The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 13, 1900, Image 8

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    boas, Daws.
Va*4bf ••• r»i»
T—4«y »u
y* l»i l*T • *» c*» J*r
AMi dMMCWl U> M«c.
tWyW *r* «»-» • t Iir4e»
Tit* ft*** ** grttiag ftmrtrd
Wll4 <•*♦* V* l«rktt|
Tto ra!4 «*«»■!* or**.* tktro ft’ *
F gaff* • * >tb I# *»Jrr tic «fc* ** 1
4 b »i u'*f an I #f*f ik,g • brat '* ■ »
lag Mil
Dr Horn in*. tbe denlist
Ikatiut lb* U*i<i fttkW Iasi r.
F«**f *»>•* (iuitf f * *r»! tic** W« !
For SewiBj.* uiacbir*r* call on
T M He+i
. Tb* Soar brr«t« *tii atari Maaiiiaf *•
#• »rt it.!. ra- 1
IS < <tf»f ft t.JftiU*** tll|>
ta Arcadia Maada*.
Fctar Mofi'i •! BHv#! to-r** 'f> a *
a I eftlftUt calk* TfttiJt' .
l*rlli 4| Mt **U fiyt* are lirr* t»i rt
atftib* ibat or or*d aut'n.
Br* bra I* f*tB| ta try la tr*
aia*£ ai'lbioai • hi«m tbi* frar.
brlit lie?4** Bna (iftihi Wbotf
aalr ***M»lf R< Cor |*ji ** i *-a»j
Bib* Carry of H*w4 River, aid
tMbaraf |rt I ra’b • * *i g ' '
J Pbll Jttfrr ataried Rr4t.**4at
m'-rrimg for a ttr • «*».* «cr» !*>
Tiler* adtet t *t rtmrrl *l’r I. *
trra ataferd ««C It I»r# r Mo* * t
fort a* ta*a.
Mr* E A. Waad Let - a II f
af Oftk I'ffcrk art* u*u ( buftar** ■
Uiftllif ta-dsv.
liar** * rlr* •tart*-! f«r * r* a
J a** ?»t a bare • *
ftof aarst aa tb* r*; r* ft !
ft ■ Marria it *4* ?
ar* at««* of J FL 1 r <
Ur la* t*r» ato»• r
Mr loraia ba* Maifard b’« r * t
toa at tba Rkttad K u«i - *■ ■ .« . i r
lxrrt.u Ut bora rt«u Ini.
Jt !f» WaL it t'ln « or’ at II
aasta ‘•rw.t aaei; Ha * r* ; • J a
aJftarar* far laa tit'* •* • » ti _r,:.
If yom aaat ymmr i it
repair b* tba aoly Brwt r!*** a t.r*
la Cbr call «* l* li M • e•. tb*
■J*ar brr.
< »■» wma am war mm* ei«€ *t
TVf are of woderm lapecrt-at ■ nt *. ...
ali arba bar# ««4 tbrtti |m.< .rc
tb*m la be a good tb.ig —T d. Ki t:
Celd Medae lo HAKI'Kf: afei**e* •
Sea Oritui aad Wor> !• f *,r < a<- ***
Trv iC f*« will ea*t»r»e !|# Jo>: »*►
wwt- *..4 ,r I II 1...* , i
Cut ItlrwU.
H • § E Callao at aa4 iitti* «*a ,tst
at took aa44rtlf ill la»t is. t
a itb tba prevail tag affrrttoo m u***
parte geaar* y deaig**: f »• *• : «•
gnpp* •
Cara 4 txt apella. tired ?* • ir.»*.
Ha««t t.iiaey and *»r train
Kaepa }aa aet. all t.aiur. K-x-kj
Mooatala Tea take* tba aottb 3k.
lb* }aat| a.* dea »La* tba takr.f
tba gaaoloa Refet Rawtaia Tr», Made I
bf tba Badtao: Med x t, * i tbou '
3lca»t tbt fair fa » lie.
lit. aur't loawtaa IViaurk* ***■
jaa< abac a barar and* *b- t* bad j
na4Haa. Tuair, blood paribt w! |
mailafr Tbrjr are not food bat ;
briar end tba t*e«t ia *** to t- a b-.r
tm immr randtdaa. IV -a iri on.te i « r
paafeagr Par aaftr ut Odeodabi B«o*»
MT. H iraare of Bo k« l> to»t>h p j
aaa aba* tg f• da oitb r - a,nr
f rleeie bar* Baii.nJij. 2 b * > tU
trat List that Mr Bro a a be* Ura «
tb» eaaaty aaat dua b.a art a re el. k-!
aaat. il* aaa |i«nr*J aa a d*-.*/*.*
to r» pawned Karktlk teaaabip la tbe
Raj al> «ae coaaff •ooarati.^ an 1 ail
ware plaaai d I* are b:«a u.m aitb
aa agaia.
Tba Barba* E*tetr aaeiprt t* r
tbrlf ago* l VI". If « u*.*r? ha* b i
a verf ai V* walk la (rial of
tbrir property. tbr Km I i root bar* j
Tb*v bate *Jao re ail** a pen «f
of ■ At Ura »U*» tb« aabdeif.lirt i .
tad tutt*d «af AU it it a
fret c aa* repair j *p »' 4 {t« - ata »
•erj fcTTt appear aare R «he»* % tag
baa tba emlu for tbe aaoebat c*l «wk .
V* bs#r *a*«-4 »*. • «1 < «.r »j
• »•#* •* b*g»b a*i.t»g <L*a- iur
C**ag% Br-crff ia aar bo«a* We bt-rj
• trrft** opao alt It# d—# and a b*t.r» • j j
at ? of •} fasatiy at » ) •*' f *g»a •
as* um ijMacfe B* ».*• * *u4 »t a r« • ***
a* bar* law »#a4 a as# for a 4W.
tar a*4 lanar a Urge doctor bit!, f i
Cbsai barista's <Jaagb K* «wdj iittri j
falls tacos* It Is mtataty a u*r !* i; «
of great Marti aa4 aortb — If. K, If rat
bit, bsamt Mercbaat at.4 fuatr,
Mam* B* f *4 eoauty. V*a. I or sat#
by iidrttil *ro-.
• l ta ;«'f lit i«g !b»S* m f|
aorta aast of Mi ba4 a %er* atra a
aataf** fro— J*sfb i of Moa*4»j om.
tag II* bad Ja*t got b » b:o»4 cart
«sdtr r*t ii for «* r* t- >* * a 4 4
aras ia tb* act of bit.t teg bis f*a« to
It • bra lb* br*»* bream * frfghi#-*,*
«a4 raa t*»f. IS* »a» thn»«n «*<!•r ,
lit coder tad bsdts b ai r«f taf *k «
rib brogro Jht fret h# 4>4 aat «r* »*
ghat b* «M *** kart ta ) go up
aa4 |m««oa4 rb* *v* Vi *. if r-agbt
^adl btnarfkf *bta b < k. ba »ag
M aat* UK** u» k* ■ bo »*4 11 • aoaati*
Pm-* tir Isst a*" ^ » io k -b Uf .
•04 u o.Ubatb »es* '* xar I — • b#
fate b* fatty ftcvrtri
Ii,M I? f*.
i \ *. *. .• i* t k*.
lafrt't j m -1 rop< r»j.
« > h:t • lb • et k and
< • rt 1 i j f o u**’ el«*
1! i -I to- I't ntrr»**t to u«.
lie * * » -> a lit a I !|i i» itwdrtl
\ .1 Mibo-rlptioti
a .
\Jt »|i• ■ a ;■ »«*#•( V\. IS Mel lot
i* • »! z *« t*« etry.
M V.. 4 ,1-. • r< .. Atiitigton. m»
V. .». Mv€»‘ »*• it %i*itiog here
J h * A ”, * . . ♦ ar»* t-nj yitig t lift J
. n t. 111*. of X<** ;
Y •• t f. • 1 • ■ m.king a trip
11,; !t :l*e ti * * I * * ■ a
A * : ’ ' !• UW I v« » fti in- j
i ; » • l ?*« ; . tjue-lt tl to cat! ami ,
. i * t; o- ibis maun j
■ * ,» a ami .Adige.
VI .!»' f r 1*.- l: siii fir. tl»e ilenliit of!
0 1*4 i, a,..* regular vUila
i -!«-!-» priv’**o !
rta- ■ .1 a*s'-f i-tltio gu«/*tileed I
J4 ’I.*-.; . : H .* Inga, a deputy
1 !,. ’ ...» H It gi* u of A met lea
u . >i t T! * k aorking in the
Ut<t* ~! of that or tier
M T of Mr* M
t. V' t.a* • »rr, rii'r, t-»r a
Hr. k | *' Mr. -i. r I t- 7" year#
t .l u < h * ret %»•: if tl ubrful,
• n * - ' o mm h, John. I .ron’t
‘ i r.e Jong. r. r<> inorrow 1
. .it,- .i f i t c ti- 1— mu g--i
i. >; ...lain lea.” >ei •
• iUt At .11 all. SSc. 1
«. i; t. - r ‘t rii-kt r. «s$ eaileil
« A*l»? - * . a te :m early tin
i; s- ,£ * v sic death of *oute lady m
ti .t % i !y !,.* n.,u.«* ar tiki not
It ;»i hi L r* tide nee I f l": it/
■ Job* * ci * f...!; »*-arii«g completion.
* > ?k m i • ur. the nml on
,i !i. a ft .-b • are being'
1 » iii » ve a neat and j
-'«i !>«!initial reeiihw*.
II * . . y.fia . *at * lit U'itts
• .A ■ i • . !. ill ft pl>*
! " • A ! .*n f< r l aerify years.
- : > - .
: * ft U1. e| fej *. I
O ..jt i. . kt ii.
i I . - J. •• • Ei'A Kitt is
f n i .'A. »y< \l .
r. ... . I: ;■■} * .. \ ... I bt v te- (
■. r:* of :?r» liter and ;
i *t Ai- vtr g. ipe.—
*-> * .? f » ,.*v r -•-!( »»*»>d their
i t : • I a •»<•«<! j<*b j
i* • • 1! • . W. J * • 11 >mi <kl<J trie!
»• .r t e d i*T. r id*I hi* Son
s r •’»- 1 on tne job Ut r
i *e dot ■* ;ti.jt t.L* b;ii.ding i* beihf
' r*-; ... . .. ; ill. roi.^l!' rev rated cn
■ ■
» u *id t i t* «lito.m
!<»■»' e > ■* ft * < * * it w.lj *iot> ;
! » :i • i • . «; i**k« r thilll
■ r»a * t IV, iVII - :
jin.? S:r- . r. . l*.t. It cur*** croup,!
• 4 I i g I r • ■ I. -
‘ • " ' • \ - - . < . in, tioti. Pit -
» i. . n si* *O ■ t * iL Ilro*.
A *■ - j t:J ?'irp:i*e party wu
- ’ • !. ti. f M r. at.*1 Mr*. j
i 11 :. .*! >ataidav tv l- i
* o : * < ! 1 |{* yal* i
; * - ’T . > : V t ... ■ <!;«• Mr. at il M if. I
•» ■ r« • a. :.ii u- About
■ i. .. K--u.t t - of that :*.«• gathered
*t • * hi' ts. t L I. !> to la lie
* i -• i • ■ i* . »* i* light pn -
• f j j merit. Tb* y
» ■ • t•f. ,• i t very sin 11
' w > prvi**nt. Mr.
*. J ' *i" • *racrf ; v -orren* -
*< :-» iht r. •, • „ ard and tamed
i • . - um without
r t vert fe w momenta their
a- ri< _• ijj with the nit r
* ■ ... *r light h -rt- with but
• vi*w n * tbit to be happy
* * .*»*♦•{ py. A numbe* of
A ‘tt’ ! ■» of rrr.. ml” encircled
** * . it: Wren frtipierit p »!s
r . tfi'. fn n. *i«- * ro* m
. j 1 V-* b*ar i »u b peculiar ejicuia
* * - i J v k 1n ! t he E*Mr,
I * ,* c. The jj*yi:es continued
*• •' i* ’> • »• when 'upper wit
a - • i a- •: ail proceeded to do
j * • i i M * • til : have tick
o i . pallet *.f a iju *ti. After sup*
■ * K »i X gbbor pin and a dozen
cu *. . . were protected to
X I o ban pea who kiodly
Id be- t.< s *. A to ol invar well
* ’ •- a . u each vended ibe’r
* t a* tt ir* h me* for a
t •* « -. •» nrt union with morph* u*.
> ‘ S ;f r ■ i t.rh- « (I btby girl
*' Mr. l ; V. >4tn ruii»r died
▼ i* .12 . f -r a Jtr k*
' ‘ fl: » •! ;. -X. Tuc Jmi
1 ' el • 1, id Ml til M. K.
' * W da at 2 . p id.
I i • 'f’i 1< t b. * good
a! r «.f f *. I Ii % lt<* . n bled
* hk it. a: | rr,c* <’.<» to tlie
II 'ti *■ Fc >•■!* t i; 11. • i I im ii j r< -
. ., d* . ■*» i i - 'iHi . T r exerei*es
a • • !u te i ;»*• R, y.
• • ■ . v< y appropriate
• it. ’ r* • I 1 I '«• one iiat
b fl » ■* Kcr.'rfii cemetery.
• • ♦ -—
»!»*••»••• Hike II« nitre
v. ■ ■ ’ . •._* ■ h b ■*«* they be
come “tit- b-» » n.*.** Abraham Hare
a ■ . : • *s.>m «#f Be I- ' ill**, O ,
• ri ‘;]I tiK* Kl’tm are |h*t bent
•ellin* :i . • I . v** h mdied in 20 years
Yo* kn • h y M disease* begin in
2. :dr * i f *' tli ti' 1 , liver, kidniys,
b o! I n*ir Electric
Blite-s tore* r.p the •! rrnaeli, regulated
Ii • 11 !i»j <■'! hn**!*, purities the
b ”, :h i tl.e turves, be nee
c* » it • u • in * It build*
U i tli etitll” MV ■ • III. Puts it**w lile
ai.<l e_«* at y weak, sickly, run
ju ! t; ' • • tV i. . •. I’lite 30 cents,
scd I by Odrodabl Bros.
AX MX 'O 'll \ r V Hills
A' l,ll,,l YI’.HUN IIAUh
T : Presbyterian Sunday School will »:i\e
i*r» : ,is.t • ('on.ert in Pcterseu's Hall. Samlay
:u tii ' n i ,o.-k a in A cordial it»
\,'a’ .>:* s r\ti-m!e to all Sunday School
at II ** A M.
. ill * 11.1» \: till CONVEX 1 It'S
T!r. date of the Tdlo’ n; announcement
bast*, n ch.ii, ■' i t an April 14 to April -X.
TV ! of <; \ K will lender the p’ ay en
i" The t- 1 Ma t .uivt union," sit Wutk
in-'Oii Hail. :•;. ;• A pril •>. We have :i
*1* d • n « \hi. el a1 v.** store to
be voted u> the prettiest Hale jiirl under
• ) ten i ears old Tv, >v.e, es for liic cents.
T <• xot n id coniine up to the dose of the
• '■ .'. To . at. The result of the vote at
b> ' > < i'tekon the Hit im*t will be posted up
;v view, sil • at '.li - attic hour on the Mill.
\.;m.*1 Ad alts io . t Children under
l .* y« irs cents.
NOTH y to slit I.Oil Post’.
A comrades of >'.;iioa Post, ate requested
t" -.ti i.d the P.-st bn «•. .air to be held April
Mth.» to eonsiiier a ran, . incuts for the
■•*'1 rvutue of Devoretioti Day.
W. H. V\ ii.i t a ms. Post Comma ud» r
Th Ladies Aid S e> :y v ill bold their
• • ■'ter K\i n;iv;e Saturday. April 14th lirjrlr.
n m ut id a. m. at tie* Post Office. Bonnets,
aprons and fancy articles for sale, also cake,
brown an 1 white, bread. Boston baked beans.
L- ‘s and dovaht nts. Proceeds to apply vn
par .tie d.'t. 1’li.iv remember day and
dav ..u i in Ip the ladies lu their j.-ood work.
by order of President.
T!i"<e who k:mlh assisted us during
Hit- M<-kne-s and d« ath of our beloved moth
* m.:i please accept our thanks. We are
■ tt: i-. *. ; 1 for the.r kindness and help
:u ike hour of our bereavement.
Charles and Wilke Carruth.
KaU aud Ida Thompson.
Cora Hiddel.son.
Nan.;. Ret'be.
Wi :h- - under* cried. desire tt> extend our
heart felt thanks to friends and neighbors
»hoh -Iped us in .tr la’e bereavment. e*pc
• the la es f th<- D <•.“ 1! and nit ui
hersof the A o C. W. May God. the di
xiat (. v ator and Pi « rur 1>3* -s you all.
Mb and Mrs. Wm Cramer.
♦♦ —
The N E. fourth < f See. 16. 15. is
fenced lor past re and located about
five miles from Loup c'iry. close to A j
B (illies i anu house, a so the northwest
northw t -: fourth of Sec. 21), 16.
15, t ear I.arson's faun Ftie recent
- up cl s to!- -d Packing house'
st >io«x City ai d >i mg htering daily I
*'out 25' 0 heal if *t(.,k furnishes :t
\ a: u tl: e com pet a five stock mark- j
**t sith South Omaha for this re
gun. thereby nn.k v g stock r Using f <r
more pi uti table lloin the raising,
<H grain. i lit* long -trfe’liesof fences
. d emj Unset i* could In- j
di* ate t at pasture land sarrounding j
l up ('H> ar»- becoming more valuable
and scarce Kin Bros .
Sioux Falls. S. I>alc
An -New i! ,• " -v ;:g Machines the
b M In tbe in irk t? Because ri: y
‘ I "r get out of lix, aud ahvr js
re* ’\ for work of hi y klad
Lor ale t y T M. Keep, j
♦ ♦ ♦--- —
< ><1 mi all: B <. - . gu : raid >es every bot
t ■ t ( h uiibm iin’-• •ugh Ketuedy and
al reti. d tie' m on v to a;.y one who
i* not >af:-fbd nfrer u*ing two thirds of
tiie content*- J his •* r'_ e best remedy in
tie- world for lagrippe, cough-’, voids,
croup m i wli- ping cough* and is
[ easant and safe to t .ke it prevents
any <end( n«v of i cold to result in pneu
monia. Odendahl Broa. i-1 ID
Otto Korb, G; i 1 ( hancr-llor, K. I*.
B o ville. Ind..s ys, “DeWitt's Witch!
Ha/'-l S ivc sooth - the nu t delicate
vain and heals the uio.-t stubborn ulcer
bv 11h certain aud go<-d results. ”Crires
plies .to’ -kin d.state, Lbrn’t buy au
imitation — Oderdehl Biot.
J 1. Carton, Prolhonitarv, Washing
ton, Pa . pays • I have found Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure u < xcel lei: remedy in
case of stomach troable. and have de
rived great benefit t orn its use.” It
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
cure. Odendahl Bros.
- • -
Republican County Convention
One of the most, enthusiastic ami
best attended Republican county con
ventions held iu Sherman county
for a number of years past
convened at Petersen's hall iu this
city yesterday, April 12. Tune and
-pace will not permit us lo enlarge,
except to say that all present mani
fested deep interest and look up lla
work in hand with harmony and a
determination to win in the comiug
fall election.
The convention wus called to
order by Geo. E lleuschoter, chair
man of the republican countv cen
tral committee, who read the call.
A temporary organization was
then effect* d by electing Judge G.
W. Hunter to the chair uud W. II.
■ Smelser secretary.
The various committees were <Ju!\
| appointed and after a brief recess
mane their reports.
The temporary organization was
made pirmineut after which the
j regular business was transacted.
1 he following *1 legates were elected:
S'ute convention.—Aaron Wall
I. 11. Reasoner, End Fuller, Geo.
H Gibs* n and Theo. Ojeudyk.
Congressional.—Peter Rowe, Hen
rv How aid, W. H. Conger, H. 11.
Parmer and Jacob Albers.
The following are the names of
the newly elected Republican county
; centr d committee for ShermaD
j county: p q
j '*'' K H> ns- hotcr. Chairman. Loup City,Neb
j W. J. Fisher. Secret ir,*. •• *
j \V. 11. Wiiiiu us Treasurer. •• “ **
I CoMmittecra* i. T. wr.ship, p. O.
G.H. Whitman. Washington. Arcadia. Neb
; H. Smclser, Ahston. Ashton,
j Geo. K. Porter Harrison, Litchfield “
Fred Fuller. Bristol. Hazard,
j Jacob Albert*. Logan. Loup City “
K. G. PaiiTC. Rockville, Ashton. “
E Ainger. Webster, Loup City, “
K. Munn. Hazard. Hazard,
Enos Kirk Eitn, Litchfield “
A. Throckmorton. Clay, Divide,
John GretnhalgU. Scett. Litchfield, “
JS. E. Gallaway. Loup City, Loup City, “
O. Manches ter. Oak Creek, North Loup “
II«*nry Geor;vc** First Friend,
In the Into seventh'! Henry George,
the single i \ reformer, ca:no ca t
from California, lie was desperately
pot t and had but few acquaintances.
blmrtly after his arrival lu* lectured
before the (Saturday Ethical club of
New York, where bis bril’.iaut oratory
and shabby attire made s > striking a
contrast as to excite the sympathy of
those present.
After he left the club a. elnti 1 a
committee to aid him in puing up a
public lecture. Among others, the com
mittee Included Seth Low. who was
then engaged in business. He v as in
consultation at the time, and the com
mittee wore in a lmrry, so he told tin in
to send him a lot of tickets. Tin y for
warded 20 to him thi* same day and
felt happy at having secured $20 for
the lecture fund. The next morning
came a letter of thanks from Mr. Low
praising the lecturer’s intellectually
ami inclosing a check for S2."i<i. The
affair was a success, netting about
$200, so that President Low may be
said to have been the first man to start
Mr. George on his eastern career.
Twenty years later, in 1N07, Mr. Low
was the citizens’ candidate and Mr.
George the labor candidate for mayor
of New York. The latter made a vig
orous campaign and in ail his speeches
advised the citizens, if they could not
vote for him, Jo vote for his friend
Seth Low, and on one occasion lu* said
that If it had not been for the latter
he would not be there as a candidate.
Few understood his full meaning.—
Saturday Evening Post.
He 11th! rnonKli.
There is a New York physician who
takes an active interest in polities and
is popular with the “boys.” In spite
of his jolly disposition he is an ex
tremely thin man. so thin that many
a joke is aimed at him. Here is the
latest story they are telling about him:
A grocer’s boy entered the doctor's
office the other day with a basket of
fine fruit which some grateful patient
had sent to him. The doctor told the
boy to plaoe the basket in a cabinet
which stiMxl against the wall. At the
same instant he stepped out of the
room. and. going into an adjoining one,
manipulated a contrivance which caus
ed an articulated skeleton within the
cabinet to waggle its bead and limbs
in an appalling manner just as the
messenger boy opened the door.
With a yell of terror the boy fled.
When the doctor had enjoyed a hearty
laugh, he picked up a line apple and
followed the boy into the street to give
it to him. “Come here, my boy!” he
shouted. “Here’s a fine apple for you.”
"Not on your life!” replied the af
frighted youngster, taking to his heels
:i. “You can’t fo >1 with your
clothes on.'*—New York Tribune.
An Absent minded Professor,
I have a story of a gentleman now
engaged in educational work which is,
I think, somewhat remarkable and is
ah ,> quite true. This gentleman was
cnee professor of mathematics in a
line New England college. lie was
greatly interested iu the work and de
voted himself so wholly to it that a
natural tendency which h ■ had to ab
ac ut minded ness became much accen
One day when he had gu-.-sts at din
ner and was helping them to fish l'r- :n
a platter lu* took a plate b itom side j
tip, put a fish on the bottom of the
plate an 1 hr.mb d it thus to one of tk * j
guests. There was a laugh at once. '
and his wife said. “My dear, if your ;
absentmindedness has gone so far that
you are serving people f *od on the bet- :
toms of plater, 1 shall insist on your
resigning your professorship.”
She did insist on it. and he resigned
and went into another and more gen
eral field of teaching. He is still a lit
tle inclined to l»e forgetful—like some
of the rest of us—but he has never
since served fowl on the lx>ttom of a
plate.—Boston Transcript.
I’i* Answer Wm Rea»«nrlng,
Mgr. Co lino, the simple hearted and
Ingenuous Frenchman, happened to be
riding in a train in the same compart
ment with a lady who was in constant
fear of a sum simp.
At every sudden stop, every jar, ev- j
cry sound of the bell or whistle, she i
cried out:
"Oh! Oh! Have we ruu off the:
track? Is it a collision? Are we going
to be killed?”
Calino paid no attention, but remain
ed wrapped in solemn silence. Pres
ently the lady said to him:
"And you, sir, aren’t you afraid of
railroad accidents?”
“Not 1. mndame,” answered Calino
reassuringly. "It has been foretold
that 1 am to die on the guillotine!”
The nervous woman went into hys
terics and hud to be removed from tlie
train at the next station. — Youth’s
tl tlit* Theater.
Fuddy—What do you laugh at that
old joke for? When 1 told it to you
three mouths ago. you didn't even
smile, and now you laugh at ii as
though you would die.
I Middy Yes, I know; I paid to get in
here, and Pin bound to make the most
of my motley's worth.—Boston Tran
AIiunIdm; It in Privileges.
"Dauber snjs he is wedded to his
"lit* evidently thinks lie is. or he
wouldn't mistreat her so shamefully.”
—Chicago Record.
Their First Steps.
“A man goes wrong.” said the social
sage, "from pure cusseduess: a woman
out of mere curiosity.”—Philadelphia
North American.
If all the money in the world were
divided equally among the people, each
person would get about $30.
Kissing the bands of great men was
a Grecian custom.
Notice is hereby Riven that on April. !ih 1900.
E. F. MU bum Hied with the Village Clerk of j
Loup City, Nebraska, his petition tor the issu
ance of a license to sell matt, spirit uis and
vinous liquors, within said Villa;-' • dur tiir the
fiscal year n. x i u n^r front . ad after Tues
day May. 1st 190.1. Objections to the issuance
of such license r i bo filed on or before the
first clay of May,
E. t. iliLBCRN,
Attest G. ll. Gibbon.
Villatro Clerk,
Lorrc;tv s.;i a-ka
(Orilitiar.i e No. .70
V n «Iri’ir: ;!:••• re-.ula'.ng a: 1 plV'ing tire
limit: within the Vii’aiT »f Lotip City.
Nebraska. end regulations }• .vevniu r tho
15 * it ordained t>y tl ft: tv.rm dad Hoard
i:i ,l Tru !oe-ef Uie Village of XmipCity.
N*v i — nr\i .vittlSS. fill that pari of
.1''* Vi’,1 ■ u* of Li, ip ('ity cm orated in tic- f*d
!<m n;; Jif ;d It hi: here (tier known bn the
tl .* limb • ft: Wig ■ »■: t. >up Kity. Net1
ru-kn. t vvi : c-mipdsii.g all of that part of
Latk and ICridoUbamn < addition t■» the Village
of ipt'ity known Hi ••!; tliirl •on : 13) utul
nil tli t part of tho original town now Villa ge.
of Loup < ity. known as l»hvk three 13), four
iti five i.*• >. eighteen ib;, ami nineteen (191.
Skc. •; — Hrii.tcN : No bilildiog ahull
lie !u reafte;- erected in ai l tire limits, unle-s
all mu side walls shall he i uilt of stem-*, brick
oro.i.vr iireproor tmitcii); Provided, that
nothing In thi: section shall prevent the build
in.. f coa! thuds and > s not larger than
11 feet an 1 5 feet liL-in of lumber on unoc
cupied lots.
Sr.' ' S.uik Roofs, cornices and gut
ters. siaii! be covered <>.i the outside surface
with copper, tin, iron, zinc or other 11 re pro ■:
Sec. L— Same. No wooden building or j
par: • .( building within - aid tire limits shall t><
rats**d. repaired, enlarged or removed to any
other place with in said limits: nor shall any
such building tu* moved into the fire limits.
Provided. Tbdt when the sidewalks may be
so raised above or lowered below the threshold
of any building, said building may be so raised
or lowered a- to keep the llrsi floor, not to ex
ceed six inches above the sidewalks: nor shall
any w ooden building within said limits, which
maj hereafter be damaged to the extend id
lift. M, per cent of tho value thereof be re
built: nor shall such building where the dam
age shall be le-s than fifty (Mi per cent of its
value be so repaired as to be raised higher
than the highest point left standing after such
damage shall have oc. tired, or so as to occupy
a greater space than before the injury thereto:
Provided. Further: That this ordinance shall
not prevent the removal of anv building now
within the tire limits to another place within
said limits after the written consent is obtain
ed of three-fourths of all the resident property
o.vnara of the block to which said building is
to laken. and such consent -hall be filed in
then dee of the Villa: Cierk.
Sl:c. .1 Damages. The amount or ex
tent of the damages that may be don- to any
bulk ling may b • determine 1 by three disinter
est i persons, residents of the Village, one
who shall be selected bv the owner of the
building, the second by the chairman of the
n-ar-.i of Tru tecs. >>r 5n case he decs not su
it t, then by the Hoard, and the two so chosen
shall select a tuir.l and the deci-i-ns of the
persons so selected shall lw final at..* conclu
sive: the report of the persons -> selected to
Jet. I he dam a je. s :•* il be dep - t •: v. :th
the Village Clerk. It »foro '. id reference is
made it shall be the duty of the owner of the
buii.bng to deposit with the city clerk the sum
of six dollars {jHUb which sun. slm.ll be ap
plied to the payment of the ref*-reiiee expense-,
the remainder, if any. 'hall be return*. 1 to the
y . f.-Penalty. Any per' n v.hc shall
otu. build, or aid in the erection of any build
ing. or part of building v. :thin the said lire
lit:’ t contrary to or iu a::;: o: er manm r is,.a
auth. rized b • the provisions « : tk:s ordin: ace,
or : ■ shis il remove or a sist in removing any
wo. i n building within said fire limits, from
< • • pin ■' • another >r who sbCl re
move or assist in removing anv such building
fn in without slid limits into the .same, or own
or repair, or assist in repairing any damaged
wooden Inuliing. contrary in either case to ary
pre-vis oas of this ordinance, 'halt be subject to
a . ae of ue.t lr*.. than jtV* s.:td net * <-ceding
- lye in the dcseret:*..c of ;he court, for the tir-1
o:.'ensc. and a like fine for . very ttvcntv-fmir
hcti: s such ptt's.Ashall fa to comply w.t jt .e
•of this ordinal ntin
v : ua;', :i of the same. It any person shall v> —
b.: —, other provist.-.n <f this ordinuare he
s'.:all be subject to a idee fine,
:o 7. -Nitsanve Any wo. *.cu hit; Id
la : v.: i.h m: y be erert -d. enlarged, removed
o: u naire.5.contrary to this ordinance, shall
he drained a nuisance and upon information
it shad bo tho duty of th chairman of the
b .aid of Village trustees, after three day.' no
te. «? t • the builder or owner thereof, to abate
the ' me by an order In writing, to pequire the
p-pjvrr officer to raze such building to the
ground, the expeaae ef sack removal shall
reported by the officer w ho accomplished the
' line f.»r ass.'suient . and may be collet ted of
the owner of such building by suit :a any court
ba\ing competent juris ction.
That this ordinance shall t.kc effect on and
after its publication.
Apor-ved and passed Kirch 1*. t90J, and pub
lished March 23. Iiut
I J, Pan. Jaf.grh. Chairman
Attest Ifoa.'.li.f Trustees.
I O. II Gibson. Village Clerk.
AT TT E M. E. t iU H. lt.
\V E. Matthews. Pastor.
Notice Is hereby given that on March 19.
r.-O William H. Treadway filed with the
Village Clerk of Loup Citv. Nebraska, his peti
tion for the issuance of a h -ease to sell malt
spirituous and vinoaus liquors within said
Village during the fiscal year next ensuing
from ami after Tuesday May 1st, 19U». Objec
tions to the issuance of such license must be
tiled on or before the said 1st day of May !90u.
WtLUAM H. Treadway'.
Attest G. 11. Gibson.
Village Clerk'
liquor license notice.
Notice is hereby given that on March 29,
1!m>. i*. slobodny and John Cbilewski. un
der the tltin name ot siobodny A Chilewski,
filed with ihe Village clerk of Loup city,
Nebraska, their petition for the issuance of
a license to sell limit. s»iritous and vinous
liquors, within said Village during thofis
cal venr next ensuing from and after Tin s
day May 1st 19U0. Objections to the issuance
ot such license must tie tiled on or before
the first day of May P* 0
StA'BOi'NY a Ciur.vwsKi,
Attest G II GtBsOs,
Village clerk.
Notice of Probate of will, i
Mary E. Morris, deceased. .
In County Court., County. Neb.
The State of Xebra ka >o the heirs and
next of kin of the said Mary K. Morris, de
ceased: Take notice. That upon filing of a
written instrument purporting to be the
last wul and testament of Mary G. Morris fur
probate and allowance, it is ordered that
said matter be set for bearing the day
of April. A. D.. UOd. before said County Court,
at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.. at which time
any person interest:d m:.y appear and on
test the same: and notice of this pro
ceedings is ordered published three weeks
successively in the Locp i ity Nokthw kst
eks. a weekly newspaper published in this
state, at Loup City.
In testimony whereof. 1 have hereunto set n v
hard and the seal < f th- County Court, at
Loup City, this zUh. day of March. A. D.. ttko.
is, ait J. A. ANG1ER. County Judgi
Notice is hereby given that on April 4, ia»>,
T. Henry Eisner uied with th, Village cl. i k
of Loup City. Nebraska, his petition for the Is
sdiUiecof a license to sell Ma t. sp.ritvus cad
viswus liquors, within said Villug durir., i .u«
fiscal year next eaviing. from and after Yu
ti.iy Mi.;. 1st UWO. Objections to the Lsuuncc
of such llct use must bo tiled on or before the
tirst dav of May. Um>
T. If* NUY El. Nl.ll,
A tie t G. H Wl son.
Villa v Clot it
\V. W. M») bt*» . Mi lton. \Yl%, k i ■*,
• 1 comi lor O';» .Minute i ouli (iir« h
mi-t womlcifiil mn«»* quit k m il
fait'.” It is tin- on y bnnnicvs icincdv
th«t ttivt ft ltr>m«i'latt' mmlt % |r nir< ■
coujtlu, oolilf, croiji, bninchliji, |jv j*j e,
\tbOo|iinjt cotult. imiHitimnU n il *11
tluoul (UidJurijf ilUc»«i’s. Itn i*Rily no
prevents ronaumpOnn. (‘bllilm* m)>
like it mol uoUhmh vmtnriio it
odcmlttlil Him
orI^.-tor:,ra.:- ~ 7 A C.ZX ” IDVAMO*.
er- v'ii IT* Wf*? i: : t&:e whether y* .:••■■ h lady'serroans
S*Zk iJ i..s TUC** i «eru-sta ;«-d .. ! y. £ WILL SHIP
V -c V; U c< t !. if ii : not . : we
ft gg&fffr1 aV. TV.: 1! visas* you can rat ,v y where martoo
; ■ . • . :
S1 ftSO
al our SreeSal .»'%*«• V4Vl£,V veiMMi
soils': r- . - w.-ar >:x:i/ .JJISM-VCJLJB
. >1 SLUFACT! uv:-?s p:«i .;.-e t via • ‘ewoductotr
. i o<x -t<i I Lt - -:. vU -• *•>» < “
to secure AC EM ■ !»«*•«*
|*rj4 take cml(?iHL O'* ’ « ;*■.;*> ?'*;;.<:*■;nWi^ t %
r -'fti *c •~• or inrh; tv !,■ ! fncTs. Ft*3t
t ?9 Sr&irflbf. I v/i-i* !•’ :>.• • I1'• ''P^l
J ’ ■ 1
‘ s"v’*T
«the or. '••• t nnt .: t f • : L> • nd “-V’!.;• .; ’;<■ . ■ o.'tho
« 'M intake: r* « ivel .• i *. -. 1 he pern. :*« *-1 -
f'» JUiilll}: Irvlflln teX’i's j*« .‘I - . 4 tliO ir. t *•'*- •L.H2-£*l>‘r - * •-« JO*! in
KSj tiiiu it. tmtiu-.'. i.rf • i.;. .‘ily unl»h*‘«Ui .-jt t»:... >:'l
! IB ttni.'.hoi Broke!! y nn «»:i hriy*it ; -vrfs. Ve t " ■ m .'Uls t< * i ••• ; feoe
j (■ of mat ili.l tlia. i -:o it.:. uuchlne. Our Uadt*( s*■•■-• > :;s«r
;,R§ sstco Bonti v.;:h e« s ! i .....
WVCOEB toany os • a tv • t: -h in full o'L.1 oni r • . ill
STj ril££ sciwi fr:se • xi ■ ■- eniek i-Mv i
tit .^rnatfr: ortt hlirli ft rad o lit- r[. uji. Yoai wjuey all BfctK it you -
perfect Iv sMisslod. , , ,
X\ Aildiin wijrri O Wc do not rrrnurarta-e t!:a cheap '.f-part
ei VRufir WliSCMa ' ■ ■ • tor- l.iri'l of w.;. Is. s seh«» wa. y s < w
'll «:.wrm« »:;d W* aui-xly kmiSM aiiverJ i» nr.-.. 1! ;>=» hiirh grade. w#f:n iu.ihh. i. •«,
7 !ijiv vrr,at(ji>ki-! ii'i-il: orfM® f>i fl!'0 i' Li. n'c d> mt - nt-f nor roi^m
i 1. m'ovr. rRBEBIXO a l-: v *.f or:y oro *. no matter *fto or liow
>-fct •••'•• > •- i:vt eh \>'..oy ' 'itN - : ^
lf;u i .UftUI C 4a »v v!.- «-l tj uto KAKS A WCVCI-k hyo»
aro ws?*t05«3l IW MU I triV’t (fr»* -r«>af U- V • n<v«l«>ne) rson
’ in • h town for tM , f. . | V.>!r,r; eeverall ndrwi WrX< AT» M\M» WlII.Mh la;* »‘t •* *' • • n we
1 will i r ' out at £*» to #»IO t;uh; oJ out ►hop ^ • rn %ai »p ; ■. j *ii Vf »o;«!eH very *-L ap. ml f<>r Larrat * Lst.
OS li IJMaAi;' ;JV\ 1 . O'-os!. V.'r u r to nop u 1; r I T • hou:< a < r a.'». orany *p* * or
j railr^f i V ti r. you ’fttcn f*f r< ;>r» ncraro t fr . • Janre t ; . i.\ * Pi<aro i» you. v- ii it.
'ibl* low price a: id *■ r* lul t' *-ma «o hi; i ut without tit .-pOaifc v. iU
£RJ IvySi 11.2’ r* withdraw:! v ~ ■.• s<v . . h.P • . :o-o-- f ? Pis ;
When vou want to have vour
f 9/
watch repaired by the only
j first class workman in the
countv call on
or if you have any other jewel
ry which vou wish to have
| put in tirst class repair take it to
You should remember, when
you want to purchase a nice
new piece of jewelry to call on
Yours for business
Jew hr Loup City. Xeb.
The Imcrlcan Miimnerlanit.
‘ The overland Limited” via Unii I)
Pacific makes n :? \ i *iir< quicker t i me
lrt«tt ii JIisM ar River ard >en Fran
cisco than am other line*, Finely equip
ped with Double Driving Room Pal
ace Sleepers. B ff* t So. king and Lib
rary Cars with Ba. her Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Reoth -. Dining C r-\ Heals
a-ht-earfe. riot cii LUbU Sr a i U> it.
, *keIs. advert .-i: g matter and
foil information call on cm- address— W.
D. Chilton. Ag- i:t.
If vo’J wani if f im.-.lion about Ope
Xotne couo'ry, lu.'v to g- t there tool
| whet it costs write to J. Francis. G,-n.
P ?>. Agent, B. <k M. It It. it in Xebr.
Omaha, Xvb. _ 16 4 v
.. «».<► ....
BE G« •! » . YOl I>El.F:u;t! good
to. y.iur 1 >. • • n ■ton in-,it a
fri. ii lto w hi?k- y, ..., bon t .c l
: HARPER 1 isv* c ' hrvrrare f*-r
your friend a .i ft ; you. Sold by—T.
II- Elsni.u. Loup * iry. Neb.
Itoek’en’s Yttiioa Salve
11°.' world-w id; fame for UiaiVPiOUS
cures, p >v;r a-o * >:nv other Salve . lo
lion, ointment or bairn for Cuts. Corns,
Burns. IJoilcs. Sens. Felons, U.cers,
Tetter, Salt Rheusi. F«‘v« r Sore*. i hap
ped Hinds, Sait? Eruptions; Infallible
for Pile*. Cure guarantee J. Only koc
at Odendahl Bros.
♦ - • ■ ♦ —— ■
It is very bar 1 to stand idly by and
see our dear ones •-ufl' r while aw ailing
tin arrival of the doctor. An Albany.
; (X. A' dairym .u called at a drug store
' there for a doc; come and see his
child, then very sick with croup. Xot
! finding the doctor iu, he left word for
him to come ac once on his return II»
also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Rein? dy. which he hoped would
gives me relief untii the doctor should
a-rive. In a few hours he returned,
saying the doctor need not come, as the
child w asjmueh better The druggist.
Mr. Otto Schollz, says the family has
| since reccomended Ch mberlaiifs Cough
Remedy to their neighbors and friends
untii lie has a constant demand for it
from tint part of tha country. For
*«de by Odendahl Bros.
I have 150 bushel* of choice millet- seed
for sale at, reasonable figures. It is of
the '99 crop and nice and clean.
Frank. Oxlkwski.
I hive re filed an! furnished my prop
erty in the south part of fawn hereto
fore kno \n a* Hr Ros.-eter h u-e and
now have opened the same ms a first
class hoarding house,
mart 2 v Mrs M V. IV it art an
The passenjji'r department of the B
«.V M. K. R. R. offers thirteen oi h
prizes sjjregating 5113 for letters about
Nebraska. 1' Mir liar-of the n ut
which is t pen t » :t . * an be had bv >t h
dressing.? Fr tsiei., U. P A.. Omaha,
’ A'
. Ai' ... is
suer?- pi* *
I -• Wt Ike* | * * 6 C-ar*
irho t pi Uy«»r
f1'rt *•%i*' * **.
ol w. I'* l-' M1
flffUfl i>, HbWl.
I lilt M O i t tl\
oumnI? Mil,4 Hmvt HO
Liuc.ilii, Deliver,
Omaha, Ileleua,
Chicago, Iiutte, --
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portlaod.
Sr. Louis. San Francisco,
anti all points and ail point*
East and South. West.
Ne. 52 Passenger.7-50 a. m
No. GO Freight 50 p. in.
No. 51 Passenger.4:13 r- m.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats tree;, oa through trains. Ticket* •
' sold and baggage checked to aay point in
the Fmted States or Canada.
F->i into: im,: ion, map*, tina<- tab'e* and
tkS«ts caii on or write to It. L. Arthur
Agent. *»r J. FRANl Is, Geul. Passenger
A^uiii, Omaha, Nebraska.
N *G kavt daily except Sunday (pasa
ei»g< r;. 7 :j a. in.
N >. 8- haves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) ir:2u p.'m.
N<i • i leaves 1 n< 'day, Thursday eavS
Sa» tirdny, (mixed) 2 7 v m.
N > j-7 !'r: :v s daiiy except Sunday (n.ix«d
' 12. 5 p. in.
N > 7 -.rrires daily except Sun ajr (po**
. eit'-er) 7 2L> p :n.
1 .1'ii- ' -t-rvice and close connections
east, tv. st and south
tV. 1). CLIFTON,
i One mgiit ;o V iaii.
On!’. -
J Two sights tu Cal, Ore.
From Missouri Iiiver.
For l im * tabk«. f »l<k*r . ll.'us’rateJ
| boi k-. tnphlets tk.-eri :>:i cc of tb.* trr
j ritoiv traversed, t all on—W. D. CLIF
TON, V jr. LoupCitv, Neb
ANTED—Honest man or woman to tra
” Vf] ;or large house; salary monthly
and ex; eases, with mcrease ; position per
! manent. inclose self-address stamped en
velope. MANAGER. 30 Caxton bldg., Chi
; e uro II!. T i-ia
Honk>t persons to represent us as Mun
ngeis in this and close b> couimev. salary
.*Oa year and exju-nsea. Straight, bona,
fi ie, no more, no less salary. Position per
manent. Our references, any bunk in any
town. It is mainly office work conducted
at home. Reference. Enclose selt-addi (M
ed stamped envelojte. The Dominion com
pany. I lent, 3, Chicago. to :i •.& MEii,
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” <6
world’s greatest naval hero. By Marat
Ha stead, the life long friends and admirer
of the nation’s idol. Biggest and N>ok;
over 500 pages. SxlO Inches; nearlv MO pages
half-tone illustrations, oulv $:.30 Knor
moas demand. Big commissions. Outfit
tree, chance or a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dominion Company, 3rd Kioor Caxton
Building., Chicago.
Digests what you cat.
11artlfinally digesIs thefood and aids
i •livirc In st.ojcthening oud rccou*
stHictin-file oxl „:isted digestive or
! gans 11 is f tie lai ost v.;^covered digcst :iri(? tonic. No other preparation
con approach ii in eieicncy. It in
Si .ni iy relieves and permanent!? cures
• \ 'P psr:. Itiutgesi ; >i. Heartburn.
I'ninenro. Sour Stomach, Nausea!
y u i u aiiachc.Gasr ml;. ;a,Cramps,and
ot*5 vaults of i rii per feet digestion.
« cp ii wa by E C DcWOU A Co.. Coiccjjo.
F. " • \ n pIlt'A’intti. DUOS..
Lou?i City, Neb.
My '••• ■r •MiiF'Tt >1 with chroniediar
1 '■ ‘ ' !<’ 'H’mI s •»« «%ns At.
j K ' >1f '» | ty\' M'i nm v bo at I*.>t
I ■ .* i! Ik r rise hopt'Us*. .Sho
f’C'' '; i < ic 11- t bottle (t[ Chnm*
' ’ " O*. < ; o',.,-.) N, « Di.irfho-.a
! *1"' '' "< s ir^ve her pei
w nl ! * f It*’ •' pVasiin* in rceotn
s t*c'o>*'* on Ui m .rkct, **
* •'» " vrsitN, A k n, Ala.
Sold hi O U lutnhj Bros.
U n "> i; hy, ’I inti, un
,l' * ’"ih * * " mc-. !,,! fiivn , j i| ep
' 1 !> M 5 Old
'I 1 i\ v !o : t Finally
I'' => » . ■ • Of
'■' i I,,.( || hs h«
"'hi* i- I# ii. a : a ■ a ihmv man. It /
d't*" * *rth*t M'w %**♦ OilDAtlubl Bros.