IS he /l^ /T/ yi Fascinating === Romance Way A ** Alan Adair.... CHAPTER II. Jabez Hutchinson received our hero with a face as dark as a thundercloud, hut it seemed that, when he heard Alan’s news, he considered it import ant enough to warrant hia intrusion on his privacy. It appeared to Alan that, of whatever Importance it was to tiio firm. It was of still greater to Hutchinson, which confirmed him In his suspicions that he had private dealings which had nothing to do with the firm, Alan talked the matter over, and Hutchinson was Impressed with his clear-headednpRB and the concise way lie had of stating thiings. Little by little he looked upon Alan with a more favorable eye, and In the end Invited him to stay and dine. Although Alan did not v.ant to prolong his interview with the brute, he accepted the invita tion, thloklng that he would then see the girl who had taken his fancy be fore. Herein he was mistaken. To all intents and purposes It was a bachelor establishment, and the Spaniard who came in to smoke a cigar with Hutch inson after dinner evidcotly came without expecting to see any ladles. Alan rode homo. It was a perfect moonlight night, and the road was as clear as if It had been day. Hutchin son had told him before he left that he should be glad to see him again, and the young mao was revolving in his mind how he could accept the invi tation, and yet not play the part of traitor to his host. He felt sure that Hutchinson was not acting square by the firm; he also felt sure that he would try and gain him over to his aide. Instinct told him to beware of the man; but, co the other hand, there was the girl, who had touched the young mail's heart by her loneliness and her unhappiness and by her Depu ty. If he did not go back to La Paz all chance of seeing the gir> again was at an end, and she had made such an impression upon his rather suscep tible heart that he was willing to chance many things, but not the risk of never seeing her again. He was riding along in the moon light; he was young, and adventurous blood was in his veins. The brilliant beauty of the night, the strong scent of the flowers, all intoxicated him. Suddenly a white figure flitted before him. He reined in his horse sharply, feeling sure that this was the girl he was thinking of, and so it proved. In the clear, cold moonlight her face looked white, and the shadows round her eyes deep. She had a soft, cooing voice. Alan thought she was more beautiful than he had even at first im agined her to be. “I have watched for you," she said softly. There was not a trace of co quetry in her voice and she was simply stating a fact. "You were so long that I grew anxious." He could see that she wanted to say something, and yet was half afraid. She looked round nervously. “No one is about,” he said, reassuringly. "No.” She still hesitated and still looked around her. “Mr. Mackenzie." she said at last desperately, “do not think ill of me. I do not want to say what I am going to say, and I know a child ought to reverence her father, but-” She gave a long, shuddering sigh. “I understand,” he said, quickly. “No, you do not!” she answered quickly. “It is not because he has struck me—he did it before, and I never mkided it until today. You see, he still thinks I am a child, but I am afraid for you. Ob, I must warn you! Do not come here again!" “Why not?” he asked. “I am not a child to be told to do a thing without a reason.” “There was a young English clerk who used to come out here to see my father,” she said, very slowly, “and after six months he had eqjbezxled some money or something, and ki the end he could not face the inquiry; he-” She stopped; he could see the horror in her face. “What did he do?” asked Alan, In his quiet, manly voice. “He committed suicide,” said the girl. “But I am not of that sort,” said Alan. "I have my eyes open, and never do anythkig without a reason.” “There have been men—young men —coming backwards and forwards to the house, and there always has been one end to It all, and I cannot bear It. My father rulna them smvier or later. As soon as they know too much some thing happens.” "What do you want me to do then?” asked Alan. "Don't come back here,” she begged “I cannot promise that,” be said , quietly And In the moonlight he look t ed into her dark eyea. “Why not?” she asked, but she low ered h*r lids Itecawee * he said boldly, “It will be my Ml/ chance of seeing you again " There Was a little ettenre and then the girl spok* Hut If i< prove dangerous to yog I should never hirglve myself' ” Then Alan laughed a good fraak laugh “The one thing that will he I a age rows |« me le you." he aald “and I am guitg to court that danger ' •he laughed, loo Alae looked as brave and bonny that any woman would have loved to have been courted by him. "Very well.” she, "Mr. Mackenzie, you have been warned, and so have I.” “Tell me your name,” hp said. "My name? It is a common enough one here—It Is Veronica.” "It Is a very beautifful one,” he said. And then he took oft his cap and bade her good night; and his dreams that night were full of moon light and a dark-eyed, slim girl, and all the sort of thing that a young man dreams about when for the first time he enters upon the realms of ro mance. He remembered the financial crisis only the next morning, when he saw Hutchinson again. He told Demputer of his Interview; but here he fojnd himself In a difficulty. It was difficult to talk to his chief of the man he mis trusted, and yet to know that he was valuable to the firm and knew many of its secrets. He could not tell Demp ster that what he suspected was that Hutchinson had secret dealings with the government, and that he moBtly knew of events before they became public property, and so could buy and sell to greater advantage, using the capital of the firm for his own pur pose, for that was what Alan sus pected. Richard Dempster saw that the young man was keeping something back, although of course he could not guess what It was. "Rook here, Mackenzie,” he said. “I don't want to force your confidence. I can see you have something on your mind; but I can trust your father's son sufficiently to know that if It ought to be brought to my notice you would not hesitate to do so.” i ne rad is, sir, sain Alan, 'nat i have as yet nothing tangible to lay be fore you; but that, not having any proof at all, It is rather difficult to come to you and to say, 'Do you trust this man or that man.' ” “Quite right,” said Dempste',. And then they began talking of something else, and had a good long consulta tion on the present state of affairs. It was only when he was leaving that his chief said to him: "By the way, did you have any difficulty In finding Hutchinson's little cottage. He tells me that it is some way out; he pre fers the country." Alan looked at Dempster to see if he were speaking Jestingly; but no, his words were evidently uttered in perfect good faith. He believed in Hutchinson’s cottage. "I had no dif ficulty, sir,” he replied. “Any one could tell you it is not a cottage, but a fine, large place." “Oh,” said Dempster, laughing, “then that is Hutchinson's modesty, is it? I must chaff him about it!” “I hope you won’t, sir!” said Alan quickly. "Pleabo say nothing about it!” Dempster looked at the young man curiously. “I will say nothing If you do not wish it; but I own that your manner makes me strangely uneasy.” “I want it to do that,” said Alan, and left him. Matters, however, grew very dis turbed, and Dempster had reason to believe that the government was very unstable. Alan Mackenzie was sent backwards and forwards to La Paz. It began to be very exciting, for every day he seemed to see more clearly that Hutchinson was playing a double game. He had Dempster's confi dence. Alan knew that, among other things the firm was importing, there were firearms, and he felt almost sure that Hutchinson was In league with some malcontents, and that these arms were meant for them. Life grew very Interesting, and every day seemed big with chances; and every evening that he made his way to La Paz he found Veronica awaiting him. First of all she came to warn him, then she came haauuse she feared him, and lastly she came because she loved him. And he—he felt that he loved her. too. It was not the same tender, all-enduring affection that be would have given to un Knglish girl, not the love thut desires nothing except to be loved In the same absorbing way; but It was more the tender, protective love that a man gives to one weaker than himself. Veronica was not his equal In mental power he knew. She had had very little education, and could hardly do more than read and write. She sang In a sweet, full voire without any art, bemuse sing ing came natural to her. and she play ed a guitar by ear; but she had no ac complishments nor any learning She was a pure, Innocent, beautiful child, who wanted to be loved and cherished. Her father hsd been cruel to her. and she feared him. Alan had Keen good to her. and she loved him passionately. and would have gone through lira and water to serve him. And ao weeks went by. and nt laat there mme a day when the proofs of llutchinaoa'a double dealing were la Alan's bands lie must go with them to Dempster nr the ruin of the brut might ensue If by any chance ihe editing gorwrameat Dario d that the respected KagHah arm waa providing 1 he Insurgents w h flr<-aim* itfi» would be an end to the boose that Kb bard I torn peter bad built up wttb mi murk rare liut then there waa Veronica Alan knew that the meat participate In h*» father’s rivjn. Th» thought of ths poor, genr*» girl, made to sufTer by her father, without a soul to help her, was U>o much for the young man. He lcved her quite sufficiently to want to rhleld her from auy harm. There was only one thing to do: He must tell Dempstcf of Hutchinson's treachery, and he must persuade Veronica to be come his wife sec'etly. It must be secretly, for no one know either of Veronica or of anything else. And so, went to his chief. Richard Dempster looked very grave indeed at the news. The two men sat up ail night in consultation. Hutch inson was to be dismissed at once; there was nothing else for it. And then Alan made a requea*. “Will you send me to Santa Rosa at once?" he said. “I don't care to stop on here after I have been the means of getting rid of Hutchinson; 1 don't want to benefit by his fall.'* “I shall miss you. my lad,” said Dempster. “I hail hoped you would have settled among us; but 1 suppose you have other plans." He looked at Alan, who reddened. The young man had known for some time that even his chief's daughter would not have denied him; but then he thought of Ills lovely, dark-haired Veronica, who had no one but him self. No, he had ruined her father, she must be his care—and a very sweet care, too! Perhaps not the ideal, the perfect marriage he had dreamed of in other days, when soul goes out to soul, and man and woman have but one Idea, one thought; but a marriage born of love and respect, a protective, not a passionate love, although Veronica was beautiful enough to cause many a man’s heart to beat quickly. The very evening he had his talk with Ills chief he rode out to Da Paz, but this time not to see Hutchinson. Veronica would he in the avenue, and Veronica must be wooed to give her consent; the two had but a short time. "You will trust me, Veronica?" he asked. "To the death," said the girl; "but Alan, I am afraid if he hears of your part in his ruin he will kill you sooner or later.” "He will hear of it,” said Alan gravely. "I am not the man to let another do my dirty work. And will you wait for mo at Santa Rosa, my darling? I will make all necessary arrangements, and will be married the day I come.” And so matters were arranged, and Veronica promised; and this was the end of Alan Mackenzie's life in Rio. (To be continued.) I’arlor Muglo. A feat which any one can perform with little or no practice Is that of placing fourteen matches upon a table and lifting them all up upon one of the matches. This is how it is done; Pick out one match—the one that has the flatest surface—and then place six of the other matches about one-fourth each across the first one, each of the six being parallel to each other and the thickness of a match distant from each other. Next place six other matches one-fourth each across the first match, but from the other side, all parallel and In the spaces left by the arrangement of the first six matches. Now take the fourteenth match, lay It over the twelve matches where they intersect, and by carefully lifting match No. 1 and holding match No. 14 in place you will accomplish without difficulty the feat.—Adelaide Herrmann in the June Woman's Home Companion. Fabulous I’rlce for Letter. One thousand pounds was the sum paid by the late Bernard Quarltch for an autograph letter, of Columbus, which he afterwards exhibited at the World's Fair in Chicago. A wealthy collector of autographs In Chicago in 1898 offered through the American Press to pay $100,000 for a genuine autograph letter of Shakespeare. Only Severn are known to be in existence, and as to three doubtB have been ex pressed as to their genuineness. Two letters of Mary Queen of Scots, writ ten just before her execution, are said to have cost an English collector $20, 000. The one letter existing in Ti tian's handwriting was sold for $600, ntnd a letter of Raphael's for $300. The one letter written by Corneille which was ever sold was purchased by Alfred Morrison for $800. Travelers' Anuoyancea. A clever observer says of her expe riences in a drawing-room car: "There sit directly behind you those who wash their family linen for the benefit of the traveling public, he accusing her of all sorts of Irregularities with other men, whom he judges by himself, and she defying him to name just one man. and finally going Into hysterics. Then there Is the woman in front of you all scent ed up with white rose, and beside her Is the man who pares and deans his nails with a pocked knife and uses the same blade to pick hta teeth. Then there la the sweet tittle child who auaps the window catch or thumps the win dow paue. which aeenia to be mualc tn the fond mother's ears '—New York Press. ■»U Imm I'ofalsllns, The population of Ireland still ap pears to be on the decline The quar terly return of the registrar-general up i to the last day of March shows a de cease of to lli, of whom $3o] was debited to emigration The estimated population of Ireland la now tMt.HO> >*/ little more than half what H tews la IMI, when it atiaat at PITS.Mo There Is a limit at which hirhmp save .eases to he i virtue Harks KANSAS AND MISSOURI GAIN IN THEIR WEALTH WITH IN THREE YEARS. flunk Depot 1(4 More Tlian Donhlfd l mlrr 1 IiIn Republican A dm I flint ration — A ( ompurlHon of (lie luurriMe In \ulucii of I.lvu Stoc k and Staple Crop*, The Democratic party Is notoriously an anti-prosperity party, and the farm ers and wage earners In Kansas and Missouri must not allow themselves to be led away by the false promises and calamity bowling of their friends vho are assembling today iu national con vention. Missouri has sained $128,000,000 In wealth under this Republican admin istration. The state of Kansas has gained al most $100,000 In wealth under this Re publican administration. These substantial facts, showing that great prosperity has visited Mis souri and Kansns during the last three years, should not be forgotten by their citizens during the whirl and excite ment of the Democratic convention. Our statements are from official fig ures and show the Increase In wealth in these two states to be as follows: KANSAS. 1896 1899. Livestock ...$ 80,049,272 $132,759,873 Crops . 83.303,684 111,391.831 Hank deposits. 17,147,160 33,503,101 Total _$180,500,116 $277,656,805 INCREASE In 1899. $97,156,689 MISSOURI. 1896. 1899. Live stock ...$ 93,718,709 $113,806,386 Crops . 58,219.870 78,411,465 Hank deposits. 53.921,953 141,726,449 Total ....$205,860,532 $333,944,300 INCREASE In 1899. $128,083,768 In Kansas it will be noted that the farmers have Rained $80,000,000 through the increased value of their live stock and principal crops this year as compared with 1896. In Missouri the farmers have gained $40,000,000 this year alone from the same source. The following detailed statement of values of live stock Is official, being tkaen from the returns of the de partment of agriculture: KANSAS. Jan. 1, Jan. 1, 1896. 1900. Horses .$20,609,057 $26,695,789 Muies . 2.845,995 3,827,859 Cows . 13.778.371 22,999,438 Cattle . 33,903.604 62,401,253 Sheep . 413,966 835,534 Swine . 8,498,279 16,000,000 Total .$80,049,272 $132,759,873 MISSOURI. Jan. 1, Jan. 1, 1896. 1900. Hornes.$23,039,549 $24,891,718 Mules . 6,914,427 7,210,321 Cows . 17.359,416 18,868,307 Cattle. 32,565,492 36,981,329 Sheep . 1,475,953 1,854,711 Swine. 12,718.709 24,000,000 Total .$93,718,709 $113,806,386 In Kansas the largest gains to far mers have been in their cattle and hogs. This they well know, because their returns when selling their live stock have been so much larger this year than they were under a Demo cratic administration. The next table shows the improve ment in the price of the staple crops grown by farmers, which represent an increase of $28,000,000 for Kansas, and over $20,000,000 for Missouri: KANSAS. 1896. 1899. Corn .$44,592,121 $59,405,306 Wheat . 19,400,505 19,963,383 Oats . 3,809,401 8,608,470 Barley . 19,065 839,455 Hay . 13,316,122 18,045,678 Potatoes . 2,015,803 4,259,866 Wool . 150,667 249,673 Total .$83,303,684 $111,391,831 MISSOURI. . 1896. 1899, Corn .$35,353,730 $48,874,519 Oat*. 3.374,583 4,871,844 Cotton . 747,689 1,324,800 Hay . 15,996.275 19,339,962 Potatoes . 2,435,869 3,502.998 Wool. 311,724 497,342 Total .$58,219,870 $78,411,465 Corn, oata. hay and potatoes show the largest gains in both states While wool Is not ao much grown here as In the far western states, still the in* crease under protection in the value of the clip has been satisfactory to those farmers who raise sheep. tn Missouri this year's cotton crop was worth almost twice as much as It was in 1896 under the Democratic ad* ministration. I.astly. an eaaminatlon of the num ber of bank depcslta In Kanaaa and Missouri la full of facta upon which our cltlsens can congratulata them selves. The figure* i*e taken from the last annual report of the comp troller of the currency: In the stale of Kansas there were (3,151 people who had bank accounts in 1**4; last year there were luo »tu bank accounts in thst state. In 1*91 the total ilcjmetts In Kansas amounted to $U 117.16m, last year th iols! amount of the deposits was |-1J,• HUH Thera has been an increase of prac tically 1*6 per rent, both In the num her uf people who had money to de posit In the banks, and In the total amount uf money on deposit in Kansas !n I ha stats uf Missouri there «e»e V* »6T per eons PM had hnni a counts In 1894; last year there were 213,009 bank accounts. In 1894 the to tal amount of deposits in Missouri was $53,921,653. In 1899 the deposits In ail the banks of Missouri had increased to $141,726,449. While the number of depositors In Missouri had increased by 90 per cent, the total amount of money deposited had Increased by 160 per cent. These facts and figures do not show the increase in the business done at the stores, mines and factories, nor the larger amount of wages paid to the thousands of people who earn their livelihood in these two states. While the Democratic orators are en larging upon the benefits that will happen to tho country if a Democratic president and Democratic congress Ire elected this year, our citizens should not neglect the blessings and pros perity which they have derived under the Republican administration that is now in power. It Is unwise to throw away the sub stance for the shadow. M’KINLE’Y9 AMERICANISM. KnglDliiii*n Do Not ICiitliuae Over 111m II* n o hi I nil t ion* London, June 23 (Copyright, 1900, by the New York Tribune.)—If there bo any doubt in the United States respect ing English opinion of McKinley and Republican politics, it may be dispelled by the reticence of tho London and provincial press respecting the work of the Philadelphia convention. There are few comments on it, and such as there are have a perfunctory sound. These aro not eulogies of McKinley, and the Republican party Is not em barrassed by English patronage or flattery. The party platform is des cribed as moderate and tho nomina tions as gooil as the circumstances permitted. The nearest approach to complaint Is the Spectator's remark that McKinley is possibly too much of a politician, but that he has won and receives International respect. i no r.iigumi press is preoccupieu with affairs In South Africa and China, and has no space in reserve for a trivial Incident in Anglo-Saxon his tory, such as the election of a presi dent by a nation of eighty millions. Moreover, there are no illusions hero respecting either President McKinley or the Republican party. Both are known to be downright American anti not In any sense English. President McKinley is not suspected of having ever made an apology for Introducing the tariff bill which bore his name, and the party which renominated him, so far from repudiating protectionism, has reaffirmed it and added to it subsi dies for American shipping. Nobody in England ever speaks of McKinley as anything but an uncom promising champion of American ideas and policies. Hence his renomination is received here without enthusiasm and with quiet reserve, as possibly not the best choice, but one which divides the Republican party least. $323,000,000 FOR FARMERS, I Hut lVnr'ii Ntupl*) Crop* \V«*r» That Murli More Thun In lHilft. 'flie American farmer is prospering when well-paid wage-earners are carrying well-filled dinner pails, as tho following comparison of the farm val ues of principal crops shows: 1895. 1899. Crop. Total Value. Total Value. Corn .$544,985,534 $629,210,110 Wheat. 237,938,998 319,545,269 Oats . 163,655,068 198,167,975 Rye . 11,964,826 12,214,118 Barley . 29,312,413 29,594,254 Potatoes .... 78,984,901 89,328,832 Cotton . 260,338,096 332,000,000 Hay . 393,185,615 411,926,187 Tobacco . 35,574,220 45,000,000 Flax . 12,000,000 24,000,000 $1,767,939,671 $2,090,986,735 Plenty of work and good wages fol low the opening of the mills, increas ing the home market for farm pro duce so as to make these ten staple crops worth upwards of $323,000,000 more to the American farmer than un der the Democratic free-trade Adminis tration, which shut our mills, killed our home industries, and gave our trade to foreigners. Add to this increase of $323,000,000 the advance of $633,000,000 in the value of live stock within the last few years, and it will be seen that the farmers of the country have gained almost a round bllllou dollars through the bet ter times under this Republican ad ministration. without estimating the Increased values of their fruit, butter, cheese, eggs, vegetables and other small crops, to say nothing of the In creased price |mid for wool. A Point for farmer* Democrats are trying to make the farmeis discontented because they are paying a little more money this year for their wire nails and wire for fenc ing Of course they never point out to the farmers that his extra profit this year on two or three bushels of corn will pay for any increase In the price of a keg of uatia, and that his profits on all bla farm products In this year alone will pay for many times the rtiai of his barbed wire, besides leaving him a handsome surplus to put in bank or pay off kla mortgage. Hap«l»0«*N lurlS Maaalt During President Harrison's term of «iftt< e the total i lutooii receipts under tke Kinley tariff amounted to $i«p, tt > mm more than Ike receipts derived from tke Wilson bill under President Cleveland A tariff fur revenue only la a misnomer MW Me4 Me lae Matk. Tammany will be somewhat w»rvooe its Pmg as tW*ld H lllll teckigsaljr |ix|l«i tke lee tonga BENEFIT OF COLONIES. Their Vitlue as a Market for PiMifM of 1’areot. The non-British world buys 15 per cent of its total foreign merchandise from the United Kingdom; the British colonial world buys 43 per cent of Its foreign merchandise from the United Kingdom. The total imports of the British colonies amount to $1,075,000, 000 annually, and Great Britain, by supplying 43 per cent of this instead of 15 per cent, which she averages in tho commerce of other countries, makes an additional market for $300,000,000 an nually of her products. Her total ex ports to foreign countries (omitting the colonies) are $1,130,000,000, or 15 per cent of their total imports, and If to this were added a like percentage of tho Imports of the colonies her total sales would be $1,190,000,000, instead of the grand total of $1,480,000,000 which she enjoyed in 1896, the year to whtch these figures relate. It is thus appar ent that her sales are enlarged through her colonial system in tho sum of about $300,000,000 In round figures per annum, thus increasing by 25 per cent her total exports, and creating by her colonial system a market for $300,000, 000 worth of her products and manu factures. Not only has Great Brltlan added to her market by bringing the 350,000,000 people of her colonies Into the colonial relationship, but there has evidently been, through the material develop ment which lias followed this rela tionship, a great Increase In the pur chasing power. The construction of highways, harbors, railways, and tele graphs has evidently quickened tho general business conditions and, with the Increased activity and prosperity, enlarged the consuming power. That the construction of roads, har bors, railways, and telegraphs and tho establishment of postal and banking facilities must Increase the activity, productiveness, and consequent con suming power goes without saying. The railways now in the British colon ies alone are more than 55,000 miles in length, the telegraph lines nearly 150, 000 miles in length, and the highways far in excess of that. A large propor tion of the railway lines is under the control of, and In many cases operated by, the government, and It is an Inter esting fact that the lines operated by the government expend a smaller pro portion of their total receipts in run ning expenses than those operated by private corporations. In nearly all the colonies there are savings banks In conjunction with the postofflees, and the deposits in the savings banks of the colonics umount to more than $300,000,000. In the Import trade of Gre*t Brit ain the colonies also prove advantage ous from the British standpoint. Over one-flfth of the more than two billion dollars which Great Britain sends out side of her immediate limits in pur chase of supplies is spent among the people of her colonies, anu thus large ly contributes to the prosperity of ei ther British colonists or British cap ital. That the industries of the col onies are to a considerable extent con trolled by British capital goes without saying, and that the expenditure of nearly $500,000,000 of British money In British colonies each year for the products of those colonies must benefit the capital thus employed and so re flect to the business advantage of the home country whence that capital is drawn is equally apparent. The total Imports into Great Britain from the colonies In 1896 were over £93,000,000, and In 1891 were over £99,000,000, or In round terms, $500,000,000, forming more than one-flfth of the total im ports Into the United Kingdom. The following table shows the ex ports anil Imports of the United King dom to and from its colonies in 1897: EXPORTS. British India.£28.009,385 Australasia... 23,695,970 North Anuyican Colonies.,,. 6,464,880 Cape of Good Hope. 10,766,168 Straits Settlements. 2,538,916 Hongkong. 2,079,951 Natal . 3,621,373 Ceylon . 1.070,932 West India Islands. 2,709,497 Channel Islands. 1,303,259 . 52L204 Malta. 856,694 Gibraltar. 677,781 Niger Protectorate . 608,193 Gold Coast . 482.378 Sierra Leone. 387,728 Mauritius . 303.487 Aden . 173.357 British Honduras . 93,830 Other British possessions... 600.386 --- Total to and from colonies..£86.961.369 IMPORTS. British India.£24,813 099 Australasia . 29.362.129 North American Colonies.... 19.538.998 Cape of Good Hope. . 4,195,741 Straits Settlements . 3.643,224 tlongkoug. 606.314 Natal. 752.251 Ceylon . 4 6*8 27* West India Island*... 1,976 645 Channel Islands .. 1.327.111 I .ague . I I'rt) 913 Malta ....... . 71.903 Gibraltar . 59.365 Niger protectorate . 331 617 Gold Coast... 460.131 Sierra Leone .. 210.721 Mauritius ..... ............. 94546 Aden.. .. 175.319 British Honduras .......... 227.606 Other British possession* .. 331,745 Tolsl to and from colon lea £94 011 933 || wilt be assn by lbs above tgures that the • iport! from England to her ,oioalee amount* to 5430 000 000 an nually as one third as much as the total esport* of the Patted Stales ths valve of the pound tier ting la tkkk ths esport* are elated being 54 *6 leatova? caves* more evil than m>»*. I »y and ease mure then both