The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 10, 1900, Image 1

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    • " n-a
Said to Have Given In Before Ultimatum
of Mr, Hay.
Clicng Keports an Imperial Eilift Order*
that .111 ltmtrletloin He Iteuiuved anil
Mending Cegutlonrm to Tien Tsin—
The General Situation.
SHANGHAI. Aug. 6.— (New York
World Cablegram.)—An Imperial edict
has been issued, providing for the es
cort of the diplomatic corps to Tien
Tsin by a high official, rendering fur
ther action for their relief by the al
lied forces unnecessary.
This is the first step towards the
solution of the situation.
PARIS. Aug 6.— (New York World
Cablegram.)—China has backed down
squarely before the United States.
The American secretary ct state ca
bled an ultimatum August 1, demand
ing free communication with Minister
The vpry next day a Chinese Impe
rial edict was Issued, ordering that
the envoys have free communication
with their governments.
The news of China’s Instant knuck
ling to the United States when mat
ters came to a climax was received
here in a special dispatch dated yes- i
teiday to Temps, a newspaper of thp
highest reputation for conservatism
and accuracy of information.
That dispatch, dated from Shanghai,
announced that Sheng, the director j
general of Chinese railways and tele
graphs, had just communicated to the
foreign consuls there ‘‘an imperial de
cree, dated August 2, authorizing the I
foreign ministers in Pekin to commu
nicate without restriction with their
governments and ordering their de
parture for Tien Tsin under a govern
ment escort."
No message has boon sent out since |
that date by Mr. Conger or any of the
other envoys, but one may he expected
at any hour.
The Shanghai correspondent of the
Temps, telegraphing today, also says:
"The number of allies leaving Tien
Tsin is no better known here than are
_ the facts as to the march itself, hut
' it is rumored that the advance guard
had been repulsed.
"f,l Ping Heng*t i*, ut r governor of
Shan Tung l. who is Intensely hostile
to Europeans, has been named com
mander of the Chinese forces."
The French foreign ministry has re
reived the following dispatch from the
French consul at Che Foo, dated Au
gust 2: “The governor of Moukdon
in a proclamation has urged the peo
ple of Manchuria to massacre Chris
tians. Nearly all the missions have
been destroyed. The missionaries
have organized for defense, and are
assisted by other Christians."
The French consul at Shanghai, tel
egraphing Saturday, says: "LI Hung
Chang informs me that Li Ping Ileng
was appointed general of the troops
in the north of the empire on his ar
rival at Pekin.”
So Arranged that Not One of Five Cart*
ridgf* Will Kxolode
PARIS, Aug. 6.—The Fren h pollc i
have arrested at Abbeville Augeste
Vallete, a dangerous anarchist, who is
supposed to have been the instigator
of Salson's attempt upon the shall of
Persia’s life. Vallete left Paris imme
diately after the crime. He and Sal
son will l>e confronted. Today the po
lice tried to discharge Salson's revol
ver, but not one of the five cartridges
exploded, because of the way in which
he had filed the hammer.
In Very De«|»oml#ntv tint Hu* Mud# no
A(t< nipt Ml Mulclilf.
SHANGHAI, Aug. « —The report
that l.l Hung Chang had committed
suicide is without foundation. He is
only in it very despondent state.
The Japanese consul here has re
reived u message from IVkin saying
that General Tung Full Slang has atop
lied all provisions going to the lega
Admiral Seymour arrived at Shang
hal today.
lay Well Known In llruirr.
DBNVKK. Aug •; \V. .1 Fay. who
was killed on a I'niuu Pacific train
near Hugo. Colo , while resisting 1 rain
lohhers, was formerly a prominent
resident of this city. He established
the Hist gas and water plants here
an I was superintendent of tin a I In n
ver Gas company for a number of
yearn, lie was a prominent niemin-r
of the Odd Fellow s and had organize I
a uu in Iter of beiges In Colorado. He
moved to Anaheim Cal seven year*
ago and had since lived in that mate.
I . yie lu Ike l*tkW!|»|-tnc%.
v. Gilt . i i >S
Ma> Arthur baa convctied a Iksird >>>n
slating of Major I soil a Al Alsu, -ur
neon. Captain George l‘ Ahren Vuili
Infantry, and Captain A\ K Horton
assistant quartermaster, ta wle, an
Island in th« I'hltippine archipelago
r... it.-, *~yrega'ior. of Irpcrs, to p»*•
tire plana and astlmatea for saltable
eliding* lh*rwi>n and estimates of sal
arte* f»r tb* a#* assary .*ih i»l* and am
play a*
DlipatvIiPi to London Httpor* from TUm
Twin Seem Not to Agrvu.
LONDON, Aug. <i.—TT)'> American
and British forces began the advance
on Pekin last Thursday. according to
a dispatch dated August 2 from Tien
Tsin to the Daily Expresss.
“The iualu body of the allies,” con
tinues the correspondent, “marched on
July 30. General Chaffee was delayed
by difficulties of disembarkation. Gen
eral Dorward, the British commander,
had no such obstacles and his de
lay is Inexplicable.
“The other foreign troops are now
half way to Loofa. The force includes
20,000 Japanese under General Yama
chuehi and 10,000 Russians. The Brit
ish force totals 9,000 and the other for
eign troops number 7,000. We are
weak in artillery.
"Oil August 1 a strong force of Chi
nese from the native city attacked
Tien Tsin. By a series of brilliant
charges our troops drove the enemy
from their positions. The naitve city
is still defiant and the allies are un
willing to march troops through its
streets, as this would mean an im
mense slaughter. When the Chinese
saw so large a body of troops march
ing westward they apparently believed
they would have an easy victory over
those who were left."
Ortaln Stream* Conceded to Ho ('itnudinn
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. <5—0. H.
Titman, United States commisssloner
in the matter of international boun
dary between Alaska and Canada, has
arrived from the north. He and F.
W. King, the British commissioner,
have been setting monuments in ac
cordance vvith the agreement reached
in the modus vivendi. Titman states
that Glacier, Bouolder Hock and other
creeks which the miners claim con
stituted a portion of the Porcupine
district, are now in British territory.
Kill a Man In a Holdup
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 6.—A Journal
special from Salina, Kan., says:
Union Pacific eastbound train No. 4,
which left Denver last night, was held
up by two men several miles w'est of
Hugo., Colo., ninety miles this side of
Denver. The passengers in the Pull
man sleepers were robbed of their
money and valuables. An old man
named Fay refused to surrender his
valuables and fired a shot at one of
the robbers, but missed. Thereupon
the robbers fired in retut n, or:, .hot
entering Pay’s mouth and coming out
at the back of his head, killing him
almost instantly. The robbers es
C onger Again Heard From*
WASHINGTON, Aug. 0.—A belated
message from Minister Conger was
received yesterday at state depart
ment. It came through Consul General
Goodnow at Shanghai, who transmit
ted messages received by Mr. Kagsdale,
United States consul at Tien Tsin,
from Mr. Conger and Mr. Squires, sec
retary of the United States legation
at Pekin. The advices are the ssame
as those received a day or two ago
by the state department from Consul
P’owler at Chee P'oo. Mr. Goodnow’s
message was transmitted to President
McKinley at Canton.
New Ituln for I’liillppineg.
MANILA, Aug. C.—On September 1
the commissslon headed by Judge
Taft will become the executive body
of the Phillippines, with power to
take and appropriate insular moneys,
to establish judicial and educational
systems and to make and pass all laws.
No moneys will be permitted to be
drawn from the insular fund except by
authority of the commission. Judge
Taft and his colleagues will also ex
ercise certain legislative functions.
They will appoint judges, officials in
the educational department and officers
of municipalities.
Photograph* «»r the New Comet.
OAMBR1DOK, Mass., Aug. fi.—Seven
photographs of the newly discovered
comet were taken at Harvard observa
tory last nl^ht. and at the same time
l*rof. Wendell measured the light of
the 10.5 magnitude star In the com
et's path. 'I he passage of the comet
only diminished the star's brightness
.03 of the magnitude,
vift ti n a**.
GKNKVA. Auk. Gooeva ha*
a genuine utad dog scare. Mayor H.
I*. Wilson has Issued a decree that ull
canines at large not tnusaled must
suffer the death penalty. One boy. a
cult and some shoats are raid to have
been bitten. The shoats and calf act
T» >urili I' tu«ii.i III.
BKItl.lN. Aug <'aptg.ii hatiin
dahl of the Imperial navy, who bus
been arranging (or an etpeditiou in
*e.»r< h of the uiirih pule, will act sail
from Hamburg August it on tie Mat
ador. a H*lnn« n tiuorer of forty-four
tons burden lie now intends to enter
•b» pack tee t aat of ii|iltiltr(ti u
*«•>••*»> May |t|
ItlrMTON, Mas - Aim ** A *l»’* lal
to the Journal fro.n Manat «■ s II,
«avs that Me* retary <>f Miale llay is tit
suffering from nervous etbattsturn due
*o hi* arduous labor* at Washington
*» •**• •! a UrtluiM*.
f’l.INTON la. Aug M D< i|HMiti>s>r
over losing his pwiilai as a braheman
on the N»»r*hse*i»rn railway cau*ad
Jamaa M urtoa to * omniit niU'IJs.
Chinese Viceroy Makes Diplomatic, but
Threatening Answer to Hay.
Dlttputrh from Ooodnow Indlratei Irop®
rlul Hit nil Ion of Outrugei*—Kt'»l*t»nee
IIpIuk Knc*oiinter<Ml l»y For<*l"ii Seoul*
InillciftteM strong Opposition.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4.—The State
department makes public the follow
ing telegrams received yesterday, Au
gust 3, from the consul general at
Shanghai and the consul a*. Che Foo:
•'SHANGHAI, Aug. 3.—Secretary of
State, Washington: Americans left
Chuu King yesterday. 1.1 told French
consul today no messages will be de
livered ministers because foreigners
advancing on Pekin. Two pro-foreign
members of the tsung li yamea be
headed 27th for urging preservation
ministers by Id Ping Han, now com
manding troops Pekin. He ordered
l’ao Ting massacre. GOODNOW."
••CHE FOO, Afternoon, Aug. 2 —Sec
retary of State, Washington: Just re
ceived telegram from governor of Shan
Tung, requesting me to transmit to you
the following: ‘Have just received tele
gram. dated July 30, tsung li yamen,
stating various ministers, the German
legation, and others (foreigners) all
well; not in distress. Provisions were
repeatedly sent. Relations most friend
ly. Now conferring us to proper
measures to protect various ministers
to Tien Tain for temporary shelter,
which conference will soon l>e ended.
“ ‘YUAN, Governor.’
Li Hung Chang's answer to Secre
tary Hay's peremptory demand of Au
gust 1, to be put in communication
with the foreign ministers at Pekin,
is evasive and not final and leaves
the matter open to diplomacy. But
Li’s action, as reported by Consul
General Goodnow, are undoubtedly
sinister and will amount to a rejec
tion of the proposition. Mr. Good
now’s dispatch contains some further
information bearing on the question
of responsibility for Pekin conditions,
in the statement that the commander
of the Chinese troops, by inference an
swerable to the Chinese government,
ordered the Pao Ting massacre. It
is learned here that Li Ping Hong, 1
the commander referred to, is a civil
official and well known to ull the Chi
nese officials abroad as one of the
most rabid anti-foreign leaders in
China. He Is a close friend of Prince
Tuan, and the association of these
two in Pekin affairs, with power
enough behind them to cause the igno
minious death of two high officials, is
regarded here as a bad sign.
Simultaneously with Mr. Goodnow’s
dispatch came a characteristically dip
lomatic message from Yuan Sliih Kai,
the governor of Shan Tung, repeat
ing the story of two days ago that the
Chinese government was arranging to
deliver the ministers in safety at Tien
Tsin. No effort is made to reconcile
that statement with Earl Li's refusal
to allow communication with the min
General Chaffee's message as to the
unexpected resistance of Chinese re
connaissance Is regarded by military
men here as forecasting a greater de
gree of resistance to military move
ments than had been expected and
they are now satisfied that Chinese
troops will furnish material fo; at
least one severe battle before the way
is clear to Pekin.
The Navy department today issued
an order for the co-operation of its
officers abroad with the officers of the
army in landing and transporting
troops destined for Chinese service.
This revives the situation that ex
isted in Cuba when Shatter's army was
landed largely through the efforts of
the navy.
July 17 Was the Time of Mending the
I'irsl Message.
WASHINGTON, Auk I.—The state
department lias received a cablegram
front Cor., ul Fowler at t'he Foo, which
says that he has obtained the copy of
the clpht r dispatch from Minister Con
rer which was sent through Minister
Wu to the dep.irtmt nt here. The dis
pateh Is datetl July 17 and signed by
Conger. Consul Fowler has no doubt
a« to Its geuulneneaa.
Mu (alls to Secure News.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. The ab
sence of the Chinese minister from
the state department yesterday. d>‘»
pile the fact that It was diplomat!)
day. taken In conjunction with the
exceeding sharp note of He-retary
Hay. was the subject of sire'illation
Minister Wu explained his absence on
the grouud that to had no news to
communicate ami his app stance at in.
dc|MHment this morning was 4«ralt> |
With considerable Interest Th- loll,i»<
let cauie lu lh>* course of tlu> morn*
lug. im|M t turbaMi as usual lie an*
WWltol lhal be ha I absolutely in
news finut China
CJWSS’M % «.. •» He KOI. .1
Silk VGHK \ n I Informatiiti
frost* Itidnc it primed here lu Ihe rf
feet th it Cut,into l.aits arrested s«
»u eoiHt|tlitv uf Itrrsci, has confess
«d nlkrniu that a plot stkstvj la
Vkdslng ike simultaneous s. t sss11> aii tn*
of King Humbert an d if teen May.
Krpljr of Smetary Hay to Karl LI Is
Taken to Indicate a Crlxla.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.—Secretary
Hay’s reply to Li Hung Chang has
closed the negotiations with China
unless the old viceroy Is able to so
cure the full acceptance of our terms
relative to the foreign ministers and
that at once. No orders, therefore,
looking to the relaxation of the prep
arations for the advance on Pekin
have gone out from Washington, for,
as the situation is described by one
of the leading officials here, "there
will he no bargaining on our part In
advance of the concession by the Chi
nese authorities of full and free com
munication with the foreign minis
There is, moreover, a note omi
nously dose to actual war in Secre
tary Hay’s declaration that the con
duct of the Chinese government is
"unfriendly.” That kind of language
is extreme in diplomacy and It is only
a narrow step between it and formal
The Impression prevails here that
the Chinese government, if it Is now
absolutely bereft of power to act In
defiance of the Boxers, will accept
the terms of the United States gov
ernment and some such action is look
ed for very soon. Possibly a battle,
not more, it <s believed, than one at
most, will be required to bring the
imjierial government to the point of
acceptance, though In that case It Is
questionable whether the original con
ditions would be regarded as still open
to acceptance.
M lliiuj- Chang Want* to Stay March of
Internal Ioni*I Column.
PARIS, Aug. 3.—The French consul
general at Shanghai telegraphs as fol
lows: Li Hung Chang lias stated to
the United States consul that the min
isters will be put In communication
with their respective governments If
the allies arrest their march on Pe
kin. Chang Is yet unable to secure a
reply to the message, in his care, to
M. Pincbon itlie French minister In
Pekin), as the tsung 11 yameu will
not consent to the forwarding of ci
pher messages for the ministers.
ItrporteiJ Murder of F ifty of Them in tlio
l'rovkure of Hlitru 8t.
LONDON, Aug. 3.—The Ghlnes« In
land mission received the following
cablegram from Rev. F. W. Steven
son today:
"SHANGHAI. July 31.—Probably
Misses King, Burton and Rasmussen
and Mrs. Gunnells have been murder
ed at Ho Shan, province of Shan Si.
There is a local rebellion In tho Ning
Po district and the worst is appre
hended for all the workers, who are
two married couples and four siugle
Hchkry .Flint Im ii|»«hI.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Auk. 3 —Ad
miral Schley has advised the Navy
department that he narrowly missed
being quarantined, with his squadron,
for a period of twenty-eight days, in
the harbor of Montevideo. The South
Atlantic squadron had touched in at
Rio on its way south, and although
there was not even a suspicious case
aboard, the port authorities at Mon
tevideo declared that the warships
should go to quarantine for nearly a
month. Admiral Schley protested,
and putting himself in communica
tion with Fnited States Minister
Finch, managed to go free after a
three days’ detention in quarantine.
Admiral Seymour (Joe* to NHiikln.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 3.—Admiral Sey
mour, on board the British dispatch
boat Alacrity, started for Nankin to
day to consult with Liu-Kun-YI, vice
roy of Nankin. Admiral Seymour
wired the viceroy of his intended visit
and Liu-Kun-Y! replied: "I am unwell
and cannot see you.” Admiral Spy-*
mour insisted upon making the visit
and the viceroy responded by wire:
“I am instructing a war ship to pro
ceed down the river to escort the
Alacrity to Nankin in case of mis
understanding in passing the forts."
I Htteil Mil*** Will I n% t**t I i;ii t •*.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.—The possi
ble connection between Bread, the
Italian murderer of King Humbert,
and the New Jersey group of anarch
ists, has moved this government to
take measures to investigate the an
archist situation in and around New
York. Just what step* have been
taken is not made public.
UttliiB In ihr >r»rlti
BRHUN, Aug 3 Captain llnnen
dahl of the imperial navy will start
for the north pole in tt fortnight He
will sail directly into the pack lie re
gions north of Spitsbergen and then
t eastward to the open s«'(t, when he be
; llevea that he can ream the pole He
l will take three years* provisions,
t «l I Iiftir.n In I hint
WAHHINGIt>N. Aug .1 Co m*! p
c pope now attached In thr marine
harm* ks, Brooklyn has l«en ordered
to so* reed Colon* I II C Corbetn as
i * omniaittler of th« marines at the lku»
| ton navy yard Colonel Cm hi 'it has
: t een ordered t*i China to take com
mand of the i isrla. forces there.
Alr.M In tall I ••••!.«
MIMH.N Aug J The shah'* visit
to Kngl and has been virtually aban
<t«ned a <erutag to the Times on **
, ceunt »f the attempt ta imswImi*
i kirn In Parts,
Hostilities Have Ceased, but thu Foreign*
era Eemaiu Vigilant.
Ur. (Jeorge H. MorrUon Cable* to London
TIuiph bltuatl >ii in Capital — Harr leaden
About fle»iei;e(! Legation* Are llelng
Made Stronger.
LONDON, Aug. 2.—Dr. George Ern
est Morrison, the Pekin correspondent
of the Times, has been heard from di
rect. The Times prints the following
dispatch from him, dated July 21:
"There has been a cessation of hos
tilities here (Pekin) since July 18, but
for fear of treachery there has been no
relaxation of vigilance. The Chinese
soldiers continue to strengthen the
barricades around the besieged nrca
and also the batteries on top of the im
perial city wall, but in the meantime
they have discontinued firing, probably
because they are short of ammunition.
"Tlie main bodies of the imperial
soldiers have left Pekin in order to
meet the relief forces. Supplies are be
ginning to come in and the condition
of the besieged is improving. The
wounded arc* doing well. Our hospital
arrangnients are admirable and 150
cases have passed through the hospi
"The tsung li yamen forwarded to
Sir Claude MacDonald a copy of a dis
patch telegraphed by the emperor to
Queen Victoria, attributing deeds of
violence to bandits and requesting her
majesty’s assistance to extricate the
Chinese government from its difficul
ties. The queen’s reply is not stated,
but the Chinese minister at Washing
ton telegraphs that the I'nited Stab e
government would gladly assist the
Chinese authorities.
"This dispatch to the queen was sent
to the tsung li yamen by the grand
council on July 3. yet the day before
an imperial edict had been issued cull
ing on the uoxers to continue to ren
der loyal and patriotic services in ex
terminating the Christians. The edict
also commanded viceroys ana govern
ors to expel all missionaries from
China and to arrest all Christians and
compel them lo renounce all their
faith. Other decrees applauding the
Uoxers speak approvingly of their
burning out and slaying converts.
Their leaders are stated In a decree
to be princes and ministers.
"On July 18 another decree made a
complete volte face due to the victories
of the foreign troops at Tien i sin. In
this decree, for the first time and one
month after the occurrence, an allu
sion was made to the death of Baron
von Ketteler, the German minister,
which was attributed to the action of
local brigands, although there is no
doubt that it was premeditated and
that the assassination was committed
by an imperial officer, as the survivor,
Herr Cordes, can testify.
"The force besieging the legation
consists of the imperial troops under
General Tung Lu and General Tung
Fuh Slang, whose gallantry Is applaud
ed in imperial decrees, although it has
consisted in bombarding for one month
defenseless women and children cooped
up in the legation s.tot and expanding
bullets. The Chinese throughout, with
characteristic treachery, posted procla
mations assuring us of protection and
the same night they made a general
attack in the hope of surprising us.
“The wounded number 138, including
the American surgeon. IJppitt, severe
ly wounded, Captain Myers, who is
doing well. Seven Americans have
been killed.
"The ministers and members of the
legations and theiF families are in
good health. The general health of the
community Is excellent and we are
contentedly awaiting relief.”
Alllcii Ikes In Advance In Direction of
C'li In etc < upltul City.
imt’SSEI.8, Auk 2.—M. Favreau,
minister of foreign affairs lias receiv
ed the followliiK dispatch. dated Shang
hhal, August 1, from M. de Cartier dr
Marchieune. secretary of the Belgian
legation, now acting as charge d’af
faires of ItelKitim at Shanghai•
"The allies marching on Pekin.
They are eighteen miles from Tien
Tstn and should reach Pekin In eight
"All the Europeans havp taken ref
uge In the Inner rectorale of the im
perial city "
I.ONHON, Aug 2 The alller be
gan the advance front Tien Tain thtt
morning." announces an agency Iml
(•tin. dated at Shanghai at 11 10 a. n.
I today.
The llelgiati government has re
i reived news that the allies have ai
! teady marched eight miles Ilt the vli
! re-lion of Pekin
I It Is assumed the Americans
PrtlWh ami Ja| ilipic nr** t tkin* flirt
I In rhU furw wr«t ftidvcrticut, wh«*th t
other oat lofiwtltt**w ar*« or not An s I
%wnct* Imm* will |»r otothly bn hi«!i
!i i»k**| twenty or thirty lull** npircr
ivfctn ah I iu|i|i|ii'i will tie at
l»le I (irptMiutDr) to i tlir*- t strok** At
I tfc*»
IT*-. «f etdi' iH* ill Ml tH9 llirp tor lit
i th** Mint *h«» w m the tot 11 «|l
i |he HiiAti liuruif July. tWHi i<i hit*
j HwffW MM lei AW fallow* Uu|<| |4
| liltft, |t ts’tjVs'i, liftiW f
j iMttta, |i«A *a.
Leave* for Munin, Where III* Father’s
llixly 81111 Lies.
LONDON. Aug. 1.—A special from
Rome says King Victor Emmanuel 111
arrived at Hrindisi today unexpected
ly. The dispatch adds that the young
queen fainted when she informed
of the assassination of King Humbert.
The king and queen started for Monza
immediately after reaching Brindisi,
ROME, Aug. 1.—In the absence ot
the new king the ministry has issued
in his name a manifesto to the natiou
as follows:
"King Victor Emmanuel III, In as
cending the throne nas to perform the
painful duty of announcing to the
country the awful calamity which has
violently cut short ike valuable Ufa
of King Humbert.
"The nation, wounded in its sincere
affection for the august dead and in a
sincere feeling of devotion and adhe
sion to the dynasty, while execrating
the cruel crime, will lie plunged into
profound grief for the venerated mem
ory of a good, urave and magnanimous
king, the pride of his people and the
worthy perpetuator of the traditions
of the house of Savoy, by rallying with
unshakable loyalty around his august
successor. Italians will prove by their
deeds that their institutions do not
The king is expected to arrive at
Reggi Di Calabria tomorrow. He re
ceived the first news of the assassina
tion of his father by semaphor.
The police are pushing inquiries in
all directions, but the information
with regard to the assassin, Bressl, Is
not yet very definite. It appears that
when he was searching for lodgings
on Friday at Monza he was accom
panied by a young man, whom the po
lice are now seeking. The pistol the
assassin used was a new ami superior
weapon marked "Massachusetts.”
Krmcv Confirm* lli« Story.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.—The fol
lowing dispatch from Admiral Remey
was received by the navy department
this morning:
“CHE FOO, Aug. 1.—Taku. July 23.
—Japanese military attache, Pekin,
letter July 22, reports legation be
stegeo since June 13. Continually at
tacked troni June 20 until July 17.
Attack then ceased and Chinese sol
diers apparently diminishing. Sixty
Europeans killed. Telegrams from
governor of Shan Tung addressed to
consular body, Che Foo, says: ‘Im
perial edict states that various minis
ters except German are well and pro
visions have been supplied.’
•Jueen Stay, by the llltw.
MONZA, Aug. 1.—The body of King
Humbert, dressed in black, lies today
on the bed ordinarily used by him.
Around the massive candelabra hold
ing burning tapers at the foot and
head are flowers placed by Queen Mar
gherltea, who passed the long hours of
the night in prayer by the bed In
which the body lies, lather Bignaml,
the court chaplain, is in immediate
charge of the bier, ‘rhe cardinal arch
bishop of Milan has ordered a requiem
mass in all the churches in his diocese.
Enormous numbers of telegrams of
regret and condolence continue to ar
Ifn 1 Inin One Tliotnmnd.
LONDON, Aug. 1.—A dispatch re
ceived at the war office today from
Lord Robeits materially modifies yes
terday's statement of the surrender of
5,000 rebels under General Prlnsloo. it
now appars that Generals l’rinsloo,
Villiers and Crowther surrendered
with OhH men, 1,132 horses, 055 rifles
and a Krupp nine-pounder.
Some of the leaders in more distant
parts oT the hills hesitate to come in
on the plea that they are independent
of General 1'iinslou. Lord Roberts has
directed General Hunter to resume
hostilities forthwith.
N« w lint* for III*' ‘iuurtl.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 1.—General
Harry received word that his requisi
tion for campaign hats and hat cards
for the Nebraska national guard has
been honored, and the goods sent from
St. lands. The entire guard, conse
quently, will be equipped with these
hats and dark blue flannel shirts for
the coming encampment. The en
campment will lie of all the state mi
litia companies. Including two regi
ments of iufuntry. u troop of cavalry
uud a battery of artillery.
Kmi; UOi ttemljr tu Sieve
LONDON, Aug. 1. -In the House of
Commons today the parliamentary sec
retary for the foreign office, William
St. John Hroderlck. annoum-ed the re
telpt of a dispatch from General Sir
Alfred Gaselce. commanding the lirit
i-h forces In China, stating that ha
| contemplated an immediate advance
| on 1‘eklu and that he hoped to have
I the oo-operatiuu of the allied forte*
( All fur ( uUu fe.;*M ii«m
WASHING ION Aug 1 The war
1 department ha* l«*u»:d an order f»>r a
| general election tu be held in Cuba
I on the third Saturday In September
i lo ele* t delegate* to a convention tu let
he'd in Havana on the Arst Monday of
I November Ihia ronventton w tu
i frame and adopt a constitution fur the
t#opl» of Cahm
gears gelt ter l*«**i.
CRDAtt RAPIOW. la, Aug I -the
j people uf ihia illy are enviously
I new* from l*sa Tfif i'l
1 where Dr and Ufa Mensellaer Hodge
f are among the missionaries who are
supposed tu have been an soar red by
i the M »k»rn