spun and run in
to broaches or quills, they are often
reeled with a hand-reel. Chinese in
dustry Indeed is as Inveterate as Chi
nese economy. Women usually work
at. such reeling while they stand and
gossip in the alley ways between their
houses. If there is no reel handy they
will he stitching upon a shoe sole, al
ways a salable article. Bare feet are
unknown in China. Even a beggar
wears shoes, though he may have no
other clothes than the head-bowl,
which serves both as a hat and to hold
out when there is a chance of aims.
Nothing is wasted in China. Even
grass and wheat roots are pulled up,
washed, dried and used for fuel.
Scraps of paper and cloth are pasted
together to make the Insoles of shoes.
Bits of wood are glued to build up
either a board or a post. Women spin
ners and straw-plaiters earn 2c a day.
The spinning, though, is most com
monly like the weaving at the hand
looms, only a part of unpaid house
hold labor. Machine-made cloth and
thread have of late come to bear
heavily upon the cotton-workers, but
that fact is in a degree offset by the
growing import of raw cotton. Still
some of the light yellow hand-made
fabric, know the world over as nan
keen, from the city of export, Nankin,
is shipped abroad. It is made from a
peculiar yellow-staple cotton, hence
not dyed. The same yellow-staple cot
ton Is grown and manufactured by Ar
cadians in Louisiana, but the fabric
is so scarce it does not compete with
the Chinese one.
Five dollars u year will clothe a
Chinese husband anu wife something
more than decently. Underwear is un
known—so is fitting a garment. The
only measures taken are from the hip
to the ground, and from the middle
of the breast to the finder tins. Fash
ions do not change. Winter garments
and bedding are wadded with cotton.
Once a year they must be ripped apart
and washed, padding and all.
How needful is economy may be
judged from a few figures. Unskilled
laborers are paid upon an average 7c
a day. Masons, carpenters and stone
cutters, here as elsewhere the aristo
cracy of labor, get from 25c to 30c a
day. According to the average of
prices of articles of consumption in
China 25c a day la equivalent to $2.50
per day here. Work begins at sun
rise and keeps up until dark. Not
withstanding all which strikes are vir
tually unknown, and the Chinese la
borer is the happiest aud most con
tented in the world.
T_—in 'iiMnamniiir—i \rw^.ru ■
'Ruffians Saded XOomen and Children.
Wo occasionally hear adverse reports
of the conduct of the Russian soldiers ■
In the field. As a matter of fact, such
reports generally emanate from un
truthful sources. The fact is that,
were it not for the protecting arm of
the czar's soldiers in China, terrible
bloodshed would have resulted at many
points. Some days before the cap
ture of Telntsln a company of Russian
Boldlers entered the city. Of their
heroic efforts in behalf of the foreign
ers Mrs. Charles Denby, Jr., wife of the
son of the ex-minister to China, writes
from Tientsin: ‘‘Enormous fires in the
native city were started and the Boxers
began their attack on the settlement;
so we were all aroused at 4 o’clock,
and every one who lived in the extra
concession went either to friends on
the Victoria road or to the town hall.
As it happened, Mrs. von Hannekin
had asked us to come to her in case
of alarm, so we escaped to the town
ball. There were perhaps 100 people
who remained in their homes. All the
rest were huddled together in Gordon
hall for ten days.
“The Chinese troops were every
where. Two days before the alarm
1,700 Russian troops arrived. They
saved our lives. Had it not been for
them all of us would have been slaught
ered. On that Monday they fought
Ill Native Coat lime
5,000 Chinese well-drilled troop* for
twelve hour*. At one time they
thought they eould not hold them at
tmy, hut In the evening the Hnyslatin
atlll maintained their po*ttlon, How
Ituaian* fought and Buffered! I cannot
dcMcrthe their courage For three day*
they lay In the open. egpuand to a ter*
rlhle Ore. without being able to tight
back The Chine**' were behind
tranche*. mo the ltua»tan* i ould nut
affotd to wa«te ammunition
'"All theae daya we were watting and
watting for re enforcement* We could
not believe the adtutraU would Unit
bard tbe fort* at Taku plunge u* Into
war and then leave u* with only a few
hundred troop* Hie h however. «io
th.> ej**r v- m i. . i* ...
fault lay There were three dreadful
day* of lighting Hot when the * niid
additional troop* were .lupati hc l front
iaku, after tbe arrival of Jim W*tta.
the brave NunUa rider, they ware
able with mm h a re ettfor* ement I
work tketr way though I Hu* mev
all arrived utt Hunday morning and
Were waved
Mian Ttilm k’akr of Han Krttrlwu
gku VM •!*** » refuge* at tiordoo kail
pays a high tribute to Jim Watts. In
her diary of June 19 she says:
“They are bombarding us heavier to
day than heretofore. Early this morn
ing I stood behind a closed window
peeping through the shutter slats.
Four bullets pierced the shutters, but
did not s.trike ine. I rushed to the
commanding officer and told him that
the bullets must have come from a
Chinaman concealed in a tree flanking
the window. Calling four Cossacks, we
went to the tree, and sure enough
shook out a Chinaman, whose first
inquiry was whether he had killed the
lady. I told him 1 was very much alive.
My would-be assassin was immediately
tried and shot. • • * All else may
be dead, but heroism still lives. Jim
Watts rides to Taku to bring us re
enforcements. He heads for Taku, but
may ride into the very jaws of death.
It Is a most perilous undertaking, but
brave Jim Watts gladly, gallantly risks
his life. I myself heard him offer it.
‘Some one must go to Taku,' said the
commanding officer. ‘It may mean the
lives of women and children—it may
mean death to the rider. Who will
go?' 'I know the roads, every inch of
of them; let me go,’said a voice. Then
Jim Watts stepped forward. ‘I shall
go; it is right. 1 am the older brother.'
We saw him mount his horse, we
heard the thuds of the hoofs beat more
faintly and die. Hope took no new
lease of life from this. Before re-en
forcements could reach us it would be
too late, granting that brave Jim Watts
e\er reacher Taku. And what more
unlikely than that?"
“June 23.—Through the glasses I saw
the troops coming nearer anil nearer.
Are they re-enforcements for the Box
ers or us? Closer they come, and yet
we cannot distinguish them. Eyes I
strain through glasses nor catch a !
clew to their identity. Another half !
hour. Sudenly something flutte-s to '
the wind. The stars and stripes, thank
Coil' thank God! They are corning
to us anil we shall not die. How good
heaven is. how sweet is life! The stars
aud stripes, and we wept and HOPEI)
the first time since that day long ago
when we came to Gordon hull. God
hi*ss Jim Watts' Other Hags are now
visible It is 10:30 in the morning.
* * • The troops reached ns before
2 o'clock The rest of the day has
been very quiet. The Chinese are evi
dently ptixxled what move to make
next How strange not to hear the
helling* There are other diacorduiit
sounds, though the inon of the hungry
[ cows, the bray of the donkeys and from
i the other starved animals rotnes a cry
1 for something to eat Poor creatures;
j yet it Is impossible to spare food for
,Aume *’ A mine«,’*
Mo onlit Palm nf l.ltna, the «llret tor
! i»r «h.* National Library of pern hat
t»i|!»a»hf.| « booh reviving anJ review
j Ing Ik* «bl itiolnivrfii an lit the
(trialu •'< hr nniur America.** ||,.
■ iiinlrnitn that Hut he!iii*|»here wan not
nalueU after APterb • V**i>it‘ | bill
that i hr Flore Mi nr ru»r< haul* nmt
• wt changed by a French y«lgwr io
Awrii. i* ' la honor of hia travel* In
the n** world, then a tiernnn profvw
*or, riihi Ignoi iHiir or wlliullj mt
I . .1 OH tit |,l » 1 ft,,m t
nb It name gave two mat! aval* their
|»rw*«* title Jttle* M*|.OH m th<
hulMia of the Part* Orogr*|i ,t, *1 *,
I t'lriv for Ini i*(jt ittt i unjev Hir* t
I hie origin of tMit** M - Palma .
review of Ibr fa> I* an I #vi4<w
makes out a good ease for Marconi's
"America” is the native name of the
mountain range between Lake Nica
ragua and the Mosquito coast. The
termination “ic," or "ac,” is common
in native place-names all around the
Caribbean. Spanish voyagers for
years after Columbus were still search
ing for the water passage to India and
for gold. Both motives caused them
to give particular attention to the
western end of the Caribbean. So the
name "America” became familiar long
before it got into books. Vespucci’s
account of his voyages, published in
1504, was the first printed description
of the mainland of the new world. It
ran through many editions In several
languages, and brought its author's
name into much notice. In the Latin
editions Vespucci's name was latin
ized into "Albericus Vespuclus.”
Woman's Ingenuity.
The wives of the policemen of Phila
delphia devised a plan for keeping
their husbands cool during the hot
weather the other day. It, at least.
Illustrates how the
ingenuity of a
woman may
make light of of
ficial rules, even
though they be
those of a munici
pal police depart
One of the strict
est regulations of
t h e Philadel
phia department
is that all officers
on duty must wear
coat and vest, and
must have the top
button of the coat
buttoned. No in
fractions of this
affijfej Lj, rules are allowed
even under rondi
How I’hiladelphiaiiojjj, which make
Policemen Keepthe bronze statue
of William Penn
alt in Its shirt sleeves. Philadel
phia policemen are all strictly
observing the rule, and yet they are
keeping reasonably cool. The wife of
each of them has taken an old vest
and entirely cut away the back and
sides, leaving only a single thickness
of blue cloth in front without lining
This remnant has been sewed into the
coal, which is also entirely robbed of
Its lining, so that while the appv tr
ance remains the substance Is aluc^t
Chtntte Cede of Etiquette.
The standard hook of et lunette In
<"hina »a» written by Isidy ('ho I.TOU
years ago Lady (‘ho was the widow
of a distinguished literary man of
north China an I after hi* death ta<
faithful to his memory Her husband*
brother was historian of that dynasty,
‘»ui when hu » irk was half completed
h* Uwt his sight The Kniperor sent a
messenger to him asking Mm who
< otild nnish his book and the replt
was returned that only bis brother *
wife *|4 apatite of doing it The
Lmpefur 44ut for i««|y t'bo and she
was wS'lwlol in the greatMl of .141,
to the Kniperor s twlscr There shs
• >mpt«twi h*r Mart heron ■ la * • work
ho **tuf • tonly that It la tniptrealble
III tell W le r I He MaWtt b*ft iff and th
woman Inman
faMufraCar^rsef fkr .t'wnfus
j CipCallcIs of Low b n 4 or ting ti
N * *i ii OIM4A4N ff »«t
in this country, arc formulating plans
to turn the entire Soudan, in Africa
Into a gigantic fruit garden. They ex
pect that the product of their venture
j will supply the whole of Europe with
! those fruits that can be raised only in
I hot and moist climates. A large con
i signment of fruit trees has already
j been shipped to the Soudan and if It Is
found that these take root and bloom
| as do the native trees, then millions
i of other trees will be shipped and 8"1
i out. Experts who have thoroughly
gone over the grounds and considered
the enterprise from all standpoints art
confident that the scheme is feasible
and will prove highly successful,
Labouchere A ccujcd.
London Truth publishes cor
respondence advising that paper of
the seizure at Pretoria of a compro
mising letter from Montagu White,
former consul general of the South
African republic in London, to Secre
tary of State Reitz dated Aug. 4. 1899,
and two letters from Henry Labou
chere to Mr. White, dated respectively
Aug. 2. 1899, and Aug. 4, 1899, which
Mr. White appears to have inclosed to
Secretary Reitz, and a letter of Joseph
Chamberlain, the secretary of state
for the colonies, inviting Mr. Labou
chere to offer explanations or observa
tions, thereon, and Mr. Labonchere's
reply, Mr. Labouchere's letters are
brief and amount to advice to the
Transvaal to gain time by the accept*
ance of the proposed commission to
settle the franehise questions, ete,, to
gether with an expression of oplni in
| from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman.
the lite ral leader in the house of enm
I bom. and the liberals generally that
, the British cabinet proposed the «p
1 pointmeut of the commission with the
view of giving Mr. Chamberlain a
chaiiie to “climb down," and that the
cabinet waa determined to have uo
Madame Itt ht'T Meyerbe. r i daugh
t«r, has pnweatel to the museum het
father s piano a well preserve,) Krard
and another donor has added an eight
eetiih ent«r> lyre ahaped piano of
great i>*aot> This royal t oiler lion
a I mi in* lodes the o! lest uprlgi t otvligui
piano in nWm <• It was mad-* in
Karls or th invent.>> H«uii Kale in
Over in linn county Niaauuft, a man
»lafc«d to marry a widow who had
»• ‘ci < h di»n With a »i* w nf a«ii. I
mg alt tutor* trouble. >o obtained (tie
riiaaest of wit the cbtklrirtt mnd of the
i l»lra*W hftd«* * (llksi before getting
a II en
I A 550 Wlieel Bought Direct from Our Factory Costs You Out $22.95
One Year.
Send Us One Dollar
And utato whether LADIES’ or
GENTS’ h: yclc, Gear aud Color
wanted, ai'd we will Band you our
Hew lie HI, regular (60. (X) model
preraC. O. D., rttbjeet to eianil- t
lTaljronr renraa: en preaa office
and If found satisfactory, a great
bargain, and EQUAL IN VALUES
TO THE »oOt)0 AND (76.00
STANDARD M AKES, pay thee*
prea* agent (22 05, h-aa the one
dollar aent wlih order, and eipreta
chargee. Eipreracharge#avcrag®
about (1.00 for 500 milea
VX/ . \ cy, \X. / , III I €Ml wain Uir imrrn.t
tlonnl year guaran
^ ^ teed, pneumatic, single tube tire,
which ordlnsrllv retails for ffl Of. 23 24 or 25 Inch frame. ll4 Inch diamond seamless steel tubing, FLU Ail
JOINTS THROUGHOUT, new l9trl m«»dt*l, two piece hanger, best made, finest hardened and tempered ateei
adjustable bearing* throughout, wheels 2H Inch, 3») spokes to each wheel, full ball bearing with ball retainer*
throughout. Highest grade IndlnnajKdlw or detachable link chain, tt-lt) Inch, test ridded leather saddle, handln
bar up or down turn, the best EXPANDER IN BOTH SKAT POST AND DANDLE BAH, anti-friction lull 1
Inuring, ball retaining pedal*. hea\y leather tool bag. nlckebplated wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. Tha
tlneat poaidblr finish, enameled BLACK. ROYAL BLUR. MAROON OR BREWSTER GKEEN (be sure to atAta
Color you wish). Ad bright parts heavily nickeled on copper. The IInml-ome-t W heel Made
Our guarantee In absolute protection. Every Akron King aud Qinen Bicycle Is covered by %
written binding guarantee for one year. No old model- no worthless second-hand wheel*.
order your wheel now and you will save $20.00 to fclO.Ots. You can muke flOO.OU every month telling our
tUtfli grade v, hut la. Address
'Tlia Akron Sewtru, Macblu, \ Ulcjtl, Co. an inorouaiuy reliable—Editor.) _
SEND U3 YOUR ORDER. ntata whether you wbh ladv’a or man*
wlif*1!: inv#color, height of fran. - and gear wanted and W K \\ 1|,|, n||||»
Til K ti III II. <' «>. 1> on appro ui, allowing yon to uii> , ute and ««•
amine It fully l»efore you accept |t if u n<»t all and more than wa
claim for It. and a la tter wlieol limn you can get for any where near the
Iprica from any one el a*, refuse it and we will pay all est.rea* charge*
Hiirwl ve*. Tha ‘MONTROSE” O loyal•
lit our Hpm liil Agcut’H aiiin|>|i> prlco of ^ | p,.r.
In the great# «t bargain In a tdcyele ever offered. We g.iurantecTt e*/ual
to any §4 > wheel on the market, and you nce#l not a<«eept it nor |«v n cent
If y»u do not And It r.a we retire*#” t W# are f\4M*l \ If ft
M IM I tt'TI ttl.UM ami take ttda method #*f oulekly Inf rdming
bur 11*00 \1<>1*1.1.*. ThU offer of n ►an pin wheel at t hla low price ui
ina !e to pee tire a RIDER AGENT In each town to repreiM'iit ue
and take older*. «>«*r agent # make tiionry faat.
QDeriPPATIfVllC Kratm-. *.». tft or Wl Inch; ladl# •" W Inch Heat
•J^uUiriUr I luno* t-helby acamleN tubing with forged ror»n#n
U»r i Auah J -Inta. Improved e'pandcr device to fa ten *cat port and
handle bnr; rtoyal Aren crown , the eiiebrafed Ma» la linbe a v<j fmng« r
the eaab * t miming known. Iteeord *•.%** tin * tin- and om* of tha w ^
nmaf oxpenalve tlreaon the market. The g#'iiulne || tfcalugrr llyglcutn
►nddlej |M«iak<, tool* ami oivaaaorle* the he* t obtainable. I nam# I**1 in *
tilo# k. maroon or couch green, highly ftnl*hed and ornamented; ape# la 1
A inched nickeling on all blight part*. We thoroughly feat ev #*ry pie#**
of material tlmt g<#c* Into thla machine. Our hiudin* ttur'i futtr*
unt# e bond with ea< h bicycle.
pDCC t*r any one sending the gut.Ml * **h In full with order we will
rriK.h mumI free a genuine llurdl# k 10,OW mile band pattern cy# Im
itM*t4‘r; or a high grade floor pump Your mom y all lack If you am not
perfectly nalbilnl.
P (| i* A D UUCTI C we do not manufacture the cheap depart*
HkAI nuLbLvi merit atom kind of wh# •# I*. am lia* r lanv new
Weoncrm* and 1*1/ supply house* adverting and •* n „H high grad.-. W'm ran furnish them.
h w> \ • /*, at$0 t<. f? tlriprcd or *'» 7?» |o li’.’.fiOcompIf'M1 «*■ do not guarni tr*< nor r«*«"ir*
» .i* d then It Licit t. « Ifi:' It I a btryH* of any out rnoth *r who or how
* heap. *1 rili* us and h*t us P II v• 'ij how much wr ran %ave v<> > »n ibr «atrt<- marhlnr
it you 104 A RI !■" U Cliy » »i • ■ i •»1.■, > n ui., i .i.n a iiii h i.k i.v iii»
air ULjrfiUfkk Isl DU I • «li h-guf* for < Paf<wd,.\«» V» ♦ r e*-d <■«:•• p« rsoii
In e.o h town for till 4 p::rj.., r \ r have sateral hundred *l<OM> II % Ml V% III ll.w taken in trad- which w«
vi:i<’| . <* out at AS to Aio ra«*h| al u Horn# shopworn sampie* and ’W model* tpry rlicHp. Hr od for Ham ala Lki.
•H it It l-I.I \ III LIT \ Im urupirstloni l. Wr r< frr U> any tank *-r business house In t hleago. or any express or
raiii »ad < • mn.iuy Wr will m i d you Irt tors of reference direct fr*m th« lnrg<■> t tank** In < ’Id- ago If you suii it.
J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago. lit.
President Cashier.
General Banking
--- f
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
An 58.00 DICTIONARY for $1.00
The New Werner Edition of
Webster's Dictionary.
Newly and magn.'tleenlly llluktratcd. Wenfft-r
you the tieat Dictionary ever put on the market at
■ l->w price. Tht* new edition remain* many
apeeial feat urea studi aa dl< tioimry of Synonvma
and Antonvmt, lexicon of foreign phrast*. die*
tIonarv of a.brevlationa, colored p ntes, etc.,
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' beautifully printed edition on tine paper with
I Ihnutanda of valuable addlttona of aid tontudenta
and hualneaa men If you drain* thta tawik.aend
oa onr apeclal offer price, >1.00,ami ti e will send
you thla gn at dictionary, hound in cloth or send
ua S3 00 and wo will scud the oatne le>ik bonnd In
foil tan sheep, with • beautiful cover design.
Tha handsomest not priced Dictionary ever pule
Itahod For every day like In the often, home,
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1 equaled. Forwarded on receipt of onr special
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II and w» will refund vour inonev Write fur our
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Addraaa all ordara to
MulHMJl 1*1 HIl-MISd t’uMMVT
I'.MIslo-r and M u.uf o mm* Akron O.
<Th*> rinnlfteld t’ompouy |a reliable I Kd
" ..... ■
Don’t Be Fooled!
the market I* being flooded
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To protect the public we call
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bur Sale by all Druggist*
A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cts.
The Farmers’ Encyclopedia. >
Everything per
taining to the af
fair* of the farm,
household and
stool-, raising. Km
braces urtiiTct on
the home, the colt,
horse hshlts, dl»
case* of the horse,
Iht- farm, anuses,
fruit culture, dairy
I ng, cookery, health,
cattle, sheep,swine, •
(smltry, Ues. the
diet, toilet, sm-tal
life, etc., etc. One
of the miet com
plete Kncyclo
| ledlas In e listener
A large U-.k. -a .U
a l*« Inches
pages, holy Hill..
Iraii-d, hound in
green cloth bind
ing and r.|iial to
other tasik* costing
It in Tfynn desire »H« send us our special
otter rules to 71, and pi Ji i xtra h>r |.stage and
we will forward the honk to you If it 1* not tails
factory return It and we will exchange It or refloat
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■aAtMil B Ft MJIHItil Compaqt
I’lildlsher* gild M.inuf.icturi r* akroit O
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Wholesale Prices I
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Onrt.mcral t julr.j'uc ijUMtei E
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Ihil >■•>! C4t 41..! U«c 41. I *C„. ■
" k' ' •' ‘•y *4ffy III Hu. k all I