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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1900)
I_ I' -Wli LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY. APRIL 13, 1900 vi trnT^3 ri SuKi HWKSTKkN EVUY rHDAY A'i *,U t'Ol’XTY SEAT *m i r.i %* m tin. . CI •• o rrt « t ■ t * «i-». rr«si>iM:>Ti» t al 1 L ’ipj» *^S*J PiMti.*)®** Utt ffSOk ; i_ lb . ■ tftt t z* jm» kP't'tJk# < Wk *.»*!»•* • ri » '*••»* ik a b-v n » rat ^ (■fc - • • •>?» demM-T*’* ft* (tract * - Hi ’ **;: * .• »i» sd^iZ re 'tu- *»r, ’ Ue l*ee *er»tie #*x ter •*' # tbst Ik-tM «r ji-i ran tbe *t p of *t*te it* -tit »*> • l! u be r »uid micir* tbe ’ #y ¥fk 'm*** ■ 11 " " .. A fee B er* to 4 sa ocliftg one d»t x#t ceet ced broortt Cf# Icaftire*! E»rt (»** * t*» brad gh i«rtm •• ft pretest u» kroner ITumt H **n %rt tin* nm thing t# <^crt» Yirtiifift (er»aftded tbe L |*t.i e s*»d D • #..♦ •* <•* to a**e I fftwrir * • x Pktriik Tbe e*c I !• ili rijbt 1st if tbe irub :'! n.» b* * t k •»» ls* ettme «o«kl oe I—-_ I Tb*- *.»■• ;'«rn r.f plait of t II r * ra r<*vi at K4|apoot t I’ a *e-« .uft .1 <iper»u>Hi. Dor*! *: £ I.. :»:& Sib o%er 40 OO0 lice . • » i< ’*■. *•*. 1. lie pr-<vo* .esgtr*! • I'f iW-ftUB* -9 *•» t i * ire V ia carried no ! •: t t. o. - , « . .* I ur .a t : - t r r »i s t|*t N.<rtb*t >l i l'j s . ia ’ :a ke "Li* •• ra A e are aaood * •*■4* t : c >ao.d « * ; • rs * sin ti r„: tfc. ^5 j, Ward asd Co. ad. j II * •iii,rfes§*» *t • aid f*e if tin* r • e 1J |mi; «»ur aps *. but .* c r-i . vitiiHt'f or an j a • aa f< ikmI t*# a> i*Jh j t * j.f - j ta is w !er tu f fr>> ■..* Wr afr a*i»re < l U** f: ti - & •■-’.« * j:**** sest 4 ' r ( » »l« as *a reault 1 *. . * ft. a a . ii firm*, eaptet a II »t ; -w-4-t% Ward to i Co. 1 .■ -i. r rr* tbitf. fr *m pan I .r- ! » a luresbinf tsa- ; t l■ . u & t • <f . =ar*e ill «e ab-'*. like • a airfr..atria with tt»« i ea« I . r» at alter d.angard f-»r L xr pall >«afe, obeli to fact is at ft. r ;xai cas tbM profit by it. H - a aa ve die a# ts car oar rsl* a- '•« stilts • !*#• of odvrrtiaioe 1* •« »u*l. aid tat. do it if our t ft x- X'-rc lasts «!o sot adrcrtlar.; Is. matt up» tb* borne mercaaots ’ a . la' a liertia-Bf d<e* s* t' I fcot .* list it d *ea sot pay lle«, a: i a*. lb* tame lS« tbo fear f .» dtapisi tbak it*me arbo do a*e « .r • a so* artli. lake fr kb 'bets tie tr.i te arujcti abooid nea t at home, • . at 11*« itter ncouaioUttcy of ibeir -«*-si If aur c luxoi arc • rib • xut to i&e forties baaortaorr *M a *t oof arnrth sa c. ivb or more to b**®e advertising? j • * do oat asti to be nodcratoud l v * i • Utl or prefer for* if o ada On fc s>tiUan or » Mil 1 much prefer n pr aeOT "^r e ra buaXtSs men. V*# n a to tkr roob proposi t* c* ai i tb ee «Li'*b iflaT resioo ok-'it g »4 poll A ! •»■ *et list brc<*Sf blB « ■ ’ t :%* The Idol of the A*. «*f- *aut >}*'.« a* a Dav»i belt*. i a* fro <>'brr baa bet», bis a • » •*-<■ „u./*d and bia (See ia 1 ! I. i.« t < V. 5- t * a i * nxm.* a a Imaatbold vard. - - *4 »ed bia nan e i. (.f|*e;.»*i t * sad L** post bat i*»"» a’lZ d a as !. :i e cbiidrra.l ,^U» L-» ii*j» b - Lta« ami old c.« l * ■ *!,* r we-« at it* mention But st aat ei b;m*e;f at a eas * f -i (!t* '-fat, ft ma’ter* D«t * t ti: 11 * •. tie of €*ur laud * * .' r ^ * brads at* J > asitalt. * tal * w, know bit * * j i,i>i vrr « ii n; to trust tiioi.j i . a* a *'fc,»»ina ae ar*- to doubt t »>* t*" *n.*r mttikmimi of tb* s • • % x*. tat to be ufifiiuitSie to . • as:• ■ ‘«ta if thr | i* a cnie t u. fa |*I pm if aiiifS which be 1 - .r»i tia-w bit tf.meioo. eg areiaa so laic turned bl* head. Tbto , Ua* * rt wtsr*d rum witb th* I ,-brtft aaeui ; o that man can ». m aod *»»• f»-»*«fa«mi weak h lift * u:i.-i tie p :!ied but should not -nc red He should be con t t.t w h the honors already shower »d up n him by a greatful people at i i ever ai.ow his asperatious to rv tr. obhvian that name which 'b< American people now almost wor»faip. .. — ■■«■ ' ■■ . .. — 1l»t fr>*«tli»g Valti# of ^tirghom ! « Nebraska Experiment Static n : as j st >>ued Hulietiu No. 02. This *> « f tin feeding value of the -ct^Lum p ant both for summer paa tur~-and w inter feed. It abows the r»-*t s'age of gr<>wtti at which to pas ture cr^Lura and tbe lieat time to cut it for fodder. The bulletin may tie -tatota (reeof cost by wrriting to the Agricultural Experiment Sta tion. Lincoln, Nebr. Cnemical analyses show that tbe f> e hog value of sorghum is greatest; wnen tbe plant is young >>b<n two feel high it contains three times a- much citr< geni us matter, twite a- much fats, and only two-thirds is ten L fibre or woody material as it * when it has attained its growth o f Ttnad »eed«. Young sorghum i-* an aim si perfr-t stock food since i' t ihtamea desb forming materials and fa’ formiog materials in the r»: 1 to 7. When nearly ma ll'- this ratiw is 1 to 2d. tbe fat f o.i:.g material !»eiog very exces Tijereafter tbe crop fhould be i for ps« urage at least before t -*et Is form, it would be profits ■ *■_ to pasture the sorghum w j» n ’ is n •: more than two feel C since the sta * first eaten tff w produce a secoudgrcwth .—.g are. which will balance tig fat-f- rming properties f the tuber crop. Voang * -rgbnm is a vary sncou nt It contains about 85 r ;* »f water, or only 15 per : • u*a ter Over 150 lb- per day e fodder w >uld Ke requir ? :• j -u(!i icot food fergrow at'u* < r tx tieL cows of 1,000 lbs. 1 be Ust results are ob ' ‘ \ n• : g a me urv feed along * it i v rgu'iin pasturage. A rep red with forage plants * .j are available for late summer .**• rage, \oung soigbum is some what rlu ientin flesb forming mi containing less than blue ■.»- -r Bromus inermts. about the - i.e as timothy, and a little more 'ban Indian cern - rghum should be cut for fodder at as car v a stage as it can be well eared Analyses show that after th* ;* n 1 of flowering tbs sorghum stalk rapi y becomes more flbroas r » >ody and the proportion of the tn >re valuable food principles is cor • -p ’Sdiugiy decreased. Sorghum fodder do*s not posess any great feeding value. Even if cut while : ♦-... :t.g out it will have a somewhat -:u& er amount of flesh forming mi ei tal than moat hay crops, and less tun corn fodder, but more than straw of the small grains. The food *»»•>- hre stock Lave for this fodder a doubtless due to the sugars < prob ably chiefly glucose) which it coo am- its relatively high percent age of heat and energy-producing na erinis makes it especially sdapt * le for eoid-weather feeding. A. W. Thatcher. Nebraska Agricultural Expeii txietit Station. ASHTOW 5IWI JJr. and Mrs Carl Tratfer of Rock* till*'. accompanied b? Mrs. Traffers i >ib<»r Mrs J A. Bowden,of Blair, t - 'id Mr. aod Mr*. \V. M. Smelser Ttiiir* lay. We r. >tice that hill* are out an b nn :ng tha* the Ashton Brass Band «i 1 give a lanee at the opera li use during the afternoon and eve oiog of Easter Mondsv, April lo. \\ e rii»le that the B A M. Ry. Co. have l#~en treating their depot and »r"on house to a new eoat of paint this week Mr F Maaon of Loop City, tit pleasant caller Friday. W. M. >rnelser trade a flying * > • p t » L >op City and back Si' uni tv afternoon. W K i'z n pa 1 Loup City a k’t*p last Saturday. Mrs *V A Wilson r.nd Mr. E. F. W * >*» ir ve to Loup City Saturday. Ti e grain firm • f Jamrog A Tat ar r** «rt ’v it thev sbippid 16.000 *• • .s «.f wheat within the last two we. k*. wh. -h we think is a very good -Lowing for our little city. Is Asht n going to eeiebrate tbe Fourth this tear? The time is rap wilt drawing near, so let us think »b *at it as it is -‘the early bird that |ea<>:hesthe worm.'* I*sac Sandberg bid us farewel Saturday morning and boarded Hie train for Laramie. \Yy. He intends to remain tbere this summer. Miss Gladys Schaupp gave a birth day party at her hum* Saturday afternoon in honor of her Fifth birthday. Many little folks attend ed and left mauv pleasant remind ers iu tne form ot pretty preaents to remind Miss Glad;.t> of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs G. \V. Marval spent Monday in Si Paul on business. Miss Blanch Beliel of Davis Creek spent Sunday here with her sister. Miss Maude Beliel at Mr. L. A. Wil sons. Mrs. E M. Spar hawk of Denver, Col, arrived Saturday evening for extended visit with her parents, Mr. aad M rs. Henry Howard. We noticed the smiling face of S. J. Fair of Ptockville wandering around our city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D M. Hendrickson of Farwell, drove up and spent Sun day with frienda. Gust Reigel left us Monday after noon on his way to a meeting of the Presbyterian church authorities at Lexington, Neb. K 0. Taylor boarded the East bound freight Tuesday afternoon for Omaha on his way to attend the Grain Dealers Convention. Someone “lifted” 0 fat hogs from J P. Taylors yard last Sunday night and up to the present time no trace of the animals had been found. The Republican primary wag held Tuesday evening with a fair attend ance. Many words of approval of the present administration was ut tered. I. C. U. A HoriMe Outbreak. “Of large sores on mv little daugh ter's bead developed Into a case of scald bead” w rites: C. D. Isbill of Morgaut- n Penn , hut Boeklen's Arnica Salvecom pleteiy cured her. It's a guaranteed cuse for Eczema. Tetter. Salt Rheum, Pimples. Sores. Uicers and Piles. Only 25c at Odendahl Bros. That Throbbing Head. Would quickly leave you if you used Pr. King * New Life Pills Thousands ofr.fl'crtrs have proven their match less nu rit for Sick and Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and bui'd op your health. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold liy Odendahl \ Bros ___ MILLIONS til VKN AWAY It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern which is not afraid to be generous. The proprietors • f Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have givm away over ten million trial bettles and have the satisfaction of knowing it has cured thousands of hopeless cases. As tDma. Bronchitis, I,a Grippe and all Throat. Chest and Lung diseases are surely cured by it. Call on Odendahl Bros. Druggist, and get a free trial bot tle. Regular size 50c and §1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Do you take cold with every change in the weather? Does your throat feei raw ? And do sharp pains dart through your ches* ? Don’t you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, breach ills, or consumption itself? If ycu are ailing and have lost fiesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The qu :sfion icr you to decide is, “H.t. e I the vitality to threw < r v 1: ;se dis eases ? ” i'J:l %-Vttotry 5C0TT’5 . J liN “as a last rc . ! T ;re is no remedy . * * it fer for" jr3 ing the i-. Prevention is easy. Ecott’s Dulsion < c . or impticn and • - *»* txi ,TC. -—- Vy liidl -» i e i: and these “ h>ood. . . .1 5 EA1CLSE3N is ; . • .jr-iard rented/ lor i lit: oats a;;d lungs, . -s, trcachr'ls end con St Is .»trod medi ; oi i tnt'rkabie power A .. d, tecausc it nourishes the uody; sue a meuicine, be cause it corrects diseased conditions. i 5oc. and $;.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, New Ycrk start the teak right. By this we mean that if you are not already a subscriber to The Nebraska State Journal you should become one at once The Journal is X ebraska's old reliable. Being published at the state capital it prints more news of interest to Nebraskans than any other paper in tbe state. Many of its patrons have been subscribers for over a quarter of a century. Tbe Journal has built up a tremendious business by its push and energy and the paper stands at the head of the co iimn. Its daily and Sunday issues not only contain all tbe current news of the vroild, but are filled with special features. The Semi Weekly Journal, which by many is called “the farmers* daily," gives 104 papers a year for $1 00 and is one of the greatest bar gains ever offered readers. The year 1000 will be a record breaker with tbe Journal, as 1S80 has been. Join the ar my of readers for the coming presiden tial campaign. THE AY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA Is iu a tourist sleeper, personally con duced. via the Burlington Roate. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, but it is just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in—and nearly $20 00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules: Pintsch gas. high back seats: a uniformed Pull man porter: clean bedding; spacious toilet rooms; tables and a beating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter and cool in >-un)mer. lu charge of each excursion party is *n experienced excursion conductor *ho accompanies it right through to I Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. l.ouis, Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco foJlowing Sunday, Los ' Ang^h-s Monday. Only three daj s from the Missouri Rtvt-r to the Pacific Coast, including a stop-over of 14 hours at Den ver and 24 hours at Sait Lake City—two of the most interesting cities on the con tinent. For folder giving full information, call at any Burlington Route ticket of fice, or write to—J. Francis,—Gen'l Passenger Ageut, Omaha. Neb. Cleeseth- liver, puaify the blood, in vigorate the body by using DeWitt's Li'tle Early Risers. Tnese famous lit tle pills act promptly. Odendahl Bros. DO YOl WASTA CALENDAR The biggest—and best—calendar ever issued by any American railroad is now being di.-tributed by the Burlington Route. It has twelve sheets, one for each month of the year. On each sheet is a striking illustration of some feature of of the Burlington's seme or of the teri tory reached by its lines—the govern ments fast maii ruaiing at full speed; a tourest ear on its way to California: engine 1591, the largest passenger en gine in the world, a library car; a com partment sleeper; the Burlington sta tion at Omaha: a dining car; a monster freight iraiu; Estes Park, Colo; the plunge bath at Hot Springs, S. D., Yel lowstone Fall", etc. The drawings from which the pictures were made are by Louis Braunbold, of Chicago, and cost several hundred dol-i lars. The size of the callendar is 22x2S. The dates are in big type which can be read at a distance of 50 feet. For | business offices the Burlington calendar is simply invaluable. Purchased in large quantities, the calendars cost the Burlington Route 27 cents apiece. With postage, packing etc., they represent an Investment of about 35 ceuts. Our price is 25 cents— 10 cents less than cost Write for one; stamps will do. If it Is not satisfact ory, send it back and your money will be prompt1}' refunded. .1 Francis, General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Neb. 2 9 7w . . I W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Pnblit. Will Defend in Foreclosure Casas also no A General Real Estate Business. Office In North wester* Building, LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTOENET-AT-LAff, LOTTP CITY. t l VB A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA. OFFICE.—One door east of Ctaaae*a drug store. W. L. MARCY, Y11ST OFFICE ON EAST SIDE PCC-IC SQEARE LOUP CITY, NEB. J. E. INKS, PAINTER, Fipst class Wor^ guaranteed IOUP CITY. - - - NEB Has arrived and those who were anxiously waiting for the first sign of spring were glad to see him. As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to manv that it was not the first robin they had ever seen. They have seen men KoBBIV their fellow men by asking exhorbitant prices for goods. Well, we have been in business for years and we have our first robbin’ yet to do Speaking of robins and spring reminds us that we have a special message to com municate to you and that is that we had good reasons to expect that spring w. *uld come sooner or later, and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line uf spring goods: and we are fully prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If you want a bargain in any thing in the line of general merchandise: DRY GOODS. BOOTS and SHOES. CLOThlXG Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceries call on J. PHIL JAEGER, South Side Public Square Loup City, Xtbr. ■\1T ANTED—Honest man or woman to ” travel for large house: salary $65 monthly and expenses with increase: position permanent: inclose self-addressed stamped en velope MANAGER. £Jo Caxton bldg. Chica go, 111. 7-1-19 II’ASTED—nEykRaL BRIGHT AND HONEsT, persons to represent us as Managers in this and close bv counties. Salary $900 a year and expenses. Straight bona-hde. no more, no less salary. Position permanent, otir references, any bank in any town it is mainly office work Conduct ed at borne. Reference. Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope.—Thk Domin ion Company. Dept. 3. Chicago & ^5 to 3 lyu CAFT WILLIAM At. TOR OH ALLR Congressman from New York, is the president of Thk New Yokk Stah which is giving awav FORI COLLAR BICYCLE daily, as offer ed by their advertisement in another column Hon Amos J. Cummings. M C Col. asi Bird Gardner. District Attorney of New York ex Qovernor Hogg, of Texas, and Col. Fred Feigel New York, are among the well known names in their Board ot Directors Facts That j Ready Every Patriot $ *feni!2Ty 1st and Voter Ought to Know. THE 1900 AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. A Political Raster Containing Full Information Upon Adi Statistical Facts and Figures* . Inc ; Over I Politician ftCW || 600 Congress. I P4ge*- \ ^ t ■'V AAAAAA A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. SPECIAL \ The South African FEATURES. j War; War in the Phil -—> ippines; The Interna tional Peace Congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects of equally vital interest. _ A complete History of each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac layf Historian U. S. Navy • THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. \ £ Postpaid to anv address. THE WORLD, \ZzHzl 1 Pulitzer Bid, Betz iurh. NERVITA PILSSS Cures Imootency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self k abuse, or excess and mdis Icretion. A nerve tonic and 'blood builder. Brings the rpink glow to pale cheeks and ' restores the fire of youth. *By mail 5t)c per box, O boxes lor $2.50; with a written g uaran tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CBnton A Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL FOR SALE BY ODENDAHL BROS., Loup City, Neb I NOTICE. t I : vv e have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business ot James Reutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. W e handle a complete line of WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES W e have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reaionable, our price* are right. COLE & McDONALD, Loup City, Neb. The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World, Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Us. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wrear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MOKTCOMERY WARD A CO., Michigan At. A Madloon $»U, Chicago. DO you -WANT A WELL -IF SO REMEMBER THAT I am prepared to furnish ail kinds. I can make you a Hydraulic, Drive or Bored WELL. AXD FIT YOU OUT WITH A GOOD WIND MILL, PUMPS, AXD FIXTURES. JESSE REXTFROW, an experienced hand at the business will have charge of the mechanical work of this department. T. M. REED. A. CULLEY P COLLBY. President Csifai—■ FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y-, Omala National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.