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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1900)
VOL XVII LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1900 The Northwestern FUBLUHCD IVEIY KRIDAT AT THE COUNTY HRaT. «MU». m M» ' ~ » BAt*r» mm* «**«• H l*iibU*!rr> TftRi* • * m m> i» r*t£» in *pv*vt REPUBLICAN TICKET Mat* ml fMTtmf J T KB«ttrf Bmrt It M tU\W<JXV Lm*m»UT k » «ri»i*aiAM cw c * uoimittt H» Bnm Omct « i» ruutnt iAu)M L M MAUt E. K«mri - r uinwpif. mi«« i L JAOOBkON OMWte j L kxvxm :»wim e M IrtCTEJ. A. x*»m+ K. ** **VM*C C‘-*ief h i Wan «* u « Mae*i x. ur«w>. WUULSAM iTTETm Cwu.a. t " Aw.iar C«AtU.' »IATU\ Sfc.r A*a fur Atamay u«ar*m. r * WEJCY Gw* far Iat4 < u i*.iarf O I* fut-i-MAE XarMMt far f.Arf«tn«rt.: «r K ruRLLK *jrt4* u Jkirr » I I A few ag > Ihia townehip taut up -u tbrmaelie* Uie fruiifmti « 1* «* tract an irrigating ditch from near Arctdit, and voted tmnda. beat i <»r ^tiite *-rt. .cot to * _..J Tl- Jut* wa* '•> ' at ■ for a cvti|>it f *ear» «uf people en* }*t«d the tewfiu tbrrKil. abd paid for the «ur »! a |c kj4 figure. N >», and for wmal year* tike duett tia* l*rea xa iiUftltoa and the fam^bed reopa air >ovtp « i a* f old to i «.«4 to - Um be*c*n* tor tbnr dribk or tore ap a* the pruapect* are for the prratat *rke>t». We are told t at it** 1* .a tile *a$’retb« court and *i.l pruUkiv vk be reached f r irnvl tear* yet tinier* it ic ad vanted on the calender of that body. To aerurr :ta a«1»ance*eLi wul to •a an • .ay of at.'sue f4- which no one ace®* willing to pvt ap. The par tie* • no tlata to owe the ditch are apparently ancontemed about t*a aattrr and the people who paid for it are puwcrieae There is a grevuwa wr rg ac.sct where aid there *hottid he a rettedv It would awes that atepa • boa Id hr taken to c'-dnpe 1 aoMehodr to mote tn the m'.Vf. or at I- a* , to d ^ -j»er wi.rre tfcta gaaae «»? freeze out belong*. Tnmr fw» tavnahipa want water and are entitled to it It often bap proa that patience e*ur» to be a * rtne if ton .long at*u«ed Tit Fihl jodtcud di*i*vt of lili »um bad an rk-tli *a tbe otber Jtt. It mUiM thirteen «wou«* ud Ui been km dare overvbelmingU aemuctsln. Eat tin* time it went fur Ur republican cmnJidnte hr 12,* IMP# majority. Tbe democrats V are *tfi mocb d.xguabed *nd the ot!» expianatu-n they can think of •* lb at 11* r*i k and file of tbe party •ere ao mrr of success that (Let U^ed to tan «»m to ik poll* This , a..j»bt ba«r accounted for a little eepu'.i as ®*. >«tv, bat «uen it ooaw* to ii.OUU ta a strong demo i rsUn diatt.ct. tbe excuse ta food for i*bea,—Mate Journal. T«ftu too y<»nng men met in tb* *r-*tr chamber titt* morning and again U»ts afternoon and vent in rung I mental agon tea nil becauss Itoey a* ;reJ to tie law?era And had to bear an examination before being permitted to practice. The board appointed by tbe judge* cf 'be owpr< me court to pa** on tbe papers of lbo*c examined lUOlufU of attoraei Pad(N of Schuyler. li. fr. Hoar of Lincoln. d£. L Qovell of Bo r. U J. Nightingale of L nip City and Miliuiop of ftmari —Lit* coin Evening Sean Bl RLINbOX Rot TE t*caioi <uTk a atiouxL o—ruinn Oa>f a te* «mi to ttie big conveti t**o *i baa*** City. Time yon decided a*»*t * war route Time you found oaf—f<»r yourself— b**v aad comfortably you rat road kiaiai «‘ttf if you take tin Tfre rate • iil Inf one fair for tbe rouse ttlp and ticket* oili be oa utc July 1 ;er A*i HOW THE f .lUMtKK COME IN. An Omaha mao. connected with the packing business, in discussing the great boom in the price cf cattle and bogs tins tear, says there is nothing my*teri< u»in it. Four years and more ago. the prices were low for puik atid beef simply because < f the small demand. The small de mand was caused t»y the fact th.t t ie consumers were economizing on meat. The well-to-do class had to econ omize because of the lack of prorits in their business, and the skilled and unskiliea workmen had to econ omize l*ecause so many manufactur ing establishments were closed or running on half time an 1 paying no wa.u^ataii <r only half wages. People who like meat had to eat oatmeal and jonney-cake and other cheap foods and the consequences of the Wilson-Bryan-Gormac tariff a t finally r< ached the farmer who was obliged to seil his cattle and bog- at ferry low figures that paid ! off no mortgages. At the -ame tune the |>er capita j consumptions of the cereals went down about a bushel and that seat prices* of breadstuff* to about the lowest figure* ever touched in this country and that came out of the t farmer. The return of industry with Me K ale} s prosperity first acted on the | price of l*eef and pork. The busi ness men began to make profits once more and the laboring man was in great demand from Maine l<* Cali fornia and everybody that would w tm. had n * difficulty iu getting w^ra at go >d wages i ; or:i classes ingan to live Dea ler. more aal a better grade of vegetal ie food uulii prices went up » «tb for cattle sad li gs to over fire • i .*t.» a hundred in the m >Ltb of May j*js»t pa*-sei. It is not be esu«** there ar»- fewer cattle and nogs :ii the euaatn for sale than the e in the democratic limes, fo the farmer* have increased the r her I# in every direction, but because there were more people eatino pork an i beef than before. The rise is therefore healthy, natural au i legiti mate. The packers say that they are not to be praised for the advance as they bav nt paid anv more for cattle and bog* than they have been oblig et|to but it is the increased demand for meats that a'vonnls for it. Wt,en a stock fee ler can get $70 and upwards for a 1,400 steer, he fairly ransacks the country for feed era and the farmers get their own price for their stock Now wueo the clam tty people un dertake to tell the farmer that it is true that some measure of prosper ity Las struck people engaged id manufacture, transportation ami trade, the farmer gets no ad\anlage fr »m it but is as miserable as ever, or if he is at all prosperous he has to thank heaven for good crops and not McKinley aud the repuplican parti, they may fool a few thick headed grangers, but not many.— State Journal. A-UTO* lTCSd During the storm Saturday eve! gbtning struck the house * f Philip Rein residing *2 miles souih we*** of Ashton, killing him instant 1* and shocking two of his children hut not seriously. He was setting under the chimney when the current etru & it following it down striking Mr. Rein passing through bis body and splitting the floor all around where he set also splitting a door in ! twain. The house being a sod one there was no fire started consequent ly no damage resulted in that direc tion. Mr Rein leaves a wife and «ix small children the eldest being lea* than ten years old. The funer al was held or. Monday June 11. 11HKI. M. L«oel>iubky came down from Loop City Friday with bis photo 'car. Mr. <»u«. Caster of Montana is visiting with his sister. Mrs Schwartz Lightning killed a valuable cow for Mike Wtxork Saturday evening last. The dance announced for Knut zens park last Saturday r.igbt was postponed ou account of the storm. Headers will be in demand this year as the ainail grain will be too *h* rt to cut with binders, A Keen Clear Brain. Your best feeling, } our social posi ! non or business success depend largely I on the perfect action of your stomach ! and Liver. Dr.King's New Life Pili give increased strength, a keen, cleat I brain, high ambition. A ~f> cent bos will make you f*ol like a new being Sohl by Oilendahl Bros. j If troubled with rheumatism, give ; Chain her Iain's Paiu-Balm a trial. It will not eost you a cent *il it does no go d. One application will relieve the pain. If algo cures sprains and bruises in one-third the time required by sm other treatment, (bits, bums, fro.*t bites. quin>ey. pains in the side and , cbe*f. glandular ar.d other s wellings are ! quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price 25 and .'0 ct* For saie bv Odeudahl Bros. A Lite unit Ufatli Kljgtit. Mr. \V. A. Hines of Manchester, Iowa writing of his almost miraculous escape from deat., says: ‘Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in consumption i had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said 1 uiu-t soon die. Then 1 began to use l»r. K ugs New Discovery which wholy cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advise and all say it never fails to i eure Throat-, t:b°st and I.ur.g trouble*.” R*»gulai size 50 cents at; I t*i 0). Trial j bottles free at OJendahl Bros.drug steie. DO VOL HAVE HUY CENTS. If you bate. will tell you tow to gt t the most for your money. Tha Serni Week'y Mato Journal. published ~t Lincoln, wuuts several thousand new snb.'Ciibers and as a ?ptcial inducement will mail the paper twice a •.reek from i ovr until the end of thi- tear for 01 iy 50 cents. Two papers each week with ali the news of the world, through the groat presidential ci mpaten apd the campaign in thi- state for two United States senators and the state tickit Never in your life have t ou b fen offer ed so much reading matiei for 50 e<uts. S*tid in jour money light now be cause the sooner you send it in. tha more papers you get for your money Address.Nebraska,State .Journal, Liu ooln, Neb. The ancients b1 deved that rheum; - tism was the work i»l a demon within a man. Any one who bs^ bad an attack ol sciatic or inflammatory .rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoni ac* sough to'warrant the belief it lias never been claimed that Chamberlain*s rain l; n \\ ( ilil erst out demons, bur it will cure rbcuunti-u.. and hundreds bear tf.'timony to the truth of thesute ment. One application lelieve* the pain, and this quick relief which ir ! affords is alone worth many times it cost. For sele by Odendah! Bros. An E)im«mlc of \\ hooping Cough Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contract ed the d sease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy very successfully for croup and naturally turned to it at*thai time and found it relieved "the cough and effected a complete curt —JOHN ’ . < LIFFORD, proprietor Xorw od Uous . Norwood, N. Y. 'Ibis remedy is for : sale Jtv Odendahl Bros. — NOTlCE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Net), i Slay 9ih, WOO. » n - » ret v given that the fol owing | named settler ha tiied notice of his ln i tendon to make linal proot in support, of li;s claim and that said proof will he made i before a. Angler, county judge, at Loup li ly, Nebraska, oil Jutv ;ird. ]:H*i, viz: Wi liam R Mellor, Homestead Entry, No j loS4, fos the northwest quarter Section s. Township 15, Range 14. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous | residence upon and cultivation of said i land, via: H. .1 Johansen, Loup City. Neb. 1 J W. Long, •• “ “ Jf. S PeilltT, j S. E. Gallaway, “ “ " J W. Joiinsox. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I>epartment of xlie Interior. Land Office at Lincoln. Neb. i May HUh, 190J. t Nonce is hi reny given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make linal proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made before the county judge, at Loup City, Nebraska, on June Jiuit, 1‘Jtlrt viz: Albert spar ing. Homestead Entry, No. 17,.‘l26for lh« north east quarter, section 26. Township hi, Range lit. He names tlie fol lowing witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of a:ud land, viz: lien. Kuiei, of Ashton, yebr. sieve Kittle, ** ** •• Andrew Kair “ *• “ frank Fo»t, •• “ J Johnson, Register. Neglect is the short sf**p so many uk • from a cough or colil to cocsutn ption. The ear y tst* of One Minute Cough t ure prevents consumption. It i- ihe oniy b aim less remedy that gives immediate results, it cures ail tb ; t-nd lung troubles. Childern ail li\e it M,d mothers indorse it. Odtn d ib! Bros. TUEUAVTOGO Tl» ( ALIFOKMA. Is i:» a tourist sb *r r, j cis^narv c«n* duc't'i!. via the Lurth-joti Koine. You don t (IiT.itf® cars, Y »*u .afikc last time. You set* tin- truest :« r\ «»,i *»• *»u..bc. Your cu* is not so expensively tur* u is bed as a palace sletprr. but it is just a» clear, just as too. t just *> good to ride iu—ami r.-at'y :kUt»U cheaper. It. bus ; ■« vesti! i;je?: I*mt?ch fra?, hif;h baca seats: a uniformed Pull man f Mter; clean peiMdio; sp&eious toilet jxtotiiS: tables »uu a beating range Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is aim iu v. inter am! cool iu - utntner. Iu char ge oI each exnu party ia :ut expt ri» iK ‘ ti exet:r.-i©n condo i "ho accompanies it right through t Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Louis, Lincoln ar«d Hastings every Thursday, arriving San i'rai u >c<> following Sunday. Aogek-s Monday. Only three daj s from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast, including a -top-orerof 1; hours at Den ver and 2 hours at Suit i ike Cn —two of the most interesting cities, on the con tinent. For folder giving full information, call at a; y Bnrlingto" X*. ute tic!; r of fice, <*r write to—J. i kancis — C-m'l Passenger Ag* nt. Omaha, Neb A Follow Kit of Mr asi.ks — In many 1 instincts a persistent cough follows .» attack of ui :;-!os. In speaking of tl . Mr. Walter 15. Reel, editor o the Elkin. X. C. Times, says: **Three weeks ago 11 had an attack of me:, i s which lef. j me with a bid c ugh. I took several | doses * f Chamberlain’.- « .hi. h Remedy i and the" cough has entirely disappeared. I I consider Chamberlain's medicines the 1 best on tin market" 3 r sale-by Odea diihl Bros. C lori. us N * Comes fr ui Dr. D B Cargile, . I. Wash::t. I T. He writes: “Electric | Bitti i - has cur* .3 Mrs Brewer of scro- j i fula. which ha- « a us •! ! r gre e suffer j ing for jests. T* rriblo sores would ! ! break out :i h r face, and the best ! doctors could give to tielj : bur now I her tmal'h is excellent.” Ilcetrlc bit jters i-t!i* best pari tier known. It.- ’ ! the sui ia ... remedy for e. /. un , t . iter, i salt rheum, ulcers, boil- and mailing sore- It stimulates liver, kidneys and , bowels, rxpe;s poisons, helps digestion, j j builds op the strenght. Only ~tc<r.-- j Sold by O leudahl Bros, druggist#: ! Guaranteed. — i fill $ Tits Lew Werner Edition of o'# osier’s Dictionary. x cad magnificently I'lndr';!'’-’. V.>rvflter Ti:;i the- l>_\ 1M<-- >nary ever jwi on ri- t :;t a io\r pr>e. This r»ew edition ex ,, s many sp rial features such as dirtirmaryt : SyBcnyais sad Antonyms lexicon of fercigr' • sues, div tioaar? c: s-ftreviatians, eelert 1 pistes. etc., etc. lie.TICS'.btsr this is net the cc rap uaos bn: a beautiful:y jruu-d edition on :\.u paper with thousand^ of valuable additions of aid to students and businef ■> If you desire this t--ek. send as sor special*1 r price, $x.oo,and -nv i:i send you this sn at dir. nw.ary, bound in r-I .th or send n- 2 Wo . vv- * . - ud the same v ok bas?dia fc.Il tcc. sheep,-vith & teastirel rover design. The h..n'ls aaest io-.v-prifod jiiciionary ev«x pub lished. Pc* ctc™ day itse in the o;“i >, home, school and vnmr dictionary is absolutely ua entiale L v. nv.riti on Yeceipt of ear Sfi offer price, si.oo icr elett binding or ..l.ooter the fell tee sheep, if it it not satis fki-uirj-, return It «nd wo w:;i it fund your moriev. Write for our SI .il !•' • . V d 'MUiUfi* U . quoting t.. loveil F2E5, We can sa. e yon money. Addier* all orb-.- ? to I1 I 1 VVi . ’.KhD Pi BLISfllN.i Co* Pnbli;md *. uuiactures. ;.kk«•» Ohio, iThe Saaliiek! Publishers is reliable.!— Editor 1ft I **■ t** r* wv• w • Attorney a! caw and notary Pii&iic. Will Defend in Foreclosure Case* ALSO XX) A Genera! Real Estate Business. Oder In Nokthwlsteus PaEdln;;, LOUl* city. - - r-XHKASKA Ft. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTOIEI-AT-LAW, LOUP CITY. KOh. A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - - NIBRA KA OFFICE.—One door east of Chase’? drug store. W. L. MARCY, U/i.Vl 1ST OFFICE ON EAST SIDE PUC-IC SQUARE LOUP CITY, XEIi. J. E. INKS, PAINTER, Fipst class Work Guaranteed lOl'P CITY. - - - NEB. now on hand at JAEGERS' STORE and I can give inv many customers a tine line to select from. When I sav my stock is new I mean that I am constantly getting in new goods is well stocked. I buy in large quantities and of such only as can furnish the goods that my customers demand. In this way there is no need to have such a large quantity of shelf worn goods as is sometimes the case with less careful buyers. Come in and see mv Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing, Goods. CLOThING Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries. Yours respectfully, South Side Public Square Loup City, Xebr. If cu have Watches, Clocks, or Jewelry that you wish to have repaired don't fail to call on G. H. MORGAN} first class Watchmaker act) j jeweler iu the county. Also vou >hoe.!d not tail to call on G. H. MORGAN wte ii \«.a want something in the line ■ 'f -lew, -Irv. I handle nothing toil fas: jeweli} . I Mo n*»t have a v 1* ;■.«> j:;ated j we In o* offer to ■ he piihue at cost, neither do i claim t;> d > first class watch, clock or jew, v repairing and not make my promises good. 1 am here to stay ii . >d is at stake just as w, ii as tiie money that there is iu ti-Mi.g the work. I*mean what I say aud if the work of G. H. MORGAN : fails to please you I am hereto i refttt:‘I } oi.r money. Call and see me wh n \ -,i want your watches, clocks or j repaired right. If }eu wit! t your * \es tested and 1 ve them Silted properly, call on G. H. MORGAN as 1 am ♦he only • :-ticsan in the county who is a graduate of the Omaha watch maker and Optical college. Call and see me when vou want things | right. Your for business. . tr. H. Morgan. Loop City Jeweler and Optician. VX’ANTED— Honest man or woman to ’' travel fur largt house: salary {65 mom iy awl < xpcnscs. with increase; position permanent; in iu-.f sclf-addre-oed stamped en* i velofT. MANAGER. 330 Caxton bldg.. Chiea go, III. t-i-H* WASTED—SEVERAL BRIGHT AND " lloXEsT, persons to represent us as Mnmtgcrs in this and close by counties. Salnrv f.'.ii) a year and expenses. straight < bona -tide, no more, m* less salary. Position permanent, our references, any b.,ntc in any i wn. it is mainly office work conduct- • ed a iiome. deference. Unclose self-ad- ! dressed stamped envelope—The Domik : it x Company, Dept. 3, Chicago. 9 25 toS 190 I AGENTS 'VANTED.-Por.-The Life And ; Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the world's great<-st naval hero. By Murat Ha stoad, the life long friends and admirer of the nation’s idol. Biggest and book; i over r.nn p:yres. 8x10 inches; nearly 100 pages half-tone illustrations. Only $:.50. Enor mous demand, Big commissions. Outfit nee. chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion company, 3rd Floor caxton Building. .Chicago. NERVITA PILLS: Restores VITAUTi LOST VIGOR AND KANHwOD Cures Impotencj, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. ;By mail 50e per box, © boxes' for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, HIERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BY ODENDAHL BKOS., Loup City, Neb I We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Reutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. We handle a complete line of WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our prices are right. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION MCDONALD & HALLER. Loup City, Neb Wholesale Prices to Users Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17.000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70.000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all t •» \ The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World, i Owned and Occupied Exclusive!) B> Us. articles quotea. MONTGOMERY WARD A Mirhicsa At. A MuIImi Su, Ckkag*. c°., I MONTROSE BICYCLEIOlFREE on approval to v. >ur address WITHOUT A CEKT tA ADVANCE. SEND US TOUR ORDER, state wheth^ou^ta^ or wheel; give color, height of frame and gear wanted and W E WILL WHIP TllE WHEEL C. O. 1) on approval, allowing you to uncrate and ex L amine it luily before you accept it. If it is not all and more than we “ claim for it. and a better wheel than you can get for any where near the price from any one else, refuse it and we will pay all express charge? ourselves. The “MONTROSE” Bicycle $1 fi,50 at our Special Apent’n sample price of I VJ.. is the greatest bargain in a bicycle ever offered We guarantee It equal to any (40 wheel oh the market, and you need not arvept it nor payacent if you do not had it as we represent. We are E\< H *I'T BICYCLE K Wl FAfTI KEKS and take this method of auhkly i ntroductajg our lSHMi This offer of a sample wheel at this low price is made to secure a RIDER AGENT in .act town to represent us and take orders. < nir agents make money fast ■ SPECIFICATIONS! Fr“ne- **• *,,r *h ‘*di<,- gtn?*- —* , —__Shell.v seamless tut ;g with f Ted COMM* I Cions, flush joints, improved expander device to fasten M*at ix»8t and I handle bar; Koval Arrh crown; the celebrate M»vto hubsand nan^er I the easiest running known; Ib-pord ‘’A** tires ttie and I most expensive tires on the market. The Pennine #4 .%!♦ placer llyfifwo saddle; pedate, tools and accessories the best , lalnaWe. i naiuekJd fu I black. maroon or coach preen, highly finished and ornamented: special f brushed nickeling on all hriprht parts. We thoroughly test every piece of material that proes into this machine Our biadlaf year* rtsr> aatee bond with each bicycle. _ ... to any one sending the cash in full vith oriar***™ -send free a genuine Burdick 10.000 mile jmeter; or a high grade floor pump. Your r: sny « back if you are not perfectly satisfied. _ ._ ... CHEAP WHEELS. Stfcr.SJS' w*f fuppiT houses advertise and sell as hiph prade W .• ran however, at to to *7 stripped: or *9.75 to *12.50 completk We d- nut pi:a '»"*?« "®r /T^'ow mend them BEFORE IIKDEKIW a bievele of arv one else, no matter who or now Cheap, write ur and let us tell you how much We can save you on the bv dis Ifenn ■*»■**■ m »_ nuu a wheel we can assist you to F- VK> A-.vinaed one person _tributine catalogues for n« a fe» da vs V.e needonewnpon . . I We have several hundred HECOX D HAW WMtEl> Ust. wlllcloseout at its to 4110 each: also some shopworn samples and ’W models very cheap „ , . nver ores* or Of U RELIABILITY is unquestioned. We refer to any bank or business house In t I \L<<h it. u£? UNABLE to BUY In each town for this purpose. :n questioned w e refer to anv bank or business house m t no „„ 0 Vou wish it. railroad company. We will send you letters of reference direct from the lmnrest bank- in < “1 ,mt'deuoait will in VniiQ ADliCD today This low price and these special terma of shipment with I WHll UnUCTI lie withdrawn verr soon. IVGiTe name of this taper J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago- iu. A. P. CULLBY. A. P. CULLEY President Qutom. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Correspondents : Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y„ Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.