The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 15, 1900, Image 8

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l>r. Bomine, the dentbt.
I*r*ft MtliM tt the Hound
Tkrc«uo’y fAlbert are to perabelion
fhtt »«*.
Grated Uitad. *u in <
the r tf Sunday
Lone k moving into hi* new
purr ham Jim work.
1. K. fmm of l-.urbfle.d vu dc
It* MM* St tbS Hub Jlotldaf
Mr. Eras; Krotfrov moved hi* family
set# Ike Upun boute tki* week
Write llaydro Btm Omaha Whole
►*« litHMM foe price* and samp
Jlr* A I’ Csllry and Mr*. McPher
mn .eft for Grrelrr, Xebr. Wedoe*
!-*♦: Saturday evening «it experi
enced tbe *eme*t renrir norm of the
A. gust Krirnm of tbe south side,
►I*-** lost at Arcadia.
% .niitj with bis daughter
Jfr I* Wall amt to Grand Island
yc.trroay mom o( to attend bankrupt
©. *irt *hm be baa a cm to lootafter.
Mi forget that Loup City will
ocAtbralc tike Glorious Fourth in
m< Jen «tj hr and every body ia in
"Mb you want bargain* la tbr line
of Jewelry don't fall to rail oa G. II
Morgan Ue carries the finest line to
tbr UapVallejr.
KJ.X ighlmgaie has been in Lincoln
tb post as a member of the board
of examiners for apllcawta for admis
•loo to the bar.
Too can buy tow or three
r«*w Dific cultivator* at T. M.
Rml*. Tliev are O. K. 61
If yow want your wateb out in good
repair bv Use uoljr first class worksite
In theemiaty call ow G. U Mow.vx, the
We oere wrongly informed last week
as to tbe muster ofibiatieg U the lisa
Wy—While weddtag Her W. t Mat
UMto's performed tbe ceremory
hoi>11 la sire and great in result are
DeWitt# little early Misers, tbe fatuous
Ilrie !>! 1 that cleatm-. tbe liter and
be eels. Tber do not gr |e Olendabl
Krnest Pilfer Is bocne oa hi* summer
uestlM and will remain until tbe >ept
opening a ben be will resume bis stud'
W at tbe state university.
Hsu jores vim. vigor, maotal and
physical power, fills your body aim
warm tingling life. I bats what Kocky
Mountaia Tea does. -sic. Ask your
L> iwggist.
Thorw are irmu race horses is tbe
city wb t*h are beiog trained oa our
r»e track It l«w«s as though there
a-re p ut poets of some it. if renting
races for tbe fourth.
All vie suffer from piles a ill be glad
to lean that Ue Witts Witch Hate!
>aive will give them instant and per
anneal relief It will cure enema and
S' in disease* Beware of counterfeits.
Oiewdwfcl Bros.
Tbe Board of Ed«-allow met la*t Sat
urday sight sad elected Prof. \ p-ston
as usebr for the grammar i-partment
and HIM Lula Blair for one of tbe
primely rooms Mr Nicason is well
recomoodod and ae believe tbe l»ard
ba« made a wise select on.
Mr. and Mrs Ash ey v.onger. Mr and
Mrs Milo Gabon., Mim Porter, Mrs
1 M Polski and sow fitepben and ye
Junior scribe better half and son l it yd.
were tb* Loup City representatives at
WWm<t ctk' r*liou al Ktveune last
tales* food la di gested quickly it
will ferment and irritate tbe stumacb.
After each mewl take a teaspoooful of
kedol Uyspepskw f urw. It d gest* what
yow ewe awd will nllew yow to eat all
yww wee f of what yow like. It never
faaa to~*ure tbe worst case of#di*pep
•it It is pleasant to take Odcndahi
!t i* » fact tbs: no other track mtau
twciusrc is lbe l oitej Mate* give*
ash siiterttl •iii'factiM »* Ye*»t
I <>iuu otbrr kiait of jn*i may i*e
W*A mkbt of the time, but Yeast Koam
w *ow<3 all :he time acid you take n<>
thancea mt katag yaar flow o ben you
“to* it mwdlaf l# direction* f .rioted
m. every 2c
The W. C- T. I’. *
■hicb (Me of! at the Bapbit 'bunt
iaat ^atarday evening a«< a grao'1
eecceae both fiaaarso.y and .a the
reariiUoa of the program All ebo
(•artKif.ate'i ta the argev* *ea pu«
fourth tbeir boat to do
honor W. Lbeoteeire* and toe uo aaie
The jocnf f*n|4* are to be mm
Bended for toe r eflorta.
Ton tears of ode can a* at !*»<»
btabaf *r*.(af f'ro# H -ctaae for the
Haw for ooe of toe yooMf for
tba aest *r>oo. no »* o* ..* »•• toe.#
*•# a a.aa oo* J i * * *
h^ota««l of oor whwa b the hard
oal too* to a* to* acbokf* are
j *• o' lu » ■ - xva • - e
mm# Hr b.*.-o>t 4*0#' a r«hwtoUoo ti*oi
hah m to > o4« toot it all! hr jtot
eroed *t*r >«»'
taoaua orver |h cored 4yr^|«i*.
I'trco* with ■ oOigeetioe are alvay*
o** *4or*od They need pleat y of
*h.'KrtM food hodoJ f«yr|#e|0«a
* 4>f«»U »h*t you eai oo Iho body
caa V Moortihod while the worn out
W|ao to -»ttf rocoortru«<«4. It l»
Uwroa y MPrparstioa kooera that oill
•oeteotiy r* i*»« and eomyieteif core
all 4MMH ttb>» lij II I? J' .r*
euffanof (MB iadifaacion It etli car
tatnly do yao good Odendahi Bio*.
Hc^ckner the fashionable tailor.
M: let and other field seeds for by T.
M Reed.
A. Sutton, of Ord was in the city
Ike Mclfonald of ilavenoa, was in
he city Tuesday.
S. J Fair was up froui Rockville on
busmess Tuesday.
\V n. Kotzen of A»bton, was circulat
ug iu the city Wednesday.
Jo*. I’edier attended Masonic Grand
lodg<; at Omaha last week.
I. S. Sheppard has a tine line of silver
bear's. Get your friends one.
Mr. and Mrs J W. Long boarded the
train for Omaha. Monday morning.
W«. Knuisen, was in the city iast
Wednesday looking after business.
>i*e those new Pulley belts
at Sheppards.
J. I. Depem has put a new tire beater
In bU s-bop on a model and improved
Mr#. A. II. llausel is still very low.
her trouble having developed into ty
phoid (ever.
<;cod wheat i« worth 50 cents per ;
usbel oo this market. Steers from
f! 00 to #4 35; bogs 94 40
11. J Cole hal the misfortune to cut
bis foot juite seriously Wednesday
while cutting wood Dr. Main dressed
the wound.
The small grain crop in Sherman
county is already gieatly damaged and
another week of the pre?ent drouth will
a!me St entirely ruin it.
Keno was here Tuesday and main
tain# d b;* former reputation as a show
man. Keno i- always interesting and
is traveling with a tent this year.
G. 11 Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
ioe» ail kin Is cf watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man
ner. When you have something to do
in this line, don't fail to call on him.
Thou bast strange notions for one so
young a substitute to think that thou
art the same as Rocky Mountain Tea,
tu ole by the Madison Medicine Co «J5.
Ask Your Druggist
Ivy poisoning poison wounds and
ail other accidental injuries may be
tuickly cured by using DeWitt'a Witch
Hazel Salve. It is also a certain cure
for pile# and skin diseases. Take no
other. Odendabl Bros.
Don't forget that the Modern Wood
men intend puttiug up an old fashioned
Fourth of July celebration at Loup City
this year, and every body be he Jew or
tteutile. I'aiut or sinner cordially in
vited to come to Loup City and help
them make the eagle screech.
kuut/en's l'ark, A?bton, Nebr., is
now open for the season. A merry-go
round. all kiuds of games, plenty of
-eat- and -nade tree?, first class accom
modation* amusements every Saturday
evening, .special Kates for Picnics
•vnd Parties—Wm. Kxltzex, I’ropr. j
K. J Delaney writes, this time from
Denver. < olo , and orders thu paper
changed to his address there. Mr. De
laney has been traveling quite exten
sive. v and he says that be thinks “Neb
raska much the best part of the union
for the man trbo works.’*
The >1. K. church was well filled
last Sunday evening by people who
came out to listen to the Children s
Day exercises. The program was
well carried out and all of the little
foigs rendered their parts in a pleas
ing manner. The drill was espec
ail) good as a’so was the music by
the Junior League choir.
I. n.s Kein of this city went to Ash
ton L-t Sunday morning in anawer to
tne news informing bun that bis broth
er Phillip bad been instantly killed by
lightening during the severe electric
tortu which prevailed in that locality
"iturday evening. June 9th. The Ash
tor. neut in another column of this
paper* ves an account of the happen
ing. Mr. Kein attended the funeral of
b - >rotner which Was held on Sunday.
rrom every part of the county the re
port comes that the small grain is
about gone. It we could have rain at
once and a reasonable amount there
after. we would even then get leas than
a half crop. Corn, while it is not so
far advanced, is looking well and hopes
of a good crop are still entertained. The
•ntesoil teems to be in a very moist con
dition and frequent showers, even later
in tie -ea-on will make the corn boom.
T -' ~wrede woman who has been
% pih ic ' barge of Washington
to warn p for several } cars past ie
* /a»n running around over tbe coun
U. ne is doubtless somewhat
a y 'branded and it ja next to
*■«.»/■« to k»ep her at borne,
* .Oi/u we understand that
t Wk-i-itygioii township otliciala
‘t* alt ibay can to make her
<vi.!',i ah If allowed to do aa
*<-e ;.**./•*■ will not stay at borne
or in fa t an> wnere else. It looks
*• tnowgb tim sheriff would be com
\m »d to tske her in ' barge soon.
• • ♦ —- —
if - re's a h»t of reduced rites that
* j ter* r' you !jh,k It oyer. If you
»*- l afo/e informsliou.esil n burling
I • *H oft.' *- 'I he sgent will take
p.eaeur* ie aosweriog yoor <juestlon»:
Im HdsM f
sod return, f June IS u# 22, - - #10.00
l#h.l*deiphlS l
and returned I June J|, |fi, jtj. . ;j;j 1*5
l>«*»fer. Pueblo. f
<Colorado Spring* , June ill one fair
ud return. J plus 12 00
Glen wood hpringe I
and return ( June 21, • §28 HO
Ogden. Halt I-ske I
and return ) June 21. - * '6150
Hot Hpringa I
and return I June 21,
• #18 00
As previously arranged for, the
Aucient Order of United Work
man Lodge No. 33, of this city
very fittinply observed Floral
Day last Sunday morning. The
members met at their hall at 10
o’clock and repaired to the M. E.
church where services were held.
The)' were joined on their way by
the ladies of the Degree of Honor
who gathered in front of the resi
dences of Mrs. Hunter and Mrs.
Pedler. The ceremony was interest
ing and impressive. J. W. Long, as
acting M. W. conducted the services
in his usual impressive manner.
Recorder, J. S. Pedler read the fol
lowing list of the deceased brothers
and sister of the order:
D. II. French, died March 1«, ISSrt.
C. M. Wall worth, died July :.H>. 18X9.
David Christian, died September. 1894.
L. C. Hiddelson died October 13, 1895.
W A. Wilson, died May 5, 1898.
John L. Hawk, died January 11. 1899.
O S IJrown, died October 1. 1899.
Mrs. Edna llall. died January 11., 1897.
The reading of this list was fol
lowed by a sermon by Rev. W. E.
Matthews, which was very appro
priate for the occasion.
The M. E. Church choir led in
the singing of some beautiful select
ions. Pretty Floral offerings in the
form of bouquets of roses and flowers
were deposited on the stand in the
church and a committee was sent
out to decorate the graves of the
William, the 13 year old son of Jacob
Wolf a farmer living some 12 miles
south west of this city, was kicked by
one of their farm horses la*t Thursday
evening, from the effects of which he
died ou Saturday morning. The boy
boy was taking the harness off and just
as he pulled them over the horses hips
be was kicked in the left side near the
abdomen. He did not seem to be badly
hurt and worked in the Held next nay.
in the evening he complained some
and on Saturday morning took suddenly
worse and died in a short time.
Adam Schaupp left for Chicago Wed
nesday morning to consult the physi
cians at the Presbyterian hospital. Mr.
Schaupp has been in very bad condition
for some time having been kicked by a
horse a year ago, and though not ex
periencing a .y serious trouble at the
lime, he thinks the bone of the thigh
was Injured and is gradually becoming
diseased. He has had a very painful
time for the past week and on Sunday
evening last great welts raised all oyer
his person which lasted but for a very
-hort time but his suff ering was awful
during the time. The sincere sym
pathy of his many friends and their de
sire that he may speedily recover goes
along with him.
Reports show that over fifteen hun
dred lives have been saved tbrotjgh the
use of One Minute cough cure Most
of these were cases of grippe, croup,
asthma, whooping cough, bronchitis
and pneumonia Its early use preyents
consumption. Odendahl Bros.
-♦ + -
Do the ‘‘New Home” Sewing Machine
Co. sell such vast numbers of machines?
Because they make the best machines
and fully endorse their warrantees. For
sale by T. M. Reed.
A Wealth of Beauty.
Is often hidden by unsightly pim
ples, Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Salt
Rheum. etc.Bucklen's Arnica Salve will
glorify the face by curing all skin Eru
ptions, also Cuts Bruises, Burns, Boilg,
Fe ons, Ulsers, and worst form of Piles.
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Odendahl Bros, druggist.
A nice raiu fell here on the 5th
inst., but is was local and but a
small portion of the country was
Ed. Hunting, formerly of this
place met bis death west of here in
a railroad collision. He was an
engineer and ran his engine into Lba
rear end of another train. His body
was terribly mangled. His remains
were shipped to Omaha.
Corn is looking fine but small
grain is needing rain.
for everybody on and after the 17th at
the Arcadia Fruit Farm. Ten girls
wanted to pick fruit. Will pay 92.00 to
92 60 per week. No business done on
W. F. Jenkins, Arcadia, Neb.
To those who drink whiskey for
pleasure; HARPER Whiskey adds zest
to existence. To those who drink
whiskey for health's saxe; HARPER
Whiskey makes life worth living. Sold
by 1\ II. Euinkk, Loup C'tty, Neb.
^ •• - —
There's no beauty in all the land,
That can with her face compare.
Her lips are red her eyes are bright.
She takes Rocky Mountain Tea at night.
Ask your Druggist.
The Chinese ack "how !• your liver?”
instead of “how do you do?”ffor
when the liver is active the health is
good. "DeWitt’s Little Early Risers
are famous little pills for the liver
aud bowels. Odendabl Bros.
Rev. W. E. Matthews will preach at the
Austin school house on Saturday evening June
16th at Up. m
Ppeachmg services will be held In the M. E
church on Sunday, June 17th. Morning at
10:30 and evening at 8.
Also at Oak Creek school house at 3 p. m.
W . E. Matthews, Pastor.
Kidder—Mickisii—On Monday .June
11, 1900, at the M. E. parsonage, by the
Rev. W. E Mathews, at 12, noon. De
witte C. Kidder of Bristol. South Da
kota, and Clara B Mickish of Ravenna,
Neb., were united In holy matrimony.
They were accompanied by the brother
and sister of the bride. The contract
ing parties will leave for South Dakota
in a few days where they will go to
houekeeping. They go with the best
wishes of the Northwestern.
IIayes—Vanscoy—On Sunday June
10 1900, at the home of Mr. Hayes. Mr
Henry E. Ilajes and Miss Cora M Van
scoy. both of Rockville township, Sher
man county Neb., were joined in mar
riage Judge Angier officiating. The
young couple are. well known and high
ly respected in the south east part of
the county and it is th3 wish of the
Northwestern that they may have a
long and happy wedded life.
appropriation ordinance
(Ordinance No. 59.)
An ordinance relative to levying a tax on
the taxable property, both real and personal,
of the village of Loup City, Nebraska, to
provide for the necessary expenses of the
said village to the fiscal year 1900, etc.
Be it ordained by the chairman and board
of trustees of the said village of Loup City,
Section 1 1. That thare be and is hereby
levied on the taxable property, both real and
personal, within the village of Loop City,
Nebraska for the various funds herein named,
the tax after such respective fund# to-wit:
General fund 10 mills.
Water fund. 10 mills.
Street fund 2 mills.
Bond Sinking fund. 20 mills. *
Interest water bond fund. 23 mills.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage and pub
lication according to law.
Adopted and passed this 13 day of Jane,
1900. E. S. Hayhvrst. Chairman
Q. H. Gibson. Village Clerk.
A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victim, is a type of
Constipation. The power of this mal
aday is felt on organs, nerves muscles
and brain. But Dr. Kings New Life
Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best
in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid
neys and Bowels. Only 25 cents, a'
Odendahl Bros.' drug store.
I consider it not only a pleasure but
a duty 1 owe to my neighbors to tell
about the wonderful eureeffeeted in my
case by the timely use of Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very badly with llux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A
few doses of it effected a permanent
cure. I take pleasure ia recommend
ing it to others suffering from that
dreadful disease.— J. W. Ltxcii, Dorr,
W. Va. This remedy is sold by Oden
dahl Bros.
nil. Clock nil Jewelry
This represents everything in
the jewelry line. If you need
any jewelry or silverware
coll on ns at our new store one
door east of St. Elmo hotel.
All repairing will receive
prompt attention.
Tbe heading Jeweler and Optician
of Loup City.
STRAYED. —A yearling steer from A. L.
Haillies' pasture. Has tag in left ear with
•>B Uros. also figure “4” stamped on tag or is
branded "B ' on hip. Finder will please in
form tbe undersigned, owners who will pay
all charges. Bensohotek Bros.
L-oup City. Neb.
To whom It may concern:
Tho undersigned, having soldont their
interest in the property owned by the
Opera House co„ of Aahton, Neb. and
their interest In said special partnership,
hereby (five public notice that hereafter
they will not be responsible for the pay
ment of any debts of that concen:
signed this 9th day of June. l‘.K)0.
Tiios. Jambog.
State of Nebraska. | „ „ . „ .
’-S. S. State of Nebr.
Sherman County, I
To Anna Marie Neilson. non-resident owner
of the following descrehed realestate situate
in Road District No. 10 of Sherman county
and State of Neb., to-wit: The South Last
quarter of Section 8. Township 15 Range 15
You are hereby notified that complaint has
been made to me as road overseer that there
Is an open wel upon the above described
real estate and If the same is not filled up
Immediately, I shall proceed to fill the same
in the manner provided by law, as the same is
dangerous for stock „
W. B. feitYNQbDs, Road Overseer
of road district No. 10. Sherman county, Neb
Be Fooledi
The Market Is being flooded
with worthless Imitations of
• •TEA•• •
In the District Court of Sherman County
Elizabeth E. Ditto,
George J. Walker and Clara
Walker his wife. The Em
pire Hernia Co., Anthony
Ryerson and The Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company (a
George J. Walker and Clara Walter his wife
Defendants herein, are hereby notified that on
the 16. day of May 1900. Elizabeth E. Ditto,
plaintiff, herein filed her petition in the dis
trict court of Sherman county Nebraska,
against the above named defendant*.
The object and prayer of which are to fore,
close a certain tax lien upon the following de
scribed premises situate in Sherman county
Nebraska, to-wit: The north west quarter of
section three (3) Township fifteen (15) Range
sixteen (1G> west of the sixth p. m.. upon which
there is now due the sum of one hundred and
thirty six and eighty-eight ((136.88) one hun
dreth dollars, for which sum with interest at
10 per cent per annum from date. Plaintiff
prays for decree of foreclosure and that de
fendants be required to pay same or that said
premises lie sold to satisfy said amount. You
are required to answer said petition on or be.
fore the 25th day of June 19C0.
Dated this 16 day of May 1900.
Ei.17.abrh Ditto, Plaintiff.
By J. S. her attorney.
Attest: John Min shull.
(seal) Clerk of the District Court.
In the District Court of Sherman county
Joseph S. Fedler.
M. Thompson, tirst full name
unknown,-Thompson, her
husband, James A. Niles and
Eliza M. Niles his wife. Ellen
Edwards and -Edwards
her husband aud the Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company (a
Ellen Edwards and -Edwards her hus
band. first full name unknown, defendants,
will take notice that on the 11th day of May
15*00. Joseph S Pedler plaintiff herein, tiled his
petition in the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a certain tax lien upon the East half of the
north east quarter and the north east quarter
of the south east quarter of Section five »5i in
Township fifteen (15) Range sixteen <lfl) in
said county of Sherman, for the taxes, inter
est and costs levied and assessed against said
property for the years 18S*MS»;5 and 1N94. upon
which there is now due the sum of forty-three
and fifty-one one hundredths <$*3.51) dollars,
for which sum. with interest, from this date
Plaintiff prays for a decree and that defen
dants be required to pay the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due. You are required to answer i
said petition on or before the 25th dav of June,
1900. Dated »his 14th day of Mav 15*00.
Joseph Pedlek. Plaintiff.
Attest: John MinsHULL.
Clerk of the District Court.
In the District Court of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska.
Jos cpb S. Pedler,
Elizabeth E. Ditto. Andrew
D. Norlimr, and-Norl
ing, his wife, Maiy L. Knick
erbocker, -Knickerbock
er, her husband and the Neb
raska Loan and Trust Com
pany (a corporation.)
Mary L. Knickerbocker and —Kmckerbock -
er, her husband, defendants: will take no
tice that on the 13th day of May, 1900 Joseph
S. Pedler plaintiff herein, filed his petition
in the district court of 9herman county,
Nebraska: The object and prayerof which
are to foreclose a certain tax lien upon
tne following described premises, situate
in the county of Sherman and state of
Nebraska, to-wit: The South East Quar
ter or Section Thirty-four (14), Township
Thirteen (13), in Range Sixteen (16), for the
taxes interest and costs levied and as
sessed thereon lor the years 1992, and
1894 and upon which there is now due
the sum of Sixty-five dollars and Forty
eight cents (♦*’>•>. 4*), for which sum with in
terest from date plaintiff prays for a de
cree and that defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
Tot are required to answer said petition
on or before the 25th day of June
1900- Dated this 14th day of Mav, 1900.
Joski’H. s. Pkdlkr. Plaintiff.
Attest: John Minshull,
(8kal.) Clerk of the District Court.
In the District Coart of Sherman coun
ty, Nebraska,
Joseph. S. Pedler Plaintiff,
The Nebraska Loan and Trust
Company, (a corporation) Elisa
Stokoe and-stokoe, her
husband, first name unknown,
Thomas H. Rose, and Mary A.
Rose, his wife. Defendants.
Elisa Stokoe,and-Stokoe, her hus
band, first name unknown, defendants,
will take notice that on the 14th day of
May, 1900, Joseph S. Pedler plaintiff here
in filed his petition in the Di«triet court
of Sherman county, Nebraska, against
said defendants; the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain tax
lien upon tne west half of the south east
quarter of Section five (5), in Township (15),
Range 16, in said county of Sherman, and
state of Nebraska, for the taxes, interest
and costs levied and assessed against
said property for the years 1892, 1893, and
1894 and interest, and upon which there
is now due the sum of Forty-nine dollars
and Forty-seven cents, (#49.47) for which
sum with'inierest from this date plaintiff
prays for a decree and that defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said
premises tnay be 90ld to satisfy the amount
found oue.
you are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 25th day of June, 1900.
Dated this 14th day of May, t»i0.
Josei-hS. Peolkk, Plaintiff.
Attest: John Mixshci.l,
(seal.) Clerk of the District Court.
There came to my farm, about May 1st,!
3 miles west of Loup City, on Sec. 2, 15, 15, |
One all red steer two years old with brand i
on side, brand in form of two m’s one in
verted under the other. Owner will come
forward prove property, pay eharges and
get animal,
A $4.00 BOOK FOR ?5cts.
The Farmers’ Encyclopedia.
Everything per
taining to the af
fairs of the farm,
household ana
stock raisins:. Em
braces articles on
the horse, the colt,
horse habits, dis
eases of the horse,
the farm, grasses,
fruit culture, dairy
ing.cookery, health,
cattle, sheep.swine,
poultry, bees, the
dog, toilet, social
life, etc., etc. One
of the most com
plete Encyclo
pedias in existence.
A write book, 8x5',:
x 154 inches. .686
pages, fully illus
trated, bound in
green cloth bind
ing and equal to
other books costing
14.00. If you desire this book send us our special
offer price. $0.75, and 10.20 extra for postage and
we will forward the book to you. If it is not satis
factory return it and we will exchange it or refund
your money. Send for our special illustrated cata
logue. quoting the lowest prices on books. FREE.
We can save you money. Address all ordca to
Saalfield Publishing Company.
Publishers and Manufacturers. A taunt. Ohio
fTbe Saalfleld Company is reliable.]— Editor.
F. e. 8R€W6F?, is Agent.
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
in the state and the only one that pays its losses in full. If he does
not call on you write him at Loup City, Neb.
0 S50 Wheel Bought Direct from Our Factory Costs You Put $22.95
One Year.
Sand Us One Dollar
And state whether LADIES* or
GENTS’ bicycle, Gear and Color
wanted, and we will send yon our
new 1900, regular 950.00 model
press C. O. D.,subject to exami
IT at vour nearest express oflce
and lr found satisfactory, a great
bargain, and EQUAL IN VALUE
TO THE 960.00 AND 975.00
STANDARD MAKES, pay the ex
press agent 922.96, less the one
dollar sent with order, and express
charges. Express charges average
about 91-00 for 600 miles.
Fitted with the Interna
tional 1900, one year guaran
- ■ MTU, puruoiauc, BJilfcCIC VUl** lirt?
which ordinarily retails for 18.00,22, 94 or 25 Inch frame. 1« Inch diamond seamless steel tubing, FLUSH
JOISTS THROUGHOUT, new 1900 model, two piece hanger, best made, finest hardened and tempered steel
adjustable bearings throughout, wheels 26 Inch, 36 spokes to each wheel, full ball bearing with ball retainers
throughout. Highest grade Indianapolis or detachable link chain, 3-16 Inch, best padded leather saddle, handle
bar up or down turn, the best EXPANDER IS BOTH SEAT POST AND HANDLE BAR, anti friction ball
bearing, hall retaining pedals, heavy leather tool bag, nickel-plated wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. The
finest possible finish, enameled BLACK, ROYAL BLUE. MAROON OR BREWSTER GREEN (besure to state
color you wish). All bright parts heavily nickeled on copper. The Handsomest Wheel Made.
Our guarantee is absolute protection. Every Akron King and Queen Bicycle Is covered by a
written binding guarantee for one year. No old models, no worthless second-hand wheels.
Order your wheel now and yon will save 125.00 to 00.00. You can make 9150.00 every month selling our
high grade wheels. Address
'The Akron Sewing Machine A Bicycle Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor.]
The American Summer land.
“The overland Limited*’ via Union
Pacific makes many hours quicker time
between Missouri River and San Fran
cisco than any other line. Finely equip
ped with Double Drawing Room Pal
ace Sleepers, Buffet Smoking and Lib
rary Cars with Barber Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Rooms, Dining Cars, Meals
a-la-carte, Pintsch Light, Steam Heat,
For tickets, advertising matter and
full information call on or address—W.
D. Clifton, Agent,
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boiles, Sores, Felons, Uleers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
! for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c
at Odendahl Bros.
The passenger department of the B
& M. R. R. R. offers thirteen cash
prizes agregating $115 for letters about
Nebraska. Particulars of the contest,
w hich is open to all, can be had by ad
dressing J Francis, G. P. A., Omaha,
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. »
May 3rd, 1900. \
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. A. Angier, county
judge of Sherman county, at Loup
City, Nebraska, on June lf*th, 1900, viz;
Hugh G. Patton, Homestead Entry, No.
17,533 for the north west quarter, Section
10, township 16, range 15, west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
his continuons residence upon and culti
vation of said land, viz: Tony Tryba,
David Kay, George Wosnicki, Jacob F.
Bock, all of Loup City, Nebraska.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. 1
May 17, 19 0. t
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of her
intention to make final proof in* support
of her claim, and that said proof will be
made before J, A. Angier, the county
Judge. Loup City, Neb. on June 30th. 1900
viz: Leora B. Flanders. Homestead Entry
No. 17,400, for the south half of the south
east quarter Section 4, Township 13, Range
16. 8 he names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous resicence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz;
August Musback, of Litchfield, Neb.
Peter Wogan, h "
Joseph Else, ’* »* *•
Addison E, Smith, " ” **
J. W. Johonsn, register.
Sick-Head -
ache and Liver
v 10 CENT5
25 CTS.
Sold by all dnxnrlsta
or sent by zm
Ncrrita Meiical C*., CUcafQ
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
ant! all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No. 52 Passenger.7:55 a.m.
No. 00 Freigbt.12.50 p. m.
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p.m.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. in.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to B. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, GenM. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 8:00 a. m.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p.m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. m.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. <5 arrives daily except Snnday (pass.
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
The Union Pacific will place in
effect on .June 21, July 7 to 10 inc.,
Jaly 18 and August 2nd, Summer
Kxeursion rates ot
plus $2 00 from Kansas and Neb
raska points
For Time Table and full information
call on
II. J. Clifton,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
bick Headache, Gastralgia,Cramps, and
aLother results of imperfect digestion.
Prtparsd by E. C D«Witt a Co.. Cblcaa* ,
For sale by ODENDAHL DROS.,
Loup Cily, Jkb.