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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1900)
\ Itfi »«e t%mc*rmm4 that ! an sot I *•"* U» be worthy to be Its mtposcbLe far you oat to. vrtk tk color of soconr r 'on i» *o»r krr ! Per kps *om *rc locate, tad 'oa like *osr piv ks. .Aad per kps Oof ? Dsrk ka 1 or voati tad %igot: ! fn* krr for dd ipe tad drdtcc. if yam will &tc Aver s Htxr j A sc kss tka s saatk tiert woe’t k t rr.t ksr is «p # *oar kcid It keeps tk snip free from kodrvf. steps iti :ag of tk I k*r. tad tt-ka- J grow tktk tad * >*f KRiiu • IITrifc Doctor ?* aw Ortifc. *1; tip ><ato> foq A»**r» fa** tOt m* *4 ifar \ far»»r. aria* -*** itortur i—^c* u. liraSvayws * *t m ••£* '** -*±v!'r * u *•» ** tfa* *jmi faw-j* if y«a ■- ■ » -■ ’ Ksu*. Frorr M Pactorj to USER, CUE Profit. Our i m > - Ml 1.1:A .f «— — | — - —1|>r; v « i\». k. <m • |H .x;*,—' ri- * ftaatHMa * f I CmFL MM titf ' s* bji • • nM* * **4 "’ Me -A- a* i. »» MujtaaB *a Mta» nm a... **•■' -a* » "o1 ‘ • * t i JNB s.. m _. T l*« •* «•-«# St#M» < clt*- f. «*4 i tr --Jl ti* Unc. B» —*h"iiITi : »ru> Im« km «k *w |» w_. - - _. - MB • ■ ♦ * * . * ■ * i< « L»MM ♦» i at iKA%TU a ta* aJEMPL %Maaaaa*aa*« *> Baa aafta naBB«t%4*aaav at a « tTOM-rca i.aa r.taMt »va a - . 1« *»• ■» ,4 «* a MM> a Carr !«'• ar ' «a ■ **n. rt«M m4 attl Ba nt*u6*4 aa «* »mm » HLtirrir :vTm i J? w T?T ZL.1 ca*I i—- *a ;•«» a »«ur ta. Mr U4:M « - BUM brl. (Mb- .»Sa A II Hi.4C«.i'X irOR 14 CENTS | ^m£rE\\ 11 i» n * t * < - ■ t. = i * i • i_ i i i *- : » • ■ i- “*■» •*-**. »•* 11 • k' jr-tiMMMi, |t« | I *'««k ILM. far 14 ■niiikn. < f Nkaakf^p w^rtkNENk■»rtflI I •* mm • tk a«r i i N» — » M« 4»4»1 •■ M kii MM I | • * •: 4 14r. | | ►**»• » * i*«.W u4 * IHMM *Mk fM Ml—- l*T ««l» rr*i 1 1 feorfarM* u> «** i* « -.itcl ' 1 i- mm a rn —x M.KH l^wm- f»f. ■ R00FIN6 n I TP il Toured or rAIENT^1™ *"•. fw* »c» **** •• •* lw-< to * SEJfc ■lt° •* *Tf«M 4 co., e» fc- «■»■* •>: «* *Miu«Mi. o. C. £ra*t£ ^ •» t*i of Ur«dait£tti iirtno. Efypnottem SMALLPOX DISTRIBUTORS. — ■ev Ik* Gtrrn Arm Kertkred and the hictau la Spread. It would seem that people will never lesm to be careful. The recent alarm ing spread of that dire epidemic, - ; i thi 11h It different se: tionf of the country has been traced by physicians and sanitarians in many instance* directly to the moldy and totting layers of paper and paste ai ih cover the walls of many houses. The practice of laying layer after layer of paper on a wall, using common fi >ur paste, is especially calculated to create hemes for disease germs. Peo ple could not do more to effect such a result ;f they tried. The rotting vege table matter affords caves from which are ready to dart forth the infection at every opportunity. There is no ex cuse for this practice, as walls and lell.ngE can be coated with a pure, cleanly and sanitary material like Ala for instance, at no greater ex pense. Alsiiastine is a rock-baae cement, which incorporates itself with the waU or ceiling. It Is easily ap plied. comes ready to mix with cold water, requires no washing or scrap ing before renewing or retinting, is beautiful long-lasting and safe. For walls that have been infected, nothing it equal to Alabastine as a cis.nfectnnt to render them pure and cl«-an and the rooms once more habit able. A* to the value of conversions, God Alone can judge.—Goethe. I s* Magnetic Starch -it '. as no eQU&l. Though * The Biography of a Gri7 t’y’ and "The Autobiography of a ifua k have run their course in the On'ury. Iir. eir Mitchell and Ernest 'on-Thompson are both contributors to the March number of that magazine. Mr S*-ton-Thompson begins a studv o' The National Zoo at Washington.” in v : he shows wild animals to be as iti’.-r-sting in captivity as in thei^ natural state of freedom. His text of course, fully illustrated. Dr. Mitchell, in "Dr. North and His Fnc Lcis.” prese nts the opening ehap t-r' of the most important serial he ha.- written since "Hugh Wynne.” It ta a novel embodying the results jf a ii ng life of observation, reflection an l exp* lienee. An Autt M*rryit»e Tra#t. B- i.elors of Smyrna. Del., have formed a trust to enable its members t re- -~t tbe temptation of marrying it- harming go Is of the town until a Pi* to keep a wife properly. To see what is right and not to do t is want of courage.'' important to mothers. tijr w omft'ly every torhe of CASTORIA, a *fr a: •£ r-:re r-.-jni.tiy tor Uifaals and chiiuren. an« Kt in*, a the I -igcaiart of ta r* Far *»vrr ;»« Years. The lied You Have Always Bought. T. »-re ere two levers for moving men - interest and fear.—Napoleon. Your clothes wul not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. “Benevolence is to love all men— knoakoge to know all men.” ’ believe Pl-o'a Cure i« rbeonly medicine t at w.11 cure con-umt-riou.—Anna M i. aa. V likamsporc. l’a. Nov. 12, i*5. The holding of thoughts among un rertaintles is worse than useless.” THE CEir CTEE THAT IKIES CTRE. Unu«i Rromo Quinine Tablets removes ; ruduoe* La i_ W. ■ Grove's a iriactK i» on each btx. 25c. Henry Fisk, wnose suit against An ■ Carnegie is attracting mu. b at tention. it of Swiss descent. His fath >r was a Swiss farmer, who lived in stum land county. Pa. His motb • - was a German, a daughter of Abra ham Oberholt. once a well known Pennsylvania distiller. It has been ob-erved that artesian well* have a daily period of ebb and flow, at- well as the ocean tides, only tb* prorem is reversed. The time of great**' flow of an artesian well is the period of low tide in the ocean. «.«3« L»iu>n • Day. The John A. Salzer Seed Company, LaCrosse. Wis.. received 6.434 orders last Monday, whit b is a monster day, : it they expect to d-tuble this number by the middle cf March. The firm U La- r.g a great trade m its specialties— potatoes. epeltz. Bromus Inermis, rap- B:s Four oats. Three-Eared com and earliest reg tables. There is a wonderful demand for onions, cab i>age. peas and bean seed this year. Early Bird radish and Lightning cab bage, the earliest of this kind in the . ie. wide world, arc having a tre mendous sale. Worse than being fooled of others is to fool one's self.—Tennyson. ' hair with it* youthful color Msurod by ■Mg 1‘aBiiM: * ii«lk ki.iviM' um%*. the Ue*t cure for com*, lku. There are very few cynics found rmeng the successful. There is m Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new preparation railed GRAIN-4). made of fare grains, that lakes the place of coffee. The must delicate stomach receives it without d 'tress, and but few can tell it from coffee It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-0. AN APPEAL TO HUMANITY * ***'' * ********** Mamniiini U the world the GREATEST REMEDY that Science ha* mam I'uawtad. *» yon —-eg (W aaainanra to secure relief far toarsclf and friends taranch A% AM4KT> j 1MKM*3. - J A REMEDY 8UPREMEA>m,,r<<tteAainicnlla^kaiGoi> ^ ■ Wvri^tlPtpawdMdw^lcMqwrtnuatopDoiet Sciatica. Neuralgia, •VNng Numbness, Bronchitis' At., or may disease for which we rec ■_ the deae. * £ DROPS” is per SaUcytate at Soda a or Opiates in any 1 11 |Tll im * the Adult. 81 Dorado Springs, Mo., writes «TjF NEURALCIA _1 ***** ***» <*-•• u»*siaoas haw wonderful 1 thin* roar "5DROP8" •■■i m tj ®*®^®** *• ^ Unmc.Y vttfa S KI'KAjLGI A &d<1 ihnnght fQr Kt <* **"* * .fit6 22**22 * lmat to *eeme awnmj«i«tu >.^rsfsi*!r-*• ttasw*5""* -- -■ Dorado Springs. Mo Kor trim PHEUMATISM Ta*rr* Bm - • Blp,¥i **** ftiiffenaiutb*Uhmwithuctold 1 I I WHAT SOUTH AFRICANS EAT. me Peculiar Diet of the Native Savage* —Ant* aud Slice. German missionary who has just re turned from South Africa recently de livered a lecture before the Berlin Geo graphical society, in which he brought forward the following particulars con cerning the peculiar diet of the native savages of the Transvaal, especially as noticed among the Basutos, the tribe which is now threatening to take up arms against the British, says the Phil adelphia Record. One of their most characteristic hunts is the mouse hunt. Twenty to thirty Basutos gather to gether; they march off carrying strips of nets made by them for this purpose and, accompanied by a large number of dogs, about whose bodies different sized bells are bound. The dogs make a big sweep round the countryside, while the Basutos attach their various strips of nets into one long semicir cular barrier, the lower part of w’hich is pinned to the ground. Then, crouching upon the ground and holding their sticks ready, they wait the com ing of the mice. These, frightened by the bells dangling from the dogs, grad ually draw nearer and nearer to the net. along which they are at last found running in a vain effort to discover an opening through which they may escape. When the number of these victims is sufficiently great a shrill cry is emitted by the chief, the net is pushed forward all along the line, and the struggling creatures caught in the meshes of the net are unmercifully whipped to death by the jubilant sav ages. Monkeys, constitute one of their favorite tid-bits. which are all the more appreciated as they are not so readily caught. Snakes are sim ply killed with blows from a switch and are generally in high favor. Ac cording to the missionary their pop ularity is well deserved. He himself took part in a meal in which snakes formed the chief attraction and found that this animal could be favorably compared with a prime eel. Most popular of all delicacies. howrever, are j the caterpillars. It is not unusual to learn of a quarrel which has broken out among the natives for their pos session. The most favorable time for catching them Is the early morning and late evening hours, when their wings are heavy with dew and they are un- j able to see clearly. The children of ' the mission, numbering about 400. hav ing organized a locust hunt, succeeded one day in capturing no less than 160 pounds of these insects, which were consumed with the greatest avidity before the day had passed. At certain times of the year the great white- ; winged ants leave the earth, and it is then that a most zealous competition j arises between the Kaffir children and 1 the chickens of the dorp for the pos session of the prized morsels. It is at I such times that the Kaffir youngsters j may be seen running about with their i mouths stuffed full of ants, and, if the i chase has been especially successful with both fists also full of these succu lent dainties. Why She Loved Ulna So. The memoiis of Jules Massenet bring up an incident of his courtship told by Coquelin. It seems that when Liszt. Sghmbati and Massenet were studying together in .Rome they all became fas cinated w ith the daughter of an aristo cratic Frenchman. The trio spent their spare time composing and play ing themes to the object of their affec tions. One evening the young woman showed marked favor to Massenet, and he proposed to her. after having asked j her father's consent. He followed her ! to Paris in a few days, where he was accepted by her and the marriage soon toot place. One day Massenet said to i his bride before a party of friends: "My dear, do you remember the day you first showed me that you preferred me to Sgambati and Liszt?” “Yes.” "Well, do you know, besides proving to me that you loved me. it also gave me j great joy to know that you believed I f played so well, even excelling the others?" “Oh. but it wasn't that," an- ’ swered his wife quickly. “It was be cause you played so badly that my love I went out to you.” It is said that the great composer never referred to the incident again.—Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. Color of the Ejen. It is Dot generally known that the eyes of infants are always blue, and that they do not begin to assume their ! permanent color until the 6ixth or | eighth week. There is. therefore, I truth as well as poetry in the state- | ment that babies look about them in ‘ blue-eyed wonder.” The wonder may be left to poets and philosophers, but the blue is always a practical fact It is not uncommon to see different colors i in ihe eyes of the same person, and even in the same eve half of the iris is sometimes brow’n and the other half blue. There is a popular notion that : dark eyes are stronger than light ones. There is no truth in this except so far as they are better protected against excessive light. Hence light eyes prevail among northern nations and dark eyes among the races who live in the glare of a tropical sun. Where Water !• Not Needed. Among the distinguished officials who will represent this country at the Paris-exposition next May. is Prof. El wood Mead. the State Engineer of Wy oming and an irrigation expert of the Department of Agriculture, relates the Saturday Evening Post. He was speak ing at a meeting upon a local water improvement, and after expatiating on the benefits which would be derived by the farmer, miner, and even the manufacturer, he said, “And this extra ! supply of water is absolutely neces sary to our dairymen.” Before he could begin the next sentence a townsman called out: “Stop right there. They give us too much of it already." _ Danger from Damp Linen, i Damp linen is sufficient to account for frequent colds, consumption and premature death of a whole family. Rheumatism, when produced from damp linen, develops into a form which is generally incurable. All body linen, shortly before putting on, should be made dry by a good fire. Those who have experienced no signal evidence of the mischief of damp linen are apt to be careless on the subject; but the carelessness will inevitably entail its punishment,which is likely to accumu late insidiously until it is too late. Working Women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham for free advice about their health. Mrs. Pinkham is a wo man. If you have painful periods, backaches or any of the more serious Ills of women, write to Mrs. Pinkham / she has helped multitudss. Your letter will ho sacredly confidential. Lydia E. Pinkham9s Vegetable Compound Is known wherever the Eng lish language is spoken. Nothing else can possi bly be so sure to help suf fering women. No other medicine has helped so many. Remember this when something else is sug gested. Mrs. Pinkham9s ad dress Is Lynn, Mass. Her helping hand Is always outstretched to suffering women. Bow'i This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward forany rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail g Catarrh Cure. F. J CHENEY & CO.. Prop^.. Toledo. Q. We. the undersign.*!, have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in al! businesstransactions tnd financially abie to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West &. Truax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. 0.: W&lding. Kinnan & Murviu. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials seat free. Price •x per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are tne best The late Richard W. Thompson, of | Indiana, who died recently, was the oldest surviving member of congress cf the ante-bellum days. His death gives that honor to ex-Senator James W. Bradbury, cf Maine, who is 95 years old. . Try Magnetic Starch—it will last longer thar. any other. Planning to Paper This Spring? Tbw. Is a*t :n* lias will m COM PLETELY Trsss fffrsi mr H< 'MI m sM M HEALTH au<i BEACTY ataar SELECT ! WALL PAPER. We carry ALL the latest dfnptt a; pr blai petna. fracr sij tc V cents per strg4r tail Our large trade a»i4w as a haadi* Ike •' -replete liar I> CARLOA1- LOT*, her. re we car. jprv^ ALL grade? terpne tejtT LOW A tall fine «f Sample* seat, ali emerge prepaid. FREE apt* req ceu. Our Spring Catalogue •/ I WC P*C*E Dl» tTLltef scare ef the lire tt MTI KAL COLORS, will he •ert pee:'aid ore'cre cetpt of 15r. which psTr part af the as wBI fcr Trtedtd op m**p> of ycr fewiord+r. Th> au^ gyty vboimM price* oc EVERYTHING ros EAT. WEAR nd USE. EatablUfced JOHN ft. SMYTH COMPANY, UK lie n M Wtst Madtex Su Order by tin? No. A 11 CHICAGO, ILL. Pgl ari fisn m<* [SLICKER! | WILL KEEP YOD DRY. | DonTtefooiedimhlmackintostTSk ‘I if*?! or rubber cot:. If you want a coatlj that wi" keep you dr> In trie hard- 1*19? *5;* «est storm bin- the Psh Pnnil Slicker. If hot for tele In vw:; 5— ;town. write for catalogue to TOWER. Boston. Mass. Magnetic Starch Tfee Wonder ot the A$e No Belling No Cookinq It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all garments fresh and crisp ns when first bought new. Try a Sample Fackase You’ll like it if you try it. You'll buy It if you try it. You'll use it if you try it. Try it- ^ Sold by all Grocers ^--I (■I I IITrn TM addresses of an reoerar VAl AM I L I I Soldier*, their widows or ■ V Mil I lLI bet” »bo TESde a HOME «V fill I LU ETEAD FILING on iess than as as § as m mm aa as a 1 ^ acres on or before 0(11 nirnO’ Junp no matter oULUItno __ _ Land Warrania. HOMESTEADS Eggs The above .llustration shows one of the mammoth buildings occupied by the great Mail Order House of the John M. Bmytb Company of Chicago. For one-third of a c-entury this Com pany has been in business. Beginning in a small way. they supplied their neigh bors in the near-by towns, each year widening their field. They are now sell ing merchandise direct to the consumer at wholesale prices throughout the Unit ed States. Some years ago they began supplying their customers with an illustrated cata- 5 logue. As the business expanded they were obliged to increase the size of this cata logue. until today it exceeds 1.000 illus trated pages, quoting the lowest whole sale prrees on everything to Eat. Wear and Use. By a superior process of color photograph*' they illustrate many of their goods in natural colors, bringing out the rich color value of curtains, carpets, draperies, and the latest designs in wall paper, etc., thus enabling the customer hundreds of miles distant to select goods , at his own fireside, knowing by the de scription. illustration and price the class of goods he may expect. This feature of thtlr business is becom ing more and more popular each year, for it not only saves long and tiresome railroad journeys but is a great time saver. It leaves out the profit of the job bing house, the retailer, the expensive commercial traveler, the general agent, the sub-agent and thus eliminates from one to four profits, saving this amount for the consumer. In short. It is a great wholesale store brought to the home. The mammoth catalogue referred to is a 20th century dictionary of economy. The illustration below shows the recent building added to this great enterprise. The success of this Company seems in credible. considering the fact that they have advertised so little. Their spirit of fairness and industry is the secret of this wonderful success. The quantity of g>od? they require in some lines enables them to handle train loads of merchandise se cured at the lowest possible cost and freight rate. When goods In the rough are coming from the mills and factories in the Kast. the lake steamers are pressed into serv ice at a freight expense which is but lit tle in advance c.f the Iron ore rates. Their references are: Any bank or ex press company, or any oar., woman or child In Chicago. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 & 3.50 SHOES SL® IlWorth $4 to S6 compared \ with other makes. > ) \ Indorsed br over L \> 1,000,000 wearers. E If Thr pewwine have W. L F I Douglas’ name and price I. B stamped or. bottom, l ake U g no substitute claimed to be j as good. Your dealer A should keep them — not, we will send a or receipt of once and "w 1 rrtra for carriage State kind of feather, i Sy^Msize, and width, plain or cap toe. Cat free. OAEYCITS » L DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mas. | EXCURSION RITES |to Western Canada and particulars as to how to ure 160 acre' of the best wheat-growing {land on the continent .can be secured on appli- { cation toSupt. of Imnii Kration,Ottawa Canada, I _lor the undersigned. Spc daily conducted excursion' will leave St. Paul Minn., on the first and third Tuesday in eueh month, and specially low rates on ail line- of railway are quoted for excursions leaving St. Paul on March SB and April 4 for Manitoba. Asslniboia. Saskatchewan and Alberta M. V. , Bennett, 801 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Xeb. I-: MONEY OLD SOLDIERS fnion soldiers and widows of soldiers who made homestead entries before June 22,1874 of 'ess than iboacres (no matter if abandoned or relinquished), if they have not sold their additional homestead rights, should address, with full particulars, giv ing district, &c EEvTT K. CCFP. WufchctO. Z. C. •POTATOES !b!°; 2 Urmt Seed POTATO trwn ta America. Piits. ft twrB»w mrtidtm*. l.ew asd >.rw ft V Seed*. Head tbi. attire *»« It* for rattlec >.d 11 |A 5 SAMTl^f* SEU* CLOV RS V JOB* A1&Auastw to.. Iji t MOSSE. WIN. n. Mh Don’t Stop Tobacco Suddenly It injures nervous system to do sa BACO CURO »s the only cure that realit criuts and notifies you when to stop. Sold w th a guarantee that three boxes will cure any case. Rirn.nilRn is vegetable and harmless. It has UHWU uunu cored thousands, it will cure you. At all druggists or by mail preoaid. tl a txjx; | 3 boxes tOw Booklet free. Write Eureka Chemical Co., La Crosse. Wis. HI Qftl VAIA Locomotor Ataxia con- | rflnBI ¥ quered at las;. Koct.-oi ■ puzzled. Specialists amazed at recover* of patients thought incurable by »R. CHASE'S BLOOD AND MRVE FOOD. W rite me about Tour rase. Advice and proof of curee ill!. DK.(BASK.224 N.IOth Bt., ^ THE BACOH SCHOOL Siudect^at ^ their homes in the fundamental principles o* the _ law. and such branches as constitute a cnished Q legal education. For circulars audrees j EDW. BACON. 323 Mala St..Peoria* HS. BEAtGIfllfG Bet Your Pension rcnaiuiio double quick Write CAPT. O'FARRELL. Pension Agent, 142 j New York A venae. WASHINGTON. D. C. DR. ARNOLD’S COUGH CURES C0U6HS ANO COLDS. I#II I PI) PREVENTS CONSUMPTION. KILLcK All Draggtots, 25e. $50 far Half Datlar 1838 ar 1853. Double face value for any coin with o. under eagle. Send 4c for circular*. C. W. GOVE. Sbba, Hia*. “JZ'ZEJZZl Thompson’* Eyo Vator. Magnetic Starch Is the very best laundry starch in the world. . Liberal religious literature (Uni tarian) will be furnished free, on ap plication to Mrs. H. D. Reed, 132 N. 38th Ave., Omaha, Neb. A Book of Choice Recipe* Sent free by Walter Baker & Co. 1/d., Dorchester, Mas* Mention ibis paper. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. SPRING TERM. April 2d. BOYLES Commercial and Shorthand College Bee Building OMAHA, NEB Complete Business Course Complete Shorthand Course Complete Typewriting Course Complete English Course Ladies and Gentlemen who desire it will, upon application, be assisted to positions to earn board while in at tendance. Catalogues mailed free. vMac&wto ! ^^CANDY CATHARTIC“ Uc Me. •" --r-TitTT■ Im iTmuf Grand Island Route Double Daily Service Pu/W: Sleepers and Free declining Chair Cars or: Kight Trains. For ieformstior or Rites, esll usor or egress nearest ejtnt, or S. M. ADSIT, g. p. A.. 310. ® ® Sexif anywhere in C Q Q [“ Nebraska, Iowa or South Dakota, freight paid, for only 5 O t O J Nothing like it ever before offered at such an exceedingly low price. LONG. BROAD AND LOW—Made for comfort. \Tidth 2 ft. 3 in. Eirgan* designs, oeep tufted; large rosette at head. Your choice of Upholstering: green, ar.-adia clue cr crim son velour. You May leave selection to us. or send for free sample card showing etyles of covering. Couch has 34 steel springs, roller castors, veil rm± good and strong. You can send your check with order, or the couch will be sen* you or. approval No money in advance. Examine at your freight office and if found exa: iy as rop e'en’ed, and equal to any S14 couch you ever saw. pay the agent cur ssehoi c: Si f 3. * not] return a* our expense. All Couches shipped promptly on receip* of order SHIVERICK FURNITURE CO., Largest exclusive furniture house west of Chi' I315'17 F/RN AM T cage. Write us for anything you need. Lacccur- ~ ” tarns, draperies, chairs and highgrac e furniture. VaiVlAHA, i\CD. In a Warm Bath with And a single anointing with CUTICURA, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, per manent, and economical treatment for torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of hair, of infants and children, and is sure to succeed when all other remedies fail. Millions of Women Use Guticura Soap Exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and tlve stepping of falling hair, for soften* ing, wuitsuing, aud soothing red, rough, and sore hands in the form of hath.® for annoying irritations, inflammations, and chofings, or too fret' or offensive per spiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and far many sanath e antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially .or preserving aud purifying the skin, scalp, and hair of infants and children. C i ti cttra Soar combines delicate emollient properties derived from Crucm, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated or toilet soap ever compounded is to be compared with it for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it for all tire purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it combines in Os* Soar at Ox* Price, tit.., Twkktt-ftvr Cexts, the best skin and complexion soap, the best toilet soap and best baby soap in the world. /iWlniiT** Complete External sBd internal Treatment for Every Honor, III III consisting of Cmccii Soap (26c ). to clean*- the .kin of crusteand ^ scale, and soften the thickened cuticle, CwiCPM OlHTttMT(50c ), to instantly allay itching, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe ana The Set. SI .25 haS. and cmrnu ItaaoLTXXT (50c ), to cool and eta*»«ntb.b|«*d * A Sinoijs Set in often .uffldent u> cure th« mo.t torturing dl»dyurl°^ and humiliating akin, ncnlp. and blood humor*, with lorn of hair, when all el* fall*. Potte* D. ARB C. Coup., bole Prop*., Boston, D. 8. A. ** Ail about the Skin, Scalp, aid Hair, D*a W. ». U.—OMAHA. No. 11—1900 nDHDQV NEW DISCOVERY, (rives l/lsWl O W quick reltefaad core* wonrt r—ee. Book of wtliooaloi^Mi^ie^BATy treatment INVENTORS Send to-day foronr handsomely engraved