The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 11, 1900, Image 1

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The Northwestern
CEO. E. BENitTHOTEB. | Editor* tad
CEO. a. GIBSON, | Poblllbari
TERMS —Si ou pbb tub. if paid » advarci
Entered at tine Loup City Poatofflce for trana
—" alaslon through the mall# aa second
class matter.
Tbe American people are of such
an impetuous feverish nature that
nothing short of being tbe leader
among tbe nations of the earth will
satisfy them, and now at tbe close
of the nineteenth century we hod
ourselves lacking in but one particu
lar to lay claim to he at tbe head.
At the beginning of onr civil war,
now nearly 40 years ago, the mari
time greatness of the United States
bad past all competitors and was far
in tha lead, but 4 years of a devasta
ting war, both ou land and aea drove
our ships from the ocean and de
stroyed our supremacy. After the
great struggle was ended the atten
tion of our people seems to have
turned to iuduslries on shore and
fluriog all tbe past years little
thought has been given to our ship
ping interest. England, Germany
and frrauce have carfully looked
after that which we have neglected*
They ha\e generously subsidized
their merchant marine aod thereby
i, »t only draw lar^e sums of money
into their own coffers but have lined
the ocean «rh first class vessels any
of which they can call upon at any
time and conveit them into fast
cruisers to prey upon their enemies
oud destroy his commerce in time of
war. The subsidy policy has made
1•• . ia! dialler < :
tie* Ht-u, and other European na'.ions
t kii._ their cue* from Great Britain,
a e building up their merchant ui»
itne by th same policy. The Unit
ed S' « *s Las at last waked up and
t» bill ;* now pending which is sure
to boc me a law if the country has
-l year- more of a Republican admin
i.-irali u that will carry with it a
liberal subsidy clause and one which
* ill encourage out people to again
enter a strong com petition for ma
noe supremacy. The subsidies of
fered by this act not only encour
ages men to enter into the ocean car
rung trade, but baa a clause which
carries these payments with it for 20
years if the vessels are built in Ame
rican yards, but which ceasss at the
end of ten yeara if foreign built
stipe have bees purchased, which
of course is a great incentive to
keep the work el home end build up
our ship yarde which are already
vast. Those things, if given the
e'udy which they deserve, go e long
way toward determining the com
pleziea of our ballot this fell. Time
sod experience has proven to na that
1 democracy in an obstructionist in
•very coauhtrcial interest. Her
policy retards the growth of our in
terests both eo lead end see aad her
parsimooioua handling of greet
•chimes ioveriably rnioi- them in
their inci plenty.
The Icited States is to day en
joy mg a degree of prosperity unpar*
alt.ted in oar own history sad never
tousled in the history of the world.
This fiscal year will show a surplus
exports over imparls of nearly a
bull** do. art and the increase io
«»tir circulating cash is betond the
f •n«l«-»t hopes of our ablest men.
1- r it plenl* for ail and its re*
maceration belter than it has been
l**r a generation paat, and the prom*
i* - a v!« l»i the Republican party
i »'* »il h rn met sod verified.
Tl* at *n »u<i sav s th* te is no prosper*
111 *h ni l Ini examineJ as tans
• * ’ '8a*■ let all « iio read the*e
1 • reta* tub-i that a psor nke •«
t» >f * * »i ft: - spring of *1*7 c n
•• t c* »•«•*•• at «ay« or America
« i" f *> «a «*wn 'he world. *\|,ke
*• • 'ie the sun •bines,'’ ami do
i ' expect to l*r la >uch high clover
*11 'to * fur no o'.er produ tion
in-'. able and then a season t»f
*i -<#t > b*«iii4 to follow, bat under
* j dicaw policy niurtnlei there
- • er b- an v b* * ds issue ! f. r
ruwwiiig expense*,
kf'.er •« Bering trow pllas for flf
i**-h }*»r. J «M fund bv using t«o
i. x«s»#D*Wltu Usxel Salt*.** write*
K.d. Baxter. Xorth Brook. X. C. Jl
u »• everything Bo*sr« of counter
feits Odradahl Bro*
Coroner, Dr. Jones received a tele
gram from John Leininger from Area
eta, last Tuesday evening setting forth
the fact that a man had been found dead
in Washington twp. and requesting an
iBquest. Constable Reynolds sutnmon
a jury and with the coroner proceeded
to the place indicated where the follow
ing particulars were learned: That the
dead man was John Hubbard a man who
had recently moved there from Missou
ri, He seems to have went to bed in his
usual health and when his brother, who
was sleeping iu the same room, arose in
the morning, he noticed him laying
with his mouth and eyes open, which
caused'him to go to him, andupon lay
ing bis hand on him found thal be was
already cold, acd the family fearing
that some one might tnink there bed
been foul play had an inquest held,
which brought in a verdict, after inves
tigating as much as possible, that death
came from heart failure super-induced
from the excessive use f tobacco. He
leaves a wife aod aix children and an
aged mother and a number of relatives
in Custer county.
The following is take from a Hox
ie, (Kan.) paper. The bride is one
of Sherman county’s former residents
and is an accomplished lady:
Makried— At the home of the bride's mother
in Parnell township. Thursday April 19.
1900 Mr. Harry G. Horner and Miss Lila
Brown Rev. W. >l. Sedore officiating.
This happy young couple are well and favor
ably known in this community The groom
is a young man of exemplary habits, indust
rious and frugal He has been a resident of
thi> county many years and has the confidence
of those who know him best. He now occu
pies a po>ition of responisbility at the state
penitentiary at Leven worth. We have not
the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with
the bride, but amor g the young people she is
sp ken of v.ith words of praise, and is well
w irthy of the husband she has chosen. They \
left Monday morning for Leveoworth, where
tl. y will ui ke their temporary home. We ]
join tin ir friends in good wishes for their !
We will inform the Kansas editor;
that lie will have a host «<f friends to
join, as Miss Lila was a favorite
a uoiij her associates: 1 ere and com j
ui an Jed tin- admiration of all her
•u q-u.intan.q s. l i e young basband
bti wo ie a prize.
A very s . -eessful teachers associ
aiioo was L id at ibis place last Sat
urday afternoon, there being about
forty teachers in attendance, and a
lively interest was shown uutil the
close. Many good thoughts were
advanced ui the discussions on “The
Institute,” “Relation of Teacher and
School board” and ‘Value of Higher
Education to Rural Teachers.”
Miss Zimmerman, of Litchfield
read an exceliant paper on -Methods
and devices m Primary geography,”
and a discussion followed.
The following teachers having
been assigned parts on the program
did not respond: Misses Saidee
Whitman, Nannie Burrowes, Nina
Hayes, Mattie Stevens, Mary ScreeD,
and Maud Stephens, and Messrs
W. G. Baker, and C. F. Johnson.
The success of the meetiog was
dae to the readiness with which
those present took up the disciissions
and among those taking the most
active parts were: Misses Neima
Converse, Minnie Hickman, Edna
Williams, Grace Kay, Minnie Gilbert,
Eitle Zimmerman and Mrs. Outhouse
and Messrs. F. W. Starks, M. H.
Mead, J. R. Hollister and J. F.
G. S. L.
dense rh“ liver, puaify tbe blood. in
vigorate the body by using DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. These famous 111
t e pills act promptly. Ulead till Bros.
Wile we are exporting half a rril
ion dollars worth of provisions
(every day of tr.e month the foreign
market must he of some benefit to
The Nicflraugaan canal bill went
I through the i ons - last week with it
wh > p. Mu ro being but votes
agains*. it. Our man Neville from
the “big s.xUi j <ined the rank of
ih ■ d - funded ,nd v<Ved against it.
The r {fiita'i 11 the northern lialf
«.i N- brash i must b * maintained
-.:i i v» i11 b * ns !. r.g as there is a pop
iu a poHt*.s n to kick.
• I'rt’sr.i b -err a :!. ■ land,
t h .1 c.n v*. i a her f ee compare.
• i * ifd. lore. <■» are bright,
tjk• s i• xy Mount u Tea at night
I h<* ru e; 1* ie-vtd l:ii. iliuma
' - n * Ih mk "I :i conn wit.hill a
in-ii Vv • n«* a ho - ha i an a* rack
of *ciatie or nil iniwuforv rheumatism
aiU agre 11»at the infliction is demoni
ac cnoiigb to warrant tlie belief it lias
never t>« en v J that Chamberlain's
1'aiu Balm would cast out demons, but
it will cur* rheumatism, and hundreds
bear testimony to tbe truth of the state
ment. One application telieveg the
palo. and this quick relief which it
affords ia alone worth many times its
cost. For tele by Odcodahl Bros.
A Keen Clear Brain.
Tour best feelings, yoar social posi
tion or business success depend largely
on the perfect action of your stomach
and Liver. Dr.King's New Life Pills
give increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 eent box
will make you feel like a new being,
bold by Odendabl Bros.
If troubled with rheumatism, give
Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It
will not cost you a cent dl it does no
good. One appliealion will relieve the
pain. It also cures sprains and bruises
in one-third the time required by anv
other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost
bites, quineey, pains in the side aud
chest, glandular and other swellings are
quickly cured by applying it. Every
bottle warranted. Price 25 and 50 cts.
For sale by Odendabl Bros.
J. C. Kennedy, Roruoke. Term., says,
“I cannot say too much for DeWitt'a
Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it
cured what the doctors called an in
curable ulser on my jaw.” Cures piles
and all skin diseases. Look out for
worthless imitation. Odeudahl Bros.
“I had stomach trouble tweoty year*
and gave up hopes of being cured till l
began to use Ivedol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has done mo so much good 1 call it
the savior of my life,” writes W. R.
Wilkinson. Albany, Tenn. It digests
w hat you eat. Odeudahl Bros.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are
jusf what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They are not food but raed
i ine and the best in use to put a horse
in > rime condition. Price25 cents per
package. For sale by Odeudahl Ero's.
A Fast Ilii-ycle IllUer.
Wi 1 often receive painful cuts, sprains
0 bruises from accidents. Bucklen'a
Arnica halve, will kill the pain and heal
the injury. It's the cyclist's friend.
Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Sore
Lips Burns, Ulcer® and Piles. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it. Sold
br Odcndabi Bros.
. C» ♦
1 vviil sell my furniture at a resonable
1 rice. The furniture- i la good con
dition. Should you want it please call
at my residence.
Mrs. E. McCray, Loup City, Neb.
If sweet young widows want to
“ketch" some sweet-heart in the taugles
of tbeir golden curls, they'd better take
Rocky Montain Tea. Great Medicine
35 cents.
I have just received anew stock of
up-to-date millinery gooda and am
better than ever prepared to suit my
customers both in styles and prices.
My stock is first class in every respect
and if you need any thing in the
millinery line you should call and
see nay goods before placing your order.
Kayte Moon.
y Ml■ III- "Him.. I" ill III—IIHW
is n&g |
If so, there must be some j
J trouble with its food. Well I
J babies are plump; only the J
sick are thin. Are you sure f
: the food is all right ? Chil- i
dren can’t help but grow; j
* they must grow if their feed
| nourishes them. Perhaps a •
| mistake was made in the -
I past and as a result the cii
| gestion is weakened. If th: i
i is so, don’t give the baby
j a lot ol medicine: ji::t i::
i your every-day commor:
| sense and help nature a
= little, and the way to ch
! it is to add half a ttaiocor
J ful of
! scoffs
jr-fcfljr ■ C ■ T' I
. •
i-i v a w i w
J ¥
• »• r i J r i i»
*■ r% j r> ^ '»'• *? [ *»- **0£> r* -»
f %. Jf <. i. ^ y I V» vj *.«. fc.I O * fc *
£ • J r-."- * • »
■■ i ■: umes a dav. ir-.c sain :
' b sain the very first coy ;
y u yvc. if. It seams (o s
^ C,.i[ Ovt the digestion and j
. ry is ;.hc baby started right 5
< t if the baby is nurs- !
f ing but decs not thrive, then j
i the mother should take the I
j emulsion. It will have a
i good effect both upon the.
j mother and child. Twenty
5 five years proves this fact.
Soc. and $r.oo, all druggists.
SCOTT &. BOWNE, Chemists, New York. i
•«t —«♦— H* >1 ip» HI — III ■ t»«J
A Womans Awful Porll.
‘‘There i? only one chanee to save
your life and that is tbroegh au opera
tion" were the. startling words heard by
Miss. J. B Hun of Lime Ridge, Wia.,
from her doctor after he had vainly
tried to cure her of a frightful ease ef
atemach trouble and yellow jhundice.
Gall stones had formed and she con
stantly grew worse. Then she began to
use Electric Bitters which wholly cured
her. It's a wondersnl stomach. Liver
and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia,
Loss of Appetite, Try it. Only 50cta.
Guaranteed. For sale by Odendahl
Is iu a tourist sleeper, personally con
duced, via the Burlington Roatc. You
don't change cars. You make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished as a palace sleeper, but it is just
as clean, just as comfortable, just as
good to ride inland nearly $2000
cheaper, it has wide vestibules; Piatsch
gas, high back seats; a uniformed Pull
man porter; clean bedding; spacious
toilet rooms; tables and a heating range.
Being strongly and heavily bu ?t. it
rides smoothly; is warm in winter and
cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion part? is
an experienced excursion condu r
who accompanies it right through i
Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Louis, Lincoln
and Hastings every Thursday, arriving
San Francisco following Sunday, Los
Angeles Monday. Only three da} s from
the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast,
including a stop-over nf J j hours at Den
ver and 24 hours at Salt Lake City—two
of the most interesting cities on the con
For folder giving full information,
call at any Burlington Route ticket of
fice. or write to—J. Francis,—Gen’)
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
A Follower of Measles.—In many
inst me* s a persistent cough follows an
attack of rn »as!e«. In speaking of this
Mr. Walter B. Bed, editor of the Elkin,
X. C. Times, says: “Three weeks ago
1 had an attack of measles which left
me with a bad cough. I took several
doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and the cough has entirely disappeared.
I consider Chamberlain's medicines the
best on the market ” For sale by Oden
dabl Bros.
An $8.00 DICTIONARY for $1.00
The New Werner Edition of
Webster’s Dictionary.
Newly and magnificently illustrated. We offer
you the best Dictionary ever put on the market at
a low price. This new edition contains many
special features such as dictionary of Synonym*
and Antonyms, lexicon of foreign phrases, die*
tlonary of abbreviations, colored platen, etc.,
etc. Remember this is not the cheap hook but a
beautifully printed edition on flue paper with
thousands of valuable additions of aid to students
and business men. If you desire this book, tend
ns our special offer price, $1.00, and we will send
you this great dictionary, bound in cloth or send
us $2.00 ami we will send the same book bound In
full tan sheep, with a beautiful cover design.
The handsomest low-priced Dictionary ever pub
lished. For every day use in the office, home,
school and library this dictionary is absolutely un
equaled. Forwarded on receipt of onr special
offer price, $1.00 for cloth binding or $2.00 for
the full tan sheep. If it is not satisfactory, return
it and we will refund your money. Write for our
special illustrated catalogue, quoting the lowest
prices on books, FREE. We can save you money.
Address all orders to
The Saalfif.ld Publishing Co.
Publishers and Manufactures. Akron. Ohio.
(The Saaltield Publishers is reliable.1—Editor
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclonure Casta
▲ 1.80 do ▲
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Northwestern Building,
lottp ottt. « i jnnh.
A- S* P/1 AIN.
OFFICE.—One door east of Ctmse*s
drug store.
First Class Work Guaranteed
Has arrived and those who were anxiously waiting for the first sign of spring were
glad to see him. As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to maav
that it was not the first robin they had ever eeen. They hare seen men ROBBIN’
their fellow men by asking exhorbitant prices for goods.
Well, we have been in business for years and we have our first robbin' vet to do
Speaking of robins and spring reminds us that we have a special message to com
municate to you and that is that we had good reasons to expect that spring would
come sooner or later, and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line of
spring goods:
and we are fully prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If you
want a bargain in any thing in the line of general merchandise:
___ %
Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries call on
South Side Public Square Loup Citv, Nsbr.
WANTED—Honest man or woman to
’ ’ travel for large house: salary $fiil
monthly and expenses, with increase; position
permanent: inclose self-addressed stamped en
velope. MANAGER. 330 Caxton bldg.. Chica
go, 111. 7-1-19
UoNEsT, persons to represent us as
Managers in this and close by counties.
Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight
bona-tide. no less salary. Position
permanent, our references, any bank in
any town, it is mainly office work conduct.
®d at home. Reference. Enclose self-ad
dressed stamped envelope.—The Domin
ion Company, Dept. 3, Chicago. 9 26 to 3 190
Congressman from New York, is the president
of The New York Star, which is giving awav
ed by their advertisement in another column
Hon. Amos J. Cummings. M. C., Col. Asa Bird
Gardner. District Attorney of New York ex-1
Governor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred Feigel
ai New York, are among the well known names
in their Board ot Directors.
Facts That
Every Patriot
and Voter
Ought to Know.
January 1st
.«« j| «a
THE 1900
A Political Register
Containing Full Information
Upon All Statistical Facts
and Figures*
Every | The Over
i&r&i N«w 11 600
; * Copy. Congress.;
A Complete Guide to the
Forthcoming Elections
of 1900.
SPECIAL j The South African
FEATURES, j War; War in the Phil
—> ippines; The Interna
tional Peace Congress; Our Naval
and Military Establishments; The
Samoan Settlement; The Great
Trusts and Their Capitalization, and
many other subjects of equally vital
A complete History of each of
the Ships in the American
Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac
lay, Historian U. S. Navy•
| Postpaid to any address.
\25rtc i ^ WORLD,
Pulitzer Bldg. AeTf York,
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self.
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
►pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
iBv mail £»Oc Derbox. fi hnvps
for $2.50; with a written guaran
tee to cure or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
COnlon A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
ODBNDAHL BEOS., Loup City, Met
We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill
business of James Reutfrovv and are now ready to continue
business at the old stand. We handle a complete line
We hare every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable,
our price* are right.
MCDONALD & HALLER, Loup City, Neb.
— ' - - ■
I The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World,
Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us.
Wholesale Prices
to Users.
Our General Catalogue quotes
them. Send 15c to partly pay
postage or expressage and we’ll
send you one. It has 1100 pages,
17,000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70,000 things
that you eat and use and wear.
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted.
Mltkicu At. A QUdUonBt.Cklc—O'
•«' -oaeono ‘AMVdUlOO 310AO fflflflf'TT
■jedsd siqijo aiusu BAjojfcl uoos Ajoa u**jpq3i* aq II 3(1 lift unn 1 flU3Q
til* Wodap jnoim* laamdtqs jo raja* i*|aada asaqj pu* aa|jd *01 spu Aspoj B3U0U OHV* '»*•«*»
VI q«l* noA ji oftnofqo «l s*u*q »sa&i*i aqj niojj jaajro aouajajaj jo gjajjaj noA pnas in* »AV Atrsdraoo psoJipu
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-aioXojq qona qji.A puoq aajiiB B
•jBnx a.jnaf Xuipniq jno -aujqoBai sjqj ojuj sanX juqj (Buajmu jo Bit
aoajd jsaj XiqXnoJoqj a\\ sjjBd jqXuq hb uo Xunaqaiti paqsraq B •
IBjouda ipajnaureujo pirn paqsjup jfiqXjq "uaajX qanoa jo uoojbui bpaBiq B |
U} pa|airtBu;q vqqBniBjqo jsaq aqj sapiossaooB pus sp.oj miepad iiqppBs B 11
aj;ioj3 v|| jaSupi.ip,- f# outnuaX aqx ‘jajpmaaqj uosvutja.visu.idxa jaoui B u
aqj joouo puB )x.><) aqj -sajo u\„ paoaajf :u.AOuq Xuuium jsajSBa aqj B xl
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B.uv-a jo s.fpui qsiiv no.f jaqjaq a ait-js ‘N3Q3G MHO A Si1 OM3S
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33ajW3!0A0ia iSOaiNON
A. P. CULLEY 4. p. CCLLiiT,
President Oidtoja.
General Banking Business Transacted*
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
CoutispoNDKNTs: Seaboard National Bank, New YorkCitJ, N. Y„ Omaha
National Saak, Omaha, Nebraska. A
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