The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 06, 1900, Image 4
I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. Uaaal Dews. New hay is on the market. Dr. Romine, the dentist. Draft stalion at the Koutul Front born lion. A. P. Culley was the orator of the clay at Sargent on the 4th. Old Mr. Keller living fl miles cast of town is reported quite low. Billy Moyer and family of Ratlins. Wy., was in the city on the 4th. Thos. Rentfrow went with his com panions to the north west Tuesday. Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les' Judge Wall had a valuable horse bad ly cut on barb wire Wednesday mor ning. Mr. Sorensen of Dannebrog was a Loup City visitor the first part of the week. Jas. Rentfrow reports the loss of ten head of cattle during the past spring and summer. Miss Laura Smith of Boelus, was as sisting Mr. Oasteyer in the store dur ing the 4th. Mr. and Mrs. John Shrove went to Aurora, the first part of this week for a visit with their children. DeWitt’s Early Risers are famous lit tle pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe.— Odendahl Bros. hummer school commenced last Mon day and is being held in one of the large rooms of the new school house. There are no better pills made than DeWitt’s Lltte Eirly Risers. Always prompt and certain.—Odendahl Bros. 8. F. Reynolds, of the Pioneer Meat Market will pay 4J cents per lb., for live hens and 8 cents per lb for spring chickens. When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don’t fail to call on O. II Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Loup Valley. If you want your watch nut In good repair by the only first class workman in tbe county call on O. II. Morgan, the Jeweler, The Austin boys are bad medicine to tackle. Tney took most everything in sight except the base ball game and they only left half of that. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Haines, Hying 5 miles east of town called at this olllce yesterday and ordered the North western sent to Mrs. Haines' father. 35c, 35c, not 25, not 50c, cts, the price of Rocky Mountain Tea the world over. None genuine, unless made by the Madi son Medison Co. Ask your Druggist. The Hoosier picnic will bo held at Langs grove 2 miles north west of Litchfield, on August 15 next all native Hooslers are requested to put in an appearance or engender the displeasure of the chief Hoo-lloosier. Our nuptual reporter forgot to men tion tbe marriage last week of Mr, C. F. Sweeley to Miss Jennie Howard, both of Litchfield, who were married on Saturday, June 23. Judge Angler performed the ceremony at his ofllce In Loup City. The members of the Republican coun ty central committee met at the ofllce of the Northwestern last Tuesday afternoon and fixed the date for the R 'publicau county convention for Wed nesday August 15, 1900. Sec notice of call elswhere. The Verdurctte school bouse was blown to pieces last Tuesday night dur ing tbe gtorm and some damage done to windmills and out buildings In that vicinity. Tbe ball did no damage until it crossed tbe river te tbe east side where it done considerable damage to small grain. Last Sunday evening and Monday morning this country was visited by a good raiu fall which set the corn to booming and greatly improved the bay and pasture lands. At Loup City one and ten one-hundreths Inches fell and similar reports come from various parts of the county. Mrs. Loom Is. r landers, of Litch field, who has advertised to prove up on her homestead last Saturday, was unable to be on hand ut the api>ointed time on account of sick ness. We understand that the ease will be called and adjourned from day to tay for ten days, when if proof is not made advertising will hate to lie done over again. The Its hold* both maker and clrcu Intor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counterfeit of IteWltt'a Witch llasel Halve risk* your life to make a Utile larger profit, k ou can not tmat him It* Witt's is tb« only genuine and orig inal W itch llasel Halve, a well known cure for plies ami all skin disease* Hee that your dealer gives v u t>eWnt« Halve udeudahl Hroa We are Interned that *bll' M*s*r* W ||. and l.-l Knapp, living about 1<» mllea north east of town where a ten I the celebration h. re on the UK. that their house **• burned donn and all It* contents dc«tray*.| W hen ihoy reach ed home at dark they fouad t It -lr home •*« gone and aul even a change ef clothe* had been »are » The property belonged to Mr Ki Knapp and we are Informal that he had the building In •hied ter |»« and It* «oni*uU for *jwm Boeckner the fashionable tailor. Millet and other field seeds for by T. M. Reed. Lonnie Reinfrow returned home from the north west Tuesday. Otto Bechthold left for Iowa Tuesday morning where he expects to locate. “There is many a slip between the cup and the lip ” So Sheppard our wide a wake Jeweler says. A. T. Conger brought the jr. scribe a basket of new potatoes Monday, all of which was duly appreciated. Mrs. Druzllla Pedler came up from Hastings to visit her mother and attend our Fourth of July Celebration. One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless remedy that produces imme diate results. Try it. Odendabl Bros Mrs R. J. Brown and children left for Iowa Tuesday morning to visit her parents, her father being very low at this time. Mrs. John Ohlsen was taken by her husband to the Grand Island hospital for treatment, she having been in poor health for some time past. Jt stands alone, it towers above. There's no other, its nature’s wonder, a warming poultice to the heartof man kind. Such is Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. Ask your druggist. G. II. Morgan the Loup City Jeweler does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing in a workman like man ner. When you have something to do in this line, don't fail to call on him. If wives have any compassion for the soirows of cross, crabld husbands, give them Rocky Mountain Tea. ’Twill re move any misunderstanding in the family. Ask your druggist. Wind blew the plank run way from the top of the H & M. depot Tuesday evening. The plank struck the center of the track just as Mr. Arthur the agent, crossed and came pretty near striking him. Sheppard the Jeweler wishes to state to the public that be Is still in business on the corner, where he intends to stay. Take your Wat hes, Clocks and Jewel ry repairing to him. Work will be de livered same day as left, Robert Young and Frank Smith went to Gurnsey, last Tuesday morning where they go to look for work. Walt McNulty took them across to Litchfield where they will take the B. & M. train north. They go with best wisbes of their many friends. It has been demonstrated by expe rience that consumption can be prevent ed by the early use of One Minute Cough Cure. This Is the favorite re medy for coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Cures quickly—Olendabl Bros. The adjuster for the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co was here last Friday evening and adjusted the loss by fire, caused by lightning to the new school house. $78.75 was allowed and it is thought will be sufficient to repair all damage done. In the past our honored contem porary bus been filled with articles taken from the Omaha, Non con formist, will it continue to spread broadcast the honest conviction of Mr. Vincent. A gentleman recently cured of dys pepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing; •'Some have meat and can not eat, and some haye none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat — Kodol Dys pepsia Cure be thanked. ‘‘This prepar ation will digest what you eat. It in stantly relieves and radically cures in digestion and all stomach disorders.— Odendahl Bros. The Vv igglecreckitcs came over to Loup City last Saturday and crossed bats with the Loup City team, and done them to the tune of 420 to 4^. The Common express ion is that the visiting club wiggled to bard. Uur idea is that the home nine did uot wiggle hard enough, however that may be it can best be settled by trying it again. We suggest that they go over and see the boys and play a return game. Thc outing will do them good. A sad case was brought to our notice from near Hockvtile, a few days ago, which occurred last week. Krnest Stnalljohn, son of a widdow living near that place, went home from town on Tuesday evening about loot-lock, put bis pony in Un stable ami apparently started for the house and without a moments warn ing became mentally overbalanced an I run tor the hdls imagining that 1 a band of gy|taie* that were encamp led at KovkviUc were after him. On Wednesday his mother hunted fut ; him and theu spread the alarm and riiuraday ever)body in lue ueighUu ■ hood turned out, but no one hail any idea of the real trouble as hi- was iwrfectly sane when last -wen On Friday he went to the farm house of Henry Ifeislsud and asked for protection, still declaring that the gypsies were after him It seems that the hunting pail) ha I several times been close to him I an I supposing them to be the *»vp ales he kept in hiding He ale { ravenously, but at l*at accounts had not regained kla mental tmlnave DIED. Mrs.TenaSehoening, wife of Henry Schoenirig of Divide, this county, died at her home on Thursday evening June 28, 1900, at 0:80. Mrs. Sehoening has been sick for a Jong time arid was a great sufferer and while her death was expected soon, yet it was a great shock to her many friends. She leaves a young hugband and a small child to mourn her loss. She was past 24 years old and was married to Mr. Shocning In ‘94. The remains were intered in Litchfield cemetery on Saturday June 80. 1900. M AIIR1 ED. —The North western takes pleasure in announcing the marriage of Mr. George S. Leininger to Miss Hthal Viola Burns who were married at Ansley, Nebraska on Wednesday, June 27th., 1000. Mr. Leininger is of Loup City, Sherman county and the bride a resident of Ansley, Custer county, but was form erly of Washington township, this county. The groom now occupies the position of county Superintend- j ent of our schools and is holding his second term of office. The bride is the daughter of the late Rev. Burns who some years ago also served the people of Sherman county in the same capacity her husband is now engaged. Both contracting parties start out in life with the best wishes of all. They will make Loup City their home and will he at home after July 10. CLEAR CREEK NEWS The rain is here and it came none to soon. Our small grain is a thing of the past. We may get a little rye but the wheat and oats is too short to cut. L. Nissen has sold his farm and will move to Colorado some time during the month. Miss Georgia Goulcy will teach the next term of school in this dis trict No. 25, commencing in Septeui- j her. The Indianians will hold a Re union at Round Grove some time in August. The funeral of Mrs. Henry Sboen ing was held last Saturday. She has been a sufferer for a long time. Recorder. Our 4th of July celebration was a rousing success, even beyond the ex pectations of its movers. Little draw backs were encountered as is always the ease during previous preperation, but when the time arrived for real work every body joined the Woodmen for that day and all helped to make ‘ the forest ring." The visitors began to ar rive very early aud by t< n o’clock tbo town was crowded. The procession, which only con-istcd of lloats and their Forester guards, as the mud prevented walking, was pronounced the finest ever seen in Loup City, while some thought it was equaled but once and that was by our great trades procession of'88 After encircling the town the hault was made at the south gate of the public square from where they marched to the band stand The Foresters of Rockville and Idiup City, headed by the Loup City cornet hand escorted the reader of the Declaration of Indepen dence, Mrs Carrie Johansen, and the Royal Neighbors drill team to the band stand from which the exercises were conducted. The speaker of the day, lion. A. Wall, was forced on ac count of an accident to a valuable horse lust at that time, to disappoint the people by not being present, but W.J Fisher who was to have de livered the address of welcome buckled into It like a Trojan and made a very fine address. In the afternoon the usual games were indulged In, the real feature of ihe afternoon b'dng the drill of the Koval Neighbors and that of the Rock ville teams, the Rockville boys carrying home each a beautiful gold Woodmen pin as a reward for their merit. They j were under the leadership of (’apt A T. Conger, late of the 7th regiment I' S. regulars Taking it all tu all the day wa» voted a magnificent success hv all and the Woodmen and Royal \elgl b >r« of Loup ( ity desire to extend (hell thanks to all who contributed to mak ing It such After many intricate experiment*, avtentlat* have tliavoyereil method* for obtaining all the natural tlige.tant*, A'he.e have been combined In th» pto* pi. xiun found In the human body ami unite.I with aubatettcea that butt.I up the i|i|i>illie mlltiii* a cwttt* | (Mittal called K.hImI |»y*pepata I ure It tilf eata a bat you eat aid allow, all >1) *■ |ieptlc* to eat plenty ol nourohlnir foml while th* atomach trouble, are h'lng roht'tUl cured by the medicinal agent* It c«w.tal»* It I* pieaaant to latte ami • ill five i|uuh reltel 0*(en.|*hl lit*** Y"U tilt) l»U\ two ol til In*1 row I lief cultia nt*>r* At T M KtAule, Tli*v art* O K *» I Spent • Karin Dortoriag. Mr- A N. Noall of A«herville, Kits., says be spent a good farm doctoitr.g himself for chronic diarrhoea but got no relief and was afraid that he must die. He chanced to get hold of a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and was cured by it. For sale by Odcndahl Bros. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the next regular examination for teachers certi ficates will be held on July 20-21, and we urge ail teacher* who can to cotne in at this time so that the work of ex amination will be out of the way be fore Institute opens. G. b. LKININiiRR, Co. Supt. “We have sold many different cough remedies, but none has given better satisfaction than Chamberlain'*,” says Mr. Charles Hoi/.hauer, Druggist, New ark, N J “It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon In all cases of coughs, colds or horsencss. For sale by Oden dnhl Bros. —--♦ Iturkleir* Arnica Salvo Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, io tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Holies, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only Me at Odendalil Bros. DO YOU HAVE FIFTY CENTS If you have, will tell you how to get the most for your money. The Semi- j Weekly State Journal, published at j Lincoln, wants several thousand new subscribers and as a special inducement I w ill mail the paper twice a week from now until the end of this year for only 50 cents. Two papers each week with all the news of the world, through the great presidential campaign and the campaign in tills state for two United States senators and the state ticket Never in your life have you been offer ed so much reading matter for 50 cents. Send In your money right now, be cause the sooner you send it in, tlia more papers you get for your money. Address, Nebraska State .Journal, Lio coln, Neb. —-♦ • -— See those new Pulley belts at Sheppards. .♦ ♦ .... - It Suveil His Leg. I* A . Danforth of I.aOrange, fia., suf fered for six months with a frightful running sore on iiis leg, but writes that Bucklin's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in live days For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, its the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 ets. Sold bv Odcndahl Bios. 13 IT MIGHT For an Editor to Kecomend I'atent Medlelnes? (From Sylvan Valley News. Brevard. N. CM It may be a quastlon whether the ed itor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventative of suffer ing we feel it o duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, We have known and used this medicine in cur family for twenty years and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffer ing while a physician is awaited. We do not believe lu depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, hut wo do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might he avoid ed and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not he required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Odendahl Bros. --* > » - III* HpN<*ntmrnt, A Memphis young lady who Is very fond of her sister's little child, a hoy of 2 or 3 years, who Is visiting her now, was trying yesterday to get him to let her “tlx him up” to have his photo graph taken. She got her curling tongs and was trying to coax him to let her j eurl his hair. But with true boyish disgust nt the Idea of having his hair treated like a girl's lie refused to sulr mit to tin* process. She Insisted, how ever, and offered him every kind of brllie, hut lu every Instance he refused to allow her to do what she wished, uud finally, becoming tired of her at tempt to get him to submit, lie sat down, misMd Ills legs and looked up ut her very seriously and said: "Auntie. I tell you what I'll do. I won’t take a dollar to let you eurl my hair, tint I'll give you a dollar If you just go away and let toy hulr alone,**— k|t-itt|ihU Hclmltar MuUnilrit In Haiti*. An army h'.-H more of It* atrengtli through l>« wmiiided than through ita killed In the Br»| ptgco liter** are four or ftve wounded to MW k.itb-«l. and III the ml |da<*e the «|end non giro no trouble, w Idle Ihe Wounded re. IUIre ail Inin ten «* ituiulwr of n»netMulN»iant*i to ait. ml i>. Il.em. \ gi*at many of ih* wound*<1 re'tiru again lo duly. ih*dr Wound* la'ltt* e.>ti|>i»rall-i ely tdighl, l*ul a* a rule more ihan half of them lake m* more |*arl In lb* wnr -la>«<|.« Aiitwer* Ik* fnvl'a I half*, **t don't .aie f.»r y«ur |aem. The •**«g if the lark.’** remark**1 lb* ell lo* The |«i*t *ighe*l wearily. “To 1*1! ike truth," k« r»i*IW«l. *1 my* •elf nw'li prefer is.* lay i f th* h* i " |'hihld*l|d<ta Hnenl HARDWARE, HUTS Furniture, FIXTURES AT T. M. REEDSo STILL IN THE LEW ON THE CORNER ONE DOOR EAST OF ST. ELMO HOTEL You will find a busy little jewelry store. In that store is a .JEWLER who KNOWS HIS BUSINESS. Be can repair your Watch, Clock or Jewelry without any patent medicine cry. If you want a pair of Glasses don’t think you can’t get them in Loup City for you can get the same scientific work as you would get in any city. We still have Bargains IN Watches Clocks AND JEWELRY. Come in and see us. We are at home in the Jewelry business and can entertain vou. S. SHEPPARD, the Leading Jeweler and Optician of Loup City. For burns, Injuries, piles ami skin diseases use IteWitt's Witch llszel Salve. It is the original. Counterfeits may be oft'ored. Use only DeWitt's.— Odendahl Bros. ... Facts That_ Ready Every Patriot January 1st. and Voter j Ought to Know. ! THE 1900 AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. A Political Peeler Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures. The Over \ Politician JW] Will Want 1>ICW ;I 600 U^cop^j Congress. i A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. SPFCIAL < The South African FEATURES. War; War in the Phil ~ippines; The Interna tional Peace Congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects ot equally vital inteuM. A complete History of each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac lay, Historian U. S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. Postpaid to any addfcsi. -kJc the world. ■Cmv PiiiifH, BUg ArT» K '4. liverita _TM« U^TO-OATK LITTLE LIVER PILL cuHt* h », t! |> u t i o n, BII Jj'IKV 1 Oynpupniti, IMHiMn * I c k • H U A fl • JjT: fc't I ivur Complaint, I lOO PILLS , ,, h, ,,, , wu »a cts. L ***»- *■’ -—«»*.•> **, ■ - ||| ► <<M <141 K HV M||>; M* VIII. HlitH ! i An Riililtfli'C ol Diunlioeu Mr A. Sander*, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Fla, siys there has been 1 quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there He bad a seve re attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it Is the best medicine they ever used. For sale by Odendabl Bros. Was It A Mirarla? The Marvellous cure of Mrs. Rena J. Stout of Consumption has created in tense excitement In Cammack, Ind. writes Marson Stuart, it leading drug gist of Muncie, Ind. She only weighed 90 pounds when her doctor in Yorktown said she must soon die. Then she be gan to use Dr. King's New Discovery and gamed 37 pounds in weight and was completely cured.’ It has cured thous ands of hopeless cases, and is positive ly guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest •md Lung diseases. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Odendahl Bros. ♦ • ♦ - The favorite whisky of famous men Is HARTER Because of its smooth, exquisite flavor; because of it's match less purity; because of its mellow age. No wonder it's the favorite. Every droy sterling HARTER WHISKEY. Sold by- T. II Ei.snkh. Loup City, Neb. DISSOLUTION NOTICE To whom It may concern: The undersigned lulling sold out their Inter cst in the property formerly known a* the tierman Hull or Opera House Co. of Ashton, Nebraska, and their interests In said special partnership, hereby give piddle not tec that hereafter they will not Is- responsible for the payment of any debts of that concern. islgned at Ashton. Nebraska this > duy of June Itwn, II. SUIISIII ti W \llHVII i Till* I'llloU 1‘iM‘iflu will |il ,cf tu l oil June 11, July f lo III |Mo , Jul> I S ao.l Augawt JbJ, Sum no r Kicumim r«u i ot ONE FAREFOR ROUND TRIP. I>|u» #_* 00 from Kiiom etui Srli r»*b |i«ilnU m l*IA\ I H » ol.OH Umi ifMISUS. I*I*KHI ** «m,|i».s oiMi.r i ski: f«. HBTw umMiful llti’IN i vtii. m touch o<*t I r It me I *i»K» ««>l full in funnel ion nil >•« II f, I 'm MS .lg«Nl