Thk Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. «K.O. K. HENSCIIOTEIl, / Editor* and GKO. H. OllfSON, j Publisher* TERMS: —ll.uu PKK TEAR, ir PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. REPUBLICAN TICKET National Fur President. WILLIAM MoKINLEY For Vice President. THEO. ROOSEVELT State Presidential Electors: J T NE8HIT, Hurt. 1 M RAYMOND, Lancaster K H WINDHAM. Cuss. C U DEMPSTER, Gage. ED. ROYCE, Custer M D CAMERON, Schuyler L M HAGUE, Kearney. K 1* DAVIDSON, Johnson. J. L. JACOHHON. Douglas. .1 L KENNEDY, Douglas JOHN I. LANGER, Saline For Governor: C II DIETRICH, Adams For Lluutenunt Governor: E P SAVAGE. Custer. Secretary of State: O VV MARSH. Richardson. For Treasurer: WILLIAM STUEFFKK, Cuming For Auditor, CHARLES WESTON, Sheridan. For Attorney General: F N PROL’T, Gage For Land Commissioner. G. D. FOLLMEK, Nuckolls. For Superintendent. W K FOWLER. Washington, Cong resale nu I Congressman, nth Dlst. MOSES l*. KINKAID. Wbat will Hr) an use that enlarg ed front porch for after the Second battle? Hurrah for McKinley and Itoose velt. The old flag will be safe in their keeping. A hero of the war for the perpetuation of the union and a hero of the war that made the United Stairs respected of all na tions. Let the welkin ring with the glad tidings that we have two Moses’ this fall, besides Moses I’. Kinkaid, who will redeem the big sixth. The Republican majority for su preme judge in Oregon is 10,380 and for the two Republican representa tives to congsess 11,701. And jet Senator .Jones, c-haiiman of the deni ocratic national committee, predicts that Mr. Bryan will gain in the Pa cific and new states, even claiming the Dakotas. Of all the silly pre dictions made by Bn unites during 1890 those of Senator Jones were the silliest and most frequent.—In dianapolis Journal. The Boxer movement in China, came just in time to allow the Demo cratic convention at Kansas City, to put a Boxer plank in their plat form. Of course they will not miss such a timely opportunity for incor poraling in their platform, the fact that the McKinley administration has formed an alliance with Kurope for the oppressing of the pocr al mond eyed son of Confucius, whose only offense has been the garoting of the man who has tried to enlight en and civilize him. Civilization anti its spread is as distasteful to ancient and rancid democracy as a red rag is to a bull. The complications in China aie still multiplying and the blood of all the principal nations have drench ed the soil of the celestial kingdom. China is much better able and bet ter prepared for war to-day than when she fought Japan. Since then she has employed Kuropean ofllceia to bring her army up to a high stand ard of efficiency and has procured the very latest paterns of engines of dislructlon. She has purchased nearly a million Mauser rilles ami her soldiers ure as well equipped as those of any nation id the world. The light bids fair to be a long und a hard one, but let come what wdl the civilued countries of tae world are in duty bound to protect their legations and subjects in that land. The end is not in sight by sny means _ \ Hepuhlican convention in M» non, Kss , enjoyed a real thtlll the other day win n an *dd confederate soldier, a died In the wool iIuomshI eud later a eoler with the fuaionlste, t M.k lh«s rt Mir snd t«»l I of hi* e«>o'er •ion to the r>publi«sn pirn lie dew-ntied the war with Spain, and hi* olfef of a son t»» take the |*tw* that he himself longed to All IB th« | rauk9 of the soldiers m blue. Tin faultfinders at the proem time ho compared with the copperheads who did ho much to prolong the war of thirty-five years ago. “V\’e would have been licked two years sooner." he exclaimed, "and thousands of lives would have been saved, but tor these copperheads, and when these later copperheads set tip their howl the scales fell from my eyes, and 1 asked myself if it were possi ble that I hud been training with that sort of a gang all this time." Then the convention went wild with applause and adjourned with tie singing “America."—Ex. The nomination of McKinley and Roosevelt at Philadelphia last week gives tut Republican party the strongest ticket that could have pos sibly been put up. McKinley was renominated because hi* has given us an admiuistrntion unprecedented in the history of the country for its prosperity, and has placed the Unit ed States among the formost nations of the world. Rosevelt, because he is one of the common people and loves to be classed among the work ers and is never found with the drones. lie is a statesman and a soldier, just as circumstances de mand and can straddle a bronco with the wildest plainsman. He is is an “Old Hickory," or an Abe Lincoln, and "The Star Spangled Banner” awakes within his breast a responsive chord that never fails to raise his hat. The Republican party this fall presents as their staudard bearers, a Gladstone and a Bismark. a dim Blaine and a Urant, and will sweep the Ian ! like a tropi cul typhoon. A Keen Clour (Irani Your best feeling1*, your social posi-; tion or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach ami Liver. I)r.King's New Life Pill give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box will make you feel like a new being Sold by Odendahl Pros. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial, it will not cost you a cent dt it does no good. One application will relieve the pain. It algo cures sprains am! bruises In one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cute, burns, frost bites, (juinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cts. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consum ption. The early use of One Minute Cough Cure prevents consumption. It is the only harmless reme ly that gives immediate results It cures all ihriat and lung troubles. Childern all like it and mothers endorse it. Oden- , dahl Bros. -. Reports show that over fifteen hnn- j dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute cough cure Most of these were cases of grippe, croup asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis and pneumonia Its early use prevents consumption. Odendahl Bros. A Mount tr Dev 11 I- IhIi Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mal aday is felt ou organs, nerves muscles and brain. But l>r. Kings New Life Pills arc u safe and certain cure. Best in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid neys and Bowels. Only 25 cents, at Odendahl Bros.' drug store. To those who drink whiskey for pleasure; 1IABPKK Whiskey adds zest to existence. To those who drink j whiskey for health's sake; 1IABPKK Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold by 1’. II, Loup Olty, Neb. You can l»uv two or throe row Disc cultivators at T. M. Uoctls. They are (). K. ♦» 1 Don’t Be Fooled! The market l« bring tlnotled with auilhlt'U Imilalium of ROCKY MOUNTAIN ■ > * TEA•• To protect the public we caM eeprvial at I rut net t tutor I ratio mok, prinietl nnevert p.ttk age. IwHMiiil tile genuine. I or bale by all UiugglMa : Ihi.l ! lt .nl, Wink *Uil|T’4 a»«4 pnl .k V.m hate U .m hi i h»'k iti i >14 SC> I i S fc 'll I MON »,urv* |hc» i ' i . . A* In »l.>Ur. : It i v a.t tat* A Foi l o« bit or Mkasi.fs. In many inst ino s « persistent cough follows an attack of measles. In speaking of this Mr. VValter IS. Be**I, editor of the Elkin. V. Times, says; "Three weeks ago I bad an attack of measles which Is ft me with a bad cough. I took several doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and tlie cough has entirely disappeared, I consider Chamberlain's medicines the best on the market" For sale by OJen dahl ltros. Glorious NMil. Comes from I Jr. I). II Carglle, of Washita, I. T. He writes: “Electric Hitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scro fula, which has caused her great suffer ing lor years. Terrible sores would break out on her face, and the best doctors could give no help: but now her health is excellent,” Electric bit ters is ttie best purifier known. !t,s the supreme remedy for eczema, tettei, salt rheum, ulcers, boils mid running sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strenght. Only 50 cents. Sold by Odendahl Bros, druggist* < I uarantced. NOTK’K Kilt Pf ISLIOATION. Department of the Interior. Land OItlce at Lincoln. Sell, i May Uith. l»o* \ Notice is hereby given that the following named settlor lias lied notice of Ills in tention to make linul proof in support of his claim, and I lint hslP! proof will he made before the county judge, at Loop City, Nebraska, on June inli, iwsi vi/.: Albert Sparling, liomentead Knlry, No. IT,dill for the north east quarter, Section e., Township 10, Itango la, lie names the fol lowing witness to prove III* continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vi/. «» I'll It s,j| Ail,*. /.or/* , try, .va*h. .1. K. INKS PAINTER, * • MTV ! >,l I Mil HOW on hand at JAEGERS’ STORE and I can give my many customers a line line to select from. W'hen I say my stock is new I mean that I am constantly getting in now goods is well stocked. I buy in large quantities and of such only as can furnish the goods that my customers demand. In this way there is no need to have such a large quantity of shelf worn goods as is sometimes the ease with less careful buyers, Come in and see my Stock of Ladies' and Gents’ Furnishing, Goods, DRYGOODS. HOOTS and SHOES. CLOThING Hats, (Japs, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries. Yours respectfully, J. PHIL JAEGER, South Side Public Square Loup City, Nebr. t Ladies and Gentlemen! If 3on have Watches, ('locks, | or Jewelry tliut you wish to have I repaired don't fail to call on G. II. MORGAN tile only first class Watchmaker and 1 jeweler in the county. Also you!, should liot fail to call on G. II. MORGAN when you want something in the line of Jewelry. I handle nothing hut llast-class jewelry. I do not have any brass plated jewelry to oiler to the puhlie at cost, neither do 1 claim to do first class watch, clock or jewelry repairing and not make my promises good. 1 ain here to stay and my reputation is at stake just as well as the money that there is in doing the work. I mean what I say and if the work of G. H. MORGAN fails to please you 1 a in here to refund your money. Call and see me when you want your watches, clocks or jewelry repaired right. If you want your eyes tested and have them flitted properly, cull on I G. II. MORGAN as 1 am the only < ptician in the county who is a graduate of the Omaha watch makers and Optical college. Call and see me when you want things right. Your for business, U. 11. Moiuian. Coup City Jeweler and Optician. AITANTND Hum .-a mun nr woman to ’’ travel Tor largo homo milarv f#6 monthly and txjH-nmjh, with increasi pocitlon IM iiiittiiout In. Iom! M lf-iulUrr»M il Hiuiu|icd i n volope S9ANA<1 KU, SHU Canton bldg. ftilca ,1., .1 19 W'ANTKD-HKVHUL UillUUT AND " IHINKsT, IMirSUlM tO li| na Manager* in this and dose by conn!leu, Snlnry |imi ii year and expenxen. Straight Imnn-llile. no more, no ten* salary. I'osllton !>«»«niunont. our references. any bunk in uny town. It I* mainly ofUe« work conduct nil ut ho ilia, before non l.nelosn self-ad. dressed ntmu|int envelope.—'I'iik i>umin. ion CottbitN v. itept. S, t litcngo i .'ft to it Itio AU►-NTH \' \ NTKI*.—V or'* l he l. l e And Achievement a of Admiral Demy," tint world'll greatest naval boo. It v Mmrt lla'stead, i III* long friend* and uitrei or tb« natio * idol. Iliggest and n.> over Ui |>ttu• • vIn Inch' >, no n ly I «i i ib,o» Inif-ton. illusliiittotia ttnlv gi fv* knur, no hi* demand. Dig couinrt**ton«- iintilt ItOI, i lmniii of n lifetime. Witte t|*!U k j I ho IbJinintun ivmiwny, ird t bs.r unilun ! Handing .olibago tiilrrn VtTtlifi COST VIGOH »NUMANHOOD ' art r iapoUiK)', ?»i l.nii liolUl .r i ivAnthi^ tlNcAei'e, fill cHt*v*t* of Self- j a't-Mil*, or I Ullil IIU v n t 'n. itrnv ioiilt' wimI Ii«t4l«l**r. Hr >11lit glow to I Idle* i hri k » mi*i n tun** tlit' |lri* t>f wnilli (t; m.iiI ?»i «l i ltd HtJ.iW; with » wrtttrn i*tnnu» iMtincuitt ur rrhiml »!*<■ I Ikm) (or cirruSw, AiMr*--■*, NCRVtTA MEDICAL CO. Clinton *. JjiA'#' IM« . CNtCACO, HA. )f*H i% l«K |lV | *»|»r.Nt» Ult HHOH, | ..«p l ily, Nrb We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Keutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. We handle a cobiplete line of WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respect fully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our prices are right. \VK REPAIR HINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GIJARAN 1' 15K UUt WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. MCDONALD A HALLER, Loup City, Neb WILL EXHIBIT AT LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY- JULY 3rd The only Circus coming this season NEW AND NOVEL AERIAL AND GROUND ACTS. 2 Bitf Brass Bands 2 A HEW or FUNNY AND UP-TO-DATE CLOWNS. 3 Lnrue Trapes of Heated Poiies 3 A grand Free Street Parade at 12 o’clock. Two perform ances daily-afternoon and night. *NOTIC!K.-4 DONT FORGET THAT F. €. is Ayer)t, mu mi: St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance COMPANY. TIIK UNtl HKLIAIU.K HAIL 1N8» RANl'K CO. IU lit* »l»t« Mill iIm* «>uU UU« I»v« lu I.WM#* IB full. If b« iltMW uul 1*11 **u )uu wills lnui *t l.wuji Cii<, N«l».