The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 27, 1900, Image 8

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    Uoaai Pews.
1)t Rotnine. the deafi§t.
liirliiar Um (MtuoMUe i#Jar.
Mr* «u is l***
kr* ft*:>< M.ictUMd te ocr
rll *£« km Micri»|
IIr» ttrt rt «| |».*i k- i:t»
t*n* in tm •« m*-?
J!r* K * li*\iiar*i i
is Arc*i~* ti..* «r*L.
Li. l«*tli** a*~4 U»rr% W k>j
• iii ** !<»•• tirx: *«•♦ it.
For Scviiif machine* cmiiuc
T M Kami
*m T I! |r> 4 i«f t<trdn> *td
fatld S*»4» I utr» CM w> i.iiiii »•
Writ* flajMr* Ut*« H Ik<m>
m* >»«•• f*r |.<r.or* <•!**(•
Mr* D' J<tn rf*or®rd from at,
rttndtl i j;t it |.i&nla Wtti**e*
L .if o? Mtr Eortn !« rt
f-rt*«5.. .*$ a .*rg« uawwlr li. •
U» P*dl« aft fur I»«a*rr C So..
T«*lat. «*•*• br it** a n’
■ M id«4
Veiday: a* nfiw»:f :feet
wr • fecr#»
fc* or i if b*
w u Kcw if kM lft.-fcrd La uraj
«f oafeo ;«i. <.*a* ',rcft (bi t* ©«#•
• rM.drM #f ifee city
<r» U J Cule net L •»« fn a
AefeU* H©M*ra©tojr, * Let* *W hmd
Nr. riuUt* nkllttt.
«#a* ilul if lhr ttippr father of
• t* *uoc .to© iwf t- ITS 1**1 yi «I a >
* >«edlifeM .* afBtii©f.
N;©evr *:x La&4rr*ft». of u :>■
©f rats Ml bm WfdatwNf * {!li* j
n-oaitf 3| i or to#» ts let tlayc
If ye* warn: toer «at*t to? is £*©4
rapatr fey she «*»!y €r>t * lie* •wife* m
i* ‘.b* e»at!T esJ as O II Mut.bAt.tV
A j#n Ar5er*t. •co.l te Ott.'i it*
lead H~*d*t>(f>y aert eg fe u«.t wa
— iii»; »■ for err: jo* us to*
Mr M i Mr* lute 3|. l'uss i rx
of fru« Httct: a Ttc«* .tr to t.i
rcistlvM Mr Me! ti J murw
r'ndtr .
J« iff WAl tofih *V. {I. « r*'
Vtft I* K**rtotT V. tfbtKtt . It* a -
Iflftd tilt Rrp*N*eaa Coorrr
Tfea <H4 Mikk C*>»r*'xs'ir« *st
parpeeN *lefcfrt»i i at I it *t#«
kk entmm a*4r*kr ©ill hr
©d Ai! t!< ’trtird
M m Ma ■ -r G *ufr « ♦ • - re*4 *
Nogsrrtaad feerv !*r H’ir- :n ** 4 -
*« tkt bMM of Mr «.*# !*•
*#r »f a* •*«* fide
f„r Mil-t* *■ ~~ : • :**» fr
Tut art «ff woiferrt lap;.r?t* #t>i at
aL •’fee toe re verf **er: . t* r«r
tl m ao « a g<<s* tL : s l Mi1; * i\
f.rae <. leas **d f*saiir «f Hr* id
©rate te ft** Ceaa* Nat Sat aria* aa-f
te rrsa i a*:.l X«*»
it al tli* reia
• if* Mr* *
W feaccur Mr eed Mr* f...tea*
1 aiiw* aec Mr G B V«r|»t arrt»
tfee Loyal X*»:lc L#jU.
t«df ett Frida* stgfeL.
f'an >•< Sal*. — I4t* **•«*•. 1 - an
M ca j|rac- Ml arrt* is ©eater*.
£ m| in©# feaar • It# re a*
©Naff fff gmmd •at*r g*i.« ra is»~
I*- t*aaci» £•$• -a *>f
(rfo Vatu.. Leaf City. Nab
A ,*:t*r irum ii*jr il a<i*< *o t*
f e 2aito?-ife~i»«r SaJol. Uktiui
Uoft Mr. llatotxK a a ao© iota
fend t**a feiiNii ito a r©» ••>&* j i*»«
oat hi ttoa ©kotttoiaue* Itnjtr
btalan •• did •©* -ear®.
fotyr E»©a a©d Jxclt A.Uit
««tol uttrnid 1© Kas/toet u*im
©st Vo rrpnatfl f iwuoat costir a'
tfea K©fHitiucaa cco
*•01*41*. Tto« utNr woo!
*? Lit(Ut,J »»»
_ t4tmt 'k* naiiiif :.
ikh <itf «•*. **> «•<! «*«
10 tbc *>»: 0« tie * ill u* lakes I !* r«
atitdtM as at j»m«: it t» fall. ** tbe
-j,0 !• *w>{ j»itig at tin i»ut*£ <fe
Hr <»«•***
Sat a? da v
tbe M
—ifcjart i* • **rf
!•* E« \.
<Jbarrfc last
k), *t«.*«*r *i d IV.
«c ibr 0b*m«ti of lL«
wj large!}
|r Oetbbie knJ M It**
o»ewr w*<S
»ded tkt umeurr. «.|
J*f tbeir liMrttt;
is StttftU'.
bts jr dar nirua
ahki —adrd t« fa«V>, f rata »
*, tint »a»dajr »*• mure
•ltd tb* Pei*i»aA d*r
rrUftijr i«!w<M4 Uul a »*♦ t
j 0 U'ftrrM circa ated • MM
trf ikt v«*r, (be #t)«n «•:
fua bell far
Litf ear big
Mr A MA!l«f **rei
stor as«wat add o—in*. «*l tb
•_M. a*d (be: be Ue» red fberr
ete« Id* |ew*M> eta* it Zor tbe saoaat
m}tm\4 Mr O'Breea 'L : It* Ce*ir#
gmlty L*« Mil. Tfcl*
^ cMid nt be door u *"4
feed elm
»*i i i*. Mi Ctttley
eaaaafeMMg «*«*
liAftd »**iisg *b*e
la* ia i««e ia
tbe t&wdeatji
aaaider U bill oat
1 **' . i • ' ‘ f Utcbftcld *.*S in the
city Jt o4«f.
jI II-rt o«t*t i«*>: P«ai
" «u -y I -* ~1 < :.d ’be B. T I*. I .
.*u . _:*d T S. N’i|IiUbj[iW
»* * Or • * diftrin court
*'• * i • •< k Saifht d L «• t«:i».
H < Uk C«fk and It again a
pi -*ti* i*l cf ihr clTjr.
H • «r: ' «> :r»: r;*y Mt-i
i <1 | W!.a.**-.! a lbuu<utbb:til
I. k m Me |»r Is- : '.tty; cd upTtioiliy. j
Ail It *p kuou Lag tbdBHltri to U
U»4* b * 4 t*» are mine* fed to call tml
■«:tlc t ■:*-• rr arcot: tjivr tbi- matin
to r , r<*. |,t *« . ati >ti and oblige.
At rts r *t o • rain Bondar or
tuf« »:f tfce t.jfp . *■■ ;cclefftl a {<>» ilat -
!*.-** «*»- oak 1 ■ thoroughly
I -Uid *-%a*r * s i,, t g u.-euiirg tu coo
*'iu*. :o juct. Jtihi. 1 won’I
tt u*r logger. To morrow I
irtre f r a.t wroth ' ni.les* you got
im u. r* B iT Mo an lain Tea.~ See
*ibl* *VB«t S3;-.
A batw ooy Wat t r» to Mr. and
B»» llpsry I . i:i jr Just Sunday.
Heart * a if the li eta m :Ji juft hold
tut a . tt*e i tiger lie wit: atrtd him To
lau a-tiatistt-.
Il 1 .t'k l U.ut J. (,* . M>« LfmW Jtte
** i *t !l*f* mw ctired bis: (X plies
lit*: bit' ifc'.td 1 im f r twenty yrars.
I: ,• ...*• a rj--» .\ t-urr 'orskin di«ea*e«.
i»* *ar« tl <l*agrraa* counterfelts .
•Odcadsfci Bros.
I *! » KWi L :tle Ei*!t K -ers
»rr :L* J<: U in lie w«*rid “**T» W .
K L*. Happy • reek. Vs. iky re
- ucli ns of (be J.rer Ai d
, *c art a:.d otter gripe.—
<J ie*. i i » <•
\l •* G r> E. llo:et;k!cf rrealrad a l«i-i
Tor;- ::s B>- :*9 liarhor, Mich, stating •
(bat L.r ; ’L- r *bo ;> old. would
. eii ill |» ?::t! U f T fOlSC trouble •
■*> r d** fears »«re entertained st to
bar ran* very.
. * j :ra-ic: cal
: -rn. J A- it st J ii * ton Lloyd
f;» r...,ur. Uttli r Llotd
ffttivrj a f * inn;urtio&S in (be ait
4 |
Ktl I
If i* * bright b r st -1
t* ry much uteicateJ.
\ : :.:ee t »ar old coll
2 M
main *b#aied shaft
and h ' ’w • ■»bi: e
} » i •* it▼
\ L* •; ' itT.Xts
idfoutlfwd ittaiii.
1 : * #:c ke boo ■ f U 11. a»; ’ E A.
1» *•
• ( 4 < "re t b "uied .k*«n 1*M
l-r. »« *o«J wstfc It
■«' £rst cisr* * k
•«nt 1 »1 pound*
fc rh tbCT Wei -
t f • . e a (mrr
■i* it * * tv'**.'-, ife* :r «iins®ers meat
P» I'*"
r Pay esercj««
« '*aU ■ Sad to «f
’ * ' rail, but were
a. o a* b> ,n tl»»
• geti 0 beio.
•ent ok? * * iat The ;rrt.s.
'* il*- *!) i H»* h-*aia Bopstil.
N* - H*t. f <r : w« .'.ear* j*«t U tisit
w* t- * daughter. Iff*. *' Gasttyer. lie
’**’• 1 d * 4 adsv az, ; remain I
* ' u r - be 5; i* - cti to return :
to X«. * X» i «».
Th* ; m
>«s: | ar<
. i. ilt<*
UKt !# 11**' \
■r ^a-otere anij.
"Ue drug %:orc of Oder, j
t- 5. II*|bant !-r ail]
» v.’ ' be • -•* limb's1 to: I
>4 !be o*i*i
. fca
.z *•: c.;y < »e iatap ». aoit to !
■‘ft i tai mash light ac 6 :
f dyi*
1 Im
rrtpar «ha are here
iae t; !.. k*:u» at*d tbs latter j
$mm. .. - . h 'h* t urpsse of attend*]
- *"• -,sg ol their parent*
*t, t tafcet j "_e« tom rruw at tbcir'
t!' « H-’ o *■ * ai>i »ttb * citr. wiil
* ■ « ■ if 11
•»«> Z .ir. I mar. Jr *r*til tu firxod
ls«i Saturday to hare
bia «*• Lreatbed. He got a piece of
fr, m s pia* lay In :t a fete w«eks
»f • a.4 d Lu g.vec bun conaider.bie
Later «« learn that be con
*- ted f»r I *stis. of that city, who re
u r-tj :b« p *t* of steel.
\<1» * •:, kff *.| to be without
<*** IS icon Cough Cure. It wil* stop J
• coogti »txS ctxra a cold quicker than
mm* other medirioe ~ write# CL W, Will
*u. - «*ling Kao. I*». ’* core* croup,
title and *11 throat acd lung troeb*
*•** 4 ; tesnuoptioo. PUa»-!
*nt a-t J Lamles* —Odeuahl Bros.
T* Oti i*aiz Kates tbt case as it is
• Lea it tart “If the corn crop had
*"*• food test year c«r farmers woeid
avw l* in bfgb quarters. Tber- are .»
/ eni many begs in the county at:d the
pf .re of pot c t* **7 high, bu: the
f corn aad the price that
»t:*t be paid for it forces our farmer?
lu •* *1 bef re ' be bogs are b'If as beavv
* tL* j *L m’d l*e. WiTh a b;g crop in
*«r crib* i e* bog* would be held back
41* d snade ?o w. gh tarice as much or
**-> •• and bf the very fa«t of ttoir be
i held back tb< price of perk would
# Iri * a;«:r sdranet d. But as
* ;*,*re t coed 01 >e«y in bogs
tnd « UU tbe c as eg crop if it prove*
o- a i; ‘-lie, *ur farmers will be i
t« a *bai-e to ft* k* mann f like dirt.
Fifteen of r.»r lo. a! Odd Felloes
- - lit is iresdit last Tuesday nigbt to
i • V , art in d iirrm moik in e nneeliow
*t b the lodger from Sargent, Ord and
Arcadia. About 75 member* were lo
attendance and a fhof ugbly enjoyable
t me wa* bad. A baeqaet *»% screed by
• fcc A read , a boys and a sapper thst did
credit te’bem e*t partaken of at eleven
• . k ... ff er * bleb the secret work was
resumed and continued eatll 2:00. A
af*—--tf train a* run from Ssrgeot r*
tt.*. . g after If*. 1 he Sargi-at team
f*ir i tb« la ilatory io grand shape
;ht ir tc .in b iag second to tut very few
a d tfc* ir ytrifbuslls bnnf fine. Tb*
L#oup t iff 'Irais pet tbe First aud Sec
cmdoti ?
ijv 4s: tl t*9sf**^
V ilfe .'S;.:... Sill . * '.lift.
> r s jai'.iy. April "Utli. tli«- Uev. S. W.
v. 1 r' a: the M. K. Clin; .
n Hi*- ci tk:s; t ld:»i and in the eveafn?
21 p;00.
K« . W. E. Mai;he-.rv will visit a* North
Locp April 19tli haviujr been appointed to
hold quarterly t “tin- at that place.
TL« liev. t'. II. Piakney willbuld quarterly
, a. Oak Crack oa Satur
day .-reciat, May 5, at Loup City Suniay
Mu t-th at 10:30 and W&gte Creek at 3. a l
miu 't'-riny the sarro-ment of the Lords sup
per. at the two u-.: serrioes.
Quarterly e-w»I* a • rill be held at Loup
,t\ oa Moa.iuj !.i-T!.icy May 7th at 10:30'
W E. Matthews. Pastor.
! hare j j*t r» *.♦ i .► 1 a no v stock of
uj -millinery goods and a:u
better Ibis rv- r prepared to suit uiv
customers bdi in >'j!i - nit priors.
Mt stock i first e!a-S in ever; respect
a <i if y n >r. tl any thing in the
miiSicery line yoa should call and
see uiy goods Ik for** } lacing y > : order
Kaytl ilOoN.
K. G Tayi<>r doing business
iu St. Paul Thursday.
Mrs. G. W. .Marvel ami Mrs. W.
C. Kellie left for L >up City Thurs
day evening for a visit with friends.
Mrs. Marvel returned home Friday
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Paig* left here
Friday mooring for their home :ii
Eat-m, Col.. alter a weeks nojourn
with friends.
II. Smelser drove to Loup City
Friday on business, returning in the
Mrs. Juduvioc started for her
home at B<ilw od, Saturday morn
ing after a weeks visit with her
brother. K G. Paige.
L. A. Williams sustained quite
a painful accident Friday while
i >admg h gs iuto a wagoa. two of
tire animals got oue of his legs into
' cli a pofciti u as to tear some of
the etr is loose from the bouc. Dr.
Howard was called and attended to
the wounded member and Mr. Wii
ija:;.s is resting * aud hopes to be
a: h !•> be around among us soon.
Five cent b* us is the common top
ic of conversation ou our streets
ii.tie cs'i. and many are the pork
era that arc being sold
Mrs Chas. damreg accompanied
by her daughter left Saturday mor
ning f*.r her home at Si nx City, la
afurs weeks visit at the home of
oar j \ial hardware man. Thomas
Mrs :.t Jszyt ka started Satui
d*v aorsiag . :ue in Scuth
Ora tbs after a weeks visit with
fri* .. Is and relatives in this neigh
b*?r hood.
Mrs Jay C !e arrived Saturday
aftvrn >on froji Lcr home at Loup
CiH '■! qiec a few da} s with L* r
father, L. A. Williams.
.Mr. \Y. K S.orrsof Coansil Blutfs
rowa. w*»s here the last part of last
week rustling f »r binder oideis.
Mr and Mrs. \Y. M Smelserspent
Sunday and Monday visiting rela
tives at Rockville.
A. P. Colley and l. M. Polski of
L up City w.sin our city on busi
ness Tuesday.
Dr* Howard was called Sunday
night to the li .me of Jay Plant at
Anstir. aud re'nruing be reported
the arrival of a boy at Mr. Plant s
W. 8. Harding of Nebraska City,
was in town on business Wednesday
Cua«. Wall came down froo Sar
gect Wednesday morning to take
charge of the local creamery.
Henry Howard left Wednesday
morning for Ivearner. to attend a
convention of Republicans at that
plate Thursday.
Mrs. E. H. Sparbawk left Wed
nesday morning for her home at
Denver, Colo., af-er a tsro weeks vis
it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Howard.
A- 15 Outhouse of Loup City was
seen on our sire ts Wednesday.
Wc notice that 1. M. Polski of
Loup City ts studying banking witn
our local bankers, and rumor has it
that he Las purchased the business
and is soon to lake full possession
of the institution, and if it is tru
we wish to express The hope that he
will be successful iu his new venture
•s the gentleman is worthy the con
fidence of our people and is a gentle
man of sletliug worth.
'•Ve are sorry to hear that them is
talk that wa sue to loose Mr. aod
Mrs. W. M. Smelser as residents of
our city, as dame rumor has it that
they are going to leave Ashtoo in
the near future.
FOR SALE—A first class brood
sow with three pigs. A good miieh
cow, a good team, buggy and har
ness. For fnli particulars, prices
etc , call on or write, W. M. Smel
•er, Ashton, Neb.
1. C. U.
Worse Than Death Valley.
Dreadful as Ivatli valley ;s, its north
western arm, known as Moa.juste val*
ley, is worse. i: :'ae waters upon its
surface are p. su. a id down through
the canyon a hot. suffocating wind
blows with tor ?e velocity. Darias
, its course".aii the desort it fre
quently gathi rs clouds of \ site sand
that have blinded many a horse and
rider, and at ti\ pun: intervals it
whirls down the canyon like a cy.deae
! of sharp i rystaR Under the listen
ing beds of salt and borax are e.ncenl
cd streams of salt water which tkw
sluggishly toward some nuktmv-n out
let or may be lapped up by the parched
One of the strangest phenomena of
this extraordinary place is what fron
tiersmen. for want of a b tar name,
have called “raisin? earth." I'.y the
j action’ of the in a crust com: 1 of
’ minerals and day has been form. ! on
i the surface, an ! by some curious pres
1 sure of nature l as ’ eon lif e ! fr, ui the
, earth in irregular curves like pie crust
I In the oven The cavity b>. tween this
j crust and the s lid turih varies from
one to ten feet, and the depth frequent
! !y eh.nines afttr heavy windstorms by
| the displacement of the air beneath,
j The man or the animal that steps upon
! .his crust is pone forever. 1: is abso
! lately impossible for any one to extri
cate himself when plunging about in
1 the “raisin? earth.”—Chicago Becord.
Toot Her Counln's Place.
One day a y. ung Swole, a student
at the University of Berlin, received a
letter from his uncle sayiu? that his
daughter, the youn? man’s cousin,
would stop in Berlin for a few days on
her way to Ei> s and would he kindly
meet her and show her the city. The
mail eoa.U arrived and with it the
young lady, who found a tine looking
young fellow with a vivid boutonniere
awaiting her arrival, lie aeeompanie I
her to the hotel. The following morn
ing he called and took her driving in
an elegant brougham. These atten
tions continued during the throe days
of her visit. The lady npj>enred over
joyed at the gallantry of this cousin,
whom she had never met before.
On the day of her departure, while
assisting her into the mail coach, the
young man said, "I cannot let you de
part without making a confession.”
The lady l lushed and dropped her
eyes. “I must tell you that 1 am not
your cousiu. Your cousin is a friend of
mine, lie had no time to accompany
you. having to cram for his exaiuina-'
tions, so he bade me take his place.”
“In heaven's name, who are you.
then?” cried the lady.
The young man handed her his card.
The postilion blew his trumpet, the
mail coach roll*, d away, as the young
lady read U. - t.a: u* n ike card: “Otto
vou Bismarck.”—Cm rt ut Literature.
Soldiers of Fortune.
“It is embarrassing to meet form or:
cotillon part uers as elevator Ivys and
waiters.’* said a European lady now
' - tins Now York. "It has been my
fate to under.: an.! Inflict tills unhap-j
piness several thn s.
"I went to a fa side .able hotel oa my
arrival. Wearing his hotel livery with ■
the same crave as lie had borne Ids
officer's uniform when I last saw hlra
a: 1 danced with hiui as a state ball ia
a foreign capital, was a man I had
known. lie i olored to the eyes as he
saw me. but r no sign, tor did l.
“The same thing has happened since*
at restaurants, at other ho; Is. in rid-:
leg academies and in carriages. Some •
day M. le Baron de Trots Esodes art 1
Graf von Truonuucr-Scldoss will ap- ‘
pear ia Emvp an society wish now
eelat and full purses. Will I ever say
that 1 know where they made their
money? Wiof course not. It is a
far cry from America to Europe, and ,
in their own c uutry these gentlemen |
have an irreproachable social position.!
I have really already forgotten the
names of those 1 have sec a. 1 assure i
you.”—New York Mail and Express.
Not long before the close of Gold
smith’s life he produced the brilliant
and humorous hues of "Retaliation." ,
Varied accounts are given of the origin
of this poem. It will lx* remembered(
that in a joke Garrick wrote the fed- j
lowing couplet as an epitaph for Gold
Hero lies Nolly GUdssuth. for shortness called
Who wrote like an ar.jel, bat talked like poor
It was on April 4, 1774. that Gold- j
smith died. The precise spot where he
was buried in the Temple churchyard
is unknown.
This is Johnson's summing up of the
character of Goldsmith: “He had rais
ed money and squandered it by every
artifice of acquisition and felly of ex
pense. But let not his frailties be re
membered: he was a very great man."
—William Black's “Life of Goldsmith."
Daniel Webster'* Paper Cutter.
Joseph M. Terry of Peconic. N. Y.,
has presented a valuable relic of Dan
iel Webster to the Suffolk County His
torical society. It is an ivory paper
cutter which Mr. Webster used for a
number of years In his library at
Marshfield. Mass. Webster gave it to
Charles Taylor, then a Ivy. whose fa
ther was at the time manager of Mr.
Webster's farm. Young Taylor pre
served the relic and several years ago
while resldii ; n ar Mr. Terry's house
gave it to him.—New York Sun.
A Sons About a Man.
“I will sin" \\ u a son" about a man.”
j said the minstrel. “By the way. did
| you ever notice that there never was a
! sou? written about a man? All songs
j are* about roses and maidens and love
J ami tryst in? places and sunsets and
I ifiothers: never one about the old mac.
| Come to think about it. though, there
was one. ‘Father. Dear Father. Come
Home With Me Now.’ la this son?
the old man is drunk in the first
verse.”—Atchison Globe.
sews ruoa clear cheek
The se-sson so -'sr is ai! that con'd
be desired and ~e bave s!i the me!*ti»re
needed at present.
Harry S!ote e. as lurried in the Utah-!
field cemetery on tbelSib iun.
The U. B people held q rnrte ly ser- !
vic« s in district 2"> last Sa ard.*y
sud Sunday.
i'faos Heslop has b-'en vicitin; rela
tives here.
W iii Draper is here from Kansas.
Dr. $r»tDicc lue 5t. I‘*®1 dentist
will . •j'ii- v;sp L v'p t in > >on.
Wairht r :iio t] *us, ti.f) wii! be in
isr\! :s~tie.
t»;» vot have uj rr ci xts
If vin'ii |:»vp. wiH : ox- tl i'ow *« C»‘*
i' r» ni‘»s» 1 = \ our r.i r* *\ ilu 5>t *c>
UV.’k'v > . Jour.’-xi. published at
I ’m--* v ihousao ! new
s b > I ■ ~~ “t* i ’■* s '’ eial «• tt em*nt
ci!>MiP!! pi’ Tl- i"'' a tv k front
now ua:;: • * - t r.f t?,-;* year for n y
,*•0 , T - i aeh we. fc with
. r.f iho v. rbl, -hr u;h thr
zrrsT * ulentls! c m:>ii*n and the;*sl~u it this <>!’• b*r t-'<» l < '-d
S -1 * s c r r» ' ’Is*' *! <"»' ticket
>>vr . , :r if*- h vr-oub-er, oS>s
n't." !i r-- -i-'i-g " 1 for.-'*’
5 : ■} i; 1 ct-r ?:* • BOW. I**'*
•? - <t -r<*r r *v: tend it 1°. tbo
„„ rt* } -s- *■> ■ ug>-r f r y ur worry
A.Mro-.N't^ekaS 'f Jourua, l-i *
ruin, Neb.
I.!kf Wl!<!8r»
Wher thing* are -the b»*si" they he
eotne **lhr best telling.” Abrahaui liar®
a t iding •'• -.-gg *f of Belleville, O.
xv-ires “Electric Bitten are the he.-t
selling bitter* I have handled in SO years
You know why? Mo*t diseases begin in
tii tiers of #toin ich, liver, kidney*,
bowels, blood an-i nervs. Eieetrie
Hitter* ro: os op the *t reach regulated
liver kidneys and bowel*, parities the
blood, rtrenctbeoa the nerve*, h* nco
cute* nmlf u ies «> main b s It build*
up the entire system. Put* new life
and vigor into any weak, sickly, ran
dom n mart or Woman. Price 30 cents,
So] 1 hv O.lend-li: Br> t
Are “ Jf* w II >tuc" Sewing Machine* so
t>op«l-»r'r Baa-.n-e they ne?*r neexl
rep-.irs. *> d e-use the good fcsu*o wife
i o annoysnee bp refusing to work For
sale bv T. M. Kekh
Xotiee is herrh:, given that oa April t. t'.» v
T Henry F'-ner tiiel x\:»h the Village Clerk
of L- '.'P City, Ncl-ra-ha - pet it —q for the 1>
. n»ceof a lic-.-na t. >tMalt <p'.r]t > an 1
\ nous h.jaorw. within -dd Villa.- daring1 the
ti^-al v«ur next ea-mirc. from and af'er Tues
t' iv Mux- l>t :■*.*). »»•> • • • -i>. to the issuance
«fsuch lie n< • mnst t ... t on or eP. re the
first il&y of Mav ls«
Attest (5. ft Ot* son
VtlJage Clerk.
1. vjl'O i I.ti'EXSS N . E
XotR f hwb.v iciw: that on April 4 th !W.
K. F Miltvira tiled with The Villa * C'- rk or
I.aup City Nebraska. Iu> petition lor ihc ioa
sscr of a hocus to sell matt spirit.and
vijKMts liipiorv r ithiB v.-'.l V-: a„v dart sit the
fiscal yesr next rastiir; from ..Iter Tue
day May Kt l.»“ €> •. c.o . » it-- ; * .mice
of-: k !; • :;se t:: ,'. tv . . . u: or ht fere ike
tirst. a\ of May !*>•
k - s* a :l Citr >v
v .. * v .
livuok lk'E\>;: n. tj t
Koiier is hereby r v« n that on VI ir.'i !?,
1«V>, Wtlilam II Tsvaiway e ». e
VillageClerk of Letup Citv. Xvhr *»ka. hi> pett
tiou for the issuance of a ttcehse to ttjl malt
>"fr r- an.* via*' ".s I'.pisrs w': Vs n 1
V ra-e dn- a* the fis a* year k.-x: t?»
front ..a,, after Tut sday M v is:,, i.v ©;*;*• -
- ' • : tad license must toe
: itea or toe:ore the >s•:• ; c da v of M.-. v :;* > -
Wat-UM K. r«t ;a«at
Atu>t G H. tlitv— s
V Huge C erk'
1.IQIOR l.n RN-r Nonet.
Notice I" hereby given that »n March tft,
siny and Joi.n Clitlevtld, un
der the itna nawieot si:v»-,lnv A -'hi »•-. ski,
filed with the Vil a o d*r» of Loup city,
xet ra* .a, th»dr petition t r the issuance i>f
a Sicease to soil m*it. miimuu s and v; as
liquors, a sthtn said \ it .s_r*‘ during there
cal Tear next ensnr’g »r- tn a-cl after rr» s
day Xay la iSW. Objorho«« to the Issuance
of >nch license me-: l e filed an or toetore
the first day ot May lr-a.
si »•»t>NT a i
Attest t. II tlmst n,
\ thiga clerk.
State of xotornska , ^
Sherman ootiuty. 3 3
State of Nebraska
in court ailhln and for shorn an
county. Nebraska, April lirh. t» o in khe
mstt« r of the estate of Mary K Morns,
Ton are hereby noli fits;. That 1 will sit
at the county court room, tn I.owo Oty,
in t-ant county, on the 12th day ur Novem
ber. mn, at :0 o. >ck a. nt. to receive
and examine all clatma scanst said estate,
with a viev to their adjustment and allow
ance. Tba time limited tor the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six
months from the :2th day of Mar, a. r»..
i;dOand the time limited ' tor payment of
debts is one year from said 12; h ty of
November, lid *.
Witness my hand anv scat of said countv
court, this 14th day of April, l»<k
J. A. ASuIKK. County Judge
W. W. May hew. Merton. V*’is„ says,
* 1 consider One .Minute Couch Core a
iu<'C wonderful medicine, quick aud
safe” It is the only harmless remedy
that giv*s iteme iate results. It cures
coughs, cold*, crot.p. bronchitis, grippe,
whooping cough, pneumonia aid all
throat and lung diseases. Its earjy use
prevents consumption. Children al
ways like It ar.d mothers endorse It —
Odendafcl Bros.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhau-nd digestive or
gans It is the latest discovered d!g««t
ant and tonic, No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cam
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache.Gas: ralgia.Cranips.and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared by £ C OcWitt a Co.. Cblcoso
For <-le t>y ODEXDJULL DUOS.
U 'up City. N«’b
J. 1. t'inon, Prcth unitary, Wyshinf
ton. Pa , mts * I fcaTts found Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in
case of -totnach iroaidp. sod have de
rived jjreat benefit f mn Its #w" It
digev'S wbst you eat and cenuot tall to
cure. Oikndahl Eroi.
Cunt dizzy spells, tired balings,
slum >vla. kidney aud liver trowbu *
Keeps j t>« well n!1 summer. Hooky
Meuntalu Tea taken this month. 3..«,
. . _ I «
. „_ . .. __, SUM*
'SiS’SwKL'^'a IX. «• approv Ai. «lh*win* yt:-u to uneiwte acd «s
*2HL i. . hiio.4 ™W, t It- If ft I* »i a and raor*> ttian we
,-*• . better wheel than yoaIt r atyr v here Mtf the
t-toiia for It-**•-* ' " *** * u mr will pay aJlVrareaB charges
’ v*iR-tssirtSisi
k SSS5T Thi -KCHTHOSE" Sftweto S1 e. so
■ ut t)nr Special -Vfft't1' ** winiple price of t* [
9k h the c it tlt.4 Kinftlit;:: a t iryak* *TtT *' ^ • red t\t nvii. »t eottal
& ^vm*^*^* tuarSet. «.i r>« ,:eed ««*-«• ,jt , t yrrtM. Wj»
V if T.xodo :h: Sad it r.« werepw^J-'t- *2 * l ♦ I>«« it «-»•
* wt\rr\Vr:'hj::» iS mi* ***** <* iB&cdaein*
£*tSf(§t4rwU»^* 1 H7«k'***rra“~. ’**• - ~ '••«- »* «»«■
£.!«r^rt«ei »»the snrkec«ad yt» teed w« it »«.«• w« »-*»'.
it££<g£Sm**t J*w“r£ - ‘ w «■•**»•« M/, B« vc«
ii oTn -. . -
our 1900 MOBE1.S. Thi< oC^r of » *r.njp8e a. : wprieeis
~'ZZS2?*ktC£R :a"«**-■*«
Si»eO|;4iiikltOutfi st» .■■:-■ *«■!»'tatia* wt*-» i- - -. a «<na*e
tions. flesh Jetoiav. fcwpr>*tfd t* amder *‘.' **‘**’ V "':,t PVjii??
handle bur: Koyal A.yhcrr>wnMhe , £c^B» “ banirer
Ithii ea<i.-< ntatO:
•Bret rxpetv.d\etln •
ra with La %i~- -
|j-e«rd “A” tirts. the
ne tl the
%0k Tbf fUBCfW #4 Mr«in.*« r
I io '•N arKl iKt^iss.'* fif* iti* b'* { %i^7i 'ni 4r*
Mmk lit !i «r«wh. tr\ x hUfltly ir • '!
•Inishetx «Mttft; y en *11 lu+ibt forth J&?SSS^L1 . — J. - • ;oC*'
of Baterial that pees i« «a:. t..achlue. Our htadiop jtxr « mi.
uB<ivvJ »u*x ^ V‘t V,'k
-. . v ,vne seJ*LI».r ::»e ftS^kOesL'h In full with ord— v -tti
. •on.! ir-’o a .-e:n:
,tarter: dr a Utah exaite •»
r' B,.Vdi.\ mi*r *s«e torn IwUt ■
* ptiafcix Yt>or OMtfHJ *& 1 »t c u 3
eorri-rrs asd bfp fcouaes
kMrrm, MR {•> #• sfrtawil; orftll I" *1'.
ihtm. BEFORE eR»CStX6«t
ctWOft, writ* m* md lift«' tell yuti J»*»’ u< ■
If vv-a
vk xl
W« do eot manuis't;:-* w wnr '*•
meet *(m» ktnd of a htv!t <*••* ®*;n;
>1 nell as liL-h fmOr Wo can Mr* » v
ewwpfafc- Wo m not guamnfieo nor r
rr3e op a."C onp pflnp, no psptfor » B‘> or
ire can save j > a oft tin* ttrupo tnooMoo.
itpsttr uV FARX A BlOCU »3
I. * -. .s* for Km! 4a v« . V. e need one I *
h i to.
ho *
r _I»
■r*. -n
tnr*rhfc™r forth ■ j :-*e. V.» Wire jHHUCTilWwira* «gT - > 9 HA<;» WWttlA
»iii*!-«e«v.tat *3 »»#!•««** »!»*«>»• *}*>p*r<<»ns»!a|'je* awl 'W nlyiimft SeaUf-'r fci
«ll K KK1 I Mil Li TV i.-xliwiei ^ » Iti-T u> «v-U- !: • -« ■-* hon.* t:.t or(
_•,.,t »* «• - ill ¥-- •- * x«*i letter* of nfrjwwd!* r* (Mm -i> $ -.*•■• ■tbs r< ia 1 :rie>e» ' ■ T* - 1
(trail VAiia AD*1C9 ««*■'• Tl.- * 1- •• crl a ' ir-. , ta. • rian f rfapfut. ;.t » i. ■ ,•
SrK'J TUUn Ufillut !<- *ij>dn*ii V- < W‘ ; Vine
F. €. 5R€WeR. is Ayeot.
St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance
*n the state acd ibe only cue tbal j a\s its losses its full. If be dt
cot call on you write him at Loup City, Neb.
W hen you want to have your
watch repaired by the only
* tirst class workman in the
j county call on
or if you have any other jewel
ry which vou wish to have
put in tirst class repair take it to
j You should remember, when
you want to purchase a nice
new piece of jewelry to * all on
Yours for business
Jo w 1* r Loup City, Xcb.
1 il O.Ull ORN 1 V
Thf A:i;rtK'«n Suns*- : riant*.
I ' l‘he oTi r ; a L:;oir< via I'uion
j Pacific make- m.-irc ^ quicker time
between M » 'up Rn >rro ^:in Fran
t Cisco th .: v other lire. Finely equip
; J" l with l* ;i;.a* 5»Boom IV*
! *» e ■ j« r>. - Sm« k' ; sn.i T. >
f rary Ours « h Barber Shop and P>;.V*
i tot Kci.iii a Rooms, Dum.g, Vie.aU
»*U*c»rto, l'inaoh Light. Steam Heat.
F» r tickets, advertising matter and
full tn format ion exit on or address—W.
D. C tIfton. *\itei*t.
to vour (rWhiit. When %ou treat a
friend to whiskey, g ve him the best.
HARPER Whs key is the beverage for
▼our friends ai d for you. Sold by—T.
II- Ei.>NLi;. Loup City, Neb.
- _ ^
RurKii>a’» Arnica Salr«
Ills fame for muvekms
cures. It surpasses any other ve, lo
tion. ointment <>r ba’m for Outs, Cera?.
Burns. Boiles. Sons. Felons. Ulcers.
Tetter. Salt Rheum. Ferer bore*. <'hap
ped Hands. Skio Eruptions; infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Oalf Voe
at Odendahl Bros.
i hire 150 bushels of choice millet seed
j for sale at reasouabie figures. It is of
the '99 crop and nice and clean.
Frank Otlkwski.
I have retired and furnished my prop
erty in the south part of town hereto
fore known as tho R.ssetrr bou-e and
now haT«; opened the same as a first
ela>s boardiii# house.
mar4 2nr Mrs. XI. V. WnAKTOJl
The p-.ssei r dej art»ue> t of the R
A XL K. R. E. offers thirteen cash
prixes *jtrejf itln« §115 for letters about
Nebraska. Particulars of :he e > :rs?.
which is « pen to all, can be had br ad
dressing J Francis, ti p. a , Omaha,
* v 13 aa w wEiKSt !■ V3to f £3 ^""4.
Slck»Hond *
|acho and Liver
raooV coot*o.
id by atl dritfurtata
er sent toy mall
TMU-mt i^iyL-a rr
ODKNIUHU iMins L:d? ITT- Nil
25 CTS.
la MEM? tort Um
twajr hf waMd
tovc *M. AcHtwM^
JMf rAltai kmWb,
UaWwiM ■ HA
toutw rtfu.'v* tv TV r*«#tot Mc-vtotol V-** to* **»««*
tixe tabue.
St. Jo- -ph.
Laj.'as i.itj.
St. Lout*,
a.-ll ail i> mis
E*c* end South.
D»»« oer.
Salt Lake City.
S.TMJ Francisco,
md ail points
So ^ P»»*n««. “AS a. b
No m Frei^tt ..It 53 p m.
So. Si Paswst|r«r.4.15 tv m.
So 59 Frvi«b V.... iM)a ta
diitnor act ree'Gata* chair cars
ft-:• oa tferoatfc trams. Tickets
st-M aa-i Nacjatra efeoekol to aay petal n
ieel‘: ;:«s ':si.» »r masta.
For tnuirauaidoh, maps, state tat»‘. eo and
w«ft* s cat! oa or sm.t so R. I. Arthur
A *e*r.t. Os J. fkASOIs Goa'.. Fasoor; cr
S»>. m l«ao«« Gmity oxer; t Saaday misa
7;»» a, ra
So e- JdcK Cav. tT<»dai»!«)t aaJ
FriUiay, (luixest is-a* ji m.
So.. loureo r« Thursday ssrf
It;*ur'jtjr. • nwxud)t Alt ta
S- t arrives a«.r except Sunday tattaad
I? "t j' at.
S i 'Sarr rws dally cxeeyt limJsy tfoids
er ;er : 30 |> mi
F: rs* eta** senrion and «I oc souaaclloas
«s.-t, ocs. a:.a socth
w. d. cur ton.
Origon Short Line and
Origon R R A Navigation Co.
Have placet* in Service nc additio; al
Portiaml Train. This Train,
Leaves Omaha 4:2»> p. *c. and arrive*
at Portland 7:30 a. m„
The iitnc of the other Portland Train
“The Overland Limited,"
Leaving Omaha S:20a. m. has been re
duced 2 hours anti -Jo minutes.
between ?4K--ouri Hirer ana Portland
For tim- lablt«. folder*. il.u* rue 1
oo«»k'*. pantphleta descriptive of th*» trr
r.torv traxv^ed cail ot—W, D Cur
Tt»N. AirL Loup City, Xeb
ANTt'D -Honest manor wn-n-.-»
vni ,„r ‘nrehoW;»!arT ^ mStS
tnufoTi — STcS:
iiaij ,£K5Ven~IO*T A5C
as*: cu;<* *• >
m-ineot Onrre,ereat*s inv t^r
** n«atntv vcHv'e rrv>rk
a. heme. .rrrn<^ t ;,C:Z?:
■ * “ wT
* 1' **'*•» to s aa mo
U. t NTs waXTKU -Tor-The t tr^ .
whn vt w Attantral IV* ' S
H vocstl. »Ue i)ir » c fn,.. ,T*
•*i »h« ion,*', ),k>l Br-v-Ze., - ‘ **■»***»
• *' **■ i'rx1 r »tt"». I*xm 1 «.? u» ;
heM t w, ut istranooa OnlV * “® w<«
tno«» aeinoitd. j|tc , * *• K#or.
T»- ;,UT-. Write
w. II. Shipman Beard*b>»
>' .h.«e»rrj^
M* fvr‘*t ,v ;U , . . „ ‘
v Uoetors s. 4
rrli l. finally
''JsjepMl t ure ami a»,w
*1' !: d ii'Ui ti »• (>•
"*u* *iui l'»* b*ela hiiv a n»* tu%1 j*
Hfc*eit* nbat fwu **t —Od*u Uhl Br**