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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1900)
VOL. XVII. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, ,ll'LY 13, 10(11). NUMBER 35. Foreign Consuls Issue Statement Regard ing Legations at Pekin. GEN. WARREN’S ADVICE DOUBTED Mlli il Form Will Noon Have at Lrial At),outt Tr<»ii|i« In tUilmi. I'rlni’P Tuan Hrnili a I.urge Army to Attack tlm (.tty of Nankin. LONDON, July !).—The foreign con suls at Shanghai met on July 7 and officially announced that the legations at Pekin were safe on July •*. The fore going statement, read with Consul Warren’s dispatch to the foreign of fice on Saturday, makes it possible to believe that the legations will hold out for a number of days yet. Having fought to a standstill the first out bursts of fanatical fury, It is believed * that something may intervene to save them. The news, after the sinister rumors of the last ten days, is enough upon which to build up hopes. The Shanghai correspondent of the Express telegraphing on Sunday at 5:10 p. m„ however, throws doubt upon Consul Warren’s information. He says: "Tao Tai Sheng now admits that, there was an error in his communica tion to General Warren. The date of the courier’s arrival at Chlnen Fu was July 3, which does not apply to his de parture from Pekin. The Journey from Pekin to Chlnen Fu occupies five days. The courier, therefore, could not have left Pekin later than June 28. "The date of the massacre, accord ing to Chinese reports, was June 30 or July 1.” Tien Tsin is Htill hard pressed. A Chinese force numbering from 80.000 to 100,000 men, as estimated by con culaive reconnaissances, floods the country. Communication between Tien Tsin and Tnku is apparently possible by river only. A Che Foo dispatch to the Express says the Russians have landed 8,000 men at Taku and the Japanese have discharged several transports. The Japanese pushed on to Tien Tsin, lead ing in the subsequent assault upon the native city, in which their command er was killed. More transports are engaged at Japanese ports. With the 10,000 British India troops afloat and fresh Japanese contingents it is quite probable that the allies will have 50, O00 men ashore. Tlie disorders in the provinces np T pear to tie increasing in violence. Chinese army is within fifty miles of New Chwang and the foreigners arc preparing to abandon their homes. The southern part of the province is swept by raiders, destroying ail works of the white man, except in spots garrisoned by Russians. Proclamations have been nested in all villages near Che Foo ca’ilng upon the loyal Chinese to rise and expel the foreigners for introducing among the pious Chinese an immoral religion. Every good Buddhist is expected to kneel three times a day, knock his head on the floor thrice and pray ear nestly that sudden, cruel death tnay overtake all aliens. Tiie foreign settlement at Che Foo is at the mercy of two Chinese forti fications equipped with Krunp guns, which command two sides of the city. Six warships, including the United States gunboat Nashville, are constant ly cleared for action. The provisional government at Pe kin appears to have designs upon the southern provinces. Beside having or dered Kwan Shikai to advance upon Nankin, which Kwan Shikai says tie •will not do, Prince Tuan lias sent an army along the route of the grand ca nal. Nankin is on the south hank of a river nearly a mile wide The Brit ish cruiser Hermione and Pique I. will assist in repelling attempts to cross. Six Chinese cruisers are there and 17. 000 Chinese troops are at the disposal of Viceroy Id Kun Yi. The forts mount thirtv-four high-power modern guns. The foreigners at Shanghai are becom ing uneasv. Everything they feel de pends on Viceroy 1,1 Kun YI. Rpfuger s from Tien Tsin are arriving ( at Shanghai and say that only live civ ilian foreigners were killed during ttie long Chinese bombardment. The for eign women became so Indifferent that thev walked through the streets, not heeding the shells. Most i f the civ ilians were deported to Taku, thence to be conveyed to Shanghai. I •'><!*r»t Xnrtlml !« fthot. MOCNT STEItLINti. Kv . July P Today word came over tne telepuone from Marilio. Menefcr county, that ! Ocputy Cnitcd States Marshal iloward Wilson had been killed and lip ilay and Joseph Itush of Ibis county tnor taly wounded mid could no: live only a few hours. Wilson, accompanied by William Stamper of this pee had gone tn anarch of hay. who was want ed In Virginia on special charges in cluding alleged violation of the Inter nal revenue laws Not far frot i Marl bo, In M tiefec countV. about thirty tne miles from here they cam* up with hay. James Bush amt two wo 1 men \i soon as the otfl< er* made known their business shootina be gatt Wilson shot Hush through the body and hay shot Wil *4»|| IllfllllHh thf heart killing hint Instantly Stamp* r| • hot l>ay through the head Mas I•**ws hi tecs MT MH’IM Julv t tieorge M, town Ing and W llltani lirah were killed and Kred Krlge was pndtatdv fatally in lured at Columbia III . near here thl afternoon the three men were tn a buggy that was demolished hv a Iratn gt a Hnltlmare A Ohio Mouthweatern railway «rasatag DEATH UST STUL GROWS. Ilodle* ItiTovereil ,^'ioiu Saule swell Number of Hoboken Fire Victim*. NEW YORK. July 9.—Three more bodies were found today on the Saale. This makes twenty-nine bodies that have thus far been taken from the wreck of the Saale since the fire anil 14b bodies in all recovered. The bodies recovered today were found in the second cabin In the after part of the ship and they were horrible sights to look upon. They had very little cl itli ing on and were all victims of the fire. They could not be Identified, Chief Officer Henry Schaeffer, who was in charge today, said lie had no idea wlio tin men had men, but judg from the place where they were found lie thinks they were stewards. The body of a man badly scarred and burned wds found at Rockaway Ueacfl nils afternoon and taki .1 to the morgue there. The body is supposed to be that of a victim of the Hoboken disaster. No bodies were recovered from the Hri men or Main today, although the work of searching was kept tip. Dynamite was exploded on tin* river bed about the wrecks of the piers of the North Oeramn Lloyd today with out bringing to the surface any more bodies. One charge was sent down between the ruins of the Thingvalla line pier and the pier of the Hamburg line. A column of water was Hurled into the air and the water agitated for a long distance by th<* charge, but no bodies wue floated. Another charge was fired, but to no purpose. MORI VICTORIES EUR BRITISH. From Month Afrirn Indicate I)e f4*u th for liner*. LONDON, July 9.—Late news from South Africa reports that the Boers ineffectually attacked General Butler’s escort between Standerton and Heid elburg on Saturday as he was return ing front a visit to Lord Huberts. The Boers attacked Kleksburg gar rison at midnight on Tuesday, but were driven off after forty-live min utes fighting. General Brabant, on July 5, occupied Deernborg, between Senakay and Winburg, which served as a base for bands assailing convoys. Colonel Mahon of General Hutton's mounted troops on July n ann 7 en gaged 3,000 Boers east of Brouker spruit and drove them off. The Brit ish ftisualtles numb°red thirty-three. Commandant Llmmer tried to re capture Rustenburg on July 5, but was driven back. Thirty-four of the Strathcona Horse, under Lieutenant Anderson, were at tacked by 200 Boers east of Stander ton on July ti. The British soon took possession of a kopje, upon which they successfully withstood the attacks of the. enemy. LONDON, July 9.—The Times' Lou renzo Marquez correspondent says, under date of July 7: "A general movement of Boer set tlers into Gazaland, Portuguese terri tory, seems to be in contemplation. Already large herds have been driven across the border. The Portuguese welcome the movement." STILL MUHTIMU l\ Ll'ZON. Filipinos Had I GO Me n Killed While Amerlt'ttiiN Lose Kleven. MANILA, July 8.—The last week's scouting in Luzon resulted in eleven Americans being killed and sixteen wounded. One hundred and sixty Fil ipinos were killed during tne week and eight Americans, who had been prison ers in the hands of the rebels, were surrendered and 100 rifles were turned over to the Fnited States officials. The enemy ambushed a wagon train between lndang and Nalc. The Third infantry lost nine men. while on an expedition to punish the Ladrones in ihe Delta of the Rio Grande. In the Antigua province of Pansy a running light of three hours' duration resulted in the killing or wounding of seventy of the enemy. There were no casualties among the Americans. The insurgents are slowly accepting the amnesty provisions. In some In stances the Americans are suspending operations in order to give the retie s an opportunity to take advantage of the decree. Ktltnt ill n I'ertillsr Wsy. I’ITTSHl'Rfl. Pa.. July !' • Two per on.i were killed outright ami one riouslv imil Inst nigh! in a railroad accident. Thomas Kdwtuds hail his leg so bad ly lacerated that .t will have to be ant putalrd. i lie victims were on their way home from church and were standing on South Twenty seventh ! street south side, at the ettd it, a blind • witch on the Pittsburg. Virginia 4 Charleston railroad, waiting for a long Pan Handle train to piu-* Th» switch whl>h is on grade, was tilled with ci booses Tile Height broke in two a! the switch, itttppo it'll ly caused by a broken frog 'the portion which turned into the switch jammed the line of ealMKMMrs through the buffer into the party of church people Mr* Kdwards was literally cut to pieces Roth legs were rut off Mr bead »** rushed ami her entire hod* was cov ered with cuts and bruises Mr Morris was not unit-* so badly mingled toil w ,i, its stl * n pi i"1, Up Mr Kdward* who is a prominent i ontraetor was throwa, and one of his legs caught by a < are wheel and crushed so badly that R will have to he amputated ' Russia Gives to Government at Tokio Tull Liberty of Action. Japanese roncf ro go ro china Native < lirUtlmi* Said fo llavi* Heen Sla iik li t «r«d In Tlimimititd* — r«*r«oii» Ciullly nf starting In*urr«f !Ion Are to lt<* lli.,lidided. LONDON, July 7.—The Russian gov ernment announces that it will give Jaiian a free hand to appiy military force in China. The terms of this con sent are summarized in tiie subjoined dispatch from St. Petersburg, under date of July ii, in reply to an inquiry fom the Japanese cabinet regarding the dispatch of Japanese troops to China to render aid to the foreigners in Pekin. The Russian government declared that on May 27 that it left the Japa nese government full liberty of action in this connection, as the Tokio cabi net expressed its readiness to act in full agreement, with other powers. it is in consequence of tills, no doubt, that Japan is preparing to em bark 20,000 more troops. Political considerations that were thought to have been numbing the ac tion of the powers are thus laid aside for a moment at least, by the govern ment supposed to have the clearest purposes respecting China's futures. Japan's dispatch of troops now can have little bearing on the fate of the foreigners in F’ekin. Baron Hayashi, the new Japanese minister, who arrived In London re cently, said that ten days would prob ably be required for the carrying of troops to China. Mis dictated state ments contained these sentences: If all conditions Japan has asked were conceded I see no reason why Ja pan should not undertake the tusk of suppressing the trouble. The powers are all agreed in wishing to put down the rebels, but it does not seem that they are agreed on the means. From these authoritative utterances it is inferred that Japan does dominate conditions and that the concert of the powers is a little jangled. Details of further horrors in Pekin are gathered by correspondents at Shanghai from Chinese sources, “spe cially of the slaughter In the Chinese and Tartar city of thousands of na tive Christians, so that the capital reeks with carnage. The ruthless thirst for blood is spreading In all the northern provinces and wherever there are native Christians the scenes enacted In the capital are reproduced in miniature. From the capital noth ing further comes regarding the lega tion forces except a repetition that they are ail dead. The correspondents aver that if the Chinese officials in Shanghai wished to throw light on the real state of affairs in the capital they could do so and therefore the llrst reports are accepted as true. Prince Tuan's coup de etat is de scribed by the Shanghai correspond ent of the Daily Mail as a sequence to the grand council of ministers, at which Lung Yu advocated the sup pression of the Boxers promptly. The dowager empress gave her whole sup port to Yung Lti and a scene of dis order ensued. Prince Tuan passion ately intervened, backed by Kang Yih They rushed from the. council and their partisans raised the cry. "Down with the foreigners." The effect was electrical. The euniehs, palace officials of all sorts and most of the populace took up the cause of Prince Tuan and his agents Immediately put the em peror and the dowager empress under restraint. Loss In G >lil Cost t, LONDON. July 7.—The colonial of fice has received from the governor ot the Gold Coast colony, Sir Frederick Mitchell Hodgson, a dispatch dated Atekewautek, July 6, saying that uw- i ing to the non-arrival of the relief column and the reduction of the food supply he had decided to push through the rebels and had deceived the enemy i regarding the route followed. The col umn suffered great privation, but the loss was only six men killed and sev eral wounded. Governor Hodgson expressed the hope of icaching the Gold Coast in tin day- He added that the suffering i at Kumar i was terrible, the mortality from starvation being thirty persons per day The column of the governm number* too and Includes all the Kuro pean-v among them being the members of tin Basel mission vtiir* (niton 1 em ber* Arrive. BOSTON, Mass July 3 The I ni ted States transport Sedgwick, hav lug on board more than to female teachers from Cuba, and the thin! of the ffert bringing instructors to this • ountry for a season of study at liar vard university summer arhtwd, ar rived today. Two more transports are yet to come IVio* I l ike »!|il »« Veril rl MINIMIS July •- The morwtng pa pars generally publish editorial* , oat men*ing upon the verdict in the i as* of Sip'do the would I* assassin of the Prlaie of Wale* The l»aily Teie graph any * the result of lie (rial Is "monstrous The Dally Chiottl. !* de glares that It is an eotrage on ho inanity * ant the Imily Mail charge 'arises it as a r»pros h ea Helgium ' HIE HVE STOCK MARKET. Lnt*et tjootatlons I-mm south Omaha mul li a nun n (ity. f.'Ot TII OMAHA. faille—Rupplh* wen- unusually largo fur Hi. day. and Included n Pit i.f very desirable beeves There were 15X fresh loads. head, the lug hulk of them corn-fed beeves, TrafI'• opened out slow. Holm of Hie best eat lie sold about steady with yesterday, hut the general market Was / loe lower i'owh and heifers Were in light supply, good demand and about si end y \' > . 11 i.tHis, hulls, st a gs, etc., sold ii unchanged tpiotallons. Hu, Iness In st i. kin and feeders win very dull. Iillt then was iiu particular change In ntiuta tp 11“ I'llolee 1 till to I.toe III beeves, $i I a 4/ , I*, good 1,100 to I.400-lb Ih'CVi s, $ I ! 1141 5.P lair to peed 1,1100 to 1,25o-|b, steers, $4.‘" -/ t ic,; poor to fair stc. rs. I4.rsgu4.wj, good to choice cows and heifers. $1204) 4 7.', fair to good cows and Itolfi M, $3.t>l 4' l.etj i ommon and cunning grades, $2,2541 3.50, halls, slugs, etc., fit 2.V(i 4 .', i. calves, common to choice, $3 004/7./xi; good lo choir, ini kers ami feeders, $, fair to good Stockers and feeders, fi.oaei 4.50, , ,min,.11 to fair StOekcrs and feed ers. t.Miuirf t.uu; milkers and springers, $5510 ft:! 4',. Ho. There were 115 ears, x.txxi hogs, as against 11,500 a week ago and tho weeks supply, owing mainly to tlm linll tluy, in, 20,009 smaller than Inst week. Th- eutillty was fair, bill there Is a de cided increase iri the amount of light mixed tings coming, iis compared with supplies earlier In the season. The west had 4*1,000, against 59,009. The market opened 7'ye higher and ruled active until the Id" end of the supply was exhausted. Sales ranging $5.10 4/5 25 with the hulk at $5 1.54/3,17'y. Al though provisions opened strong, eastern hog markets reported the early advance lost, and the tliml wind-up locally was on the same basis, with a few . loads still unsold at a late hour. Butcher and heavy Imp- $5,154/5.25; mixed and nudlutn weights, $5.10415,20, light and light mixed, $5,lo i|,,. 1 J4%, Hie ip-Only three fresh loads. 7u2 head, were received. There was a good demand from all sources for choice grades at llrm figures, hut common and stock sheep were slow sale at mean prices. Weth ers. $! 754-1 1 25: ewes, $.'!.iio4/4.0o; lambs, $4.504iti.jjU; sheep, $3 004/3.00. KANHAH CITY. futile Re. i Ipts, 2,500, market steady to strong native steers. $u.7.V®8.Kt, Texas Htu rs, $2,754/5.:lo. Texas cows, $2.G0fl:t 05; native cows and heifers. $2,104/5.0.4, Stock ers and feeders, $3,504(4.00; hulls, $3,254* 4,00. lings ..I[its, 9.0X4; market strung to loe higher, i losing weak; hulk of sales, $5.254/5.324%: heavy. $5 254/5.37'/; puckers. $5.22'j4/5,32'y mixed. $5,154/5.30; light, $5.05 4/5 25. Yorkers, $5.204/5.25; pigs, $1,054/ 5.17'y Hherp - Keeelpts, 2.0X1; market steady; larihs. $3.014/5 oo, muttons, $.1'XK(/5.-/4. BUM UP SI AND AIM) PROMTS. Hi'ti rul Million Dotlurs* Worth of Prop* t-rty llfNtrojrrd hy I Iri NEW YORK, July G.—The lire at the works of the Standard Oil com filmy of Constable Hook, Bayonne. N. J., which started early yesterday, is still raging, and no estimate can yet be made of the damage, though It will run into millions. The oil from the works Is spreading along the upper bay and the Kll'.von Kull, blazing as It Hows, and serious damage is threatened the adjoining property. Naptha tank No, 7 exploded shortly after G o'clock. The force of the ex plosion smashed windows on the Hook and at least one person was killed and several injured. Charles King, an electrician, was the one killed, anti John Watso and Owen Drummond, watchmen, were overcome hy fumes and smoke, and Fred Matter was cut by Hying glass. They all lived In Bayonne. The fire was started about 1 o'clock by a bolt of lightning which fell dur ing a terrific thunder and rain storm. It struck squarely in the immense yard of the Standard Oil company, which covers GOO acres of ground. King, the electrician, was struck by the bolt anil at the same time it. ex ploded two immense reservoir tanks of crude oil. One hundred men were at work in the yards and whether more wore killed is not yet known. The explosion was heard for miles and the heavens were lit up for hours af terward by Hit- flames, which leaped a hundred feet in the air. The col umn of smoke which rose from the still burning tanks spread out in such a cloud that to those coming to this city from the west the bright morn ing sun was obscured. MANY LlVfS (RUSHED OUT. K.lrrlrlr Cur With Over I Oil |*itft«eiigt* r» .1 ti tn |>» Over Mlttjr-I oul Km hank uitnl TACOMA. Wash .July 5.—The most appalling accident ever Known in the history of i ncoma occurred this morn* lug. when tlie Silo TMIson cur. loaded "Ilh excursionists coming to see the I arade, was dashed down sixty feet over the bridge at the gulch where the iraik runs from India street, hurting the passengers, among v uum wire many women and children, under ihe wreck of the ear The car turned completely over and mangled the tiniortunate victims Into unrecognisable shapes, as the debris rushed down the steep side of tin* KUhh, Where the ur went off there i* a sharp curve, at the toot of a steep grade Just how the accident incurred will never Ih> known. buj as the car struck the curve Instead of follow lug the rails It whirled completely over and ptti toil from the nrtdge. striking oil Its tup the heavy trucks and body of the car crashing tlte frail upper worka to splinters and stuasnlng down upon the mass of ttu n, women and children, with whnh the ear »«■ loaded • •»» llol* llfuttltttl PIT I Kill HU, July T Cheater hi t art by aged », and H* uuen aged * Were drowned Unlay while on an improv i**.| raft watching toe men ••ragging the river tor the twaty of t laren e l.oii who was drwwn*d yea ter>*ay The bodies were y>w rwm •ted. I Vico Admiral Seymour Makes Official Re port of Relief Expedition. WtfkS Of BATTLE AND 11RROR Irtpt rfiil Troop** i»»* Wall iin IDupr* l.n Ifiiff* Intermit InimI* — CltiuMfl Nlakr i rt iK'liernmi Attin k A f ter 1* rof <h» 101m of Krlemilllirwft. LONDON, July 5. Tlie commanders 1 of the allies iu Tien Tsln inform the ; correspondents that it would tie sul- > eidal to utttempt to reach I’ektn with the troops now available in the lure of the colossal force of imperial troops and Boxer* occupying the country lie- * tween Tien T*in and l’ekin. So far from taking the offensive, the 13,OOU j international troop* at Tien Tsln and j the 8,000 others att Taku and tnterme- ■ dlate points can barely keep tip com munications, lighting incessantly with overwhelming numbers using fur more numerous artillery than the allies. This telegram has been received: SHANGHAI, July 4. 11:10 a. m.. via Chee Foo,—Tien Tsln city fell be tween 7 and 8 o'clock on the morning of June 30, It Is understood that Shanghai un doubtedly referred to the native city of Tien Tsln, front which the Chinese have been bombarding the foreign quarter and the dispatch is tuken to mean that the allies uro now more than holding their own. A Ivices received by way of Shang hai aver that the Chinese losses around Tien Tsln are between 7,000 and 8,000, according to official estimates. The correspondent of the Express | at Che Foo, telegraphing on Wednes day , says Vice Admiral Seymour was wounded while sitting In a house at Tim Tsln by Chinese sharpshooters. Cfflcial news received at Che Foo shews that the Chinese nave been guil ty of horrible cruelty toward wound ed and captured, subjecting them to what is known as ling die, or Hie slic ing process. Under lids hideous prac tice the bodies of the fallen are mu tlluted. Revolting stories are told of the bar barities practiced upon Japanese and European prisoners captured on the way to Pekin, though It is not known that Admiral Seymour lost any prison ers. The Chinese troops marching to ward Tien Tsin, the Chinese say, left behind them trails of rapine, tire and blood. Native women were assaulted and children were cut in two. According to roundabout reports. It is asserted by the Chinese that Prince Tuan is personally directing the as sault upon the legations. He confer red honors and gave large sums of money and other presents to the Boxer leaders and the commanders of the troops who drove back Admiral Seymour and also gave money to every soldier taking part in the operation. An edict of Prime Tuan’s has reach ed Shanghai ordering southern vice roys to assemble (he Chinese licet and to attack the war ships at Shanghai. Japan is reported to lie landing an army at Peetaughs, to the northward of Taku. The Japanese generals are believed to lie about to move toward Pekin, following the plan previously formulated. Tao Tai Sheng of Shanghai issued a proclamation on Wednesday which practically forbids foreign war ships approaching the Yang Tse Kiang, say ing that If they do so the Chinese au thorities will not hold themselves re sponsible for the consequences. It is considered that the Chinese officials are preparing to evade responsibility it an outbreak occurs. Even Li Hung Chang is suspected. The foreigners are simply aghast at the extent of the Chinese armaments, which have been systematically accumulated. TAMS MS OWN MM. € blneae Kiuprror Furred by Prince Tuan to Commit Nulrlile. SHANGHAI, .Inly <1.—Emperor Kwang-Sii committed suicide by bik ing opium, under compulsion of Prince Tuan, June 19, The empress dowug *r also took poison, but Is still alive, though reported to he Insane from .he effects of the drug The foregoing had been officially re ported to the German consular s'aff Two Manchus who have arrived at Shanghai certify to the truth of tic statement that Prime Tuan v HI ted the palace and offered the emp*ror and dowager empre-s the alternative of poison or the sword The empe'Or. they say, took the poison and died within an hour. The dowag »r > i„. press a I set those poison hut craftily swallowed mtly a portion of what wo* offered to her and survived. On the same day the Chinese custom* bureau was destroyed, Mir Hubert ll.trt, the luspeetnr of custom* Slid ttls Staff ey < aping to the legations l|tM mm W«|t seals, IIIHMINlill\d, \l« July ti The ■ ttaI operslots ami miners of Uth.ntii tame to an agreement on the wag* i|uestlon today and signed a contract lor the > (■ ending I * t rt - - . • f*o| based on the ionirat t of the year just ended Work in all of the nun* wilt he resumed The blast furas- - i that blew ont on Monday on at -oust of ths suspension of the work #t the mines will go In operation the gr«i «r neat week NO HfIP TOR PfKIN. Hitrtllni; News Tlist AIIIcm Are Not Atl* to ('apitsl. LONDON, July 3.—The allies are not advancing for the relief of Pekin. This announcement to the House of Com mons by William St. John Broderick, under secretary of state tor foreign af fairs, was received with exclamations of astonishment ami dismay. Sir Kllis Ashmead Bartlett inquired If any information hail been received from the legations at Pekin, or as to the composition and command of the relieving force and Its present position. Mr. Broderick read the dispatches received today and said ihe total allied force available Is now 13.000, as troops have been rapidly arriving, adding: "We do not yet know what arrange ments have been made locally regard ing the command of utt expedition, hut It has not yet been thought possible to attempt a further advance. The consuls have been In communication with the viceroys In the Yang Tse re gion and they are quite well aware that support will be given them by her majesty's government in preserving order. II Is obviously Impossible that the representatives of the powers at Pekin should he consulted, as no com munications are passing with them. "The situation Is desperate. Hasten." These words from the message of Von Bergen, a member of the Herman legation at Pekin, countersigned by Sir Robert Hart, Inspector general of customs, and dated nine days ago, are the theme of all private comment. The people are preparing for news of a frightful tragedy. Nine days ago the ammunition of the little garrison de fending the foreigners was running low and their food was nearly ex hausted. while around them was a horde of Kan Stt braves having at their service Krupp guns and repeating ri fles. Pekin was In the hands of the revolutionaries. Borns win Nivim give ip. rretldent Kruger nt the of Niilng for retire. LONDON, July t>.—The cordon around General l)e Wet appears still to be wide. At least he has not yet been cornered. Dispatches from the front, except official ones, deal with trifles of vague probabilities. The Daily Telegraph's Lourenzo Marquez correspondent attempted on July 4 to interview President Kruger at Watervalander. Mr. Kruger was there, hut he deputed State Secretary Reitz to talk. The secretary said: i "We do not need to discuss peace. President Kruger wishes through me i to repeat what lie has said over and over again. The South African repub lics will fight for independence as long as 600 burghers remain alive and even then will continue to fight. Such is our decision.” After Terrible riybl. ('Hit’AGO, July 3.—With a bullet wound over hia heart and his skull crushed, the dead body of John Solty slak, a south side grocer, was found today. The grass and turf near where the corpse was discovered snowei. evi uenet s of n terrible struggle. Two hats found on the scene, the officers say. show that the murder was com mitted by two men. They also declare that the motive was not robbery, uh [ the dead man's watch and $18.75 were found on his person. The fact that there were two wounds, each made with a different instrument and either capable of causing death, furnishes I another reason for believing Sol tysiak was attacked by two men. 't he murdered man was 38 years of age. Six .Men Ulown to Atom*. PARKERSBUkG, W. Va., July 5.— The most horrible calamity tnat this city ever witnessed occurred this morning at 7:20 o'clock, in which six men were blown to atoms and one other. John t'halk, so badly injured that he soon died and two more are expected to die any minute. About forty others, spectators an^ children, were slightly injured, some burned, some hurt by the explosion and some bruised in the panic. The yarus of the Ohio River railroaa are spotted with pieces of torn flesh and sprayed with blood that was wiped up by the burn ing oil. Tram Ilulibrr ('audit. T1TSON, A. T, July 3.—Wlllfam Stiles, train rolil>**r and fugitive, haa I men arrested at Cumi (irande, near I the home of hi* mother. He wan I taken by surprise and was powerless to resist He 1* known a* a dejperatn man and the ntti-er* here are sur prised that lie vbb arrested without a fight, lb* waj taken to Tombstone. Htiie.i is the man who released Al , vord and llravo Juan and be has beesi , In the mountain* with them since, tlirti llrttWrr* t on % lrlr<l, NEW YORK. July 2 The trial o' the men accused of i en»idra< v In pitb ll-hlllg re|e»rts calculated to depress | the stork of the llrtMtklvn Hipld I transit iotn|<»n> was concluded this afternoon Verdi, t* **f guilty wero ' returned against Oo tin. Darker and Davis liogert wa» f *und "net gull tv," In a< ordan • tal.h the itnlric l tlons of the court II..alt ( <4t Itt !■». HtM'K ttDHINH* Wrn July J — i Word was re etved Iter* tik|«) ml tk* ■teath of tireeii Kiser of Vardmastnr t’ || Hiilllvan nan of Ike oldest em ployee on th* I ul t l*a* tk. Muilt its tti tiding a car when he foil unitor the wheels his hmly Ma| cut I in Inn