The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 17, 1900, Image 4

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    I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
Lioaal Dsws.
Dr. Romine, the dentist.
(fctof <ui inch of rain fell here Tues
day night.
W. 8. Waite went to his farm Tuesday
to thresh his crop
Mrs. Anna Uccbthold atul Miss Befsie
Rowe visited Arcadia Sunday.
Miss Edna Williams went to Broken
Bow, Wednesday to visit friends.
Peter Rowe came up from Warsaw,
Saturday and Sundayed with his family
T. M. Reed keeps repairs for the Mc
Cormick, Buckeye and Woods ma
Save your feed by buying
a corn harvester of T. M. Reed.
Write Hayden Bros Omaha Whole
sale Supply House for prices and samp
(». H. Morgan has moved his jewelry
store to the building vacated by Mr.
Mrs. ole Criss of Phillips, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mra. Simpson
Criss of the south side.
Mr. and Mr*. Eugene Patton came up
from Ravenna the first of the week to
visit Mr*. Pattons parents.
One of the little son* of Jesse Rent*
frow fell off a swing last Friday and
fractured a small bone In bisarm.
When you want bargains in the line
of Jewelry don't fail to call on O. II
Morgan. He carries the finest line in
the l.oup Valley. .
If you want your watch put in good
repair by the only first class workman
in the county call on O. If. Mono an, the
J. T, Hale lost a valuable stallion
last Monday night. lie brought him
from Burwe]], SO miles, that d ly which
proved too much for him.
J. T. Hale has traded his city proper
ty for the residence of Mrs Julia Bauer
and will move the latter building down
near his present residence at once.
The following second hand articles
for sale at Gasteyers; One each, cup
board, bureau bedstead, range, base
burner, and three cane bottom chairs.
Mothers endorse it, children like it,
old folks use it. We refer to One min
ute Cough Cure. It will quickly cure
all throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Hawley and Mrs.
Btcllmacher left for their new home at
Edgar, Monday morning. Their fa
miliar faces will be missed by their
many friends heie.
The German Verein held another of
their social dances at the I’orter Block
Monday night. A good crowd was in
attendance and a pleasant time is re
W. II. Boeckner the tailor has moved
his es'ablishinent to the building vacat
ed by Mrs Stellmacher, where his cus
tomers will tlnd him prepared for all
kinds of work in his line.
G. II. Morgan the I.oup City Jeweler
does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew -
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to do
in this line, don't fail to call on him.
The boys in the neighborhood of W.
II Knapp on Davis Creek, turned out
last Saturday and assisted that getle
man in errectmg a new sod house he
having lost his frame building by fire
on July 1th.
The soothing and healing properties
of ;Chamberlain' Cough Remedy, its
pleasant taste and prompt and perma
nent cures, have made it a great favor
ite with the people everywhere. For
sale by Odeudabl Bros.
Henry Schoenlng wi 11 offer at public
Bale on Saturday Aug . 2"), 1000, at the
livery barn of Steven Gray, In this city,
all hla farm machinery, cattle, hogs,
horses. chickens and all his household
goods. Don't forget the date.
J. Phil Jaeger can be seen those days
with sleaves rolled up and the sweat
couracing down his noble brow doing
up goods for his numerous customers
and swearing that there Is many things
more pleasant than to be short on clerks.
In India, the land of famine, thous
ands die because they cannot obtain
food lu America, the land of plenty
many sulfer and die because they cannot
digest the food they eat, Kodo] Dys
pepala Cure digests what you eat It In
stantly relieves and radically cures all
stomacn troubles Odrndahl Hros
August Kelinau took his wife to the
Grand Island hospital for l realm sat
last Saturday Mr. Ih-ltnan desires to
thank the boys for their generous eou
trlbullous to his assistance m such a
substantial manner Mr Itrirnau ba»
had a serious time since Mrs. Kelman !
took sick several rears ago and a little
assistant e tn hit troubles Is something j
worthily bestowed and highly appro I-1
•I e«l by him.
A pleasure part* went lr..iu tow., j
last Sunday to the farm of Canton
Truelaen to enjoy a f*w hours rowing
on the little lake* ant) ere*-,,, and s< ■
usual la such cases the boat Imbibe t !
the gay spirit and got frolicsome and \
In nos wt its uueer curves turns-,| ui
side sb*wo aa>J spuled hsdto* ami all j
about 4 feel of «s tier As the oaalhei j
was lost right alt *«tk>ted the bath »a
cept that wart whhh ss> Involuntary
guijsrd doeu while enjoying the 4m i
Uoeckuer the fashionable tailor.
C II I’lambeek of Ashton. was In the
city Tuesday.
G. II Morgan moved his family into
the rear end of his store.
Mrs C. Houck attended the Iloosier
picnic near Litcbfleld, Wednesday.
Mrs. Albert Snyder of Verdurette, is
visiting relatives at Ilemingsford. Neb.
The new addition to Geo. E. Ben
scholars residence is about ready for
the plasterers
The Ofilsen Bros, arc putting a brick
foundation under the residence of Mrs.
Katie Burrowes.
Mr. and Mrs. John Benschoter and
little son Leo, returned to their home
at Falls Citj, Thursday.
One Minute Cough Care is the only
harmless remedy that produces Imme
diate resuits. Try it.—Odendahl Bros
Do you need a mowing ma
chine? If so call on T. M.
C. L. Waidron of Defience, la , an ola
time pointer called at this otlice while
in the city last Saturday.
The I). of II team will go to Ashton
this evening to assist in the initiation
of candidates at that place .
Mrs E. I’olcomb and daughter, Mrs.
Chris Johanson, went, to Ulysses, Xebr.
last Saturday to visit relatives.
T. M. Heed sells cicle grind
ers that are O K. Call and
see them.
We learn of several weddings which
has taken place in the last day or so. We
will give further notice next week.
Mr. Joseph Cording had the misfor
tune to have a horse break its leg last
Sunday which necessitated its being
It's a iloctor's Business to study Health.
Doctor*confidently recommend HAR
PER Whiskey.— bold by T. II Elsner,
Loup City, Nebr.
Perfect womanhood depends on per
fect health. Nature’s raregt gift of phy
sical beauty comes to all who use Rocky
Mountain Tea.—Ask your druggist.
Intestinal Infection, appendicitis and
all affections of the bowels, liver and
kidneys prevented by taking genuine
Rocky Mountain Tea.—Ask your drug
A surprise party was arranged in hon
or of Miss Libbie Adamson last Satur
day night. A goodly number of her
young friends kept her company until
a late hour.
For burns, Injuries, piles and skin
diseases use DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits
may be offered. Use only DeWitt’s.—
Odendahl Bros.
At the Republican primary last Sat
urday the following parties were nomi
nated for township officers: For treas
urer L. Hansen, for clerk W. II. Will
iams, for assessor W. J. Fisher.
The quicker you stop a cough or cold
the less danger there will be of fata!
lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure
is the only harmless remedy that gives
Immediate results. You will like It.—
Odendahl Bros.
Ray Mathers, a boy 14 years old liv
ing 12 miles north of here had his leg
broken last Sunday morning while herd
ing cattle. His pony fell striking the
leg breaking it just below the knee.
Sheppard the Jeweler wishes to slate
to the public that he Is still in business
on the corner, w here he intends to stay.
Take your Watches, Clocks and Jewel
ry repairing to him. Work will be de
livered same day as left.
My fall and winter samples
are now on display, come and
place your orders early.—
Yours Respt. W. H. Boeck
A large number of the young friend*
of Maxtor (tunics Gibson gathered at
hi* home last Monday evening as a sur
prise for him on hi* fifteenth birthday.
Games and amusement* were enjoyed
until eleven o'clock when they dl*,>ur8
ed for their home*.
Chinese are dangerous enemies, for
they are treacherous. That'* why all
counterfeit* of DeWitt's Witch llaael
Salve are dangerous They look like
IteWitt'a. hut Instead of the healing
witch hazel they all contain Ingredient*
liable to Irritate the skin and raute
blood poisoning. For pile*. Injuries
and *kin dla*a*r* u*e the original and
genuine I»eWilt s Witch llasel Salve
Qdendatil Urns.
For never il weeks past our valued * !
contemporary has tieen endeavoring to :
•Ira* attention lo the fact that thi*'
|»»|>er devoted two of It* column* to 1
politic*! plate matter each wrek. Just ,
what point he ho|ied to wore is wore '
Iban We have discovered and we care
nothing for hi* puerll* desire to say j
someth.i g at our eipause, Hit last
week the Ostrich covra hi* head With!
••cl and Alla on* of his entire home j
page* with I>einn rot that ha no mean 1
unly !•■ deceive ••■oirP.Mly, and It wa
*H 'plate matter 1 Asm! Only last wee^
M» •hii j ' d an Inv dee t.f '‘plate matter'
which he had used b*rt to ttmaha. Re
<•**• the leant I rum your own eye Rru
an I the unis In our* will dmnn j
i.h 3
Church Dedication
Sunday. August .‘6ih IW5 at hall past 10
o'clock in the morning the Seventh Day Ad
vcnti«(t8 will hold dedicatory services at
their church in Loup City. Elder N. P. Nel
son president of the Nebraska Conference
and J W. Boynton will be in attendance.
ScrviCfS will be held in the evening also at
8 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is extended
to all.
lioa. 11. M Mathew wi 1 deliver as address
at the M E. church on Sunday evening'
August 19th at 8 o'eloeU. Mr. J. W Lang
will preside There will be Sunday School
in tbe morning at 10:3f>.
W. E. Mattiiwks. Pastor.
Th. re will be Herman services at the Ad
ventist church in tblscity next Snnady Aug
!9th at 8 o'clock p m. Services in Ashton
on the ®Uh at 2 p m. Service at Kelso
Sept. 2nd
The Ladies Aid Society will hold an ex
change next Saturday, where cakee. ice cream
eto. will be sold.
Last Wednesday night the Odd Fel
lows and Mystic Legion of this place
joined issues and spread a banquet in
honor of their highly respected brother,
Mr. Joseph Church who left here for
his home iu Kansas, on Thursday mor
ning. Mr. Church ha* been in the city
for the past dozen years during
which time he has made many warm
friends and especially among the Lodge
people, he being a constant and able
worker for both lodges. The I. O, O. F.
boys presented him with a gold pend
ant inscribed with the compliments of
that order.
Last Friday evening, by the invita
tion of W, H. Kennedy one of Sherman
county's prominent pedagogues, a par
ty of ten made up of the following gen
tlemen: Professors Atkinson of York,
Stockdale of Arlington, Hargroves of
and Mead of St. Paul, J. A. Braden of
Arcadia, C. F Johnson, J. F. Nicoson,
W. II. Kennedy and county Supt. G. S
Leininger and ye Junior Scribe of Loup
City, filled two double seated carriages
and about Sundown, drove to the farm
of Mr. Kennedy 5 miles soutn cast of
this city. The trip was planned by Mr.
Kennedy as a fitting close to the county
Institute which had been in successful
operation for the two weeks past.
Upon arriving at the farm the party
found Mr. Betts, the gentleman in
charge had anticipated the raid and had
a dozen large watermellons in soak,
whereupon the wielders of the birch
laid aside their coats and exhibited
their southern instincts by neer leaving
a rind. Mr. Kennedy had brought a
long a supply of lemons and sugar and
after adding acqua pura quenched their
thirst to “the Queens taste, from which
the only noticable effect was a remark
by one of the boy s coming home that
the moon looked to him to be at least
fifty feet in diameter. The hospitality
of Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Betts and his
mother was voted supreme by all and
the evenings enj yment and entertain
ment was greatly appreciated.
are the most comfortable, commodious
means of travel for large parties, in
tending settlers, bouieseakers, hunting
These cats are run on the Union
Pacific daily from Nebraska points to
California and Oregon points, and are
fitted up complete with mattresses, cur
tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring
nothing to be furnished by the passen
gers. Uniformed porters are in charge
of these cars who are required to keep
them in good order, and look alter the
wants and comforts of passengers.
These cars are new, of modern pattern,
and are nearly as convenient and com
fortable as first-class palace sleepers.
For full information call on or address
II. J. < i.ikton, Agent.
Official Line— Nut'l. Kneampment
G. A. R
Department Commander Reese of
Nebraska announces that the Burling
ton Route has been selected as the offi
cial line to the National Kneampment
of the O A. R at Chicago, Aug. 27—
Sept, 1»t and that the Headquarters
Tram will leave the Burlington station,
Omaha, 7:90 I*. M. Saturday, Aug. 2ft
This is the train all member* of the
G. A. U, Womens Relief Corps, I.adle*
of the <;. . .. It., Wires and Daughter* of
Veterns and their friends will take It
will have standaid and tnurlat sleep
ing cars and free reclining (halt car*
and will arrive at Chleago at ft :30 a in
August 5fti
The lowest of low rate* are always i
made for the O A. It Kneampment.
This year the rate will tie on* tare for 1
ill* round trip to Chlcogo Tickets |
will l>e on »al<, August 21 to 27 .1 ;
Khim It, Ten I'iN Agt Onisha Veil !
liiasoi.i'fiu* N«rt|( K
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teetav A ch, le * *10 ha* *1 autssl esitfli, ill* I
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Hen ylev** « all "li i«« I ■ ntli*i north «l ,
I ' t> bH> !■' or t I It* t toe at lb*1 |>l**
I am au r\y*i >tn. r.l •wiiwurri and *i|t 1
i'liiMlf* (slide lion \ unit irept,
D II lt|i iitaioto
Urpuhlfnin County Convention
Tlie Republican county conven
tion for Sherman county convened
last Wednesday at Petersen's hall,
Loup City, and was attended by a
good delegation representating all
excepting one township in the coun
ty. The convention was called to
order by the chairman of the county
central committee and a temporary
organization effected by placing Hon.
Henry Howard of Ashton, in the
chair and Fred Fuller of Bristol
township, secretary.
Various committees were on mo
tion appointed and a recess taken to
give them time to report. On re
convening the temporary organiza
tion was made perminent and after
the reports of the various committees
were heard, motion prevailed to pro
ceed to nominate ctlicers as per call.
Hon. W. H. Williams was nomi
nated by acclamation for the cilice
of county attornev. An informal
ballot was then taken to bring out
candidates for Representative which
resulted In placing before the conven
tion the names of Theo. Ojendyk of
Ashton, and 0. II. Gibson of Loup
City prominently before the conven
tion. On a formal ballot which
soon followed, it being decided to
vote by towusbips, a roll call was
ordered. The result was in favor
of Mr. Ojendyk, ho having received
•32 votes and Mr. Gibson 20, Mr.
Ojendyk was declared the unani
mous choice of the convention. Geo.
Vann, T. C. Chamberlain, G, H.
Gibson, K. Munn and II. Smelser
were chosen delegates to the Sena
torial convention to be held at Ra
venna, Aug. 22 nd lOoO.
The Republican party of Sherman
county will start into the campaign
with two of the best men as candi
didates that can be found in the
party. Mr. Williams is a man of
large experience, fine legal ability
and will, if elected, give general sat
isfaction. Mr. Ojendyk is also a
man of sterling worth, of good busi
ness ijttalifiications and well liked
by all who know him. We will speak
more extendedlv of them in the fu
ture. Mr. Ojendjk thanked the con
vention for the honor centered and
gave assurance that he would, if
elected, work for good laws and good
government. He was followed by
a short speech from Mr. Gibson who
pledged his support to Mr. Ojendyk
and the Republican cause.
The convention was attended with
much enthusiasm and the following
resolutions were adopted with a
We. the Republican* of Sherman county.
In convention assembled, do hereby endorse
the Republican platform of IxiW and 1900 and
do unhesitatingly re-alllrm our allegiance to
the grand old party of patriotism and progress,
and heartily endorse the cause of the Repub
lican party and Its policy since the inaugra
tion of William McKinley as president of
this great nation. No backward step has
been taken by him and the progress of the
United States under his wise administration
has been a marvel to the nations of the
earth. Every promise made by the party
four years ago have b'ei more (ban ful tilled
The administration he has given us has been
one of unparalleled wisdom, progress and
His admistrution has given us sound
money and a greatly increased volume of it.
A tarriff law' for the bettering of the con
dition of the American people. It started
the fires in our furnaces and gave new Im
petus to the wheels of commerce, und has
today placed us in the enviable of
lieing designated ' The New Hanking House
of the World." and has given us the greatest
volume of exports in the history of our
nation: out government bonds of two per
cent, selling at a premium and has created
a handsome surplus lu the treasury Instead
of a deficit, and unprecedented prosperity i
throughout the country
In manipulation of the Spanish war. 1‘resi
dent McKinley has shown himself to Is- the
wisnot man of the nation. Ills great en
deavnm to avert that atrife were uusu> , ess
fuily used ami his ability to meet all » 111
i-rgt-nries after war was forced upon him
lot' bean un.,tie»Uun*d e*e» by ins p.-mn it I
opponents Ills far seeing slalC'inaiiship
i nables him to forecast possible lOlnpiu a
does at its close and his former experience j
ts i soldier imbued him with the horror' ol |
war. Ilut bis judgement has j
brought us through without any serious com j
phi atoms with any foreign power, lie liber I
> cd tin million human beings from the In. I
b« riaLsin of Upwiiisli tyranny and b»s made 1
I beii, a fn.9 people ffoiu the standpoint of «ur
(W n grant Ntyul>lh Sh gsiyisis Mt
We ni«o endorse the I. on of the pres I
ideal and the rt- potdiewa |ssi 11 is their ■lent |
s w.ii, Ag aano ti l bis trwtlaas la ibn
|*h-1 ppia « i,. 1 it is lh* sum of th s aua
a tiial ,§ l ag as tn. , a s-tn t s
-•I towards tba slam ami stripes s nay part
d iht world that it is tn# dull of a vary i
tun ru tn , u»a l.i Iprld up the h«ai' of
iIm* |**»a titdi nil furiiMH »lw#ikii it# |
<|> *•**» H'i I * «M *4 ** Ift## I
»W |
* «i m
I Ml
M J t | sHIh
♦ • lU*
Low Kalrs To Colorado anil L'lali Of
fereil by th« Burlington Boat*
On August 7 ami 21, and on Septem
ber 4 and 18, the Burlington will tell
round trip tickets to Denver, Pueblo,
Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Lake
City, Deadwood and Hot Springs, for
one fare pluss 82. Tickets sold at these
remarkable low rates will be good to
return till October 81.
The nearest agent of the Burlington
Route will be pleased ti tell you the
cost of a ticket and to help you plan
your trip. Descriptive literature free
on application.
A Mother Tell* How She Saved Her
Little Daughter! Life.
1 am the mother of eight children and
have had a great deal of experience
with medicines. Last summer my lit
tle daughter had the dysentery in Its
worst form. We thauglit she would die.
I tried eveaytbing I could think of, but
nothing seemed to do h» r any good. 1
saw by an advertisement in our paper
that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoc Remedy was highly recom
mended and sent and got a bottle at
once. It pr ved to be one of the very
best medicines we ever had in the house.
It saved my little daughters life. I am
anxious for every mother to know w hat
an excellant medicine it is. Had I
known it at first It would have saved
me a great deal of anxiety and mv lit
tle daughter much suffering.—Yours
truly, Mbs. Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty,
K, I. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
HU rents to ItfOl.
That big state paper, The Semi-Week
ly State Journal, will be mailed from
now until January 1, 1001-, for 2.r> cents.
This Is the biggest offer of reading mat
ter ever made in the west and is done
for the sole purpose of introducing It
to thousands of r.t w home* Here’s
your chansc to get an up to date, relia
ble state paper for a mere song. Send
in your quarter and you’ll get the paper
all through the remainder of this year.
Address The State Journal at Liueoln,
During the civil war, an well as in
our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was
one of the most troublesome disease the
army bad to contend with. In many
instances it became chronic and the old
soldier still suffers from it. Mr, David
TaylorJofJWind Kidge, (Ireen Co., I’a ,
is one of these. lie uses Chamberlain’s
Colic Ceolera and Diarrhoea Remedy
and says he never found anything that
would give him such quick relief. It is
for sale by Odeudahl Bros
Buy a pig in-thc-bag sewing machine
when at a reasonable price you can buy
a “New Home" that you and everybody
else knows is the best sewing machine
there is?—For sale by T. M. Hkkd.
It will surprise you to experience the
benefit obtained bv using the dainty and
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Itisers.—Odendahl Bros
Tlial Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for Sick and Nervous Head
aches. They make pure blood and build
up your health. Ouly 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by Odendahl
Bros. Druggists.
One Faie for the Round Trip via the
Burlington Route —The Burlington has
offered one fare for the round trip, $18
15, from Loup City to Chicago, August
24 27, on account of the annual encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic. The return limit on these tickets
is September 1st subject to extension to
September 30. The nearest agent of the
Burlington Route will be pleased to
giyc you additional information, rates,
dates, baggage and train service.
Attorney at Lawjnd Notary Public,
Will Defend in Foreclosnre Caua
General Real Estate Business.
Office Id NoumwcsTtRa Rnlldlnt.
t our CITT, -
lout citt, i i era
om< K -Odd door tut of lihnae'D
iir»f Dior#
n #;.vt 1st
UWM'M • is K urr MM IM t'i.H' «to,
Lot7* r/TV. .VA H
.1. K. INKS.
V, i \ t'LlA AH*.
I.«»l I* CITY • * • HU
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anti all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No 52
No. 00
No. 51
No. 59
.7:65 a. m
12.60 p. m.
.4:15 p. in.
12:50a. in.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair car*
(seals free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and haggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to It. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. Fit ANOIs, Gen’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
Nn. Hfl leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). toon a. in.
No. 85 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2 55 p. in.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. <5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First clans service and close connections
east, west and souih
W. D. Clifton,
Story or A Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease Is the worst
form of slavery. Geo. I). Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., says! “My wife has
been so helpless for live years that she
could not turn oyer in hed alone. After
using two bottles of Electric Ritters
she is wondeifully Improved and able to
do her own work.'1 This supreme re
raedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
headache, backache, fainting and dizzy
spells. It is a god.-end to weak, sickly,
run-down people. Cure guaranteed.
Only 50c. Sold by Odendabl Bros.
The favorite «bi>ky of famous men
is HARPER Because of its smooth,
exquisite llavor; because of it's match
less purity; because of its mellow age.
Vo wonder it's the favorite. Every droy
sterling. HARPER WHISKEY. Sold
by—T. II. Elsnkh, Loup City, Neb.
It llel|ietl To Win Hatties
Twenty-nine otllcers and men wrote
from the Front to say that for Scratches
Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sore Feet and
Stiff Joints, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is
the best in the world. Same for Burns,
Skin Eruptions and Piles, 25ets.a box
Cure guaranteed Sold by Odendahl
Bros, druggists.
The wolf in the fable put on sheeps
clothing because if he traveled on his
own reputation he couldn't accomplish —
his purpose. Counterfeiters of DeWi t's ~
Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their
worthless salveg on their merit, so they
put their, in boxes and wrappers like
DeWitt’s. Look out for them. Take
only De.Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It
cures piles and all skin diseases. —Oden
dahl Bros.
A CHICAGO, ILL., August 27, to
September 1st.
Rone park for round trip
• via the UNION PACIFIC.
Tickets on sale from Kansas arid Neb
raska, August 24-2.r) 2H-27.
For limit on tickets, timo tables and
full information call on—II. J. Clifton,
One Minegota Chief threshing out tit’
32 inch cylinder and 12 horse power.
One Nichols A Shepard threshing out
fit, 32 inch cylinder and 12 horse
One, almost new, 14 horse Aullman A
Taylor horse power. Call on or
address,-llA'*Bt HciiiCKKDANTZ,
llurkleii'* Arnica Salve
lias world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tInn, ointment <>r halm for Cuts, Corns,
Hums, Holies, Sores, Felon*, 1 leers.
Tetter, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, ('hap
ped Hand*, Skin Eruptions; infallible
for Pile*. Cure guaranteed. Only ithi
at i Mendahl ISro*.
Tire complete service of
enable* passenger* lo reach the
principal citie# between the North
Pacitle Co&at and Missouri River
not only in ttie shortest
possible space
of time,
but also in the most comfortable and
enjoyable manner The timing
ears on thia tram ate stocked
with the beat Hie market affords.
AT meals served a la earte.
11 J. Custom, Agent
M-v t V| \ oiglln* |««t„r,. Ik# lied
I >'rrel M.Oh.,,11,1 , ^ si I
• riaiel vt.l **y» • It iMunir me ni •< h
pU> state to rv commend * li on two Isn't
1 wlhr t H«t«,« and bonkw* Remedy.
I has* u«e | ll and know inkers • to> b»v*
l «* so I kstv never kn^oti It to fall
It l* a sure cute «ken taken la »!*<#••
fur sale t»> (Mendskt llf o
via I'll ton |'a cl ti<‘,