The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 02, 1900, Image 8

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    I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. __ _
a Z_-.—• ——»
Lxoaal Daws.
I>r. Rumine, the dentist.
2i<irrki*rf Ike (ttltoublr tailor.
Mr* Fred Footer b«> beer. »irk tbi*
S 9~* t,
Mr* M II. Smith 1< rrportrj o* Ibr
»»t liM.
<*ra*4a* fctitie lo n-(ortrd to he
•nil very aicfc.
For Sewing machine! call on
T M Kewd
*:*m* Mbd mw no abrti jmi wruut Sale
Bttt* pruated
Lew Md Mm Wtlliaaaa were tititittf
m the otfr over Sttadaj
Write Uefdeti Brio Omaha Wbck
•ole Sopply ilooM for |4 .cr« ao J way
The lywoftl ljt*fue held a aortal at
(be ho«e »f Mr aod Mr* C F John
If b I'atut called aa it Toe*dsjr
u»u.r hatb before f for bit
It a latter that re* lj a*oer becau*-r
it cwew rtwnwi. caaatlpalloj. tick
beadarbe. l*digMh «. Korkjr llour
tala Tea..—dak jaae oru^yi-t
Mr*. Geo ||. (.loo bad a very aad*
da* aad aerlow* attar a of beoralgia and
la * er r alrk.
leTiu'i W itch lla.e. -a te i* stir
<fw*b»d far f»Oe*. lejorie* aad *kia di
■eaa— . It i* t|c wifiaal W.tcb ilurl
Saite. Beware of all cousterfeit* —
**daaa*ki Bro*
Stop »t T M. Reed i and ex
amine the aereatin^ churn, It
dues Tour churning in 3 min
ute* Reed sells them.
Mau 1 -I* 5 aad JW too old tto Lope for
itoftwamra!' I ikoald *a» eot. Ow
j«M Take Ret jr Muon
ltoito Tea. You'll Or okkamtaf (air at
•to.. An y oar draff i«t.
Mr* Vl M lc*trbotrr. »b<> >0
-ecu m *crir »so a.tb i»jn; •
mock Or tier
I toe *a4 tateh fence a •» rwivtl a
to* day* if« from Mr &» « raaJord
000 ,*iif at VuatM. Mo .
that COrtr hit to four omtb* old babt
Tto lino* Forum i«J|r fare aa «
tort*1 am*at at tOa oail Mooday bifbf.
Ttof pot «B (to board*. tO* ptey kooau
aa ' Eoam Mo 43 “ A pleaaaet time >
WOiJe at Aafctoo iaat Saturday after
»vf fcka partner have 4ta«u2«ed partner
•tup aod hereafter Mr. Jamrof a il:
raa the i**tao*» !Ir kavtnf uoufbt
Mr taatrxtoak. a .aterea?
At* « aMey kaughtto old primary
m uo. butid af iaat Saturday etouiaf
pay taf fJOl therefore He ala<* pur
rOaorg the old aefcoo11 atte 00 (toe bill for
*Cl aod tto* old cool Owe for f i«
tea Earbe Mmdota Vt. «av*.
to utlnaf dad mm aa much food a* k«>
dal l«*jejj»u « or* Oo* do*r relieved
»«■ a f*« Utolie* eared a* ** It dl
fe»ta «kat ?«• eat aod alar ay § cure*
oyipopaia -Odeadahi Era*.
Mr. E. I.oel. af rUu turau*! for tbe
Beet s«f«r * ompaa* «aa ia tbe c:ty
ia*( oaea for tto purpoar of ittrrr-!iii|
oor farmer* ta <eet culture. They j
trill pay ft to* per too 00 board tbe <*ar*
at CM# place.
Mtm kayl* Mooa .* oitirtf kitn*
City aod N J*.*| b tbia week for :b>
parpoaa of porrkaaiaf her apriof atock
< 1 m.. itery ska a 111 aiao tull her ai*>
tar. Mr* « aitbta aim lie*# at ka»*a*
Jam** Knrtfroa bn -#.J Li* puoi|. {
and wind Mti! ba»iii*M to Geo. Mellon -
i i eed U J « ole The bargain »a»
rinaed iant Monday tad tb* *»j# took
.a.*: * | *
•*> aow bb family to fe.» farm ~ tulle*
aantb of Lanp City.
lm.« aura Uhmiius poa ign, nrr
pm abac a lam need* «b*n la bad
nmdttiaa Tuair, blood purifier and
vermif eg* Tbey are not food but tned
«a nad tbe t*e*t ia uae to put a bor*e
m prime cmfiticn PretfS rent* jer
pmaagr Tor *alr bf Odeadsbi
W t are ia receipt uf tbe February
a amber uf tb* bovemgn \ Mine, tbe
cdbciai »*rg-u of tbe M'uudw* a of tbe
World. natch contain* a froat par*
liiMtrrtiW ef tbe Uti&gtm VV of tb*
V ud Tbe bead teem* wrll#*|itipped
•Mb fine tatUi neefi aad i« honored
• ■tb tb* p.ctare of «ur u-d friend
Ha pb fc-tharda a* tbe center figure
a ub ha* heart* de.igbt a beautiful cor
net la bn band- Ka.pb I* aa young
looking aa ehaa be left Loop ( Uf aad
would nut era natural e about tu«
Tbe Amrrtraa Kook « empanv. the
lendiac lest bank manufacturer* ia tbe
Called s«*ie*, exotu.u a dealer la
plane uiurr the riaaeg generation,
arbeui bo aba that are up lu date and in
etery pa".lea*tar are far ia advance of
tb* baoka of any other firm la tbe
boeiaar* Tbry read oot emplorera aad
traveler* at great expense to gatbri
tbe very beet informal*.« (bat ran be
miurl from all pert* of tbe world *«■
that tbe nrbTT* that u*e* tbeir bock*
u .11 be euro mi tb* lateet fact* gt Ua-ul
la ebalrver part af tbe raftb it ueat*
mi Am *•**■'nation of tbeir book*
• ill prune to tbe eaterpr.-ing acbool
-g- — (bat tbey ratinrl afford to tie*
“ iy-five farmer* nmed the
C a bent laet year, and all
b**t ubeat (bey m W need
MM y i*ld • (gaud crap *■
_a. and alnai* neigh* 08
lu tbe banbef Tht* abea
- pfudaerd beta ia tbi* euil
L and far b-uer thnti BM
part from Other atat*- both la
duality. y Md tad weight 1 Imre Mb*
yet on hand. A I* Ct u.i v.
Harry l'a\ lor came dow n from the
ranch Monday..
K G. Paige of Rockville twp. was !n
the city Monday.
T M Ib d will -sell you a sewing
machine frotu 115 up
A babv boy wrae born to Mi and Mrs.
A. Hansel Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs A. II Outhouse returned
from Omaha last Saturday
About three inches of snow fell here
Monday night aud Tuesday
You should call at T M. Heeds when
you want anything in the furniture line
He has a flue stock to select from.
l*oi>;e Krutfrow and Harry Wookey
bate -old their feed grinding busines-s
! t«- Johnnie O'Bryan.
Mr . H I Kilpatrick was adopted as a
member of the Roy at Neighbor family
I Tuesday night.
1 have ►•me Golden Grant wheat
yef, which 1 will let out on shares to
good |*Vtir# A. P. Cl'I-MET
If you want your watch nut in good
tepair hr the only flrst class workman
in the county rail oo G. II MOK<>AN,tbe
, Jeweler.
Call and see the nice line of
buggies just received at T. M.
Kced*. j
Miss Ktla Kong returned to her borne
at tbi* place last Saturday. We learn
that rbe will mnaio several mouths
Byron Taylor, ►on of J. J. Taylor a
j former resident of this place, came up,
from Y jrk Monday and purchased a
jack from J. T. Hale.
All tLooe knowing themselves to be
Hide:.ted to us are requested to call and
*e!tle their accounts. Give this matter
j r prompt attention and oblige.
Wait for l»r Homme, the denti t of
St. Haul who wdl make regular visits
to this city. First class work, prices'
reac rmble and ►ati*faction guaranteed. |
15. A. hoDowell. traveling
sal. f*>r Dr Wards Be*
media?.—Wait for the wagon, i
J. I*hi! Jaeger ha* one of the best im
proved farm* in Shertuan county for
rent. .**» acre* under cultivation, good
b*< «e. burn and granary, plenty of
Have 1 not bidden ye beware of
-netfaii■■£ -aid to the -ame a- Rocky
Mountain 'l ea. ma le by the Madison Co?
If ye are trulv wise, beed this warning
A-k your drugg;*t
James Conger moved to the old
McFadden place west of the river Mon
| day. J imtnie own* a farm adjoining
thi- one cn the we*t that he will also
W. >. l'hiipot, Albany, (is , *ays, “De
U'.tt*# Little Early Kisers did ore more
g than ary pill* I ever took." The
faruoas little pills for constipation, bil
!oi*ir*« and liver and bowel troubles —
Oleodahl Bros.
Mr* J. M Suyder. who has been
a • very sick for several weeks died at
her home in this city Thursday, March
1. !:••?*. Funeral will »*c held at the M.
E < huri h on Saturday, March J, at 10
•'clock a in The remain# will ce taken
to \ .rdurette cemetery whete the burial
• ill take place about 2 o'clock p. in.
1 be* bttuary wid lie glyeu next week.
>!r an i >lra K J. Nightingale re
ceived a tea act of *2 piece# of Jap
an**- ware as a present from Mrs.
N igtotiugak '# brother »ho bought them
In Japan an ] -hipped them here. They
*re*.f iu:;:ul design and very delicate
iu ap; ar*r e a- transparent as
the hne#t china ware. They are
hand* -1 and decorated w ith bird#
i gei .ua to Japan, and are quite a
If to the inhabitants of the
f-wet "aturday proved to be an inter- I
r*!mg da} for the L. of <J. A R Five
e«, ij tie- were conducted through
the trench* oer the scarred battle
t.». 1* and on the long march with
'iirrniii, to the sea. One old vetran
was captured and severely punished, it
being hi *ixty flrst birthday. Upon
their arrival in camp hard tac and
c flee aere dealt out sufficient to last
until they a.-eoible on the 10 of March
I be entertainment given |as!t Thurs
day by the A O U. W. and l) of II. i
*as eyond question a success. The
piny *u happily choaen and the play
• i.g <eyond criticism J. \V. Long as a
• oer is hard to beat, and VV R Mellor
I a* the iuuoceut object of unrequited
in the language ef John.
• >«biuoot.‘ They «e;e supported by
H • lisle Mis Mellor. Mrs. A. Bech
th<>Ul and Mr* Comer, all of whom are
auiatuer star- 1 he entertainment ended
with aati<>rtcouaody by Mrs-Arthurand
J > l’» i-er which was none behind the
o*her» Joe plats the bashful lover to
t petfectioo on account of his rat
ar»l timidity iu the presence of
the opposing sex. After the enter
tainment tbo*e who desired tripped the
light fantastic toe until midnight.
f'armera *b< Mid he careful in dealing
wt’h traveling that per*. The gang
wb*» did up the school dirt let* of this
count} last (all for tbous nds of dol
lars hate flown, leavinglhe purchasers
to whom they sold orders on many
s-bool districts for $-*7 00 each to
uiourc their loses. Fifteen dollars
worth of supplies were sold for $47
Mill ihe districts to pay #2 20 express
charge* beside* In many cases they
lid *< t even furnished the supplies
thereby gi tting the orders for nothing
Our capitalists ought not to buy these
orders. lh« rehy incouraging this kind
of di*b*ne*ty They certainly know
better, or at least ought to look into
*u> b htiMoess Lefore buying ftadulently
obtained paper. Mary of these orders
• id be fought to a finish in the courts,
we tearn This is tb* nnlv way to
prevent this kind of dishonesty. The
banka beie, we understand, do not hold
aav of ibi* paper, having refused to
buy It.
..■■■■! 11 ,
G. W. Marvel railed il to St. Paul
Thursday afternoon, returned Friday.
Bohn —On Wednesday, Feb. 21, i
au pound boy arrived to make
his home with Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Thus Jamrog made a business
trip to Omaha last week.
Mrs. Rowen Sutton of Ord is here j
visiting a» the home of In r parents, |
Mr. and Mrs. T. 1). Wilson.
Carl Trafer of Rockville drove
over Saturday on business.
Mr. G. I). Bales is here in the
place of S- 1). I.amphere who is
visiting iu Iowa.
We are informed that Miss May
Marlow it. sick with pneumonia.
W. T. Barstow of Ord was doing
business iu our city Monday.
S. 1). Horton of Omaha was a
pleasant caller Tuesday.
Lewis M. and Miss Edua Williams
spent Sunday at the “hub” with
E. J. Harden of Ord, dropped iu
on us Tuesday.
Mrs. W. P. Saxton left Tuesday
morning for Jamestown, N. Y.
Don’t forget that W. M. Smelser
is making farm loans at a low rate
of interest and if you are interested
you will find it to your advantage to
see him before making application.
A nice snow visited this section
Monday and Tueday. which gives
promise that we are on the list for
some moisture to start spring work.
Thos. Jamrog has purchased
Stanislaus Gakzenski’s iuterest in
the hardware business of the firm of
Jamrog and Gaiczensk). The deal
w«s completed Saturday.
I. C. U.
The biggest—and best—calendar ever
issued by any American railroad is now
being di>tributed by the Burlington
It has twelve sheets, one for each
month of the year. On each sheet is a
^riking illustration of some feature of
of the Burlington's servic or of the teri
tory reached by its lines—the govern*
ments fast mail running at full speed:
a tourest ear on its way to California;
engine 1591, the largest passeuger en
gine in the world; a library oar; a com
partment sleeper; the Burlington sta
tion at Omaha; n dining ear; a monster
freight train: Estes Park, Colo; the
plunge bath at Hot Springs, S. L>., Yel
lowstone Falls, etc.
The drawings from which the pictures
were made are by Louis Braunhold, of
Chicago, and cost several hundred dol
The size of the calendar is 22x28.
The dates are in big type which can
be read at a distance of 50 feet. For
business offices the Burlington calendar
is simply invaluable.
Purchased in large quantities, the
calendars cost the Burlington Route 27
cents apiece. With postage, packing,
etc., they represent an investment of
about 35 cents. Our price is 25 cents—
10 cents less than cost. Write for one;
stamps will do. If it is not satisfact
ory, send it back and your money will
be promptly refunded.
J Francis, General Passenger j
Agent, Omaha, Neb. 2 9 7w
-♦ m ^ •
A Frightful Uiunilor.
Will often cause a horrible Burn,
Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, will kill the paiu and promptly
heal it. Cures Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Boiles, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best
Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Odeudah!
Radical changes in the new schedules
of Burlington trains will be made Sun
day, Feb. 23. To avoid disappoint
ment and loss of time,, consult local
ticket agent who is in a position to
give you correct information .
J. Francis, Geo. Pass. Agent.
Through sleeping cars to San Fran
sisuo. No charges, no delay, no chance
of missing connections, if you go to
California by the Burlington Route.
The Burlington runs through sleeping
cars from Ornnha. Lincoln and
Hastiugs, to Sin Fransisco, daily. Din
ing cars all the way. Library cars west
of Ogden. Finest scenery in the world.
Sc- nearest Burlington ticket agent, or
write J. Francis, G P A, Omaha, Neb.
-♦ ♦ ♦ - . -
The Silver Democrats in the house
are greatly disgusted over Sibley’s
recent stand ior prosperity1. The
Pennsylvania statesman was a tow
er of strength in the Democratic
camp during the 180G campaign,
consequently his present turnabout
is keenly felt bv bis erstwhile col
leagues. The other day in Congress
he referred tc the taunts and jibes
constantly directed at him from the
Democratic side because of his ex
pansion speech. They might, he
said, call h:m turncoat if it made
them feel any better, but be would
nevertheless turn his coat whenever
the inside looked better than the
outside. “Some of my Democratic
friends,’’ he added, ‘ would do well
at this time to tur^ their coats iDside
out and thus cover the rags and tat
ters io which they are clothed.”
AT Tin: M. K CHTRl H.
On Sunday SI;.reh 1th a the SI. K. church,
there will be preaching service at 10:30 Sub
ject. is there any need for so many Religions
Denominations. 7:3b. Subject. "Why I am a
Methodist."' Wiggle Creek at 3. Subject. The
Anchor of our Souls." A hearty invitatiod ex
tended to all.
W. r. Matthews, Pastor.
Preaching next Sabbath by the Riv. J. M. I
SIcCahan in Presbyterian ball. Loup City, at
10:30: Sabbath School in Rockville at ’ p. m
followed by preaching at 3:00.
The Ladies of the Unity Club will meet at
the home of Sirs. Converse March (>. l'.*00.
All are invited to attend. The study is ,
Grecian History and Current Events.
There will be German services at the Bapt
ist church on Sunday, March 10. at 2 p. m.
Rev. John Bun eroeh of Aurora will preach.
All Germans invited.
The L. of G. A. R. will give a dance in the
Watktnson hall March 17. Come one and all
and wear tha green. Music by Orchestra.
Admission 7)0 cents. Committee.
There will be preaching at the Baptist
church March 1th. morning and evening. All
are invited.
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's Gough Re
ined}'. Us pleasant taste and prompt
and effectual cures make it a favorite
with mothers and small children. It
quickly cures their coughs and colds,
preventing pneumonia or other serious
consequences It also cures croup and
has been used in tens of thousands of
cases without a single failure so far as
we have been able to learn. It not only
cures croup, put when given as soon as
tbecroupy cough appears, will prevent
the attack. In cases of whooping cough
it liquifies the tough mucus, making it
easier to expectorate, and lessens the
severity and frequency of the parox
ysms of coughing, thus depriving that
disease of all dangerous consequences.
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
If you want information about Cape
Nome country, bow to get there and
what it costs, write to J. Francis, Gen.
Pass. Agent, B. A M. R. R. R. in Xebr.
Omaha, Neb. 2 16 4w
to your friends. When you treat a
friend to whiskey, give him t'.ie best.
HARPER Whiskey is the beverage for
your friends and for you. Sold by—T.
II- Elsner. Loup City. Neb.
A Night of Terror
"Awful anxietv was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Burnham of
Macbias. Me-., when the doctors said she
would die from Pneumonia before
Morning" writes Mrs S. 11 Lincoln,
who attended her that fearful night.but
she begged for Dr King's New Discov
ery, which had more than once saved
her life, and cured her of Consumption.
After taking, she slept ail night. Fur
ther use entirely cured her."
This marvelous medicine is guaranteed
to cure all Throat, Chest ami Lung Di
seases. Only 50c and SI 00. Trial bot
tles free at Odendahl Bro>
♦ ♦ ♦
The American Summer land.
‘The overland Limited" via Union
Pacific makes many hours quicker time
between Missouri River and San Fran
cisco than any other line. Finely equip
ped with Double Drawing Room Pal
ace Sleepers. Buffet Smoking and Lib
rary Cars with Barber Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Rooms, Dining Cars, Meals
a-la-carte, Piutsch Light, Steam Heat.
For tickets, advertising matter and
full information call on or address—W.
D. Clifton. Agent.
Bucklen’* Arnica Salve
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boil* s. Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 23c
at Odendahl Bros.
- - ♦ ♦
Grain Rent—One north of Alex
Bail lie’s on Cole Creek. Address or
call on H. Smki.sek,
Ashton, Neb.
When you want your
watch put in GOOD REPAIR,
take it to G. H. Morgan, the
He does nothing but first class
Loup City's up to date Jeweler.
Can be found at Henry Doll
in "s Shoe Store.
Main Office 11th & O Sts
l‘J rears in Omaha and
in Nervons. Chronic and |
Private DISEASES of *
AH Private Diseases and
enables us to guarantee to
cure all curable cases of
the Nose, Throat, Chest
Stomach. Liver, Blood.
Skin and KidDey Diseases
— Lost Manhood, Night
Emissions, Hydrocele, Yar
icoceie. uonorrnea, tiicet. rues, ristuia ana |
Rectal Ulcers. Diabetes and Bright's Disease. ;
$100.00 for a case of CATARRH. !
BLOOD FOISON we cannot care if curable
Stricture r.nd Gleet Cured at Home.
examination and Consultation FREE. Home
treatment by mail in all diseases a specialty.
All medicino famished. Call or address
with stamp for circular, free boot, and receipts
-write them today P. O. Box 224. Otttce
In Kit bards Elk., 11th & p, Lincoln, Me hr.
Goods in Plain Red Figures.
There are so many goods that it is impossible to give you prices on them in ilesiiibe
them through the newspapers. You must call and look them over and 1 "dl s ake xou a
price that will satisfy you. Below you will find a few prices:
riDArCDICC. Arbuekles eollec, l-l cents.; X X X X coffee 111,cents: ten cent
\ W L[l I Uw. best he for 7 <• :.t - Tiger tine cut tobacco, <; papers for 25
| >
lamp flues, any s>iz *, for 25 cents; choice tomatoes per can, 10 cents; tea ounce can K. C. hacking pow< * * tor
Scents; fifteen onnee can K. C. baking powder for 12 cents; twenty-five onuct K l’, bakoog powdei lot -•
cents; clothes, plus, 4 ilez. for 5 cents; New England mince meat, for 10 cents p.r lb; bes axle greese 5 cts.
7 boxes matches for 5 cents; Celluloid starch, S ccd??: Wooden Egg casts, bolds 12 d< z. ege c1 t i\
farmer should have one, per case 25 ceutc; Basket egg cases, holds ten doz egg. 1- cents each; best^ hioom
made for 25 cents; five cent sack of table salt for 71 c,s; grape nut. per package 1 ■'< cents; lea from 25 < t-nta
a lb upward; glass wash board worth 50 cts goes for 715 cts; Ivory soap, 4 cts . cove oysters for 10 ami l'» ^ cts
a can, cow braud soda. 5 cts; 3 lb can syrup for 11 cents, 3 lb can sorghum for El cents; Shreaded w„cat
biscuits 10 cts; rubbers for fruit jars 3 cts a dozen, stone churns 7 cts. a gallon.
T!% (ZClCW\Q>' Best prints. 4 and 5 cents a yard; imported Saxony yarn at one naif
mJ | price, men s mittens, at your own price: finest neck ties for very little
mcney. There never was a better time to buy ladies and childrens hose; cotton flannel at 8 cents, w ith
14 cents a yard; ladies and childrens wool drawers at less than half regular price; men's cotton flannel and men s
woolen r ndershirts going at 50 cents; on the dollar; gent's cull*. 10 cents a pair, worth 25 cents; ><• inch
cloaking flannel at 50 cents a yard woith 85 cents; red white and yellow all wool flinnel for infants and
and childien at one-half regular Come in and see my button stock. I am selling them for less
than one-third their value. You will want them.
SnnTC AIVIlTt rpnee- n is impossible to give you prices on boots
V*/ Xs/ \ r** M U i 1 and shoes. I still have a large stock of
men, women and children's shoes on hand. If I can fit von I will save you 50 cts. on every dollar you buy.
Boys Felt boots and rubbers, size 4 and 5 complete for only $1.00 a pair: children s arctics for 35 cents a
pair; >IeD, women and children's rubbers for less than half price.
Ljj J\ ■ A large stock of men s boys’ and children.s hats going at less than one hall price
I ■ /* I ^ J Caps at one fourth their value
I T ]\T QU/ tA TT)f^ • China sugar bowles for 20 cents each, worth 50 cts; china
>«—• v—i N Z \ V-L • saace Wishes, eight for 25 cents; glass sauce dishes, eight
for 25 cents; extra fine glass goblets 5 cunts apiece. Glass tumblers, 7 for 25 eents. Oibir goods to
uumereus to mention
T. L. Pilger isgeingoutof business, and he is selling bis goods for less than factory
prices. All kinds of goods are advancing, and are going to be higher. Pilger is going out
of business and he is making extra loyv prices on all his goods. Call and see him.
All my store fixtures are for sale. They consist of iron safe, show cases, thread cases,
hose rack and other fixtures.
Don't fail to take in bargains the next GO davs You can't make monev anv faster than
bv buving vour goods of Pilger. I pav the 1 highest market price for butter and eg<_rs.
Tpeo l pi Leer?.
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
Sr. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 52 Passenger.7:K a. in
No. CO Freight ..12.50p. m'
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. tn.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. in.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seals free) on through trains. Tiekets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
lbe United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets cail on or write to R. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. ERANois, Gen'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No so leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger i. 7:30 a. m.
No. 8s leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p.m.
No 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed)2:»o p. m.
No 87 arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m.
No \5 arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
Stood Death 05.
E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex , once fooled a grave-digger. He
says: “My brother was very low with
malarial feverand jaundice, 1 persuad
ed him to try Electric Bitters, and he
was soon much better, but continued
the,r use until he was wholly cured. 1
am sure Electric Bitters saved his life,”
This remedy expels malaria, kills di
sease germs and purifies the blood; aids
digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and
bowles, cures constipation, dyspepsia,
nervous diseases, kidney troubles, fe
male complaints: gives perfect health.
Only 50c at Odendahl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Nob. i
January 15th, 1900. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
tng-named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof ■will
be made before J. A. Angier, county
Judge of Sherman, countj’, at Loup,
City Nebraska, on March 3rd WO.),
viz; Paul Mickisli, Homestead Ent
ry, No. 1842S, for the North East
quarter of Section 36, Township 13
north of Range 15 west of the 6th p. m.
He names the following witness to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, via:
William Qninn, Ravenna. Nebr.
Herman Wilke, SweetWater *•
Chits P.utler „ „ •*
Jacob Wolf, .
J. W. Johxsojt, Register.
My spring and summer samples arc
at hand and parties wishing to
have a suit or pair of pants made, I
will kindly advise them to place in their
ord r now so as to have them when they
want them.—Yours Respectfully,
VV. H. Boecksek.
Loup City'8 Fashionable Tailor.
Dont Be Fooled!
The market Is being flooded
with worthless imitations of
• ••TEA•••
To protect the public we call
especial attention toonr trade
mark, printed on every peck
age. Demand the genuine.
For Sole by ell Druggist*
r Trains Daily
f One night to Utah.
' Two nights to Cal, Ore.
From Xli'sotiri liiver.
For time tables, folders, illustrated
books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter
ritory traversed, call on—W, D. Clif
ton, Agt. Loup City, Neb
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anvone sending s sketch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. (Vmmnritca
tionssrrictly confidential. II ami book on Patents
sent free, ole- st agency fo" securing patents.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. receive
tprcial notice, withoutcfcnrge, iuihe
Scientific Hmericaa.
A handsomeiv illustrated weekly Largest ‘ir
cnlation of anv seietititie journal. Terms, $3 a
year: four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers
MUM £ Co ^GtBroadway.JJg^YQrV
Branch Office. G25 F St., Washington, D. C
Notit e is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the „'th
day ot October, lM)s and duly tiled
in jhe office of the county e'erk of Sher
man county, Nebraska, on the. 1st, day of
November, . 0 , at \.Si o’clock a. :n. and
executed by ,f. t staple wski to A M. Tetup
lin to secure tne payment of one prom
isory note, dated October grtth, iv.;s and
due one year utter date, tor the sum of i
•lOSO00 and upon which there is now due
and unpaid the Firm ot #717 |<>, default
having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceed
lnits at law having been instituted to re
cover said if- i or any part thereof, and
the sai<! A. M. Tcmplin having sold and
assig tied raid prom isory note anil tuort- i
gage to the Union stock Yards National j
Rank, ot South Omaha, Nebraska, which!
Hank is the owner and holder thereof; j
therefore, I «i I. sell the property in said
mortgage described, to-wit; fourteen
(14) head of cows, etteh atiout six (A) years
old amt two (.*) I elfers, each a'amt three
0> years old; each ot said luntuals briny
biandeit with t*x Head brand on the left
hip; at public auction, near the house of
J. Cstaplew ski «>n tin* south East quarter
of Section sixteen ptl) hi Township tifteen
(15) , north of itauge fourteen (H), west of
thetith p. m. in Sherman county, Nebraska
on Tuesday the t»h day of Match, fat'd,
at the hoar of t o clork, p. m, otsaidday.
Dated February sth, woo tdiuH,
Tint Uktost Stock Yari>s Bask. Assignee,
Reliable penaaia of a mechanical or im eutb e mind j
desiring a trip to th« Farts KumflUan, wHh SUM j
*fit». «m. |
At' ANTED—Honest man or woman totra
" ve! tor large house; salary monthly
and expenses, with increase ; position per
manent: inclose st'lf-address stamped en
velope. MANAGER, 330Caxton blag., Chi
; cago 111. T 1-19
honkst persons to represent us as Man
agers in this and close by counties. Salary
' 4i a year and expenses Straight, bona
fi le, no more, no less salary. Position per
manent. Our references, any bank in any
town. It is mainly office work conducted
at home. Reference. Enclose self-address
ed stamped envelope. The Dominion com
pany, Dept. 3, Chicago. to 3 25 19>i,
AGENTS WANTED.—For “The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat
i Ha stead, the life long friends a ad auiuirer
of the nation’s idol. Biggest ano !.<ook;
) over obO pages, Sxlh inches; nearly liHi pages
half-tone illustrations. Only $ :*>. Enor
mous demand. Big commissions, outlit
free, chance or a ltfetinie. Write quick.
The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor caxton
Building., Chicago.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food aod aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestiv# or
gans. It is the latest discovered dig##t
ant and tonic. No other preparatioa
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and
ah other resu 1 ts of imperfectd igestion.
Prepared by E. C DeWltt A Co.. Chicago.
For sale by JODENDAHL DROS.,
Loup City. Xeb.
er ▼ t-t » » vwvvwww f? ■» ^w'v'w v * wj
;r AI til I w'"«pB"s|
Notice m '• Inventive Age ” (a Bk Bl Bp <
Book “How to obtain Patents” | Ib^bEi '
. Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured. '
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
t E. G. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer. Washington. D. C.
ii ]i' M sarsS!?
lllIJl I SJ K“»>v
Subscriptions to The Patent Record *1.0U per aunimt
Our tee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention wiU
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. " How to Obtain a
Patent sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notice, without charge, in Tut: Patent Record,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. n
Scud for sample copy FREE. Address,
{Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C.
1 # ^ CURES
Sick-1:©ad -
3c!io l :.. Livor
{ inn on i «c?n coatbd.
TWO HILLS Mold by »;| drueglsto
25 CTS. L «r^«tbya*H.
" **—* "* * .. i INcrrttr. fledlcc!., Calccgg