The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 01, 1900, Image 8

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T 1 : j y (
S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Lot^fHty, Neb._
> * Mv r*» i we must make more room for our new stock, in our new building located on Business Corner, one door east of St. Elmo hotel
/\pd to do this we will fnake pext Saturday a day of cost
*.ivh‘*s. . jewelryand silverware. If you want a wedding or birthday present, Saturday, June 2nd, will be an opportunity for you to
proven-s at COST. Remember we have the only complete stock of jewelry in the county and this will be the only day you may have
• select g«**ls from this stock at COST.
I: y-u manta pair «>f glasses I am the only optician in this part of the country that has the instruments and can tit eyes correctly. If you
, m k r \ ,:<hthat need* repairs remember 1 am a reliable workman. -My work always gives satisfaction.
K«‘!!temu*r the date of sale and come early so you may get first selection. We have gold and silver hearts and can engrave them for you. Our
1*alley h it* are very pretty, something new. At COST, COST, COST, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware. 1
I. S, SHSPPHRDj the Leading Jeweler, and Optician, Loup City Nebr.
Lioaal Dews.
1 11 —«.... ■.
Ur. Routine, the dentist.
I»raft Mtlioa at the K mod Front |
Mr*. Augu*t Bechlbold i* very tick
at tbi» Wiling,
Fred Foster mated hi* family into tbe
Fj »* bcu*r Monday
Get your Friendship hearts
at Sheppards.
i»rt your band l«*a« at
SUBTFAlttiS «1
EJ Mc< oy »• • port mg a beautiful
largo oil on tbe *i<te of bU fana.
Write llaydea Bro* Omaha W'bole
ue Supply llouae for price* and *auip
Jaaou Gilbert of Arcadia. *»» la at
tendance at tbe faoeral of Sa*;e Gil*
Mr* A if liaaerl ia tery *lck at tbi*
time with a fever atiu *bowiag a d-op
•teal tendency
W.T. Gitem amt to St. l’aul Ihl#
week to SaUb a floe building f<*r Mr
Frank J Tay lor.
Cabbage and Tout at to plant* for *ale
at ■> cent* per dozen. 4 'all at tbe bume
- *-W. T. Cn»o*.
Tbe little girl* of Mr. and Mrs. A B
Ojtbooer left for a vlalf with relative* ,
veaterday morning
Tb* Mtermaj « ouoty Agricultural
tbe fair tbi* year on tbe H-S of Oct
Mr and Mf» John «*y*trr and fas tlr
rame up from Havenr.a to attmd tbe
l.iml of Mr* Oyrter * aunt oo Horn
W bm vou waat argain* la tbe line
of Jewelry don't fall to call om G 11;
Morgan He earrie* tbe flneet Hue in
tbe fx*up Valley.
We notice In tbe Gretaa New# hat
Frof M II Carlton 1* out for tbe bom
a it Sue f«.r iui* *upeTiBtmd-nt on tbe
fu-ion ticket.
Tbe partial erilpee of the van la*t
Monday morning arrived on lime and
Hit every body wa* •>««*. mg gin** to
an joy tbe ftbeaotaina
Wif* Feter* of l»arl* Craek bad a run
a way la*t week which reaultad In the
.»emoU*blog of a new buggy J 1 Lie
pew nweallei to net tbe rib*.
There will be aeverai wedding* in the
city ia the next few day*. *• dame ru
mor «ay». « api-J ha« been playing
hi* prank* with tbe bean* of our young
people of late.
nr SLlurniBoui wm»
lr» Fudtr, UM week, when mentioning
iy r Bin— of those »t*» atteuJed the
«*dd ftllMl ben«,uet at Ord, ail of
wbtrb ne aptM<*oCtx# * ’r
etca art MeFadden reports barlog
•st facetted a letter from hi* mother
st -prteg d*ld. Mn. stating that they
had | lent y of rn.n in that county. Small
grata I* haded out and dnvterhi arc
We m<kr>Uad Mra. Smallwood of
Aittdh fere,rod a cablegram from
ij,{ sod not .fimg her of the death of
her bn band *b* »u visiting that
« o ofry «• betiaes* she will rail for
Carre at once.
We aim* ledge receipt of an Invite* from Master Newton Pilger. who
itanmCtf the Burlington. la. High
act* o', to he preamt at hi* graduating
oe Jane St We oogralulata the
v«*ueg man aed oi*h him secees# la the
fat ore
It I* a fart that ne other ar. «.e mins
factored ta the laited State* gun
»o e oaiterral aa!i»facl»oa a* Yea»i
learn Other kind* of yea-t may b*
g-rgTf some of the time, but Yeast Foam
ta good oil the time and you take n<
chtam of leaiag year dour a bea yea
war it according to direction* printed
m. e very pa* l*|»
Km,o* Oriental Show* and Trained
Animal Exhibition* have *eiected Toe*
.tag June ith. a* their date in I^onj
4 It, <wo gala day performance* *r»
schedule ( ta <* and » ight p m In tb*
tlon of this—the modern ideal
ahew* of the dawning century-neitbei
tine. »<oey or paia* ha* been spared
ib m»k* i* the grandest and oxst
ua «| «eshear of its kind before the pah
j r is bet* troop* of performer* la as
U*ei*h'»g and anduoli‘ated feat* of
•owipo**> cent* rti«n. bdancing, vault
ing tembilng leaping feats o' strength
darug and * fanny «4d dean*
ry fc**t trained il«g* mule* and M*d*.
i. a *h*« hit phase* all. Price#
JJ 2 £* exhibition before
Boeckner the fashionable tailor.
M.llet ami other field seeds for by T.
M Rt-ed.
Frank Ollewaki shipped a car ofbogs
:o Omaha thia week.
The wheel blew off of Mrs Ditto's
wind aill Wednesday uigbt.
I. S. Sheppard has a fine line of silver
hearts Get your friends one.
Soe those new l*ulleT belts
at Sheppards.
The father and mother of Fred and
Ira Foster visited with the boys last
Li*t of presents at the Knight- An
gler wedding came ;n too late for pub
lication this week
Krnev Millburn moved bis family
from Arcadia, and now occupies Mrs
S. G. Taylor’s bouse.
You can buy tow or three
row Disc cultivators at T. M.
Roods. They are O. K. 0 1
The very finest The ne plus ultra.
The creme de la creme. Tbat,s IIAR
PER Whiekev in three languages.
Sold by T. It. KUner. Loup Ciiy, Xeb
The Fourth of July ce ebratioo at
at Lot.p Citv this year will be under
the au.pices ot the Modern Woodmen,
and every body is invited to come and
enjoy themselves
On the K* of June the Woodmen of, will celebrate the end of
their great contest in which they suc
ceeded in securing 11** new members.
Every body is invited to join them
G if Morgan the Loup City Jeweler
doe* all kinds cf watch, clock and Jew
elry repairing in a workman like man*
ner. When you have something to de
in this line, don’t fail to call on him.
Two bright boys from Ashton called
at this oftlcw last Friday Their names
are Frank Arthaud and Jesse Marvel.
They were up to the county ;eat attend
iag the graduating exercises and visit
with their Ittle friends.
I >on’t forget that the Modern Wood
men intend putting up an old fashioned
Fourth of July celebration at Loup City
this year, and everv body be he Jew or
«.entile, Saint or sinuer are cordially in
vited to come to I.oup City and help
them make the eagle screech
koutxeu't Park, A*bton, Nebr.. is
now open for the reason. A merrv-go
round. all kinds of games, plenty of
*e»?» and shade trees, first class accom
modations. amusements every Saturday
evening. S(.erial Rate* for Picnias
vad Parties W*. K.nut/.kx, Propr.
nr- in»*o. 1. rnger, sou i beo. and
daughter Marie, left oyer the B. A M.
Thur-day morning for Burlington la.,
to visit her mother and other relatives
an«i friends and to be present at the
( ot her son Newton on the Hth
! of June, from tbe High school of that
j place.
We were in error last week in stating
that tbe Adventist people bad arranged
! to dedicate their new church last Satur
i d*v. It was the first services in tbe new
Iding but not the dedicatory service.
We learn that the date for dedication
will be arranged for and announced at
some future time
Three Italians with two violins and a
harp strucb tbe town last Monday eve
ning and seemingly filled the town with
1 enthusiasm, at auy rate tbe hoodlum
element made night hideous at about
tbe mid night hour. The tflalr was
di-graceful and If this It is kept up. as
I* has peen in tbe last two weeks, it
will t*e necessary for the town board to
employ a marshall, and cloth him with
authority to go forth and bring these
sticet brawlers to account for theii
I be 30th at Loup City was a gal*
day and tbe city was full of good natur
ed visitors all bent on celebrating tbt
old soldier- holiidsy. A profession wai
formed at 10 :*) at the south east cornei
of tbe Mjuare composed of school child
ren tbe Ladles of the 0. A. R. and thi
old veterans, headed by the Martial
b'O 1 Tbe proseMion marched to the
M. E church and comfortably filled
that edifice. lion R. J. Nightingale
waa the orator of the day. He pointed
out tbe many brilliant achievements on
the battlefield by tbe Blueind tbe Gray
and -poke feelingly of tbe resulta oi
that great struggle upon the future his
tmy of our country. After Mr. Night
lugale finished several sbott address*
were delivered by members ot tbe G
A. R In tbe afternoon the visit on
were entertained at the haM by mush
and aoag
CLASS OF 1900.
The graduating exercises of the class
of 1900 came off as announced at the
the Baptist church on last Thursday
evening. By 7 o’clock the church be
gan to till and by 8 o’clook standing
room was at a premium. The seven
graduates. Misses Anna Thompson.
Bertha Righteuour, Amanda Yanscoy,
Grace Hagelin and Floernce Nightin
gale and Messrs Kddy McCoy and
Steven Polski. took their places on fhe
rostrum and the exercises were opened
with prayer by Bey. Matthews This
was followed by a selection from the
Grand island orchestra.
The speaking was opened by Eddy
McCoy, and each in turn delivered thejr
addresses io a calm, dignified and elo
quent manner. The well deserved rep
utation of Loop City's former graduat
ing classes was grandly maintained by
this one and all were pleased with tbe
exhibition of training developed by
them. Beautiful flowers were present
ed to each member of the class as they
duished their orations, and eaeh must
have felt that they feelingly had the
godspeed of their many friends as they
launch out on the sea of life.
The program was interspersed with
music from the Grand island orchesira
and some pleasing selections sang by
Loup Citys' quartette
The diplomas were presented to the
graduates by Judge Wall, who made
them a beautiful presentation speach.
-- — ♦ ♦ ♦
1 consider it not only a pleasure but
a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell
about the wonderful cureeffected in my
case by the timfly use of Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
I was taken very badly with flux and
procured a bottle of this remedy. A
few- doses of it effected a permanent
cure. I take pleasure in recommend
ing it to others suffering from that
dreadful disease.—J. W. Lynch, Dorr,
W. Ya. This remedy is sold by Oden
dahl Bros.
The easiest and most effective meatb
od of purifying the blood and Invigor
ating tbe system is to take Dewitt's
Little Early Risers, the famious little
pills for cleansing the liver and bowels.
Odendahl Bros.
J. Q. Hood. Justice of the Peace,
Crosby, Miss., makes the following
statement: “I can certify that One
Minute Cough Cure will do all that is
claimed for it. My wife could not get
her breath and tbe first dose of ic re
lieved her. It has also benefited my
whole family.” It acts immediately
and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe,
brocnitis. asthma and lung trouibes.
Odendahl Bros.
“After suffering from piles for fif
teen years I was cured by using two
boxes of DeWItts Hazel Salve,” writes
W ..f. Baxter, North Brook, X. C. It
heal* everything. Beware of counter
feits Odendahl Bros.
“After suffering from gevere dys
pepsia over twelve years and using
many remedies without permanent
good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia
(Jure It did me so much good I re
commended it to everyone,” writes J.
E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chill*
icfcothe. Mo. It digest* what you eat.
Odendahl Bros
♦ - -
If recoil not the seasons,
Nor the years that come and go
Life's an all aronnd pleasure to me,
Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea.
In itae matter of /Case No. 248.
Chris Thompson r In Bankruptcy.
Bankrupt S Voluntary Petition
On this 28th day of May. A. D. 1900, on
tiling and reading the petition of the above
name bankrupt for his discharge herein, it U
ORDERED, that the I4ih day of June, A.
D.. 1900 be and the same is hereby fixed as
the date on or before which all creditors of
and all other persons Inter*, sted in said estate
and in the matter of the dischargs in bank
ruptcy of the said bunkrupt shall, if they de
sire to oppose the same, file iu my said office
in Grand Island. Nebraska in said district,
their appearance, in writing, in opposition
to the granting of said discharge, and also,
within ten days thereafter, file iu my said
office specifications of the grounds of said
Witness my hand hereto and official s*»l
at my office in Grand Island. Nebraska, the
day and herein first above written.
Referee in Bankruptcy
State of Nebraska. 1
• S. S. State of Nebr.
Sherman County, )
To Anna Meric Neilson. non-resident ownei
of the following descrebed realestate situate
la Road Dintriet No. 10 of Sherman county
and Stale of Neb., to-wit: The South Easi
quarter of Section 8. Township 15, Range 11
You are hereby notified that complaint hat
I been made to me as road oreraeer that there
is an open we) upon the above described
real estate and if the same is not filled up
immediately. I shall proceed to fill the same
is the manner provided by law, as the same h
dangerous for stock.
YV. B. Reynolds, RoedOverseei
of road district Ko. 10. Sherman county, Neb.
The W. C. T. U. will give an entertain
ment in the Bapllst church. Friday evening.
June 8th. A good program will be rendered.
Everybody cordially invited to attend.
There will be religious services held at
the Baptist church in this city on Sunday
June 3rd at one o'clock p. rn. All are cordial
ly invited to attend.
John S. F.sdeh. Pastor.
The Supreme Master Workman of
the A. O. U. W. lodge ha* set apart
Sunday, June 10th, at Floral Day. and
Loup City Lodge, No. 33, will observe
tbe same in a fitting manner All mem
bers of the order and D. of H. are ie
quested to meet at the hall at 10:00
o’clock a. no. and from there proceed to
the M. E. church, where a sermon will
be delivered at tbe usual
service hour. 10:30, by Rev. W. E.
Matthews. The cburch will be appro
priately arranged and the exercises
will le interesting. All members of
the orders should be present and the
citizens are respectfully invited to
Let u* all turn out and give rever
ence and pay tribute to the memory of
our departed brothers.
Geo. K Behschotir, M. W.
Wm. Cramer, l* W. a and
Com on arrangements.
On Sunday May 27, 1900, Miss Susie
Gilbert an old and respected resident of
this city passed from earth to the world
beyond. Miss Gilbert was born in tbe
state of New York on June 1st 1851, and
eame with her parents to Illinois wheu
a small girl, afterward* moving to Man
chester, la., where she resided until
•he came to Loup City in 1874. She
taught the first term of school ever con
ducted in Sherman county and was the
possessor of tbe first certificate issued
to a teacher by Sherman county’s first
•uperintendant of learning. She was a
model lady and alway* lived a concien
tious Christian life, was greatly loved by
those near to her and her taking away,
though not unexpected, wa* sorely and
sadly lameuted by them. She was, a
her death, 48 years 11 months and 28
days old. The faneral was held at the
Baptist church at 3 p. in. on Monday
May 28,1900, and was conducted bv
Kev. W. E. Matthews, after which ibe
remains were taken to the cemetery,
four miles west of this city, for in
FRENCH LICK, Ind., May 27, (Spe
cial) Will rain in Sherman county be
fore June 2nd, should rain on May 3]st
at farthest. Revealed to me on May 15.
Should have written sooner.
World Works. (A. P. C )
If you want your watch nut In jfood
repair bv the only first class workman
in the county call on (1. H. Morgan, the
STRAYED —A yearling steer from A L.
Baillies' pasture. Has tag in left ear with
H Bros, also figure “4” stamped on tag or is
branded “B-’ on kip. Finder will please in
form the undersigned, owners who will pay
all charges. Msnkchotkk Bros.
Loup City. Neb
There came to my farm, uboiit May let,
8 miles west of ix>up City, on Sec. a, 15, 15,
One all red steer two years old with brand
on aide, brand in form of two m’s one In
verted under the other. Owner will come
forward prove property, pay tdiargcs and
get animal,
Department of the Interior.
, Land Office at Lincoln, Nah. i
Muy 3rd, lttKt. f
I Notice is hereby given tbat the follow
log.named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof In nupi>crt
of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. A. Angler, county
judge of Sherman county, at Loup
City. Nebraska, on June 18th, 1900, viz;
Hugh G. Patton, Homestead Entry, No.
17,633 for the north west quarter, Section
10, township 10. range 15, west. He
names the following witnesses to prove
hit continuous residence upon and cuttl.
vatlon of said land, viz: Tony Tryba,
David Kay, George Woznlckl, Jacob F.
Bock, all of Loup City, Nebraska.
| J. W. Johnson, Register.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln. Neb.i
May 17, 19,0. f
Notice Is hereby given tbat the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bis
intention to make final proof In support
of hlS claim, and that said proof will be
made before J, A. Angler, the county
judge. Loup City, Neb. onJnne 30th, 1900
vis: Leora B. Flanders, Homestead Entry
No. 17,400, for the south half of the south
east quarter Section 4, Township 13, Range
'10. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resicence upon and
cultivation of said land, via:
August Mnsback, of Litchfield, Neb.
Peter Wogan, ” " "
Joseph Else, ” ’’ *’
Addison K, Smith, ” »’ ”
J. W. Johonbn, Slglster.
In the District Court of Sherman Countv j
Elizabeth E. Ditto,
George J. Walker and Clara
Walker his wife, The Em
pire Hernia Co., Anthony
Ryerson and The Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company (a
George J. Walker and Clara Walser his wife
Defendants herein, are hereby notified that on
the 16. day of May 1900. Elizabeth E. Ditto,
plaintiff, herein filed her petition in the dis
trict court of Sherman county Nebraska,
against the above named defendant*
The object and prayer of which are to fore,
close a certain tax lien upon the following de
scribed premises situate in Sherman county
Nebraska, to-wit: The north west quarter of
section three (3) Township fifteen (15) Range
sixteen (16i west of the sixth p. m.. upon which j
there is now due the sum of one hundred and
thirty six and eighty-eight ( 136.nv• one hur,
dreth dollars, for which sum w ith interest at
10 per cent per annum from date. Plaintiff ‘
prays for decree of foreclosure and that de
fendants be required to pay same or that said
premises be sold to satisfy said amount. You
are required to answer said petition on or be.
fore the 35th day of June 19G).
Dated this 16 day of May 1900.
Elizabeth Ditto, Plaintiff.
By J. S. Pedler. her attorney.
Attest: John Minshill.
iseal) Clerk of the District Court.
In the District Court of Sherman county
Joseph 8. Pedler.
M. Thompson, first full name
unknown,-Thompson, her
husband. James A. Niles and
Eliza M. Niles his wife. Ellen
Edwards and -Edwards
her husband and the Nebraska
Loan and Trust Company (a
Ellen Edwards and -Edwards her hus
band. first full name unknown defendants,
will take notice that on the Hth day of May
1900. Joseph S. Pedler plaintiff herein, filed his
petition in the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer of which are to foreclose
i a certain tax lien upon the East half of the
north east quarter and the north east quarter
I of the south east quarter of Section five (5) in
Town*hip fifteen (15) Range sixteen (16) in
said county of Sherman, for the taxes, inter
est and costs levied and assessed against said
property for the years 1892-1*93 and ISW, upon
which there Is now due the sum of forty-three
and fifty-one one hundredths • $43.51) dollars,
for which sum. with interest, from this date
Plaintiff prays for a decree and that defen
dants Ik* required to pay the same, or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due. You are required to answer
said petition on or before the 25th day of June.
1900. Dated this Hth day of May 1900.
Joseph Pedler. Plaintiff.
Attest: John MinsHtli..
(seal) Clerk of the District Court.
In the Dtstrlot Court of Sherman coun
ty. Nebraska.
Jon eph S. Pedler,
Elizabeth K Ditto, Andrew
D. Norllng, and —- N»rl
Ing, his wife. Maty L. Knick
erbocker, -Kiilckerbock
er, her husband and the Neb
ra»ka I.oan ami Trust Com
pany (a corporation.)
Mary I. Knickerbocker au.l Knickerlxnk •
er, her husband, defendants: will take no
tice that on the 15th day of May, 1900 Joseph
S. Pedler plaintiff herein, tiled Ills petition
In tho district court of Sherman county,
Nebraska: The object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain tax lien upon
tht< following described premises, situate
in the county of Sherman and state of
Nebraska, to-wit: The South East quar
ter of Section Tlilrty-fonr (X), Township
Thirteen (IS), In Range sixteen (16), for the
taxes interest and costs levied and as
sessed thereon tor the years lx-.m, IMS and
IHOt and upon wnicli there ts now due
the sum of sixty live dollars and Forty
eight cents (#65.4f<), for which sum with In
terest from date plaintiff prays for a de
cree and that defendants he required to
pay the same, or that said premises may
l>e sold to satisfy the amount found due.
vot are required to auswor said petition
on or before the 25th day of June
lXd. Dated this Mth dnv of May. 190>>.
Joseph, s. Peiu.ek, Plaintiff.
Attest: Jolts Minsiiull,
(SEAL.) Clerk of tin- District Court.
In tho District (ourt of Sliennan coun
ty, Nebraska,
Joseph. S. Pedler Plaintiff,
The Nebraska Loan and Trust
Company, (A corporation) Eliza
Stokoe and-stokoe, her
husband, llrst name unknown,
Thomas II. Rose, and Mary A.
Rose, his wife. Defendants.
Eliza Stokoe,and-Stokoe, her hus
band, llrst name unknown, defendants,
will take notice that on the l-tlh day of
Mav, iSKJO, Joseph 8. Pedler plaintiff here
in filed Ins petition in the District court
of Sherman county, Nebraska, against
said defendants; the object and prayer
of which are to foreclose a certain tax
lien upon toe west half ot tbe southeast
quarter of Section live (5), in Township (15),
Range 16, In said county of Sherman, and (
state of Nebraska, for tbe taxes, interest
and costs levied and assessed against
said property for tbe years 189*2, 1893, and
1WM and lnteiest, and upon whicb there
is now due the sum of Forty-nine dollars
and Forty-seven cents, (#48.47) for which
sum with interest from this date plaintiff
prays for a decree and that defendants
be required to pay the same, or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amouut
found cue.
you are tequired to answer said peti
tion on or before the 25ih day of June, 1900.
Dated this Mth day of May, 1900.
Josephs. Pedler, Plaintiff.
Attest: John Minsiiull,
(seal.) Clerk of the District Court.
_..—III . - » — —■ ■ — 1 ■ ■ —
F. e. 5F?eW6F?. is Agent.
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
in the state and the only one that pays its losses in full. If he does
not call on you write him at Loup City. Neb.
k $50 Wheel Bought Direct from Our factory Costs You Hut $22.95
One Year.
Send Us One Dollar '
And state whether LADIES’ or
GENTS’ bicycle, Gear and Color
wanted, and we will send you our
new 1900. regular $50.00 model
press G. O. D.. eubject to exami
IT at your nearest express office
and If found satisfactory, a great
bargain, and EQUAL IN VALUE
TO THE $50.00 AND $76.00
STAN DARD MAKES, pay the ex
Sress agent $22.96, less the one
ollar sent with order, and expresa i
Charges. Express charges average !
about $1.00 for 500 miles.
Fitted with the Interna*
tional 1900,one year guaran
teed. nnenmatle. slnsle tube tire.
which ordinarily retails for Sfi.OO. 22. 24 or 25 Inch frame, 14 Inch diamond seamless steel tubing, FLUSH
JOINTS THROUGHOUT, new 1900 model, two piece hanger, best made, finest hardened and tempered steel
adjustable bearings throughout, wheels 28 inch, 36 spokes to each wheel, full ball bearing with ball retainers
throughout. Highest grade Indianapolis or detachable link chain. 3-16 Inch, best padded leather saddle, handle
bar up or down turn, the best EXPANDER IN BOTH SEAT POST AND HANDLE BAR, anti friction ball
bearing, ball retaining pedals, heavy leather tool bag, nickel-plated wrench, oiler, pump and repair kit. The
finest possible finish, enameled BLACK. ROTaL BLUE. MAROON OR BREWSTER GREEN (be sure to state
Color you wish). All bright ^arta heavily nickeled on copper. The Handsomest Wheel Made.
Our guarantee is absolute protection. Every Akron King and Queen Bicycle is covered by a
written binding guarantee for one year. No old models, no worthless second-hand wheels.
Order your wheel now and yon will save 125.00 to $30.00. You can make $150.00 every month selling our
high grade wheels. Address y
•The Akron Sewing Machine * Bicycle Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Editor. 1 ,
The American Summerland.
"The overland Limited'1 via Union
Pacific makes many hours quicker time
between Missouri River and San Fran
cisco than any other line. Finely equip
ped with Double Drawing Room Pal
ace Sleepers, Buffet Smoking and Lib
rary Cars with Barber Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Rooms. Dining Cars, Meals
a-la-carte. Pints eh Light. Steam Heat.
For tickets, advertising matter and
full information call on or address—W.
D. Clifton, Agent.
to your friends. When _> ou treat a
friend to whiskey, give him the best.
| HARPER Whiskey is the beverage for
I your friends and for you. Sold by—T.
II- Elsxer, Loup City, Neb.
-- ♦ * -—--~
Buckien’* Arnica halve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
I cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
i Burns. Boiles. Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c
at Odendahl Bros.
♦ • ♦
I have 150 bushels of choice millet seed |
for sale at reasouable figures. It is of,
the '00 crop and nice and clean.
Frank Otlkwski.
1 have retlted and furnished my prop
erty in the south part of town hereto
fore known as the Rosseter house and
now have opened the same as a first
class boarding house.
mar-1-2 w Mrs. M. V. Wharton
Farm for Salk.—100 acres, 100 un
der cultivation. 60 acres in pasture,
Good frame house with five rooms,
plenty of good water, general im
provements. Enquire of
Geo. Wake, Loup City. Neb
The passenger department of the B
& M. R. R. R. offers thirteen cash
prizes agregating #115 for letters about
Nebraska. Particulars of the contest,
which is open to all, can be had by ad
dressing J Francis, G. P. A., Omaha.
Sick-Head -
ache and Liver
TOO PILLS Sold by all druyglsta |
ATe or sent by mall.
_£2_~Ii*L-]Nervtta Metical U, Chicago
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anil all points
East and South.
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all point#
No. 52 Passenger.7:55 a. m
No. 60 Freight.12.50 p. in.
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. in.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair car*
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to R. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. FRANCIs, Gen’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. m. V
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, unixed) 12:20 p.m.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. m.
No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No. ■ss arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.33 p. in.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
The Union Pacific will place in
effect on June 21, July 7 to 10 ine.,
July 18 and August 2nd, Summer
Excursion rates ot
plus $2.00 from Kansas and Neb
raska poiuts
For Time Table and full information
call on
IL J. Clifton,
Kod I
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
hick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps, ana
ill other results of imperfeetdigestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWitt a Co.. Chicago.
For sale bv ODEN DA HL DROS., * J
Loup City. Nab. A