The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 06, 1900, Image 7
Jephthahs Daughter: A Story of Potrlorchal Times. IBy JULIA MAGRUDER— © RTBBfiBT** m A*k* Alt* iM BT R B»T Bo**W* Son C'HAFTEU VI! —(Continued I The* the tone of rath turned to r*. h and tot| time they gated into ca< h •tihw'h ever «a though iLetr very ■owls were hared unto b other The® •i tent If their arm* ear nine® and auftiy their lip* met and pee— d and clung; and ao reeled thee »t!ll upon their anew* fur the moment «a» —-red at t * to bo and to death The thought of a'hat *a» to rosne wa» in the heart *»# snrh. and ■ amt around them a great a* that teemed to wrap them ih; hut •' ten over fhta their pure lore tri tupted and the man and the maiden were elwtum therein the troth of Xa niarah » word* that love to rtronger "la® death Th«n Ad:na ,.fted up hi* voice and prayed. And Kama rah in her gentle vote •h^h the word* of Adsna» prayer made bow to 1'em hie afiewered even « too - Amen After :bt> tut mem to their feet and went in aiawh of the maiden's father Jrphthah, that they might apeak ttc him < words and rot® fort him with the oosafort wherewith their -•» within them had hee® comforted And X a marsh spuAe onto her father Jepfnah and aald: ~i*t this thing be done for me: let me alone two month* that I may go P and do*® upon the mo~®ta:n» and bewail my unhappy fad.'* And he Mud And after this behold the face of the n.aid*-n wa^ t> .•Lg.-r morrow fu! but ever there tM»s®ecj forth from it a moat • aim and ahfng light tha* even ton 1 carted the heartj of ail who gated (in her <*H AFTER VIII. I*a thr »- ?hr retura from uf thr hosts of Jh^plME tush thr <i**radits \sb*;aI ihii as was hrr »«ht to ferd hrr dorrs sad as shr br fuss shr wot* thrrr <mmr *• hrr «»tt tar firin walk, rfcroach thr farted hraishr* of thr tree*. thr Xow Naaanh ka»w that far would '<•» *^r* at this ttmr abd filar* hut hrr Mart with* hrr tremblrd ahd th* «wiar was aw im far gam* from ««t hrr rhrrh hat that hi* naamc raliad It ha* a .Sr ta « fu<* ifa fakmwt Ahiwa wfce had rrslrd from hi* • raw*'.it* •«« r*f'*«hrd h.m*r!f was '*m this rwwwtac -hr Xaaiarmh. all th •hs, m a stat* r rotor that swathrd has stalwart hods from thr stualdrr ta w* saa-'-r.* <»a t;» !**t Hu beautiful straws r*wac arm* wrrr Lid bra*atb |«S to;d» oht.l as hr >amr up to whrr* tlbr auudra stood, hr r»*« b*d farm wwt ahd foiht hrr trader!*- sod *.Tf’-ts*r» acs:art htf breast Hurt wot thr bird Ac.ha.” shr said *" » » as hr b*ld hrf thrr* dad Larw aw to duttacuuh brt«M*e thr fiatter .«* of thr dos* ahd thr hrafiae of th* hS«J*S» h*n. ' It i* r»*-B thr iittlr »h- h did rwmphhf thr* th* thf dahcrrotu aahdrriass ahd briac Bo thr hoof* of th) heart to Ho* khoars* them it u thr i»D* Nmwarah hr made shsarr. *M*mf fha: thro*' shoa-ahitr birds of tfaiar arr sr as b* csrdra-litie*"' A ad as h* spakr hr hr id hrr still With m* Wttowc *r* at «r thr othrr haad h* - ; *'.*••' *.♦ • ' • • •■ .-a* th*: **»tit!y »hiiotb*4 thr rafirc pluauicr of thr fricbtrard turd * m-mr* *1 v * my up X Td| v ^IXm l H# MMi hy its troUt feather* Mas m turd ng hath ##• suffered m our *er »:■* aad a* she spnh*- she lifted it aad biased If tenderly at ah* h Adtaa IMP.frty head Ms tall haad aad kaaacd ’> very spot a hereon her up* hud la a ipoa the ».,rd as v ia* as he dtd so Thy k'*ae* ar* ail a a Vstnarah aad 1 aMMt even take bar k the oae that thou hast rive*, t*> the turd. It was kar of the* to toreoa it ot another than him to 9 bum :t doth by rirfat be h*ag Hebsase the bird that hath too 4-a eagbgad the tuarhea of thy hands these he also and tonight 1 k'&r fur all thy love, seeia* that my heart aiitl ta ta* is ilk** to burst with sorrow I fees X - annul Mr iftly loosed the *•»»- a at' % Bea a nay aad Van:* bed f-t'ia 'b*-ir sight. even as the maiden thrr* her amis a bowl her lover* ae? k •mi y-ejned herself ta h:> moat sneer earl ar e T jeaf The* narrow not Adtaa* my rb spake Ion 'Thine am t : r eterpify* and Heaven’* Joys can s« »•» »*t Win thou not strive to dive ta* rtyeagth to do the' thing that lies bef« ’* a* * **r»y for .-oarage for both ifc*'"* sad tn» for k, re ** » a** t sad death seems m *-i *• * Ay. death i* erwe* erne!*** made an roer Adia* »-ha that hi* brow grew stem, aac the • *rt hands that were about her soft young body < ::iwhed as if ,i anger * hi«>a aa) C4 forgive me.** said \j* marsh, "for the evil word i spahe. il *ve* paaaed tie danr of my lips anMhaai mine ova * nasmt Oar God is •«d Adtaa. aad tf ve dishonor Him Md. hy dnafed of His guadaaas aad re heiiioa to Ha will, He will most likely dettsor aa hath, aad tr it pleaaeth Him bn take my spmt tao ^ to Him oho Ca * tf and aa leave taee here upon she earth a ill It am to. hard a thing ta wait with paueaee uat/ the hour of from earth an *• desh shall ' i-? *i'.n: »h* sgsia m»- : -Too hard a thing Xararah! I Could •«!: till eternity were ended I oauid love aay other ***** la thy love avd loyalty htdoead**’ smith Xaasarab. and hate tbee remember. If it should be. »ben I am dead that thou sbouldst eter love another maiden—for thou art ' mg and there be others worthy of thjr love and life alone is long and ►ad—I would not have thee live unwed because of me If thou choosest to marry thou hast my full consent, and eten mv blessing from Heaven." Hut at her words the young man thrust her from him almost roughly, and turned on her the first ungentle look bis fa<e had ever worn to her. Thou art unkind and cruel unto me. Namarah.’ he said ’ and thy love is no? like to mine for thee, or thou « »uidst not think possible the thing where f thou speakest. The soul of Ad;na *Iept within him until, at touch of thy sou!, it waked; and it lives but for thee alone. If thou must die. the desire of my heart will be still to thee a ‘>ne and my soul shall even wait for I thy soul." ^ m «, CHAPTER IX. Then Namarah came egsic in?o hiS arm*, and while they clasped her close with love* true tenderness, behold the maiden began softly to weep, and said: I am even satisfied to die to-night, knowing a love like thine. If I die and thou lives t. 1 beseech thee that thou wilt lie even as a son unto my 'ather Jephthah. for his heart is brok en within him and by reason of his vow he giveth up his only child.” "That will I maiden.' saith Adina; and if so be that 1 shtil live and thou do*;, that will even be my work in fe Ah Namarah my most holy and mt-• beauteous love, hast thou thought pon ?be weariness and darkness of the life that I will lead without thee, eten through youth and manhood and old ageT* >*■ beloved | have thought of it,” *he answered—"be sure that I have thought of it—with a heart made wild with anguish and it seemeth unto me •hat thy fate is even a harder one than tc ne But now that we have spoken of these things, and thou knowest my Thought* and wishes concerning thv .U if tbou are left to live it oat with out me let us speak of it no more, and let us even, so far as in us lies, banish it from our thoughts. I would have thee give me a solemn pledge that when I depart on the morrow. I. and the maidens that be mv companions, thou wilt pray continually, as I shall do for deliverance. Kneel with me now Adina. and let us pray this prayer, even in the silence of our heart*.** And s;de by side, upon the grass be neath the white light of the moon, they I ne t together, hand in hand, and lifted up their hearts. So still and silent was the night that the linle brook which ran thro .gh the garden, down at the f'-'o* of the hi’!, could be heard gurg ng over it* stone* and the notes of •he net in their bouse near by sound e- mournfully and pleadingly in their ear*. The soft wind of the summer night played lightly over their bowed l ead? ruffling Adina s golden curls and V 'Wing against hi? throat a long tress of Namarah * silky hair. Long time •t*' kne't there, their bo die? touching or; > n that close hand-clasp, but their souls fused into one. When they rose from their knees and stood erect in the pale moonlight, both wo tall and young and beautiful in their fair white raiment, they turned and wound their arms around each other in an embrace of unspeakable love. Again the night lay wrapped in silence. Suddenly there was a fluttering above them and a white bird flew down and a.ighted There it nestled, with a little plaint vf moan As the yoeng man and the maiden strove each to touch and soothe it? ruffled feather's, their two hands met and clasped. It is tfcc littie messenger. said Na marah as the bird crept closer to tbe warmth of th^ir necks, betw«fH*n the arch mad* by their dose-pressed cheek* *•' seemeth to 1m* restless and unhappy. There was one of niy doves » *-d by a hawk one day. wnile this uger v as gone with thee. Think e*t thou it could have »n*en it* mate? ! saw the grea* haw k swoop down upon :* one day as it sat alone apart from a!' the res* and before I could run to it* rescue, tin poor little thing had been carried off in those cruel claws. Thou kaowv.-t --dost thou not?—that •in 'ove is tbe image of constancy, and when it once loses its mate it take* m>ne other evermore." E'<*n as it shall be with me," loathed forth Adina. "If 1 lose the mate vhepunto my soul is already wed ao will I 1 iv* lonely like the mate lee* t.ird. until mine end shall come." while the bird still rested be 'wseti them they c lasped ea< h other closer yet for with the rising of the sub to-morrow Xamarah and her maid . n* were to wet forth unto the moun tains and this was their hour of part ing. Lung time they rested there alone, after the bird had fluttered ofT to its and ever the sound of its sad complaining came unto their ears. It shall l*e my companion while thou art gone.** said Adina. ‘and at night 1 will take it with me, so that it* mourning shall be made against the warmth of my heart, that hath no voice wherewith to utter the greatness of its woe.** Nevertheless. I snail hear Its com plaining* even with the ears of my soul." said Xamarah. and my heart shall answer them, in sounds inaudible that thy listening soul mav hear. And now must ! leave thee, beloved, for my father watteth for our parting to be over, that he may even speak with me himself." CHAPTER X. At break of day next morning. Na marah. accompanied by her maidens. dressed all in sad garments of mourn ing. passed through the streets of Mif peh and wended tb€ir way toward the mountains, and. as they passed along, behold the people came forth of their houses to look upon them, and ever as they saw the maidens, in their sack cloth and ashes, men and women, and even little children, lifted up their voices and wept, for the vow that Jeph ! thah had vowed was known unto all the people; also that the maiden Na marah was gone, according unto cus tom. to bewail upon the mountains with the maidens, her companions. And as the maidens walked with sad and treasured steps, the maiden Na marah walked ever at their head, her stately height and noble form swathed in sackcloth. And. although the hood of her mantle hid her face from view, the people said she sobbed in passing, because that they saw the fluttering j rise and fall of her breast beneath the folds of her gown. But Namarah was not weeping. Her brow was calm and soiemn. and her great eyes serene as be stars. Her vigil had made her pale as the ashes wherewith she had sprinkled her gar ments, but the look of her face was strong and confident, and ever she whispered in the silence of her heart "He will deliver.” As the town was left behind, and the rugged mountain path up which they were to wend their toilsome way was | come in view, Namarah paused, and the maidens who followed, pausing also, say her part the folds of her gar ment anti take therefrom the mes senger-dove which had already served so faithfully. She spake no word, neither looked she to the right nor the left, while all the maidens wondered, but lifting it to her lips she gently kissed it. then raising b°r arm above , her head she held it on her Open paim. j i giving it a little impulse upward, at j which it spread its wings and flew, with a sure and steady flight backward along the path that they had come. Namarah stood and looked at it until the whiteness of its feathers was even one with the whiteness of the clouds, and then she turned about and began to climb the mountain-path, her maid- l ens following. Then were there tears j in her eyes, in that moment, which overflowed and fell upon her cheek, but uo eye there was that saw them. (To be continued.) Hi* Best Ideas. That the American 'man with the hoe" does not find tne life of the farm stultifying must surely be inferred from the words of an old tiller of the soil, who came across a classical vol ume and found in Plato a kindred spirit. The good American farmer called upon a doctor, and was ushered into the library. At once the well-filled tiook-shelves drew his attention. "Are you fond of reading?” asked the doc i tor. noting the wandering gaze. "Well, 1 yes." returned the farmer, modestly. "1 should be pleased to lend you a book to take home with you.” said the other. "Just take any one that you think you'd like to read.” “Oh, I'm no good at selectin',” replied the old man. "You pick one out, doctor.” So the doctor, in a spirit of fun. gave the farmer a book written by Plato. The old man went away, and at the end of a week reappeared with the book un der bis arm. "Well,” queried the doc tor. did you read the book?’-’ "Yes. I did." was the emphatic answer. “And what did you think of it?” “It was fust-rare,” responded the farmer. “I've read it through from kiver to kiver. I never heard tell of this fellow Plato before, but all the same I’m glad to find that the old chap has been writing uj» some of my very best ideas.” Venice Without Water. Venice without water would hardly be Venice at all, but we are assured there is a possibility that the pictur esque Venice of today may become a city of the past, and eventually Ven ice may be waterless. According to Prof. Marlnelli, the regular increase in the delta of the River Po is such that in process of time the northern Adri atic will be dry and Venice will no more be upon the sea. A comparison of the Austrian map of 1823 with the record of the surveys of 1893 shows that the mean annual increase of the delta during these seventy years has been three-tenths of a square mile. An encroachment upon the sea of three tenths of a mile in a year means a large increase in a century. It appears that the total increase in six centuries has been about 198 square miles. The increase is continuing and the Gulf of Venice is doomed to disappear. No im mediate alarm need be felt, and it will not be necessary to hurry off to Ven ice to take a farewell look at the city in its present pictiiresqueness. Prof. Marinelli calculates that between 100 and 120 centuries w'ill elapse before the entire northern Adriatic will have be come dry land. An Ideal of True Creatne**. i A Cleveland paper tells a story of a street incident which shows the ideal of greatness which the sensational newspapers, with their extravagant at tention to "athletics,” are inculcating among the street boys. Two very dirty boys of this class were engaged in dis figuring as much as possible every face : on the advertisements on a big bill board. They turned the actresses into bearded ladi^. put cigars in the mouths of res,_H-table aged gentlemen, and gave Adm .**:1 Dewey a black eye. Then one of th*v: started with his pen cil for a face .a the middle of the board. But th:, others called out: "Hey! Don't to anything to that!” ("Why not?” askiC. the first. “Why, don’t you know? Chat's Jeffries, the champion!" They _i>ft the face un mutilated. looked respectfully at it a moment, and trudged along. A Change for tk| Better. Lady Violet Greville, icaunenting on the emancipation of wonna. says that in the early days of Quec-r Victoria a married woman never took an airing on foot, even in the park, unless at tended by her maid, and it is oc.ty with in the last fifteen years that g rls of good family could walk alone itr cer tain quiet and respectable sheets. There was once a time when to thrive alone in a hansom would have subject ed a lady to the imputation of beixjg fast and immodest. Now there L* scarcely anything women cannot do. C-lOO Reward SI00. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tha'. there is at least one dreaded disease that seance has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of thedisease.andgivingthieputient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for Iny case that it fails to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo, a Sold by druggists 75c. B»U’6 Family Piils are the best. The Krupp works are to be extended at a cost of not far from $1,000,000. FITS Permanently cured. Xoflt> or nerronsnee< aft**1 first d»y • of l*r. Kline * t«te«t Nerre Heetorer. Send for FKEE 92.00 trial bottle aiui rrealise. IJa. K. H. Kurt. Ltd., ail arcb St., i hU*Ueil<hin, I t Are Ton Fnlng Allen** Foot-Ewne? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting. Burning. Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. Use Magnetic Starch--it has no equal. OMAHA A ST. LOI IS RAILROAD. WABASH RAILROAD. 48 miles shortest to St. Louis. 28 miles shortest to Quincv. THE ST. LOUIS CANNON BALL.” Last to leave: first to arrive. Leave Omaha .5:05 P. M. Arrive St. Louis .7:00 P. M. Trains leave Union Station daily for St. Louis. Quincy. Kansas City and all points East or South. Home Seekers Excursion on sale first and third Tuesday of each month. Steamship tickets to all parts of the world. For full information, call at O. & St. L. ticket Office. 1415 Farnam St.. (Paxton Hotel block 1. or write. Harry E. Moores. G. P. & T. A.. Omaha. Neb. My doctor said I wooid die. but Pieo't Cure for Consumption cured me —Amo# Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23, '95. The editors of Ainslee’s Magazine (New York) offer in the April number lour readable articles on matters near it. the heart of the American people. In "The Islands of the Pacific,” by Arthur I. Street, we have a kaleido scopic view of that remote world into *\ hieh expansion has led us. "Net Re sults in Alaska.” by Warren Cheney, is a sane summary of chances and con ditions in the gold fields, with the con clusion that gold-mining is a cold blooded business proposition. "The In dian Congress." by Wade Mountfortt. is a pathetic picture of the last days of a dying regime. "Our Congressiona' President,” by George Iceland Hunter is an article worth much considera non. Try Magnetic Starch—it will last longer than any other. EDUCATE YOUR BOWELS. Thousands of Premature Deaths Caused by Neglect. Ever)' Persia Cas Prolong Life and Enjoy Health and Happiness Who Will Listen tc the Voice of Progress. If you want to open a door, you don't smash It with a crowbar, but open U with a key. It s easier and less destructive. When you are costive, or bilious, or con stipated. don't take an old-time dose of physic, throw your bowels into spasms and turn your liver inside out. as long as everything can be set right, in a nice, gentle quiet, positive, natural way by Cascarets. the ideal laxative. We have all found out that persuasion is stronger than violence. Instead of trying to force your disor dered organs to do their duty. Educate Your Bowels and make them act natu rally by using Cascarets, Candy Cathartic, so pleasant to the taste, so mild, so effec tive. They are guaranteed to cure any case of constipation or money refunded. Buy and try Cascaiets to-dav. It's what they do. not what we say thev'il do, that proves their merit. All druggists, 10c. 25c. 5oc. or by mail for price. Send for booklet and free sample. Address, Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago; hlonireal. (’an.; or New York. This is the CASCARET tab let. Every tablet of the only genuine Cascarets bears the magic letters "O C C” Look at the tablet iiefore you buy, and beware of frauds, imita tions and substitutes. Keeps boSJi liner and saddle per- I fectiy dry is the hardest storms. I Substitutes wilidisappoint. Ask for I 1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker— I it is entirety mew. If not for sale in I your town. write for catalogue to I ^ALTOWKR^ostocnMas^l PERIIIM PROTECTS OUR MEsT The Roberts Family, of Falls City, Neb.. Are healthy and Happy—A Rare Sight in These Days. They Say, “We Think Peruna Is The Greatest Medicine On Earth.” No man is better known in the State of Nebraska than Mr. Carl T. Roberts, | contractor and mason. A typical Am erican—active, shrewd and full of busi ness sagacity. He is not only a pro vider for his family, but a protector. In a recent letter to Dr. Hartman he writes among other things, as follows “Our boy, James, had the membra nous croup and repeated attacks of lung fever. Our boy, Charlie, was also subject to attacks of pneumor,»a and pleurisy. Our third boy, John, was subject to fever and ague (malarial) and liver trouble. Your remedy, Pe runa, cured my boys entirely, and now I have three of the healthiest boys in the State of Nebraska, which I attribute to your medicine. My wife ! had a stomach trouble which Peruna also cured. Altogether for my whole , family we have used nineteen bottles o? Peruna, and have thus saved S500 in doctors’ bills. I am a contractor and mason by trade, and am know-n all over Nebraska. I have had a stomach trouble, which has been greatly re lieved by your remedy, Peruna, for which I am still taking it. We think it is the greatest medicine on earth.” j —C. T. Roberts, Falls City, Nebraska. ! Hon. William Youngblood. Auditor for the Interior, writes from Washing r—i-w—sr-m ton- D- C- to Dr- ‘ | jj,* l Hartman. Colum uus, unio. as io» lows: * I’ve often heard of your great m e d i c i n e i and have persuad ed my wife, who has been much of a sufferer from ca tarrh, to try Peru runa. and after using one bottle she has wonder fully improved. It has proved all you _ .1-:__a Ua « t Viuiuit u iu* Hon. William it and J take ' oungbiood. pleasure in recom mending it to anyone who is afflicted with catarrh." Peruna has become, in a multitude of households, absolutely indispensable. Mr. T. G. Walker. Carneiro. Kansas, writes: “It is with pleasure that I re port that I am better than I have been for many years I believe Peruna is without a doubt the best medicine that ever was used in a family. U has cured my nervousness, with which I had been afflicted for a great number of years.” It is a fact of ever-increasinp aston ishment that so many sen sible and provident people will, for the neglect of so simple a precaution as to have a bottle of Peruna at hand, bring upon themselves the need.ess suffering and foolish expense that a practitioner of medicine is forced to witness every day. As soon as the value of Peruna it fully appreciated by every household, both as a preventive and cure of these afTections, tens of thousands of liveu will be saved, and hundreds of thou sands of chronic, liugering c;>ses of disease prevented. Peruna :s the household safeguard. A complete work on chronic catarrh sent free to any address by The Peru na Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio. For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. No berries or small fruits are grown in the Philippines. Mrs. Wlnalo^'s Soothing Syrup. Fot children t«eihlng. soften* the gum*. reduce* tn tsmmsilo^, alia;* pam. cure* wind colic. 25c a bottie Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. A GimrUlth Tracts sild Trnnips. An army officer tells this story: “One of my chaplain friends was on an army fansport. going South with officers and men from various regiments. The officers were playing cards ip the cabin fiom morning to night. When Sunday came the chaplain took a good supply of reading matter from his cabin, and was on hand with it as the breakfast table was cleared off and the officers were getting ready to play cards as usual. Stepping to the head of the table, he said, good naturedly: ‘Gen tlemen. tracts are trumps today, and it's my deal!’ ‘All right, chaplain, the officers responded, ‘give us a hand.' The books and prayers were given out. No cards were played that day. The chaplain had his opportunity unhind ered. because he showed tact in his v>ay of presenting his case." Mrs. Eldridge of Colorado in telling the New York women how women vote in her state, says that Governor Waite, of “bloody bridles" fame, gave them suffrage and their first efforts were di rected to displacing him. Mrs. Eld ridge thinks that if all women wanted suffrage they would get it. but she does not believe that as yet it would be expedient in New York. In 1850 there were 71.000 tons of steel made in the whole world. In U9S the United States alone made 9. 075.000. We are not sent into the world to do anything into which we canno- put our hearts. Magnetic Starch Is tha very best laundry starch in the world. send for “Choice Recipe*, • by Waiter Baker * L'u. Ltd.. Itorcheuer, Maas., mailed free. Mention this paper. Ifyou havenot tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. Lawton** Axeiger. William Colombe. an Indian and a piivate in the Fourth United States cavalry in the Philippines, has written a letter to the superintendent of the j Carlisle Indian school of which insti tution he is a graduate, saying that he shot and killed the Filipino sharp shooter who shot General Lawton. I _ | a UTrn Tee a idresse*or al: federal III I II hi I L I I Sokd;er» the r widows or W M 11 I 111 beirs. who made a HOME ■ Willi I LU STEAI* FILING on iess than _ l«> acres on or before O n I ||1| ilO' June ... 1ST*, no mutse XI 11 IlIrnA w‘>ether FINAL PROOl UULUILIIw wa* made or not l will buy ; Land Warrant* HOMESTEADS £jgp •M&BMMMMMMAftMflflMAMMft FOR 14 CENTS I! W» wish to gain this year SXkGCO 1 * IJ^Iv new customers, and hence offer I I l Pkg. City Garden Beet, ltc | | kl Pit* Earl'et Emerald Cncumberl5c i i Ml “ LaOoaae Market Lettuce, lac , , W l “ Straw berry Melon, 15c , ■ 1 “ 11 Day Radish, 10c 1 1 II" Early R pe Cabbage. loci • k 1 *' Early Dinner Onion, 10c I f ” 1 “ Brilliant Flower Seeds, 15c i | Wortk 41.00. fee 14 cents, fi.u | | Above 10 Pkga worth R1.00, w# will I * mail yon free, together with our l I grea-.Catalog,telling all about i | SAUER S MIlllOM DOLLAR POTATO i | upon receipt of thia notice A 14c. . s'amps. We invite your trade, and . Si know when yon once try Salter’s Ikk a a a A a *ati •ori 11 r> pn*r H a nnt h nnt Priimon Stlzer'i 1 W>t»— rar- 0 em aarliMit Tomato Giant on aarth^ w»— Z JOHJI A. SiUIR USD < ().. 1* l ROSSk. ft IK. Z iiMiimiitiiiiiwuiiti J el me A ge Boiling Mo C ookli® It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all grarrnents fresli and crisp ait whan first bought iie-s Try a Sample Packaae You’ll like it if you try It. Y'ou'U buy it if you try it. You’ll use it If you try it. Try ii. . „ _ „ Sold by ah Grocerv WT L DOUGLAS S3 & 3.50 SHOES jjfi®!! dSiVVc rth S4 to $6 compared IW\ with other makes. / ffe t\u»doi-s«l or over } 1,000,000 wearer*. £ The genuine hare W. L. | Douglas’ name and price stamped on bottom, l ake M no substitute claimed to be j as good. Your dealer^ should keen them — if adM) not, we will send a pair 9 extra tor camae« ^tate kind of leather, US sue, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat tree. aSaemEis "• L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mms. DR. SETH ha- stood the test of 30 v and is stiil the Rest Co Remedy Sold. ( res t other remedies fail- » pood: children like it. by all druccists—£3 cents. My All '' If «■> speculatesn-ces'fu y. XV c ran nak v. ■. tc :n n' ■I'ercs THU S on your money than any bank arili pay y.-u . a veat »-”"/■.* * .I' ■ y* hucneixtf wheat «>re«>rn and narx:n tb; an . t : '- 'etui ■ 1 ur • ■ bit h mm a ■ a a ou »|<eculat:ou. IT Is FKKK. A ; t ' ' e ' SPECULATE? J. K. COMSTOCk * CO.. V " ■ ;> Room 23, Traders Bldg., Chicago. A STATE STREET SCENE ON A STORMY DAY. NOTE —Laxative Bromo-Quinine which is advertised on the large banner over State Street, Chicago, as represented above, is the only exclusive cold prescription sold by every druggist in the United States, Canada and in England. This is the sig nature of the inventor and plainly appears on every box of the genuine article. It is sold for 2 5c a box, and all druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.