The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 20, 1900, Image 8
Uoaai Duv/s ——...■» tv- "" ■ «■ l>r iUuiiif, tht* «lenti<t |U I lb« (mLioMUi- !».lt f |MU« U*• J »;«iu I loot ■MMMotftf fc\*r ms••hiit*** <TilI<*n 1 II iimml ♦ f &*••• »•. #■»••$ • *t i • •»* • ! *M i» M<Ut I * fct* • I 64» Uk<! *•( r»* ' 1 # t*Ct It NMlkrl 'I V*M tbJ » .-M *» l »Kr* i f »»t« f* tM« • *. Iklofkt *»J Vgj*t t (tit CUk:«MM« * Um • (H #tr * * tt>' b.H®r kt«» tW Mi|lw h~1t * H «m L*--* % *‘*4 M '* I****'' >*■■*! A*I>U*® * *IH| '.**4 IrtJ’f. Ulkt T V r*. J ♦- i.tMei »Ml I !•»« « •* '<i.t» »*» tw* 4 » iK It-.* U*»tt Vtbor m * •»»««•• VI t' <*• *fc*t*i®»J* 1 • >'«-** v‘*wr* **' ** i.’f ‘ « • •• « f» -r. *• oec-rt of tb* br*jy mm (»t mb Kr.« »!irtnl tUe.r l»r»« vs. 4 cki'btM l® work »t ibtif %* Jot* • *• •** *‘ *ew»!t tf % r«f* •»** ;t«c • *h*rt tf®» *1° U ®t*l® to bo *rvn**sd i|t!B It. Q, Mr \«ltjr U p«*Uin* * ri, k it 1*:.*® ®i-4*r M* b* -* *- ; ll*r' • tor brwli'mj M* ft*®!** Tb» tf Ofd are *©oa t« ob lb* of i**oiog 9* ‘ **' “ worth of boait to repair tkrlr *»^rt orora*. If too *tr mr «*tob bot is **** ' t+ptut bf tU ooly €r»* U»* «w<o »i to tttr ©coot v «al; oo G T1 *• KO40.the JooboWt. Mr* C I.I*ra».e Ktciw ! heirr !«♦* atgll frco Cootor m K*» l*b* <5rt | j«-4 «<ff ot on 5 ri* .te«i Hr Mr* J L Hoppor Cmm ud M* ©or t>#« «5i*c “tirjTj ir TWt or© of iu«dtn iofrofi smt t Oil or bo boro a«et (beta ; r« r .o; c* ttttt to "jo o food tbiag T ±. Hi tl» <;«M Veda t to HAMPER obiikn s 5io Orlrnt tod »fwr.fair * fc * ;r«' Trt »t, y©* wilt eodF*** it# * vrtKt -luM by T II £t*jnt Ix of Oty Xo rukt .‘•TO & Itf opclJt, ttrrd for Msfi. lUfS.ul fe too and ir«r tro* * * lot^> }•« oetl ©lii ©OOiOwr Ji ■ •y Moootala TV© lobes tbit atutth. JSc *#♦ yoai.f ottdct. tbot tVm take*) UtffOOtlMlbxki J4 K»uT- a Tm, Jiadr by il* Madioco M«d kb i if ti. • • t ll*o»l thy folr fa< e. fir TbocbiAt o of tbr 1C K "uoJot acb©oi tod Jcolor ioague bod o grout) fxidtlor o: £i«t«r egg botitfog ti ttoiotldtor* »f Mr st JoUnooo Tboy rtj©rt lots of foe. J. I. Ikpeor txjT-ir s Ilfiaf ?r;p l< Holdrigo Too*4a> mom ng W» 1 •rotor- He tro©enoiBifif roar bl uer r to complete b:» oe« ©rergo e bit obvp Tbo firm «*f Cok A X (xotld. or OoArrtUod it aU»»Ot u ». rf Mr. (olt rvlirtrg tod Mr. lor II* * r of tbr rm old* b!o p *ce llw»sft»-r tbt " no wlH « kb"©r© to IfcHora i 4 llollor Do. «Vr«t»»T»o» *.* m JOO» ofcaf a bora# oral* »b-»* in ;,»«) rtadHm. Took*, tkod p-irifier mod vermifuge They mm out !«.-*) but toed* tc to# ©**! (be bool la utt l*» pot m b»*r« .i yr.ot romdidm. Price 2i ©toot per ;oOb*ge fw >tk br ObsJu 1#©V . - Leu .e*er 4 • *» tbe prior of * bt f yrtro oobteri loo to tbt paper at* order it meet t© W. J Htrre) of Fori Col.lot, « *. Mr Harrod it a relative of Jobe Loio lt|rr o«d »eat from *t»L a*i<*t. to j* < •tkfidtk. Beo* furr 'wurr V-! t» vf « ’Mbber taio’• O»ogt» I'-ru.r t at. ! will reload the mw.»r l*> »» «m» arfcwj .• oat aa'baded a' «r -• tao tt. r !,, - to* c<Ml**t* Tilt* t# It* rttualt in IM Vfftd for i*Cr*Ptpr- ‘cauxb* cod* tr>«t' Mad abw^oc foafLi ao<! if ; irmul aad i*'f to f»i» it pr< f»i » •«* w4r>tT of • «*• d Sc* remit •*» j m u ' ••CIS Oirtitbl lira silt J«ki Ve*l*f **!**• k*-tp*r at Lit* • «m brouxfat u> it# e *4»tr »* .t Aa*t W - Jo**4a* is • 4*-a- it 1 .-* * * . • to* be M ®t» charge* o*r» j,raftr*<l j Ui« .Mtutf board 4M sol »»' I: «•* itkt#4 fag kl* frierd# tkit lb* ft*. (Mt* «f ora c«a4trt#» •#» 4*# t«» the #tc*t*.r« aa# of »U*kol Tb* r« 2* «t»r H»f4 to b*.f him. Kit# #«*• IdO acre* 1 » «#» lor r«'|t •uu* Oil area# io p*M«rr, <iW< frame b*-a** »!tt fit* rtcorf. |* of good »ar*r enteral me. j r r*o*«t» Eorjn.r* of (itii. W 401. Loot* Cilf, Vet T ft. XigfctiBgolo. ©oootr ou»irc*i •Eld K J. Nittfcti®/*** »e«t U* A*b V« *VHb*oi»> tc*»ftrix tf-» I'm i »U« tbr ot'.Kf '** • rrp rt*- l »** f fa * •Usliat It *»*■•« ft»«f «**cox ftefartora M*) ar* c-fcorg •4 Olfk «trol:sg ► * fat b **• fr tr liar *ord* ot u**l |4srr 1#» J P. 1o*l'j* Tkr b'v** o*r* take® to Faroe!! aod a*»M na lb* market. We fcsd the fileoacre <4 t»**t r.f the »*o editor of the ArrwfuOisffl gnaoo. Sir f*ool*r. 03 the trass !*•• Friday. lie «• • j:er,!e*r*o sod «L «• f - ,fi'« f^r a • j.•*' . r**t paper mac lie !t»f* rrr* that be caa oorfc «o*«tr foor h'*or* eaef amt. «mr hit ostweript d«ir.f tb* cal f< raj*- * rr trnm *h* 6*i^%l«nof ochariU wbiHl tfMlifte* fa mo f* r a ' t»f f« a* •a editor. P S —He :• % *.»i#5e mao oft fa hat him**, if to j :mi4* l*f. heore hit proape<.:« are briUiost. s " - I* Meilor v:eut to Aurora on bu> !*••»•* la#t Friday < I 'I&toa t’ify wa* visit >*»g rv. .'!»«•• hrrt* Sunday. < Lr.* >ai ili «.*•.<!*• a but met* nip to il -Tit •;» Sattu.'jij rriuniiflK Monday A i i ■ In; of fruit tries «' - .» r ! at t fit * station h*»t Mon da % Mr i Mt W s. Waite. we ate li f * * > 1 teft M \ .*,» f.,r tb#*ir lio.m* in I l» City la-i Monday. I m*w *:o».e crool ij* h;;ve been J» the *hi« «l* k and Three •e ttn !i r C uMdo atfotl 1>T ill* !*<•• fit \l «* H<»*: C-n rr la employed m the • »r* e*tat. ituarnt af M.o K»y te ViHttt, at pfwtit. I lib* »-• ks *»it j» tbi'mtcltri to b* i * •:* .! to u* are requested f«i rail and -* ’> tln-ir mt*. <ii\e this matter I r iL|*t attention and oblige. U nit f r I»r n«u»:ne. the dentbt of Patti aim w |f mak** regular vlsit* «» tfct* e:tr Viret elk*'- work. pric*** re*» »t kt> a- 1 **t!*faeilon guaranteed. Ibe Ke:»r «x«rrci-es which were to > toe off at tb M E chutch did nn: •»i*r ; 3 e. to the h* avy rain << rh ptetra . . Sunday afcraeon and rtreti In g *1 hi* 1* too much, John. I aon’t *'and t: an? lunger, io morrow ] rare for n.T mother’*. unless \eu get ;u» in rt It «t 'lountsisi l ea." Sen •ibto woman 35c. Aancri a sL til l have a nav« *t r< i I to l Co iri the worlJ aud the \ :esco mjft !n our congress is in he right direr'ion. 11.1 ’irL i hiuucrr. Ga . «i*j« IVWltt^ A c i\'i i 'i ve ciitrd him cf pile* .35 ^ . ri> f r twenty react* I .* .So •-perdv eure f*>r skin dtse*i*es. B lire f ! ngcrmi* counterf* its. OJr- Jib! Bros. I • - 1 -IViuV Little Early Risers ■ iT« »' K I i!»| { > • :• l. Yd. Tb*y re v«r ard ■ 9. « art . rk y and never gripe.— (».!n. : jL Bros !. >* «.r : A thn e rear old colt *h- Ii fir maiti *hca:ed limit !- 1 ght bay «•.».* in J h - two whtre r • 1 { .» .-*» noli*j ' it : . iraoK, Lmp ( ity.Neb *®4 rtceiird rew at.l J-lg A all ic’u:n<-4 fr *tn his trip ih -i.t. • 1 .it >»'sird«jr where lie La* > ’ e: 4 J** e ■ *’ '"1 for defendant •. ’■ r Ji> s» ti j r lar cate. Mr IVal -i-• w d* >1 lr. j* tti;;.*: hi- riiant < IT with * \t r l.«: « f tnankiaugbter and only ■ L #• e» t at t*.« per. The |>r« siding j u Ig* ■ • in o ;m. z th» sentenee •aid that »!.- r :ict should have been tnurder the first d grrc \ * ' ii . . a- fl.ndt ' be without «»;.< SI t. * ougb < *me. It will slop • * Z ‘ -r i t-t re a »! <) ricke r than te- * \ W. Will - ~ e _ Run. 1*4. it cnre* croup. * • iti ! a*: rhr .? and lung troub «*» »:.d 1 lit* rotifinplion. Pita* .nt »• ! harm it.-- O t< ndahl Bros. Mr Mr a. J. T. Hale of this ; •* i t to liatti*» t’r»ek, Nebraska Ft lit in re*»|f>c«f to a telegram t»f t iti g tlieoi of the death of hie ■r ti r »bo died recently. We did ‘»t *• r; anv f the particulars ex • pt that .iia reinatvs were brought 0 Hi'.'.b* Cr *«k for funeral and in u-rmeni \ •• e lent happen* d to John ' * « of ttj u. \ M. section force. • ••♦♦■rday morning which rc»u ted in *;»!• « f ■ rod of a hager, Tb» 1 •* t ~ *r?e J < at 2t u>ua) and when in • ■ if*** *..!• e»*r Loup t'ltr beard fs L.-> if au incoming stock P ' >*' i h«- lltattlf lifted the hand 5r a tr«• k an i la So doinc Mr. '• f >- » * f. *er wa« caught between • rail a ! tb- handle of the ear. cut • £ the C ger off at the fir*, joint. A © • * im til erg but for bo*pi '■? 1** r o. i* cot often fo«iid n«r »*- r ,frm to contain the milk of ii inn * !■.**> beyon i the common. » t'op »ea* hurt* that beat* for uth <■1* ©Off, i.,‘- » ticrcb li ar place la*t Sunday ■* • £ 'be f ' 'u! eerrinoniei of Mr* b i'aige it u*hauf*f', bough filled ■ g r "ia veined to contain but •r * g„ f*..n r Tbo w It; a, it g their *•* *» ; ip • :■ to a departed lovd o: e. i;„ h had a tear to drop at the • 1 *ud ' • t.ik t:g away of thin g! . •: ! the* yom.g • » ; !. :L ti£h broken hearted and • d a f 1 a» itfc hi* tenible be r* * ’ • ild li'it l»e cheered by the a * *ge .t alj around him hi* i t • • /! ■ i* »*re trying to h-lp • *t I * » rrnw. The tertnoo wa tt* Jong «‘tie • ffuigetit with bright /* - ' t:. future at>d the (aced a t /* 1 y tL«‘ b ;r invited th >.p ]pft *■ L folio» ;ti tna m ntly foot • >fth* pmtt«d. She ma* gone • it • rrr » i!i ha forgotten . NotttHV.f *i» u> m ! * • fn tug letter from TV It. Gun • I. * t* u' t B'lvnl from Kockville to t * i r» *ei.t io**ation w• aid indicate h*' b - * • p'e :»e | «i<b hi* Miriound • t* 1 ,* hap) y* if only he had n«- Nnatawi 'TIi:s Mr Gu«t aavt: *, ■ .♦ y. < o*or • |<i, A| rti I4?b, 1900 lit.?*?- IP >!„''ir A <ii'e*on : |c ar -vr« 1*1 «<" lii.<I enclosed *1 f< r a year* sat-rription to the *« :Ttt vri *TI M IIv. e in ted to Col r*<* * t».d fit: I rr< rv ih::.g the heart •on d «i-h fir t*ut veer paper. w. n fiL-r, WHY u't«l ton buy a New Home” Sewing tf« idie jo e »o any other?’ B - e you ka«w vb«n f*»U buy a * Near Uutat" }’9V litft the T*rjr beat *etm g machine that ha* ever been *r.iit. For Hit by T M Bwi>, AN.NOr.M'EUF.NT CARDS. AT PttESUTTBKIAH H ALU. Rev. Johnson of Kearney will preach in th-- Presbyterian Hall in Loup City, Sun lav April 22. at Id:*') a. in., at Austin at 3:00 p hi. and at Rockville at 8:tW in the even ing All are cordially invited. AT THE M. E CHCRCH. Rev. S \V. tJatnbl- of Ottawa. Kansas l w 11 lecture in the M. E. Church on Satur day evening. April21st, at h o'clock, on Sun day morning at and Sunday evening at s (X): Alao on Monday evening. April 23, at 8 o'clock on "The True Sabbath." U\. Gamble comes recommended by the Fading ministers of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish churches. Admission free. A collection will be taken at each service to defray expenses. Sure and hear him. lie may be expected to prrach on Wiggle Creek at3:tW p. in.. April 22. Itev. Matt tews will preach at Oak Creek on Sunday April 22 at 3 p. m. The Easter exercises • postponed from April 22. tu the M. K. Church at 11:30 in place of the Sunday School. W E Matthews, Pastor. W. C. T. r. MEETING. Th - VV. C. T. C. will meet at the home Mrs. M. J. Holcomb, Friday. April 20. at s o'clock P.M. A programme ha> been pre pared all are cordially invited, Secketakt. THE OI.U MAlll CONVENTION The date of the following announcement h.»-- been changed from April II to April 2k The L. of G. A. R will render the play en titl- !' The Old Maid Convention.” at Watk nsou Hall. Saturday. April 2K Wa have a d-dl cn exhibition at A. E. Chase's store to be voted to the prettiest liitle girl under eleven years old. Two votes for five cents. The voting will eontine up to the close of the entertainment. The result of the vote at rive o'clock on the 7th inst. will be posted up in view, also at the same hour on the 14th. Admission Adults 10 cts.. Children under 12 years 5 cents. CARD OF THANKS. To our many friends: VVe desire to ex press our sincere au i heartfelt thanks to ad tor devoted kindness, love aid sympathy in this, our sad hour of bereavement in the lo->» of our beloved Blanche. Mr. C. F Beu•hausen and relatives. Mr and Mrs. E. G. Paijre and family. Mr. & Mrs C F. Juduvine and family Miss Lillie Paige. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR ( ASII. TbeN. E. fourth of Sec. 33, 16, 15. it* fenced for pa?ture and located about five mile;; from Loup City, close to A Hail lies farm house, a:so the northwest • f the northwest four) h of Sec. 29, 16, 15, near Larson"* farm l'he recent ■darting up of a colossi Tacking home at Sioax City and slaughtering daily about k’oUO head *>f stock furnishes a valuable competative stock mark et with South Omaha for this re gion, thereby making stock raising far nu-re profitable than the raising of grain. The long strecthes of fences going up in every direction would in dicate that pasture land surrounding Loup City ar** becoming more valuable rod scarce. Kuii 1»ros , Sioux Falls, S. I>ak. MILLINERY. I bare jtist received a ney stock of up-to-date millinery goods and am better than ever prepared to suit mr customers both iu styles and prices. My stock i- first class in every respect and if top need any thing in the rui Faery line yon should call and -ee my goods before placing your order Kaytk Moon. Seelnse nnd Knowing. An eminent lord chief Justice who was trying a right of way case had be fore him a witness, an old farmer, who was proceeding to tell the jury that he had “k no wed the path for CO year, nnd my feyther towld I as he heard my grandfeyther say"— "Stop!* cried the judge. "\Ye can’t have any hearsay evidence here.” "Noi!” exclaimed Farmer Giles. “Then how dost know who thy feyther was, ’cept by hearsay?” After the laughter had subsided the judge said, "In courts of law we can only be guided by what you have seen with your eyes and nothing more nor less.” “Oh, that be blowed for a tale!” re plied the farmer. “I ha’ got a bile on the back of my neck, and l never seed ’un. but I be prepared to swear he’s there, dang ’un!” This second triumph on the part of the witness set in a torrent of hearsay evidence about the footpath, which ob tained weight with the jury, albeit the judge told them it was not testimony of any value, and the farmer’s party won. Grandfather'* II) mm. The Contributors’ Club in The Atlan tic gives some information concern ing "grandfather’s” hymns: “Imagine them and their good wives gathered In j the New England meeting house, trol ling forth such ‘spiritual songs’ as the book preserves for us: "Then, Mo min? friend#, a Ion? farewell; We're bound to heaven, but you to helL Still Cod may hear us while we pray And change you ere the burning day. “And. be it observed, this ‘burning j day’ to them was something as definite j as washing day. This was none of . your vague purgatorial way stations, j but as fiery a pit of torment as the | imagination can well conceive. Here Is a glimpse of it: "llark, the shrill outcries of the guilty WTetcbe*: Lively bright horror and amazing anguish fctare through their eyelids, while the living worm lies j Gnawing within them.” Don III i hi; Ilia Joy. “Young man,” said the girl’s father, | “do you realize that in asking for my j daughter’s hand in marriage you are | asking me to give up my only child?” l.xcuse me, sir.” replied the young ; man, "but yon are evidently laboring under a misapprehension. 1 propose to come and live with you after we are married, and you ywill then have two children Instead of one. Now, what more could you ask?”—Chicago News. A Lack. She—What! Are you going to dine at the club? I should think you would ; hate to take dinaer there. He—Why? She—I Wen use, my dear, you will miss ■li the pleasure of complaining about what you get to eat.—Detroit Free ! Tress. ---- Sailors’ trousers, or “trombone pants," as they have sometimes been called, expand in boll shape at the l>ottom so a> to l»« the more easily kicked off In case of the wearer’s falling into the water. ASHTON LOCALNKWS The«\ Ojendyk. W. H. Brown. Henry Howard *nd W. .M. Smelser represented Ashton twp. at tin* Re publican Count} convention at L >up City Inst Thursday. They rep>r hauug had a very interesting con vent ion. Mrs C. F. Reushauspn di >1 Fri day m Tnifig and buried Sun day afternoon at the l ei >n i*. m-u ry. The full obituary will Uc found \ it another column. The entire pop ulation of this neighborhood j »: » us extending sympathy t<»the b’reared husband and relatives. George H. Gibson of Loup City, was seen ou our streets last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F L Tayl r and C. K. Taylor of Sb Paul cone up and spent Sunday uiih relatives in this berg. J. P. Taylor paid Farweil a busi ness visit last Saturday and found the hogs which were “lifted ’ from his yard on the .^m. The foil iwling relatives of Mrs. Beushausen where here to attend her funeral Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Paige of Raton. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. M. Paige of Raton, Colo. Mr. Lloyd Paige of St. Paul, Neb. .♦lr. and Mrs. Gust Beck and Mr. e. T. Beushausen of Ord, Mias Lillian Paige and Mrs. Jti iyvine of Bell wood, Xtb. and lloy al Judy vine of Qrand Island. Mr. ncd Mrs. I>. M Hendrickson of Farwell, and Mr. and Mrs S, J. Fair of Rockville spent Easier with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Suielstr. An elegant rain visited this sec tion Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, it is reported that between :t and 4 inches of water fell, which i$ of in estimable value to our farmers, and we hear it said on every side that the prospects are brighter than they have been for several years. Louis Bartunek made a thins:bus iness trip to St. Paul Monday. Fred Wiebman jr. “railed" it to St. haul Monday, but he refused to tell us her" name. A X. Conklin and J. I’ Tailor was attending to business in Far well last ilondav. J. K. .Conklin spent Exeter Sun day with his family at this place. I. M. Folskt of Loop City, spent Sunday with jelativee and friends at this place. John Rapp sr. left us Monday morning for an extended trip through Oklahoma visiting relatives. Dcsd Mills of Rockville w as seen in our city Tuesday. * The new town board met Tuesday night and organized. Now we will wait and see about the much talked of sidewalk to the post office. Eve ry one has telt the need of it this - week, as there is an •‘over-produc tion” of mud. Paul Bartunek boarded the East bound passenger Wednesday mor ning for his home at Wolbaeh sf’.er a visit with his brother, our gonial harness maker C. F. Beushausco left Wednes day for a few dais visit a! Old with relatives. Frank Gappa left u» Wednesday for a business visit to St. Paul. Chus. S pet Inn an <>l Omaha vras registered at one of our Uoiels Wed nesduy. II. V Nansen came up from Hue- j Iiih to spend Killer Sundry with iiia parents near hero. “Rubber” looks as natural as ever. Wc understand that Ashton is go ing to he “dry” on the saloon ques tion for a short period this spring owing to the failure to advertise1 . 1 in tune. the <•«*.• of Then. Scknuraand, Peter Kwaitkowski was called in Justice court Wediesday morning ! o« the charge of stealing hogs from I J. I*. Tailor. but as we go to press we failed to learn how it has been decided.—They were held to Dis trict court. Ed. M 8. Linn ut Carroll, Neb. arriv-1 1 . I ed Wednesday coon for a visit with relatives in this neighborhood. t. C. IT. LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that on April. 1th 1000. E. RMUburn filed with the Village Clerk of Loup City. Nebraska, bis petition lor the issu ance of a Hern*n to sell malt, spi ri Lius and ' ; vinous liquors, within said Village durintr the tlscul year uext ensuing from and after Tues- ■ day May. 1st HkX» Objections to the issuance of such license must be filed on or before the Hrsl day of May IHoo K. e . M ii.nt'RN Attest G. H. Gibsok. Villa?* Clerk. J. 1. Carson, Prothonitary, Washing ton, Pa . smjs * I have found Kodol j Dyspepsia Cure ac excellent remedy lit case of stomach trouble, and have th rived great benefit t otn ils ure.” It digests what you eat and cannot tail lu «ure.—Odeodabl Bros. no you have nm ckms If you hate, will tell y n ' to get tlx* inoM !«ir t «ti r t i -i.e; . liid Seihi W'et k 3 Jotir: a.!, juiblisliecl at Lincoln, wt::t> '■fvn.t! ibcu*aad new >ub?crit>crs and «s a-{ ••1*1 »i. iuvement will in.nil J h • paper twice :t act k from now u:»;ii tl e «i d of tliN yar ft»r .'0 c« nt«. I’"«• i ';■< ••* < .n li we. k with all llie new* itf ilte vcrli!, through tit* great | it *i.f*nti.'.l tstrip**# n and the «:>tui :.'en m il t* star-.- f*>r two l it. fi t* i.f'tl !he ?ticket Nrvt r in \ n;:r .e ts■■ *, «• t b* en t ii *'i «o> so ijou li r<*a r.;-2 nmttei f«)i •>‘•1 »'• nis Mini it \ wtir ti:«*: * ' lijih' H”w-. be ciust* tj t* sooix i 3 ■ u read if in, tlio in< if | r.j>irs you ' J r your ir.orey Adclre.*»s. Xi*bra«k ; > * .1 uri.a', Ei • coin, N. o •jin sio I.Ike W i dtire ihiu„s «re * b’* *’ they be come “,i ■ b *i feilii?.*.*’ Abraham Hare a IcrnJli ^ <iI i ! i f Bt’!ti'vi:lr, O, wri es• “Electric B.itr* are the best selling biitcrs 1 have Isaixllcil in 20 year* You know why Mod diseases be^in in ! li-otders of stnmich, liver, kidneys, b >wel«, hlood and nerves. Electric Utter* tone* u;» the stomach, regulated liver kidmj- ami bowels, purifies the ! blood, rtrengtbeM the nerves, hence cures multitudes of maladies It build* up the entire system. But* m w life and vigor into any weak, sickly, run down man or Woman. Price 50 cents, S< ’ 1 by Odendahl Bros. FRANCHISE TO TIIE NEBRASKA TELE PHONE COMPANY. (Ordinance No ST.i An ordinance jrrantinr certain rights and privllagcs to the Nebraska Telephon-* Com pany. it* successors and assigns. repul-i linr erection of po! >s and wire* and pro tecting same in the Villape of Loup City. Slu rman County. Nebraska, i’c it ordained by the Chairman and Board ot Trustees of the Village of Loup City. r>.. I. That the Nebraska Telephone Com part; , it* successors r.ud asigns. be and are here- y granted right of way for the erection and maintenance of p de* and wire* an lull the appurtenances ther to. for the purpose of transacting a telephone and t» lepraph business through upon an 1 over the street*, alleys and public prouads of the Village of Loup City, provided that said Company shall at all times when re juestel by the proper au thorities, permit their poles and fixture* to be used for the purpo*e of pi vine a>t I maintain inp free of charge. any wires which may l>e neccs*ar.v for the use of the police or Ore de partment* of the Vilia. " i f L*- p City. And further provided that such pole* aud wires shall be errccted so as not to interfere with ordinary travel through each streets aud alleys. See. Whenever if "ha!! be necessary for ! any persen to move #1 n.- or across any of said vtr«‘» ts i r alleys an .- vi-hicli or struvture of such height or gize as to interfere .. 1th any p.'les or wires so crrect ?d. tlie . rnpany using ami operating such poles and w ires shall upon receiving twenty-four to urs notice, served in writing upon their A;:* ut or M.martr at L up ity. ** ■ n j irarily remove such poles and wires from such place as must necessarily be cros-ed by such vehicle or structure and pr* vid- » that this section -hall not or construed to apply to circuses or other parades upon the public streets or alleys. Ste. 3. Any person who shall interfi e with, cut. injure, remove break or destroy any of the po].^. wires, fixtures, instruments r "ther propetty of the said Telephone* Company or its successors shall be deemed guilty of a misle raeanor and on conviction thereof shall lie lined in any sum not les- than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars, and any p*. r son who shall paste, tack or fu-t.'S on the poles or fixtures of said Company any sign, poster advertisement or banner shall be fined in any sum not less than Five Dollars nor more th.n Fifty Dollars. See. t. This franchise shall u minute at the endofSOyears from dote. That this ordinance shall take effect on and aft» r its puhlicati*>n Approved and passed March 2. 1900, an l puh* lishcd April '10, 1900. I J. Pim. Chairman Attest » Board of Trustees. 1 tl. II. Gliisox. Village Clerk. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF KRDiTOK*. In the District Court of the United State* tor the District of Nebraska. In Bankruptcy In i lie matter of i I'ktkr I*. Mottoow, In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. 1 To the Creditors of I*, ter p. slohodny of i.mipt ity. In the county of Sherman and District atoresntd. a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that oa the 9th day or April, A. D. IfOi, too s*M ivtcr I*, slotnidny was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of MS creditors will be held at mv office tu Grand Island. Nib., on the :>th day af ApiU.A. D , if"*, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the cred itors may attend, prove their claim*, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as mav properly com* before said meeting. It. It IIORTH. Rcfetee In Bankruptcy, Dated this IHli. day April 1.O0. LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE N tier* is hereby given that on March 13. j 1300. William II Treadway filed with the j Village Clerk of LoupCitv. Nebraska, his prti- j tlon for the Issuance of a license to sell malt 1 spir.tunns and vineous liquors within said Village during the fiscal year next ensuing from and after Tuesday May 1st. 1900. Objee- J tions to the issuance of such license mits* be tiled on or before the said 1st day of May 1930. WlI.I.T\M H. THE ' I'Vi AY. Attest C. II. Hibson. Village Clerk* ___j liqcok license notice. Notice is hereby given that on March •?.>,! I3t«'. P. Slohodnv and John Chilcwski. mi rier the firm name ot Slohodnv A Chile* ski, ] filed with the Village Clerk of Loop citv. Nebraska, tbelr petition f.-.r the issuance of a license to sell malt, soiritora an; vinous liquors, within said Village during the its. cn* venr next ensuing from and slier rm s. day May 1st 1900. Object ions to the issuance; ot such license must he tiled on or betore . the first day of Mav P‘ 0. St/ KOliSI A ClttlFwSM, Attest t; li <itn*ox. Village clerk. LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on April l b*A». ; T. Hemy KSn -r Ulc . with tin Villa,**- d rk cf Lor.p City. Nebraska, his petition for ibr i Miaiuoof a license to st ll Mall splrlious au<| vinous liquors. within said V .Hit f ilm liic tin* fiscal year next ensuin'. from end after Yuc*. I day May 1st 1(M0. Objection* to lb* o of such license mum Ik* tiled «n or before the | first day of May. lt’3>> T. llrvinr Alt* ! *«’ M 111 M>* Vlllace l •h ilt W. W. May hew, Merton, Wl*„ *n *, * I con»l lei One Minute fNitifh < m* a most wonderful medicine, quit It ai d •afe,” It la the only tnrmh *» that filvi a Immaiilate te*Mli», It cui*<* ootitfh*, cold*, cioitu, hionchtll* fit| | e j whooping cough, |>tteutnohlH ami nH llti oat uid lung tlUrat « lb *>»> It u-e |tioionia coiiauii>|tlluu t Ulldi an al way* Hb« ii urn! tuuihvia amlnue II Odcmlalti III <>• &GNTR0SE ESOYGLEWFBEE . T,; . • ««** f &rP~;HSJ! :. - i'w -... .. j C.wan; ii .« WE WI1A Ml IP .»v -a V a I t\IX oa approval, allowin ; yo . to unerase and •* k iVfn.fv ‘.'for*' >.• 1 ‘ it. .r it Is ni t ,.;i and mow turn wo \ i&»Sa.r V , ,1 titan you c».t pe: ■ any where new the . «* ? * ***“?*!• ourselves. Xifc3 • at or. r Sr‘'*"tal •! need not am*|.t it nor pay ifvoqr.notn’ -vcr >.A • .T. WeareEXCL! I IE Hit'VOLK wi\rruTi B>- * V 1 nkr t method or in;•! tuorodocbia i ‘>1 oV i:KKa' ii..; i:->: v ■<■--■• * ■■J!*1* *S*f •*1 ' i r.« !e to aeeuTo a fi - D E® A (3 & tS Tin each tow a to wpre^nt«» -V4I tate r-r l i .-t** ntaliP BOW? lOS*. #)V„„i,r:r,r-.' • r> r-ut •-« < -• »r.fh{ In* tc •‘inch. Best Sv'j*a ■ •* | ; . s«-an.l«v- tat >• tr »u . i • -ni •• r.nee S* t* u*r 0«;»f-fa , .1 i handlebar; lt< -.#1 hTUttwi: the celebrated 3t*Ti*hutwa t l.amtej the easiest ran Ira V. v «?«n ord “A" lire*-the b • ' « •! ( «l the Hyglryja :. 11:» t»«ark nxmpn crc^< -i cjrern. liiir- :lj ornowi % *. *■ *h ial finished nlt-kcli r on aii lv-'ht purte. We thonniplUy n* t every |m-co I of mat.-' I i hr t goes into this natchinc. Our bincicf yi*ur * jtui antrp bend «. into ihli __i }; DEBT'S to ary one Jr r t! fKUOcsak in full vith order * * ■ «U 3T rniwC arad free a per-v.;:.;: ISwdieb U'.WO mile barrel pattern . Jhr.ttter; or a J.ipH p . -r : u.:.. V our money ail back U you aro not tj tt*t!vsal!:fi'd . . .<>_ v. ■ have a rm acht *1*» »oa>« rlit h !,’<JrM>lX *. t> iroiK.iWB)!n aal 1. tn each tow-.! for l! !■< ; •• "I •. »i!l eloao out st. * '■ - • «»I K Ut t.iAiil: . •• ' ' • m,:r 1c , ■ ■ ■> • • f-. ~~ " f »**r.r » '-Ir-r Tklslow | n -ea 1>» w i tad ra v:n v *?ry fioer. i ! AN1) \\ iXEElJ* ^^my^ry c hr pc*" r r ISStfM* <5* tl * b© 1:\r^,t la: i»l t *rra^ of * rMO < f lM i pttfH inC :;ks S£t»J YOiiS ;■■ J, L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, » taven m ira \ rn ! . . bend for finraJi ti»i. ora: r express or i?i Chicago ii you wish it 'meat without. deposit, will , CiiSG&3&B W| When you want to have your watch repaired by the only lirst class workman in the county call on G H. MORGAN. or if you have any other jewel ry which you wish to have put in firs : class repair take it to G. H. MORGAN. Von should remember, when you want to ] urchase a nice new piece of jewelry to call on Yours for business ! G. If. MORGAN. Jew }• r I,■ '-»> City, X*b. TO CALIFORNIA Tli.' Amrri. an Miminr rta nil. ; ‘ The overland Limited* via Union Pacific ms- «** :r. .- v hours quicker time between Missouri River and ts;.n Fran | ci?co than other Kn*. Finely equip . ped with Pout)!*’ Drawing Room Pal* see >!< rptrs. lk.2'» t Sm* king arid Lib* | rary Car? with Bu ber Chop and P >as an* Iv -, ’i: : Rooms, DiningU^r-, Meal* a-la-cut .e. Pi;;:-eh I '_h*. Steam II> at. For tick* -. ativc;iliiog matter ar ! ft ! tnfoim i< a call c-u or address—W. D. «'Hftoa. Agent. BEGOOt) iO YOURSELF untl good to your friends. When >ou treat a friend to v ■ h’skey, give him tic best. IIAI1PER Wii-■ -kv> i> the b-‘v: ra ,c for your f: i ai.d for you. Soli by—T. j 11- Elfnli:. l oop City. Neb. .—.— Birr V. •!«»’« \i n SslTf. Has world-v. ico fame I t marvelous j cur- >. Ir sur isy other stive, lo I ti i, ointment r balm for Cuts, Corns, Bur Ik/—. S-.: Felons, U cr-rs, Teller, Sait li;; ns-!. F<\ *r -tores, < hip ]>• ,' !! !•' !'. S,.i. Eiu;tio::s; lrifallible fi>r Pii •*. Care guaranteed. Only '.5c at <J> i.ualfi Bros. NOTICE. I have 150 bushels of t in ice millet seed for s tie a" r a->u b!e figures. I: »$ of the ’99 crop and nice nd clean. "rank Otlewski. NOTICE ro THE PUBLIC. I have retHed and furnish: d ray prop erty in the south part of town hereto fore known as the Rosseter bou=e and nor hare opened the same as a first eh: s boarding house. in ir4 2w If its. M V Wiiaktax fir* FOR LETTERS ABOUT XEBR The pwwnft r department of the B *£. >1. R. R. R. < ;}>r* thirteen cash prizes agregatiug $115 for letter-! about Nebraska. Particulars of the contest, which is « pm to all, can be had by ad dressing J Francis, G. P. A., Omaha. Neb. THE UrVT2.c,VTE LITTLE Li lj» * * V V- % liiaO ^SSIlousncss-. ■ JiiLssjs * W v. . c L • ! €2 71 * *s * v> # i Hfi I. > * 4 • * * : *, ■■ **■ • '"U" : ; ; 1 ~ P:--:• SkVi-*?n•*'*■*■"» -h.-i a .£$*■?£':Complaint, DO PILLSjs ^ctcJn ,aa ott * c ! ccwito. t'JQ ri^Lv. jiJold by a!! urr-- t-.n or rent by a ii. iNcvitfi l*QK SXt.K ItY OHKNhAHU IIKOS., LCG? CiT 1! • NOTU'K Til <'UKt>t TOR*, of SlH'i wan evani t, »* • '•'**<* >t *<«t*r*»** in »•<himr ontnrt Brtlhtn Bint for 'lin < .*>• romi’v, N^Ih \|m 11 i 11> <* »V ■> itu nmtlot of (lio • stttti ««t Mt*i I Moll * to THt t •,,! ;*» r- i; oi *. \»t» i » r \ i » »<••» U t f' ttl II ll\ hill Ifl. • I III Oil > I III llll> l UMltt \ « >»H| | |. •III, »H I !V H I lll .i'l i'Mint < "il >' Mi'Ui i.| Hitt1 uhi Ir i, Ift n I» «*,. • V *n H* in \t> mtii > \ ilium ini* «)«k« <*.*h V I' Il *» ' ■ * I l< II »1 I •> n. . . n •Ml*'*' II*** H»M*> litinn I t> * l|l«* ft** »» m I t**l* "t I t 11 .... «■ - M I I - Il * ,1 i„ % % Itii'HII- 11 ii *s>*» ‘ i» •» M n * , IUXI •uni |||*t linn* lli li- 't l>» I'Hi im |si , i Mi »»**•"* * * i*i I* “i* .» I i H s*»| it Mil* t **0>v i, til* ' \\iii**»«»»> i>i»wi( am «.it n| iiM ixami I'li'Mi.lfcm Hit* *s*u * '( ill ib A .1 A X *i lH • -*****» ♦**.«. ,• »M<« U tti t» 1,11.1111 i Inn., i Out h f It. i* fl|K I*h> mm" W'lH^ II- I »» til* O.t i|»«l II- -I tv. 4*yt Bit In tilniliVAl-s |||t tin!.t m i A * ■ .It. • • I O t. * v »** tint «Mn ii'*' •*«• K*t * H**i «*. liiillAllmi (MfutftM Hml :ni2 table. I.OUP CITY. ST.bR Line do, Omabt, Chicago, St. Jo*i ph. liitusas City, St. Lou'*,' inf! all point* East and Sooth. Denver,. Helena. Butte, Sait Lake City. Portland, San Franelaco, and *11 point* West, THAIMS LEAVf AS FOLLOWS* GOING EAST a# 58 Passerjror.7'.*6 a. m No. t.o Freight.18 V) p. m. GOING TVMT No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. in. No. 59 Fieight..12*30*. m. >1 onpi :>g dinner and reelta<ng chair car* *H*t* free) on t Is rough train* 1 :chet* me linflpif* checked to any point in the L mu d Slate* or Canada. • ■ table* sa* : t . on or write to It. L. Arthur A •.«. J. F !t A N' 1«. Geu’i. l’a>-cuyer A:, at, Oman*, Nebraska. U. P. KAILWAT. N : !i'«tw daily except Sunday (pttl Ci..:--; . T:«*< a. mi. v . ■ < Monday. Wednesday and Friday, {mixed) i<:20 )>. m. No. . leave* Tuesday, Thursday and S.'' urc. y, (mixed)2:55 p. in. > . rnv daily execpl Sunday (mixed 12:;. > )». it:. >' ’5 . . rive* daily except Sunday ;nu. enger) 7.&» p tu. i .' i c »•* -«nric* an . close connection* east, Weal south vr. d. cliftos, 1 Origon Short Line and Oregon K R & Navigation Co. Hive place*’ in ? nice Hr, additior a! Portland Train. This Train, ‘THE PACIFIC EXPRESS’ X.< re- On .1 : -1:25 p. re. a; d arrive* Hi Poriliiid 7;k0 <i. in., ONLY TWO DAYS ON THE ROAD Tic* ' me of ihe other Portland Train “The Overland Limited,” f.c .vin^ Omaha S:20 a. tn. Iiss been re* tiu .! i’ h’ urs and -13 minutes. OX 5.Y 35 norRS AXD 40 M1XIT 1 ES *• ■' n Missouri River Portia.:,!. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. b >r t in tables, folders, ilfus*rated bo k*. ;' nip hlets descriptive of the rer ritory trav* rsed, eall on—W, D. Clif ton, A_*r. I. >up City. Xcb ANTED—Honest man or wo-nan to tra vel tor jargebouse; salary #65 monthly ami expenses, with increase ; position per manent; inclose self-address stamped en velope. MAN AGER. 330 Caxtou bldg , Cbi cago III. 7 1-19 W^^TED—SEVERAL BRIGHT AND HonksT persons to represent us as Vau ageis in :u- and close by counties. Salary ^‘dii year aud expense* Straight, Dona. ri no moie, no It*:.* salary. Position per umnei:t. (Hu references, any l>itnk in anv teu n. it is mainly office work conn acted at Re*crenee. Km-io-** s ’U-adilrwB <• ! stamped envelope. Thu i* t*osi t’.\x i, i Uh ivro. to;; -35 19 u. AG!.ms W VNTKD.-for-The Lire \aa A.-Jiicyement* of Admiral •• • • . I-* gt.atest naval nem. Itv' Murat < .f t ■ life bmg »Meads a ,.| a.imtrej i* > ,.u. . idol. Uigiicsi and book; > 0 |v«e*. 'xiu Inches, near'% 1.0 .,ntreI ■ • o. .lbwtrsiions Only r..„',r. . tins ad di^ commissions. Outfit ,* ‘or a )ttel(>t*e. W.ue , J , ><*o « Company, *t Floor rat to* '»*»•*! .Cule.lK", lb! - o! ! five i halt 1 non t rets The Biilii IHflests what you eat. Ntiliifu lit t and rveoD * ' * '*disjmiv® or . v* "i;''’'r preparation ><'' • '* hvnnjinontlyrurnl ... .V ' ? , ■' Nauss? .Cfamps.a^J| *■-- \;;:V ari^ld>^tion t. » At * C®„ Cjjlccco. ' '' Vh;;» Htj, XeJ> . M • » *r*M*v% Mum. un ■" ;'"h ** * f>vm ■' * .. ' V'v lVft,.is .tnd ' ' ' k '.| ' Htv t>' *, 1 ’ ^ ■ 1 > - ■”» Vv-c vi l a«w " V’ ,» mwIt *« h® " i’*’* I'* tw 4 hi® * M«<* »UU». It "*»' v. \, ,t tNtt o.UM.ui Bros,