The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 06, 1900, Image 5
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. GKO. K. HKNrfCHOTKK, Kdltor* and GKO. U. GIHSON, Publisher* TERMS:—*1.00 PKR TKAIl. IK PAin IN advance Entered at the Loup City Postofflee for trails mission through the mall* as second class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET National For President, WILLIAM MOKINLEY For Vice President, THEO. ROOSEVELT. State Presidential Electors: J T NESUIT, Hurt. I M RAYMOND, Lancaster, R II WINDIIAM, Cass. C U DEMPSTER. Gage. ED. ROYQE, Custer. M l> CAMERON. Schuyler. L M HAGUE, Kearney S P DAVIDSON, Johnson. J. L. JACOBSON. Douglas. J L KENNEDY. Douglas JOHN L LANGER, Saline. For Governor: C U DIETRICH, Adams For Lieutenant Governor K P SAVAGE, Caster. Secretary of State. G W MARSH, Richardson. For Treasurer: WILLIAM STUEFFER, Cuming 1 For Auditor. CHARLES WESTON. Sheridan. For Attorney General: F N PttOUT, Gage For Land Commissioner, U. D. FOLLMER, Nuckolls. For Superintendent, VV K FOWLER, Washington. Congressional Congressman, fith Dlst. MOSES I*. KINKAID. Republican County Convention Call The Republican electors of Sherman county, Nebraska are requested to send delegates from their respective townships to meet In convention at Roup City, Neb raska on WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15tli, I9U», AT i P, M. for the purpose of nominating the fol lowing named officers: County attorney, for Sherman county. Representative “ “ “ also to elect one set of delegates to at tend the Republican senatorial convention for this the Hi senatorial district of Neb rasku, (place and date not yet fixed,) and to transact such other business us inay properly and lawfully come before said convention. The severul townships are entitled to representation as follows: The apportion, iiieul being based upon tlie vote east for Hon. Moses P. Kinkald m lsk(), giving each township one delegate at large and one for every ton votes and fraction thereof oak Creek.2 Rockville.4 Regan .4 Clay ....4 Washington.4 Harrison .s _ Elm .3 Scott 4 J Webster. 3 Hazard .5 Run p City.11 Urlstol- 3 Ashton 4 Total 14. It is recommended that the primaries be held on Saturday, Ausest 11, )9uo. Ry order of the Republican County Cen tral Committee. tito, K. Bknsciiotbk, Chairman. W. J. ElstlKB, Hecrotury. Populist state officers are growing iu ‘•Reform" just as the party grows older. So thinks their great Non eon formist. Dietrichs and Savage will sweep the state this fall with a handsome majority just as they Bbould. Our people are getting heartily tired of this “reform” howl that always ends up in an increased amount of tax for them. We are like the Non-conformist when it says “equal taxation to all.” Let the farmer vote for the man that will give it to him and stop listening to the chronic politician and sharks that is seeking to shirk hia share of it aud assisting his na bob friend to do the same. Tax shirking is becoming contageous cveu in the rural communities. The little shatks has imbibed it from his corporate owner. The Non conformist, a populist paper of Dm aha came out last week in a scathing rebuke and shows up what be calls the “state house ring" in the manner that the republican press of the state have tried to con vim the people of all the while. Vincent, its editor has always had a reputation for fearing no man ii. Ids editorials and hcwiug near the line in any matter lie takes up When the Nob conformist was tunas a free thought paper its proprietor learned the pertldityr of man and when he livlivvwl a thing lie said i', and when the Vincents look up the ri fm in tuot vtiidit they did it because they belieinl they werj right aud now if they are eonvtmed that the party they fought so hard fi>r are only reformer' in name the ihmMc p a that praised them will seen bom a hole through their kvpocfit tjat atari. He awya Hatwaif l'oyr< ter amt three of hia t ftt e bidders •ad a prominent politician came tc Omaha last «e«k and endear* ted tu gut hiui to “lay down" on his figLt against I'oy liter, but they failed to carry their point, Vincent says Le has no appoligies to make for op posing Poj nter. He says lie is op posing him on his public record, no more, no less, and he paints that record as black as the hinges of hades. Mr. Vincent says that the ‘farmer governor" of Nebraska stands in with the railroads to cheat the people. He takes one value of their property to allow them to make rates on, and another value for tax ation. He says that 1'oynter’s emi saries are sent out over the state to squelch free speech, and that state appointees visit conventions and primaries to dictate to them the policy required. The Non conform ist seems to have got its till of I’oyn ter reform and the pretty part of it ull is that it has the back bone to show up our present “reform” thiev i ng. FIRST WIG IN HISTORY. It Wnn Worn by the nntiRliler of Saul, Klim of Iwrni-l. The first wig mentioned in history was made of a goat's skin and worn by the daughter of Haul, king of Israel. The first artistic wigs were made In the south of Italy for the Gaplniens, who lived In Apulia nml were known for the luxuries of thei indict. These people were, they say, the first who painted their faces. This they did with the juice of strawberries. The Persians wore wigs. Xenophon relates that little Cyrus, when he visit ed Astyages, his grandfather, whose eyes were framed In blue paint and who wore an enormous wig, threw himself on his knees and cried, “Oh, mother, what a beautiful grandfather I have!” Aglals, a maid of honor, was so struck by the appearance of tho old gentleman that she remained with As tyages ns a slave. The Phoenician women, who were proud of their hair, having been or dered by their priests to offer it up on the altars dedicated to Venus after the death of Adonis, obeyed, but with mur muring. Soon after they were consoled by a Greek merchant, who told them that he would give them the means of hiding their bald pates under luxurious curls. In ids chariot he had hundreds of wigs of ail colors. Wigs were in vogue lu Homo toward the end of the republic and so well made that, says Ovid, “no man could know if ids wife bad any hair at ail be fore she had given him an opportunity of seizing her by the tresses.” Teutonic peasants were the provid ers of blond hair for rieli Homan prin cesses, who loved the contrast of its flaxen hue with their black eyes. They even had morning wigs, small and tightly curled, of any color, nml they kept the beautiful fair ones to receive their admirers at night. Messnlina had 150 wdgs to disguise herself.—Cincin nati Commercial Tribune. THE SAMPLE FIEND, It Tnlira I.<>(■ of Muterliil to Supply the Suinplor'11 lie iiiuhiIk. Coming suddenly upon a salesman In n retail store who bad a number of yard long lengths of new piques libcr ally sprinkled with those little price tugs (the pins all stuck through the several thicknesses and bent down), one understood all at once the full Im port of the demands of the sample ilend. Marked off evenly like a check erboard, with 17 price tags lengthwise and seven to the width, which made 119 to the yard, the salesman was go ing over the lot with a pencil, settlug down the width and price on each. At one store the one who Is at the head of each stock attends to the pre paring of the snmples of his particular stock. Thus the pique samples would Vj cut by one, samples of swiss by an other, of organdie by another, and so on. In the silk department one man, who Is kept for the purpose, docs it all. And It takes all his time. For people from a distance who do their buying by mail tills is of course a very good method, ltut tlie part to which all suae people tako exception Is the senseless sampling of those who wander aimlessly about, evidently gathering samples as a thoughtless child sometimes pulls twigs in passing bushes. The worst of It Is wo have to pay for this senseless woman's foolish ness, it lielng often observable that the biggest samplers are the smallest buy ers. One elcik suys that he has actual ly seen thrown upon the sidewalk the samples given to a woman after show ing h«r Ids whole stock, her purchase being ostensibly po«ipoucd lseause of her fear that the gq ds will not match I something or other,! Tis time Is pant when these scraps went to feed the Insatiate crazy quilt | thuds.-I'lilludelphlu Itecord. | Mt|* I ksrrklll'a INM'*••>» llrturl Ijtd) ( hurehlll lia» Inherited the wit i of her father. »» she demonstrated up ^ on niie occasion to sti eminent llrtti-sh politician He was somewhat annoyed at the campaign she had ioa*lc and i mild "I really don't understand, lardy i tiurchlU. why or how tt Is that Aus'i * hull Indies refuse h* enter political Itte In ihctr o»n •■•-entry, b it «o i»l«lui ! us here tu Fugtand "That I* because you have bever i 1 Otic that they do ml requlrv the sen ke* of our siuiu educating f«re*> " , - Matu(’la> livrkikg tV*t A Keen ftc»r ftmlii Your beat feelings, your social posi tion or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and Liver. Dr.King's Now Lift Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition, A 25 cent box will make you feel like a new being Sold by Odendahl Bros. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; HAKPEK Whiskey adds zest to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health’s sake; llAKPEH Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by I\ II. Ki.snkk, Loup City, Neb. ♦ • —*— '45 cents to 1U01. That big state paper, The Semi-Week ly State Journal, will be mailed from now until January 1, 1001, for 25 cents. This Is the biggest offer of reading mat ter evei made in the west and Is done for the sole purpose of introducing it to thousands of n< w homes Here's your chanseto get an up to date, relia ble state paper for a mere song. Scud in your quarter and you’ll get the pape r all through the remainder of this year. Address The State Journal at Lincoln, Neb. 1 lie Appetite of h <«oat. Is envied by all whoso Stomach ami Liver are out of order. Hut such should knov/thut Dr. Kigu's New Life 1*1 II. give a splendid appetite, sound diges tion and a regular bodily habit that in sures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at Odenndahl Bros. While Man Turned Yellow Great consternation was felt by the friends of M A.llogarty of Lexington, Ky , when they saw he was turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, al so his eyes, apd he guttered terribly. Ilis malady wras Yellow Jaundice, lie was treated by the doctors, but, without benefit. Then he was adviced to try ’ lectric Hitters, the wonderful Stom ach and Liver remedy. and he writes: "After taking two bottles 1 was wholly cured.” A trial proves its match less merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Only 50c. Hold by Odendahl Bros. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebrasku,) ■ S. 8. State of Nebr. Sherman County, I To Anna Marie Ncllsou. non resident owner of tin-following desercbed realestate situate In Hoad Distric t No. |o of Sherman county and State of Neb., to-wit: The South East quarter of Section s. Township 15, Range 15 S ou are hereby not Hied that complaint has been made to me as road overseer that there Is an open wel upon the above (escribed real estate and if the same is not Idled up immediately. 1 shall proceed to till the same In the manner provided by law, us the same is dangerous for stock. W. II UKVNoi.tts, Road Over-i cr of road district No. 10, Sherman county. Neb. STRAYED.—A yearling steer from A L. Huillles pasture Has tag in left ear with B Dros. also llgure ••4" stamped on tag or is branded -II" on hip. Kinder will please In form tie undersigned, owners who will pay all charges. UEIMCHOTER Bros. Loup City. Neb. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Cases. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Noktijwesteii!. Building, LOOP CITY, - - NKUHASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP city, • | NSB. A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. - * NEBRASKA. OFFICE.—One door eaat of Oliaee’e drug store. \Y. L. MARCY, iPE*YTWST OFFICE ON EAST SIDE I'UCLIC SgKAIIE Lour CITY, NEJI. J. E. INKS, PAINTER, First Class Work guaranteed LOT I* CITY, • • • NEB. Is BabyThin thii ■Mtmiiwr? Tlvrn add a * Kttt« 1 gOVTT’S €MUl>tON t (« KK milfc IhrrF tuT*cA day. H *1 ast>nUhtaji Hew I In * -I irryruv«. H He. vrv\ t li t t ( if«>llwr take (of I till u* &dl. i . ,#14. 1. , . ** --- now on hand at JAEGERS STORE and I can give my many customers a tine line to select from. When L say iny stock is new I mean that I am constantly getting in new goods is well stocked. 1 buy in large quantities and of such only as can furnish the goods that my customers demand. In this way there is no need to have such a large quantity of shelf worn goods as is sometimes the ease with less careful buyers. Come in and see my Stock of Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing, Goods, DRYGOODS, BOOTS ami SHOES. CLOTHING Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries. Yours respectfully, J. PHIL JAEGER, South Side Public Square Loup City, Nebr. Ladies and Gentlemen If you have Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry that you wish to have repaired don’t fail to call on G. H. MORGAN the only first class Watchmaker and jeweler iu the county. Also you should not fail to call on G. H. MORGAN when you want something in the line of Jewelry. I handle nothing but fiast-class jewelry. I do not have any brass plated jewelry to olfer to the public at cost, neither do I claim to do first class watch, clock or jewelry repairing and not make my promises good. I am here to stay and mv reputation is at stake just as well as the money that there is in doing the work. I mean what I say and if the work of G. H. MORGAN fails to please you I am here to refund jour money. Call and see me when you want your watches, clocks or jewelry repaired right. If you want your eyes tested aud have them flitted properly, call on G. II. MORGAN as 1 am the only t ptician in the county who is a graduate of the Omaha watch makers and Optical college. Call and see me when you want things right. Your for business, 0. H. Morgan. Loup City Jeweler and Optician. UfANTKD Honest man or woman to triivi'l for lanro bouse; salary *85 monthly and expenses with increase; position permanent. inclose stlf-addressed stamped en a. in MANAUKK, XMCaxion bldg,, tbn-a .M T 1 111 WASThli-aKVUtAl. HttlOIlT AMI ’* llONfcnT, | nr son* to represent us as Managers in IliU and close by counties, salary ♦ a year and expenses. Straight lsina-Ud«, tin more, no less salary. Posit ion Itertitanent. our references, any bank In any town it is mainly orttre worn conduct ed ni borne, deference Kuelose self-sit* Ur .sed stamped eavelope. — THk l» 'Ml* :ns loni’ANY. llept S, I liloago V dd to » list At* t. NTH \V WI KD.-tor ••flic I,tin And Ai'lueveiwenie of Admiral Dewe),'* ibe world's greatest uaial heio, tty Murat lla •lead, tne life lung Irlends and admirer I of l lie nalio'i's ntot. ittggest and book; ioyer hi |mses, •»hi iDelo •, nearly Iease* lot Mole Hlltstmtlons OulV *' W Knur i moiM deiusnd tfitf commissions* iiulflt I iee. i native ol a tllolliue Write i|a . k t lie |»«HlilM|iM» cutlipnnjfi .in* Hoiit thllus nutating ,1'hieaso NERVITA PILLSgSH: 11 urtn ImiKilciwy. Night hu»i»«ious »nd .lasting ili« #li «*i si-1! Iniiuat, ur fXir** aifi *11* * \ in m11> * j b|MMi Imiliii r. P|iink glu* !»• fhn*< i»n 1 r<'*ti>ri-* Ihfi ftfi1 ul iiiulti bill in tit | * i l"ii», <11 *> « tui 0'J.aO; will* u Hiillrn §*»»*»• •*»* lt «< |.» run* nr rrlHMil llt«’ in* »« si* ml tut Ctr^uUr AiUrt**, NIHVtTA MEDIC At CO. Qknton A J«Ar*r At*.. CHICAGO, It'. ti >u itU! MV >>l»ES»*Mil, UIUW , I..M*|- <»•» >*»*’ We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James lteutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. We handle a complete line of WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our [trices arc right. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE Ol'R WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. McDONALD & HALLER, Loup City, Neb > NOTICE. «4 DONT FORGET THAT F. 6. [3R6Wei^, is Agent, -FOR THE St. Paul Fire k Marine Insurance COMPANY, THE ONM RELIABLE HAIL INSURANCE CO. in the state and the only one that pays its losses in full. If he does not call on you write him at Loup City, Neb. TI51K TAIII.K LOUP CITY. NEBK. Lincoln, Denver, Ointilia, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City. Pert land, St. Louis, San Francisco, i anil all points ami all points Fast anti South. West. TIIAINM LKAVK AM HU. 1.0IVHi (jO I Vi LAST No U I'assanger , 7 a. in No "i I retgllt I-' SO |> m i.OlNli WKMT No. 51 Passenger 1.15 p. in. No. Mi Freight. IBiSU*. in. Sleeping, dinner ap t reclining chair car* Mtln |reel on through train* Ticket* I wild and baggage checsu I Mi any point in ! I ln< r lined stales or Canada Foi tutor mat ion, maps, time table* and ileheta ca I on or write to II t Arthul Agent Hi J. FU ANCIkt listt'l. I'assenger \geul, oinana, Nebraska. II. r RAILWAY N , *g leaves daily e*< *pt suuday tpaah engrr>. * 'll a (U So a* |«tvep Monday, Wedueaday and Friday, **i »ed» li *P m No •' leares I ur*<i*v. Tbuiaday am? suluolay, milked i p in No s, art I v •’* dal< y sleep! suuday imiisd U ' * p ui No a arrives dally aiespt Sunday tpnas *11 gen * .* p in First Suva* service and close coll use Hons •asi. Seal and south vs It t'ttrtoh. FOR MEN ONLY! vmrriiMa** lu,« - »*t< rabmoo*. JJlK'lkfirr* - .1 .»* B I*Vout 1.1BIin y “ Uks« d Ml U4 11*4 IM* CT5PTICTni|g» *•**» h*s,.*B4 ftt• to tw*w bV(M*0*«l»l » HHHiuhh ohMl***t*»» *•**« |hw|A«iV «a%^BR |SM*B l« | «R|. |m »#■«*»< RFh* >«**«»» ♦ RRWttoBW- •"*to*to>to I ftagrlRtfAt Ml. (••<totototo4fNB«vR4to4.«B«l4 hRft sAArrar «Ri« RRR»F«A4 Ctf RUM AhW.R, ». A COLORADO OPPORTUNITY. To Colorado at about half usual cost June 21; July 7, 8. 0 1U and 18; August 2 via the Burlington Route. There's an announcement that will interest thousands. It brings a trip to the cool retreats of the Rockies within EVERY ONE'S reach. It solves the i|uestlon, Where shall I go this summer? Tickets arc good to return until October lit. See the local ticket agent of the B. A M. It It R anil get particulars. Beau tiful Illustrate ! hook about Colorado— 72pages. Ml pictures—sent for six cents In stamps J Khan* is,Gen. Pass. Agt. Omaha Nrh. Kjdol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat Itartltk'ialh digests the f<sal and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the cahaiistcd digestive or gana |t is the latest d>*rovcreddig«wt* ant and tome. No idle r preparation can approach tt In efficiency. It In stantlv relieves and |s nuancutlyeurea pain, liuligi «f Ion, Heart burn, l la*u • nee. Hour stminirh, Nausea. h > k 111 adache.Oaatraigu.t'ramp- and alt other resultant imperfect digt»liu*. ersioiisJ fc, t C IHViUtC* ChiMia r.4 M|. »» uutMtiAUi. um“* 1*1*9 I'lW