The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 08, 1900, Image 1

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____ _L MBEK 30
The Northwestern
*L Rll**'*N«rCK. * K4lt«*e« •
M I.IIIMIS. t r«bU*ti*Ti
TK .S3 ** ru ii»« ir r*u< «* *i»v ***
E cS^-rrC »l u*r Lottf CUj P«j*u4nr* tor tr*» *
Tt*e Br'*h fietM entered Pre
tuna. at l! *5. June .*»th ami the
I : . t- J* ’Si t. •* fl.e* 'r*m ?br g r
intAt buuldsapa of the Trtnsvaal
a :'a The lhar tro pa Had after
a <»;*;rt ed r* - *■' »Mr at lb* door of
t etr teat of government and are
•till soWued laBciettly to give the
Bnu*h much troabie
The Bntt^li are aveepisg through
the Tranaraal 1 ee Sherman did t©
the *ra and a BrpaMu an f >rm of
g nrrmami tn Africa »* a thing tf
the pm* Bach worn! soo* be the
. t»« ;o the veaten* world if it were
c t f« r the #ro©g arm of the l*sited
State* that lass them keep oft It
ha* nianjrn t»een oar cooirmed |>oli
ct got to interfere in foreign pola
t * T. % r«- i ition Ua* r*eeo fur
•treng ti tn the (*a»t and tauet te
m«*nu ne 1 is tie future. The Jic
t *f : :'iru. t ;j ' at:
Africa. :» e»t|r* % foreign to « tr
|^*t tt*.#T>et» !’ matur* not what
Oaf dr*ire* ate t ward th**ae strug
gling: ‘trie r»f*ui»-ir* we mu-t con*
* *er ur * *n weiifare paramount
t«*o *j»j f «tfcef *
Oar i * feature* of
| ira. -rrvi • *gaat at a Republi
can pi- . i * a O'diog to thef tlof
trier *i at • Rrpuhli.-an party foe.
trf • *ru*'« TL . f r pnar no re toe
dt t.r r» ...» t.. \ in to have the
ia« . i f - r : itat air **a» she etat
•tr*. b r <h.| fry abrc I* p*«er.
Tbe Ref . i« parti acknowledge
tb*:r it.all. it\ to cope »ito tbc«*e
Com'*-.i at • jr Ur eXtsuag law*.
»»u: cJ» m last so auuneo loient to
thr cot.* ; all a * f h* rub* oature
v*uj £ vr Uie getter*! government
t -• HsaK e to *uppr««a aoi c*»tnbioa
ckhi •? afMtol that * a* detrimental
to the genera! eotactctol well fare
of III* jr »ple. F r e »ast «erk» a
Mwolati a of ibis kia i fan* been peo
«ltttg ta tor lover k'«;*e of c >ogreat
tb t la*t verb it tear to a vole
The I»t a. rrab it ar to their omoi
jii, Mt.t ji .k» «»f def*at every art*.
«re framed by a ftrpablieM, voted
•olid vitb lip exception of 2ae. to
defeat Una •rartire which tbe peo
pie v anted pssstd Tbe populist*
pr. •rt>lrd ao exoepuoc and a 1 voted
• tit tbe democrat* yet their eon
M*at m ta U. iruib tbe trust*, tt by
at. -aid they not j*rstlicr vbat they
pres u and endeavor to dense some
aacit.* of those comhtoa
ttoas instead of blocking every at
tempt made by the lU-pibii.sDs?
Tuts yaeotataoa Wing a constituii* n.
al one repaired a two thirds majority
to carry vtaufatbr Krjijt' i to* did
*A pus** a« a tone
|*cs.ri bat on making was first
a*ot possible ta the I oitcd States
by the Mckifi «} tariff of 1** Of
course the industry «»« neariv tie
nirutcd tn the free trade Wilson
bill oft* >4 After farther protee
«»<*a was given the industry by the
fHaglr tariff of l* -7. the eighth bi
•Miial rrf <rt of the bureau of labor
I statist* * f »r tin* of Iowa «»}*
-A rratui'le teveiupmenr of the
bur;seas ■» W.u»t-*r« 1 in 1 *■ *”*. DO
less than thirty-six fact iriai living
•stsbltehed during the first six
■«th of that year.
ib«ea town* n l a » an i six n
lo«a are casters of button making.
Jinapport* an important fishery sed,
as the report says:
- Besides the poodle thus directly
connected with the business. maov
tAktetn ia more than a score of towns
mf„ benefit tod. including merchants.
mafhti1^* Uslairi drat men and
transports’, c-n companies
pianrn,i" free trade will kill the
pearte baUcm bosiaes* throw lot#
•4 people smt of empio*tmr.t and in
)«rw kneel trade and transportation,
ft* blighting in float a art** or all
iwisstno alike and when n power
It has oe»er tet failed to r »o our
■ factor*-* cover the dinner pail with
ggkssM ami send the work tag mao's
children «• the street hoggin; bread
|s thin mat the farts1* And %et tbi
^ the psk*! ooaght to 1« fas’eaed
«s by every ansa oho adv<v
^ tea Jemr-* which » only an indi
ct way nmpfhrrting »amo«racy
l enlisted at Kearney, Nebr. on
t •« 9tb day of August 1899, and the
text day kft for Ft. Leavenworth,
arm ingon Sunday, went into camp
iLd was assigned to Co. A 32. Ueg.
f 5. Vol. loft, the 14, drew clothes,
’he Jo arm- and then to drill. On
tb Fridas following me had a sham
nat'le. it was .pule interesting, we
also f irmed camp and p'tched tents
I was in the hospital and after tents
wire p t< bed was taken to the Post
L wpital and stayed there three weeks
t ere i«eiog four others with me.
We then uned eur regiment at 8an
1 ranclaco. I went by the way of
I'*nver, Ogden and 8alt Lake, and
had a ver? pleasant trip. After
three days we reached San Fran
t :«<••• bay and tram and all crossed
on a terry boat After crossing we
t >ak a street car for Precidio. where
our regimen*, lay, got there in time
f r dinner and was well pleased to
I.* with the b »ys again. We staid
there one week and then set sail for
the Philippines, arrived at Honolulu,
after seven days sail. When,
w- ief: the Wirt every body was bid
ug godspeed to their friends and
m .i,g handkerchiefs as long as
they con Id be seen. The boys were
a. up a. *ft tut when we got past
gsa to con.e
d mu and « re long the olj boat be
gitii heave aini in a sh^rt time we
a * > _*et sii k. I was sick for
#-\t-n «iav *>. We stated at
H r.oiu’.u. three *ia> s for coaling up
a. i t.x.uu the Ih.i’er. we tad oulv
is- 1 >ur 1 toiler ci ining across frt m
the I Lilted Honolulu is a
i n ;trcvv »■!*<•<• and c ntains some
i*. o j.t.i pie. there are a great
xiov Americana there, I found
8 rr- wire friendi while inking
ar aud :Lie tty. they guv* us a hear
i «t! <»e and invited us to stop
i «<• eier passed that way again.
I n tk u- one month to cross
the great I’a ific, we bad a delight
f ,1 vovage and a beautiful sea to
Sill on. We saw just one vessel
daring the voyage acro6s. and arriv
« : at Manua, on the glUh of Oct.,
and went ashore ou the 1st day of
Not. We stopped in Manila about
half an bour for dinner aud then
went fifty rndea north to the base
of hostilities aud went iDto camp.
Wee d not Know the exact position
of tb“ etrmv er.d Id the morning re
* ivre l and four.d them mireneb
el and waiiiog for us only half a
in r mi oe stayed in camp three
and on the fifth made a demon
a ration and routed them after one
h mrs fighting. They showed ns a
clean pair of heels, figuratively
streaking and the boys were hot
n ter them. The 17, 9, and 12,
regiments wt-re in the fight and ours
formed a reserve force for the 17th
therefore did not get to shoot, eouse
q ir-ntly had no casualties. After
this engagement we dropped back
nod occupied the barracks and tock
the place <f the 17th whore we
»'.a\< i until -lau 14tb. I»ariDg this
time we went over to .Malabon, aDd
ca; tared that town, we got tbeir bo
lns, gun* »n l one man. the others
adopted the old adage of ‘ He that
£j|h - slid runs away lives to tight
another lay.” we took a par’iog shot
at them but did not stop any one,
they can out-run a common bor»e
• hi h i* the reason we cannot gel
mere than we do. \V e were ordered
’o Marvalies, wt marched to Poraca
and stayed all night, then went to
Florida Blanco, There we lost one
nan by drowning, we next went to
| Ib-nmpin, where we stopped for the
j o;ght and thence *o Ora no for din
tier, W* tbrn went to Bianga, got
‘.era at oight and in the morniDg
*’arted f»*r Oeran and there a boat
«*.••* provided for those not able to
walk uv 1 tin others went over the
Mountain*. *Vc finsllr reached
Here bv water and unloaded the
cargo, and after a short time took
bree da\»* rations and made a trip
^ver the Mountains. 1 was very
rc ! w hen we reached quarters then
we went bunting gogoes. or niggers,
hut there is none of them near us so
we quit hun'iug, and now do noth
iog but guard duty and that is Dot
very arduous. We don’t know how
long we wid stay here; our captain
thinks we will probably stay here
the bw snee of our lime, f'o this is
at trip and experience to the far off
Philippine islands.
P. H. PenbicoRD,
Co. A. 32. Beg. U S. Yol. Inft.
Manila, P. L
A Kern Clear Brain
Your best feeling?, your social posi
' tion or business success depend largely
! on the perfect act ion of your stomach
and Liver. Dr.King's New Life Pills
give increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will make you feel like a new being
Sold bv Odendahl Bros.
If troubled with rheumatism, give
Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It
w ill not cost you a cent df it does no
go >d. One application will relieve the
pain. It also cures sprains and bruises
in one-thir i the time required by any
other treatment. Cuts, burus, * frost
bites. quinsey, pains in tbe side and
cbe.»t. glandular ar.d other swellings are
quickly cured by applying it. Every
bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cts
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
A Life and Death Fight.
Mr. \V. A Hines of Manchester, Iowa
writing of his almost miraculous escape
from deat: , says: “Exposure aft^r
meas'es induced serious lung trouble,
which ended in consumption I had
frequent hemorrhages and coughed
night and day. All my doctors said I
mu*t soon die. Then I began to use
L>r. Kings New Discovery which whol y
cured me. Hundreds have used it on
my advise and all say it never fails to
cure Throat. Chest and I.ur.g troubles.**
H"gu aj size 50 cents and #100, Trial
bottles free at Odendabl Bros, drug store.
If you have, will tell you how to get
the most for your money. Tha >emi
Weekly ^tat* Journal, published at
Lincoln, wants several thousand new
-ub-ctibers and as x special inducement
will mail the paper twice a week from
now until the end of this year for only
.*«* cents. Two papers each week with
all the new- of the world, through the
great presidential campaign and the
campaign in this state for two United
State- senators and the state ticket
Sever in your life have you been offer
ed so much reading matter for 50 cents.
| Send in your money right now, be
! cause the sooner you send ic in, tha
! more papers you get for your money
Address. Nebraska State .Journal. Lin
coln. Neb.
The ancients believed that rheuraa
m was the work of a demon within a
man. Any one who bss had an attack
of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism
will agree that the infliction is demoni
ac enough to warrant the belief It ha*
never been claimed that Chamberiaiu's
Pain Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cure rheumatism., and hundreds
•>«ar testimony to the truth of the state
ment. One application relieves the
pain, and this quick relief which it
affords is alone worth many times it*
cost. For >ele by Odeudabl Bros.
An Epidemic of W hooping Cough.
hast winter during an epidemic of
whooping cough my children contract
ed the disease, having severe coughing
spells. We had used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy very successfully for
croup and naturally turned to it atjthat
time and found it relieved Jthe cough
and effected a complete cure.—John ‘ .
Clifford, Proprietor Xorw >od House.
Norwood. X. Y. This remedy is for
sale by Odendabl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. <
May 9th, 1900. f
N >tice is hereby given that the following
named settler hft' filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of
ins claim and that said proof will be made
before J. A. Angler, county judge, at Loup
Citv. Nebraska, on July 3rd, 1900, viz:
William R Meilor. Homestead Entry, No.
17334, foa the northwest quarter Section s.
Township 15, Range 14. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
it. J Johansen, Loup City, Neb.
J. W. Long, .
J 8. Pedler, .
S. E. Gallaway, “ “ "
J. W. Johnson. Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln. Neb, t
May 19th, i90>. $
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias ti ed notice of his in
tern ion to make final proof in support of
bis claim, and that said proof will be
made before the county Judge, at Loup
Cite, Nebraska, on June 3<Hh, 1900 viz:
\lberl spar ing. Homestead Entry, No.
it,'if, for the north east quarter. Section 26,
Township 16, Range 13. He names the fol
lowing witness to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
Geo. Kme!, of Ashton, Nebr.
sieve Kittle, •* •* •*
Andrew Kair “ *• “
Frank Foat, “ “ **
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Neglect is the short step so many
tak * Irom a cough or cold to consum
ption. J he early use of One Minute
Ci ugh <_ ure prevents consumption.
It is the on!y harmless lemejy that
gives immediate results it curea «ll
th-u t ana lung troubles. Childern all
lUe it and mothers indorse it. Odtn
dah! Bros.
Don’t Stop
taking Scott’s Emulsion be
cause it’s warm weather.
Keep taking it until you are
It will heal your lungs and
give y du rxc h blood in sum
mer as in winter. It*s cod
liver oil made easy.
53c. and $ i. All dru^tists.
Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
duc'd!. via the Burlington Route. You
don’t change cars. You make fa»t time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished a- a palace sleeper, but it is just
as clean, just as comfortable, just a«
good to ride in—and nearly $3000
cheaper. It has wide vestibules: Pintscb
gas. high back seats: a uniformed Pull
man porter: clean bedding: spacious
toilet rooms: tables and a heating range.
Being strongly and heavily built, it
rides smoothly: is warm in winter and
cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced exeur.-ion conductor
who accompanies it right through t
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Louis, Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday, arriving
San Francisco foiJowing Sunday, Los
Angeles Monday. Only three daj s from
the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast,
including a stop-over of H hours at I >en
ver ami 2* hours at Salt Lake City—two
of the most interesting cities on the con
For folder giving full information,
call at any Burlington Route tick't of
fice. or write to—J. Francis,—Gen*l
Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb.
I A Follower of Measles — In many
| inst :nc»-s a persistent cough follows an
attack of measles. In speaking of tbi
Mr. Walter C. Beel, editor of the Elkin.
N. C. Times, says: “ Three weeks ago
I had an attack of measles which left
j me with a bad cough. I took several
doses «>f Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and the cough has entirely disappeared.
I consider Chamberlain's medicines the
I best on the market " For sale by Oden
! dahl Bros.
OloriouS New*
Comes from l>r. D B Cargile, of
Washita. I T. He writes: • Electric
Bitter? has cured Mrs Brewer of scro
fula. which has can? d her great suffer
ing for years. T«rribie sores would
break out on her face, and the best
doctor? could give no help: but now
her health is excellent." Electric bit
ters i? tne best purifier known. It.s
the supreme remedy for eczema, tettei,
salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running
sores It stimulates liver, kidneys and
bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion,
builds up the strenght. Only 50 cents.
Sold by OdenJahl Bros, druggists
An $8.00 DICTIONARY for$1.00
The New Werner Edition of
Webster’s Dictionary.
Newly and magnificently illustrated. We offer
you the best Dictionary ever put on th market at
a 1 >w price. This new edition cot nut s many
sp®< :al features such as dictionarv of Svnonvms
and Artonvms. lexicon of foreign -hrases, dic
tionary of abbreviations, colored plates, etc.,
etc. Remember this is not the cheap took but a
beautifully printed edition on fine paper with
j thousands' or valuable additions of aid to students
and business men. If you desire this book, send
ns our special offer price, $1.00, and we will send
you this great dictionary, bound in cloth or send
us $2.00 and we will send the same book bound in
fall tan sheep, with a beautifnl cover design.
The handsomest low-priced Dictionarv ever pub
i iished. For every day use in the office, home,
school and library this dictionary is absolutely un
equaled. Forwarded on receipt of onr special
offer price, $1.00 for cloth binding or $2.00 for
the fall tan sheep. If it is not sattsfactorv, return
it and we will refund your money. Write for our
special illustrated catalogue, quoting the lowest
prices on books, FREE. We can save you money.
I Address all orders to
The Saai.fif.ld Publishing Co.
Publishers aud Manufactures. Aksov. Ohio.
(The Suulfield Publishers is reliable.! -Editor
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cues.
, General Real Estate Business.
Office in Northwester* Building.
LOUP OUT. i i *m
OFFICE.—One door east of Chase’*
drug store
Fipst Class Work Guaranteed
IOl P CITY, • - - NEB
now on hand at JAEGERS STORE and I can give
my many customers a tine line to select from. When I sav mv
* %
stock is new I mean that I am constantly getting in new go»„U
% o O 5? J *•
is well stocked. I buy in large quantities and of such only as can
furnish the goods that my customers demand. In this way there '<
no need to have such a large quantity of shelf worn goods as i
sometimes the case with less careful buyers. Come in and seen v
Stock of Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing, Goods.
Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries.
Yours respectfully,
South Side Public Square Loup City, Xebr.
Ladies and
| Gentlemen
if you have Watches, Clocks,
lor Jewelry that you wish to have
1 repaired don't fail to call on
1 the only first class Watchmaker and
jeweler in the county. Also you
should not fail to call on
when you want something in the line
of .Jewelry. I handle nothing but
fiast class jeweriy. 1 do not have
any brass plated jewelry to offer to
) the public at cost, neither do I claim
to do first class watch, dock or
jewelry repairing and not make my
promises good. I am here to stay
and mv reputation is at stake just
as w» 11 as the money that there is
in doing the work. I mean what I
sav and if the work of
fails to please you I am here to
refund your money. Call and see
me when \ «*u want your watches,
clocks or jewelry repaired right.
1 If you want your eyes tested and
have them flitted properly, call on
as 1 am
the only ' ptician in the connty who
is a graduate of the Omaha watch
makers and Optical college. Call
and see tue when von want things
right. Your f >r business.
G H Morgan
Loop Ci'y Jeweler and Optician. ]
\\~ AXTKD—Honest tnan or woman to
’v travel for larire house; salary ?65
monthly ami expenses with increase; position
permanent: inclose self-addressed stamped en
velope. MANAGER. 330Caxton bldp.. Chica
go. 111. T—1-19
’’ lIONEsT, persons to represent us as
Managers m this atxl close by counties,
j Salary #'.«»• a year and expenses. Straight
! ixma-fide. no more, no les- salary. Position
| permanent. *mr references, any bank in
any town, it is mainly office work Cuuduct
j ed at home. Reference Enclose selt-ad
! dressed stamped envelope.—The Donut
, ion Compart. Dept. 3, Chicago. 9 25 to 3 190
AGENTS WASTKD.-For “The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world’s greatest naval hero. By Mnrnt i
Halstead, the life long friends and admirer
of the nation's idol. Biggest and book;
over 500 pages, 8x10 inches; nearly 100 j ages I
half-tone illustrations. Onlv fi.50. Enor
mous demand. Big commissions. Outfit
tree, chance or a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dyiminton Company, 3rd Floor caxton
; Building.,Chicago
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
i wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess and mcis
icretion. A nerve tonic and
[blood builder. Brings the
*pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
iBy mail SOc per box, 6 boxes
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton * Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL
I ODEN DAHL BROS., Loup City, Neb
We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill
business of James Reutfrow and are now ready to continue
business at the old stand. We handle a complete line of
We have every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable,
our prices are right.
McDONALI) & HALLER, Loup City, Neb.
The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World,
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us.
Wholesale Prices
to Users.
Our Genera! Catalogue quotes
them. Send 15c to partly pay
postage or expressage and we’ll
send you one. It has 1100 pages,
17.000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70,000 things
that you eat and u=e and wear.
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted.
Michigan At. A Madlaea Chicago.
on approval to vour address WITHOUT A CENT IN ADVANCE.
wheel; fnve color, height of frame and pear va: w E W ILL SHIP
k THE WHEEL > D. on approval, a. **
A amine it fully before you a -ej t it. t it i aud more than we
W claim for it, and a better wheel than you , :r . : r ary where near the
Ev price from any one el e. refuse it and v • : j. a. eipress i,bu|«f
Kh ourselves. The “MONTROSE" Bicycle <fc«l f? 50
^k at our Special Agent's sample price of | ■
,i^k is the greatest h&rgain In a bicycle ever ■ •: v. ,■ guarantee* it rqu)
IH to any mo wheel on the market, an! y ;i ■ « ■* M it riirpavaeent
I St ir you do not find it as we represent. W* art I \< I I wltE Bit* C'LE
\m MAWITACTI RERS and take t! - i; :reducing
II 1MW HOHEIA This offer of wheel at this low pnee Is
»Q male to secure a RIDER A GEN T ^ 1 ‘■'a to represent us
, '1H and take orders. <*ur agents make nonn ' „
I WCBCMfl^ilTiftliC Frame 2 ties.S? Inch. Best
WdrCufrlbAliUllai Sh Iby - - . f - d. nnce
tions. Hush pints. Improved erpanuer d> < ten ■ it p* -t ana
^^■handle liar; Koyal Arch crown: the celt ; r»** Ha* la hubs and hanger—•
Pvflthe easiest running known; Rccoril " A” *!'v* 'Ji ' ''
■ most expensive tires on the market. Their- *1 Wcslmger llygirmn
II .H saddle; pedals, tools and accessories the t- ' 1 nauieled lit
Em black, maroon or coach green, highly tin - a lamented; *ie.'«l
nl finished nickeling on all bright parts. We the- test every piece
; ■ of material that goes into this machine. < binding year a gwar
flf antee bond with each bicycle. .
^ any one sending the ^ ^ llt* ?”[*****}!*
illCL m?nd free a nooiM Kurdi* u 1 ** \
■Xj&Sh meter: or a hijrh grade floor pump. Your : * t*ck if you are rut
w perfectly satisfied. . ._ .
» CHEAP WHEELS.Se^V'v. ’• v*S3S=?
concerns ana dijt supply house# advertise and sell a# hit-'h .*• ,
however, at*, to r stripped: or »*.7;> to complete. tv. * c *'■**>
mend them. BEFORE ORBEKIS6 a bicycle of any . . • 1 Mill “
cheap, write as and let us tell you how much we can sc't • .1 , ■■ hv ji.
If Ton ||H|D| C fn RilV awheel we can assist > t lUlt A .1510 <-UE b> di£
are UHADLC TO Dll I tributintr cataloguesf< - . ’ '.s..
in eacn town ror this purpose. W e hare several hundred SECO.A I» IIA A1* W 1111 1> "? J d i, " I f. V.
££,•*•<?acJl'• •dnw shopv ora samples and ’W ni<(dels i. ! *a or
Ol R RELIABILITY is unquestioned. We refer to any bank or business 1 ‘ r Y tn*wish it
rail n«d comply. We will sendy. ■••.• direct fr i*:
SEND YOUR ORDFR4*4'*’’ This low price and the-, »peeial tcr»« t * uncut deposit will
I Veil VflVLTl be Withdrawn verv soon tV'Ulve name- f ti
President Cashise.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y„ Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.