The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 24, 1900, Image 5

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    K The Northwestern
«KO. K. Hi NM'HOTEK, lEilllors unit
«KO. II. GIBSON, I Publisher*
Entered a: ihe Loup City Postortice for trans
mis- ion through the mall* as second
cla*s matter.
For President,
For Vice President,
Presidential Electors:
,1 T NK8HIT, Hurt.
ED. BOYCE. Custer.
I, SI IIAO i: K, Kearney.
S I* DAVIDSON, Johnson.
J. L. JACOHSON. Douglas
J L KENNEDY. Douglas
For Governor:
For Lieutenant Governor:
E P SAVAGE. Custer.
Secretary of State:
' G VV MAKSII. Richardson,
For Treasurer:
For Auditor,
For Attorney General
For Lund Commissioner,
G. H, Nuckolls
For Superintendent.
W K FOWLER Washington
Congressman, «th Uist.
Senator, 16th Dlst
Representative. 671 h IJIst.
For Connty Attorney.
Hon. Ii. Smelscr, of Ashton was
nominated by the Uepublieanf of
this district for slate senator at their
convention Wednesday, at Ravenna.
It is announced that Tonne, tin
vice-presidential nominee of the
k Sioux Falls convention will trail
Governor Roosevelt in his speech
► making tour «f the west. This is as
it should he as it idicates the place
Democracy has always held in pro
gress and prosperity.
For President, W. <). Bryan.
For Vice-President-.
y Is the way we see it staled at the
head of our fusion papers now days.
Say boys hadn’t you better put a
minus mark after both names! It
indicates theii value to the country
to a dot.
Count Von Wuldersee of Germany,
who was to have taken charge of the
aliieb forces in China, will leave his
country for the Orient some time
this fall. But then it don't matter
much, Yankee push has relieved the
strain and liberated the legationers,
so that Europe may have ample time
to finish her nap, as her people are
safe too.
The Times, in an editorial last
week, says that the Republicans
had nominated \V. J. Fisher for as
sessor but that ‘ the Republicans
would not staud it.” Stand what?
Hro. Brown. Mr. Fisher is compe
tent, and you can't question Ins lion
csty. The facts are you just wanted
to say something about some one and
dido,t know who else to attack neith
er could you lind a charge to make,
so you just said what your owner
told you as you did in the ward heel
er article. Vou should always swal
low with a little salt what Hie ren e
gado part of an\ party tell you and
especially in this case.
y How many Nebraska soldiers will
vote for Governor !’**> liter tins fall?
It was a diroc’ instil* t» every oae
of our soldier buys whoso nobly de
fended the stars and Stripes in the
Philippines and placed the name of
Nebraska * troop* aunmj the hero*
of the world t<> a*k them to support
the man who refused to encourage
them when thet were lighting the
nations battles mu far ell land. I'
was not for Mr. pointer, whither he
thought the war tight or wrong, to
snub our soldier* w hen lhe\ were
ntwivtng order* lie knew the old
(lag was assailed when by treat t
right* and the fortune* « f war it wa»
there, he also km w that it w a* tlx
two * from hi* own state tha g*Iar>tlt
rtred the A|«t shot when It * t*
sought t o lie h‘tttil*h*d. and had he
!■*>• u an A met ■ 411 at In *11 a* *< .1
a* tn name, he w.otbl hate • >. 1«d
that hill lhatikit**; them (of lh« t»
br»t» d*ed* last* el iif eoHi|>*
every patriot! etlisett of the state t »
blush with shame for hi* tt» ttonab e
A. M. Stevenson, Senator Lee
Mantle, Pcffer and Otters
Out for McKinley.
Interest Charges Kediicod and Hnnlr
Deposits Kapidh Increasing,
FunJon lliigitlmtH Ivitrmlml to Divert U
tent ion From the Ileal I**tie»,
Onii’.lm, Aug. -0.—The outlook fer
the re-election of President McKinley
grows brighter each d,iv. Judged fro.a
the prosperous conditions that evi-t
I-very where In the I nited State-, and
from the magtrdiceiit adiiduistrai i-m
of affairs during the past four years
Ills re-election has never keen doubted
for a moment. We find, however,
other forces working, though ]?-■. pow
erful and less important, than those
above referred to, that are worthy of
notice. In looking over the list o! leg
guns in the Populistic end Democratic
party we find them one by one drop
ping out of rank and announcing
themselves for McKinley. Noted
among these Is Hie Hon. A. M. Steven
son of Denver, Colorado. Mr. Steven
son will he remembered as chairman
of the Colorado Tell-r Republican
state committee and one of those who
walked out with Teller from the St.
Louis convention in lS'Jd. L\ Senator
Lee Mantle of Montana is another of
those Silver Republicans who fol
lowed Senator Teller in ’iiii. lie, like
Stevenson, announces that not only
will he refuse to support Bryan, but
Unit In* will use every effort to secure
till* IV-electlon of I’l'e iileiit M* Kil'ley.
fix Senator W. A. I 'i ff. r of Kan- ,
one of the most widely known popu
lists in tin* United States, Inn willed
the past ten days made positive an
nouncement of His intention to support
McKinley, Fuming nearer home we
tlml the Hon. .1. F. Boyd, Nebraska's
only Deuidcrutlc governor, nun niuelng
that In* will not support Mi', Bryan ■
this year. Mr. Boyd, howoi r ■
not announce t! at la* will support .V
Kit t ley. W. F. W.'ppich, one of
tin* stalwart Democrats of Omali t. an
officer of tin* kite Km as (' ty conven
tion and n delegate to tin* late Demo
cratic slate convention; the lion. K.
Wyman, at tin* present time a member 1
of the state legislatin'* from Buffalo
county, an* among Hi -e prominent In
Nebraska polities wito refuse to stand
for Bryan and his fallacies, in his an
nounccnient, W. F. WappicU brands
iinperiuiistn as a false issue and an
nounces in Ids discussion of the Philip
pine question that Mr. Bryan lam put
the cart before tin* horse. In speak
ing of this important subject Mr. Wap
pieli says: *1 atn n thorough belli ver
In the course being pursued by the
present administration as regards the
Philippine islands. 1 can think of no
other course of procedure for the « n o
lion of stable government there. First
of all order must lie wrought out of
chaos and the Filipinos forced to re
spect the law. I "util this is done a
stable government for them is Impossi
ble and Independence for them is not
to be considered. After the establish
ment of law and order in the Philip
pines will la* tin* best time to consider
what kind of a government they are
lit for. 1 think the preaching of Fili
pino independence is premature. Mr.
Bryan probably knows that he is put
ting the cart ahead of tin* horse, but
by doing so he is enabled to use the
Filipinos for campaign purposes ami
that is all he wants to do.”
Low Rp.tfl of Tutiipedt.
Benefits resulting from sound finan
cial legislation promulgated by the au
thorized representatives of the Repub
lican party are beginning to fall into
the hands of the people
Already the rate of interest on farm
and real estate loans has dropped to
about 5 per cent, which means a sav
ing alone in interest to the debtors of
Nebraska of more than $1,0(*0,UIK) per
Four years ago it was difficult to
borrow money on good security at less
than 10 per cent, and very few if any
loans Were made at a lower tale than
s per cent. Today money is abundant
at r. and o' . per cent The figures rep
| resenting the full union I of the in-> 1
gage indebtedness of Nebraska are not
! at baud, so the exact amount thus
saved can nol be accurately eons
pitted. The reiHirt of the state htlwir
commissioner Jllst made public, ll «■
c\er. shows I leal «I it rt - the first a
liinntliM iif RHttl farm inert a * w re
filed to the amount of * 11, | t J at. I
the Interest -oiling ill out* I It lit
this sum i.hee I ui|i. t. 1 w i‘i i •• rate
of interest «harg d f ur years . •
iilimiiuts In upward* of .** •*' ' ,tIPI
Thv il'l.r l* *; » 1 » "tv 14»i* t! •
** !* >• 14* itm i 1! .
the flr*f »l% uih Ilf M*to t ■ it* t
lir-f >l\ hmimUi- «f l 1 Tl * I'ut* * r
hllilW thill ill tlit* i ! ■ * -ll
tlNitt lb»* f ,r«»i t it... - ! \
H . I » tl !*♦ ^ ' l I ’H. v
i | ofl
f* »• hi i t > • t « * tu
tH'Miir rtf> •* wf %t.^Tf *4 * '
fttttf * .|jf jhfMj * Ffjf || Hi ft 7
I'JUit Ibmi tliii - iiir U I
I' m ; ■-* * t I
t«M 'i t| pint * i % |*. • *| > ‘
#!% i of M‘ %|
lid j ’* Jill Wl * ■ I \
i f» tu« iijni i *«it i * >
* . : ’ » » -I |.\% V, fc 4* « I i
I j1 *(17 n#» t. i mount of for
nn mmi pr .1 T do. u* up , h i ot
lSIiy by more than .." • i.
Oil*. r Krldfmo <*f l*r«.-|tf*rUv.
Nothing contributes n n» to evidence
of i»ros|M city in . i t . , .■
figures setting forth tin* am,, mt of
money deposited in the variona banks
of the state.
Today the deposit- of the r
banks In Nebraska amount to in re
than s;i0.0t» 1,111)0. Tin deposit ■ of the
state bunks a mount to more tbs a v'..
()<hi.ihm>. a net gain in four yen ; of j
over III per rent. In the 1 ■-t i •
months the d >o- is in the slate I..inks
have in<n used unite than •••.;.iXMt ■ i,
or at the rate of more thru sto- >•• >u
[k r mont h.
Think of tile people of Nebrnska in- j
creasing their hark deposits at the
rate of more tliaii n1.00m,‘hmi p. r i., nifti ;
and then tall; ; bout i alamif; !
Nor does Ids tn<•!ii«Io I lie *’* ;>n- t<< Pi
the mttloi I dunks, wiiich \ ,add per
il.*.>s double the amount, or show an
lucre.i-e in (tie deposits of more than
.v.'.noo.iHM p< r month.
Under nueli conditions what < \cu ••
Im re Mr, Hr; ids followers to offer lor j
making n change?
lip uds predictions of hard times are
completely sha: • red by tic- • o\ hlVts.
If the Republican policy has brought
prosperity, v. ldeii it surely lias, how
could an oppi, ..o policy, intmuad to
upset the Itepubllean policy, bring
i tiler than 1 he reverse? Tin* Jo ■
criitie policy is Ilf cip.iCMlte and it
would bring opposite r, suits it
would mean hard times instead of
prosperity, Thi problem will admit of
no. other philosophy; will ndmlt of j
no other solution.
i uis is s'unouinig iur nit; people or ,
N> hraska to think ahoni. I.ny a >•
parti unship fur a moment ami o '
tiic i< fact -; ami llgtnv - it an 1 -i - •
p.c - SitlUb* t ut: III. 1’; ! i i i hip la
I’ll i
deeply rootl'd l!-l t > prejud , e tie -Vi.t I
against «ubsor, lag If b ' ltd * is
it becomes at om e :l d ill rotls lie n- ;
ace, Prosperity (lip a » on i ■■
voter lie can % to have It or \ •• it I
li a ay, Just .as !;•• piei- . PH - him!
and policies that carry with i , a j
guaranty i f pro-p; r.iy t.r• i '••!•• ■' ,il
have Ini n to-te«I . ad proven .•• !!).'
i a a tint lie e - fi.iti ed f( ' pr . 1; '* H
fraught with coidCn rcial d a r. |
Without i! at resit)r attending it. " , •
wages of Hin is dea!It," and i > amount :
of false pliilo op! y can cluing* it.
A lie 1st cl t net ml,
Fla aid tie* j pttlill' in - >' - ei d In'
electing the > i. nlldati i for revc; imr '
and si mujoi ■ of lie' 1. --lalure, '
many much n ’ •! reforms will be in
augurated at He- m \( (•■ :ou.
< me of t '.c most itiipoi taut of tin •
reforms is tin* enacti cut of a ! w
creating a non parti.-an slate board of
control, who c dm:, a would l to ex
ert i tend g ami mat get l
control over nil the talc Institution*.
Tiic 1*1 ate < iii!|iulj{i!.
The pa. , .ay of tie* fu.duul,sts is be
sot with many embarrassing ol ta
el is. Th* i.ii' hardest to ovt*i • run* I
the administration of Governor
I’oynti i', Poynter 1ms played fast and
loose with tin* public institutions and
there an* many fu loiiists who refuse
to excuse 1dm or condone his offenses,
even on tin* ground of partisanship,
'rim manner in with li he bus managed
the state institutions Is gradually coin
ing to light, and It is a continuous
story of shameful ineompoteruy and
fraud. Nor should Governor Poynter
be permit ted to escape righteous retri
bution. He has persisted in interfering
with the management of each institu
tion and be therefore bee-lines jointly
ami directly responsible for the evils
thereof. When it is said that Ills ad
ministration is distinguished from all
tHo rest for ineotupetency, discord,
rotn*s.res lull and <li; hone :y, it is say
ing a great d al, and yet it is merely
a dispassionate ia'.cineut of thy facts.
This lUstinguishmcut, however, does
not apply to Governor Poynter uloite,
but extendi In scope so ns to include
the various state departments, Thus
far reports of fraud and ineompetem-v
have been confined to the executive
• cut, In so far a lepnrt
meat wn connected with the manage
ment of state in-tlt’lt mis. Fill iso j
client reports, after the Mate institu
tions ii. vi* nb been reviewed, will deal
with the other depart! eats, nil of:
which will be of keen concern to the)
eliiNn-i f Nebraska, i.r* -p olive of
It !•!.*■ be d pel..! I •!* I ! 1 I the
f. Ill . I ‘ « 111
s,.it to I vi i. p ■ • - ,iile s e to divert
t • it 11 • fit it of th** v<> , ns from t! i
r< d is i* * They will e« B slit It
f*n i iMt« i. s mi the r**i tivl of the -tale
n • 1 k t In*
n ns it* t Is ** i its 1 : tari :■
tbt • . 1 | •! , > t .1C . 1
t v i ! * 11 n t ,,
A;v; see oar fine
line of Jewelry.
If you are alo er
c;‘ the beautiful,
That we keep t he nobbiest
goods in iho Loup country,
and- I them under a slide
gunraa co that they are just
and ii cite you to call and be'«- d Our repair depart
UKt! - .•!unpletO ami e -r v rk |
.ruav; uteed to please you. 1 ;
are failing you,,
we wi..l guaran
tee to CO.
them. CALL ON
a, [1 MOlUiAX.
Ti e .Jeweler.
u \ ,T i ,• .-st, u n i nr v •• n t
'V ,,,] f, ,J* |; -!,,,
moritl'h . .a i i • • wi hi n ■ it 1
III 0-111- tllf i ■ ll -,1(1(11 - 'I Hi. '1 • .
,i |o|i M AN .Mi Jilt, aail'u.-lu:' oil., . I hir e
;u, 1 7 1 J
Vi 1 li-MSIVKltAl, ICIIUUT ^
* | jioSl.sT, ) • ■ hi- to r«'|ir<'!-«jnt uw h
H i ;• i -i in tiiin nii I i-ioB.i t»y counties.
i :i ■•i-ur i ml ex |n *, . ii '
in ili •• .iiliirv, loot >
i it, .in- i i.i i'll- . . any bunk la
toy ti, II iH mulll • > oiiici work I HI t ur'
Bit lit home ItefcJ -m », Bn< I
ii< ■ stiniitM a onvt: opt.i —Tub Ui'itij
iok t ■ Mi in y. Dojit, :i. i i i ago '■> -;•> to a i.
.UiHNT* WANTltD.—ror ‘•The Life mid
t ii v • n’n of .iinliid bi wis. ' i .
moiI'I'b bi i nii' t nnval lirro. By Mll rr
Hu t'uit.l hi lifelong li'lmlan I , nitre
Of tie e.itio-i’H blot. BlgyeHl • ml In'
ni i i iii'O jiiiyeB. wx Hi tneliew i item 1 - i- - i ■. i
lint -ton. tlliiHtrut imionly $ •> mi
uioub (leiDSii'l. Hi" ionimi«Ml'i -I, oufnl
III O. < I.nnee Ilf a iilelime. Write n el
l ne llnlllllllii i i'i llll'illiy, Irtl I 1 ,1 i i; iton
Bn irtlng .Chicago.
NPiv'iA PiiissB^a
IlI.L.-i i i HiLUand mankoou
Cu ba * 1 ncy, Night limi Lit .at,1
w; . rid . a. CB, .01 effect* of «?If*
. • e, or oxcesd anu i'-.c •• -
■ '.a. Si ervo tonle and
.‘dnofl bul/diH'. Brln^a the
i k clow v ale ciiet.tcH a no
• •?ores t’ ■ of youtli•
v •• mail f>0 ’#< rbos, B'^-xes
fti, S-.oO; v» ili rt m ritt \i \r • rsti*
tee to cure or rot.uMi tin i? t.tu*
Send for circular. v«?*i •
c: »ton & J».c op t: ?icac ■>, t ■
ODENDAIIL BROS., Uo ip City, N b
i lie Philippine nat-iv * run p« i nn'll,
At the sound Of om Yankee > el,, (be
But, oh, whit.a gait they 'll hive, limy •
After lb" lev Mountain Ten.
rruvBiiiBil A Fruiseuy
Timely informal on given Mrs. tiro,
I,mg, of New Straitsylllc, Ohio, saved
i« i lives. A frightful cough hail long!
i*'t her awal.e every night. She bad
. ninny reim . . y ! d '
■ l\ grew worse until urg< d lo try I
I1 (vine's New lli.MMvery. U e botU
A curt d a r ami »e write
tvolenti tin (lit .ne h!-i cured Mr
! nf n m". r-- i.C u'k f Pin in >n..
h (Mil me tMJ-itlvi* pi *01 uf . 1 .
i to cure all tin • if. t ,t. ! l»*
11 'lie. tiny Mi ;u 1 jt tKi «i, .1.1
'. IT ’I ‘tie ti- at ttdt itdali!
»• 1 vs *t hH I'M
. \
*-'.-ar - - - r ,#■ *Rl- Mi 'JL* ->. ,vf «• ^
t ie mar < ae in good for
[who buy thei ndifyouwill
am r a 17
I will show you prices
that will convince
you that ; 011 saved
nos ey, am that it
paid you. to
■ 7^
t'V Bi
Ip u m.V u ' i bl
ine of Dry
Goods, Groceries, Hats,
Caps, Boots Shoes,
ing [ oode. on *, iail to
eirr.mi ne
Our W]T
■1 J L J ! ? ..... .../VP1.L
Our goo 5 are frei - aid our prices
right.—Yours res. • it..-.laiiy,
J. Pete, Jaeger.
South Side Publio Squan Loup City, Nebr.
■We aye eadc/uafters for
We have every ..j , " net* for making first class
Drive or Uvt au : Wells and
respect fJ ' sour*.; * * »•’. 1 r res are reasonable,
»mr prices * •• ri
iKA or! < > n .
Jm ^
♦tmk t s
, 4 1 \ - If