TALM ACE'S SERMON L>n* vatic art the subject EAST SUNDAY. fw Tm i. a. ttE at — Y *•* * «• YN*» » mH4 »• %ot a*. Sot l»« N»! "IB* * I** S| lAiJt Sl.»|*r*l 1 ***» toss I* 1 i«r«USHM U.. :L "Tfcrf (Sal Bif ttkU *utiU M no*. HL" Ml imoa ter iMIa 4.*> *mmmf u sites 1 E*«r ««-• k.u4I> .a «Hr4 Sf too «4 tkf Steal u««»{u I»*p» of Iks* € OOBtrf MI i 11 MU4 *t» Btot «• «»« «tf I Sr popular |U)l U SA* 4*:| • 14* £w SOOte *r« tkM ***» t« «•* «m- tW 4r»ate Quo V«4u mSl. ar It ar.iS rsopw t to it* Bio *Ai Hinrt «M So Cv to Nr« York *S4 •or tU Aroflte Itei Httf moi vriU wn optasaa of It (Mr posts u*r. la ptop* «r tear tk» 1 prupuor m a aer ■*** lo 4f u*» m Sat «# sSail 4o a its ■te 4ra«te(s «~k«arat »Sk-* Gte teas •I"4**to# »• aua« of uar aatare*. aot t« I# or Ml «r 1JB, Sot ta tbr vac* aiajori'i of tSr imtut rare Sootr pro plr eprsS of t.Se rar» of ««- r'jrm; atti lira dMl* and Ik**ir < r«o.*» att< their • ar ». —Ii i«« ***t» *fi«r j* tk* >!**• im mt ocoad. tee fear* after a parlor iluralM. allot »ha! tu tb# rilin'^ ta »fce *ra - m *ad i**»p3 i«« ami Keriptdr-* a»er«* *> dram*iumHI aka! ai .a tk* Gre-k k^art Tnmr ui ati Set •rm aurtaif dramrUaMl wkfl* *i» i» the H >mae heart. (i«r »• sad fir* %«kar if-r*4jr 4 *mat:*rd a&*t «*• im tk* Cttfli«h heart it* .ae Cor mill* itul iltni oaljr dramatised aha... «m ah tkr Ft*** ti *«d Italian trail *k*k*»|ar*rr ubif dreamt tx-d »ka* mam a tkr tn?t mmi**» brart TV Istirnkf «»4 < latar drama, ’b" omtmm-mtMl drama tfer romantic 4i».mjt am awirrfp r kora of tk*- Ui ntah aemt 1 do hot #iasah of the drama ah tfc pmtlkr ihilf nor of tk** 4. air a ia the plaflMMthr. hot I *>f|i*rak mt the dlathat: final 1 >o*r *wa4 and mm w> man* ht*a !• *iut »t*f far lb* ar*«ir .; impUtu-t .ae God did tlai mark, and I »ifpoo he kn*-» afcat k*r •»« a boat • ora he made a* We ore novr'f ail m «*4 by lU »p*> - V «U*I *V» ah rbJkUj lint dsy m* tonurat* our i.on* . * aUfiet Rmy pat*ht like* to #o to tk* arhmri • ihIMUm * Tk it* rariUlkai aed It* • ‘tV't**1* and ita diotl (*c*a*i. Tfc** .art hLdkl prorocaMm mt tk* political ramp**** is erd' the Ji am*'sea son <4 pert** ipW .a»i4«r4 N« »at*a.tntt man can look ta aa* *#• *Ur or rHIfl mm direction oithwet fiad-ac »hi* drama*u #i#m-ts? * »e*;m* ar^l.ai rttiSf :t**ff Waal thatl me • rtk k airhUoa* JCot a* oith it* t»fc*il •• •ctpprw#* tt 1cm eaa •• #•»::) *iipprr** it* ('itaior. Ye* buy 4»«l M. |M m*y «4ar«t« A rvit bu) pmrdf it. ye* our larem it to multi potest oa*f^o**a. aed tkil tt ia your teijr to da J«a* a» «*> • altn at* !to loot* for lb* Want if *1 t»4 it* »ubi.m If but br«»l«i fkc sol ;ut»«rr.B( tiurnli let t*t»t :b up fwi* attd tto day Irftteg it* mb*'! of victory ia tto rwf aad (bra r»«rytktag ua tr* m it rrtr^as.® !fe;o«gfc tor gar* <4 tto ee*t a*4 tlxr ,%!••■('-n.fi «ad M i »S Jbegtua ft»us '-n.to'ai !»— fbr;r fcatterlr* to to a »«itr; after (M retted fliitma* tear jf • actU »et oa tie «fc*efc -4 tto aigkt —a* la (bb way »«• raluuo ear • a*ie tar tto «*t *otH.:a*e. *o :a - r«i may •» an to caturate tb» traattw elra**at ia ear nature if* every »te * at« passage ia Liter*: ur*\ fcy eatilkeam aad tr*t*.*.t bj every • rag.- y aunty- la kitaiaa Ufe. Xum 1 have to tell >eo ae* oaly tto* G«4 bat implaaied tk>» dramatir eie «ar*S ia ear **(»'**. bat I kat* to «e?l yea ia Ik* fcrlyOTW* ke retaliate* at. ke appeals to H. ke develop* tt j 4e aet car# a tore yea to* tkr iiiuir jrtar eye a ill (att apea a drama Hr > a a to ike kook of Jad*t*»„ Ike flr tree, "ke tia* . *to oil** ire*, tke bramble - tkey aK atake apm-ftoe Tima at tto (tow of *to area* iket* t* a retautiot. *to tto kratokle la prerlaitov* kkas Tt»t I* a paditieal drama Here k » •to wto of to V.u'-r Kiiptox Zoybaf El ike aad Jo* Tto a t "€ tto drama ail d»i, i ».bC art of tto drama all ye asm.!*. *fl dram- .* tke Fifty etaaeya *lr*i tto nerroa* of tke ear ceafttf aot a**» t me as a little **• .prof aad *uker;ag I MW Bd rn tto street* of fkitod* ipkda Jato atoad af am «a* a kla liati am at tto fee** from tto pallor «f tto key's rkaafc. tto *a.patatbue mi He tod a package of bro M arm-food to tod 1 awppee*. at tto doors. A* to to iftfprr> patnmrai • arvdaily. I steadier rvUk ad.pped aad to | 1 bdpd torn ap a* well aa I r*mid. gattorwd ap tke fragameta of tto rn bap aa aeil aa I coaid. pat tto cndra Bat atoa I aav tto ' toad raa doe a km pale rkaek I Fifty eaaay* about coald i to ttot liti* dr*aaa of Let pm aay ta all yooag miaiaters •f ite RDaprl: KK fM hrvo this dn* maL‘c « h merit in your nature, use *t ter God and heaven. If you will ru iiom* £nd look over the history of th* j !: i;* I Hen j * : sermons anil our ex hortations aud our pt avers out of the | <44 tut The aid hackneyed religion phrnnru that come snoring down through :be centuries will never arrest the rna- -• * What we want today, you in year sphere, and I in my sphere. U to freshen up. People do not want in • • „r t rui us the sham flowers bought it the militnery 4hop. but thejaponleas wet with the morning dew; not the b- .tvjr burn** of extinct megatherium i. the l \ mg reindeer .ugl.t Last August at the edge of SniouB lake We want to drive out ‘•cry. and the prosaic. and the and tht? humdrum, and intro » the brightness and the vivacity. „od the holy sarcasm, and the sancti fied wit. and the epigrammatic powe”. nd the blood red earnestness, and th* *:r* ai religious zeal and 1 do not know «.f any way «f doing il as well as through the dramatic. B it n •» let us turn to the drama as an amusement aru! entertainment. };*■< l>r Bellows 4 NVw ^ork. many * .ns ago. *n a very brillhint but mu.h •m. ised sermon, took the position i;u« the theater might be renovated and made auxiliary t > t5w I iiurch. M ty t*br;>t:an jteopie are of the same •. t »n I do not agree with them I bale no idea that success is in tha* ,;f ••. i ii What 1 have said heretofore a tbi* * ibje. ? as far as I remember. - my '•-aliment now. But today I f,-k» a ?*• p in advance of my former 5 n rhristiauity is suing to take ' '• *»ion «.? this world and con its laws. ;:■< literature. > .ii* and its amusements. Shut n <4 rnristianity vth n« and you give it up to sin ad death. • Cht • • an > mighty enough to • ...rag* everything but the amuse* i ■ a *> of the w orld then It is a very •»-«iive Christianity. Is It capable . • j ; :nt of th fears of the w rid and ncompeteiit to make record . f r# o i.es'* Is ,t good to follow the sr. ral. but dumb at the world's play? Can it >- an age and the Christian the mil - t.; aim. me have positive announce ment that the amusements of the w rid a:e to be tinder Christian sway. •lines* ska the bells of ■ * horses.*' says one prophet. So. r# it will control even the sleig.p '.d** 'The city shill be full of boys _r i g l» playing 4n the streets there < f say* another ;>roph *t. So. you *■ it > to control the hoop rolling t. i the ki’e flying and the ball play* ug Now. what we want is to hasten tha* tune How will it be done? By the . bur. h going over to the theater? It m il not go. By the theater coming to the church’ It will not come. What we want is a refoimed amuse a:* tit n' » .at.on in every ci'y and ■ *wn <». tiie t'nued States. Once an no n- *« and explained and Illustrated. • ('bri-tian and philanthiopic capi tal.st will come forward to establish and there will be public spirited men everywhere who will do this work for the dramatic element of our na "ore* We need a new institution to meet and recognize and develop and * f nd the dramati element of our r at .re it needs to be distinct from -verytbtng that is or has been. 1 would have this reformed amuse r: '.xi 'haring m charge this new in - i* vrtan bur< h. w ill be able ‘o go to some new institution like this, the sp* cfartiiar and see • Hamlet*' and King Lear" and the Merchant of Venire," and the Hunchback ' and Joshua Whitcomb." Meanwhile many uf us will have this dramatic element unmet and uwxegalad For my lo%e of pt tures I can go to the art gallery, for my love of music I can go to the concert, for my love or literature I ran go to the lyceum lec ture. but for this dramatic element in my nature, as strong as any other pas sion of the soul th**re is nothing but : a junction and prohibition. Until, sirs, you ran establish a spectacular or a similar institution, with as much pu rity and with as much entertainment as this one of which 1 speak—until you can establish some such institu tion you may thunder away again3t evil amusements until the last minute of the last hour of the last day of the world’s existence, and without avail. We want this Institution independent of the church and independent of the I theater. The church tries to compro mise this matter, and in many ’ churches tip re are dramatic exhibi tlons. Sometimes they call them cha rades, sometimes tiey cai! them magic lantern exhibitions — entertainments for which you pay fifty cents, the fifty cents to go to the support of some charitable institution. An extempo rized stage is put up in the church or in the lecture room and there you go and see Daviu and the giant and Jo seph sold into Egypt and the little Samuel awoke, the chief difference be tween the exhibition in the church and the exhibition in the theater be ing that the exhibition in the theatei is more skillful. Now let us have a new institution, with expurgated drama and with the purroindiugs 1 have spoken of—an institution which we can without so phistry and without self deception so uncompromisingly good that we support and patronize—an institution can attend it without any shock to our religious sensibilities, though the Sab bath before we sat at the holy sacra Hit'll l. The amusements of life are beautiful and they are valuable, but they can not pay you for the loss of your soul. I could not tell your character, I could not tell your prospects for this world or the next by the particular church you attend, but if you will tell me where you were last night, and where you were the night before and where you have been the nights of the last month. I think I can guess where you will spend eternity. As to the drama of your life and mine, it will soon end. There will be no encore to bring us back. At the beginning of that drama of life stood a c radle, at the end of it will stand a grave. The first act, welcome. The ias- act, farewell. The intermediate acts, banquet and battle, processions bridal and funeral, songs and tears, laughter and groans. It was not original with Shakespeare when he said, “All the world s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” He got it from St. Paul, who fifteen centuries before that had writ ten, ”\Ve are made a spectacle unto j the world and to angels and to men.” i A spectacle in a coliseum fighting with ; wild beasts in an amphitheater, the galleries full, looking down. Here we destroy a lion. Here we grapple with a gladiator. When we fall, devils ^hout. When we rise, angels sing. A spectacle before gallery above gallery. > gallery above gallery. Gallery of our i departed kindred, looking down to see if we are faithful and worthy of our Christian ancestry, hoping for our vic tory. wanting to throw us a garland, glorified children and parents, with j cheer and cheer urging us on. Gal- ! lery of the martyrs looking down— the Polycarps and the Ridleys and the j McKails and the Theban legion and the Scotch Covenanters and they of the Brussels market place and of Pied mont—crying down from the galleries. “God gave us the victory, and he will give it you.” Gallery of angels look ing down cherubic, seraphic, arch angelic—clapping their wings at every advantage we gain. Gallery of the j King from which there waves a scarred hand and from which there comes a sympathetic voice saying. ‘ Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give tfcee a crown of life.” Oh. th6 spectacle in which you and I are the actors! Oh. the piled up galleries look ing down! Scene: The last day. Stage: The rocking earih. Knter: Dukes, lords, kings, beggars, clowns. No sword. No tinsel. No crown. For footlights: The kindling flames of a world. For orchestra: The trumpets that waka the dead. For applause: The clapping floods of the sea. For curtain: The heavens rolled together as a scroll. For tragedy: “The Doom of the Profligate.’ For the last scene cf the fifth act: The tramp of nations acrosi the stage, some to the right, others to the left. Then the bell of the last thun der will ring, and the curtain will drop! ECC-EATING SNAKE Swalluws m larger thmi JUrlf hut Work* Hard. Now. how does it manage to get down its throat such a thing as a duck's egg, not only so much larger than itself, but also hard and perfect ly smooth? We know that a common snake is aided in swallowing a toad by its hook-like teeth, which hold the prey while the upper and lower jaws glide over it alternately and thus push it backward. Lizards, boas, the Het erodon of Madagascar, etc., are said to plac e the egg—of a canary or other email birJ, that is—against an irreg ularity of the ground or within one of their own folds, which enables them to ram it into their months. In the case of our ,,dasypeltis” and its duck’s eggs, however, these explanations do not suffi e. this genius being destitute of true teeth. We can, therefore, only suppose that a couple of membranous folds, which have been discovered, one on ea< h side of its mouth, lay hold of the shell like cupping glasses, and thus work it into the throat. But here we meet with another difficulty. After the egg has passed between the pro digiously distended jaws and upper esophagus. It would seem as if its bulk and solidity, when lodged in a compar atively inelastic part of the digestive tube, whose juices are unable to dis solve the shell, must quickly prove fatal to the animal. A remarkable in stance of natural adaptation is afford ed by the manner in which this clanger is provided against. The anodon. as already observed, has no true teeth. So-called gular teeth, however, are present, these being really the tips of the long interor spines of the first eight or nine vertebrae, protruding through the esophagus wall. When the shell is broken by the gular teeth it is ejected and the fluid passes into the stomach.—Cincinnati Enquirer. The New Color. The new color in Paris is zinc. Its possibilities as a background were dis covered by a French artist, who posed many of his models against a zinc screen, the color tending to bring out the most beautiful tones in his model's complexion and hair. Cloth in this shade is especially beautiful, and will give tone to even sallow complexions, it is promised. Domrftlc Trouble*. Mistress—"Why did you get steak for breakfast, when I told you to ordei pork chops?” New Cook—“Shure, ma’am, 01 niver eat pork at all, at all.” BY EITHER NAME “We have been corresponding for two years, but we have never seen each other,” said Alice. “It began in fun while we were at school. Mary was writing to her cousin and put in her letter a joking remark that I had made. Then Jack sent me a message. Prett* soon the messages back and forth gre;r so numerous that Mary,told Jack to write to me himself. He did so. and — well—I answered the letter.” “Do you think that he will know you when he sees you?” inquired Kate. “I should think so.” “But. Alice, we are so much alike in some things—we are both blond and tall; we both have blue eyes, although you say mine are darker; and we are exactly the same age to a month. I'll wager that dear little turtle hatpin that we saw the other day that he won’t know which is which until he is told.” Done, said Alice. “Let s each of us pretend to be the other and see how long it will take him to find us out.” "But Mary will tell.” “No, she won't. She will come to meet us by herself probably, and that will give us a good chance to talk it over with her, and she will enjov the joke.” So it was agreed that Kate Raymond was to pass for Alice Strong as long as she could, and that Alice was to play the role of Kate. Before long the train drew up at a wayside station and the two girls who were traveling to gether with a view to visiting a former schoolmate, gathered up their belong ings and alighted from the car. As Alice had foreseen. Mary Townsend had come along to meet them. She greeted them rapturously, and the three excited girls piled into a wide, old-fashioned buggy, Mary taking the reins. As they were jogging comfort ably along the road behind the fat and lazy steed Alice unfolded the pro posed joke. At the door of her hospitable home Mrs. Townsend welcomed the guests, who were introduced to her under their assumed names as well as their real ones. The joke was explained to her and she was pledged to secrecy. Jack drove over that evening. Alice played her part with easy cleverness. Kate had a harder time of it. for Jack had asked her innumerable questions about persons and things of which she knew nothing. Yet she managed to keep up her character. To the conspirator's astonishment and to Kate's dismay the little game did not come to an end for many days. Jack was almost equally attentive to “Miss Raymond" and to “Miss Strong.” but the make-believe “Miss Strong” felt that he liked to be with her more than with her friend. Alice was naturally gay and daring, while Kate was rather sedate. Having been introduced to the entire neigh borhood as “Miss Raymond.” she was having a good time in her own way, r——-1 which was hardly Kate's. This caused Kate much uneasiness. Little things that were really no harm in them selves, but which looked like moun tains of impropriety to Kate, were be ing done by Alice in Kate's name with the utmost sang-froid. Alice would not consent to end the play and she would act her part in her own way. The climax came the day before their visit ended. Kate was sitting alone in the parlor, a rare thing, for the girls were almost always together, when Jack entered. His face brightened v,hen he saw that she was alone and he came forward eagerly. Before Kate could stop him she had received a proposal of marriage. “But it’s not I—that Is. It is I—but you don’t know me,” stammered the girl in confusion. “Yes I do, and I love you dearly,” de clared Jack. ‘No, you don’t. I am Kate, not Alice. O, dear, I ought not to have heard this. Wait, go ’way—you can see her when she comes down.” ‘But it’s you 1 want to see. not—” “O, no,” interrupted Kate. "We are playing a joke, each pretending to be the other. O, why did we ever do it!” “Darling.” said Jack calmly, "I saw through the game all along. Don’t you suppose I knew Miss Strong the mo ment that I laid eyes on her? Or. at least I did after two minutes’ talk with her. You may look alike, but your na tures are as different as possible. It is the make-believe Alice Strong that I love—the real Kate Raymond.” “But what will Alice say?” faltereJ Kate.. “She has been engaged for over a year to my college chum. Walters. He told me, she didn't. Don't let's talk about her. Do you love me, Kate? Will you have me?” “Yes.”—Chicago Tribune. A Juror’* Appeal to a Jo cl re. A Billville citizen, says the Atlanta Constitution, who happened to get on a locked-up jury addressed the follow ing note to the judge: “We. the jury, bein hongry. an locked up eight hours without eatin, w hich has been our reg ular habit sence we knowed ourselves, respectfully find ourselves guilty of wantin to eat, an recommend that our sentence of imprisonment be com muted to the liberty of 12 square meals, athrowin of ourselves on the mercy o the court fer them same, after which we hope to find the defendant guilty.” _ Uad Pencil* of Old. Ancient writers mention the use of lead and graphite for ruling papyrus, and pencils fashioned rather crudely in the manner of those now in use were made in the sixteenth century, the graphite coming from the Borrowdale mlAt at Cumberland, England. SEASON OF REST, Z>nt It a Thr:t> for Gaining Flesh and r.caaiy. Tent, in the eyes of the society girl, isn't only a time for fasting and pray er. but it is a very important period of semi-rest, during which the rav ages wrought in face and form by the dissipations of the season may be re paired so that Easter will find her fresh and lovely again. Candy is en tirely tabooed during this period. The money that she herself would spend for the sweets goes—well, it may go to the heathen or it may not; there’s no use assuming that it’s put aside to buy a parasol next summer, unless it really is. Percival’s instructions on this point are very explicit—violets, and nothing else, will be graciously received dur ing the penitential season, their pur ple chimes in so well with the general somber color scheme that it doesn't seem out of place to spend money for them. But candy is not the only thing j abjured for the sake of abstinence and complexion. All sweets are given up. plain food and little of it eaten, and hot water in copious quantities takes the place of chocolate between meals, or other drinks which may have a de leterious effect on the roses and lilies of the skin. Even now the hours kept are not particularly early ones, but there’s much more time to rest during the day—all the afternoon, in fact, un til it is time for the 3 o’clock service, whither the maid goes wearing a dreamy look and where she assumes a prayerful pose that makes the men in the back pews wonder if this is indeed the butterfly girl who has seemed so frivolous all winter. Rest is the great est of beautifiers. and to tell the truth, milady is something too tired-looking now to be at her best, but she’ll be fresh enough by Easter, with her diet ing. her naps during the day. her long walks and the gymnastic exercises with which she rounds her arms and covers the harsh outlines of her angles with soft, curving, firm flesh. Indeed, if she adheres to the strict rules she has set to follow, she’ll look like a lily herself before the 15th of April rolls around; a particularly healthy and attractive lily, too; but will she keep the rules, that's the question?—Baltimore News. PAPA FROG AND THE TADPOLES His < liil«lr*-n Cline to HU Knrk Till They Are lile Cnongli to I.euve. A male frog with little tapoles liv ing on his back was discovered lately by Dr. August Brauer of Marburg, Ger many. For a little fellow it has a pretty long name, but perhaps its pa j ternal devotion has earned it the long Latin name, arthroleptis seyebellensis boettger. It has been noticed before that in some species of frogs living in Venezuela and the island of Trinidad the male bears the voting on its back, to which they hold by their mouths. But this new species is the first one on which so many as nine little ones were discovered, and besides they do not hold on by their mouths, but seem to be stuck to the papa frog's back and sides by some gummy substance which holds them in place until they are large enough to care for themselves. It is a wonderful device of nature, that the female sometimes deposits her eggs on the back of th° male, where they hatch out. and the little tadpoles grow until they attain a certain size. Such is, of course, not the case with our common frogs, but in these rare species only lately found by natural ists is a strange reversal of what seems to us to he the usual law that the mother takes care of the young. In this species the eggs are not laid on the back of the male, but on the ground, and only aftar they are hatched do they take up their position on papa's hack. And there they ride until they are big enough to walk around and look for their own food. The Australian Rabbit Pent. Eva Gordon, a school girl, daughter of the chief inspector of stock of Queensland, in writing to some Kan sas school children from Brisbane, the capital of that country, has this to say of the rabbit pest of Queensland: “About twenty or thirty years ago two or three pairs of rabbits were imported into Queensland. Now they go about in millions, eating as they go. and leav ing the ground without a blade of grass. In this country they also climb trees and eat the bark, so that there is no vegetation at all left for the sheep and cattle where the rabbits hare been. The squatters must have wire-netting fences all around their ‘runs;’ that is what you would call ranches. Men have also been sent out by the government to poison rabbits, and hundreds of dead ones are to be seen often on a small area. The rabbits burrow in the ground, so the fences have to be put sufficient ly under the ground to prevent their getting underneath.”—Kansas City Journal. The .lap’* Regard for the Fox. All over Japan you will see images cf foxes—old foxes, with their noses chipped and their ears broken oft'; older foxes stili. with a growth of moss on their backs; sly. alert, foxes, with noses perked smartly in the air; great foxes and little foxes, sages and clowns, all kinds and degrees—show ing the prevalence of this belief in the land of the wistaria and the far. and also showing in what respect the fox is held, says a traveler. It is curi ous to note that in all countries the fox above all other animals has been considered to exert great influence and power. All nations have legends of which the cunning and intelligence of the fox is the theme. A Qo*«r Nam*. There is a woman s outing club \ p in Maine, composed of a dozen Poit land feminines that glories ia a narao which has proved a puzzle to pto nounce and an equal puzzle as to me«u ing. For ten years these women hare preserved their secret, but it has Just leaked out that Rammejheckt. the club name, is composed of the first letter of the Christian name of each of the members. Many Millions In C*«*»*terla«. The cemeteries around lxindon cover 2,000 acres, and the land they occupy represents a capital of % 100,000.000. A HONEY ELDORADO.' TONS OF SWEETNESS IN THE DEVIL’S RIVER COUNTRY. There Are Million* in It for the Man Who Will Kstract ami Ship Thin Iloney—It Is an Almost Inaccessible : Spot- _ Nowhere in the world, it is safe to say. does honey abound in such quan tities as in the brakes of Devil’s river in Texas. This region might well be called the "Honey Eldorado.” In it the fruit of the hive may be found by the ton. It is everywhere; in clefts in the racks, in hollow trees, in caves and in the famous “Devil’s Punch Bowl.” a great sink in the Devil valley out of which bees swarm always in clouds so thick that at a distance of two or three miles it has the appearance of a great signal smoke. The hills and val ley land along the river ave covered for a great part of the year with an ; endless variety of flowers and in the winter season, which u never cold enough to freeze the bees, there is an ammaance or decaying mm— apples and berries of many kinds so that they never have to stop working on account of lack of material or bad weather, and thus go on piling up their wealth throughout the whole year. The ; honey is of excellent quality, of good flavor and color and brings as good a j price when brought to market as that j made by tame bees. For the man who will gathe.- up this honey and get it to market there are great riches in store. The business of gathering the honey, however, is not followed very extensively, for the reason that the work of the honey hunter is not very pleasant and is full of danger. The j country is so rough that it is impos- j sible to get anywhere near the honey j caves except one goes on foot, packing his camp equipage on his back or on a burro; water is not overplentiful and much of that to be found is unfit for use. Sometimes the caves are in such inaccesible places that the hunter has • to let himself down the face of the i cliff for two or three hundred feet and hang there at the end of his rope while the bees sting him half to death, while he digs out a few pounds of honey; or, again, he may find a cave easy to rob ( only to find that he must carry the ' spoil several miles cn his back before he can get it to a place where he can load it upon his burros. The distance from the honey dis- \ tricts to Del Rio, the nearest place, is j 125 miles, and it takes about twenty days to go to the districts and return with a jag of honey. The most that the hunter can hope to bring is 1.000 pounds, which will yield a profit of about $150. so that with the present limited facilities the industry is not very profitable. There are bright pros pects. however, for the honey business in the region in the future. The “Devil’s Punch Bowl.” where the honey is thickest, is a very remarkable place, j It is a hole forty feet in diameter. , yawning open in the middle of a wide valley, with a perfect torrent of bees rushing up from it like dirt blown from some mighty blast and all -the while a roaring loml as that of a great cataract; looking down into the abyss. , fer the hole widens immediately below the surface, may be seen the festoons of honey hanging there which the bees had strung along the sides of their mammoth hive after they had filled the hidden grottoes. All about the sides , of the place there are lines of combs built many years ago. One time a man named Ouden made an attempt to ex tract some honey from the “Bowl.” He bought the land, rigged up a big der rick, and. with about forty Mexicans and 100 pack mules, started for the great honey cave. It was his plan to wrap a Mexican up in several hundred yards of mosquito netting, let him down into the hole by means of a rope ladder suspended from the derrick, and let him fill the boxes with honey. waii.ll vnuuiu ur uiami um u> lui'diis of a pulley. When the ••Bowl” was reached Ouden tried in vain to induce one of the Mexicans to make the de scent. Finally, as the only way out ol it, he decided to go himself. He wrap ped himself up in the netting, and or dered the Mexicans to attach the rope ladder to the derrick head. The one who tried it got stung in a hundred places before he got half way out to the place where he was to attach the ladder, and came back in a hurry, dropping the ladder into the hole as he stepped off the derrick. Then, as there was nothing else to go down on, Ouden determined to have them let him down with the pulley rope. He got started down all right and then the real trouble began, the bees, enraged at his movements in the entrance ot their home, ilew at the Mexicans w ho were holding the rope so that they dropped it and ran like deer; at the same time Ouden was making much better time into the depths of the cav ern. Luckily there was a knot in the rope and this stopped his fall. There he bung, dangling among the bees like a puppet on a string, while his recreant employes gathered up at a safe dis tance and decided to skin out with the outfit and sell it. At last, more dead than alive. the unfortunate man. by getting foot holds in the hives and climbing hand over hand, managed to pull himself out of the hole and limped back over the weary distance to Del Rio, much sadder and a wiser man than wheu he undertook the expedi tion. Hmvy Reward# Rained on Kim. At a patriotic meeting in British Co lumbia the artist who was reciting "The Absent-Minded Beggar" was struck on the head by a valuable piece of ore which a stalwart miner had In his enthusiasm thrown upon the stage , on the third repetition of the lnjum- j tion to "Pay. pay. pay!" lie dodged nearly all the subsequent articles flung toward him by the exuberant audience, I and finally putting them up to auction secured fancy prices for every missile, obtaining more than $1,000. Weekly Telegraph. Ambition has but one reward for all —a little power, a little transient fame, a grave to rest In. and a lading name. | —William Winter. DELICATE FABRICS FROM ILOILO Exqni*lle >on's Veil in*: Which ou see. w hen l w rite to Tom I use red* paper—that means love; and when 1 write to Jack I use blue paper—which means faithful and true."—Chicago Hally Mews. * Hla Teeth Were Dumb. iXH'toi Did your teeth chatter when you had the chill? Patient—No: they were on the table.— Boston Journal. f