The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 22, 1900, Image 8

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    SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb.
rm»4% wr.. in
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!*** * **luablo col
*r H'cdaei
0ru^» Whole
^ aMoomi.
I* Wfr
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1 for :b
■4»J J*'T W- look m> tpuT]
Teiw U"»r *t* *p from Si. Paul
Toeodajr Md W*> Itcidat nigh* al
%rml«»|5 lodge
of racrft will bo bold at
< -:2f fa;r ground*. :./ur .n^* t-j
tho £S(d mat.
Mf» !>»an Sa’-rm of ttrd ani Mrs
Tbro. WiUo® of \»blott. wero ri»i(
mg ia ibr city tfc * week.
> .
Jam*-* kb mod Mike Kcminaki
•ere ike rwci picnic of the -Wood
men* Honor* Tuaadoy night
Ksmoe Smith moved hi* family
lm* to Loup City Tacmiat mod now
ocan|ne» kia ova rraulrtMe again.
Krt A. L Zineenoan ba» moved bi>
aaiiif back to Ntomais county nJ a*
again oec«|«)! g ki • lartu • of town.
W. H. Conger ueot to Broken
Horn Wrdne* iay in ooapant with
llinun Barker and lit* attorney. Mr.
Ikm i forget that Loop City will
rneUtke Ike llortou* Fourth ic
modern aty lc ami every body ts in
The late ram* L*» riven *«-ge?at.<»n xu
snpeta* that ic wonderful The cun
fiowvv ha* grown ju#t a foot a day thi*
V- hen yen want iarga.t* In the Jit*
of JeweiffL.don't laii to call u G. II
Morgan lie carrir* the goeat line n
thaioop Valley.
f. You can buy to* or thre«*
row Dike* cultivator* at T. M.
They are U. K. 1
If yw want your watch out in good
repair be tkr only fir*t rlan workman
la the count« na i on «• I! M< **£••**. the
The kail jumped tie* cropcn! C. J
Tracy bat cwooped dawn on hi# garden
and tank it In. “And be aught to tie
'bnakfui for tint.
A im* Sctnvpi* came up from
Lmcotn Tuenday evening and ctaid
over night wt.b ht« family returning
to the koop.taJ Wadncaday morning
-mail in air*- and great in result are
I*rtViu * little enrly Ri*rr* the fanion*
little pill that rieaoce* the I ter and
howeia. The* donotgr pe Oiendabi
The boea tl at kicked thearbou home
d«**r in when the uuildatg «»• on lire
and the key I block* away. *howed their j
good Jodgment in race of an emergen
If m i>m vim. vigor mental and
fihyatonl power, til# your body witn
warm ttngi!ng life. That* what Rocky
Mountain Ten dan*. 35c. A*k your
Fire I.addie« again did tbetnael
loct Fcidojr night by turning
a binding hali and rain vtonxi
of ire
All who coder from pile* will lie glad
imra that DeWltt* Witch Hare!
tmlve will give them laclant and per
manent relief ft will cure ersrwa and
akin dieenae* Beware of counterfeit*,
fideadahl B*o*
A letter from Myron Gilbert to
bis mother ami dated Jus# H, in
f(inu ttcr that be bu lasea returned
from the Philippines and is now at
tbs Presidio, near San Franc taco, in
lie hospital.
The Lamp City Fire Itepartramt
anil meet at the buac bouse this.
Frvlay. ere mas for tbe election of
officers and sot b other business as
■sav come toforc the meeting. All
mrmtwra ate re ueetec to be pres
Tbe Msall boy* of Wiggle Creek, and
tb* veocd a-se of tbi* place played •
•nea insist tame of botie ball «n the
I^Mt diamond Hatur.Uv, resulting
is a victory for tlx Wlglers of 10 5. A
return fwsr will be played on Wiggle
Creek neat eoek
Tbe tribe of !«-l dagos encamped
just west of town are a hilarious
lot of chap*. Tber teem to enjoy
life bubbly and deligut to look upon
the nine when it is red and trade
bone*. One of them got mixed up
with MMr eiemr toon boys Wednes
day evening at MitHwirna saloon and
and in a jiffy he, tbe dago, was die
gibing a aeries of revolutions in
tbe air equal to tbe fj weed of an
Starvation never yet cured dyspepsia.
Persona with —digestion are always
baif starred They need plenty of
akill11name food. Kodol flysprpsi*
Cure tig—ta wbtt you eat so the bodr
ana br nourished while tbe worn out
i are befog reconstructed!, ft j«
ily preparation known that ajtt
Instantly i«btv« sod compxely cure
i trouble* Tty It If you are,
ftwm Imdlcesttoa It »fti cer
^ O femJab! Hro#.
**o«*ckber tbe fashionable tailor.
Mi <rt and other field seeds for l»v 1
Mr. ami Mrs. \V. R. Mr]lor arc visi
t **i(f Omaha this week.
1 S. Sheppard tlE)S t fine line of silvt
, br*rt* your friends one.
• T. Gii»on came up from St. l’at
paturdav cveuiug and spent Stnda
1 at home.
t I 11 *'• J'*tu>n came up from Lincoli
j Saturday and proved upon bis claim oi
I Monday,
Iteverenda Matthews and Owci
preached on Oak Creek Sunday last, s<
tee are in formed
Mr* Henry Mineoing of Divide is re
ported very low at this writing wifi
little hopes of recovery.
Mis# Gladys O r*r-,* »ud MiM Mu_
* »4i hel- »•** *s»* m* Krjdav
ick came bout • from York, last
to •*<end their vacation.
Mr* r. M. Reed went to Lincoln |
Tur* lav morning as a delegate to the j
• Kndeavor convention.
Mr. McReynolda of Hastings, and
brother in-law of our townsman. Mr.
• tori- Mnsth. it visiting the Utter.
The road overseer of this district, Mr. |
H Johaa-en. is putting in a bridge
over tbe Gough just west of the 1*. 1*.
A gu t liechtbold will leave for Gum
-<*y. Wy . the first of the week with the
intent.*»n of locating if he is pleased
with the country.
G II Morgati the lx*up City Jeweler
doe* all kin i* < f watch, eloel- and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When >ou have something to do
in thi- line, don't fail to call on him.
Jvv poisoning. poison wounds and
ail tit hr r acc dental injuries may be
uickljr cured y ming DeWitt's Witch
IIaxe! Salve It is also a certain cure
for piles and skin diseases. '1 ake no
other Otlemlahl Bios.
Don't forget that the Modern Wood
men intend pnttiuf up an old fashioned
Fourth of July celebration at Loup City
this year. and every body be he Jew or
i.entile, ->aint or sinner a^e cordially in
•, tied to come to Loup City and help
them make the eagle screech.
Koe-t/en's Patk. Ashton, Xebr., is
now open for the season. A merry-go
round. all Kinds of game*, plenty of
•ea’s and -hade trees, first c’;t?s accom
modatiO: s. amusements every Saturday
evening. >j»eeial Hates for Picnics
and Parties—Wm. Kxi t/.ks. I’ropr.
Oeo. 11. Whitman of Washington
twp.. informs us that be bail three
valuable •<.*$ killed by lightning
and his house was thrown around on
the foundation striking against a sod
ir-uise and breaking several studding
of the house ami shoving one win
dow, frame and all out of its place.
About members from the I>avis
Creek and Rockville camps of Mod
. rn Woodmen were in attendance at
the meeting of Loup City camp last
Tuentay night. They came to enjoy
a social time mod seethe Loup City
team do the handsome with a couple
candidates. All enjoyed the nights
-port and Loup City camp appreciat
ed the honor of their presence.
U ram Barker of Xewhampshire, and
heir to the Barker estate, also his at
torney. Mr- Hayes of Boston, arrived
in the city Tuesday evening. They
will u»a*e a thorough investigation of
J1 the bu-ine-s connected with the
, -tate here and then go to Broken Bow
where he has heavy landed interests
iu Custer county. W. II. Conger, the
o<i. .ig«-nt forth** Barker estate at this
P *ce will accompany them to Cutter
Mr-. Adam Scbaupp received a letter
from her husband Monday stating that
he was stopping at the hotel in Lincoln
and taking treatment ‘at the hospital
and that be w*a receiving much bene
fit from the treatment. He also desires
that Mrs Scbaupp and the children
come to him and stay during the time
b* must be there which they expect to
do at once.
<• F Drake has concluded to go to
tium-ey. Wjr., and open a hotel in that
new el dorado. Mr. Drake located here
with the advent of the railroad 14 years
ago and built the St. Elmo hotel, the
finest in the Middle Loup valley. He is
a thorough hotel man and has the repu
tation of keeping one of the best houses
in the country He is & tine business
man and has the organizing ability pos
se-sed by but few and will be greatly
missed from our town. He has been
I < hief of our lire dcpaiUncut ever since
j it* organization, *orae 12 years, and his
withdraw! will be regre:t»d by the fire
hoy*. We wish him success in hi9 new
We notice in the Burlington (la.)
i Hawkeve and Gazette, a write up
j of the graduating exercises of the
‘ Burlington High school in which our
i voting friend and citizen, Newton
j 1‘ilger. was one of the aspirants for
tioDora. Master I'ilger's oration is
I 2j%«»n in full and is a vivid discrip
! tion of a Nebraska prairie fire. New
i ton had received his inspiration from
! 'ic’ual experien<*e in the congenial
j home of the prairie fire and how well
i hit fertile imagination painted the
picture can only he realized by a
jperusal of his well written discre
tion thereof. Space prohibits us
publishing his production. The
following is an exerpt from the Ga
'* *1° him laurels.
La-t Friday night this locality was
\.-ited by the worst storm that we have
experienced since the memoriable one
of .fnnc Tith ISM. During the evening
heavy clouds hung in the northern sky
and about ten o’clock rain and hail be
sliM to decend in great fury. The light
ning played and thunder pealed in au
awful manner. One violent crash came
above all the rest aud in a momeat after
it was discovered by the people living
in the north part of town that the new
1 school building had been struck and
was on tire near the top of the belfry.
Loud calls of tire soon echoed through
1 the city and in a moment the fire bell
> > notified the people that storm and hail
nimr be ignored or the pride of our
town destroyed. The Fire laddies at
once hurried forth and in an incredible
-hnrt time a line of hose was connected
to the hydrant near the school house
ami fearless firemen were climbing the
bmg winding ftairs toward the fire with
no35?!^^!|,au^ a,ul ,n a few moments
the fiaiiies*#^® subdued and murmers
of relief were neS>Jabove the noise of
the siotm. Very mage was done
to the building as the fire"" Was at the
highest point and was put out before It
reachedja place to gain any advantage
Considerable damage is reported in dif
erent parts of this and adjoining counties
It i< reported that a large church locat
ed jusi outside the fire limits at Gibbou,
was destroyed, A livery barn at St.
Paul was struck and a valuable stallion
killed, also the drug store of E. O. Bart
lett was struck and the large plate glass
trout mashed and a large amount of
fire works destroyed, the building did
not catch. At Arcadia there was a
cloud burst and the low part of town
wu tlooded and much dan.age done by
hail. Seven miles north east of that
place the barn of Fred Davis was blown
to pieces, and south west of Arcadia
in Sherman county, Lewis Pearson had
his wind mill blown down anti a self
binder picked up and smashed top dowu
on the ground. Andrew Pearson's wind
mill and chicken house was torn to
pieces and a frame barn on a nearby
farm was demolished, and a part of
the >hingles were stripped from a num
ber of hou»es. Peter Larsou's wind
mill was also destroyed and that of
Geo. Truelsen on the east side of the
river, Crops in all this vast territory
was more or less damaged but corn
will survive the shock easily with favor
able weather for the balance of the seas
on. Three telephone poles were de
stroyed near the farm of Fred Stark on
the line detween here and Litchfield,
and during the rain storm of Sunday
morning two poles were shivered and
100 ft., of wire melted away just below
thecitv. The B. M. round house at
Sargent, was blown awray and two en
gines damaged. A portion of the track
near Arcadia, was washed away Friday
night and lefc the mail train on the
north side, and it did not get through
until Monday. The storm extended
some 12 miles in width and the length
as far as heard from is more than 45
miies. Loup City was near
the south end of the storm.
Tuesday morning an accident hap
pened at the B. & M. elevator at this
place that while doing considerable
damage ) et terminated very lucky for
those in charge. Mr. James Johansen,
the man in charge, started the gas en
gine as usual and went aloft to arrange
the belting. The two belt wheel* over
headt it seems, a tritie too far
apart and one of the belts slipped from
the wheel and caught in the gearing
below The engine was running at a
rapid rate of speed and it caught the
belt and wound it up tearing the enti re
door from over head and scattering it
over the engine. Mr. Johansen jumped
about H feet and caught the wall plate
his feet resting on the end of some of
the joice which had still held fast and
i he re by saved bio: self from going down
with the debris. The large line shaft
was badly bent and had to be sent away
to be trued up. Jimmie says he is
thankful for favors from above sent just
w hen most needed.
On Sunday June 24. J. G. Walker of Litch
field. will preach in the M. E. church, mor
ning at 10:1), and evening at 8, and on Wiggle
Creek, at 3. At the close of the evening ser
vice a business meeting of the League will be
held for the purpose of electing officers.
W . E. Matthews, Pastor.
There will be religious services held at the
Baptist church in this city, Sunday morning at
ten o'clock 24, inst. All are cordially invited
to attend.
J. 8. Fismek. Pastor.
Fresc n—Holcomb—On Wednes
day evening June 20, 1000, at the
home af the brides parents in this
city, Mr. Henry French and Miss
Lulu Holcomb were joined in mar
riag Rev. W. E. Matthews officiating.
Roth Mr. French and his fair bride
have grown up io our mid3t and the
fondest desire of all is that they
may live long and be happy.
Several wagons of gypsies struck the
town Monday evening, the first that has
been here for a very long time. Thry
are of the regular Simor. pure fortune
telling, horse trading brand and will In
sure you 7 sight into the future for the
small sum of HO cents.
Unless food is digested quickly it
JYiVchf'smPnt an(* irritate stumach
* .u re<M*h meal take a teaspoonful of
After el spepsla Cure. It digests what
KoJol Dnd will allow you to eat all
f what you like. It never
the worst case of dispep
easant to take. Odendabl
• V i | *U "’** I o>v**!,t Bidder.
- M contract to so to the next to
the lowest bidder” is the way that a
at building contractor would have
ut t using sentence read in advertise
nicnts for bids on any particular job.
i ide speaking of the matter recently
tins same contractor said that if the
truth were known nine out of ten of
the lowest bids made are made through
a mistake in the calculations of the
It the contractor who gets the job
"as aware that his bid is oftentimes
? 1.000 below that of the one next above
him, and this on a comparatively small
job, he would immediately institute a
search and find where he had made
the mistake, thus having an opportu
nity of failing to qualify to complete
the job. This privilege is often denied
the bidder, however, and he gets well
along with his work before the fact
dawns upon him that lie is on a losing
venture. It is then too late to go back
on the job, and the result is that the
party who is doing the building and
the contractors also are losers, and this
because of the natural inclination of
the contractor to shirk in ordw not to
lose any more than he is absolutely
obliged to in order to get out on the
bad deal.
“These mistakes are not only disas
trous to the parties immediately con
cerned, but to the trade in general, as
by the error of the unlucky bidder an
other worthy contractor is unable to
get the work at Teasonable figures.
Give the work to the next to the low
est bidder, I believe to be a good gen
eral rule.”—Omaha World-Herald.
His Only Conundrum.
The old pilot of the little steamer
Maid of the Mist, which used to carry
passengers quite up to the foot of the
falls of Niagara until the mist from the
falling waters drenched the clothing of
every one on board, used to perpetuate
one solitary conundrum each trip. It
always commenced and ended the
Moving his baud along the sides of
the pilothouse and examining the wood
work minutely, he would look up mys
teriously and remark:
“I say, stranger, do you know what
this boat is made of?”
“Made of? Why, pine and oak, isn’t
“No, sir.”
“ ’Tisn’t cedar, is it?”
“Oh, no!”
And then the old pilot’s eyes twin
kled and his mouth whistled a crazy
“Well, iron perhaps?”
“What In thunder is she made of,
“She’s Maid of the Mist, stranger;
Maid of the Mist.”
Then the pilot accepted his morning
He Wan Very Charitable.
An amusing story is told in connec
tion with a swell bazaar held a short
time ago. Among the features of the
entertainment was a refreshment stall,
to which charitable donors contributed
supplies, thus enabling all the takings
to represent clear profits.
The lady in charge requested a gift
for this purpose from a well known
and wealthy gentleman in the city, but
one not famous for “parting.” To her
surprise she received next day a note
to the effect that he was sending her a
sirloin of b«ef and “two” ox tongues.
The same morning the lady happened
to go to her butcher (who was also the
butcher of Mr. X.). and, after giving
him a large order for her stall, asked
him if he would like himself to give
“I should very much, ma’am,” replied
the worthy tradesman, “but I yester
day gave to Mr. X., at his request fot
this purpose, a sirloin of beef and three
ox tongues.”
Net gain to Mr. X.: One ox tongue
and a cheap reputation for charity!—
London Standard.
A Cable With a History.
The cable of the Western Union Tele
graph company which runs under
Lake Cham Main from Ticonderoga to
Larrabees Foint has something of a
history. It was made in Europe and
was first used in connecting opposite
shores of the Red sea. From there it
was brought to Hilton Head, where it
was used in connecting that place with
Tybee island, near Beaufort, S. C. At
the close of the civil war it was taken
up and carried to New York city,
where it remained for several years in
the company storehouse before it was
placed where it now is.
Hi* Inspiration.
“What furnishes your inspiration?”
they asked of the author.
“My wife,” was the reply.
“How lovely!” they cried. “How per
fectly idealistic!”
“Yes,” he went on, “if the muse ever
halts and I feel like loafing on my job,
her demand for a new gown or some
additional money for household ex
penses stirs me to renewed effort and
puts Pegasus in a gallop.”—Chicago
“What does she say?” askeu
crafty politician who had referred the
committee to his wife for information
as to his intentions.
“She refuses to talk,” replied the
spokesman of the committee.
“Then it wasn’t my wife you met,
gentlemen,” he rejoined, with great
positiveness. “It was somebody else.”
—Chicago Tribune.
An Example and a Warning.
“I’m afraid,” said the patient wife,
“that yours will be the fate of Abel.”
“Why, what do you mean?” asked
the astonished husband.
“Well,” she replied, “Abel was killed
by a club, and your club will be the
death of you if you don’t come home
oftener.”—Chicago News.
of Beauty.
Is often hidden by unsightly pim
ples, Eczema.Vetter, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum. etc. Burden's Arnica Salve will
glorifv the fac#by curing all skin Eru
ptions, also Cats Bruises, Burns, Boils,
Fe ons, Ulsers.N^ ' i >rst foj-m of Piles.
Only 25 cents a
Sold by
A Monster Devil Fish.
Destroying its victim, is a type of
Constipation. Tfce power of this mal
aday is feit on organs, nerves muscles
and brain. But Dr. Kings New Life
Pills are a safe aud certain cure. Best
in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid
neys and Bowels. Only 25 oenls, a’
Odendahl Bros.' drug store.
1 consider it not only a pleasure but
a duty I owe 10 my neighbors to tell
about the wonderful cure effected in iny •
case by the tim* ly useof Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very badly with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A
few doses of it effected a permanent
cure. 1 take pleasure in recommend
ing it to others suffering from that
dreadful disease.—,I \V. Lynch, Dorr,
W. Va. This remedy is sold by Oden
dahl Bros.
for everybody on and after the 17th at
the Arcadia Fruit Farm. Ten giris
wanted to pick fruit. Will pay $2.00 to
$2 50 per week. No business done on
W. F. Jenkins, Arcadia, Neb.
Here’s a list of reduced rates that
will interest you. Look it oyer. If you
want More information, call at Burling
ton Ticket ollice. The agent will take
pleasure in answering your questions:
Des Moines 1
and return, ) June IS to 22, - - §10.00
Philadelphia i
and returned \ June 14, 15, 16, - 33.65
Denver. Pueblo, i
Colorado Springs - June 31. one fair
and return. ) plus §2.00
Glenwood Springs i
and return s June 21, - §28 80
Ogden, Salt Lake )
and return \ June 21. - - 3150
Hot Springs f
and return i June 21, - -§18 00
To those who drink whiskey for
pleasure; HARPER Whiskey adds zest
to existence. To those who drink
whiskey for health's sake; HARPER
Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold
by T. II. Elsner, Loup City, Neb.
There’s no beauty in all the land,
That can with her face compare.
Her lips are red her eyes are bright.
She takes Rocky Mountain Tea at night.
Ask your Druggist.
The Chinese ask -,how- 1° your liver’r"
instead of “how do you do?"J for
when the liver is active the health is
good “DeWitt's Little Early Risers
are famous little pills for the liver
and bowels. Odendahl Bros.
Watcli. Clod aid Jewelry
This represents everything in
the jewelry line. If you need
any jewelry or silverware
coll on ns at our new store one
door east of St. Elmo hotel.
All repairing will receive
prompt attention.
The Leading Jeweler and Optician
of Loup City.
To whom It may concern:
The undersigned, having sold out their
interest in the property owned by the
Opera House co., of Ashton, Neb. and
their interest in said special partnership,
hereby give public notice that hereafter
they will not be responsible for the pay
ment of any debts of that concen:
Signed this 9th day of June. 1900.
Tilos. Jamrog.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
Sick Headache,GastralgiajCramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWitt A <to.. Cbicaoa
For sale by ODENDAHL DR( S
Lup City. Neb.
The market islbelng flooded
w*. Black
With worth!
for $9 and
mon s<
"M of
f. e. skewer?, is Agent,
"V .... .
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
in the state and the only one that pays its losses in full. If he does
not call on you write him at Loup City, Neb.
Circus Coming:! > >
The only Circus coming this season
2 Big Brass Bands 2
3 Large Troupes of Educated Wes 3
A grand Free Street Parade at 12 o'clock. Two perform
ances daily-afternoon and night.
The American Summerland.
“The overland Limited'’ via Union
Pacific makes many hours quicker time
between Missouri River and San Fran
cisco than any other line. Finely equip
ped with Double Drawing Room Pal
ace Sleepers. Buffet Smoking and Lib
rary Cars with Barber Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Rooms, Dining Cars, Meals
a-la-carte, Pintsch Light, Steam Heat.
For tickets, advertising matter and
full information call on or address— W.
D. Clifton, Agent.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns. Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, |
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap-!
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 5:5c
at Odendahl Bros.
The passenger department of the B
M. R. R. R. offers thirteen cash
prizes agregating #115 for letters about
Nebraska. Particulars of the contest,
which is open to all, can be had by ad
dressing J Francis, G. P. A., Om«Kn
Department of, the Tnterior.
Land Ohio* at Lincoln, Neb. )
May 17, 1900. \
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of her
intention to make final proof in empport
of her claim, and that said proof will be
maoe before J, A. Angier, the countv
Judge, Loup City, Neb. on June 30th, 1900
viz: Leora B. Flanders, Homestead Entry
No. 17,40d, for the south half ot the soutii
east quarter Section 4. Township 13, Range
16. She names the lollowing witnesses to
prove her continuous resicence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
August Musback, of Litchfield, Neb.
Peter Wogan, ” ’’ »
Joseph Else. ” »’ *»
Addison E, Smith, ” ’’ >>
J. W. Johonsn, Rigister.
I Dyspepsia,
ache and Liver
lOO PILLS Sold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
25 CTS.
JNrnfti Medical Ce„ ChlcafC
AHL, BROS., Loup CltF. M
Thou hast strange notions for one so
young a substitute to think that thou
art the same as Rocky Mountain Tea,
made by the Madison Medicine Co. 85.
Ask Your Druggist
TIME table
St. Joseph,
Kansas City.
St. Louis,
anti all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No. 5:2 Passenger.7:65 a.m.
No. 60 Freight.12.50 p.m.
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. m.
No. 59 Freight.12i5t)a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair car*
(seals free) on through trains. Tiokets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United Slates or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L. Artbui
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, GenM. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 88 leaves daily exceut ipass
ei^f*?r);J':^a'-™'fll0n<lay, Wednesday and
, ii&rf (mixed) 12:30 p. m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thuraday and
Saturday, (mixed) S:55 p. m.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. <5 arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
W. D. Clifton,
The Union Pacific will place in
effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 ioc.,
July 18 and August 2nd, Summer
Excursion rates ot
plus f‘2.00 from Kansas and Neb
raska points
For Time Table and foil information
call on