f*'»! XVII LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. APRIL 27. 1900. NUMBER ‘U The Northwestern +VUWMZD EVERT FRJL A Y | *. . 1 Ml tOl M V MEAT V •* *- H T1K 141'rft l*<1 (.!»*«)«, r*.*.li. t rsm '■ -a*. if rtiii :> tv*«w* i.fcr* -i*' If* C«t| fwliltw It trm*.* a iltr t»mrt tft* &a ..* m+ wcmciifi i - « ; lit* t.« *#f u Mj ii3- Sti It m ib» sfetU f.ijr **t l»ul tie • ill L»** •Nrr**t»der to it**- inert 4 *i*t ailncm » ae fifbt i 4 m tfee Tfktuvu! ere a ear d»»» i‘.*' * u> t«f |«r;» B >er esrat'O* -*■* J Lu ’ i.1 t* c*i*r *.* baa earned to Sffct * t. t ‘ f •! *nt ftlllUT* ate .« '• at ■/ T.rket * ; ** mi ml upm t» far op m fijjkt. It .*• ?■** -u tear.': Hit tew* area* U*» for W'titrM indeatut* la etMkaHied cos.txi.neei. ani it • . - bi*i’ * at astir. j Ike H'«. I ratft H JotM. »io .a* t*eem \e* ti&atekir* a x : i • *1*2 at ' :alan:ol dtso ] a twitg a- to '.tie rttai.w ‘•at Iter l* tt iTftfJ a ftllftrk of ; hriu.il a *l -rakse, be* sored . L-> ti lirj*. k~ |Wftr. '-'*■$ auo teijSAsf* trail lit*' is .i U.» «.*• C tb Ittltcd l*| Jr*' »,.i* Uir l all«4 ; «mu! ■ n| r»MnT*mrr wnb fc *t . *ii* it a full \ r ; a - it '1 I'i'.aiMi »* to w *' :*. Oi.L l«*ai* ar* ■ « tcia for I tmm i& !■ • cilod■ r jtirt. j t f . f li «t I* c,6t '• - . - - u:.ii |Tj;. uy i t|t» t 'ar Iw'j i ran * r • £»t ;*r good* m »<#*• • " * Tli't* i* tbe awft -.:. ,.; f f*1 *!ita*Kt. x..- i . ti*r ra;»ub‘.teat * ■ . . rw;«* iiit it i* eototg-t ja liu. folio*. - e t .a * . 1 • l pr of ib«* ’ i ■» I*r Xi't pu” sabeJ bi tj»« . ?. k k « **.'51.1. It •• *o ! a asdl ' il:» up to ’be itit*; • u* IS- i**a i>ad»r* *l*vb Mh.tit ■iurnfat, Hip teal a*i iji*» uo t**r mafb«t. Tim? text t a* *t»» j *t j#are In a aaMrr t otocb ataltM *t • Sum* awti) : -irtj*'. -a aod of aac Is t e of tie !» ►. * IL* Child I# ■ a port « f Uie .**»»•, au«i Ilul a Uu*a fa,*:.tar tot -air aitJb • ■# at>'i •rt'Oto&or* tmt ailb coat t. i. iu*Bga at n*oa L.a. oLieL tbc* ,MWtL aa<2 at# iinout faalttrt » c $. a* • ndta atal aod thus atai fr st Um *crt Scat loaouo. 4 rv . peruaa. of the eoolost* • *: t-o Baiiw.a avail ;*prc*» -#r »:tt tie *k* itat .1 ;» lb* baa! t. .tat* • I# * k * >• #9 -f.aL !• It it*.****. * I j4 •'■•Tex * llf *Jbe fcuri c agios for its *S»< mwi, rsfistrer* and Crraes .• f- • *< a • *«t .-ctaa After •eel -..g* ar# lurid k*. lbs ptW Jj». i *i«m p *a'» oatce & flbo&Ut at»« » *r laL.*d*e«;*a*1> *■- •**» *«*» a f«f »ar* Tt* % • - m.rt> ~j*i* absorb lie •* i.Mf u|4ar oona ar d .* • a ■ • »«■•;** ?r >xs t* *t «3ti«4i» .>**.«. A ncctt • - r*"« . .«• f a* .iarrmaa lias cauMd t- ‘ i ■ > i, «rf a Ur ■ »! ’ ,f ctf I,-il « * a ** -i;. ir>ih tust taw |iint« - > * *n »* far a* fire |*u.fe 11». a < * 4 ***«!■ |* -.** 1 ikr*.*-§.t t'u* training acbM«» » alt m «• afcXtiisr UanraUaa of tbr 'u+i Bi.i. tag’ #e uteri • * f *r .-* * f awr. uljr dirip x-u » j tig nr tatb( m*\ * t i' i . • f u. t »:t « a ■ »,.■>* tva.Sj! befott tin? fne * - t* -tkr *.l» at *..#! * ti»r«*r aiti;# * 1 *t;f -£ Jitjta- boW* atreirb * 1 IV * It trrr a* tlirir ant b-*-% *p*t. * 1 t»i iw%« %«*• oji **tr ag ; e *w*r r«s aa.l L . a u9*miMkpe* a«: hi*' it im ftiatrwti Vary are mar t* \w. ’** a* bt arotrbmg thru cat# Oi»ft-tlw» atiira will poorew ai fiut I l**ud m tLc ftt* day #4 Ja**, IVi ■ nam n» U- u* yut* * -iZ tad iadicat« Uu r *-n ■; : : , s s at allow democrats to c *t r *Ux «i h saliva and gulp i them : w «*. jot even taking time to p u :L— rt- back but ibe gen ! u;ne • tru" p >pu .at is out for blood, ani to • b;tu is a task that « ts t.u tabu rraoeac cavern in Billt Bryaa s head i« uLtcual to. Their f | • ■ illative a, eat last Wednesday t.is:ut in I, up City and, it la aaili, met anth • ns*, ierabls encourage ment Aa tfiees in the corrupt old . tp i an* will n >t go ruand as fast at «! ».-* I therefore tlefleeliona si be «x «.•!«•*s the I?:xtb diatrict be c. .raoe f the m a: able and bril •atrpagas eitrandcio tbe • ta*«. Mr Lam !*e risen is a deep t a' 't ta rur and wherever _• s ^aarnaa Is respect and lr r% .srg- rr- *ds Ti.e\ are two r citier-. it nnJ ablest men in t s'at< U~t -a reierse’be order, a d; \* us Call a:.! Lamberteon. * BC’-'.-t* * contemplating the « si '-z jf & constitutional & • xrot '>• ‘ !.e j*i# which will _ * thorn f power iu handling tbt ■ .* , , .t jl. Tb« IU-publican i t- . > fart r ia aw mak *t r d:i attempt to rencre « ♦ fi x The trust outrage an i wt l they make up their mind a* ;o the be«. war to handle this : *•»"- v^rrs ga'-on of capital, the s r *... Lave no need of any . ar ->er f>-ars as to it« being i The McK alcy law. the great < ver pu* up n the statutes of ’ c « d State*, for the regulation • ti'->te was scarcely born until a rm artjc congress, almost domi nate » * W. J. Bryan, murdered :i mm: t to rest, and not because Let *tit had, but simpiy to piece spoo our statutes a democrat t free ;rade law. with all ita perni e >oe fn. a McKtaley said that ipl’ii combining to restrict trade and t jure labor should be soject to a hoe of man} thousand* of dol *r* and i m prison men t as well. W jl 9j s'm Br an Thought that neither ui J :*e d* ne when their law »*• framed. Vet now. that perfect :n ■ <; presidential timber ? masts lads me* • off the “tru*t octupus r*» SALE UK KENT FOR CASD I he N L fourth of lee 33. 16. 15. is frmwc for pasture and looated aboat ■ i* n, i*. from l.oup City. Close to A !** «• farm bou«p. a ao the nor'hw«t • ‘ the northwest fourth of >ec. £ft. 18. -«r L»r»<*u # farm I'fce recent * «rr• 0 be*u *.f stock fwrcube* a a. competaiiee *to«it mark * it & bmith Omaha for rh:a ra . *r U*«re v making stork raising far •• *•! lab e than the raising t era: f Si*- long street ho* of free*a £ »t’ it- evert direction would in r*( • t at pa** lire land -arroanding ! . j. < »t are re*e»*n. ng more valuable aad setror Kcb Bu**s.. b.unx Fall*. S. Iiak. !. ivorb Oral d * hanrelirr. K. P. B ■ • T< r Inti., -at*. *T>e Win's Witch *>«•»» *iK.th»> the most deiical* * - d te r.i» the R.O*t »tunborn ulcer w heer:n.tj and go:*d results “Cere* v «■ n d ►; ssr. Don't buy au rla-.on — tlderdabl Bros it « .»uT"s * <*Ni»tTi<>x Poa'iiKKs,ire a-' * t -it a hors* needs when in bad '•* •*«*• Tonic, blood purifier and i ru..l £ 1 bey are nut food but tiled • ■<* a- J u. *•**,! in u«e to put a b<*t>e ■u *•"»*' • itlun. Price25 cent* per paiagr 1 If Sale by Odeudabl B o a. *.» • c ll*ds a t«» IIaHPLK whiskey at N t i. O -mas au i World* Fair l Csicagu * * i' »u will endorse the Judge's *•- :ict — Sold by T H Elsmlz Loop City, Si r**ka. *+* J J« C fcaiden. that tbca takast the - *! U or Rocky Mountain 1*.., mada hj tue Madison Med. ton Co_ if thoa 5»ke*f :ny fail face. 15c A Horibl* Outbreak * Of large sores on uiy little riaugh j teiV bead developed into a ease of scald bead’’ write*: C 1>. Isbill of Morganton r«uo., but Buckler's Arnica Salve com pletely cured l.er lt‘s & guaranteed eu«e for Eczema. Tetter. Salt liheum, Pimples. Sores, Ulcer* and Piles Only 25c at Odeudahl Bros Tliat lltrobking Head. Would quickly leave you if you u-cd j Dr. King.* New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their mstefc | lea? nit rit for Sick and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and build I • p Tour health. Only 25 cents. Money sack if not cured. Sold by Odendahl j Broa MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY 1: is certainly gratify ing to the pub-: lie to know of one concern which is not afraid to be generous. The proprietors ef Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sMBplioo. Coughs a*d Colds, have given •way over tec million trial nettles and have the satisfaction of know ing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. As tbasa. Bronchitis, J.a Grippe and all Throat, Chest and Lurg diseases are sureiy cared by it. Call on Odemdabi Bros. Druggist, and get a free trial bot tle Regular aize 50c and gl.00. Every bottle guaranteed. The Bent in the Ttorlil We believe Chamberlains Cough le inedy i> tbe best in tbe world. A few week# ago we suffered «ilb a severe | cold end a troublesome cough, and hav ing read their adrertisuneut in our one and other papers w purebaaed a bottle to -ee if it would rffect u». It cured u* before the bottle was more than half used It is the b»st medicine out for cough* and colds.—The Herald. Ander #onville, 1 nd. Fur sale by Odendahl 1 Bros. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamber la in a Pain Balm a trial. I; will not coat yon a cant *it it doea no go J. One spp iu&lion will relieve the pain. It a.so cures sprain* and bruises in one-thir l the time required by muv other treatment Cuts, burns, frost- ■ bites, quinaer, pains in the side and cbe-r, glandular and other swellings arc quickly cured by applying it. Leery b title warranted. I’riee 25 and 50 cts For sai*- bv Odendahl Bros. Pneumonia is oue of the most dan gerous and fatal diseases It always re-u.ts from a cold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Will quickly cure a cold and perhaps prevent an attacK ef pueu jjouia, It is in fact made espeeiailv f »r that ailment and ha* become famous for its cures over a large part of the worlj. It contracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Cau you af- I f >rd to neglect your cold when so re liable a remedr tan be bad for a trif’e'r For sale bv Odendahl Bros. Clense the liver, puaify the blood, in vigorate the body by usiug DeWitt'a Little Early Riser#. These famous lit i e pills act promptly. Odendahl Bros, j * * * * ♦ y t * > >> V 5* Vfc -- & ^'r- Ki'- 1 FT^jl ! — . Gi/ LSVER OIL. ■ ~ 'J, KfPt/05PMTESorlitt£*S0DA I i: exactly what they rccura? c i: not cr.!y gives them the 1m- j variant element ;cec-iive:ciil f ; a palatable and czz.ly ei- £ • * Q h * _ted form, but a!:o the hypo- * * | i *i J « % jGjpi £s i gS which ere so value* J, -veils c::orders that * T t. *. C t* * > ; * * J v*t # • »»v4« G -ru; jsjiuis - vv ^.J.V : • »J U £> * ^ • if- *xi • *. V v*i* i»^ I r (•* • « f''.»rr. v? —I » - 1 - * & l£I • V v> * • • %>'« 1 W«T«• i - A certain amount ei £ .. :: r.eecssary Ter health. 5 ■:_: j;.I :t in this way. | , A* have known per- * ,gs . > gain a pound a X day white taking it t . z-A Ji oo. *1! druggists. G :• O' 7 c- ChetaiaU, New Veriu * i;eumrk«b> Cure of Kheunmt imu Kekxa, Jackson Co \Y. V» Ab^ur three year- my wife bad an »track of rheumatism which confined her to her bed tor ov*'r a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without aseistanee. her limbs being • wolleu to double their normal size. Mr. 8. Maddox in$isr''d on my using Chamberlain* Pain Babn I purchased a tiftv cent bottle and c«ed it according to the directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without assist ance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack air.ee .—A B. Pab SOUS. For sale bv Odcndahl Bros. Ia almost ext-ry neighborhood there is some ou«* *fc «e life has been sived by Chamberlain’.- C.-lie Cholera and j Diarrhoea Rem dy. or who has been cared of ehrouu diarrhoea by the u-e of that medicine Such persons make a point of telling «»f it whenever oppertu- , nity offer*, hoping that it may be the i mean* of saving other lives. Por safe by Oden dab 1 Broa. the w ay to go to California Is iu a tourist sleeper, personally con due-ed. via the Burlington Roate. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see tne finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, but it i* just i as chan, just as comfortable, jus? as good to ride in—and nearly f-iOOO cheaper, it has wide vestibules Pint-eh ’ gas. high back seats; a uniformed Pull man porter; clean bedding: spacious toilet rooms; tables and a beating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly, is warm in winter and; cool in JUEiner. in charge of each excursion party i* ao experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha. Si. l.ouis Lincoln an ! Hastings every Tt or*Jay. arriving 5&i: Francisco rollowiug Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Duly three da} s Irons j the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast,; including a stop-over of 1* hours at Den- 1 ver aud2j hrurs at Sait Lake City—two of the most interesting cities on the con-t linen t. For folder giving full information.1 call at any Burlington Heute ticket of- i five. or write to—J. Francis.—Geu'l Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb. DO TOI WA «T A CALENDAR The biggest—;nd best—calendar ever issued by any American railroad is now being dl'tributcd by the Burlington Route. - It has twelve sheets, one for each month of tbe year. On each sheet is a striking RIM stratum of some feature of of the Burlington'* serric or of the tvri tory reached by its Laos—the govern ments last mail ruaa.r.g at *c«J speed: a tourest ear on its way to California engine 1591. the largest passenger en gine in the world; a library car. a com partment sleeper; tbe Burlirgtou sts- 1 tion at Omaha: a dining car; a monster freight train; Este> Park, Colo; the plunge bath at Hot Spring-, S. D., Y«l- . lowstone Fall#, etc. The drawings from w hich the picture* were made are by Louis Braunbold. of Chicago, and cost several hundred dol lars The size of the eallendar is .2x58. The cates are in big type which can be raad at a distance of 50 feet. For busines- office* be Buriingtou calendar is simply invaluable. Purchased iu large quantities, tbe calendars cost tue Burlington Route 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing etc., thev represent an investment of about 35 cents Our price is 25 cents— 10 ceota less than coat Write for one: stamps will do !f it is not satisfact ory. send it back and your money will be promptly refunded. .1 Francis. General Passenger . Agent. Omaha. Neb. 2 9 7 w W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Psfeiic. Will Defend in Foreclosure '"‘isos ALSO 1*0 A. General Real Estate Business. Office in NesTHWifTEKK Building, LOCT CITV, - - xr.KEi<« t R. J. NIGHTINGALE, LOUP CITY. i f MS A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN' A SURGEON T-OVI* CITY. - - XIBI1A-KA OFFICE.—-One door east of CPase's dr up store. W. L. MARCY, J5£,V7 1ST office on east side rcc-ic sqeare LOUP CITY, XEB ,T. E. INKS, PAINTER, Fipst Class Work Guaranteed I our CITY, - - - XEB Has arrived and those who were anxiously waiting for the tirst sign of >: r;ng Were glad to sec him. As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to nutay that it was not the tirst robin they had ever seen. They have seen men ROBBIX’ their fellow men by asking exorbitant prices for goods. A\ ell, we have been in business for years and we have our first robbin yet to do Speaking of robins and spring reminds us that we Lave a >pecial messa^ t0 eom. munieate to you and that is that we had good reasons to expect that sprin? would come sooner or iater. and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line of spring goods: and we are fully prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If vo» want a bargain in any thing in the line of general merchandise: DRY GOODS. BOOTS and SHOES. CLOTliING Hats, Caps, Notions nud a fresh lino of Groceries call on South Side Public Square Loup City, Xebr. XT'ANTED—Honest nan cr woman to trsvri lor iurit house; salary $>« moult.' anJ «ipoust" with iacrwu-o: position peniiiiU. ut. iut'lost' :;r**vv . ^ticipea en velope .'JiXA'ifcK. iv.< Cuxiun ■ _-. Ctica go. 111. 7-1-1J* \y.iMK l>—>EV( KaL HUU.HT 4ND H*»\LsT, person* to represent ti» ;tt. ilauusjers ;ti this uid close bv ootir.tiw. Salar\ #; a Tear and ei- —•*. Si. al«bl bc»na-: . no ttiirt. no Its-* -alarv. hititiac pertnaut :.*. our r f» k v liauk n acy town, n i> mainly offic - work con tort «. a*. h»mo. nefcrer.ee Cnclnse soir-ad drw$*«v. stamped envt ope —The I* >:;K 10s Coam y. Dept, s, ch.cago. s> ^5 to 3 i^o j (APT WILLIAM ASTOii • ,:»vLEt e ooert• «:ran iron. X* w 'i -\ is it. ; - - .;.-nt j of Thi: Sew V. kk Stae wfa h vr wav FORTY v OL .AU 1 I Y L•. ^ " , ~"r. I cii. by tr.eir ;< - rU***»nt at a jx- ;acr c. . ;nu* lion A':, s J . ('twuma£v M i ri Qardii't i*.s;ru-i At ion; «-.f x-w , j" t Governor h>v ■. of , ■ nts :»n ! t';■>I. Ft* Feic» (H Xc v y rt. are am^ru: the wtil ka wi. name it :ht".r IloarJ 01 Dttvcrjr' Facts That Rldiiv E’»xry Patriot JiRUZTy 1st and Voter .. - +'-* Oujht to k«ot-. TtlE 1900 AND ENCYCL Of _EI l ifl(d iipfiiqar Containing Full Lifcrmition Upon Ail Sta Jstica: Fccts and Figures. The New \ Over Congress, i 500 Pa t H A Complete Guide tc the Forthcoming: Elections of 1900. SPECIAL $ The South African FEATURES. \ War: V aria the Pi.il -- ippines: The Interna tiona] Peace Congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement: The Great Trusts and Their GqNiaiizatioa, and many other subjects or equally vital interest. _ A complete History of c*ch of the Ships in ike America* Navy, ty Edgar Siznton Zlac Uy, Historian U. S. Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. Postpaid to any address. THE WORLD, Pulitzer Bldg. A efc> iorh. NERVITA PILLS Restores ViTALfTt LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self-1 abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail f>Oc oer box. B hcrps i ior $2.50; with a written guaraift tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CUnton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL FOE SAXE BY ODENDAHL BROS., Loup City, Neb NOTICE. We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Reutfrow an 1 are now ready to continue business at the old ?tand. \V e handle a complete line «f WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES M e have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit ycur order. Our charges are reaionable, our price* are riirht. . McDOXALD & HALLER, Loup City, Neb. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 7.000 illustrations and quotes in ices on nearly 70,000 things that yon eat and use and wear. We constantly carry m stock all articles quoted. TV■grcaaWe Bailing ia tae Karat. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Ownecs and Occupied t,i. !asii* 7 Bj Is. A<.a iwtua sc. < ki<-a«« DO YOU WANT A WELL -IF SO REMEMBER THAT I am prepared to furnish ail kinds. I can make you a Hydfaulic, Drive or Bored WELL. AND FIT YOU OUT WITH A GOOD WNID MILL, PUMPS, AND FINTURES. JESSE RENTFROW, an experienced hand at the business will have charge of the mechanical work of thil department. T. M REED. A GULLEY Pruideil A. F. wSTLLST, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted* Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Co&aespoxdents: Seaboard National Bank, New YorkCitv. 5. National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.