-’TT——— China is dn absolute monarchy, but the emperor spends his life inside the sealed walls of the Forbidden City, and not one Chinaman in a hundred thou sand ever looks upon the imperial face. Again, in spite of the absolute char acter of the monarchy, there is, ac cording to the Chinese law', a body called the Tu-ch-a-yuen, or board of •public censors, which is independent of the supreme government and, theo retically at least, higher in authority. Theoretically, again, the supreme di rection of the affairs of the empire is vested In the Chun Chi Ch’u, other wise known as the privy or grand council. The practical administra tion of the laws is under the charge of the Nel-ko, or cabinet, a body which consists of four members, two China men and two Tartars, with the assist ance of two members of the Great Col lege of Confucius, whose duty It is to see that nothing Is done by the cab inet which is not in strict accordance with the sacred books. Under the cabinet, again, are seven boards of administrators, each of which Is pre sided over by a Chinaman and a Tartar Jointly. These boards have the work of government divided among them as follows: 1. The board of civil ap pointments, which lias charge of all the civil officers in the empire. 2. The board of revenues, which has charge of all financial matters. 3. The board of Tites and ceremonies, which has charge of enforcing the laws and customs of the empire. 4. The military board. 5. The board of public works. 6. The board of criminal jurisdiction. 7. The admiralty board, which makes its head quarters at Tien Tsln. Equal in au thority with these Is the board of for eign affairs, or Tsung-li-Yamen, which treasurer, the subeommlssloner, and the literary chancellor. Each province U divided Into departments, ruled by prefects, and each department into dis tricts, with a district ruler over each. Each town and village has also Its separate government, with a complete get of officials, so that the officeholding class In Chlua is large and extremely influential. The gradations of rank among Chinese officials are clearly defined, and each man Is directly responsible only to his Immediate superior. Thus the village governor reports to the dis trict ruler, and he In turn to the gov ernor of the department. The de partmental governor reports to the governor general of the province, who may remove him at will or even cut of his head. The whole administra tion. therefore, hinges on the eighteen provincial governor generals, or vice roys, and those positions are In the greatest demand. A village official who wishes to keep his place finds It a good plan to make large gifts to the district ruler, and therefore levies large taxes on the people. The district rul er finds it good policy to hand over most of whnt he gets in this way to the departmental chief, and the latter pass es it on to the governor general of the province. To be appointed governor general of a Chinese province is there fore equivalent to a gift of a large fortune, the amount depending only on the avarice of the viceroy In power. A wise Chinaman greatly prefers to serve his country as a provincial governor general or viceroy than as member of the grand or privy council, the 'per quisites'' of which positions are small. This form of administration makes It clear why the body of Chinese officials . >—■ - I ri with the conviction that we are right, and that those who oppose us aro wrong? When Washington stepped forth at Yorktown to receive-’’ But no matter. The hall was empty when he wiped his brow and sat down, two hours and twenty minues later. ‘Prince Chin Prince Thing, leader of the counter revolution in North China, and poli tical rival of the monstrous Prince Tu nn, is now looked upon as the hope of the foreigners in Peking, or of such of them as have survived the atrocities of tho Boxers. He is a great and pow Y . ' PRINCE CHINO. erful prince, and seems to be a friend of the whites. He is now in Peking at the head of the Mauchu garrison in that city. These forces number about 10,000, and numerous Chinese are flock ing to the standard of the new leader. Ching is the uncle of the late em peror, Tsal-Tien, who was the poisoned the other day by the order of Tuan. He Is the greatuncle of the heir ap parent, who was chosen last winter by the empress dowager. He was presi dent of the tsung-ll-yamen before the government was sundered by the revolt of Tuan and his followers. A Trust Solution. The manufacture of binding twine by the inmates of the Kansas peni tentiary, it is said, has been a success. In Kansas, as in other states, the trades unions were opposed to the em ployment of the convicts in labor that would come into competition with that outside of the prison walls. Yet it ... has as members all the members of the grand or privy council. As for the mysterious emperor, he spends his life la the Forbidden City, Into the central portion of which no man may enter. There he lives, sur rounded by the members of his harem and by the enormous number of from 8,000 to 10,000 slaves. Massive wails and the even more formidable barriers _ of Oriental etiquette shut him off en- ’ tlrely from the rest of the world. When on rare occasions ho goes out to wor ship at one of tlio temples or to visit ■one of the palaces In the vicinity the streets along which lie and his retinue will pass are cleared and freshly paved, while the houses and other buildings along the line are barricaded and the fronts covered with huge mats, so that no vulgar eye may look upon the great lord of the sun as ho is carried along INTERIOR OF THE FORBIDDEN CITY. KIOSK ON IMPERIAL LAKE. PEKING. In a magnificent solan chair. Only 1 once In a number of years, when the emperor goes out Into the country, where It is practically Impossible to barricade all the roads, docs the aver age Chluaiuan have an opportunity to get even a glimpse of bis Imperial master. There Is no law of hereditary sue cession to the t'hlnexe throne. It being left to each emperor to appoint hi* own successor ftom among the younger generation of the imperial family. A* the emperor commonly ha* a number o' wlvea anti children the prarit . open* opportunity tor an endle»* amount of intrigue and chicanery The manner in which the present emperor. Tsalt ten came to the throne I* au e» ample la point The whole fhlneee empire I* divided into eighteen province* each ruled by a governor general wtm t# rea^rnaUde directly l*> th“ emperor far the enure nd ml u lair at ion political Judicial, mill' UP' and flnaa. tat llatfb governor general in aaaieted by n It and by n number of minor odi.iaU, ao*h aa the Is the most corrupt anti unscrupulous In the world. The Spellbinder. "Fellow cltteens," be said, "I don’t intend to keep you long (Cheers. | I have only a lew words to add to 1 hose that have already hoen sold (Cries of "Hurrah“‘l I know you du not care to listen to say futther spec, {making alter the elt weery you with a repetition of the argoiuetiis that you have heard before (Hits leaved ta the air. hand kerchief« guttered ant wild yelta frttnt all parts of th* hail | Hot. my fellow rlttten* the priyclplve fur shltk we are Aghttag today are those for which >«sr fathers » ».ghi he fu»e them Wh** atm mg we see calmly analyte this mallet without arising was realized that the life of Idleness led by the unemployed prisoners was of advantage neither to the state nor to the men themselves, and In fart work ed serious harm to both. The Idea was hit upon of employing them In the manufacture of b ding twine, that In dustry Iwing In the grasp of a trust that charged the farmers of Kansas es orhitant price* fur the nr essary arti cle. At the beginning the twine was put on the market at three cents a pound below the trust price, and lh*n both sides cut their prices until the K him* fa.met« •*«r i Ht« cents a pound MMu*i Im Sue luuil Mtarr Jordan due* not think that a college training unRts a w unau fur Ih* severer discipline nad bumbler diii ic* of matrlm my and k* mu Iks I tke half » lu au»4 woman It m more Ranger* and is more susceptible lo I bo ’'higher fouitshaee* ibaa la bet ,'-.r b* I * n ed till Ml • bl till* l lo». fd-H-;. ■X~:-VV‘H-4“K~X* -Wf BRIEF TELEGRAMS. The Alabama miners have decided not to strike. France is going to send two more cruisers to China. The Oregon cannot be repaired at Port Arthur. The dock is too small. An electric car at Webster. Mass. A steep grade. Three men fatally hurt. The social democrats of Connecticut named their state officers at New Ha^ veil. Hamilton Smith, a well known Now York mine operator, died at Durham, N. H. The Christian Endeavorers were late in getting started from New York. General Jamont has passed up his Job as inspector general of the French army. Charles Higgins, assistant general passenger agent of the Santa Fe road, is dead. The Coal Exchange store at Scran ton, Pa., went up in smoke. Loss, 9125,000. The Arlon* of Brooklyn won the Kaiser Wilhelm prize in the Brooklyn Saengerfest. The British are running tip against heavy roads in the march to the relief of Kuniassi. The Burlington is going to extend Its road west from Guernsey Into the Mormon state. A Cincinnati electric car whirled around a bend and jumped the track. One man was killed. Ignatius Comlskey, brother of Char ley Comiskey, the famous baseball man, died in Chicago. A couple of frleght trains mixed up at Medicine Bow, Wyo., anil consid erable damage was done. Fire destroyed the rag mill of the Plover Paper company at Stevens' Point, Wis.. Loss, $75,000. Rear Admiral Barker has been elected to fill the Job left vacant by the demise of Rear Admiral Philip. Kid Broad was given his fight with Dave Sullivan of Ireland, at the Sea side Athletic club, Sullivan fouled. The Pennsylvania railroad has pur chased the Allegheny Valley and the Western New York & Pennsylvania roads. The branch factory of the Stand ard Wheel company was nearly totally destroyed by fire at Sandusky, O. Loss lioo, doo. At Anniston, Ala., Hon. John L. Ppnnington, ex-governor of Dakota, editor of the Alabama Home, died at the age of 75. The lone robber is becoming popu lar. The passengers on the Burling ton near Billings were relieved of considerable coin by oner Puddlers to the number of 200, em ployed at Moorhead’s plate mill Sharpsburg, Pa„ struck against a re duction of 20 per cent in wages. At Calico, Ark., an entire family of nine persons, named Fink, have died from eating toadstools, under the im. pression that they were mushrooms. New Orleans has gone exposition mad. They are planning an Inter oceanic exposition to be held on the completion of the Nicarauguan canal. George Schoenig and William Grab were killed and Fred Frige probably fatally injured by a Baltimore & Ohio train which struck their buggy at Co lumbia, 111. Harry C. McGowan of Louisville, Kv., a noted trainer of trotting horses, was run over and killed by a street car while returning from the races at Terre Haute. At San Francisco, Henry D. Cog* well died aged 80 years. He was the founder of the Polytechnic College in that city, and was an ardent prohi bitionist and philanthropist. Three more bodies were recovered Monday from the wreck of the steamer Saale. This makes 148 corpses thus far recovered of victims of the North German Lloyd pier fire at Hoboken. The Chicago Democrat, formerly the Dispatch, an afternoon paper, found ed in 1892, has suspended the publi cation of its daily edition, and will be continued as a weekly. Lack of patronage causes the discontinuance of the daily. cnruies ito-ttnisn, ice Famous corse breeder, is dead. The secretary of the Interior has appointed J. B. Mclntire. of Kalispell. Mont.; James H McNeeley, of Kvnns ville. Ind., and 0. H. Hoyt, of Beat rice, Neb., commissioners to deal with the Crow, Flathead and other iudiuns under the act of June »!, 19ou. The Washington statue bad been unveiled In Paris. James H. Hoffman, president of the Hebrew Technical Institute, trustee of the Baron Be Ulrich fund, and for more than thirty five years prominent In Hebrew iharltlcs in the I nited States, is dead, at New York, aged 67. (ieneral Wood has sent tn a Jong list of deaths from yellow fever. At Joliet, 111., the converter and bil let mills of the Illinois Steel company resumed and nearly a thousand men were put to work The Amalgamated *• ale has not been signed, but the in dilations are that a speedy settle ment will lie effected. Nathan Baker killed his daughter, Bessie by cutting her throat and then shot himself dead at Itlchmotut, Bid I nited Stall* Commissioner (ieneral Pi ck gave the la *t of hi* functions at I'nrl*. a dinner to the jurors. Over 100 people sat down to the banquet lu the I titled States national pavilion Sir Thou a* Parrel, the famous *• i» Ip tor, died at iHibitn. In the KtigiUh house of lords ths fosernuirut was defeated. (J to W, on t iioonoi of YtM’iunt Templeton (eon tervatlval to appoint a royal rotunda ilon t.» consider the claims of Irish land'iiids for mnipen-ution for iniurte* suffered by legislation aim* [wl, The Amerhsn Sugar HeAuIng com i»anv has advanced all grates iif iv Abrd sugars ten points F H Cossltt. found.-r of l.s lira age III, aae af ths best known men In that •* lion isnniitei suicide by shooting lie was art years old, and laspon tent from i *ag tineas. 1 A $50 Wheel Bought Direct from Our Factory Costs You Put $22.95 i Tires Guaranteed One Year. Highest Equipment Send (Is One Dollar 1 And state whether LADIES’ op GENTS’ bicycle. Gear and Color wanted, and we will send you onr new 1000, regular (50.00 model ' AKKOV KING BICYCLE by ex press C.O.D., subject to exami nation. VoU CAN EXAMINE IT at your nearest express office and If found satisfactory, a great To THK 150 (Ml and *76 00 STANDARD MAKES, pay theex press agent t'J'J Of., leg# the one dollar sent with order, and expres* charges. Express charges average about (1.00 for 600 tulles lifted with the Interna* tinmil lDOO.ouo vear iruaran. - m Ifi’d, pneumatic, single tube tint which ordinarily rctnlla for ID Of, SJ 24 or 28 Inch frame, IV. Inch diamond seamless steel tubing, KLP81? JOINTS THROUGHOUT, new 1IK» model, two niece hanger, nest made, finest hardened and tempered steel adjustable hearings throughout, wheels 2d Inch, HU spoltes to each wheel, full hall hearing with ball retalnrra throughout. Highest grade Indianapolis or detachable link chain. 8-10 Inch, hast padded leather saddle, handle har up or down turn, the best EXPANDER IN BOTH SEAT POST AND HANDLE BAR, anti friction hall hearing, ball retaining pedals, heavy leather tool hag, nickel-plated wrench, oiler, pump and repair ktt Thu finest possible finish, enameled BLACK. ROYAL BLUE, MAROON OH BREWSTER GREEN (ts'Siire to stale color you wish). All bright parta heavily nickeled on copper. The llundaonioat Wheel Made Our Kutirntitee la absolute protection. Every Akron King and (jucen Bicycle la covered by a Written binding guarantee for one year. No oltl model!, no worthless aeeonil-hiiiul wheels. Order your wheel now and jrou will save *26,UU lo *UU.Oo. You can make (1&0.U0 every mouth selling oor high grade whet-la. Address THE AKRON SEWING MACHINE & BICYCLE CO., Akron, Ohio* ITha Akron 8swlng Machine *% Ulcjclo Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.] MONTROSE BICYGLEjUlFREE arUn'n* yvnnn na^JnOUT A OENTIN ADVANCE. SEND US TOUR ORDER, stall) whether you Wish lady, or man wh«.M, k-n. color l".i;:ht of frame and m-ar wanted and W f. WIKI, Hlll|» I III. W 11 KI.K < U. 1J. on #|,pr »ul, allowln* yon to unrratn and ** I lunlm. It lull/ I—fore you accept II. if It I,, not all and rnoro than wa ' claim for It, and a heller wheel than you ran pet for any where near the i price from any one else, refuse It and we will pay all r,press chsrvea ourselves. Tho “MONTROSE" 0/cycle d-«| O Rn t»l our M|m-cIiiI Audit'* Miinplo prhw of "P I Q• Is the irrrnCest harpnln In a hlcycle ever offered We iunranieelt eounl toanyHn wheel on the market,Mil you tread not accent It nor pay n cent If you do not rind lira we represent. Wo are KX< Kt HI VI: lilt' VI I K .11 VSITM TI III ICH a:rrl take this niethml of oulckly lirtrwlncliip our 1 l#Ol> M011I I.H. This offer of n sun pie wheel at this low price is made to secure a RIDER AGENT iii each town t<» represent us and take orders. Our agents make iiimiry fa-t Kramc, u, *4 or S* Inchr ladlea. Winch. Hast wr lablf luU I lUndi Hhelby •canili-v tubing with forged connec tions. flimh Joint*, Improved expander device to fasten neat pout and n^. handle lair; It .yul Arch crown; tin* celebrated Maxi* hub* a ml hanger-- f tho eawlcut running known; lit. ord •*AM tire ., tho beat ami one of the »u<»Mt expend vc tin * on the market. The genuine # 1 \1<*|ng< r Hygienic •addle; |>'"iulc, t *>1* and acecimorlei the lM**t obtainable. Kiiuim led in black, maroon nr roach green highly finldied ami ornamented; *!>eeiaJ finished nickeling on all bright parts. We thoroughly tent every °f material that goe* Into this machine. Our binding yenr’* guar antee bond with each bicycle. # • CflfC t * ony one sending the *|d.M>epHh In full with order we will ■ ■•■■■■ * genuine Ilurdlf-h lu.ouo rnlle barrel nut tern cyclic rm-U*r; or & high grade door pump. Your money all back If you arc not IMufectly nutUflcd # P.l’ihAP UftlSTCI O We do not manufacture tho cheap depart yiiLNf VWlBaskbOt muni store kind of wh*e!<*. Mich us manv riew W concern* biff supply house* advertise ami sell o-. hl*rh irrailo. W« can furnltth them, however, at95 to 97 stripped, or^J.Tb to f 11.60 complete. We do not iftisruntee nor recom mend them. Ill I 4'ltl. CKIMlIMNh n bicycle of anyone elte.no matter who or how cheap, write u« am! lut u* t« It vou low much we ran ytv* you on the same machine lfy»u II,J ADI t aA p II y a wheel we can a I t y u to I AII \ A Hit'll l,K by din , . _ UalMULS IU DU I trtbutinff ratal »t'ue« forti*a fewdn>We need one i-rooii in r,n il town for this purpose. We have several hundred M-JCH.N l» HAM) WIIIII.s taken in trade which we aUoaotne shopworn sample* and '99 model* very cheap. Bend for H*r**la Li»t, tM It Hr. 1,1 A 1111,11 1 li unquestioned We refer to any bank or buMne** house In ( hlcoffo. or any expre**or ralln»ad cupuany. A\ *• will send you letter* of reference direct from the lan-ent ha ik* In < 'hlea+ro If you wish It. SE?JD YOUR ORDER J. Lm MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, OMoago. to. A. P. CULLEY, A. P. CLLLEY. President Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. r Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. AnS8.00DICTI0NARYforSI.O0 The New Werner Edition of Webster's Dictionary. Newly and magnificently illustrated. We offer you the bast Dictionary ever pul on the mark) t at a low price. This new ciliilnn contains ninny •pedal features such ns dictionary of Synonvms and Antonvms, lexicon of foreign phrases, dic tionary of abbreviations, colored plates, etc., etc. Kemember tbtr I- not the cheap book bin a beautifully nnuted edition on line |*|«r with thousands of valuable aridlltons of aid to student* and business men. If you desire this lo.k send ns onr special offer price, $1.00, and we will send you this greet dictionary, bound In cloth or send its $2.00 and we will send the same t«mk bonnd la fall tsn sheep, with a bcaatifnl cover design. The handsomest low priced Dictionary ever pub lished Knr every day two In the time#, home, school an 1 library this dictionary laubaolmely tin eu noted. Forwarded on receipt of onr special offer pries, $1.00 for cloth binding or $2.00 for the fail t«t sheep. If it la not satisfactory, return It and we will n fund sour money, Wrile for our •|«eial illustrated i alalogue, i| noting the lowest prli ca ou books, FREE. We can save you niouey. Address all ordars to rtssiriMii l*i m.iwima roMPAvr. Publisher* md M tbufocturer,* Akr.«n, O. • Th« Baal field I'omittiny la r ell.> hie.)—Kd Don’t Be Fooled! Ihe market It being flooded with worthless Imitations of ROCKY MOUNTAIN ...TEA . .. To protect (lie public we call especial attention to our trails mark, printed on every pack* age. Demand the genuine. Tor Sale by all Druggist* A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cts. The Farmers’ Encyclopedia. Everything per taining to the af fairs of the farm, household and stock raising. Em braces articles on the horse, the colt, liorMi habits, dis eases of the horse, the farm. Kms.es, fruit culture, dairy I ng,cookery, health, cattle, slieep,swine, |«iuitry tiers, ihe (hs(, to'Id, soi is I life, ate., etc. uno of the m at com plete Kncytlo pedias In existence. A laigc tssik. M'd-, a 1*4 Inches i,s tsigcs, fully Illus trated. bound In green cloth hind log and aqual to , other tsaiks costing M OO. Ifyott desire this book send us our special offer price. Jo 75, and #o JO csini for |* ata -gne, u niting ttic lowest price* on hooka fKKE. Vi e can save you money. Addrcse all ordea to St vt m i n I’ihushim, Comwamt. l'uhliahera nnd Mnnufuctur-r s Akron, r». (Th« Hu illleld t'limpttny la railahta ) p;4f Wholesale Prices to Users. Out (icncral Catalogue quote* them, Hcnd 15c to partly pay pontage or exprenagc and we’ll •end you one It ha* 1100 page*. 17,000 tlluntrationa and quote* prue* on nearly 70,000 thing* that you rat and uie and wear. "*■' ton.tantly carry tn Mock all •Mith t quoted.