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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1900)
I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. Lioaal Daws. I)r. Romine, the dentist. Geo. Chapman was a hub visitor Sat urday. I’uie fruit juice drinks at—Mrs. Stell machers. C. !,. Drake left for Gurnsey, Wyo. Sunday, where he expects to locate. Gasteyer will have a discount sale of dimmer goods for (he next ten days. T. M. Reed keeps repairs for the Mc Cormick, Buckeye and Woods ma sh Incry. Save your feed by buying a corn harvester of T. M Reed. Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les 8. J, Fair and A. J. B. Fairbalru of Rockville were county hi at visitors Tuesday. Mr. Jerry Sbettler und Mr. Albin of Clear Creek were doing business in the city Tuesday, Lewis Haller is putting down a hy draulic well at the residence of Val McDonald thin week. The public sale of C. L, Drake last Saturday was well attended and goods went at a fair price. Gasteyer received a car load of Schuyler Hour this week. It Is the best flour rria 1e in the state. Try a sack. When you want bargains in the line of Jewelry don't fail to call on G. 11 Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Loup Valley. Mrs Shafer of Curtis,and Miss Taylor of Grand Island, daughters of conductor Taylor visited their father over Sunday at tliis place. if you want your watch nut in good repair by the only lirst class workman in the county call on G. H. MORGAN, the Jeweler, Mr*. S'ellmacher will go with her daughter, Mr*. Anson Hawley, to Ed gar, where slio expects to make Imr home in tlie future. There is 10,000,000 school inarms in town tills week. No! No!, not ijultc that many but they create visions of tiiat many lumps of sugar. The following second hand article* for sale at Gasteyers: One each, cup board, bureau bedstead, range, base burner, and three cane bottom chairs. Mothers endorse it, children like it, old folks use It. We refer to One min ute Cough Cure. It will rpiickly cure all throat ami lung troubles.—Odendahl Bros. Montgomery .Stroud called on us while in the city Saturday. He informs us tliut no word lias been received from Mr, O. M. Kearns since lie left for Cape Nome, June 14. J. I, De.iew owns tlie slickest pair of shears yet brought to town They might lie rather clumsy for clipping your whiskers but they will snap off a piece of inch St*-el magnificently. Mrs. W. n, Williams attended the meeting of the Epworth League at Lin coln, this week, and also visited her sis ter who is one of the female physicians at the asylum at that place. O. II Morgan the Loup City Jeweler does all kinds cf watch, clock ami Jew elry repairing in a workman like man mi. When you have something to Co in this line, don't fail to call on him. Mr. and Mrs. John Bensehotcr and Grandma Benscboter, of Falls City, ar rived here Tuesday evening, the for mer for a few weeks visit and the latter will make her home here in the future. W. II. Becker, Grand Islands leading musician was in our city Monday night last putting our boys on to the "gam met." The I'rof. is strictly ‘on to his job’ and is bringing some good music out of the boys. The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain’ Cough Remedy, it* pleasant taste and prompt and perma nent cure*, have made it a great favor ite with the people everywhere. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Mr Henry Howard of A»hton called at thi* olllce while In the city last Sat unlay lie Informs us that he ha* Ju*t lately returned from a visit to hi* old home In Illinois. Mr Howard i* t ge-1 •dal gentleman and an uncompromising I Republican Frank Otlewskll* building an addl tIon to his residence l«.xg| f.-yt which will make In* building .Hx to Frank I* alw ay * Improving hi* property ju*t ** circumstances demand, Thl* i* no it,., tinuation that Frank I* about to make a raid on the fair sex Hilly |{„we i* d< lug the work. In India the land of famine, Horn* and* die heeatfcse they cannot obtain I f,MN» |u \ meric* the land of phult many wtfrr an I die because they cannot digest the fusel they **i, kotlol |iy*. |w|Mia Cure digest* *b*t >..u eat It In. i Mnwtly retie*** an | radically rsrw all *t«mas*n troubles i Men. Uhl Bros lh» A. O t H bnyt pul, h*,*,| f(M„ T M Need a new dec, 1st in* ,«* of INrlr Me, order la«t w**n ‘| u* g^g n a very Im * > e b* g superior to any A**k In the ha oeitng no mere I I Maw wna e» for other* . ,**#* age, j whtvli la pr«wf |--*lti** that gweda gen erally are ne highar new than lley wvie HAM, Boeckoer the fashionable tailor. Geo. E. Benschotcr went to Falls City 3D business Saturday last. I will serve ice cream every Sunday.— Mks. M. E Steu.machkk. Orange and cherry fruit juice by pint or quart at—Mrs. Stellmachers. Rev Kobertus the new German minis ter made us a pleasant call Wednesday. E. W. Vandorn came up from llow. ard county and spent Sunday with his family. Grand Island will have a big street Mr from August 29th to September 1 t. inclusive. The Loup City creamery shipped an other Invoice of 85 kegs of butter to Boston, last Tuesday. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that produces Imme diate results. Try it. Odendabl Bros Do you need a mowing ma chine? If so call on T. M. Reed. Grandma Outhouse, who hail been visiting her sons here for the past three weeks left for her home in Illinois Mon day, Bring your spring chickens to the Pioneer meat market. Will pay H cents per pound.—S. F. Rkynoi.iu. Mrs. it. J. Nightingale and son Her bert, are visiting at Wymore, with her son Richmond this week. T. M. lteed sells eielegrind ers that are O K. Call and see them. It’s a doctor's Business to study health, Doctors coiilldently recommend IIAR P-'iR Whiskav.—Sold by T. II Ei.snkk, Loup City, Nebr. Perfect womanhood depends on per fect health. Nature's rarest gift of phy sical beauty cornea to all who use Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your druggist Adam Schaupp cam* up fr in Lincoln, Tuesday, returning Thursday morning, lie is looking well and thinks he will he able to remain at home in a few weeks. Intestinal Infection, appendicitis and all affections of the bowels, liver and kidneys prevented by taking genuine Rocky Mountain Tea.—Ask your drug gist. . Miss Julia Rowe w ill teach the Wilson school, near Rockville, Miss Bessie Rowe the Fieblg school on Oak Creek, and Miss Kdna Williams the Mueller school near Ashton. For burns, Injuries, piles and skin d.seases use I>eWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits may be offored. Use only DeWitt's.— Odendahl Bros. The quicker you stop a cough or cold the less danger there w ill be of fatal lung trouble. One Minute Cough Cure is the oqly harmless remedy that gives immediate results. You will like it.— Odendahl Bros. Grand island is one of the best towns In the state and her street fall will unj doubtedly attract thousands from the surrounding country who will want to enjoy her liberal hospitality as well as the attractions. Sheppard the Jeweler wishes to state to the public that he Is still in business on the corner, where he intends to stay. Take your Watches, Clocks and Jewel ry repairing to him. Work will be de livered same day as left. There was from H to 2 inches of rain fell north, east and west of us Sunday night and about as much, again Monday night, but from the north side of town south the fall was light, about .40 inclu sive. My fall and winter samples are now on display, come and place your orders early.— Yours iiespt. \Y. H. Boeck nek. Will I ris* was repairing the large ily wheel of hU threshing machine engine Monday. Every spoke, with two ex ceptlons, in it had cracked leaving It dangerous for a high rate of speed .Mr. t'rls* Isa fine mechanic himself and does ho own repairing. Chinese are dangerous enemies, for' they are treacherous That's why all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Huel Salve are dangerous They look like 1 >eWill's, hut Instead of the healing | witch bagel they all contain Ingredients llal !e to Irritate the akin and cause ! hlood poisoning for piles. Injuries [ am I skin dl»ea<e* use the original and genuine ImWills Witch llasel Saiv Odendalil Hr<>« Mr tuaon Cawley who has (teen head j • len. at the large store of J |*tstl Jme tfpr fwr several years pval has severed Uls connectnm win that Institution an I will leave u« at Mm»U. for K lgar \«t» •here he Wilt, in connection with Hi* brother In la*, operate an vaeloalve dry gin>d* estabi stunru| tie will mu y e his fuotiy with hint H'v I M \ ogling, ptslorur the to * f«»»d Street Methodist at t nut htisud Md , *ay* “ft alf»rds me to itch pleasure to r> com mead t hsmbertain s Cults’, t to. I* a and !>.«*thwea Remedy I have w**.| it and know oibvrv a ho have done so | have nevet ks>vu It to fall It t* a sure suae visa taken In time fur aale by l> tsu isl. Ily .. Th< little altercation between C. I, Drake ami Mr. Glass a' the sale last Saturday in which the former struck the latter knocking liiin down, cost Mr. Drake about $ii 00. The citizens' committee having charge of arrangements for a street fsir at Grand island has assurances from the railroads that a very low rate will he made, a rate allowing all within a ra li ng of 100 miles to see the fair and en joy two or three days at the lively oily. Mr. D. II. Richardson of the west side announces hitnseif as in the mar ket for the patronage of the public as auctioneer. Mr. Richardson has the ability requisite for a good one and lie asks for no pay unless he gives satlsfac tion. He and Mr. Albers are the only aspirants for honors in that line Slier* county possesses at present. Mr. Henry Reasland of Bristol twp, was a pleasant caller at this office last Monday. Mr. Reasland is one of the successful farmers of Sherman county and informs us that lie will harvest at least 200 bushels of apples from his young orchard thlt year. Mr. Reasland hurled an Infant son 15 months old last week from summer complaint. Three of our Institute girls, Misses Emma Wilson, Marie Coulter and Ida Buss, Saturdayed and Sundayed at Aus tin at the hospitable hotn ■ of Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Couton, and enjoyed them selves to the fullest extent In partaking of tho gifts of a well irrigated garden and other viands which the good house wife so generously prepared. A priv ate picnic and fishing party had been planned which the school ••Marms"help ed make a pleasant success and which will always be kindly remembered by those participating. W. M. Elder, living five miles from Ashton met with a severe loss by lire last week. His stable, corn crib and granary, together with all their con tents were completely destroyed, Among the items consumed were four head of horses, two sets of harness and a good wagon. His horses were insured for 9250 00. The origin of the tire is unknown. It evidently started shortly after mid night and was a mass of ruins before discovered. I’fttrol* on Itiinulnn flnllroada. The Transslberlan railroad Is very closely guarded, the management feel ing personally responsible for the peo ple they carry on their trains. The road Is divided Into sections of one verst, or five-eighths of a mile. In a neat little log house, usually In a gar den, live the guard and his people. The average family is a wife and live tow headed children. The houses were built by the company and evidently with a view to meeting the demands of increasing families. The guard or a member of his family must patrol bis section night and day. Ho steps to the side of tiie track as the train ap proaches and after It has passed steps back into the middle of the track, holds a small green flag in the air, at night a lantern, and stands like a statue until the train lias entered the next section. Several guards do duty in the heavy curves, and frequently they are only n few hundred feet apart. Much of the track patrolling Is done by women, who have proved fully as reliable as the men. The women are nearly always barefooted, and as they stand on the track holding the flag aloft, a Siberian breeze toying with their short skirts, they are fine «ul> Jccts for a sculptor after a unique mod el.—Siberian Letter iu Chicago Record. V • ♦ PULLMAN OKIMNAKY HLEKPI.NO CARS FOR TOURISTS. are the molt comfortable, commodious means of travel for large parties, In tending settlers, homesenkers, -bunting parties. These cats arc nm on the I'nion Pa< ikii daiU from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are fitted up complete with mattresses, cur tains blankets, pillows, etc., requiring nothing to be furnished by the passen gers. t niformed porters are in charge of these cars who are required to keep them m good order, and look after I lit* wants and comforts of passengers. These cars are new, of modern pattern, and are nearly as convenient ami com* for table as first-class palace sleepers. For full information call on or address 11. J. Ci irruN Agent. • • * It • faurcaaa Tn* iMilirii uf roiitmt atv* lr<l hy iy* litl /rtf* uf i;rau>i Ulattil for *fa< iuaniMr«m« nt of tht ’iifv* ! filly fuflaMi • f W if |*i*it mayor • >f ||i« , tty h S WoHutrli J A Woolatrn l»u|»n M. II it tit Jtiytt Ah iifttlwr, W If l*latt U rhairttialt uf Uh Hoartl II I. | limit iy«* Ktryurf mi l H i «brtNv tl»» I tt« iAtirtr Ail at *■ ah u*f Oruhil 1 la a list i« **ti*)f Imtiuro* man ami *ht»y alii j !•* ii ttuit ilia itrtri fair, t«* la kaUI ill .Mil Im in* pH-lit bar !%l IfuloMVf «||i hr *»nr »»f Ilia Ihhi a%rr fcrUt in tb« alaiv Tkis laaH of cuilM aMl Ump** » ’iiufs art* f* a' 1 *4 bk >>tt2 i.Utfst# wp|» i.IshI • ilk a I Ur a uf *k* **f Ilia hl*U 4|* | I • tai* «lari *<*« malt *.fa» katin* * a *«v* aa Mu llltr|l«ai4 *!»»*• Ml H| lit# mil* I part uf Jail ffai n H u, tiw a*a fc*»a 4-‘Utv>| *1 • ***• ] kua*t#t tl«) if# 14 myalii *ntafi*t* all aka iuar ml* Tka »l j p -s * ol# ryu an ail ‘a U*<kfi kMl «• * * * A Km Hal **♦ at It .*# it* a* |tr Mtkf irmayiM j f'»# iftii a i^atat uf ak**ua f»a» at* a#**' »*a • ill (mi *4. .#*-( TIm* maMiittm aa a%*it •U( p *al ik**a «auih ••♦**• i Im »*• IM #p*m**M slatkaa Kit** aaMaa ttui Tka *a#aa% ] l%tt fitt mi liar ai*t fa d *-• «*v lifat a— - • i a | ^ at* • * • ‘ of tfag atif *#w"uaatf tat tka fa?> tifan-fa t* watitati Kfir $ tka 4at« % w ’ 1 a *.»* *>> yiiippaH r tat -a* * * ANNOUNCEMENT CARDS. HERMAN SERVICES. There will be German Services ot the Ad ventist church in this city next Sunday. Aug. 19 at 2:00 p. m Services In Ashton on the 26th inst. at 2:i*) p. m. — -* ——• WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Married,-On Thursday, August*, in this city Judge Angler performed the ceremony that united in marriage Seneca I Knapp to Alice R. Grower. The contracting parties are lioth of Litchfield. Married.—John Davis of Alliance to Miss Anna Jensen of Sweetwater. The ceremony was performed the fore part of the week by Judge Atnger. Married. We are pleased to make the an nouncement this week of the marriage of Mr, William I’arrnth to Miss I’etora Hansen, both of Sherman county, who were married at Loup City, on Wednesday August nth. 19<*), Jueticc W II Conger officiating, lioth of the contracting parties are well known to all our citizen*, tlu lr parents belag among the early day settlers of the county. Mr. Curruth Is an Industrious young farmer living near Rock ville and is to lie congratulated on securing a life partner who also po-tesses the Qualifica tions of industry. The Northwestern wish es them a happy and pleasant vcyage over Hie sea of time. The teachers’ Institute which will close to day lias teen a complete suc cess ant! all who participated in the exercises seem well pleased with the management and instructions received: The instructors, Miss Margaret (Jle land, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, C B. Atkinson of York, Nebraska, and W. T. Sfockdale of Arlington, Nebraska will leave tierc with tti • knowledge that their work has been much appreciated by ul interested. The following i? a full list of all the teachers enrolled during the term: Names. 1’, O. Address. Nellie Haws. Loup City, Nebr. Bessie Rowe, " “ “ 1 Frank Inks, “ ** Julia Rowe, “ “ Nettle Conger. “ " • Lulu Bower “ *' Bell Mullek Emma Peterson Loup City. •* Lillie Ainger, E. Holcomb ** '• Clara S;n«ntowskl Grand Island Florence Talbot Hoelus, Maud Fletcher. Hattie Throckmorton, Divide. Susa Throckmorton ** “ " II. Clinton Mead, 8t Paul. W. F Hargrave ■* " Henry c. Young. Loup City. Susie Perry, Sweetwater. Marie Coulter, Ravenna, Mao Parkhurst. Arcadia *' Khoda E Whitman. J A. Braden Pearl Wall, “ •• Lercna Hill, Rougheld Nelson, Aimee Whitman, “ Sudiee E. Whitman, “ “ Nina Reynolds. Loup City. Lizzie Kay, *• " Minnie Gilbert, Sarah Lofhobn. " " Emma O. Anderson Blanch H. Bupno. Rockville. Flora Herbaugh Sweetwater. Esther New berg, " •* Grace Kay. Loup City “ Minnie Crastor Hazard. K 11a Lofholm, Loup City Mary E. Screen. Itavenna, * Anna Meyer, . ** •• Helen Ncwberg, Itavenna *' Etta Travis, Loup City: “ Pearl Needham, Austin, Benson W. Parkhurst. Arcadia, “ W. 11 Kennedy, Loup City. 8. 8. Polski, J. J. Parkhurst, Arcadta, '• John F. Nicoson. Loup City. Lena Sullivan. Ravenna, Ella Maxie.v, Hazard. Agnes Brennan, North Loup, “ L, Bingham. Litchlleld. A. O. Hendrickson, “ “ Bessie Kettle. Ashton. Edna Williams. Henry Howard. " '* F W. Sehaupp, “ " Carrie Dickey. Loup City. Emerj Gilbert Emery. Ray I, Emery. '• *• Beulah Knapp. '* “ *• Cassie Itoblnson, Litchfield, Laura Gray. Kltic Zimmerman. Loup City. Madge Holmes, Uaveuna, C. F. Johnson, Loup City. Kmma Wilson Ashton" Alice Tangerman. lies-kvilie, Lizzie Knapp. Loup City. Mary Stratndee. Arcadia Anna Thomsen, Loup City Amanda Vanseoy. " “ Mrs. Mary Depew. Ida 8 Buss Boelns Lilian Nightingale, Loup (Tty. NO TICK. I f desiring goods sold at public auc tion please t all on me 7| miles north of Mtcbtleld, or address me at that place. I am an experienced auctioneer and will guarantee satisfaction.—Your* reapt. | I>. II Hl< IIAKliSON. ♦ • » Hepubllran Cmmljr Convention Call The Itepuhliean electors of Sherman too lit jr, Nebraska are request! it to send 'In.elutes from their respective lonuship* to uteeI |n convention at l.oup City. Neb raaka >>n W MlNr.tU.tT, Al’U. tatb, l»e, AT < C M for the purfsase of nomtualtna Ilia fol- I bin Ilia named Opt. era ruonty attorney, for nherm in county. Itoptesr ntatlve ** >• at also to elect one set of de’eymtee to at tend Ike Hepnldicnn senaloilnl convention lor Una the is senatorial dlstrhtof Neb ' ra«k.», .place and date not yet Itel.i and to t*oi>«e*t •in li-other huslneae a* may ] pto|a>rly and lawfully route before awid convention. the several townships nre entitled lei rsoreaenlalton a-- fu-loat the apparition- | meut bains I«w4 upon the Sots east for ||.o« u ■«< r Itlasabt in t-waa. giving reek i aavsip uns . i. . gait .1 04a and one 1*1 e*eiy ten votes end IresIlou the read ‘tab 1 reek t Ihakaitb t I ..0AM I i lay I * t Aisalus t Hat i tem • t We belay 1 Itesead I 1 itr is Hraeiad % .♦ tvhlon | filial St It itre< loaaewd'ni 1 b«I the pylntertes be In- I "a eetaidey. lataal li. .be Hi 1 - . *i lb- u«|. aMa*an t aaty a ea tfat 4 Mutual line liia t. kitusvfIS, 1 ISUstik W J I i-uie, *»tfalsaf TO THE ROCKIES. I Low Kate* I^ii Colorado anil Utah Of fered by the Hurllngton Route EOCIt RED LETTER WAVS. On August 7 and‘21, and on Septem ber 4 and 18, the Burlington will sell round trip tickets to Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Deadwood and Hot Springs, for one fare pluss ®2. Tickets sold at these remarkable low rates w ill be good to return till October 511. • The nearest agent of the Burlington Route will be pleased t > tell you the coat of a ticket and to help you plan your trip. Descriptive literature free on application. ♦ • ♦ A Mother Tell* How She Ha veil Her Little Daughter* Lire. I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my lit tle daughter had the dysentery in Its worst form \S’e thaught she would die. I tried cveaything 1 could think of, but nothing seemed to do h< r any good. 1 saw by an advertisement in our paper that chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy was highly recom mended and sent and got a bottle at once. It pr ved to be one of the very best medicines we ever bad in the house. It saved my little daughters life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellant medicine It is. Had I known it at first It would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my lit tle daughter much suffering,—Yours truly, Mbs. Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty, It, I. For sale by Odendah) Bros '43 cent* to 11101 That big state paper, The Semi-Week ly State Journal, will be mailed from now until January 1, 11101, for 25 cents. This Is the biggest oiler of reading mat ter ever made in the west and is done for the sole purpose of introducing It to thousands of nomes Here’s yonr chanse to get an up to date, relia ble state paper for a mere song. Send in your quarter and you’ll get the paper all through the remainder of this year, Address The State Journal at Lincoln, Neb. ... ♦ ...... During the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome disease the army tiad to contend with. In many instances it became chronic and the old soldier still suffers from it. Mr. David Taylorjof’Wind Kidge, Green Co., l’a , is one of these. He uses Chamberlain’s Colic Cooler* and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that Would give him such quick relief. It is for sale by Odendahl Bros ♦ • ♦ WHY Buy a pig in-the-bag sewing machine when at a reasonable price you can buy a "New Home” that you and everybody else knows is the best sewing machine there is?—For sale by T. M. Rtkir It will surprise you to experience the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pills known as DeWitl’s Little Karly Kisers.—Odendahl Bros Thai Throbbing Krailarlie Would quiekly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life l’ills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for hick ami Neryous Head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured Sold by Odendahl Bros Druggists. TO CHICAGO. One Faie for the Round Trip via the Burlington Route —The Burlington has offered one fare for the round trip, #1K lft, from Loup City to Chicago, August 24 27, on account of the annua! encamp ment of the Grand Army of the Repub lic. The return limit on these ticket* is September 1st subject to extension to September 30. The nearest agent of ibe Burlington Route will be pleased to giye you additional information, rates, dates, baggage and train service. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Cssss, ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. office In Northw wrens Itnlldlng, i.our city, . wtiiBiMi. Ft. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loot omr. t i hie A. S MAIN. PHYSICIAN A 8UKOKON I.Ot’l* i ITT, • • NkHHASKA. • *»H. K ...... .I.hi. vest ..I Uhuc'i drug .lore \V. U MAIU'Y, i> li .vi i %T .»» to » ON K l*T HIM !*• < 1 H SitMMt # /?». ,YA7». .1. K. INKS, PAI NTfc.R. Ci/1" Work Guarantied I m t* « * r \ . n i it TIMK TABLR LOUP CITY. NP.HR Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louie, San Francieco, anil all poiiite and all points East and South. West. TRAINS LKAVK A9 FOLLOW*. UOtNG feAST No 52 Passenger.7:65 u. in No GO Freight.12.Sop in GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger.4:16 p in. No. 50 Freight.I2i5ua. in. Bleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars (seals free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checkod to any |>olnl In the United States or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to tt. L. Arthui Agent. Or J. Fit ANUls, Gen’I. Passenger Agent, Oinaba, Nebraska. U. P. UAII.WAY. Nn. w leaves dally except Sunday (pass* enger). H:lgj a. in. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. in. No. 00 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. in. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:0ft p m. No. is arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.85 p. m. First class service and close connections east, west and south W. D. cur-row, Story Of A Slave. To be bound hand and foot for year* by the chains of disease is the worst ^ form of slavery. Geo. I). Williams, of ' Manchester, Mich , says! “My wife has been so helpless for live years that she could not turn oyer In bed alone. After using two hollies of Electric Hitters she is wondei fully Improved and able to do her own work,” This supreme re medy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly, run-down people. Cure guaranteed. Only 60c. Sold tiy Odendabi Bros. — ♦♦ The favorite whisky of famous men is HARPER Because of Ms smooth, exquisite flavor; because of It's match less purity; because ot Its mellow age. No wonder it's the favorite. Every droy sterling. HARPER WHISK EY Sold by—T. II. Ei.snkii, Loup City, Neb. — ♦ —-. It Helped To Win Hallies Twenty nine officers and men wrote from the Front to say that for Scratches Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Skin Eruptions and Piles. “Joels a box Cure guaranteed. Hold by Odendabi Bros, druggists. The wolf in the fable put oo sheeps clothing because if be traveled on bis own reputation he couldn’t accomplish y his purpose. Counterfeiters of IieWl.l’s Witch Hazel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merit, so they put their, in boxes and wrapper* like DeWitt’s. Look out for them. Take only DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve It cures piles and all skin diseases.—Oden dahl Bros. (t A 11 ANNUAL KJ, IV. REUNION A CHICAGO, ILL, August 37, to • September 1st. RO N F, FA RE FO R ROU N D TRIP • via the UNION PACIFIC. Tickets on sale from Ksusas and Neb raska, August 34-25 JO 27. For limit on tickets, time tables and full Information call ori H. J Ci.uton, Agent, FOR SALE OR TRADE. One Minesota Chief threshing outfit' 32 inch cylinder and 12 horse power. One Nichols & Shepard threshing out lit, 32 inch cylinder and 12 horse ^ power. One, almost tiew, 14 horse Aultman A Taylor horse power. Call on or address,—Hakry Sciiickkuantz, St. Paul, Nebr. - — Hurklsii's Arnlcn Skive lias World-Wide fame for maivelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tiou, ointment or halm for < Juts, ('ores, Burns. Holies, Sores. Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Kruptiona; Infallible for Piles, Core guaranteed. Duly Mo at Odendahl Bros. -—»■— - ♦ • • The complete service of “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL’ via Union Pacific, enables passengers to reach the principal cities between the North Pacitfc Pousl and Missouri Ktver uol only in tho shortest possible apace • of time, but also in the moat comfortable ami enjoyable manner. The (lining cars on this train are stocked with the last the market affords, AT meal« served a la carte. II, J Ui itTo*, A gent. «■. 4 •• u[ * * . » a «t I f » • ■ > u t »«•»»,! It f ■ *1 * »tt-7 '*• i1 pH t I tl I » *- * » t -ftp | ’ , »H.t I, tk " t • ,.» » vl[ I I l> « i i» I ‘‘ • 4 . I b ft) j ‘ -1* t * *i »-»■• • -i I I i'll, »■ * t / ft Ml f. w. »/ » « «. t ,m *•. -4, r I 'I * ll '»H, »•>!, I