The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 20, 1900, Image 4

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• Uu mi VIm Hb.
Lntn l
Nn J J. NuM ohu »pukr kn miOd
of labor Mtl«M and ihrir ai.eged treat
th* member* of the todaotrial tulo uo
Bit—I no at the Annum icai ;h# other
day, Is a wornsb of nut
SpfH ■Stlif* iv-rfit* her
hithrrweas tonsrd the umoa t on# sab m kf a litO# talk »Mk her
that ikt in mm bUier ion arc t tnjrtfc|t|
to to*' a or id
“Aayuw# «ko kn#« an h a little
g*ri wawid >—4sr at tkr nay I talk
•«* ah# aaid “1 *m iibiI #v#a to
as rtiriai a km I a a* lit tie. and
I alas?* *«i « retiring actus later,
hat I has# k**a forced by tk# null at
ww 4mm to rrjr oat and to assert atjr
nsM* aa aa American aoauta. a* tk#
atom* mt a hunm to jsrotrrttoa
•P hd tk# m#a aka* lake from my
hashand tk# <han<# at cara af a litr*
Mrs Kakk dress#* veil, alt touch »h#
utn k#r ona rkstk#* Skr*r#d
#tu#* tk# cwmmiaaicai ta a red waist
and dark afcsrt. and aot until ak# said.
"I raaa# to fm as tk# »»f# at a me
kaaw - aa outraged merl—1r.~ mould
aayoa# hare believed that *b# was
other than aosa# noman* .lot* member
with a general late-#*: .n rdurai.
"other than with a aprctsJ grwvraao#
saaa iac at her heart
**I am a aafcatk i w:t#,~ *k# said,
“and I am prawd of it. My husband is
aa pood a rittoea aa say to tk# rity.
H# in a fra:-rtaaa workman oa# at tbm
khad who always pot irst-ciaaa wage#
shea k# ass employ ed. * ho never had
any cwtopiaiat against him ter inferior
work Haao t k# aa sa AnserW-aa rlti
aes- a right to aork* Have any Amer
-cams a right to aay whether he shall
work or aot when he is a dime to?
Haven't I a* his wife and the mistress
of his horn# a right to have him earn
hi* tlvmg a* he desire* to* Are aot
all tk# priacipi#* at rep*ib:.«a» gov
-raawat owtraged aa 1 «ill tied and
shooed sad degraded ky inn* onion*,
kat rah me at my hutne sad mr hus
band of kis work, sad m*.ieiy uf our
Owt of breath. Mrs Rubk paused a
moment, and then mH*r* • Vimir cos:lo
wed to tell someth tag of her hustMiad's -
history " He ass s member of s union
mt painters sad glacier* m good j
standing * said she “sad oae day h# ;
hnefc- tk# uaioe s nii#f ta order to pro- j
t«rt kls employer* property Thw
mm s strike mm tbe Job. »tl
mmnh mi valaable mm* fe»a«-i > * as lying
:• S place ea1~~ as Jp»6 skylight,
w bare it Might ba»e brca greatly «i*m
by a aim at- Tbe eaiploycr *p
praM ta hia- it »»* (Turin W. Uia
4ri» a&4 U »*oa*»ti4 to pat m tfc*
Siam. The aeua ageeu fount! it oat.
Tkrf wait*4 tiii he «a- oat from
• ut TVf attarfcH hiar TVjr <
kaorkea hi* 4ovn tad bear hint over
tar Srai asti! br *M »ur*iiblr. The ,
r ■ --mitt «bo mm It k»fc«-4 the other !
• ay. A av»U»i*r m'* rf-r» i anJ
ao««4 bis Ufa. TVs (V) or ought fata
boaMl to ar lie vos Insensible for
4ay* an4 4ays. an4 vaa sb-fc a long
• are That * tbe ao> tbe city pru
torts oar right* '
' What wom!4 fott IIV to ha.e 4oae
for a reaw4y. Mrs. KoOtr~~
“1 11 tall you what 14 4m. I 4 go to
tbe go**raur of tbe state as<t 14 get
hUa to r-***1 tbe ebarter of every ror
a tbat a boar* its pua«-»> T feat’s
a bat I 4 bo,... There Mi say »ease ia
letuag a lot of setbsh. corrapt aen
girtahi la Atarrvaa cituea* the vay
• be* ate* go Tbe state ought to
stop It a* 4«kk as it can."
Mr* KuM la nut mm »#»■ ««
is it* aeeetins. «t»'*uch **>»•
Mvt t»cr fa«»»hsad fear* th*s he will be
hr the untone m the future
■ Mi bmrVtirf tbui* tit4 *be. “that
W will hr a wmmrb*4 aura for life. H*
dtdw t iao« I was poias to t«lk that
*»>. Hatcher did I till I «ot » «hinre.
aad then I Jost had to mx •*»* 1 **W
I rwwldat help it. Hut my husband
ate to leose the Htx risht away, and
wmU if hr rod. What • the u*e
ataytas la a place where he lea t
allowed to work* He hoo t weed to
t«W. thoufth Thins* fMt he any
•anr tw n*» thaa they are now, la
this fr*« load of Uhrrtf.“
The Kohh fcrria- la at CSS Bloom ins
dale area we. The atreet in front of
the honae la orewptad hr the track* of
the ChWapo Milwaukee A St * Paul
mad They Hr* la three email, dlnsx
ruinri I hrlrk tenement There are ao
r*rp*-'t to *o»er the Soor aad aa old
t—«*r* aad ttro rot ktas chain with a
email. Muare table, are all the aisna
there are «d better aad more prosper
owa day* A bedstead stand# la one
earner of the room which answer# for
the parlor. The kiuhen la immediate,
ly ta the re*r aad a smell eoal took
•doer of andfwe pattern aad la a state
tsd delwaddatMm aerrea with aa old
tald# and two wwodea chain, to far
niah the ram. The rooklai utenalia
are lew and well worn The cupboard
which serene aa a china closet con- j
MM Mole which mold ha roMai dJm |
w»r». It is in these surroundings that
the couple lire.
Mr. Robb is years of age. intelli
gent. bearing no evidence of dissipa
tion. "Everything mv wife has said
Is true " said Robb to the writer. “I
was expelled from the union, and like
wjae bare tv’en assaulted and severely
beaten on two or three occasions. My
troub'e with the union began in July.
1*93. »h-u 1 was working for Angus
41 Gindele on the street car power plant
at Twelfth street and Blue Island ave
"The onion made charges against
me. but I paid no attention to the first
notice I got to appear for trial. A few
nights after the day set. and after I
had been ordered to cease work and
bad refused. Chris Merry, the peddler
who was banged for the murder of his
wife, with his gang, broke into the
building. Merry knocked five or six
men down in my presence, and he with
his fifteen or twenty assailants assault
ed me I was kicked and beaten into
inseoeibi'itr. Two of my ribs were
broken, and it was a long time before
I waa again well.
"I don't know what they will do
with my wife. They may murder her.
1 am sorry she went before the com
mittee. and didn't know she was going
there. 1 would work and be more than
glad to if 1 had the chance. The
chance to work is all I want.”
HI* Uu4m. Hat Mar text Him oa the
Kaad to Fort ana.
* \bout the narrowest escape from
financial embarrassment was experi
enced by a friend of mine," said Wil
liam Keese of Allentown. Penn., at
the Broadway Central Hotel. “It wa6
like thi-: My friend and neighbor is
an lmentor of a window sash appli
ance that ia likely to make him a
rub man. bat. like most inventors, he
was awfully bard up for cash while he
was working out his idea. He bor
rowed money from all his friends un
til they got so they disliked to see him
coming, and be had really reached a
< rtsis in hi# career. He realized it.
but be told his wife that something
souid happen to enable him to raise
S' l due the next day on a contract
iNi nr the preserva
".tw of his hold on his patent. He
j;dn’( ha»e the $50 on the night before
and when be went to bed that
n:gbt he was thoroughly discour
age .L He lived on a place that |
had a large barn on it, and in
the ga.Jen were growing fruit and
a g od garden. That night about
a doren cows. which in some parts of
Penney \ an a run at liberty, broke into
h‘- garden and a'.e up most of his crop,
besides destroying a number of choice
>o ;ng frutt trees. He woke up in the
middle of the night and caught the
nisi in the act. He was on the point
of nearing them out and blaming one
r»'»rc un:,!- ky incidea'. to his long list
* 'hen a bngJu idea struck him.
“Cal n* a neighbor, he quickly
rove the tows into a corner of the
yard, and repaired the fence. Then he
*at oo the feme the remainder of the
night and allowed the cows to com
plete the destruction of bis garden,
la the morning, with the help of his
neighbor, he tied the cows up and
then sent word to the owners to come
; nd settle. By counting th« cows he
ti.' i!*t<‘d how much he would have to
get from e»i h o* n<" !n order to make
up Hi. t nder the Penn«yltania law
the owner mast pay the damage caus
ed by h - <ow or the damaged person
tan fa Id the animal. Thi owners
• ame and pleaded, bu* it did not avail.
M> neighbor was obdurate. Some of
the owners wer*- poor women, but It
made no differt-c-e. He pointed to his
ruined crop* and wrecked garden.
..nd life the absent minded beggar,
-aid Pay. pay, pa.'.* To make a
l ng -*or> short he got together $50
a:«4 - led his patent. That was the
turn a»r point in his fortunes. He’s
got plenty of money now.'—New York
Onr » fieyser.
1 he - s ho: of "A Kamble Round the
Globe tells of some surprising ex
peric*ii‘en ountered in the region oi
geysers and hot springs in New Zea
land. One day he patronized the pho
tographer in Wbakarewarewa. Being
niere#*ed in photography, he went In
to the dark room to see the negative
d'teloped, anu there experienced a
new s* n -atinn. Just as the photog
laptw-r was beginning operations, the
wooden floor, which was about a foot
from the gro ind, seemed to get un
steady. and there was an ominous
p bump. bump, directly under
neath. thai was the reverse of reassur
a*. The paotngrupher explained mat
ter*. That * only a small gey»er be
lt to work,'* said he. “I have
loree below here that work at regular
Inter.alt the one just starting, an
other one there" pointing to a corner
—■ and the oth-r one Just underneath
where yon are standing." Geysers!
Starling’ 1 co-iid see them better out
»*de. vi outside I went. I don't quite
remember now whether 1 opened the
door, or whether it opened of its own
a »rd. or whether it fell down; but
1 know' that in my anxiety to see the
marvelous sight. I didn't take long in out of that dark room. The
photographer went on with his work
coolly, and let the baby geyser bubble
and gurgle under his floor in its own
sweet way. while I. watching it from
a position of advantage, expected ev
ery minus* to see the "dark apart
ment" lifted high into the air on the
summit of a boiling column. But no;
the building stood Arm. the photog
rapher developed the plate, and the
infantile geyser burgled and fizzed It
self out.
iMsSr'* «.r»tItuU*-.
Here it a story which is told at the
expense of a certain Scotchman, who
was knighted some years ago. Sir
Richard Cross had carefully enjoined
upon "Sandy" that he was to take the
queen a hand and reverently raise it
to his lips. All this with fear and
trembling the braw Sep*. promised to
lo. but It appears that at 'he critical
moment be forgot the Issson, and
seised the queen’s hand, gave it fervid
shake, exclaiming. "Many thanks.your
majesty—many thanks." Sir Richard
nearly fainted with horror, but her
majesty only smiled, and evidently ap
preciated the hearty gratitude of the
offender.—London Tit-Bit«.
Where Napoleon Closed Bis Career—The
Dreary Isle, Situated In Mid-Ocean,
Seems to Have Been Designed by
Mature as a Model rrlaon.
(Special Letter.)
Historic old St. Helena, the mid-At
lantic island where Napoleon Bona
parte spent his declining days as a
prisoner of Great Britain, is to receive
another notable occupant. The Brit
ish government having decided that
there is no prison in South Africa suf
ficiently strong to contain General
Cronje, the dauntless farmer-soldier,
is to drag out such an existence as
Napoleon endured after the battle of
Waterloo. On the map the island will
be found in the South Atlantic ocean,
in a spot remote from all the world—'
1,250 miles from the coast of Africa.
1,800 miles from South America, the
same from Cape Town, 4,059 miles
from London, of which it has been a
dependency for 250 years. Its ex
treme length is ten and one-fourth
miles, its extreme breadth eight and
line-fourth miles, its area forty-five
square miles, its population 5,000 hu
man beings, three-fifths of whom are
clustered in Jamestown—and innu
merable goats. The island is an an
cient volcano thrust up in fire from the
floor of the spa. long since dead and
cold, somewhat enlarged by the slow
processes of nature and garmented not
alone with an indigenous flora so va
ried as to be the delight of the bota
lack of ceremony which O'Meara en
deavored vainly to explain away. But
this was mild compared to his hatred
of Sir Hudson Howe, who in April,
1816, succeeded Cockburn as governor
of St. Helena.
“I am convinced.” he said, "that this
governor, this chief of jailers, has been
sent out on purpose to poison me oi
pat me to death in some way or an
other, or under some pretext, by Lord
In such manner, more indolent and
fretful as the weary years passed, did
Napoleon live, until in 1821 he died of
a cancer of the stomach.
The British military authorities are
influenced by many considerations in
sending Cronje and his soldiers to St.
Helena. In the first place. Cape Col
ony. w'ith its threatenings of uprisings
of the Cape Dutch, and with the pro
nounced Boer sympathies of Afrikan
ders of Dutch parentage, was no long
er a secure place in which to keep pris
ers of the importance of Cronje and
the men who defended themselves so
heroically against. Lord Roberts’ great
army. The most secure place for
Cronje upon his arrival at Cape Town
was deemed on board a British ship
but this form of imprisonment prompt
ly called out continental criticism, and
possibly on that account, but more
probably with a view to the greatest
possible security against rescue, it was
decided to send the famous Boer to
Great Britain's mid-ocean prison,
where escape will be impossible.
Senator Beveridge Heard of Very Few
Cowards In the Army.
Any man who. Tor any reason, good
or otherwise, avoids actual danger of
list, but also with exotics from all J
;limes. so that it presents the aspect
if a botanical garden—the oak grow
ing side by side with the bamboo and
banana, and date palms shooting sky
ward from fields of English gorse.
Cronje and his 4,000 burghers will al
most double the population.
The most notable prisoner who ever
fretted away his days on England's
prison isle was of course the great
Bonaparte, and the spectacle called up
by a consideration of his imprisonment
forms one of the saddest things in his
•_ory. On Aug. 17, 1815, when the
world was reverberating with the ech
oes of Waterloo, a boat was rowed in
to Plymouth harbor from H. M. S.
Bellerophon to H. M. S. Northum
berland, seventy-four guns, flying the
pennant of Rear Admiral Sir George
Cockburn, under orders for St. Helena.
In the stem of the boat sat he who
was designated in England’s official pa
pers “Napoleon Bonaparte.” The an
chor was weighed and the Northum
berland stood out to sea, bearing for
ever from Europe the man whose am
bition her shores could not confine.
One month and ten days later the
Northumberland dropped anchor in the
harbor of Jamestown. Napoleon was
escorted ashore and found lodging in
the town. Sir George Cockburn se
lected as the exile’s residence Ixmg
wood. the country seat of the lieuten
ant governor. Thither next dsy the
fallen emperor cantered along the
lovely road, escorted by his followers
and a guard of English officers. On
Dec. 9 the French exiles moved to
Longwood. With Napoleon were
Count and Countess Montholon and
their child, Baron Gourgaud, Count
de Las Cases and his young son. Cap
tain Piontkowskl and Doctor O'Meara,
the young Irish surgeon whom Napo
eon had picked from the British na
val service as his private medical at
;endant. Count and Countess Ber
trand and their three children were
luarltred in a little house at a dis
Doctor O'Meara’s writings, some of
which were published at the time and
>ther portions of which are only now
)eing made public, give a graphic idea
>f the prison life of the Man of Des
tiny. They show that Napoleon was
tlssatisfied with the treatment accord
id him. He found fault with Sir Qeorge
Hock burn because of his seamanilke
death in action is under suspicion of
being a case of "cold feet;” and once
that suspicion is confirmed, he has
lost caste with his companions for
ever, and is literally ostracized. Oe- 1
casionally, too. you will find a chronic
grumbler, a natural disorganizer. But
they are rare. I ran across only three
in all the Philippine islands. One 1
met on a ship. He was just leaving.
He had stories of indescribable suffer
ing to relate, of hardship, of abuse, of
poor food, of harsh treatment. It was
a tale of woe unrelieved. Curiosity
was aroused and his record has since
been investigated. He was the poorest
soldier in his regiment, and undoubt
edly would not be able to get into the
service again. He was not a volun
teer, but an enlisted regular. An
other was a lieutenant in the regular
army. He had been stationed all his
life in the most favored quarters in
this country. I questioned him casu
ally, but with care. His chief duties
had been attendance on balls, and his
most prominent command the leading
of cotillions. This was the first time
he had seen a soldier’s service since
his graduation. He wanted to get
back. He was full of criticism of his
government. He complained of the
rain when it rained, and of the sun
when it did not rain, and of the food
when he ate. and of no food wrhen he
didn’t eat. Whatever happened or did
not happen, he was always ready with
his criticism. The man was made for
a clerk in a ladies’ millinery establish
ment. He had simply gotten into a
wrong profession when he “went for a
soldier.” The third disorganizer was
in the hospital (and of the men in the
hospital let me make special mention
further on). I remember him well.
He was sitting up, reading. He looked
very wen to me, ana yet. 11 1 oniy
knew the treatment" he endured, de
clared he. His record also was looked
up. He had seen no service. He was
always causing difficulties. He was
constantly falling ill. and yet never
being really ill. Out of the thousands
of men whom I met race to face, these
three are the only instances of the
complainers and the grumblers—only
three in many thousands; it is a glo
rious proportion. Not that the men
were satisfied all the time, by any
means. No, if they didn’t get what
they wanted, they said so, and said so
hard; but they grumbled in fine, man
ly, American fashion, and for things
which full-blooded men in the lust of
youth are wont to grumble at, such as
a chance to get out and fight, and •
things like that.—Saturday Evening
Shared the Family Feeling.
Her father—I think that young Dud
ley who's calling here is pretty small
potatoes. Her little brother—Guess
that’s why she’s mashed cn him.—New
York World.
A patent has been taken out for a
stocking, into the top of which thr&uks
of India rubber are woven, the stock
ing thus being self-supporting.
R*». Willard W. Bean. Champion Middle*
weight of I'tah, Create* a Mentation In
Ban Francisco—He ilai Not Vet Been
(San Francisco Letter.)
Such is the strange visiting card of a
young man recently arrived in San
Francisco from Salt Lake City. An
ordained minister who is also a profes
sional pugilist is a rather unusual per
son to meet with, the Rev. Willard W.
Bean being the only specimen known
to exist. It also develops that this odd
character is possessed of dramatic
ability in no mean degree, having com
pleted several very successful engage
ments as comedian in traveling com
panies, and his talents also extend to
the teaching of physical culture and to
literary work in the dryly humorous
vein of the Bill Xve school.
The natural inference from the fact
of so widespread and versatile a dis
play of talent and energy would be
that the reverend pugilist is a type of
the proverbial "Jack-of-all-trades, and
master of none,’* but such a conclu
sion would be incorrect. In each line
of action in which he has figured Mr.
Bean has proven himself superior to
the average talent. The energetic
force, strong logic and oratorical pow
er of his sermons and lectures have
given him the characteristic name of
"The Cyclone." In pugilistic pursuits
he has met many well-known men of
the ring in his own class, and his rec
ord shows not a single defeat. Some
time ago he boxed with the famous
Choynski in a twenty-tw-o round draw,
and for a number of years he has been
the acknowledged champion of Utah.
On one occasion it is said that this
versatile gentleman played the part of
the comedian in a repertoire company
all week, including Friday night; on
Saturday night was one of the princi
pals in a limited glove contest, and on
Sunday night preached to a large audi
ence. all in the same town and in the
same hall.
Rev. Mr. Bean finds no difficulty In
reconciling his various callings. “I see
no reason," said he, "why one cannot
be handy with his natural weapons
and at the same time be a gentleman. ’
He neither drinks, dissipates nor uses
tobacco, and no one has ever been able
to criticize his moral character. It is
his avowed purpose to set a good ex
ample and exhibit the possibility of
physical prowess going hand in hand
with clean morals and refinement.
"And besides," says the champion ~>f
muscular Christianity. “I like the con
tests. Physical contests always had a
fascination for me. but I did not be
Champion Middleweight 4>f Utah.
esune identified with the usual associa
tions of the ring because I 'wished to
remain in my former mordtl sphere,
ahd I sought such studies anil associa
tions as would naturally teiid to ele
vate me.” (
Rev. Mr. Bean has several times
been taken to task by comnwttees and
ministers of the gospel, whilhave en
deavored to show him that qe is com
mitting a sacrilege, tut the eccentric
exhorter has each time sent them
away pondering. That he is sincere In
his religion, no one that evc*r met him
doubts. He believes strongly in the
Biblical philosophy of “turning the
other cheek,” but since the tgood book
does not prescribe for the sequel,
which is inevitable, the broad-minded
preacher usually acts upoii his own
opinion, his belief being that there is
much religious merit in a ’>ious right
and left swing.
“Parson” Bean's athletic pursuits
are not confined to the limits of the
ring. He has a number of gold med
als won in such field contests as run
ning, jumping, vaulting, i utting shot
and hammer throwing. I a a number
of places he has been the instructor of
athletic and gymnastic clubs, and
whomever he has been he has been uni
versally popular, both among his as
sociates of the ring and in religious
in nis ordinary conversation tne
unique minister exhibits more of his
wide scope pursuits than in his lec
tures or sermons. In the pulpit his
English is the purest and choicest, and
is noticeably free from the commoner
expressions that have crept into the
language. “Parson” Bean does not be
lieve in mixing his professions. Among
his associates of the athletic side of his
life he speaks fluently that language
which is made up of terms peculiar to
the ring and which is absolutely unin
telligible to the uninitiated. In his
ordinary conversation, however, there
are visible the Influences of the two
extremes. From his ordinary street
dress it would be hard to classify him.
His wardrobe consists of a rather curi
ous assortment. The ministerial black,
with the dignified tile, is companion to
the trunks and soft shoes of the pugi
list, and there is the compromise be
tween the two which he dons for ordi
nary wear—soft white sweater, shape
less cap and tweed suit of careless,
comfortable cut.
Naturally Rev. Mr. Bean and his pe
culiarities have been the subject cf
much comment, and he has often been
called upon for an explanation of his
philosophy. In an article which he
wrote for the current National Review
he sums up his ideas in the following
“When th* body was intrusted to my
care it was perfect In its org ,anlsm. I
am supposed to keep it fretie from all
contamination: to keep it pu re and un
defiled; to uniformly develo., p all my
faculties and all parts of m>ri' body to
their highest rapacity, that 1 I may
that * I
eventually bring my entire l lody to a
symmetrical shape and the ® highest
stage of development, approa gching as
nearly as possible that which*? God ha3
designed it, a perfect spect1imen of
manhood in the image of m fy Maker,
filling nature's measurement?’^.” “Par
son” Bean wishes it to be > .mderstood
that he is not identified wiggjth any re
ligious sect. Wherever th. e eccentric
minister has traveled he *4 has left a
train of newspaper conan tents in his
wake. One weekly sheet £ says of him:
“Willard Bean is certaija&ly a genius
Right on the heels of putting 'Midget
Saudow’ to sleep in a glo; contest at
the opera house he delivers a well-se
lected lecture before the J- Second ward
conjoint M. I. A. Sunday
subject was ‘Man's Deve.
a crowded house listened
every word.”
Another weekly repor'
“One of the most mix*
imaginable assembled
house last night to witn^ess the spar
ring contest between ’Willard Beau
and Morris Jacobs. Th^ere were law
yers. doctors, laborer »s. capitalists,
farmers and church members, besides
the 'sports’ of the city J; and elsewhere,
all mingling joyously together. 'Par
son' Bean has friends’ in all circles.
{evening. His
fopment,’ and
ittentively to
s a contest:
d audiences
t the opera
and they were all they're to see if his
fighting is equal to hiUg sermons. He
did not dissapoint them1
knows how to handle hi'
With all his peculiar!
trie gentleman seems b
but a crank. His logic
strong, his refinement anl
are unquestionable and
in his manner and persi
makes him warmly liked
interest everywhere he
The 'Cyclone*
ties the eccea
i be anything
s forceful and
moral views
here is that
mality which
and awakens
He Left HU Wife
Cherokee* Ik Still
A mystery in whic
people were once deepl
that which shadowed
the most remarkable
country. In 1829 Sa
as he called and sig
Houston, was gove
and Joined the
a Mystery.
the American
ir concerned was
he life of one of
haracters of the
uel Houston, or.
ed himself. •’Sam'’
ner of Tennessee.
It was in the midst^of a campaign for
re-election to the ^gubernatorial chair
that Tennessee was startled by a re
port that he had* resigned his office.
He had been mdrrried to the daughter
of an influential family; three months
afterward she jreturned to her father’s
house, and h^r husband resolved to
pass the re&K of his life in the wilder
ness. Houfston betook himself to the
tribe of CTherokees in the Indian terri
tory; h4 adopted their costume, ap
pearinsf in all the trappings of an In
dian lbrave, letting his hair grow down
his jback. and visiting Washington
wixla a buckskin hunting shirt, yellow
le/gings. a huge blanket, and turkey
feathers around his head. Xo one could
/induce him to reveal the secret of his
, metamorphosis and his abandonment
of the ways and habits of civilization.
He married again after he emerged
from his Indian life, and he lived to be
an old man. dying in the midst of the
civil war. but no one was ever able
to persuade him to unlock the mystery
of his life. Xor would his first wife,
who also married again, throw any
light on the mystery.—Ladies’ Home
Th* Consul-* Cats.
Gen. Sir Herbert Chermside. who is
i now in South Africa, was formerly a
| consul in Asia Minor, where he was
very popular. Once, in a weak mo
ment. he sent a couple of beautiful
Angora cats as a present to a lady in
Constantinople. The lady was so
pleased that she asked him to send
some more. Sir Herbert gave his na
tive servant some money and told him
to go and buy two or three. Then
came a demand for more cats from
the consul’s friends, and he gave his
servant more money with which to
buy cats. This went on for two or
three months, and the native servant
waxed exceeding fat. One morning,
however, the general, on coming out
of the consulate, was surrounded by a
host of veiled women, who besought
Mahomet to curse him because he had
stolen all their cats. It appears that
the native servant had pocketed the
money for himself and gone round
with a sack and confiscated every cat
m the place.—Collier’s Weekly.
The Czarina Relieve* in Woman.
The Empress of Russia is an ardent
believer in the influence and powrer of
women in public affairs. If she lived
in America it is probable that she
would be a leader in the woman’s suf
frage movement. Under her imperial
patronage societies for the higher cul
ture of women are rapidly increasing
in number in St. Petersburg and are
spreading throughout Russia. Owing
to her great interest in the work the
Czar has ordered that full reports of
the proceedings of all such societies
shall be prepared for the perusal of the
empress, so that she can be able to de
termine where her advice and assist
ance is the most necessary. The em
press has also instituted the English
fashion of offering her hand to be
kissed at presentations instead of to be
shaken, as was the custom of the dow
ager empress.
Electric Llffhtiot*
Over $600,000,000 has been invested
in electric lighting in the United States
in twelve years. The energy required
to make electric lights for the city of
New York is 200,000 horse power. Since
1888, when the electric railway w’as
born, more than $1,700,000,000 has
been invested in that industry, and
now one may travel by electric cars
from Paterson. N. J., to Portland,Me.,
going via New York, with but three
small interruptions that collectively
are about fourteen miles.
Ladysmith Sunk* Third.
Ladysmith is the third town of im
portance in Natal, is 189 miles north
of Durban, has thirteen streets, a town
hall and a public library.
All that I am, or hope to be, I owe
to my angel mother.—Lincoln
4 State Statute Alnai to Suppress Too
Ardent •‘Johnnies” — Measure P»ss«<l
In Consequence of Their Amatory At
tentions—Its Good Effect.
Tennessee has a number of laws pe
culiar to that state, but in this respect
the “Johnnie” law, passed by the legis
lature in 1S97, is entitled to first place.
Previous to that time the presidents
of the various institutions of learning
in different parts of the state were at
times compelled to call upon the civil
authorities of the cities in which the
colleges were located to pay their re
spects to the class of young men
known as "mashers.” Arrests invari
ably followed, and the boys were often
assessed a nominal fine by the tiiv
judge or recorded, under the head of
"disorderly conduct.” or something of
the kind.
Upon one occasion a number of
young men from East Tennessee made
a trip to Cleveland, the home of a large
female college, and were soon caught
lurking about the college buildings,
flirting with the girl students. They
appeared several times in an effort to
carry on a courtship with certain of
the young ladies, and finally they war©
arrested. After an effort on the part
of their papas the “Johnnie ’ boys were
released from custody and allowed to
go on their way rejoicing. The lead
ing educators of the state talked over
the question of suppressing these
youths and of securing the passag*
of an anti-"Jobnnie” law in the legis*
Their work resulted in the introdu*
tion into the legislature by Senator
W. E. Smithson of a bill for the pro
tection of boarding schools and col
leges for females, and the principals
and students thereof. The first section
of the measure made it “unlawful for
any person or persons to wilfully and
unnecessarily interfere with, disturb,
rr in any way disquiet the pupils of
any school or college for fema'es in
(Author of the Anti-“Mashing” Law.)
this state or the teacher or principals
in charge, while on any public road or
street, or in any building or structure,
or on the school premises; nor shall
any communication be had, for such
purposes, with such pupils, or any one
of them, either orally or in writing, or
by signs or otherwise, and it shall
also be unlawful for any person to en
ter such schools or colleges, except on
business, without first having obtained
permission of the principal in charge
of same; and any person guilty of
either of said offenses shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on con
viction thereof, shall pay a fine of not
less than $5 nor more than $50 for each
offense, on the first conviction, and
upon the second and each subsequent
conviction of a like offense shall pay a ~
fine of not less than $10 nor more thar
$50 and be imprisoned at the discretion
of the court, in the county jail, not
less than ten nor more than thirty
Section 2 provided “that it shall be-„
unlawful for any person, or persons, to"
loiter, wander, stand, or sit upon the
public roads, or to frequent or unnec
essarily pass along the same in such
manner, with intent to annoy, vex, or
disturb the owners, lessees, or occu
pants of any premises in the state used
for the education of females, or with
intent to disturb, annoy, or harass the
teachers, principals, or pupils, or any
one of them, as they pass along the
public highway, streets, or alleys of
any city in the state. Any person or
persons violating this section of this
act shall be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, and on conviction shall bo
fined and punished in the same way,
and to the same extent, as if convicted
under the first section of the act **
At first reading the legislators made
light of the bill, and laughed at its
author—Senator Smithson. The news
papers poked fun at the measure while
the ••Johnnies” had little to say’ upon
the subject. A combine had been fixed
up in the house to defeat the passage
of the bill, because the leaders thought
the enactment of such a law would be
a piece of foolishness. Finally several
female college presidents appeared ami
urged the passage of the bill as in
trod need. When the members of the
legislature learned that they really
wanted the law, the bill secured the
hearty support of every member.
I he law has been a great benefit to
the educational institutions, and now
the boys who often used to appear
about the campus and cast smiles at
the girls are not to be seen. There is
quite a romance attached to the first
and only arrest th!lt has
;°d'r„.th- •Johnnl." law, shortly
' 1 yo,m* residing
at Knoxville was arrested for violating
the law. It appears that the young
was hf Whon\he was attention
was his sweetheart and the arrest only
hastened a wedding ceremony
Educators say that the law is a
“ 'n not very p„' lr“
the young men of the state
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