The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 22, 1900, Image 5
r A AMAZING FIGl BE$! — fBOFomcm or ou* imports AKU IMPORTS Wswe Y* ((mnl *•» %■ «m» *>»»>■ «ium* «m «M» Uh«i«> k+m■ I* 1i»t I*. -A uprx ietl» . sddretaej to Gex <*h—i ta 14 KO-. 4'he.'&a£ Of the Umw M* tc tutt. Minor abd Fibber it* AKUbtitr it uf >w» Yurt. « for an. r ae—ber of the J8e» York 4 uciBi* r e Owl—I'M. | eb—s aU*rh os *A« Ship Subsidy ' it.,, it <1 lm *~ x. fa*ur-btT reported u b Uu>(k of t oner*** Mr Smith V*»-T rt< f|n tUt ttt JurrifB *tup 1-iVf ii*rn»u *.*u*"*i bj the free trader* *iu. ttM.- rt*-a.t« of Abo nras ahip .•.i,# a-» —riviag ■ith migu »o: • not L to d«-*tror» the out Aaar-ira* Use ) m* *Sf>c .4 ifi our trade vitk Eu is 1** * ter Mr ra«t nays is part: “Mr. K*b 4) i a-atrUub that the rata of tlte t-ub*»4* » designed to tall tc 'lie* xnmrkt of the 1st—t—1 Must# A.epacy.* a tot osiy er •Uetw but era* purposely designer . tu prsfallee to* public against that i—p-dl— —if line by the ny. en gage*; is Mir trade a.-.fc Europe under j he e aer. as flag Thu line ha* tores -4C«S«tf out fur the must virulent, ma- j coast and frequent tttarit erer aisce ht tS. pp.m hnl has tees before the pu -tie It Sa» been asserted. hut «;th ost a word of truth that tt k* coo tro «d hy the Standard Oil and the lvrr> Jiarna Railroad so—pastes. Ttat Use ha* been pictured a* par if a mosopolisUc trust, aberaar tt la j tat: , nc «:ucb- banasd asc alone. ^lUat the taoet powerful —ship use* is U»r world. Tbeae other Use* —all —il— hiriHgii £a*a—are bached up * tl ut.:tn:»ed wealth and the sup „-<« ! theor arse—I covers—eaU ts •ti'»wT exteat tc my be neesasary le *msAm the— to SBC—fillip cs—pet* tor th* tr—tissue trade “The A—ericas .:ne is quest son le ’ l| tt a! con* •ierabie pe* un;ary 1 > I vjm to #j **d and Mil; iurcneT in- ; r«MM it* irr'iiignr under the Star* and I Sirtpaa m tb*- for* of Uuo anw»triN UK! 13 .led oppoa.litrB lit Co.Eg •» it * U» t*+* ccl> t*d to tit*- uabrtdW * - - of eeerj free trader, every free trod* ncoropaper. errry enemy of As « nrfct ifclpptnc anc carry defender f I r*.g® ■hlppin in to*- I'nitr-J fltniob. IT t!* Ifaoide-* of thia lie*- are wft to Unroot f-rUttr in Ameri can alt p* .t tne hap* of uit:mat*.y •art tg a | *. It. *nd or* ready to cub j*€i tl<^ur in lu tit* fter***? and T »-• f Bf»ur»t*d competition of tre n -r*i oaa t * and powerful ahipt 3 all ll'** world :.a-dor foreign Hi**- tb* At'-* *a p* p.* »..i ip. .auc an * t«a«£C them. **Tbe d»mClj porpoee of tbi* oppof. turn ta ■astibMK • btc or* «t»d> tb* 'tar. t*<.» of (fee Sut« for the iaot fa - year, Of the total foreign :-»s- of "he l a ud Stttfi CT.wT pe it' :i a tb E-rop*-aoft than two fE'rca of «>r total foreign trad* la w.tb Bart#* Of our import* from Europe. * at •USjIMJEM. only »ii 4*>j:42. •r 4 a per rent «•» earned in Ameri at ***•*!*.. Of ttu, Tb* ehip* of tl»* As*"lean 1)0* ram*d import* rained a* flOSSAU Of oor eaperta to Eu rcjj* ta.aoi at t*CJ*3. bttt 127. 14* • T< or 1.30 per rent. «** carried it I8»r.i*t vcaiea. to* thipa of tb* Aa«?.<at 1-ae carry ir g exports to Eu r pe * anted at $Za.o«« .70. ""lb* fa to* of tb* imports and ex port* carried 3 tb* stupa of tbit line * a* «-> amt TC oat of a total of *12 ;M earned :n al! of tb* American mgapat in oar entire foreign trmft* Tb* *b:;ia of tbit American line *rr *d w.tfcin a fra; lion of 2S per cent • * !».* tapir.* and expert* of tb- ‘tilted §ta«M that were carried In Anter.caa an: pa. If. therefore, tb* f tt* tit pi of fbe American Itoe— at, b rendered aurb exceptional and loanluoblo auaUiaary naval aerriee to aor government during tb* *ur with fpa-o—caa b* driven oat of our trade mat Korop*. tb* prupumua of our afirrtSS under the American Hag in u* trace with Europe m.l! drop from br ;.'«pexit J.LS |*- rest of lilt total to <t«r< testh.- at oae» per ctnt Th* 4# *a Itr xt* forces ships now moeiapt Hat »T J& per cent at our carry .sc *nh Europe. and are striving mttfe a.! the power and infiueare at thetr command u* Iwre— their pro* p- rs us of 'War carrying to »b §. leaving Jeer like at ray As«n an u-wl that will car* So voatwr* mto that trade, the rarryneg of ** o' oar import* and m ♦. n-’ H» driving thew- ship* out of •nr fame* trwae. tbe proportion of lb* gomes trade off the I’aited * amp) ;» America* vessels. * ■«* : he **• oewd inis kJ to Just T per >b’ leaving for foreiga ships the c*r-: -i-c of V pr real of uar .mporu at,*, ♦spurt* ^*4 tbe estimated f ”Oo MS AV j* It* -C“* *• tial takes free tte l sited ” axe year * %<> ip ilrr ** eo»ruid*d Mr. Smith js car analag ti-ia portion of Ui ns I- i "the foreign atrainati p uw«* ana a. other frwwd* of shipping, ar d • *<ry enemy at American nhip j ;( * ; »i.irate* hU opposition a 11* Axel 'it Be 'he *:Hfle heroic earr ♦* of tt»e Americas flap is oar tntnstlnmtir trade * ft »■ ar«« « .~«t t »e*yi I', t.neae nititibuo to be good a!! oter 'U western and foot he's sections •A » country aa chows by Brad *5tHtV retersa of bank rietrap: Four Months fierti Wswtrra . - XorrkwecJ* lbbb. t MT.41C.iJl J.Cli.«2fcfi07 how* L west bit Til .Jib 7MTS;*f.3 .426 tJbern . Far West ern . SCi bib.C42 4M.43C.J3J It every owe of these sections the ik cdswrings have hern larger this ap to the end of April, than is Che eorrwsponding months of 18bt wt« t the volume of business transact ed »& the country broke all previous Prosperity la Mill with us. a ;th or petroleum, charcoal, Crewood, rath beef. veal. pork, and mutton, «.U act: eggs, fruits, vegetables.flour, i rnn-cil. bread, rice neaua. salt pork, :n. baron. fresh Ash. codfish, her nnj aowp pm*, dried beef, sugar, mo ..-id tof<* The Porto Ricans w..11 u- w be able to take a bite with- , .* it being tc.aej for i.. and tnev will - < o >e able to enjoy tb* ppvilege of -. free square meal, paying lees in ’au~s and having more money for rood. CUBAN TARIFF CHANCES. IU . vn il Um(r for Hiiilrwd Material If lat)i»rtrd WltUiu a tiar. i be War Department lias again re vis.. ti< schedules of the Cuban tariff, io into effert June lath. It is bopei .nat this will increase the imports run the United States, as we now i.uvt ieas than half the trade of the island. A previous reduction of the duty on ' : >od stuffs and live stock has not les sened the cost of food by the consum er. iO that no changes are made in the re\ :su n in the form duties except to reduie the duty on flour from |1.«0 to a do.lur a b_rrel. and on salt cod and stock fish from 5- to $1. In vie* of the necessity for the con struction and reconstrutcion of rail roads in Cuba, and upon the assurance g:\en by the various companies that if material for the construction and equipment could be imported at a re d ;eed rate they mill at once begin to Import large quantities, a special pro vision has been inserted in the tariff wrhi h allows railroad companies to import these supplies into the island * for a period of twelve months from the date of promulgation at a rate of 10 per cent ad valorem. S; roe few changes have been made n the free li=t. one or two fresh addi- : i . ins being made and one or two ar i.cle* being taken out and put on the dutiable list. Crude petroletun is taken from the ft*** and :h»* original duty of $1.40 per 100 pounds restored. Petroleum and cither mineral oils, rectified or re- \ intended for illumination or .-fc-cation, per !Oo pounds. 52S0. 1 arm l*n«lu«-t» Higher. Comparing prices on May 1, 1900. with May 1. 1899. there has been an increiiin the following prc3ucts of the farm Com. sheep hops, prime, horses, h cs carcasses. muttons, carcasses, beef. pork, bacon, hams. lard. •i*^eT rf.ffee beans. lemons, raisins, »des cotton, wool. hemp. jute. flax, tobacco, hay. cottonseed. (tmteitt fur lUKliilrT. Geo. B. Her.oru ks. of the San An ge!-> country. Texas, says that the cat- , t,-men in his section are almost a it for tb*- re-election of President McKinley. He says the cowmen are sat :hed with tneir present prosperity and no n t care to see the existing confiden - among the people disturbed j b> the election of any other man as president. farti uf lH»1ru«-:i«m. One Southern editor has made so bo i as to suggest that David B. Hill a 1 add strength to the Kansas City ticket as a vn*e presidential candidate, ibe Kansas City ticket will be made \ the subtraction system rather than by the process of addition. The poli f v of the present Democratic leaders ir to tear down, not to build up. K» pretence with 4mn. T1 C.acinnati Enquirer wants the Ieriiocrau that they cannot se- j ure the •. ites of the men who sup j*»rted the Hon. iam Jones for govern or la.>t year. The owner of the En- j nuirer had one experience with 1 Jon« s and know* what he is talking about. f*a»« k**ci and The Declaration of independence was nemo on the Fourth of July, ITTC. L t the chances are that the j I> mocra! ic party will not have the courage to >ign a Declaration of Inde |m nden.e on the Fourth of July, 1900, as the convention it? already packed and pledged to by-gene issues. IfaK'HpU at Manila., Van la's customs receipts last March ^niuuuted to compared with $242.4t»8 in March. 1899. Under Span , Li rule the largest March receipts w re $29'.'.442. in 1897; so that their j record has been beaten by $216,000 for : that month under American adminis tration. A Mii-1> It ir quite likely that the Sioux Falls convention named a stalking horse for the Vice Presidency. The second place on the Kansas City ticket will eventually go to a Democrat, thus giv ing that party representation. Mhh-li «»• WliUJi? If the present Popocratic party were to undergo an operation for appendi citis iv would take a skilled political anatomist to ten the operation which was the appendix anu , *vas the. the. corpus delicti. Our l.urniln an<l Their lilies. A.. of the foriegn enemies of the I l nlt«d Slates are hoping for Demo rrati* success in November. The j Democratic party always was unfor tunate in Its away-from-home sym pathy -- I>»nc Whi§k<*pn. A N< w Jersey town is threatened by an invasion on long-whiskered rats. According to Mr. Barker, the Minneso ta Towne is threatened with the ven geance of long-whiskered Peps. iltougb <>n Tax I’aym Papa Croker can continue to pur chase |4.U00 bow wows for bis child ren as long as Tammany operates the j New York cash register. Valuable for I'opocrats. Mount Vesuvius is spouting away at a rate calculated to arouse the jeal ousy of all the boy orators in the Take the baby talk a woman* with an Infant, g high pitch and you will have ( lass colligg yell.—Chicago i COLORADO CHEEP, «n»tor Wolcott Tell* of Their Greater Y al ate. Washington.—“Colorado has Just i>een through a remarkable experience n regard to its flocks of sheep and its drool,'’ said United States Senator Ed uard O. Wolcott of that state today, when discussing the general prosperity 3f ri,6 country. “Farmers out there have had their Dbject lesson, and a very strong one. on the evil effects of free trade and the advantages of protection. I bav® prepared some figures on the subject which are interesting. Tear. Number. S91. 1.S19.569 IKS. 1.710,398 893 . 1.231,484 894 . 1.293,038 S9s>. 1.305.989 1896 .1.319.049 1897 . 1.411.382 898. 1,£3.089 "99. 1.655,551 1900 . 2.185.327 Per Value. head. S4.306.535 52.37 4.263.673 243 3,105.803 2.52 2.396.295 1.85 1.984.058 1 52 2.251.881 1-71 2.486.290 1 70 3.869.445 2.38 4.4S6.543 2.71 6.250.036 2.86 “You will see from this table that ihe value of sheep iu Colorado on the 1st of January, 1S91 and 1892. was nearly $4,300,000 each year. At the end of 1892, just as soon as it was known that there would be a complete Democratic administration during the next four years, the farmers began to sell their sheep, the total number of the flocks decreasing by nearly 500,000 within a year. The value of each sheep also decreasing by $1 a head between the years 1893 and 1895. i “Immediately after the election in ; the fall of ’96. when Republican con trol of the Government was assured, the farmers began to increase their flocks, knowing that protection would again be given to wool. They had suCered under the disastrous effects of free trade in wool, and immediately set about to recover their losses. Be tween the first day of January, 1897, and the first day of the present year, the sheep flocks of Colorado have in creased by 774.000 and their value by upwards of $3,750,000, each sheep in the state being worth $1.10 more this year than it was just before President McKinley’s inauguration. “But the value of the sheep alone does not tell all the story. Look at this next statement giving the prices per pound of Colorado wool as soid in that state. I PRICE PER POUND IN CENTS. Med. doming. Mexican. Creasy. Year. Fine. 1531. lSSC. ism. )M*4. 1835. 1KW. 1837. 1838. 1»*>. 1WU. 16 15% 10 8 6 8 10 12 14 14 13% 3 7 6 5 7 3 10 11% 15 14% 10 8 7 7 3 10% 12 15 m » ear s 50 7 4& £ a® 4 m 4 50 7 so a 7® * Tom “You will see that all grades of wool began to drop in ’93. Between the time of President Harrison's adminis tration when wool was protected under the McKinley tariff, and the free trade period of President Cleveland, there was a difference of 10 cents per pound to the farmer on the best wool that he had to sell. His loss per pound on me dium wool was 9 cents, on Mexican wool 8 cents, and on greasy wool 3 to 4 cents per pound. “Wool values began to increase again just as soon as protection was assured by the election of President McKinley and a Republican Congress. Prices had already advanced early in '97. and they have kept on advancing ever since. “Now. 1 have taken the quantity of wool produced in Colorado in the years 1891 to 1895 and 1900, with the average value per pound at which it was sold, and it shows the following result: rouna^. vaiuc. lSfi.1. 11,827.198 S1.635.S0S pj?*. 8.488,878 50y,333 lyyo. 14,2U4,tt25 1,822,522 "Besides a loss of $2,320 in the value of their sheep between '91 and ’95, the farmers of Colorado lost $1,150,000 through the smaller prices at which they sold their wool. For one year their experience with free trade cost them almost $3,500,000. "Comparing this year with 1895, there has been an improvement of $4, 266,000 in the value of Colorado sheep, and of $1,124,000 :ti the value of the wool grown in that state, making a benefit to the farmers under protec tion, in one year almost $5,400,000. Put this again it the loss of $3,470,000, and we have a total of $8,860,000 as the gross difference to sheep farmers in Colorado between free trade ani protection in one single year.” Not .ferry's Work. •Terry Simpson is suspected o» the authorship of the Sioux Falls plat form. Jerry has had some newspaper experience and, had he been entrusted with the composition of the document, would undoubtedly have provided it with a “Going Backward" scare head. This lack of editing ought to enable Jerry to prove an alibi. A Side Show. * What sort of a show will the Demo cratic party have this year,” inquires an esteemed contemporary. According to the proceedings at Sioux Falls and Cincinnati we should say a side show would be about its size. Must Hide *7* "'*a Coionel who was going around the country a short time ago looking for General Prosperity will have to hide from that enemy to his ambitious plans. The A Boi>e Made of Human Hair. Human hair is a very useful article of produce in China, for. besides the quantity sent to Europe to adorn la dies’ heads, the coarser kind is col lected from the barbers’ shops for ma nuring the rice fields. A rope of ha man hair, several inches in diameter and several thousand feet in length, was made for the Mikado of Japan, but, having been discarded in favor of a rope O’ steel, this massive lock of hair, or icollection of locks, has passed into the hands of the authori ties of the British museum. It is a huge coil, Several feet In height, and weighs abort two tons. FALMAGES SERMON. AN INCIDENT IN THE LIFE OF OUR SAVIOR. rh» Fath «f Least Reslstanee Is the Best One in Which to Perform -tioosl Works — Hough Plam in Life's Jour ney. (.Copyright, 1900. by Louis Klopsch.) Text. Mark 39. "And He arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.” Here in Capernaum, the seashore village, was the temporary home of that Christ who for the most of his life was homeless. On the site of this village, now in ruins, and all around this lake, vhat scenes of kindness and power and glory and pathos when our Lord lived here! I can under stand the feeling of the immortal Scotchman. Robert McChevne. when, sitting on the banks of this lake, he wrote: "It is not that the wild gazelle Comes down to drink thy tide. But he that was pierced to save from hell Oft wandered by thy side. "Gracefal around thee the mountains meet. Thou calm, reposing sea. But, ah. far more the beautiful feet 0? Jesus walked o’er thee.” I can easily understand from the contour of the country that bounds this lake that storms were easily tempted to make these waters their playground. This lake, in Christ's time, lay in a scene of great luxuri ance; the surrounding hills, terraces, sloped, groved: so many hanging gar dens of beauty. On the shore were castles, armed towers, Roman baths, everything attractive and beautiful— all styles of vegetation in smaller space than in almost any other space in the world, from the palm tree of the forest to the trees of rigorous climate. It scemd as if the Lord had launched one wave of beauty on all the scene and it hung and swung from rock and hill and oleander. Roman gentlemen in pleasure boats sailing this lake and countrymen in fishing smacks coming down to drop their nets pass each other with nod and shout and laughter or swinging idly at their moorings. Oh. what a beautiful scene! It seems as if we shall have a quiet night. Not a leaf quivered in the air. not a ripple disturbed the face of Gennesaret. But there seems to be a little excitement up the beach, and we hasten to see what it is. and we find it an embarkation. From the western shore a flotilla pushing out: not a squadron of deadly a**mament, nor clipper with valuable merchan dise, nor piratic vessels ready to de stroy everything they could seize, but a flotilla, bearing messengers of light and life and peace. Christ is in the stern of the boat. His disciples are in the bow and amidships. Jesus, weary with much speaking to large multitudes, is put into somnolence by the rocking of the waves. If th^re was any motion at all. the ship was easily righted; if the wind passed from star board to larboard, or from larboard to starboard, the boat would rock and, by the gentleness of the motion, put ting the Master asleep. And they extemporized a pillow made out of a fisherman's coat. I think no sooner is Christ prostrate and his head touched the pillow than he is sound asleep. The breezes of the lake run their fin gers through the locks of the worn sleeper, and the boat rises and falls like a sleeping child on the bosem of a sleeping mother. Coming of the Storm. Calm night, starry night, beautiful night! Run up all the sails, ply all the oars, and let the large boat and the small boat glide over gentle Gen nesaret. But the sailors say there is going to be a change of weather. And even the passengers can hear the moaning of the storm as it comes on with great stride and all the terrors of hurricane and darkness. The large boat trembles like a deer at bay among the clangor of the hounds; great patches of foam are flung into the air; the sails of the vessel loosen and in the strong wind crack like pistols; the smaller boats, like petrels, poise on the cliffs of the waves and then plunge. Overboard go cargo, tackling and masts, and the drenched disciples rush into the back part of the boat’ and lay hold of Christ and sav unto him, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” That great personage lifts his head from the pillow of the fisherman’s coat, walks to the front of the vessel and looks out into the storm. All around him are the smaller boats,driv en in the tempest, and through it comes the cry of drowning men. By the flash of the lightning I see the calm brow of Christ as the spray drop ped from his beard. He has one word for the sky and another for the waves. Looking upward, he cries. •■Peace'” Looking downward, he eays,“Be still!” t»-—-"-“ves fall flat on their faces, the foam melts, the extinguished stars re light their torches. The tempest falls dead, and Christ stands with his foot on the neck of the storm. And while the sailors are baling out the boats and while they are trying to untangle the cordage the disciples stand in amazement, now looking into the calm sea, then into the calm sky, then into the calm Savior’s countenance, and they cry out, “What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?” The subject, in the first place, im presses me with the fact that it is very important to have Christ in the ship; for all these boats would have gone to the bottom of Gennesaret if Christ had not been present. Oh, what a lessen for you and for me to learn! What ever voyage we undertak #, into what ever enterprise we start, let us have Christ in the ship. All yon can do with utmost tension of body, mind and soul you are bound to do; but, oh, have Christ in every enterprise! Seeking There are men at the He has been no trouble Help. God’s help enterprises, in the past; them; the the top laah Geane agony, b«t 9 it could not hurt them. But here Is another man who starts out In worldly enterprise, and he depends upon the uncertainties of this life. He has no God to help him. After awhile the storm come?, tosses off the masts of the ship; he puts out his life-boat and the long boat; the sheriff and the auc tioneer try to help him off; they can't help him off; he must go down; no Christ in the ship. Your life will be made up of sunshine and shadows. There may be in it arctic blasts or tropical tornadoes; I know not what is before you, but I know if you have Christ with you all shall be well. You may seem to get along without the religion of Christ while everything goes smoothly, but after awhile, when sorrow hovers over the soul, when the waves of trial dash clear over the hurricane deck and the decks are crowded with piratical disasters—oh, what w’ould you do then without Christ in the ship? Take God for your portion. God for your guide, God for your help; then all is well; all is well for a time; all shall be well for ever. Blessed is that man who puts in the Lord his trust. lT shall never be confounded. But my subject also impresses me with the fact that when people start to follow Christ they must not ex pect smooth sailing. These disciples got into the small boats, and I have no doubt they said: “What a beautiful day this is! How delightful is sailing in this boat! And as for the waves under the keel of the boat, why. they only make the motion of our little boat the more delightful.” But when the winds swept down and the sea was tossed into wrath, when they found that following Christ was not smooth sailing. So you have found it; so I have found it. Did you ever notice the end of the life of the apostles of Jesus Christ? You would say if ever men ought to have had a smooth life, a smooth de parture, then these men, the disciples of Jesus Christ, ought to have had such a departure and such a life. St. James lost his head. St. Philip was hung to death on a pillar. St. Mat thew had his life dashed out with a halbert. St. Mark was dragged to death through the streets. St. James the Less was beaten to death with a ful- * ler’a club. St. Thomas was struck through with a spear. They did not find following Christ smooth sailing, j Oh. how they were all tossed in the tempest! John Huss in a fire; Hugh McKail in the hour of martyrdom; j the Albigenses. the Waildenses, the Scotch Covenanters—did they find it smooth sailing? But why go into his tory when we can draw from our own memory illustrations of the truth cf what I say? Not Always Smooth Sailing. A young man in a store trying to serve God. while his employer scoffs at Christianity! the young men in the same store, antagonistic to the Chris tian religion, teasing him. tormenting him about his religion, trying to get him mad. They succeed in getting him mad and say, “You’re a pretty Chris tian!” Does that young man find it smooth sailing when he tries to follow Christ? Or you remember a Chris tian girl. Her father despises the Christian religion; her mother de spises the Christian religion; her brothers and sisters scoff at the Chris tian religion; she can hardly find a quiet place in which to say her pray ers. Did she find it sfnooth sailing when she tried to follow Jesus Christ? Oh. no! All who would live the life of the Christian religion must suffer persecution. If you do not find it. in one way, you will get it in another way. But be not disheartened' Tike courage! You are in a glorious com panionship. God will see you through all trials, and he will deliver you. My subject also impresses me with the fact that good people sometimes , get irigntenea. in the tones of these i disciples as they rushed into the back ! part of the boat I find they are fright | ened almost to death. They say, “Mas ter, carest thou not that we perish?” i They had no reason to be frightened, for Christ was in the boat. I suppose ! if we had been there we would have been just as much affrighted. Per haps more. In all ages very good peo ple get very much affrighted. It is often so in our day, and men say: “Why, look at the bad lectures. Look at the various errors going over the church of God. We are going to founder. The church is going to per ish. She is going down.” Oh. how I many good people are affrighted by I iniquity in our day and think the ! church of Jesus Christ is going to be i overthrown and are just as much af | frighted as were the disciples of my | text! Don’t worry, don’t fret, as ! though iniquity were going to triumph ! over righteousness. A lion goes into a cavern to sleep. He lies down with his shaggy mane covering his paws. Meanwhile the spiders spin a web I across the mouth of the cavern and say, “We have captured him.” Gos samer thread after gossamer thread until the whole front of the cavern is covered with the spider’s web. and the spiders sav, “The lion is done; the lion is fast.” After awhile the lion has got through sleeping. He rouses himself, he shakes his mane, he walks out into the sunlight. He does not even know the spider’s web is spun, and with his roar he shakes the moun tain. So men come spinning their sophistries and skepticism about Jesus Christ. He seems to be sleeping. They say: “We have captured the Lord. He will never come forth again upon the nation. Christ is overcome forever. His religion will never make any con quest among men.” But after awhile the Lion of the tribe of Judah will rouse himself and come for*h to shake mightily the nations. What’s a spid er's web to the aroused lion? Give truth and error a fair grapple, and truth will come off victor. But there are a great many good people who get affrighted in other re spects. They are affrighted about vivals. They say, “Oh, this is a/ .Tong religious gale! We are afr:Lj tbe church of God is going to be aQ(1 there are going to be a grear ^Rnv people brought Into the chu|^h th£J't are going to be of no use i they are affrighted whene Frightened by Revivals. a revival taking hold of tl As though a ship captain bushels of wheat for a ci some day, coming ‘Tnrow overboard all th» Pon deck, ►rgor* t luey see churches, rith 5.000 :o, should the sailors should say: “Why, captain. f what do you mean? Throw over all | the cargo?” “Oh,” says the captain, “we have a peck of chaff that has got ' into this 5.000 bushels of wheat, and the only way to get rid of the chaff is to throw all the wheat overboard!” Now, that is a great deal wiser than the talk of many Christians who want to throw overboard all the thousands and tens of thousands of souls who are the subjects of revivals. Throw all overboard because they are brought into the kingdom of God through great revivals, because there is a peck of chaff, a quart of chaff, a pint of chaff! I say. let them stay until the , last day. The Lord will divide the qhaff from the wheat. There is one storm into which we will all have to run. The moment when we let go of this world and try to take hold of the next, we will want all the grace possible. Yonder I see a Christian soul rocking on the surges of death. .* .i\he powers'*ul 1 seen lfet out against that soul—the , swirling wave, the thunder of the skv, the shriek of the wind, all seem to unite together. But that soul is not troubled. There Is no sighing.there are no tears; plenty of tears in the room at the departure, but he weeps no tears—calm, satisfied and peace ful; all is well. By the flash of the storm you see the harbor just ahead, and you are making for that harbor. All shall be well, Jesus being our pi lot. “Into the harbor of heaven now we glide; We’re home at last, home at last Softly we drift on the bright, silv’ry tide; We’re home at last. Glory to God, all our dangers are o’er; We stand secure on the glorified shore! Glory to God, we will shout evermore. We’re home at last.” TIED OWN NUPTIAL KNOT. Peimsylvatiia .lustier Acted as Celebrant at His Own Wedding. Ira Carle of Kingston, Pa., is an old time justice of the peace who takes a somewhat liberal view- of his own magisterial powers. He is somewhat i advanced in years and some eleven years ago, when three score and four teen and a widower, felt the need of | some tender spirit to share his trou bles and add to the enjoyments of his existence. Casting about him. his eyes fell upon a comely widow of 65. whom he wooed with all the ardor of a swain of one-fourth his years. He was not long in winning her consent to a mar riage, but. being of an economical 5 turn, he hesitated about paying the | fee that would be exacted by a clergy I man or a brother magistrate. He con sulted his law libra: y, consisting of the revised statutes of the Keystone state, : and could not find therein any inter diction of a lawfully qualified justice of the peace performing the wedding ceremony. His bride-elect was equally oblivious of the proprieties and accord ingly it was done. Now comes Mrs. Carle into court and asks for a legal j separation from the squire on the ! ground of cruel treatment. Called ‘ upon to testify, the aggrieved woman said marriage ceremony was per \ formed by 'Squire Carle himself, and | that there were no witnesses present. She said the 'squire told her such a 1 marriage was all right under the laws of Pennsylvania and that there was no other ceremony. Some old letters were shown to show that she had written to him as his wife even before the strange ceremony of of 1893. One was written in 1892 to the 'squire in which she signed herself his beloved wife. In describing the marriage ceremony the woman said he read from a Bible, asked her if she would be his wife, and she consented, believing the ceremony valid. Now, the ’squire declares that the ceremony was a farce, but the court was of the opinion that it would be good law. He refused to pass defi nitely upon the matter, however, and the case will be taken to a highe: court.—Chicago Chronicle. A Modern Translation. A young French woman here in town is teaching the rudiments of her native language to a class of women far past the school age. They have ad vanced so far. that now they are read ing the New Testament in French. They haven't read much of it, and at the last lesson it was Mrs, Blank's turn to read that beautiful verse which in the English version begins “In my Father's house are many man sions.” Mrs. Blank read it over in her best accent. It ends, in the French. 1 believe with the word “demeures.” “Will you kindly translate it. please?" said the teacher. “Oh. certainly,” an swered Mrs. Blank. “I—I don't quite remember how it goes in the English Testament, but I'll just put it into the best English I can.” And then the astonished class gasped, while Mrs. Blank read off. as glibly as you please: "In my Father's mansion are many flats.”—Washington Post. Huskies »»rkss Criticism. John Ruskin was a fearless critic, and maSe many enemies by his radical views, says the Indianapolis News. He never considered the man or the friend in his criticisms. It was the work it self that concerned him. He once criticised, in his fearless way, the work of a well-known painter, who was much grieved at the effect. On hearing of the sorrow he had caused he wrote to the artist that he regretted j he could not speak more favorably of j the picture, but hoped it would make ] no difference in their friendship. It is said the artist wrote in reply: "Dear ! Ruskin: Next time I meet you I shall knock you down, but I hope it will make no difference in our friendship.” Rear-Admiral John W. Philip, com mandant of the Brooklyn navy yard, has consented to take charge of the fund to be raised among the sailors model made of the United States bat tleship Maine. This c*adel is to be presented to Miss Helen Gould. The model of the Maine will cost about $2,000. Considerable money h/v, al ready been raised. The plan is „ col lect 10 cents from every sailor and ma rine in the navy. As there are about 25.000 enlisted men, the amount fa practically assured. Model of the Maine. A REVIEW OF THE Lio l*ST TWEL ^Thy Kingdom font*-, tin 4 un Kuth at* It I* i„ “J Wm iu> i>oi — Mil for .. ‘taehera—? Review!nr -Dr Ti .m(.c “Two classes of ]■« >,>: - ; , to attend Sunday srn,li|| can do so; they inch; tJ§* anything from the ; 1 can teach its truths • learn them. The u:.; f)9 fairly seem to haw. day school are th* teach nor learn.'* T , those who should quarter's lessons. iU ways of reviewing b^;' J should character, t* should give ji gt n^-ral view of the subject st« tiled, and not merely a sue J sior.*-rf-details. l our lessons r„ year the review sh-n.u t Xtend oveF the whole life of Christ , to the time the quarter closes. (3. Ii should be made as attractive as possibh ]., M>me schools the reviews have be* i the most attractive sessions of the quarter 14 There should be considerable variety. ,r., There should be a drill on the m.tit points. Variety in reviews.-iii General reviews by the school as a whole o Choral re views. where there is the singing of an appropriate verse or two i, the school, or by solos, or quart* it* after each sub ject. or division of the review. (3) Class reviews. (4) Picture reviews <5» Black board reviews. <6* Word picture reviews. *7) Stereopticon revi* w-« t Home gath ering reviews. <9.i Map reviews. HO) Character review s. r. M ral teachings reviews. <12* Several of these united, and many other ways. General Review.—By means of the dia gram in the revii-w less.*!, of he last quarter, have the scholars see clearly the life of Christ up to the end of the first quarter of the third year < f his ministry. Show them the relation of the i blent* of the past quarter to the whole life and work of Jesus. In connection wi:h this to Review. * exercise, have the geography «lafs, nam ing the places referred to in the .'•asons, together with the events that took jlace in them, and the persons rot:reeled with them: not only those bclottgit ? to these lessons, but all those related to the places. These rhottid be pointed out on the map. end may also be written ui>on the blackboard. The blackboard review should also be a part of the general review. With the general review we can also have a Moral Teachings Review. Let the scholars name the virtues., and duties, and prom ises inculcated in the quarter s lessons. This may be arranged beforehand, and classes may agree on those which seem most important. And as each one is named and written on the blackboard let the school, or the quartette, sing some appropriate verse of a hymn which will deepen the impression. The sttreopticon can be used with advantage in a general review. Class reviews can be conducted with the same subjects and methods as have been described above, if there is no general review. But they can enjoy other methods, which are not so well adapted to a review by the whole school. The picture review will be interesting in a class by means of tV. A. W llde & Co.’s beautiful half-tone pictures, the col ored Detroit pictures unmounted photo graphs. the Perry pictures used in day schools, and the stereos epic pictures. The portrait gallery in which the prin cipal persons are named, and a character sketch given of each one, noting the qualities to be sought after and these to be avoided. Not Enough to (■<> Around. A young married lady had just ac quired a new coach and a new foot man to match. “John." she said one day. “we will drive out to make a few calls. But I shan't get out of the car riage; you will, therefore, take the cards that are on my dressing-table and leave one at each house we stop at.” “Very good, ma’am, answered John, and he ran upstairs to fetch the cards. After they had driven about a considerable time, and cards had been left at a large number of houses, the lady remarked: “Now we must all on the Dales, the Framptons, and Clarkes.” “We can't do it.” here broke in the footman, in alarm: l'f only the ace of spades and the ten cf ouba left!”—Scottish American. I'nusual in Wedding*. Miss Helena Biel, of Bayonne,daugh ter of Henry Biel, and Heinrich Anton Weise. of 9 Straight street. Paterson, were married in Mechanics hall, Sta pleton. Staten Island, in Presence of about 200 persons on Wednesday night. They are members of a religi ous sect which does not have Clergy men perform the marriage ceremony, always calling in a magistrate. Ciiy Magistrate John Croak of New Brigh ton, attended by Henry Brown, a court attache, acting as clerk, took his piaca on a platform at the end of the room at 7 o'clock. The assemblage sang a hymn and Magistrate Croak read the marriage ceremony. Supper was then served. Wealth of the f. M. C. A. Agitation of the question of in New York a building to be .he headquarters of the international com mittee of the Young Men'3 Christian Association for North America is un der way, with some substantial signs of success. The international commit tee now occupies rented quarters in an office building. The purpose is to erect a building which shall bear the association name and be a credit to the city. Associations in North Amer ica have endowments and permanent property worth $20,000,000. Liquor's Perr«nt»(ff of Fauper*. The liquor press is jubilant because Farnam’s Atlantic Monthly Report on the Liquor Traffic states that the in vestigation of almshouses showed that only 37 per cent could be traced to liquor.” Only!—Union Signal. Bart Newr Been Shot At. “That family next door has just m°ved here from Kentucky.” And got away alive! Well, needn't call on them; they can't p*aple of any importance.”