The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 20, 1900, Image 1

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    r _ __t______ __ __
A Mt33age Received by the Minister Has
an Ugly Lcok.
Important Cablegram to Clilnrxe Mln'ntrr
Irum oniclul at hliangbiil — l>alu of
I’rUIn Attack on Hrvriitli—Nliili'i That
the loiprrlul (iovernuicnt lx lu Peril.
WASHINGTON, July 16—Such
news as came to Washington from
China was distinctly had. It con
sisted of a cablegram to Minister Wu
from Sheng, the imperial director of
posts and telegraphs at Shanghai,
and, according to the minister, was
in reply to the urgent message he
_ had sent yesterday to that official,
asking him to try to secure news
from the Chinese capital. This cable
gram Minister Wu regarded as of suf
ficient importance to carry In person
directly to Secretary Hay, who was
waiting at his home for news. The
message, ns resolved from the cipher,
was as follows:
“Pekin news of July 7 says that
General Tuan Puh Slang, In disobedi
ence of imperial orders, was about to
use guns. Legations and the govern
ment will bo in peril.”
This news is corroborative of that
contained In n recent cablegram from
Consul Good now at Shanghai, al
though the consul gpneral’s dispatch
gives his Pekin news the date of the
«th, saying that the final attack upon
the legations with guns was about, to
begin on the 7th of July. It Is sur
mised here that Mr. Goodnow got his
news from Sheng, who Is certainly In
a position to secure the first news
from Pekin. Aside from the gloomy
forecast given of the end of the ter
rible struggle of the legationers
against. me inevucme, me signincant
feature of the message is the coupling
of the fate of the imperial govern
ment with that of the foreign minis
ters. Officials here got some satisfac
tion from this portion of the dispatch,
as it sustains them in the position
they have held from the first, that the
Chinese government is not at war with
Christendom, but is confronting a for
midable insurrrection.
There still remains a suspicion that
while Mr. Wu 13 undoubtedly acting
with perfect sincerity, that Sheug,
y who Is represented to be a clever and
adroit man, may know more of the
actual happenings at Pekin that he is
willing to reveal. It is feared that
he Is trying to prepare the way for
the disclosure of terrible news, hoping
that by letting it come out gradually
the blow will not fall with such se
verity, and perhaps with such disas
trous results to his own people as
might be the case if the whole story
wore imparted to the world at once.
This news, it may be noted, comes en
tirely from Chinese sources.
It is now twenty-one days since a
word lias come directly from any of
the unfortunates besieged in the le
gations at Pekin. The last message
from there was from Sir Robert Hart,
the Englishman in charge of the Chi
nese customs service, and was of un
doubted authenticity. It represented
the situation of the legations as des
perate and Implored help. The last
word from Minister Conger came to
the Sta'.v; dopa.inuAti from Pekin
under date cf June 12. At that time
be asked that Seymour's internation
al relief column, which was even then
doomed to fail, should signal its ap
proach when near Pekin. That was
just one month and three days ago,
and It would be an unprecedented de
fense for such an inadequate and ill
flitted and provisioned force as was
at the command of the foreign min
isters to hold out for that length of
Minister wu s cablegram irom
Sheng. Hixjve given, should not lie
taken as an answer to the cipher
massage he forwarded at Secretary
Hay's request to China in the i ffort to
get it through to Minister Conger.
That message went to Yoaan Shihkai,
* the governor of the province of Shan
Tung. That oftleial has replied in
formally that lie will take prompt
steps to forward the cipher message.
His status at this critical Juncture is
unfortunately not beyond suspicion,
though Mr. Wu retains full confluence
iu him.
Secretary Long hail two cablegram*
from China, hut hu was inclined to
set a negative value upon them tie
cause thy made co mention of a mas
sacre of the Icguiioners iu l’« kin. He
reasoned that Admiral Iteniey was In
s good position to get as early news
as anyone of such an event The ad
miral's message wu* from Che Koo
of today's date, though as he Is sup
posed to Im> himself at Taku It I* as
sumed that It was sent from that
place yesterday. The admiral stated
that he had ordered the lloffalo to
Tuku. It was coming out to the
Orient by way of Hue* and was to re
pair! for orders at Hlngapore, where
It was to be directed to proceed to
Manila or lie deflected to north China
It U carrying out a cargo of n il
and a number of aallora to recruit the
American fleet.
Ash* «r*tM l*r«r«r
IM.UWIIU July U The American
an >«t>‘WarIra ask the Associated I'ress
IS publish the following
1 To the Chri-itwn peop‘# of th*
I hltrd Males The missionaries In
China ask a special prayer from every
pulpii for tke guid in' e of tke govern
ment and tke speedy so* * »f of Amefl
can* sad native mu arts la evreme
Two Dozen More llodlen \V«t#* Found In
Hold of Stfttin^r N.iale.
NEW YORK, July 12.—Twenty-four
bodies were recovered from the hold
of the Saale today, which makes the
total number of dead taken from this
ship alone sixty.
Most of the bodies were so badly
burned or mutilated that recognition
was Impossible, hut several were
identified by initials or names on arti
cles taken from parts of clothing that
sometimes remained. All of them ap
peared to he workmen in the holds
of the steamship.
Oreat pumps were worked in the
Saale today and by 2:30 p. m. the ves
sel was floated. The ship was In nine
or ten feet of mud and when she Anal
ly freed herself from this body she
seemed to jump fully two feet out of
the water.
When the sixteenth body was
brought out It was then nearly 7
o’clock. Coroner Hoffman said that
he would not stop until all the bodies
had been brought up, but his workmen
said they could not see. There were
eight more bodies, according to the
report of the coroner’s men, In the
steward’s room. How many more
there were in the ship no one could
tell. It was believed by the workmen
that all had been found.
The faces of the dead were horribly
distorted and swollen. The odor of
the bodies pervaded the ship and was
detected <tn the Jersey shore when
the wind shifted that way.
The work of the wrecking company
may he finished tomorrow or Friday.
ITp to tonight 159 bodies of victims
had been recovered and eight more
are known to be on the Saale. having
been located but not taken out. This
makes 167 bodies recovered fr,om the
ship, river and hay. One other body
was found of Rockaway, making the
total thus far 168.
The Funeral Party I,rave Washington
With Itemaln*.
WASHINGTON, July 16.—The re
mains of the late Senator Gear of
Iowa left here yesterday via the Penn
sylvania railroad for the Gear home at
Burlington, la., where funeral services
will be held Wednesday at 3 o’clock.
The casket containing the remains
was enclosed in a heavy oaken box
with plain sliver handles. Eight mem
bers of the capitol police force, In full
uniform, acted as body nearesr and
carried the casket from the hearse to
the express car. There was an absence
of flowers or display of any kind. 1 iie
people at the station stood in respect
ful silence as Mrs. Gear, on the arm of
Secretary of Agriculture Wiison
passed down the platform to the Pull
man car “Grassmere,” which Is to
carry the party to Burlington. Those
accompanying Mrs. Gear are Colonel
Itansdell, sergeant-at-arms of the sen
ate; Secretary Wilson, Colonel Root,
the senator's private secretary and
Mrs. Gear’s maid.
Democratic President l«l Candidate
SjhmhU Duy of Rest
LINCOLN. Neb.. July 16.—For the
first time since he was nominated for
president at Kansas City, W. J. Bryan
had no political visitors yesterday.
With his family he attended church
iu the morning and from there went
to the funeral of Deputy Auditor of
State C. C. Pool. In the afternoon
Mr. Bryan and a few local friends
drove to the thirty-acre suburban
tract owned by tbe presidential candi
date and where he will build event
ually a home to live in permanently.
The party was obliged to burry to the
city to escape a drenching rainstorm,
which served to keep all indoors the
rest of the evening.
Governor Alton anU (tpunral ii.twi iij;m
Ape VliliorA.
CANTON, O.. July lti.—Governor Al
len of Porto nico and General Russell
Hastings of Bermuda were guests at
the McKinley home all day. Gover
nor Allen came to talk over a number
of matters connected with the admin
istration of the Island and left ton I s'" t
for Washington.
latter he will go to his old home in
i 1,0well. Mass., for a re t before re
| turning to Porto Rico. Genera! Hast
i ing* was on his way west and stopped
for a social visit, being an Intimate
friend of the family. The president
attended morning service* at the First
Methodist Kpiscopul church and Gov
ernor Allen accompanied him.
Niimbrr of *M«I .% lit in u u »I Ion Art
1 n|ilur»4l.
MANILA. July Hi.—During last
week * scouting three Americans were
, killed and two wounded and thirty-nve
| rebels Were killed Fifty rebel* were
I • aptured and twenty flve riltea and live
ton* of powder and ammunition taken
It Will bcioinri necessary, under the
new Okie of procedure which Ihe com
mission Wiped* to adopt. to secure
the service* for the high) r courts tu
Manila and the province# of American
j judge# knowing tipanUh
llaro Orders fur tkrlb
PH 11 Mil i d'll I \ luly i Hurry
i order# are being tilled at the Midva •
; steel work* for shell# for warahip*
! The Fraakforcl arsenal will begin full -
lime Iomoiroe an I lb.*,, will "In- it• •
cessation of work until tl a*** daw car- 1
| trbigea are turned out fh- order front
| the war department ln> luden < ar
j irbtgea tor the Krag Jorges-** and the
I latest Improved dprtugtatd Hi*.
Blanket Indians in Minnesota Are Ex
cited and an Outbreak is Feared.
Nothing Him Iteen flrnrd of < apt it I it
Mtjrrer Mure HU l>(-|mriur** for the
Ageucrjr t*nti Hi* Uliiy Hum Muir
— droi Kicllewcut at K« «l l.uke.
SOLWAY, Minn., July 14.—Danger
of an outbreak by the blanket Indians
on Red Lake Is Increasing, The In
dian police from the agency have
gone over to the point where the blan
ketere are still holding their war dance
and It Is expected that trouble will
Bulletins have been posted In the
Chippewa language warning all friend
ly Indians and whites to remain away
from the point or suffer the conse
Twenty mounted men left Solway
late last night and will proceed to
the agency and take Instructions from
Indian Agent Mercer. The men are
well armed and carry each 1.000 rounds
of extra ammunition which will be
distributed among the settlers.
A petition will be sent to Governor
Lind tomorrow, asking that a detach
ment of state troops be sent to Red
Lake at once,
The Indians keep up their war
dances and their shouts can be heard
for three miles at frequent Intervals.
They discharge their rifles In the air.
It is said that a large body of reds
from the northern part of the state
has Joined forces with the blanketers
and small bands of Indians are join
ing the main body hourly. It Is es
timated that the entire force numbers
over 300 at the present. The squaws
and papooses have been sent north
and only the young bucks remain at
the point.
The white settlers at the point are
preparing for an attack. The Indians
at the agency have assured the whites
of their support, but It is thought that
many of them are going over to the
Nothing has been heard of Captain
Mercer since his departure for the
lake and fears are entertained for his
Captain Uodil In Nor(hu«ntrrii I.u/*»n
Ila» a Thrilling Experience.
WASHINGTON, July 14.—The War
department has received an interest
ing report from Captain George A.
Dodd, Third cavalry, in regard to op
erations in northwestern Luzon with
Troop F of that regimpnt from April
8 to May 3 last. This troop enjoys
an enviable reputation for expert
horsemanship and military drill in
this country, having participated in
various military tournaments at Mad
ison Square garden at New York, com
ing out with flying colors in each. Cap
tain Dodd's forc e, consisting of eighty
seven men and ninety-seven horses,
left Vigan, the capital of Ilocos Sur
province, on April 8 and headed north
ward. Early on the morning of the
15th inst. his command encountered a
largo party of insurgents under Gre j
aairo Aglipny in the mountains near
In a fierce fight lasting an hour
forty-nine iusurrectios were killed,
four were mortally wounded and forty
four were made prisoners. The affray
took place in a thick jungle, which
made the movements of the soldiers
very difficult. The command then pro
ceeded to hunt down a large body of
insurgents believed to lie somewhere
in the vicinity of Baloe.
Chinese Minister I nilerttike* to <irt Mri
*.ȣǥ Through to ('ougcr.
WASHINGTON. July 14.—The Chi
nese minister, Mr. Wu, has undertaken
to get through a cipher cable mes
sage from Secretary Hay to I’nltei!
States Minister Conger at Fekin and
to deliver liuc.s the reply of the latter
if he be alive. Mr. Wu forwarded the
cipher dispatch, together with an ex
tended explanatory message of his
own. on Wednesday, and the results
are now being eagerly awaited both by
Secretary llav and the Chinese min
ister. although it is appreciated that
some days must elapse before runners
can carry out this plan of opening
up communication between tin* Amer
lean government at Washington and
the American minister at Hekln.
It was soou after Minister Wu pre
sellte,| the text of the edict issued by
tlie Chinese imperial government that i
Mr llay requested til in to get through j
a message to Minister Conger. Since
the Chinese government has succeeded
in getting through Its own romniuntca
tion from i ekln. Mr llay felt that It
was unite reasonable to ask that like
communteat.00 be op. tied between our |
minister and the government here Mr.
Wu readily assented to this pioposltion
and ethlen ed a*1 earnest desire to
use all hU personal and ofTbial litrtu
ell re In getting through the message
lie *ugg» (ted however, that Mr Hsy
bim«e|f should write the message In
cipher, as tais would hr proof positive j
to Mr. Conger of Its genu* ears*. I
whereas any op*n nteisage to thr j
minister might hr under the suspicion
of having emanated from the f.rxe.s j
Sir* |i. •<»«•»• (Watt. WsiVs
MTTitltt ItG. Ha July II Thr
Garland chain works at Nankin, la.
»"lr d> «i,nv*,d to life at I II this
»(ir|ft.«.n I,**ss, II ’" •-**> the |ir*
was raaat*1 by the es plosion of a tank
of chemUaia. but au * us was Injured
Latest yuotutIons From Mouth Omtlit
anti Kansas tlly.
Union Slock Yards- (’attlo—ttccelpts
wars tight, 07 loads, 1,534 head, and ihu
ottering* of desirable cornfed were de
cidedly limited. The demand from pack
ers was active and price* ruled fully a
nickel higher than yt sterday for good
stock Common slitft showed a little or
no Improvement. « own and heifers were
slow sale and a shade easier for all hut
the le st. Veal calves, hulls, stags, etc.,
Were generally unchanged. Uusmcss In
Stockers and tenders was very dull, with
value* weak l air to good l.euo to 1,400
lh. beeves. Jl.MXy4.35; poor to fair steers,
It.^jy l.(t>; good to choice cows and hell
ers. f4.3oi.<4.75; fair to good cow* and
in if-;- 13. ootji'4 ,J. common and canning
grades. t2.c04j3.3U; liulls, stags, etc., $3.23
444.33; calve.*, common to choice, (3.0044
ti.yi; go-id to choice Stocker* and feeders,
M.UU«i4.t0; fair to good stockers and feed
er*. ii.'ifiij 4.00; common to fair stockers
and feeders, (3 23433.00.
Hog- Receipts wore Just moderate. 102
cars 7.;»*> head, about too smaller than on
last Friday, but the week's supply shows
a 17,7*1 Increase over preceding week,
although 10,?ou smaller than a year ago.
The uuallty was pretty fair, hut hardly
up to yesterday, and no tops like yester
day's best loads were Included. 1'rices
were GtilOc higher elsewhere and a big
dim- higher here. All the packers were
In tin- competition. The market strength
ened during the session and closed nrm,
with ,i complete clearance early. Irutn
t5.lo-i.YJ5 for early sales the market ad
varn ed slightly to t5.12Vv<40.15, anj a top
of t-.Ji was paid for go al heavies. Thu
bulk of all the sales was at $5.12Vfc445.1&,
practically up to Mondays average.
Hub her and heavy hogs, (5.12(45.20; mix'd
and medium weights,; light and
light mixed, *5 loot 13.
hli'-ep—only two fresh loads, 275 head,
wer-.- received, and they changed hands
quickly at substantially steady prices,
'the market for the week Is fully 23*1 iloc
lower. Western grass wethers. (3.66414 00.
Wasturn grass ewes, t3.27Fu3.73, western
grass lambs, (4.30-iJtt25; western stock
sheep, t71.M04f3.GO.
Cattle— Receipts, 3,400 head; ICC lower;
natives, (4.7544,5.3); Texans, (3.50444.15;
stock e r *, 13 2.Vo 4. G5.
Hogs—Receipts, 16,000 head; steady;
top, hula, t5.1V95.25.
Sheep—Receipts, 600 head; steady; mut
tons, 43.50if4.2G, lambs, (3.004fti.OO.
UrllUli anil liiiMrilmi I.(gallon* at I'ekln
Hatiered Down by Artillery.
LONDON, July 13.—The Shanghai
correspondent of the Daily Mail says
the following story regarding the po
sition in Pekin emanates from Chinese
official sources:
"The two remaining legations, the
British and Russian, were attacked in
force on the evening of July 6, Prince
Tuan being in command. The attacks
were divided. Prince Tuan command
ed the center, the rieht wing was led
by Prince Tsai Yin and the left by
Prince Yin Lin. The reserves were
under Prince Tsln Yu.
"The attack began with artillery
fighting, which was severe and lasted
until 7 o’clock In the morning, by
which time both legations were de
stroyed and all the foreigners were
dead, while the streets around the le
gation were full of dead bodies of both
foreigners and Chinese.
“Cpon hearing of the attack Prince
Ching and General Wang Wen Shao
went with troops to the assistance of
the foreigners, but they were outnum
bered and defeated. Both Prince
Ching and General Wang Wen Shoa
were killed.
"Two foreigners are said to have es
caped through the gates, one with a
heavy sword wound on his head.
The Chinese representative at Berlin
denies the statement that Li Hung
Chang had sent to him a hopeful tele
gram. He eays, ou the contrary, no di
rect telegram has been received by
him from Li Hung Chang for some
The remaining new's is restricted to
the usual crop of untrustworthy ru
mors, the most serious of which, re
ported by the correspondent of the Ex
press, is to the effect that Europeans
are directing the Chinese military ope
rations. The correspondent asserts
that Captain Bailey of H. M. S. Auro
ra distinctly saw a man in European
garb directing the Chinese artillery
operations outside of Tien Tsln.
striker* uiul Truu*lt Com puny Tell Dlf*
fm nt Storic *.
ST. LOUIS, July 1.1.—Cars arc run
ning as usual and traffic on the va
rious lines of the St. Louis Transit
company Is growing heavier. Officials
of the Transit company declare that
a number of the strikers have desert
ed the union and ure applying for
work. This is denied by strikers' ex
ecutive committee, which makes a
counter assertion that men are leav
ing the employ of the company.
KlTorts are being made by the etti
**-ns’ committee, of which John T.
Wilson Is chairman, to settle the strike
by arbitration. The committee has Is
sued a statement reviewing the situa
tion and requesting both parties to
the controversy to submit the matters
in dispute for settlement by u board
of arbitration Neither side has an
swered the request. The Transit com
pany officials say that as far as they
nre concerned there Is no strike.
Natal ( *|ii«la ln*ews.
ItiltT rnWNHKN. Wash, July I*—
I |Kitt complain' of iir. Larimer. In
>harge of the United iitatrs marine
hospital. Captain M A lletly <f the
I tilted Hi ih i revenue cutter M> Cul
b»<h wee examined by lh* county
inKird of physicians, «ho pronounced
him 1 it ae tie and 4 com in I Intent to an
asylum will he Issued.
ttittmetc t'teges t«so4 le Nl.«» is**e
M \SALI V Nl ar, via tlelveeton
July li The government is renewing
Its sanitary measure# lav It# proven -
ii * tfc* lliHo*|i|4 II'OI into the . • -.its
try nt (he bubonic plague
Young Lady of Elk Creek Severely In
jured at Tecumseh.
C. L N>in|iv m Farmery Near Anlilmiri lliirily
Cut l'|» l»y a Drawn by F*vw
Frightened llorars — Ollier Hiate
Injured by a Fall From Wheel.
TECUMSEH, Neb.. July 13.—As
Miss Amy Lawrence uml Mins Hlancb
Hughes were bicycle riding Wednes
day evening the former suffered a
painful accident. They were riding at
a lively gait when Miss Lawrence’s
wheel struck an old can In the road.
She was thrown completely over the
handlebars and landed on her h< ad
and back. She was picked up In an
unconscious condition and taken
home. Upon examination the physician
found that four of her ribs were sev
ered from the spine, her head badly
lacerated and one limb considerably
injured. The unfort unite young wo
man remained in a semi-conscious
condition for hours and grave hopes
were entertained for her recovery for
a time. It is now believed she will
recover, but she will lie confined to
her bed for weeks. The young woman
lives in Elk Creek und the accident
occurred there.
Prohibit ion Nt»t<i Ticket.
LINCOLN, July 13.—The following
state ticket was named at the prohibi
tionist convention today: Governor,
L. O. Jones, Lincoln; lieutenant gov
ernor, Charles P. Lawson, Santee
Agency; secretary of state, N. L. Whit
ney, Beatrice; treasurer, C. C. Crowell,
Blair; land commissioner, Erastus
Hickman, Seward; auditor, Wilson
Brody, Brody; attorney general, D. M.
Strong, North Bend; superintendent of
schools, Bartley Blair, Page. Electors
at large: D. A. Shaffer, St. Edward;
Joel Warner, Creston. Electors: First
congressional district, Charles E.
Smith, Falls City; Second, John Dale,
Omaha; Third, C. L. Carpenter, Creigh
ton; Fourth, Frank A. Burt, Aurora;
Fifth, William Trlmmim, Orleans;
Sixth, George H. Hornby, Valentine.
Put III PI ere# by llHrv«»*U*r.
ASHLAND. Neb., July 13.—A fright
ful accident happened ut the farm of
C. L. Nash, nine miles northwest of
this city, yesterday afternoon, result
ing in the death of Wtllle, the 'J-year
old son of Melville Frederick, a farmer
living near Memphis. Mr. Frederick
was gathering grain ^wlth a reaper,
to which there were five horses
hitched, the little boy riding the lead
er. The horses became frightened and
unmanageable, throwing the boy un
der the slcklebar of the machine. His
left leg wra3 severed below the knee,
his left nrm was literally cut to pieces
and there were dreadful injuries about
the lower part of his body. The child
was beyond the help of surgical skill,
which was immediately summoned, aud
died in a few hours.
Doing Dimm^p.
CREIGHTON, Neb., July 17.—Some
of the farmers of this county are com
plaining that the grasshoppers are
doing considerable damage to the
wheat and oats, and say that if rain
docs not come soon that they will
materially shorten these crops. Some
farmers say they suffered from the
recent hail storm, which destroyed
the crops for a strip about two miles
wide and several miles long, passing
about two miles north of Creighton.
Some of the corn that was thought
to be entirely destroyed bids fair to
make from one-fourth to one-third ot
a crop.
('MmbrWlBf Huy* HlooUhoumlt*.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb., July 13.—The
pair of bloodhounds recently purchased
by the citizens of Cambridge arrived
from Tennessee today. The numerous
midnight depredations during the last
few months prompted the citizens to
take this precaution. It is tielleved
that the hounds will not only stop
burglary, but put an end to ihe |n>tty
! thievery which lias been quite preva
K|»an of Hr|)r<»|»«*.
Fl'LLEHTON, Neb.. .July 13.—A
thirty-foot span of the bridge cross
ing the Loup river near this city gave
way yesterday, dropping Knssel Had
ley ami a traction engine ami tender
which were crossing at the time a dis
tance of fifteen feet to the water below.
Hadley was slightly acaleded about
the face ami neck and his ankle was
upvalued, The Injuries are not wrl*
I K»l • I «ltl#
1MKHCK, N*b., July IT -iiurlng a
thunder storm lightuiiig killed two
cows fur Jo.eph Forsyth, living north
of town, and kmn-ked hU herder, a
young boy by the name of Albright,
| off his horse and spllnhred his saddle.
| The hoy and pony escaped without
[ injury. William Fuesg also lost two
| hoists by lightning and i‘. W. Yltngu*
| one.
t»ik *#•.!« S“it SeUeets
TOHK. N h July IT kt the sthiad
meeting held here a resolution was
I adopted that more s* hoot rooms art
n«.,.led and that a site isuultl tie pur
I chased and a new ward s* tu-i. imild
tag he both on Kaat hill This will
give York four ward school buildings
and the High school building
I -
TmiIIIbi In Her Own Ilelmlf llofore tli«
I inanity Hoard.
PA PILLION, Neb., July 18.—Tb*
argument before the Insanity board
In the Figg ease was closed this after
noon at 2 O’clock and the board took
a recess until tomorrow morning at
9 o’clock.
The proceedings wero enlivened
somewhat today by the appearance
of Mrs. Figg on the stand. While
she maintained a quiet demeanor it
was evident that her feelings were
undergoing a terrible strain. Some of
the questions she refused to answer,
claiming Atorney General C. C.
Wright was of a worldly make-up,
while the questions should dc au
swereu to God.
Her husband ulso took the stand
and along with a general denial stated
that his wife was becoming more
proper in a Godly form every day.
Luring the entire trial Mrs. Figg sat
nolding a little girl. Her face was a
study. She has eyes that resemble
burnt holes in a blanket and has a
habit, tot casting them heavenward,
rtt times when testimony was not to
her liking her features would become;
The general opinion prevails that
she will be acquitted. Dr. Armstrong,
the examining physician, made a re
port that the accused were sound
physically and mentally.
Hhock«‘<l by MRlitnlni;.
HARVARD, Neb., July 17 —Quite a
severe thunlerBtorm passed over this
city from northwest to southeast.
Rain fell in torrents for a few mo
ments and filled the gutters. The
thunder and lightning were very
sharp and one particularly sharp
Hash was immediately followed by a
report like tho discharge of a thirty
two pound rifle. Where the bolt
struck has not been ascertained, but it
could not have been far from De
laney's elevator, as a team of horses
standing on the scales was so severely
shocked that one fell down and tho
driver standing In the wagon was mo
mentarily stunned.
€•«»«»» Into Voluntary Clijiihlnt Ion.
TBCUMSEH, Neb., July 17.—Cash
ier L. R. Bailey of the Exchange bank
of Vesta finds that there Is not suffi
cient hanking business in the little
town to pay him for his services and
consequently the management of the
concern has decided to quit. The
bank has gone Into voluntary liquida
tion and Is now closing up its busi
ness. The depositors have been paid
In full. Mr. Bailey will devote els
energies to farming.
Farmer Hi jr Hurt.
TRENTON, Neb., July 17.—William
Lyons, son of J. M. Lyons, the stock
man, met with a painful accident. He
was bringing sofe cattle from the pas
ture about one-half mile west of town.
When crossing the bridge his Uorse
became uncontrolable and jumped over
falling about thirty feet. Will was
picked up and taken home In a wagon.
The physician found his wrist broken,
a number of bruises and probably hurt
in the region of the lungs.
TH'iimneli Hunk Clone*.
TECUM9EH, Neb., July 13.—Cashier
L. R. Bailey of the Exchange bank
of Vesta finds that there Is not suffi
cient banking business in the little
town to pay him for his services and
consequently the management of the1
concern has decided to"quit. The bank
has gone into voluntary liquidation
and is now closing up its business and
paying up depositors. Mr. Bailey will
devote his energies to farming.
Firemen’s Tournament.
YORK, Neb., July 17—The flrei\en
and citizens of York are getting in
readiness to entertain visitors to the
firemen’s tournament to be held here
July 24-25-26. They have just com
pleted a fine track anil are building
an amphitheater on each side of the
track to seat 5,000 people, besides a
fine band stand. The track is lo
cated only one block from the public
Oraln Stu« it* llurneri.
GENEVA, Neb., July 17.—Several
stacks containing wheat off of fourteen
acres and oats off of seventeen acres
belonging to Will Cameron, in Madi
son precinct, caught fire from a Fre
mont, Elk horn & Missouri Valley en
gine and were burned up. Neighbors
made strenuous efforts to atop the fire
and save the stacks, but the high wind
carried it on.
Keck llrukrn by a t all.
AMIION, Neb.. July 17.—A sad ac
cident occurred here, whereby 1). K.
Plttenger, a prominent young farmer
living east of the city, lost his life,
lie with some others were moving
nway hay when in some manner he fell
j from the mow, a distance of alioiit
■ eight feet, breaking his neck. Tho
deceased had only been married about
| a year.
Ilurglar* still at Large.
1‘LATTHMOt’TH. Neb . July 13 -
Mheilff NY. H Wheeler and Special
I)eie« tite Itelong hate thus far failed
to learn anything moca aa to the
woereahoula of the two men who held
up and robbed the night operator and
| the lltket uRiv of the Missouri l*a
I die, Aa the robhera «t utd not get
the ante open th*y only succeeded in
gelling shout tin cash and half ol
that belonged to Ihs operator.
I lfctlt*4 *»f Pfttta
AMMON, Neb July 11- At l«t
! acitwh tudny l* It Hittenger fsii from
!. i I'C* > .!!•••: ■ > I.. > ..*» ! .11 11 •lllk
ing on Me h«*4 and breaking Ms neck.
He lived only n f*w moatoaU