The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 27, 1900, Image 6
Tint ItHlglon of Clitna. Buddhism 1b the principal religious faith of the Chinese. Long as this religion has existed, it Is little under stood by Americans. Its founder, Buddha, was born fi23 years before the Christian era. His theory of deity embraced a trinity, known as the Three Precious Ones. The moral code of the religion contains ten prohibi tions—killing, stealing, lying, selling Avine, charging interest on loans, speaking false of others, self-praise and back-biting, parsimony and scof fing, uncorrected anger and reviling the Three Precious Ones. The Buddhist church in Thibet has its pope, its cardinals, Its bishops, priests and nuns, exactly as has the Tloman Catholic church. And more. It has infant baptism, confirmation, candles, sacred water and processions. The teachings of Buddha were re duced to writing 93 B. C. The entire canon of the faith was complied in A. I). 400. In this Buddha Is described as coming from heaven, being born of a virgin, welcomed by angels, re ceived by an old saint, presented in a temple, baptized with water and later by fire. He is described as astonish ing the doctors with his understand ing, was later led into a wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil, and thereafter he went about doing wonders and preaching. He was a friend to the poor. It seems doubtful when Buddhism was introduced into China. It is re corded, however, that in the year C3 A. D. the emperor, Han-Ming-Ti, had a vision wherein he saw a great gold en image around whose head was a halo, and it was believed it meant truth. The emperor’s brother, Prince Tsu, having heard of Buddhism from India, said the vision was nothing but the great Buddha. A mission was sent forth, which returned after some years, bringing back a wooden image, a counterpart of the golden one, one book and a Hindu priest. The great temple at Pekin, called the Yung-Ho-Kung, or the Lama temple, is a Mongol Buddhist monas tery, in which there are some 1,200 acting priests. Here the dogmas of Buddhism are taught under the con trol of a Gagan, or living Buddha. The studies comprise a course of in struction in metaphysics, ascetic du ties, astrology and medicine. Many Chinese are Confucians. These follow the teachings of Confucius, which are the worship of ancestors. One of the provisions of this creed is that no son shall live more expensive ly than his father or mother. ClilneHe Ildtle*. Contrary to general supposition, the deities of the Chinese are not mythi cal. Each of them is supposed to he patterned after and to embody the 1 noble traits of some man who has lived in the past. Confucianism Is now well understood, and both Bud dhism and Taoism have been so thor oughly explored that it is hard to be lieve that anything of importance re lating thereto Is to be discovered. At 1 least one more book upon this topic, ! however, remains to be compiled— ! namely, a Chinese mythological dic | tionary. Such a work should contain an account of all the principal divini ties actually worshiped by the Chinese, with authentic details of such as are historical, together with a record of the steps by which many of them have been promoted in the Chinese pan theon. until, like Kuan-TI, the god of war. from very humble beginnings they have become ’adjuvant of heaven.” The number of these divin ities is very large and includes many that have been continuously worshiped for over 1,000 years. Whether the Chinese have ever at any time in their long history had perception or con ception of one true Cod, "Father and Creator of all things,” is a question that has been long and learnedly dis cussed by scholarly students of their classical writings, it is still an open question. But there is no doubt at all that for many centuries past they have worshiped the sun, the moon, the | stars and a host of ancestral deities. | All the gods of China may be said to have been dead men, and, by the right of ancestral worship, it may be affirmed that in a sense all the dead men of China are gods. Temples are constantly erected, by the consent of the emperor, to men who, while living, have in various wrays distinguished themselves. It is impossible to say that any one of these men may not, in the slow evolution of ages, rise to the highest place among the national di vinities. There can, therefore, be no doubt whatever that as a nation the Chinese are polytheistic. Chlnenu Sij|n ri(illijn. Similar in some respects to the cele bration of ('hristmas in Christian countries is the observance of the devil's birthday in China. On this an niversary many costly gifts are laid upon the altar of the evil one. There are many other superstitions current. In sending the kitchen god to heaven every year, the Chinese housekeeper has to burn it and let the fumes as cend. It reports on the good deeds of the family for the year and brings good luck. Before burning it the housewife dips her finger in a Jar of molasses and smears the upper and lower lip of the idol, so that when he arrives at the pearly city he may tell a sweet tale on the family and thus in sure benedictions. A family, when gambling, will cover the eyes of the idol until the card playing is through. A woman in Luhoh city went to the temple to pray for the recovery of her son from smallpox. He recovered, but was marked with the effects of the di sease. She returned to the temple in a great rage, put a coll of rope around the Idol'.s neck and soused it several times in the river, saying: “I’ll teach you to lose your benign influence, you rascal." Cf'iiilon* to Foreign I’lmfnt. Each conflict in which China has en gaged has resulted in a loss of terri tory. The principal cessions made by the Mongol government as the price of peace have been the following: The Island of Formosa was ceded to Japan in 1895, after the war with China. In 1897 Germany seized the port of Kiou Chou on the east coast of the Shan tung peninsula. her excuse for bo doing being a massacre of missionaries which had taken place therp. Two months later she received from China a ninety-nine year lease of the port and district. In 1898 Russia obtained from China a twenty-five-year lease of Fort Arthur, Talienwan and their adjacent territories and waters. The lease can be extended by mutual j agreement. The same year the Chi nese government gave permission for Great Britain to occupy Wei-Hai-Wel for as long a period as Russia shall hold Port Arthur. To compensate | France for the concessions given to Great Britain and Russia a ninety nine-year lease was given her of the bay of Kwang-Chau-Wan, on the coast opposite the island of Hainan, and last year two islands at the en trance of the bay were definitely ceded to her. Hong-Kong was ceded to Great Britain in 1841. Tlio tliln«ne Trentf. The treaty between the United j States and China negotiated in 1858 and proclaimed In 1860 provided that | the Chinese government should guar antee protection to the American min ister In his Journeys to and from Pe kin, and should protect him and hts suite while in Pekin. The treaty of 1868, negotiated by William H. Seward and Anson Burlingame, provides for the protection of American citizens, American property, and American trade. In article 1 it is declared: “Nothing in this article shall be con strued to prevent the United States from resisting an attack by any hostile power or party upon their citizens or their property.” technical Graining. One of the best testimonials to the value of technical training as fitting a young man to become a successful wage-earner immediately is found in the report of the Georgia School of Technology. The school, w’hieh is in Atlanta, was established In December, 1897, The legislature appropriated $10, 000 on condition that friends of the school would add $10,000 more. This was easily raised, and in 1898 about $20,000 worth of machinery and $13,500 of material was given it. The textile department, which is said to be one of the beet in the country, was a new fea ture of education in Georgia, and one that became popular at once. Instruc tion is given in manufacture of all grades of cotton goods, in manual training, chemistry, dyeing, design ing, and engineering. The report of the institution states) that of the nine ty-four living graduates all but nine are employed in pursuits for which they have been fitted by their training at the school. They are mechanical engineers, superintendents of cotton mills, in machine shops, chemical fac tories, oil mills, and other establish ments of the same kind, nearly all be ing in positions of authority and com manding good wages. No better evi dence of the practical value of practi cal training could be asked than this. The Late Senator Gear. The late Senator Gear was one of the most familiar figure* at the capi tal. having been a member of the Fif tieth. Fifty-First and Fifty-Second Congress, and a senator for the last six years. He was re-elected to tha Senate by the Iowa legislature last winter, but the present term will not benator Gcur. expire umu next March. He was also assistant sec retary of the treas ury under Presi dent Harrison, aft er he was defeated for re-election to the Fifty-Second Congress. In the House of Repre sentatives he was one of the most industrious mem bers, and also one oi cue nearest-neaaea Business mem bers. He was a member of the ways and means committee in the Fifty First Confess, which framed the Mc Kinley tarifT bill, and his knowledge of business affairs made him one of the valued advisers of Chairman Mc Kinley. who intrusted to him the fram ing of the tree-sugar clause in that work. The sobriquet of "Old Busi ness” given to Mr. Gear while gov ernor of Iowa followed him to Wash ington, and in the House and in the Senate he was familiarly called "Old Business.” The franchises of nearly 1,000 cor porations in Texan have been revoked because of their failure to pay the state taxes. u.NK or the nua;»:in or the native mi ahikh or 1‘Ekin bi hmii uv the mou4 or ctiiNrjk A $50 Wheel Bought Direct from Our Factory Costs You Put $22.95 Tires Guaranteed One Year. Highest Send Us One Dollar And state whei. rr LADIES’ or GENTS' bicycle. Gear and Color wanted, and we will send you our new 11*00, regular fbo.00 model AKRON' KING BICYCLE byei preaaC. O. Ib, rnbject to exnrril nation. YOU CAS EXAMINE IT at your neareat eipr. »* olllie and If found satlafaetorx a great bargain, and Evl’AL IN' VAI.l'E To THE «b000 ANT) 17.10(1 STANDARD .MAKES, pay the ex preae agent t~~ OB. Icsa the t,no dollar aent with ol der, and eipreaa chergre. Ejpreax rharg-« averago about 11.00 for 600 in I lea 1 Tiled w ith the Intern.-** tlonnl 11*00,one year guaraa* teed, pneumatic, single tube tire, . T n ni* . . l"ror «** or men Tramp. 14 Inch diamond oeamle#* ateel tubing. FLlftfi JOINTS TJIRoroHoPT. new 1909 model, two piece hanger, hr>;t made, hneet hardens! ami tempered ateet adjustable bearings throughout, wheel* 98 Inch. 36 spokes to each whwl, full ball hearing with ball retainers throughout, Highest grad* Indianapolis or detachable llulc chain. 810 Inch, bent padded leather pa<tdle, hamlta bar up or down turn, the beat EXPANDER IN BOTH ti EAT POST ANIi HANDLE HAP., antifriction 1*1; l»eiinng. ba l retaining pedal*, heavy leather tool bag. nlrkebplaied wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. The Uneat poaalble finish. enameled HLACK. ROYAL BLUE. MAROON OH GREEN Ok-pure toatata color you wish). All bright parts heavily nickeled on copper. The* flun«t»oiiic»t Wheel Made Ip ahaolute protection. Every Akron King and gu* en Bicycle N covered by ft written binding guarantee for one year. Nio old iiiodch 110 worthier »«•< oikI-Iiuim! whaeU. order your wheel now aud you will anve $M.UU to $3U.0o. You can make fl.VlUO every month filing our high gradj wheel*. Address THE AKRON SEWINS MACHINE & BICYCLE CO., Akron, Ohio. CThe Akron Sewing Machine <% Bicycle Co. ere thoroughly reliable.—Editor. J MONTROSE BICYCLEHEFREE iim yrnAo'nm%fIl?OUT A OEHTSM AOVAiiCE. SEND US YOUR ORUER, etato whether you wbh |.»,n < or man'a v tf s\e it.|or, h« itfht of frame ai.d tf.*ar wantedami W \\ \\ ||,|, «*|f||» Till. W IIK.KL < «*. I#, on approval, allow l.i* you t . u.wrate and e* amine It Inly in* fore you accept It if It Ia not all and more than we rial in for It. and a \nttnr w heel than you can get for any where near the price from any cm© el**, n-fuw It and alii nay ali ni.i^ chartrer ounrivK 77»o -MONTROSE" B icy do o cn ut our Mjhm’IiiI Atfc-nl’a «;un|ilf prli1© of H* | Qi^V la the tf re a teat ha rifa In In a hlcyck* * vcr offered. We |fft* rant celt i-'iual to any $i > w h**i I on the market, and you nr* <1 not are**pt it nor i*nv a /-mil ” you do not rtnd it j * w© renrrscnt. Wear* FA< l.hiu; hh It i k 3J A > 1 F.U’TI Itfrif* a lid take tbl* nnth* *1 of <jil<kly ifi-dminir •>’* IUOO ilniH I - Thin offer * f a sample whe«l at tula low prim la made to neeiire a RiDER AGENT in each town to rcpreient ua and tuk»* order*. inir agent* make money fa«t. SPrOIFinATIOII^ '-MM or W Inch; ladle».ta Inch. f»e-t *’■ fcVir IVH I lUllvi Shelby wilful*-.' tut trig wlib fortfed oninr* tine*, Audi J'-IntM. 1 mi*roved expander devbe to ratten ».< at po*t and handle bar; > a! Arch * rown , the celebrated .Via* la hubeur d hunger — the <-afl« *t running known; lf«*ord tire tin- f Mr *| . ..e of the til' -t #0penal v« tire*. on the market. 1 h* tfenuln* *| llralngi r IlcirU uln addle; |*edaie. tool* und a«ce**»orle* the bent obtainable. Ki fiin* kdlu block, maroon or coach preen hltfhlv tinl*hed and ornamented. *•(«*. tal flmabed ld* k( l!fitf on all hr Itfht |*arl» W« thoroughly teat ©very plena • t material that tfo* In* > thla machine. Our hlndia* leur’a auae ant* e bond with e.nh blry*de. • liorc l"»n> «»ni* - Idintf the *|fl.M»raah In full with order we will rilkb aerid free a fft nuliu* Hur.ll*k 10.0UU mile barrel pattern ryelo. meter, or a bitfb ifrade floor pump Y'our money ail ha* k If you are not |**rfectJy aatlutbd pUkAD U/UCCI c We do not manufo**turw the cheap d* part* wflittlwOf merit *tore kind of wheel*. *urh .*-. many new corwwma •’i»l "•* supply |i<>uw-« advert!-*- and **,JI , hljrh trmU We <-«n furnl*h them however. ut|5 to'#7 ; nr *9.7% to 912 W) »•.mini* t«- U r d<> not irnaranteo nor r«*<-*m ,,J< fitl ttnffii. HI luin OIMII KIM. o bicycle of any - rie cl • no matter who or boar cn< a|i, writ.- u* and lt*t ui* tell v<>u how much *-e can f^ive v<nj on f he ram* i a.'litnc UNABLE to BUY< *'1 r%,<> A ,n‘11 ,K trlbutin* rmtiiht'xurm f ii«Afi h <la>a. \\ r ■«l oiU) iM-raon i i "»ru mw.i I'lruii* purport* vill .l< >«> out at AO t >|U ta «»l R 1(1 1.1 UiiUTV railroad company *. iih • ’ rr h i hundred a f.i t* > I) If\M» Will I I .a taken In truil*- v% tif<-It wo h. a No aoriie nhopwurn *amp • ■» uml Vj model* very • In i.p H£tul for INrifaiu IUi. N unquestioned We refer to any Itanlr • r butlnc** In * htrajfo. or any expre** up 'I'—'-ilLrU"1 >'"M •' * ' r reference fliri'. t fr .*n the larjr* • t hank - In • hloapo If you wish it today Tht* I *v prlcaindtlww ».m « IhI term* - f * hi pint nt vlwOQt dtipo jl * til *iUid_rai»ii V'***v * .|vi' name of thi * paper«<i i ompariy. \\ e will mud Sli/ID YOUR order; J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago. //# I A. P. CULLEY. President. A. P. CI.LLKY, Cashier. FIRST BANK OP LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. An $8.00 DICTIONARY for $1.00 The New Werner Edition of Webster's Dictionary. Newly and magnificently illustrated. we offer you ihe i» *t Dictionary ever put on th< market at a low price. Thi« new edition contains ninny ■penal features such ua di< tiotuirv ot Svuonvms and Antonvms, lexicon of foreign phras**, dic tionary of abbreviation*, colored plates, etc., etc. Kernetnlier this is not the cheap book but a beautifully j.ritite>l edition on fine pa|i r with thousands of valuable additions of aid to student* and btuln>ie men If y< u dt>ir»> till* hook, tend niour • penal offer price, 1 we will send you this treat dictionary, bound in cloth or send us $2 00 and wo will tend the samo t«*>k bound In fall tan iheep, with • beautiful cover design. Th* handsomest low prlcs-d Dictionary ever pub* lUlic l K >r every day u«* In Ihe on.ra, home, ► .land library thl* dictionary I* ahaoluitty tut* wiuali t Forw*rded on receipt of oor *peelal offer price. Sl ot) for cloth binding or ij.00 for the full t#» *heef If tt ia .i i It and <*« will lefU lid von I tnotiev SS rite Ah out *1 ial illustrated , sta.o* ic, ip tot It or the levu'. prn » ou bonks FACE. VS t can save you tuuuey. Address all orders to Siuiimi |*i itttsiMsd (’impasr. SI niuf u'Hir- I ■ Akron O, .into,nr u ieii.,t,i, , K,| »'i. IT I Don't Be Fooled! inc market is bring flooded w i.h worthless Imitations of ROCKY MOUNTAIN . ..TEA . .. To protect the public we call cepcclal attention to our trade mark, printed on e*er> pack* age. Ilcmand the genuine. Fur Sale bj all Druggist* A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cts. The Farmers’ Encyclopedia. Everythin? per taining to the af fairs of the (arm, household and stock raisin?. Em brace* arlliks nu the horse. the ■ git, horse hal-its, ilia i ast-s of the home, the farm. Kraso-s, fruit eultur' ■ in try - ltl? cookery,health, cattle, aliee|'.*«itte, poultry. late tho 'loft, toilet, social life, etc , etc, one of the moat Com pie to Enrjrclo* peitlaslti exist* lice A lark la*• -It. 'i -is X 1% It*- lies ivlft <a*i - fU rated, bound in rmeu Cloth hliid UK ami eijital to other t»>ok» costtha irjri.ii n«ire ini» w '« •‘ in u* our i offer (i li $0 7%, hii I $n -•"i ltrH for |<*!**i himI m Kill fnrwitrl lUv Umk in jrii'* If II In nut »mi» fki-lury r> turn it tin-1 »til e.v-ii4iup* It or r> furnl your iiiotii fur <Mir tinsm tll<ntrntil hi*. gttl' i|Mutltl|| ttlH loWlM Jit •-• till ho. H f|{2, ttr run Hit >oU luuliev. A Mum h)1 (inku i ft \AI I II I II I*t III I> III N o ( ' i M .e* \ T l,iihli-*i i .ini! Mu if i • i t • Akron r», iTIh* H.i.tlM M t' ltniMit. i* r«4 4bl* y |; | IlM •**<«•** M to* ••fin. *««M IuMmi *> to Wholesale Prices to Users. OtiT funeral Citilnpi' rjunlt-4 thruj. Siiul ije It j.arily juy I « i i <1 r* a «> aft.I U tt n«! »«•*» tmv It Ha* i too |>jk't t, 17,c*.o an>l »jn.,ut | ru c* i n i> .»f ly 70,000* th4t r<*M rat and u»c anti wear i.tOilanily carfjr tu nock alt •rticIv* tj.tftrd. MONTCOMl«V WARD 4 CO, R*1 >t«>» a. a