The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 24, 1900, Image 4

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    I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
Uoaal r?sws.
Dr. Romine, the dentist.
A nice shower Tuesday morning cool
ed the air.
J I. Depew’s trip hammer is beginning
to wake up echoes In the city.
Chickens are pretty near ripe and
some of our sports are beginning 10 pull
Mrs Ditto has put au addition to her
The Loup City brick yard Is again in
T. M. Reed keeps repairs for the Mc
Cormick, Buckeye and Woods ma
Save your feed by buying
a corn harvester of T. M. Heed.
Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
1. M f’oliski Will build a large brick
resident at Ashton at once. Ohlsen Bro.
have the coutract.
W. T. Gibson,.! I). Depew and Steve
Sweetland were repairing the old river
bridge this week.
C. W. Conhlser has leased the resi
dence property of Mrs. Travis and will
occupy the same about Sept 1st.
Mrs John Ohlsen returned from the
Grand Island hospital last Thursday
evening much Improved in health
When you want bargains In the line
of Jewelry don't fail to call on G. 11
Morgan. He carries the finest line in
the Loup Valley.
ir you want your watch nut in good
repair bv the only lirst class workman
in the county call on G. II. Morgan, the
The following second hand articles
lor sale at Gasteyers; One each, cup
board, bureau bedstead, range, base
burner, and three cane bottom chairs.
Park Prigeof Rockville was in the
city Monday, He informs us that his
father and mother would start Tuesday
for Colorado, to visit two of their sons.
Mothers endorse it, children like it,
old folks use it. We refer to One min
ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure
all throat and lung troubles,—Odendahl
Mrs T. M. Reed received a telegram
from Wisconsin last Thursday evening
that her grandmother was not expected
to live and she left Friday morning to
beat her bedside.
G. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew -
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to do
in this line, don't fail to call on him.
A postoi card from Mrs I, E. Wal
worth informs us that she has changed
her location in Chicago, also that Mr.
Doe will be compelled to undergo an
other operation, but not so serious a
one as before.
The soothing and healing properties
of 'Chamberlain’ Cough Remedy, its
pleasant taste and prompt and perma
nent cures, have made it a great favor
ite with the people everywhere. For
sale by Odendahl Bros.
Henry Schoenlng will offer at public
sale on Saturday Aug., 25, 1!XK), at the
livery burn of Steven Gray, in this city,
all his farm machinery, cattle, hogs,
horses, chickens and all his household
goods. Don't forget the date.
Mr J. C. Fletcher of Boelus was in the
city Monday and made this cilice a plea
sant call Mr. Flbtcher is looking execd
ingly well for a man of his age. lie stood
the terrible ordeal last winter of having
bis arm amputated close to the should
er Joint and at present is healthy and
> ugged.
The case of Knutzen and J>old which
has been in justice coutl for the past
month was decided in favor of the
plaintiff and a judgim-nt of #40 Oo render
ed, This case Isone of w hich there is a
wrong some place, and of course both
sides think they are right and gratuitous
advise |< no good, but if each one
would pay their part of the costs
und then ijult lawing ami he ncighimrs
Indeed, they would feel better be better
amt save money.
lion. W. II Williams will start Sat
urday to he gone two weeks In attend
aiice to the National Kncaiiipment ii
A. It. at Chicago, If there are any old
swidiers h*rc who wish to have him
look for some of their old comrades ami
friends they may address him at 1C*
Oak wood lloulevarde, Chicago til, and
he will be pleased to do »o,
M l.*schln»key, the photographer
well l>e absent from Loup City next
week from August .*7 to .Wept, t, l»ur
tug the mouth of .September he will be
In his photo gallery mi every Monday.
Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday and
Fn lay people wishing high clasa
photograph work will plea** las*
Tuesday morning a considerable flurry
of eailemeul was raised by the annum*
nsent Ibal J«'hn Long bad went to Oak
Creek on Monday afternoon with the
understanding that be would bn heme
that evening hot vlrcumstwn***
compelled hint to gu to Ashton
and remain over night ami not be
ing aide to common it ste with hit family
It • as feared son** accident had occurred,
so directly after day hght fuemlaf
morning teveia parties started out lu
hunt I >4 him A d'ove** a telegram
from Ashton . »vlt*t«-d the rtratu
Boeckner the fashionable tailor.
Mrs. Flinn of Davis Creek is visiting
at Central City
F. E Brewer rerurued from Lincoln
last Thursday evening.
Miss Maggie Wagner of Chicago is
visiting with Mrs. G. W. Hunter.
Mrs. O E. Briggs of Lincoln is visit
ing relations and friends at this place.
E.J Schlegel of Marquette was In the
city last Saturday looking up a location.
W. 8. Waite has purhased the resi
dence property of Chas Conhlser and
will take posesslon about Sept. 1st.
One Minute Cough Cure is the only
harmless remedy that produces Imme
diate results. Try it.—Odendahl Bros
Do you need a mowing ma
chine? If so call on T. M.
Mr? W. II Knapp of (he east side took
the train for Vinton la. her old home
for an extended visit with friends and
T. M. Reed sells eicle grind
ers that are 0 K. Call and
see them.
It's a doctor's Business to study Health.
Doctors confidently recommend HAR
PER Whisk**.—Sold by T. II Elsheb,
Loup City, Nebr.
Perfect womanhood depends on per
fect health. Nature's rarest gift of phy
sical beauty comes to all who use Rocky
Mountain Tea.—Ask your druggist.
W II Rettenmayer has sold bis inter
est in the general merchandise business
to C. VV. Conhiser and hereafter the
store will be operated by Mr. Conhiser.
We notice our friend Prof. Nicoson
purchasing material that indicates the
renovating of a building, but then he
said lie was purchasing for another fel
Intestinal infection, appendicitis and
all affections of the bowels, liver and
kidneys prevented by taking genuine
Rocky Mountain Tea.—Ask your drug
Do you want your eyes fitted by an
experienced man? If so wait for the
Chicago Optical Co. Will be at Chase’s
Drug Store August ‘JHth. One d iy
For burns, Injuries, piles and akin
diseases use DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits
may be offorcd. Use only DeWitt’s.—
Odendahl Bros.
Mrs Dr. N. L, Talbot of Boelus return
e 1 ten days ago from Omaha, where she
had been having a tumor removed. Per
father Mr Fletcher informs us that she
has fully recoverd,
T.ast Monday was the most oppressive
day of the season the mercury showed
100 in the shade and very little breeze.
Jay Cole has moved into the Hcbwer
Montgomery Straud informs us that a
letter received from G M. Kearns on the
6th inst. left him well at Cape Nome.
Mr Kearns says (lour is$<;. per hundred
meat ?5c per pound and coffee 05c.
Jimmie Conger has purchased the
dray line and good will of Thomas Inks
and will In the future operate the same.
Jimmie is an Industrous young man and
makes a success of liis undertakings.
The quicker you stop a cough or cold
the less danger there will be of fatal
lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure
is the only harmless remedy that gives
immediate results. You will like it.—
Odendahl Bros.
Sheppard the Jeweler wishes to state
to the public that he Is still in business
on the corner, where he intends to stay.
Take your Wat lies, Clocks and Jewel
ry repairing to him. Work will be de
1 vered same -lay ns left,
My fall ami winter samples
are now on display, come and
! place vour orders early.—
| Yours Respt. \V. II. Bokck
1 S Sheppard moved hi* bench and
one show case to Kaverina la«t Sunday
where he will continue the jewelry
business. K«r the present Mrs Shej pard
will con'inue In charge of the business
at the old stand.
I toot forget that W M Su»e|ser will
have an attclion «»ie at hi* re»l.
deuce In A»hton on Saturday, septem*
tier I, at which lime he will offer for
sale all hi* household goods a pair of
ponies buggy and harness, etc. see
bills for complete list
Among the free feature* at itmlJrami
Island Street Fair will be baloon aacen
•loo* ami parachute leaps each day,
wonderful trap*** aeraelaml embed*
pcrfoin»*nce« concert* and vamlevllle
attraction*, Thus are a| the free, open
air »da*« I'lieie will l.» numermt* con
cession* entertaining and attractive
and su*h ether attraction* sioit a* h*>*
hall, wrestling match*** ra*e*. *re,
Chinese are dangeroo* mem r* tor
they are treat heron* 1'hai‘a why all
counterfeit* of laH itt t Witch il*s* I
1 Waive are dangernw* They look lut
|teW ill's, toil ln*tead of the healing
I witch haa*l they all contain Ingredients
! liable to Irt date the shin and cause
! blond poisoning Tor p e* In juries
! and shin dtn*nse* ms (he original and
genuine Ins It ill's H II* h llaavl **it
Oden deni Mm*
AT THB M. K l lll'Hl H.
There will be preaching service at the
M. K. church on Sunday, August CtSth, in the
morning ut 10:00 and in tho evening at saw
by the pastor: also on Oak Creek at 3:00
p. m. Everybody cordially invited.
W. E. Matthwkh, Pastor.
— .... ■ --
Redclift—Morgan- Oa Wednesday
Aug. 15. 1 fN>0 Mr. Edward Redclift of
Lexington, Nebr. and Miss Iva Morgan
of Loup City were made one and the
same, judge .1. A. Angier officiating,
l’be briae is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Morgan of this city, they
having moved from Dawson County in
ttieearly summer. She is an esteemable
young lady. The groom is a stranger in
these parts, The young couple haye the
best wishes of the Northwestern
for their future happiness.
Walker-Converse—Mr. Walker of
Oibbon, and Miss Neina Converse of this
city were joind in tho holy bonds of
wedlock, at the home of the brides
parents on Wednesday Aug. 15 1000.
Miss Converse was an esteemable young
lady and has spent most of her life in
this yicinity. hhe has taught a number of
terms of school in the primary rooms
of this city und was an efficient instruct
or The gro m is comparatively a strang
er here but we are informed is a highly
respected young business man of his city.
May they tread llfes path way happily
together is the wish of all.
♦ • ♦ ——
Wilson- Got- On Wednesday morning
atCo'eloek at the GappaCmholic Church
near Ashton, Mr. Rufus Wilson and Miss
Josie Goe, were united in marriage. Mr
Wilson is an industrous young fatin'
er who has spent most of his life in :
Sherman eouuty and commands the j
highest respect of all his acquaintance.
Miss Got* has long been a resident i>f
this county and isaisoa highly respect
ed young lady. The Noktiiwkstekn
joins their many friends in extending
Mr. and Mrs. K. Hentfrow anti
little daughter Helen, visited at the
home of Milton Rentfrow near Aus
tin. Sunday and enjoyed themselves ;
eating icecream and water melons.
Remember that Or. Amer
man the Great Painless l)en-j
tist of Omaha, will be here
Aug. :29-30,—At Hotel.
Little Ava, the three year old
daughter of Mr and Mrs. H. J. Clif
ton died of cholera infantum Thurs
day morning Aug. 23. The re
mains were taken to (jibbon, for in
♦ ♦
Monday will be the grand opening
day of the Grand Island .Street Fair;
Tuesday, Kearney, Lexington, Ravenna
and all west day; Wednesday, Sc Paul,
Ord and all north day; Thursday, Hast
ings and all south day; Faiday, travel
ing men's day ; Saturday, Omaha, Lin
coln and all east day.
are the most comfortable, commodious
means of travel for large parties, in
tending settlers, homeseukers, hunting
These cars are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebra-ka points to
California and Oregon points, and are
tlttcd up complete with mattresses, cur
tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring
nothing to be furnished by the passen
gers. Uniformed porters are in charge
of these cars who are required to keep
them in good order, and look after (he
wants and comforts of passengers.
These cars are new, of modern pattern,
and are nearly as convenient and com
fortable as first-class palace sleepers.
For full Information call on or address
II. J. < i.ifton, Agent.
Official Line Nat'). Kucampment
O A. K
Pepartment Commander lleese of!
Nebraska announces that the Burling
ton Route has be-n selected as the offi
cial line to the National Lncampineut
of the O. A. It at Chicago. Aug. »’7—
Sept, l«t and that the Headquarters
Tram will |e*ve the Burlington Mation,
Omaha. 7 :t0 p M. (Saturday. Aug, 1A
This i* the train all members of the
O. A It, Women* lie lief Corps, Ladles )
"ft he O. t . I! . W Ives and daughter* of i
\ eterns aud their friend* will tarn It
will have standard aud tourist sleep
lug cars and free reclining ehali cars !
and w III arrive at Chicago at tc.In a tn,
The lowest of low rates are always \
made for the t, \ U Kiicainpineut.
Thi* rear 'h-* r will hi* Uf*1 ft»f |
the round trip to ch|,-<>gu Tic sets!
all| he nil s*|,. August „'t to g; ,|
Fn *v l* 'sen Pass ,\gl Ouisha Nel»
♦ ♦ •
’•hi I i**N Si»1 I* I
«* »* * e ■ a i || . ,g|
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Jt MR 1 Mil •<•**)
• • •
IW»nl f«»rgi t that Amuimaii
lliu I’oinlcs* Ihntist uf Oinilta,1
will tu- at >l. Klimt hotel Auk
w In re lie will uylriict
Mini till ld#tli tliilclv with*
•>ut |»»* t, Tli# Mr. * hi^h
I' rrcumtt»cii*|* *1 In t||i* |,*•. |t|,«
• »(' Out a It t #tt«i \icmit\ «* U>.
i» K ft aciviitilUi it it > I etjiert «»|t
urn tor.
Mr. and Mrs. Jfi. G. Paige, and
C. F. Beushousen, left Tuesday
mornong for Ault, Colorado, for a
few weeks visit with Frank and
Chas. Paige.
The band boys gave a dance in
the hall Saturday evening.
A number of young folks spent a
pleasant evening with Miss Alice
Kearns last Friday evening, the
occasion being her birthday. They
adjourned in the early hours of the
morning wishing her many return
of her birthday nnmveri.ery.
Mr. Gridin shipped in a car of j
horses from St. Paul Saturday and i
succeeded in disposing of nearly
the entire lot.
We understand that sale bills will
be out Saturday announcing an
auction sale of personal property of
W. M. Smelser at Ashton, which sale
will take place at his residence
on Saturday, Sept. 1st.,11*00. Pair
of ponies, top buggy harness, and a
long list of household goods are
among the articles mentioned.
Special train for Lincoln via the
Burlington Route leaves Loup City
Neb., at <i a m, Tuesday, Sept. 4th.
Round trip only 84 75 Including ad
mission to the State Fair.
• • •
I have just received quite a line'
of hoots and shoes, and am now able
to sell my customers new goods,
(nothing old) and especially in the
line of seamless shoes, from the
largest ami only exclusive seamless
factory in the country; every pair
guaranteed. Call and see tne.—H.
- - ■ ♦ » »
In the manner of decorations for
the Grand Island street fair, the
principal arch alone will bo decor
ated with 560 electric lights.
Being a member of the P of 11.
Loup City Lodge and one of the
party of about twenty five members
who visited Ashton Lodge last Fri
day evening, ye senior editor cannot
refrain from mentioning the fact
that we were warmly welcomed by
the meubers of our sister lodge at
that place. Our trip was made in
response to an invitation to go over
and assist in the initiation of a new
candidate, and accordingly the Loup
City team, ollicers and members
drove over at the appointed time.
The trip was one of pleasure from
start to finish, save that we were
caught in a light shower in going
and were a little drowsy on return
ing. The hospitality of our Ashton
friends could not be excelled. The
ball was thrown open to us on our
arrival and was not closed uutil
we had pleased to take our depart
ure. After the usual routine of
work the tables were spread and
ice cream, cake and lemonade were
in order and was served in such
quantities as to fully satisfy all.
It was an outing such as will leave I
pleasant memories with those who
Hie best amateur ball teams of the
state *111 play at Grand Island during
the street fair next wee If.
POUND A Pocket book. on the llth of
August. Owner will please come for
ward prove property l*y Men!lib ation pay
for notice amt get th** same Call at this
office fur Information
C' }n»i t uttml of tile Inlet lor
I. to l Office at Lincoln, N* b i 1
A tig u*t I*, Its**. * i
Notice 1* hereby given that the follow
Ing-named settler has it leu notice uf her •
Intention tit make flna proof in »up|»ort f
of her claim, an t that said proof will tie
made helote the County Judge of Utier
matt eotinty, at Loup 1 ity. Nebraska, on
ttctohei ini, It*a* via *«r«ut banner,
11< mu stead Entry No Id, lor the East had
of the North East foot Mi, *ww|lott j»*.
fow 'hip it, north of Wang* P s* d, Mb
p tn *Ue names the lollw ug witness to
prove her toutin' M* tesi.len e <i|mt» and
cult it at ion of, said ahd,%is Ed Ynwunt,
llarrs ^ *«ysr. Elank < utrf, •» t iHiitili,
al of l.lH’hlteUt, N« ra*».«
J h Jotiaaoa, H*
noth > r»>n ft m u %ti«»N
thpaflgsrl of lE Interior
I and ugt • at l.isoils, l»s #
% ugast la, i m», .
N *1 tea i« given that the follow
lag sswet eMIvf ho ftiel wot lew of his
intent hoi k* make f ssi | • In • t|»|* it
of hta si* n». an l that sac! proof will
hw walv he* «re J % t*f ni, conaty
Iwdge of utoacH vusstf, at ft ag
ttty, triiKM « on *h io» *r 1st, lie, via
I d« 4 I arson H el Entry lb*
»W.n, fot tto* Vifta East 10141 tk, mm tma
I, M|* fie tor,,M • I hk f oi "»* Wf: ng NHt
*#««#-* to prove h*a continuous «
topi* and ffiMllwatboa of* tn d .an*S, tu (
N u« ti N*■!♦*. •-* % ■»- »«fi* n,
H* «*» r Hn o H 4* 4 | u*
11-44*1 * 'tl.i, t
4 *. 4 «**•■ j
l.ow Rates To Colorado amt tltali Of
fered by the Ilurlington Route.
On August 7 anil 21, and on Septem
ber 4 and IS, the Burlington will sell
round trip tickets to Denver, Pueblo,
Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Lake
City, Deadwood Hnd Hot Springs, for
one fare pluss 82. Tickets sold at these
remarkable low rates will be good to
return till October 111.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
Route will be pleased ti tell you the
cost of a ticket and to help you plan
your trip. Descriptive literature free
on application.
♦ • •
A Mother Tells How bite Saved Her
Little HaiiKbters Life.
I am the mother ol eight children and
have had a great deal of experience
with medicines. Last summer my lit
tle daughter had tho dysentery in Its
worst form. We thauglit she would die.
1 tried eveaything I could think of, but
nothing seemed to do her any good. 1
saw by an advertisement In our paper
that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoe Remedy was highly recom
mended and sent and got a bottle at
once. Jt pr ved to be one of the very
best medicines we ever had in the house.
It saved my little daughters life. 1 am
anxious for every mother to know w hat
an cxcellant medicine it is. Had 1
known it at lirst it would have saved
me a great deal of anxiety and ntv lit
tle daughter much suffering.—Yours
truly, SIrs. Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty,
R, I. For sale by Odendab) Bros.
35 cent*to two I
That big state pappr, The Semi-Week
ly State Journal, will be mailed from
now until January 1,1901, for 25 cents.
This Is the biggest offer of reading mat
ter ever made in the west and Is done
for the sole purpose of Introducing it
to thousands of new homes Here's
your chanse to get an up to date, relia
ble state paper for a mere song. Send
in your quarter and you'll get the paper
all through the remainder of this year.
Address The State Journal at Lincoln.
-—- ♦- • ♦ .—
During the civil war, as well as in
our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was
one of the most troublesome disease the
army bad to contend with. Jn many
instances it became chronic and the old
soldier still sutlers from it. Mr. David
TaylorJof'Wind Ridg -, Green (Jo., Pa,
is one of these. He uses <'iiamberiain's
Colic (Jeolera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and says lie never found anything that
would give him sueh quick relief. It is
for sale by Odendahi Bros.
♦ • ♦
Buy a pig-in-tbe-bag sewing machine
when at a reasonable price you can buy
a “New Home" that you and everybody
eUe knows is the best sewing machiue
there is?—For sale by T. M . Reed
It will surprise you to experience the
benefit obtained by using the dainty and
famous little pills known as DeWitl’s
Little Early Risers.—Odendahi Bros
That Tlirobbluc Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for Sick and Nervous Head
aches. They make pure blood and build
up your health. Only 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by Odeudah!
Bros. Druggists.
One Faie for the Round Trip via the
Burlington Route—The Burlington baa
offered one fare for the round trip, 818.
16, from I.oup City to Chicago, August
L'4 -J7,on account of the annua! encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic. The return limit on these tickets
is September 1-t subject to extension to
September :to The nearest agent of the
Burlington Route will be pleased to
giye you additional information, rates,
dates, baggage and train service.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure 1 'arris
A 1.80 no A
(Journal Re;ii Estate Business.
Offl.-e Id NoHrnwKSTDHD Itulldlnc,
i.ofr errv, • • m iucusa
LOUP OUT. i | ha
"fh' < -«»«• door »ul ui t<h«*«'i i
drug .Hire
n #;.v i i v/
«» » »* r. «>* s.urr whi» i*i. {i. ihi
i.»vr * n r. \kh
.1. K. INKS,
First claw Wow guaranteed,
l ot I* CITY « M.n
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 59 Passenger.7:55 a. in
No. 00 Freight. . —19.50 p. in,
No. 51 Passenger .. .4:15 p. in.
No. 5!l Freight.I9i5na. Ui.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seals free) on through trains, Tickets
sold and baggage chocked to any point In
the United Status or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to It. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. FK ANCIs, Gen'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. «fl leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). s :uo a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 19:90 p. in.
No. on leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 8 55 p. in.
No 87 arrives dully except Sunday (mixed
19:115 p. m.
No. -5 arrives daily except 8unday (pass
enger) 7.:tf> p. in.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
Story Of A Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. Geo. I). Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., says: “My wife lias
been so helpless for live years that she
could not turn oyer in bed alone. After
using two bottles of Electric Bitters
site is wonderfully Improved and able to
do her own work." This supreme re
medy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly',
run-down people. Cure guaranteed.
Only 50c Sold by Odendahl Bros.
♦ •
The favorite whisky of famous men
Is HARPER Because of its smooth,
exquisite flavor, because of it's match
less purity; because of its mellow age.
Vo wonder it's the favorite. Every droy
sterling. HAUl'ER WHISKEY'. Sold
by T. II. El.SNKK, Lot.p City, Neb.
It II«I|hmI To Win «
Twenty-nine officers and men wrote
from the Front to say that for Scratches
Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sore Feet and
Stiff" Joints, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is
the best in ttie world. Same for Burns,
Skin Eruptions and IMIps. 25ets.a box
Cure guaranteed Sold by Odendahl
Bros, druggists.
The wolf in the fable put on sheeps
clothing because if he traveled on bis
own reputation lie couldn't accomplish
his purpose. Counterfeiters of DeWi t's
Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their
worthless salveg on their merit, so they
put their. In boxes and wrappers like
DeWitt’s. Look out for them. Take
only DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It
cures piles and all skin diseases.—Oden
daliI Bros.
lu India, the land of famine, thous
ands die because they cannot obtain
food. In America, the land of plenty
many sufl er and die because they cannot
digest the food they eat, Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure digests what you ear. It In
stantly relieves and radically cures all
stomacn troubles -Odendahl Bros.
If desiring goods sold at public auc
tion please call on me 7$ miles north of
Litchfield, or address me at that place.
I am an experienced auctioneer and will
guarantee satisfaction.—Yours respt.
I). II Rl< 11AK1JSON.
One Miuesota Chief threshing outfit'
32 inch cylinder and 12 horae power.
One Nichols & Shepard threshing out
fit, 32 Inch cylinder and 12 horse
One, almost new, 14 horse Aultman ,V
Taylor horse power. Cull on or
address,-Makky Schick RI>a NT/.,
St. Paul, Nelir.
♦ • ♦
llnrlt leu's Amirs Naive
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
lion, ointment or Imlm for «'utu, • ’orns.
Hums, Holies, Sores. Felons, I'leers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles Core guaranteed Only k.V
at (idendahl Bros.
• • •
The complete service of
v in I nion i'aeittc,
enaldcs passengers to reach the
principal cities between the North
Pacttfc t'o,stand Missouri River
not only in the shortest
|st«sib|e space
of time,
•*ut also Id the most coiufortahte and
enjov able madder The dining
car* on this train are slo ke>|
with IIm* lust the market affords
Al‘ no als scr*e<l a la carte
II -I Ci iiftiv, Agent,
N* v f \t 1 inglin# p tsauf n i„. i,. ,.
lord Wtreel M*lfc«.|UI efennh at • mu
he»l*n i 4<1, M|i ll sllmds me mutti
pb>4,„fv i* r>vs*mMWMtd * iiiwkntatk'i
i sob i hole** and D trrk •«* M*medr.
I have itsed ft a*4 tvs#eileo skskais
dm* w I hay* never ka >wu It to f*u
II i< » n.n omi wised t*««n la im,
For •#!» l»> in ten lah Hj> »»