The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 13, 1900, Image 7

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i Pcpri eve. [
bhe had been in falling health for
some time, and the man who loved
her had Insisted that she see a physi
cian. The affectionately dictatorial
manner which he had as yet no right
to assume was cwc-et to the girl, who
was all alone in the world, save for
the loye in which he held her, so she
had quietly obeyed him. Resides, she
was a little anxious herself concern
ing the weakness and lassitude which
made her days dreary and the cough
which kept her awake most of the
night. It was «d! so unlike the vigor
ous. unbroker, health which she had
always enjoyed until the last year.
And now she was nervously waiting
for the verdict of the great and famous
specialist whom Tom had insisted that
she consult.
The great man had seemed a trifle
absent-minded and preoccupied
throughout the interview, she fancied,
careful and searching as had been his
questions. He only seemed to wake up
fully, as it seemed to her, when sho
timidly inquired if anything serious
was the matter with her. He laughed
then—for ho had known her parents
nnd other members of her family in
timately in days gone by, and was well
acquainted with the all but invulner
able hardiness of the Bentley consti
tution—and shook his head decidedly
ns lie bowed her out of the private of
fice and into the outer reception
"Take the tonic tiiis prescription
calls for steadily for a month or two,
he out of doors as much as you can,
and don't worry,” he directed. “If
you’ll follow my advice in these par
ticulars you'll have forgotten that you
were ever ailing long before it’s time
for your summer vacation.”
But Margaret Bentley, still vaguely
unsatisfied and anxious, as those who
are seldom ill ore apt to lie at a ver
dict of tiiis kind, heard him making a
different statement to the assistant
doctor who worked with him, when
she stepped back Into the private office
the next moment, bent upon asking a
further question or two.
"Consumption,” the great physician
was saying, "and ‘galloping consump
tion,’ as we used to call it, at that. A
strong constitution naturally, but all
played out. Not the slightest hope in
the world, although I didn’t think it
necessary to tell her so at this time.
I only give her until September to live,
at the latest.”
September! And here it was June
already. September. And she had
though to be married a month later.
No wonder she felt stunned as she
slipped out of the private office silent
ly, allowing the door to fall to behind
her so gently that neither of the men
in the private office, both of whom
were facing in the opposite direction,
knew that she had entered it at all.
The stunned feeling stayed with her
most of the day. and at night, when
Tom made his appearance, all eager
ness and anxiety to know what the
doctor had said, she wondered, vague
ly, whether or no she should tell him.
She stood a moment or two in her
room, mentally debaling, after his
card had been brought up to her.
She finally decided, on her way down
stairs, that she would not tell him—
yet. She would only repeat to him
that which the doctor had said to her,
not that which she had unwittingly
overheard. So Tom. although he rec
ognized an Indefinable change, almost
an air of hopelessness about bis sweet
heart, attributing this change to th«
natural reaction from the excitement
of visiting the doctor, urged her not
to allow herself to become so greatly
wearied again, ami went home early.
And all that night, and for many an
other one. poor Margaret llentley
•■ried. She didn't want to be selfish
and cause poor Tom more suffering
than he must Inevitably endure, and
yet It did seem ao horrible, so ghast
ly, to have this miserable secret to
keep away from him. to bear all alone.
She had only lived iu Chicago for a
few mouths, and she had no friend,
either In Chicago or elsewhere, in
whom she could confide She had
been pitchforked by fute, as it were,
straight from the untroubled *e» hishm
of a row vs nt boarding school Into the
tub'll of the workaday world and the
stern t»e..s-lty of eurniUK her own
biead and butter If she would have
any, bv the sudden tln.uo lai disaster,
with death following close ti|mh Its
tra< k, which had overtaken the guar
dian Who had supplied the p! US of
parents to Iter, two years blur* la
the sodden ant startling transition
Into an altogether unknown and un
•> costumed elate of eiiat'io e. she had
fed ■hi/ ' sight of all b*r girth ij
frien.t* snd rigor i.dy en-' tv; red to
slip from their s ght snd knowledge
with an unfortunate degree of irrrsu
Ike was thy and sensitive snd she had
Ind go Urns in which hr form new
friendships, so she had no friend in
the world but Torn, Tom who had fol
lowed his lifelong friend and sweet
heart to Chicago and who had refused
to be estranged or put at a distance.
So she ate out her heart In loneliness
and misery by day and by night, and
wore her nerves to pieces trying to
he gay and cheerful during the even
ing hours which were spent with her
lover. And she was undoubtedly and
undlsgulsedly thankful, dearly as she
loved him, and greatly as she longed
to pass every possible remaining mo
ment of life at his side, when an im
perative business call took him away
from Chicago for a couple of months,
just when her distress was greatest
and left her to face her misery and
her desolation alone—alone, but freo
from the necessity of seeming glad,
nightly, for his sake, or of making
such strenuous efforts to retain her se
cret. Iiut when Tom returned at the
tlie end of the two months, to find her
so changed and unhappy looking that
lie was shocked and startled, he sur
prised from her, somehow or other,
tlie mournful story which she had In
tended to keep to herself still longer.
"Do you know, dearie," he told her
When tlio first greetings wmre over,
“that 1 am conceited enough to think
that you will be better when we are
married and I can take better care of
you than I can do now.”
Then, moved by a sudden, uncontrol
lable Impulse, she told him all—that
they would never be married, that, she
was doomed to death shortly, and was
even now slipping out of existence
with every hour. And Tom met the
miserable announcement with an In
credulity so utter and complete that
it comforted even while it annoyed
‘‘Why! Your cough has almost left
you,darling,” he told her (sure enough,
it had, although she had been too
nervous and preoccupied to notice this
before), ‘‘and you don’t look so much
ill to me as worried and over-anxious.
Then, too, the doctor didn't tell you
all this directly; you only overheard
him saying it. How do you know
that he was not speaking of some one
Which was Just what the doctor,
once they succeeded in obtaining an
interview with him, was fain to admit
that he must have done,
"I never said it about you, my der.r
Miss Bentley,” he most emphatically
declared, “for nothing of the kind was,
or is, true. You were a little run down
and nervous when you consulted me,
that was all,and the cough which trou
bled you so sorely was but a lingering
touch of the influenza which had pros
trated you. Will you,” to his assist
ant, "look up the date of Miss Mar
garet Bentley’s visit, if you please? It
occurred about three months ago. Let
me see the book when you have found
the entry.”
‘‘Ah! Here we have it," he exclaim
ed a little later. “Miss Julia Larsen
was the visitor who preceded you, and
it must have been of her that I was
speaking when you stole a march up
on me in more senses than one. And
she, poor girl, slipped away just as I
expected her to do, and in spite of all
the efforts which were made in her
behalf. She died,” with a reverent
gravity, “just a week ago tomorrow,
and you,” nodding encouragingly to
ward the thankful and trembling Mar
garet, “will live to laugh at your re
cent fears for many a year longer un
less some disease, as powerful as un
expected, should succeed in putting
you to rout.”
They went out into the summer sun
shine. the two lovers, hand in hand,
and silent from sheer gratitude and
happiness. And that night Margaret,
who had never before believed in the
efficacy or desirability of prayers for
the dead—and who had found it al
most impossible to pray at all while
the sense of impending dissolution
hung over her—passed half an hour
upon her knees by her bedside, pray
ing—praving for that other girl in re
lief of whose death sentence had
come no blessed reprieve.--Chicago
Author for l’ontn:a*t *r.
Senator Bacon has withdrawn hts
opposition to the confirmation of Har
ry Stillwell'Edwards, the author, who
was nominated for postmaster of
MaCon, Ga. Hts nomination lias been
hung up all winter at the instance of
Senator Bacon, because, it Is alleged,
of a determination on the part of
tlie southern democratic lender that
no young man shall be rewarded for
Joining the republican party. Mr. Ed
wards, who la a man of hrtlllant in
tellect. aristocratic connections, aban
doned the political faith of his fathers
and Joined the republicans during the
last presidential campaign. President
McKinley appointed hint postmaster
as a recognition of his Independent
spirit, ludiaitapolls Sews.
SI trim » Tie* »»*tem.
Major '•inul« of Macon, Ua , has set
in mott<>n • bright plan for the #>*• i
teuiat.c planting of trees in that city, |
the Middle of Whoa* strut* nr*
adorned with parka Th* city sets a
tree fur every person who contribute*
3* tents, anti protect# it with an Iron
bn on which Is cast any name desaed
by the donor
III* %t*f.
Ones a w r« tn» slat th. era ,,f ih*
ilii a<«> S'U.’jI*. to del IS*
preside* y ml the Grand in»k* Vladt
toef, la <4 •- tuM Ike profits- of th*
Htwr war, Ik* «<*r attvnd* th* most
n«;itiirA'( Great Cricket Record.
Hayward, the professional cricketer
of the Surrey Club, has succeeded in
making over 1.000 runs In May, the
first month of the cricketing season.
The feat has been accomplished Lilt
once before, by Dr. W. G. Grace, in
1895. Hayward's score is 1.074 runs in
thirteen innings, an average of 97.03.
Orange* an a Deodoriser.
Dried orange peel, allowed to smol
der on a piece of redhot iron or an old
shovel will kill any had odor and
leave a fragrant one behind.
Every Suffering Woninn Should IleAd tills
Letter and bo Convinced that Ljrdls K.
l’inkIiuiii’n Vegetable Compound Does
Cure 1 etiu&le Wrski.esi,
“Ihave been troubled with female
weakness in its worst form for
about ten years. I hud leueotrhoca
and was so weak that I could not
do my housework. I also had fall
ing of tlu1 womb und iulluiumation of
the womb avid ovaries
and at menstrual
periods 1 suffered ter
ribly. At times my i
Lack would ache I
very hard. 1 could ^ • *
not lift anything
or do any heavy -—
work; wasnot able ^
to stand on my feet, s
My husband spent
hundredsof dollars
for doctors but
they did me no
good. After a time
1 concluded to try your medicine and
1 can truly sav it does ull that you
claim for it to do.
Ten bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham’a
Vegetable Compound and seven pack
ages of Sanative Wash have made a
new woman of me. 1 have had no
womb trouble since taking the fifth
bottle. 1 weigh more than I have in
years ; can do all my own housework,
sleep well, have a good appetite and
now feel that life is worth living'. 1
owe all to Lydia E. I’inkham's Vegeta
ble Compound. I feel that it has saved
my life and would not lie without it for
anything. 1 am always g'lud to recom
mend your medicine to all my sex. for 1
know if they follow your directions,
they will lie cured.”— M ns. A..mi.
XuoursoN, South Hot Springs, Ark.
Young John In Wall
John I). Rockefeller, Jr., who R
munuging the great lake-shipping deal
for his father, made his business debut
in Wall street about one year ago in
a deal in a Leather Trust stock
Young Mr. Rockefeller went into the
market, took bold of the common
stock of the trust when it was telling
around 6, and worked the price up
to 40 on the New York exchange.
In this deal young Rocekfeller is sup
posed to have bought something like
200,000 shares. As the stock has
since fallen back to its old price, it
is not known positively whether this
debut cost or made a fortune.
How many people read a book with
out skipping?
Try Magnetic Starch—it will last
longer than any other.
Good listeners are quite as neces
sary as good talkers.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
It is better to be disappointed in love
than in marriage.
"Know Thyself," a Hook For Men Only,
pent Free, postpaid, sealed, to auv tna* '
reader mentioning this jwiper; t’c .or
postage. The Science of Lire, or Self-Pro*
ervatton, the Gold Med/d Prize lTenti.-e.
the best Medical Hook of tins or any age.
870 pp.. with engravings and prescriptions.
(>uly 2fic paper covers Library Edition,
full gilt, 11.00. Address The l’eabodv Med
ual Institute, No. 4 Hultlnch St , Boston, |
Mass , the oldest and best in this country.
Write today for these books; keys to
health an i vigor.
There are times when Jt is cheaper
to owen rent than to move.
Can Wear Short*
One size smaller after living A1 lea’s Foot
Ease, ft powder. It makes tight or new
shoeseasy. Cures swollen, hot,sweating,
aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and
bunions. Alldru/gists and shoe stores,
25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
It seems queer that the highest
priced gowns are usually the lowest.
ri«o's Cure ter Consumption l:i fen InfulllMo
medicine for coughs und N. W. Soil tL,
OceaL UVn. N. J., Feb. 17, KMX
"I feel rather rocky this morning,"
'emarked the Itifant in the cradle.
Mr*. \\ iimlow n *MM»thtng
Forrhtl4r#a ircihto*- ib« mini*, r« «iu» r» !n*
fiAU.UcAllull. AiiA>tpAlU.cUr«« Wlu4tuUC. it
So, Maud, dear, fortune tellers ure
not employed In (tanks.
IInil » C'ntarrh Cure
la a constitutional cure. Price, 7Vk
Even the fool sometimes boasts of
being a self made man
Mr Anas »l»ekaea'a MlaMnrllun.
Rtockholm unl\er<div ha* granted
the drat degree of doctor of midi ine
given to a woman In Hwtdeu to a
FrauUiu Anna Sto k»* u
A **#• e *s.*ik *K | th« >1 #n'»* «>«•• la
\h* h« r »•* I'thill * Mill Mikit*
U«*sAA 1 t>|*. tk« -««l t af« Ivl 'Ad IxlA.
Weather vain the sun rohll prog
n«sti< atwr.
Never Renominated.
The republican national convention
of 19u0 is the twelfth to be held by
that party, which has an unbroken re
cord of never renominating a vice
president for a second term.
NpcMkfr Myir* IftntnrU' Home.
Speaker James J. Myers, of the Mas
sachusetts legislature, still lives in the
quarters he occupied while a student
of Harvard. These are a suite of
rooms In Wadsworth house, near the
old gate. In the building have lived
many Harvard presidents, unil Mr. My
ers' study Wits once Washington s re
ception loom.
When a man is his own worst enemy
he should be excused for kicking him
Your clothes will not .-rack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
The old maid doesn't believe In new
In the July Atlantic James W. Alex
ander, president of the famous Equit
able Assurance! Company, effectively
disposes of many prejudices about life
assurance, and in doing so Indirectly
h'ws down (be true principles upon
which sound life companies are and
should be operated, state ments which
coming from so authoritative a source
carry with them more than usual
weight and Interest.
Music hath charms, etc., hut what
about the practicing amateur?
The longest way around is the short
est way home.
With the coming of the new woman
we may look for the father-in-law
Thsrn It » Clua of rroplt
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called (iltAIN-O, made of pure grains,
that takes tlie place of coffee. The most
delicate stomach receives It without
distress. and hut few can tell it from
eoft'ce. it does not cost over one-fourth
ns much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cents and 26 cents
per package. Try it. Ask lor GRAIN-0.
Even chiropodists may mount the
pinnacle of fame, but they are forced
to begin at the foot.
A salary of Us per week and expenses will tie
paid in mini with one or two horse r.g to Intro
duce our Poultry (’oiupninil ami I.tec Killer
among Farmers Address with stump, ACME
MPU. CO., Dcs Moines, Iowa.
On the 110 square miles of Lon
don's aria, it is said, 1,100 tons of soot
settle yearly.
Muggins—He’s a lone widower. Tlug
3ins— Yes; he struck me for a ioan
Important to mothers.
niuntne carefully every bottle of ('ASTORIA,
a safe and icire remedy for infanta and children,
and see that K
Bean the /IX , ^
Signature of C/Lci///j-£Uc/U/X
ta Uso For Over 30 Year*.
The Kind You IJuvo Always Bought
It Isn't the man who was born with
a silver spoon in his mouth who makes
the most stir.
Depew Repeated Ills Speech.
Senator Depew in m..ktng a speech
In W ic.ilngton over the telephone to
memb-rs of the Transpc tation club,
of whj'h he Is president, at dinner In
New fork, appears to bavo broken the
record. The distance Is about 225
miles. As there were only sixty re
ceivers and about 120 diners the Sen
ator was obliging enough to make the
speech twice. It was full of Jokes.
The best cure for remorse is never to
look back.
Ignorant men are a good while in
flnuing out what ails them.
Are Ton Cnlnr Allen*# Foot-F*##?
It Is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and bunions. Ask for Allen’s
Foot-Ease, a powder to he shaken Info
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores. 25c. Sample Bent FREE, Ad
dress Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Most men who are "Jewels" are soli
taires, and, like diamonds, are often
Drugs have tliotr use. hut don't store them In
your stomach. Ihetnalt » Pepsin Gum aula the
uaturul forces to perform thuir functions.
The smokeless cigarette would be an
A Pretty Shirt Waist,
properly laundered with "Faultless Starch"
is u constant delight. At grocers—10.'.
The average woman when she signs
a check Is as nervous us a young man
ubout to propose.
A Hook of Hinlre Hrclpm
Font fr*« by " a ter Baker <k Co. Lui., Dorcbcc’cr,
He** Mention tin* paper.
There are 100 rents to a dollar, and
there are also many dollars without
Honors for Sir .Julian.
Columbia and Harvard universities
do their best to honor Sir Juiian
Pauncefote, the British ambassador,
by conferring at this commencement
season the degree of LL. I)., upon him.
Deaf mutes are always married on
the quiet.
Why dees a man always prefer to
see same other fellow's sister pictured
In her gymnasium costume?
My son is my son till he takes a
wife; but my daughter is my daugh
ter all the days of her life.
What a difference there is between
a sportsman and a sport.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then use no other.
Pleasant Duck and Blush Pigg are
two Missouri gentlemen.
Use Magnetic Starch—it lias no equal
Some people fish for compliment*
with bated breath.
We are the Nebraska selling agents
for the Union Carbide Co., manufac
turers of Calcium Carbide for making
Acetylene Uas. Order your supplies
from us. Pat ifle Storage and Ware
house Co., 912-914 Jones St., Omaha,
There are many laws that are Ig
nored, but tbo greatest is the law of
No Man Like* to He Hslrf,
The Pent way to prevent it is to use Coke
Dandrult Cure. All druggists at fl uO.
Some people sharpen their wits la
the nlek of time.
Vis HI. K. tc T. Ry.
I ow rule exetir-ion tickets nml one way tickets will be sold bv the M. K. iV T
from Kuuas City. July 7th, nth mid SKb.'to Texas. The excursion rates to the
inure Important points will be:
Ri unit Trip.
Dennison, Shurmm, Gainsville, Wichita Falls. $10.00
Dallas. Fort Worth. 12.00
Waco. 13.00
Temple, Helton, Taylor. M.00
Houston, Galveston. 15.00
Tickets good until July doth returning. Good for ten days going and sto[>
over in Texas.
One wny tickets will be sold same dates at 00 less than the above.
1 -—-... ....... I. i ..
Fight on for wealth, old “Money Bags,”
your liver is drying up and bowels wear
ing out, some day you will cry aloud for
health, offering all your wealth, but you
will not get it because you neglected Nature
in your mad rush to get gold. No matter
what you do, or what ails you, to-day is
the day—every day is the day—to keep
watch of Nature’s wants—and help your
bowels act regularly—CASCA.RETS will
help Nature help you. Neglect means bile
in the blood, foul breath, and awful pains
in the back of the head with a loathing
and bad feeling for all that is good in life.
Don’t care how rich or poor you are, you
can’t be well if you have bowel trouble,
you will be regular if you take CASCA
RETS—them to-day—CASCARETS—
in metal box; cost 10 cents; take one, eat
it like candy and it will work gently while
you sleep. It cures; that means it strength
ens the muscular walls of the bov/els and
gives them new life; then they act regularly and naturally; that is what you want—
it is guaranteed to be found in—
To ray m*«4y morul minting from fewrl ir>oWn *ni Mo four M fey CASCAEETS wr will •<" 1 a fes ffM. Aiiwr
brrr lot* Krmriy (Jonty ray, Cfuuoga or Now York, NMMUuniag r ivrrturrrwnt rrJ gtfit, *-»
>«uf ATiAlHUUOOf COfflM tv. . • ' • t m • •«»«• «n.« fc»fr~
'jv% «■» • - - •* fc&vv
«M* *» *«'K U»K*gi «%»*>»« #*«m*«* • • % M • MH4 «M "”
V. M. •Olltfr »«»ni HUUM, MlftftlAJ’, MJMft
U» t i ' »'<!!»%. ■il • ' * * I t L
* JT\7V5n r. ^TiMhA i«*vk »** • *•** • * * * wi M «*^**** » * ' * *' t9.7fc
!■••%► 14,11, !*• K .**4 *’•* * *• • >**!•«*« *.» *MS . *■• • » » * -4
I r «! «,M t>M • t W4ATII. <*• . * * l t * ‘ • b-f
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URSyi •* i«4 *-.*•«■ ♦****'*4 * »•«•• •••* • * • • ** * »«*. H •«! r-** ** I**1- rllf*,
T. n. IIOOCRTr SU**LV HOUSE, Mi«n«»po4i», Minn.