Hoy arc the children this spring? Com- I k plaining a good deal of headache, can’t I study as yell as usual, easily fall asleep, I and are tired all the time? And I >how is it with yourself ? Is your I strength slipping away? Do you I tremble easily, are your nerves all Q rf unstrung, do you feel dull and sleepy, and have you lost all ambition? That’s ^ Spring Poisoning Nearly ever)- cne needs a good spring medicine; a medi cine th.t v. ill remove impurities from the system, strengthen the digestion,- md bring back the old force and vigor to the nerves. 9 A perfect Sarsaparilla is just such a medicine; a Sarsaparilla that contains the choicest and most valuable in gredients; a Sarsaparilla accurately and carefully made, and one that experience has shown is perfect in every wav. Thai’s AYERS ^Thc on;\ Sarsaparilla made under the personal supervision of three graduates: a graduate in pharmacy, a graduate in chemistry, and a graduate in medicine.” Jl-CO £ Lottie. AD drvggisLs. that A*•«**'* Sarsaparilla ®nd Till* have *av.d irrv life hv taV.r.p *.hern e-ve^v fall ai d H I rpu . I live kr pi titca. ii. tlit t.bu« lor ike tarei.ty vcAii."— l-\ a Is. Hart, buffalo. Is. Y„ March ^9, iqoo. - . ** * v..i: *• £ta- fc For «tar Ling fine linen U£e Magnetic tr? it bob iuu mill itwa mm bo other. Ftarch. —““ SoDt people *eeni to have a genias i - **•..■* T^_ r_. r ,r ^inf !*bt tiling in the wrong . «>H> _ T r t t I tyt W2t«r. may. I -rr. *ure T\*o *Cfcre ter (VnvuirptioB mv«I Dcycmy^^ > ^ r T* ■ _r»* .ir* kjto Mrv 1 Hot* K bhi>* I wR31 UR3 DOUBLE QUICK x*p‘*Slr*rt x Y Fct> “•m • m* w*et O f «MOi. iwm* A(Mt f1 r. t ft rget it* dose doors behind •*. *♦» *»fl t.rtiyc Vt **myjlys U- C- ’-Oil Examine the Package! j e ’ : ■ ' '.:-.c.!.cr2 c! •• Baker's J c h»H.oklr ' | " er _r- ' «• err.rt: to aecetve —' - -er ;. * *_ purchase - ‘ ■ ■ ' - *• * ’ - * _ t .. ; v :th *” ♦ : .. - . a. I E WALTER BAKER & CO. Lid.. DORCHESTER. MASS., -La Belie Choeolatiere” : • _ L«v.n. ' “• re: ' *• -.re i" .e r.rase let e - ' r .• ycu :n —e way cf 1 .. 1 *" ' ;a;«r 1 \AAlTLk f'or< bet-et. M*m Mention tins r*i>er. Seventeen per cent of the watchmak =rs of this country are women. In 1850 all were men. Try Magnetic Stan h—it will last ionger than any other. At Whakarewarewa. New Zealand, there are geysers, hot springs, boiling pools, mud volcanoes and waterfalls, i Magnetic Starch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Walking in one s sleep is a peculiar trance-action. Mrs. Winning'* Soothing By-up. For children teething. wifieD* the gums, -**du rer trr hsuimsiiok ai*ry* (tain.cure* wiinicouc- lie a bottio In a card game a good deal depends on good playing—and good plrving de pends on a good deal. — £20.00 A WEEK AND EXPENSES toagents selliugour household goods. Sell on Sight. Write C. H. Marshall & Co.. Chicago. Man soon wearies of the worship of humanity. T*r.srn's H»if. Balsam 1* the favorite for dre*»!ca the hair and reuc» tut- it* i'te and co.<»r. lil.SDEKi obns. the best cure tor com*. Hurt*. Pome men believe in drowning care in the flowing bowl. Hair* Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price. 75c One cup of butter weighs cne-half pound. CARTER MEDICINE CO. WINS. Obtain* Injunction in C'a*e Involving Simulation of labeb. Brent Good, president of tbe Carter Med icine Company, yesterday received a tele gram from his lawyers in Chicago. Messrs Lowdeu. Estabrook & Davis, informing him that a final injunction, with costs. Lad been grauted against tbe Chicago l-alei and Bex Company. This company makes a specialty of manufacturing labels, boxes, etc., for druggists. The Carter Company has be?n following them through the courts for two years on the complaint lhat the label com pany was making simulations of the labels of Carter's Littie Liver Dills. They have n >w obtained a final injunction w ith costs, auel toe costs are very large, as the case has b en submitted Vo a Master in Chancery for s final accounting. The Carter Med.cine Comp any bn* l>een the first anil only one to prosecute pirmteis or enslavers who have prepared such lnliels n».d wrappers. It marks a new departure in infringement cases, and their victory is one of gteat imj ortance to the whole ‘'pro prietary trade,' and also of interest to retail druggists.—New York Dke*-s. Ma\ U, 11*00. Two cups cf granulated tugar weigh one pound. FERTILE COLORADO. The Denver & Kiu Grande railroad has just published a second edition of • THE FERTILE LANDS OF COLO RADO.” which gives a concise descrip tion of the vast area of agricultural, horticultural and grazing lands located on its line in the state of Colorado and the Territory of New Mexico, and full information as to tne stock inter ests. the sugar beet industry and farm ing by irrigation. It is a truthful representation of the numerous and wonderful products of the soil in that portion of the country and is of especial interest to all who are in terested in agriculture or kindred pur suits. Copies of this book will be sent free on application to S. K. Hooper. G.P.A., D. & R. G. R. R , Denver, Colo., or any official of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. Your clothes will not .-rack if you use Magnetic Starch. Two tablespoonfuls of fluid equal an ounce. | 6onie other . 1 , t \ . r.' j If B trouble is cat:.r h <• ... ^ I A ■ HPHPQY osC3VERY. r:v« ^.yr01 re.» r>, 1 a*e*. Book of trsOtnonla t- at in luK-|F|I|I ... IIU. Ilk. II. K. kBUBti M'M. B«, L, >,;aau. ba. ALUMINUM CREAM SEPARATORS aai.U up loualr ipcr_ ^