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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
— ,\OU T! \ V.! S i f PN n*,Lun-» tvtiy rciDAY A*i i"H #1 i Ut‘>'TV HE AT 610 r TEI. ( »»4 bl *» M uas»». I fofcU* *« Tr • »' # ■ rss rtu .r *srt> t» •-■m— . \i,- l*^w9 Oh r-*a~H « r^r uui H ffr—* .* Hbr wji j» 4Mb *iCiatiMiii£ r.jfcMi feafc.' UrT. ■ fbr pB fplw lorty i* 'fee • ♦* la's* ► 1 hr ib* % life f ♦!**• Roadrfs Tli if r* t '■ i« o»* of s biff r»fe tf^ro • -sail rai s* -be.r Urtt bura #eorf* Wasibiegffec 1 a* e*t nos* part of Mr. Brt «bi cai-es • i*fe fa**t that it ®a?ut6 fct,; . « tifraU puists oat the oa.y rvil U» ; - ard jtset tfc* *f» : etfe -,-:***• ho o* lit is** Still Mm »el atoo-pc;* tsesrr lc*o* '. S. ia t it a* * j^rt»|#b*i SMur ttafi biiCMHutN u* the oorib l iSfe back at us lb* o.brr day ia a peart* si eat by a**J**f a ***•»*:« m -t»p»m. t# Oi* I'tii totao .star j*euts all lu twais ! is that tin* *> ® psthr InhImcb •** a gaa»* that too] t V d *4 si i ilui lues oar cots* Jars* sbosli rrsiabfr that tt>* fr> *«*f last « tbc ®»es* *. _-e* - » t *srii of r> >s !ulatt* • . K'l .•«' «aa4 f'.md * i!f* tfcwir ns ■ i'c . • B-» !8r»'»:* “f » is;; a* - Sett eucid * -« m tbit J it. f*. .* Lair kuttf eebjeci* as »r.: is l"f * V Ha. T» t Trcastsrv iLosttttst Lts or d d s *j>«*cta! agent t*» | r -reed t» th* pa* § r aat tm *o*e*tigmte the £ .*.:n { ‘U liijf iaSas of Japs nrat e* ■ lx* '• tl .* e» uotry within the i. *« « in^miLa Tbe quest <*n 3- a* ir j ».g tie immigration ► o ! a t to or 'dirt* as mtlao * i-..- c •■( Jtparts* t« • *■ • -* ii rta- . *'* a* o ♦ a *i*e sas J 'La* the o.r« ar** c u;t; here a mSrnct The Trf»«un £ - v ■ r* everted Uto Otai* c : i# sail Ac* rr-sn e«Ml* to in \ -s-l.., - jc -■*. a.a r aud ou>( :e p -n lit air tt)*dh l*n- a people; «c*.ib aud»r, aotwith » ..sdlag tin* fa-* 'bat • me • f our p-** a»4*Ut krtlcffc caa are neither pm-spcr.lf a <r e> asocial grraiiu-se ui *mr tread. The pa*t \*ar show* a balance o! trade is our f»u>r fur a<# ho a sum that S3*.* million do! 1 till ai-’.-a J i •* bate arm for tin- Ltwi *iar ia or history, Europ •>« eoootnre placing »*ans ia the In - d Stale* With proper band i e the baiaacr of trade m dc* lined to stay vita a*, probably a 4 always to i be extent bast it did last rear, but is tea years brace the lotted 5u e* ia almost sure to »»oirul oar La., t^e g i.d is tae world and la# clearing boose of the world wifi be Am«£»•:■* England bas Leid this aupfemar* for taaay generation* hut »ae *we* it • pping fiues her and to stop it it bryood ber power. Last % ear * • per cent of our shipping was 3* English bottoms and our tribute l>» them for ibis alone ia estimated •t H&OlMt.lWtf Tit# tiimalu* arto-ch tiie bmHicg of tbe Nicaraguan canal, a bach i* sow an aaaured fai t, • ill I rc to America* marine will i e tbia « n <rmou» ccmtnb :tioo t lore ^a M*t{i u*otn each year until wttbia tbe next generation we « * agate boil fi«*t place to tbe a>* i uant marine of tbe world. Tbt e rairg* of Uittieb abip owner# i* •aid i t tie t *<»0 Sana ally amt u.tercet to tbeir capital laa*u tar Bib'Mit ibe a <irid am teft< Sbe beys |4M, t*. o a.*U wor t* annua lj more than a e arils. Kl Ur o-iuMcl income t trir double* that, i tie American trader* are a* shrewd a* tbe tvuglitti a* t f ’Mj|it)c«| bereeat* are not al 1 •* 1 U bab*tleap them we tntiat a ufa t» tar dormant na'i >t» of tbe e rtb Tbe pa«t three yearn |»n>a ! <iit iaa bat open tbe eye* to every Await aa, an i if tbe present political p .c. i* tbe «**it one tba* bring* ms pfor^en y •* time and experience n 4» j; rn. «ht should w« change. Wr may d.ff» r on ex pane ion, but if • tar (viktrt, t»r force ot cucutnatan r*». ba* erudition* tLrnst u|>oo ua 4* t u« we'* tW* like men and alauil t>t 0c poiic) that bttild* ua up. y*". ' r * . ? . "V * i bu ■' * •- ;* . ure BUCADft ih» THCiti \v r.s MUM M1KIONI AM) UtsrATAB Tjc R^ucliaa state eoavemi 10 | Held Ui Lincoln at ip- ta.Wednesday »:* ai'einled i#v aii lec coK crowd 4 people, more tbtia 1,<>00 of wk **» «*redelegates. Harm at, prevaibd • ia balk equal to tbe size of tbe vast ass^mbit it i tbe Hon. C. H. Deilricb of Adams cosoir asd C >1. E l*.j Sat age of Cutler county were select *-1 lo bead tbe Republican lickt' 10 t;« stale in tbe coming slate and national campaign. Tbe full ticket as t- omiaated it: trrnsr C H Drilr:«t of Ad*** Liat Governor C P. s*r»re.o! Custer. )ie. > at-G W Marsh of Richard b | Twsmi i i Wm lltweCor. of Cutlng. Auditor -4 uarie» Wmioa SA>t;.;m. At Lora* \ u crol F N Prout of U:tc U:4i«a Geo. l> Firmer Nurkoia •"-pr W k Fooler Wsik.a^ton Ib-.egales-al large: I. Root water at Doar’a Ji<at M Th-r-too <if Uouilla* Jobs 11 X 'A luf. Loucsator. Juba A Chrtardt. of Mast or A: females: Norr,* Rrovra of Buftaio x K SModrraos, of Ceslat H C. Hair * of Kuos €. «T tCaiev of Webster Presidential electors: J T. uf Bert 1 3f Bafiscmd. <<f Lancaster. CSV isdhaM. <4 ('saw c Ed Rot re. uf Outer. M I» toma el Sk-hayiar L 31 is*.- Ku.-mi > P !>»• .jMt u! iotlv>B J L. Jac« •»=« <f Doturias J. L Kennedy of Douglas. Juba L 1*4*- r »>f Sxilae. C. * Palo**, of Lincoln and a repro actlra, ;tc of rt»** >[»:» Histor ical • -c.etr *« in tbe city Wednesday.. 11-i» taking mb-cript or* for a new b - k the Nebraska II.story, which will be j. b iabeJ he thia ’-ociety. Its author i- the Hot. J. Sterling Morton, of Nebraska City VTe understand that tl * »wn »i. be j uMlalst J in four sol* j a: I will contain a tonpis histoiT «*f the state from its earliest days to the }<-eae ,t time. Several sub'cript- j ; -as Lava b*eo taic-n for tbe work at tt»i» place at.J Mr. Paine informs us ( t~ar be baa b«*en very successful all < \tr the *:-*«* iu *e< urik- o:d-ra. • ♦ ♦ - la t-isl wes k» I airs tut Journal a tut 1 leg a -?ouut of what it dinars to be *-k gt. cral mix up," u> which at'cral of their prominent citizens, merchant*, mechanics, aider men and other* were engaged, to >k place in a | sa. H»o sod r n tbe streets. It des cribee tbe soena as being a free for a]! Sght without the aid or inlet-. f« ranee of the officers ia charge. The f urther state un til is made that »inn lliu tL i came the side walks were strewn with teeth, toe nails ami hair, and that broken noses and swelled heads were numerous. In another column of that sain* issue the Journal gives a report of a flood in that vacinity which drove the snakes from their bidiug places on! the '•oitoma, and that a party of snake hunters was organized, who went fourth and in less than an hoar ki>!«d 235 reptiles, verying in length from one to five feet. Thera dos nt seem to be anything in these reports as stated, to conned one with the other, but one would naturally sup pose that the participators in the first act had tbe snakes in their haota. The city board of St. Paul, held a secret mid night session and reroked some of the saloon licenses which they had illegally issued. This ac tion was taken because of an indig nation tueelit g held by several hun dred of the citizens and business meu of that town. At the meeting both the saloon keepers and city board receired an unmerciful scorch tag f r the way iu which thpv at. tempted to lide down the will of the people and disregard the law. In "ur own ci \ the licenses hare been 1 duly granted and no question of u- j regulaiity has been raised, although! »>me di-a*isfaction has been ex-! pressed by ocr citizens as to the way the saloons here were run last tear, and we offer as a suggestion to those who are to operate a saloon in ocr city the coming year, that it wiil be will f*,r them to conduct tiuae places tu a respectable manner. Other town3 around us have gone dr; because of the high banded war 1 • j to winch utter disregard for law and j order has been prevailant. This year the citizens will see to it that1 these places do cot do business on Sunday or carry on gambling dens m the back parlor*, and in th s they 1 bmv* lb« hearty co-operation of h * subs'antial ami business like bo: <i *f trustees. Sunday opening, fro.u the front or back way, will, in our judgement cause this tow:: to go dry another j ear and may tertri natc- in the rev aktng of lice: :e No -alooa keeper has a righ unLr the law lobiii.d his windows or J j » oti Sandnt s auy uj tc thau he L .» on week d *• *. .. —# • A Keen Cleir Strain Tour best feeling*. \ cur social p* tion or bU'inc>s success depend brg1 y on the perfect action of your stem •’j ai d Liver I): .King*? Near Life Fills give increased strength, a hr; u. t-Kar brai.i, high ambition. A 25 ce. t b x will make you frel like a new bii. g Sold by Odeodahl Bros. If troubled e.ith rheumatism. I'himberlaui’s P-iu I>:!in a trial. It win act cos: yon a cent df !: clues -o go d On* application will relieve the pain. It aU > cures sprnlus and bruk s in ont-tfcir’l the time required bv a;if other treatment, Cuts, burn*, fro t bites. quin»ey, palu» in tin* >itle a- 1 chest.glandular a.d oiber swnilir - qui’klr cured by applying it L* y bottle warranted. Price 25 sod 5) ct: For sale by OJendahl Bros. J. C. Ken: edy. Rornoke. Teen . sav*. **I c innot sv.y ton much for DeWitt'* Witch Hazel halve One b x of l ourrJ what the doctors called r.u ir curable uls* r on my jaw.’* Cures pi!* - an<l r.M skin disease*. Look on* fm worthless imitation. OJendahl Bros. “l.baJ stomach trouble twenty year* an 1 gave up hopes of being cuted til! I b**an to use Kedol Dyspepsia Cure. It lia' dorte ni3 so tnirch good I call is the savior of iny life.” write' W. R WLkinson. Albany. Tmn. It digests what you eat. Odendahl Br s Dr. Cam's Condition Powders, a~e jus*; what a burst needa when In b 1 condition. Tonic, blond purifier ar 1 vcrmifiiire. They are not food but med icine and tiic best iu use t » put a hur. * iu | nun1 condition. Price25 cents per. package. For sale bv Odeudabl BroV Taking the the of 1' 99. nnd tl • five Islands or groups of islands. Cuba. Porto Rico and the iluw.’iia:. Philippine and S.-uinan island?, tli total for 1S99 ? Lows an j-t-fcsre r f more than lot) per cent iu exports to those islands over the t e ar 18"»S. while the imports from them shovts an increase of nearly 50 j cr cer; over those of 189$. The very finest The r.r plus aitr . The creme d« la creme. That s IIAK I'Eii Whicker in three lancuni. Sold by T. II Eisner, Loup <J!iy, X« b HARPER Whiskey i- Input] mesi bottled poetry, ripe tm liow, Rtf- sh injr and delicious.—Sold by T 11. E.s ner, Loan City Xeb. f i I •' r. § A ■ WBE- J*L-™Mim,-1'I. ."'fa- -** ■li>.h-J.}..fariY VjtJ»<iU«.-J.LJ!tuall|t|Wi.'-W-J»tt'-''»!M»- ''.a^l1- -ll.'jMll»lit|<[mf|mam||B|t|-ft v . . •',.■* ■ -v »; csscih/ w! si ibcy :c'"Srz; '■ \ . —' 5 «- — :v ! ••■' ■. :rr*» j t, v.<*. <- .t « C*/ » » \t *»W *' ^ - r». - * ■■- r- )T: * * ,^7' *<• *> p«!\ * , - ./ . i> : . •- J ■* « 4 lk ^ ■*. •••■ •• 1 tri V- - * . ^ • » 1 s s » • ■ v "‘ : :i r. 7" stable cr:-. era.:y o v : .- :■* i ;• .-nu,belts!:o Ih hype- $ .. shhesv. iichcix sovcJua- Js i* •• r sevens doosiers that' • . * „ ^ ^ * • - •"■* — *.»'* • t* . , ».»•*, t ; VI ■ ') C*« »—i4r* i »•.#• . • ' •; c .. 2 ;, ~ 4. •. . L« • 4 vu. ^ * i. * w *.* ■ -'1 • :.?i fs sr.cre easily v» ' . any clhcr form ■- . - 1 - " ~% - — * -l * • — ‘ C n ■ ** w l J .«.*•«% Uktt V • , f.-_ ?. j 1 v. itviiaiti . '■' hs lh;: way. .*• •■« • « /.*r: -r.-n ''rfx > • '2 pound a % . ■ »/:? t&khw it. V . . v- . »a-.|S*J<sq, l>.I ♦ , :v ' u. .* Cmii!,';, Tv»v.- York". v. c-iX C 3 QtSQG £ S3C <?€«€<^y ‘ ; A Woin.:n( Aw fit' IVr* “1!' re i: o- !v <> »* j' - .v-c V II ; •• tlo; “ rr- t!i- start im? v ■ 2. ■ ■ r ?!;>>. i L linn of l..s.r It ige. ' ,*•>. fr-mj her doctor r.fic he h ul v: inly ••I- ! :<• cure ter of g fr: * fir’ cb' c-f stomach fr-tibh aim vcllcvr dice, j G -!1 >ton< s bad foimed aid ,<b v-ob* | **»! '1‘ gr-.-.v w&rec. Hen L. fa"; to! • E*c::h- ti'on v.fct jj vv -hTc-.rrtil *'■ r. bb : : ' :» : r. . h ' - r. • * • r * v *4- • U iv4» » ■* X) \ «• i'. ■ ^ - : j 1- *' •** -V; % 1 :y it. j Ouarsnteed. Ibr ? 1 r Q«|er•!;;M n.. * UFv 5. i'i: n v. at i> • j ix> ca •...lkLi’;i:■ ] : i ; tcurY . ei;. -. ivr-iai'-. y c : ■ d ;, 'cd. « * th- ‘ gio- \.ij ) _ dock cars. Y y i: akefsttlm Vou s< • ?! ti :L - ry fh* jf bt. 1‘ i tir f * * J v- v - nished :i ' a pc'.. **' s’ ■ * cr. he? ;* is- -t • i Jobs r- •. - go'd to rid-- in— ;» .d nearly f^O r 'hcaprr It hr wide v stibulT ; in/■; yas, high b u t. < ,.ts unPormcJ E • mar. pm't r; clean • . ddirg: spscicrs Joliet rooms: tables and » heating r . ge. Being strong % si * heavilj bniit it . rides sui« :.h!y; is vsa:r; in winter nnd cnol in uinmer. In cli\rge of each .\ are' -n par!” '« an ex erl« ucvd .a: rsioo co:..»n b.i i; :ht :hru;i; b t L« s AngeUs. tar; 1 > e Omaha. > . Louis. Lincoln and Ht>;i- ;* even rr y. srriv: San Frxn* ifi'o bjlic* g Sunday. Tw Angeles y -'iidar. Ot.... .tree da; s i'tom t the Missouri K.v r * ’’hi P.nrf.e -t. Including a stop-over f ’l hour at I» n ver and 2] h u r uiSY: Lake CL)—two of the most iuci eating cities on the con tinent. For folder giving lull Information,! catl at any Burlington Routt ' k t of-j fee. or v rite to—,1, Fs_v> els.—Gc;»'l | Passenger Agei *. Om;.b N b. DO Tor W.\.«T A CALEXD.VK The biggest—uni be.-r—calendar eyer issued by any A.nonet u . ' : r nv bring distributed by the Br.iTinutcn j Route. It has twelve stu’e’s. or for each month of the vi a', i each si; et is a i striking illustration of f of the Burlington** sc; tic or of tory r-ach '-i by it* . . ■*—:Ur : »i j - ir.cnts /; t mull roaring at Ju. a touu-st ear on Its 'try to O •. i t: s: J An<tii .. 1 \r.1 *vl% Inri^T'Cf r\ cc,>> r, p , . . vuJ,Ui i \)i*», 1*4’ s • Jl "*• - 5* - , " i * ' f fine in the world; a library oar; « coni'- ’ paittt -mt fleeter; the File i. on ’ - lion Omaha; a diuir g e :r; a n. • r j f• eight in'.:*; K-tes F ;, Y; the plunge bath a: Hot Springs, S. 1>.. Ye.- j Invest-, me Falls, c!c. I! - drawn *ron» whi It the i, ■ r* s we:# made are by L uis Bi tun he' 1 i Chic.' o, a; sevt .1 !• •; •. i* Itrs Tin size of tlr* e:di dar i< C5x.' - The daus a: in big typ- which can ! l*e read at » distance of hi) »> • r. F--*» . business ofilers the Burlington ea’* * ur ‘ Is simply invaluable. Ft debased in large quantities, th” j calendars cost ib” Bu iingc i lie Y. 27 ; cent* a niece. V.' ith :■ y tr*\ p.-cSO - etc., th r rop: .- > ! inv sti.e * a'-uid e*. cet.'- *' r T vie* i: 25 cot: ; 10 cent- :<•-* th ■" \\..:*.* . on*.; Main pa will do. 1 r Is j.ot ss . - 0 v. s;; 1 it b>. ud ' mi: uu i < y ill b» prompt'y r< . .d» •.! .1 i a AM ; Ova* I ’' * r..-.-eilgi 1 Agent, On r*.* N ». 2 9 ?w A fet\ »*\vi .?• ’ A* as!.■ s —Ir m * Inst StiCt i ’. . •: ;•. !.■ o*Ugh t*>" "vf . attack cf uj as!*■». lr -peaking of d.:? ( Mr Walter B IF 1, ed.'or oi the ihk , X. C. Tin;**?. s: "Three weeks ago 1 bad an «t? .o. (. t" sic- which le1'* ■ • me wrth a biuJ c-ugiu l took s* \• rr.i j doses of Ch*!aia*- Cough H me • : and the c.eugh i ..s eniiiely disappert. - -i. 1 consider chainberlait.'s medicines •.! 8 best, on the market r l or sale by O u dahl Bros. W J. riSiEfJ, Attorney at fsttjnf f'ctsry Pubfie. Will Defend ia Forecloaure Cas-s. A I.So UO A Gsneral Rea! Est;. ;e Business. Of.lee la Nou.tev. h- . ii.-. , LOUF C1X1, - - NjUt.iU.iKA. R. J. NIGHTJN PHY LOUP CITY, - - OFFICE.—One door eaet drug store. Yv\ l. aaik 2Tt> F? Tl,» r>7 jr - Hr i > t V k ju. tv OFFICE ON EAST SIDE PUC i S ■LOUP CITY, If EH. \-- : » J. E INKS, PAINTER, . First Class Work Guaranteed j 1 LOUP CITY, - - - neb. j Has arrived and those who were anxiously waiting for the first sign _,f Sprjnir Were g!a<! to sec him. As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to" man that it was not the first robin they had ever seen. They have seen niei. ROBBIV Heir fellow men by asking exorbitant prices for goods. n ell, we have been in business for years and we have our first robbin yet to do Speaking of robins and spring reminds us that we have a special messa* *„ oom. muaicate to you and that is that we had good reasons to expect that spring w,>uid cme sooner or later, and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line of sp ring goods: and we are fully prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If yoa " ' bargain in any thing in the line of general merchandise: DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES. CLOTHING Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries call on % South Side Public Square Loup Citv, Xebr. A* * ANTED—Honest man or woman to travel for large house; salary S55 nor.: expenses with increase; position P* nnari at; inclose self-addrevsed stamped ec v* XIA NAG Eli. sat Cay ton bldg., chica co. I.;. V, "ANTED—SEYmRaL bright AND H KsT, ;er-t)n> to represent us as Mo 'in this and close by counties, ' a year and expeases. Straight o . uo taore. no less salary. Position i *• • "I. our references, any bank in l:,y : li is mainly office work conduct* • a; home. Reference Enclose self-ad u- ■ '"amped envelope.—Thk n< mix b > ( t Dept, jk Chicago. 9 to 3190 Al’V WLLLlAli AS TOR CIIA' LEE N -mrr - man from New York is the president ; iiu. \ K'.v \ okk St a u, whicb is giving away ; >:l :• . ODE \ U Hh YCI.K «a v. » ofler :r ad-.vrtiseme:;: iu another column .. . \ -. s J .Cummings. M C . Cel Asa Bird Isrdner, District Attorney of New York, ex • rt;. r it- vg. of Texas, ami Col. Fred Feigel ■’ - " ' am on the well known naiu-' Board ot Direct rs a acts That_| Ready Every Patriot j January 1st end Vote? Cwight to Know. Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures* j! E.-cry | ihC < Over , Pohiidan < NCW \ 600 5 a copy. > Congress. \ Ptges* \ VWVWV'W' w /a/aaaaaa A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. SPECIAL j The South African FEATURES. < War; War in the Phil WWWi --f ippines; The Interna tional Peace Congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects of equally vital interest. A complete History of each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac layf Historian U. S, Navy • THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL, !CpL~T^ Postpaid to any address. THE WORLD, } puStwBldg. AS* York. (®VITA PILLSiH= Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood bnilder. Brings the glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth, mail BOc per box, boxes ; with a written gnaran core or refund the money. . Address, MEDICAL CO. Jackson Sts , CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE BY BROS., Loup City, Neb L * NOTICE. \\ e have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Reutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. \\ e handle a complete line WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES \\ e have every appliance for making tirst class Drive or Hvdraulic Wells and ml respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, jur price* are right. MCDONALD & HALLER. Loup City, Neb. . -*—i~nn \ iiian, Mim ii 111 ■ ■ii — hib i i ..-m — ■ I - — ; Ths Tallest Mercantile 8uilding in Hie World, Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things | that you eat and use and wear. £ We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. ; MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Mifhicma At. A JUJUon *».. Cklr«*o. DO YOU WANT A WELL -IF SO REMEMBER THAT I am prepared to furnish all kinds. I can make you a Hydfaulic, Drive or Bored WELL, AND FIT YOU OUT WITH A GOOD WIND MILL, PUMPS, AND FIXTURES.' JESSE RENTFROW', an experienced hand at the business will have charge of the mechanical work of this department. T. M. REED. A. CULLEY 4. p. COLiSY, Praaideat OaABfc FIRST BANK OF LOOP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,GOG Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, If. Y-, National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.