The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 16, 1900, Image 8

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    lioaal Dews.
mU m mrr*
Dr. Roruinc. the <lenti»t.
Jk*< kb*r tti«r faaL. n»i..r ts.iuf.
J*r Col* «»* o» t|»c mi ii»t a p#.t of
The Mfc«r) KMkI at SO brio* ) cater -
<•» wwiia^.
Fur Sewing machine* call on
T. M. Reed
<ka«Md>aru*«lirit)ou vtnt Sil«
BiiU pnoled
Abaatits isrh * «*f the beaut tful hhmt
•ifted down Turtday.
Mr and Mr* A. B Gtithuair wf.l tw
it Omaha n« XI week.
W> hare imutrd Arc *et of rale bi 1*
la U* |**»t tm da)*
Jiai Burartt tad family mill nur* to
IW «k rth ant !• a »bo:t um«
A Baaae the optician (rvn Grerl?)
* **»trr. •atmlb' city l hi* ner k
* ik»r* pox M tu»*ling Kith yout-c
Attrfirt a lilt arrk of tkr *nod>.
I rarer >ot drr and aife returned to
tlarir home .a C hicago, laat Saturday.
Abaat too* «f I«r ha* been pat up
a» the city ».w» the recent cold »oap
Writ# U«)Ara Hr«.» Omaha Vi bo.c
»*« reppiy U«uw /or puce* and *auip
Mr* Mat the* a Kill alt** |ii#*«h at
* ||4l reek at 2 u rioc k Sunday after
A AiUoo from Wo»* l aloe, ua tbeir
aay to Or and Itiaad. parted through
tbr r-tty W rtlbo -il
Vm catl »fard to aaira thernterlain
meot at the M I. church. a#st Wed nee.
day raeaug.
iNri O Mry an la amoog the frllavf
that tried to kirk a chank of Me lo
p*eooa la»( ace*
' 1 hey aay the- l iter* man “lore hi*
hftir when he **e«~ the Mooitors • legcl
roiumn laM a era”.
Memembrt that you cati get a llr»t
cloo* lot of *«le hill* printed at thi* of
Ace for very little moor > .
J L Hal. nr retimed to hi* t»o«je at
Kramunt. Monday, after a fee d*yv
•toy Kith hw mother oho t* very -tek
f raai tHaapooo i# *<•* prepared to
pot yam op a *et of bar»«e*a or repair
foarald wn before Uk spring ru*b.
At T M Meed*
We arm non ledge of a teat*
tabtrriitiw from Itrv. a I.. '!. manr
■M o4 Mar^uett*. handed u* bt Mr.
Zeigior of that place
It9 t«ttrr tkw rrtdt uoe#t beciuf
It rum rWumu»a. n«»tipti ioj. *lrk
la*a<ia< f»* iodifrati-*. Kotiji W
a»# Tc» Am jvui 4ru|| •*
1VU44 i<f till* wil
iiu tfuellr r at M»«- r ball t**-xt
V\ fJmUr night. AU Odd t'rlloa* and
tbnr (Maiiira trr Ittllrd
fjarWitt’a H ttdl U<w) >» t# la ijiic
for j*Ur». lajarm abd akin di
•***r*. It Mtfer artfiMl » i< b li »*rl
Sl»f <*f all c nntarfrit. - i
Odrodabl Rr< »
.Stop at T M Ree<l n arui ex
amine the aereating ehurn, It
doe* four churning in 3 min
ute# Ree«l sella them
an nantKf. of Loup Cit? cau.p Md
#n> Uoudaati ar* rr-;u#-*tr.J to »*trod
lk» »***tOO of fc»It I urtday F* b j
SSl aa bwMtwi of tnj>oftat.< c demand*
Ifcrtr prramcr,
Tfc* N'rbra*a» |Vlr|>kMic I'.m.. bur
■a ode apluatioa for a i £til~of-wa)
Ir iWrltjr I of tkr M«hi4iaf of Ibnr
bmmg <]>ata> or trtrpbooe llnr. Tbe ruun
ril an to Sat* c auaiderrd it laat night. j
R*o J. A tottynpa of t ,rar tier* flU
od tSo If £ till tSt* city laa: sou-1
day. Oo Mwaday Ur. fcteten# madr
Uhia i# » a (.koast rail and irorard
k a Bbfaur to tSia pafor.
5«m Aodrfaon and liana lVder*ou
olll Sa«* a faotaltc aol* «•« tbe farm of
Mr Aaadrraoo or«r ll*»«-kan. *, on Satur
day f>i» 24tb. Mo* * and farm ma
tfciarfjr of ai< k ad* will be *old.
Mr Joka To«k*y. Iitiaf 4 mil.*
watlrot of BocktiU*. will at
yabik aai*. mi Friday Krb il at bla
Iar» a bare* aa—at of cattl* of all
ag*# and kind#., Hot*#-#. fain* toacbtai
tf) aid *wry ikiaf **rd or tirtdrd on
a wrmll rrfaialrd far an sal* a ill m».
■paper at HI a. an Free Unrfc at n*ioii.
Maaf-I S a:.d SV too old to I <*;*■ for
lofifuvrairtii ? I *k»ui<l »ay not. Oi.r
|uat trfio* to Itwr, Take Rocky Moud
low Tr* Yana'll k> akMpIflf fair at
«* A*M«ir«rufti#.
t#ew Bar Ur, Mr* Jot • V». »»f*.
•* \otb«*jf d»d ®» m> aurti |«MX| a* k>*
M UM^. <>«**• <k*« rrl|r»r«|
Mr i |tr tMlk* cured »f * It *11
* «bat f«M t«t ki< < al*av« rure#
« **|fr|»U — OjeoJahl B«*»*
(Ml CiPfl C^MMTKik l'o*t»».k». are
ja*« »tttt » bar*r *red* «br«i In litd
cowdltMW, Toaie. bkwd |»unfi*-r and
«tral|«c» TVt arr w* food but toed*
kit# and tbe brrt la «**»* fa fnit a h«»r*e
la (Mor <-aae!ifW*» PurrS cr«f» prr
|*. ««(r |«k nk by OikadUi! B «>.
Tk» |adO« « f ib' «» A It. bad »»•
Mbv«(ilrk drltfb'tvl will dinner*
Uat ~a <>rdar t»» afeirb a number of
diafltkr* and ana* «»f trtrrao* atTf i*»*
% *«,- U£ tbrui -are tr r.•,<<.» r -
Mor and wife about Ti were f»rr*eul
•Bdilddmor at* faultle*» la er*ry
(•idiraUi mm* frcdtt *7
It a»*at mm mmimr* t« kirk at a iMd-sk
irrift» w|rri|Hf after It b»» tu-roine
raortd. bit lint l«Of rated it l« r aet*m*
kwl^eiluawtwiab*** r rapfml
rf> *• that :** ►beet of M- *M b- tin
Ma£>a* M i« ike f’nt kabkil * f all
rartb*« f*»rWi i*m N'»" ba'mv
aw nn^T b- • ill w*ke »*• *" 'be *«4 re
•'•lUba **nf to* .«e* «**d MOV * tbe
••dd aad tor « it, rw-l «;♦ lib* a glow
«• a log bap *aj Sura*.
1> *u t inira the Kiietnan'a Hail to
Jimmie Conger's b»br ««« v< iy *;« k
thi* Mik.
Peter SluSrodny returned Lome
WetlfiC^di} evening.
I M Re <1 will sell you * sew iny ;
orach tie float §15 up.
Alfred Chamber* is viilting hi* old J
hauut* in the *1 *y this week.
|bb‘t nioihe entertainment at the
N E church next Wednesday night.
A J Morgan moved hi* f;>mlly on to
.the J -her homestead ou Oak Creek iast
Mr. Gitrrtson of York county. w»»
ia the cite Wednesday, looking for a
farm to rent.
ilr C. !. /.sj^ler of Marquette, came
mi on Tuesday evening* train. He ex
pect* to locate In Sherman county.
l be ground bi g in* maintained hi*
tradit;: nal reputation *o far in this part
of :l»e vineyard.
Humor has it that Miss Edith
itemfrow and Mr. John Todd Were
mart led iu Omaha Wednesday.
You should call at T If. Reeds when
rou «ant anythir £ in the furniture line. 1
He in* a line *t«>ck to select from.
If you want your watch put in good
, tepair hr the only tir*t via** workman
in the c*■doty call on <1. H MoK«;.\x,tbe
1 N. Bullock who ha* for the past
three tears farmed it on Oak Creek. J
oi<>ted hi* fatnilv on to a farm in Rock- •
j title towm-hip.
(’all anti ^ee the nice line of
busies just received at T. M.
I'ettr Rowe allowed a Urg:* piece of
1 con*.*'.« d wrater to drop ou his front
t *t 1 • Friday and now he goes on
ibice :»gs. or did.
T. M lfeed purchased a car load of
new gt«Js while in Otniba last week.,
l|e has aUo added a jewelry depart
ment to hi* store.
Bi lv II »w«- l**;»sn demolishing the
ru ^** «-f Henry lMiing'a shoe store
ifitenitv Bomoft preparatory to
etrecttog a new hoc.
\V II Bio«n t»f Rockville township
w ill * ffer at p <;> ic -ale, on the 5th day
o! March 1S» *0. all h:* farming utensils,
live »tark and hens* h >ld goods.
Ail tlM»*4* knowing tb*tuselve« to be
indebted to uf art* requested to call and
-rule the.r accouo's. Give this matter
injf attention and oblige.
1 he I'l.'ertainmert at the M. E.
iburck Wednesday evening, will only
»*e . cent* admission au<l there will i>e
no *cture **n ('haul Moo (»ra. either.
-*♦ ♦ not to -teal ti e other fellow'* light.
Katlo r | it on steam and make your oivn
D'i what you do with alt vour might,
I A** K v Mot ntaiu Tea at night.
W»lt for !»r*. the dent it of
M. Paul who will Ultke regular visits
to tbi- city First class work, prices
fra*- i,* «> Mt<d sal j? fact ion guaranteed.
I*. A. Ec Dowel!. traveling
'n!*-‘man f«»r Dr. Wards lle
iiiedies.—Wait for the wagon.
.1 Phil .larger ha* one of the best im
proved farms in Mierman county for
rent _**<> acres under cultivation, good
bou*e, c.rn and granary, plenty of
A well dressed young man was in (he
city tbit week making parlor ornaments
« t of ; mV boards, and rafTeling them
ofl They were a handsome piece of
• oik when tli.islieil.
Have | not bid hi ye beware of
- nt th.i r -aid lobe tin* same as Rocky
M >i.ti'a)n Tea. made by the Madison Co?
f ye are truly wise, be»d this warning
A*k l t»ur druggist
W >. I’hilpot, Albany. <»* , says, “lte
b !|*> I.rule Early Kiser* did me more
g od than at y pills I ever took.*' The
t jitiotif little pills for constipation, bil
lo .»i.e*» and .iver and bowel troubles —
Otlendahl Bros.
Our city schools have taken up the
fig a regular svstem of
\ . gi goverumer r. with Council Maj
« ■ Marshall, and all required otlicers.
They ; i-« ordinautre* and publish them
■ 1 “riling tham on the black board for
• certain number of days, punish all
hr*- * hr* thereof bv attesting the cul
prit, try mg Item before a magistrate
•c) puiM-bii.g them if found guilty.
I be practical education thus received
dtttuld In* of gre t value to the scholars
in after years.
A surprise party. iri honor of the
I»r fih ifiibilajr of Mi-« V«*r» Schaupp,
given at fo r fi<>ui*‘ laoi Saturday
'flu* party w»* pianerd and car
fed out hr Mi** \Vr«» mother who
« ! t her iwnv io »pend the evening with
•>. mt jot.ig fr.erds ar il the surprise
• e«.mp ete upon her coming home, j
* !»• i» »l*e • it #• f In'n an ad joining
1 rn mi nrilv to find of her school mates
»**' niMnl t tie re to reeei* e her. The
j foi|<>«riiig are the ntinrt of those pres*
«ri* M *-e« L'lev < Jrow. B<* .frir e Night*
tog«’.r. Mary Ml toy. Kllenor Bradley,
Karoo* Suitor, Kdiih A* gi» r. Blanch
BentMt*. Nellie Kravis. Hitrie Frolich,
I.'h • l.a-e. I.oftie .Jaeger am) Mary
<• »-*»**. and Misters Willie Minshnll,
‘ ’mil - «.ih*« n. K-inin .Jaeger, Alvin
fmtger. lisv K**ar: **. Archie Kearns,
;‘ Harley Bennett, .John Bradl/V, Willie
11 * <! otob, Mid !.•»'* renec l.ofl olm . A
pi t * nil t enjoyed by the
ehihlmi Mini a itnrai treat was given
tltrin 1 le r » ere grandly entertained
hr Mr. and Mr-* Schaupp until u«id
i-ight abrn Mr Schaupp hooker! up hi<
j Itmilf carnag- and left •'Ni*h one at
j their respective homes. Many beaut i
*u r-*e*r iita **• re left with Miss Vera
I a* k‘ioi remmibtamt s.
|.***r t 1- ft . l*rge |.»g chiln. was
i. •» l*et«reet. the city pumping station
■o*| mt place. Kind* r |dea*r leave at
olti-T of W M‘*lh»r tod oblige.
Ifl llV 4N /OMANSEN.
The biggest— lud best — calendar ever
issued by any American ral’.road is now
b«*ing distributed by the Burlington
It his twelve sheets, one for each
month of the i ear. On each sheet is a
striking illustration of some feature of
of the Burlington's servic or of the teri
tory reached by its lines—the govern
ments fast mail running at full speed:
a tourest car on its way to California;
engine 1391, ttie largest passenger en
gine in the world; a library car: a com
partment sleeper; the Burlington sta
tion at Omaha; a dining car; a monster
freight train; Kstes Park, Colo; the
plunge bath at Hot Springs, S. 1> , Yel
lowstone Fall*, etc.
The drawings from which the pictures
were made are by Louis Braunhold, of
Chicago, and cost several hundred dol
‘Thesize of the callendar is 22xCS.
The dates are in big type which can
lie reail at a distance of 50 feet. For
business offices the Burlington calendar
is simply invaluable.
Purchased in large quantities, the
calendars cost the Burlington Route 27
cents apiece. With postage, packing,
etc., ther represent an investment of
about 35 cents. Our price is 25 cents—
10 cents less than cost. Write for one;
stamps will do. If it Is not satisfact
ory, send it back and your money will
be proinpt’y refuuded.
.1 Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb. 2 9 7 w
S. L>. Lampbere entertained sever
al friends Thursday afternoon at a
On account of storm the surprise
party Billed for Wednesday evening
on Fied Wichmao 8r, was postpon
ed iudetioately.
A number of friends of Fred
Wicbtnau jr. called at his home Fri
day evening and passed a very pleas
ant evening. All present report
a delightful time.
The .Masquerade held in the opera
house Saturday evening was very
well attended and every body seemed
to do their utmost to enjoy them
Mr. aud Mrs. .1. C. Shauppcarried
off the prizes offered for the best
costumod lady and geut at the mas
querade. The costumes were Little
Bo Peep, and the Sioux Chief.
Will Hade came up from Grand
Island Monday afteruoou to visit
old friends in this neighborhood.
Will looks as natural as ever.
31 AH III ED,—Mr. fohn Lukazews
ki and Miss Rosy Karginski were
united in the holy bonds of WMlloek
on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1000 at the
Posen church. The event was duly
celebrated according to their cu3
toms, at the home of the brides par
M A R RIKI>, — Frank Jezewski anil
Miss Laura Radura, tvr<» of Ashton’s
most pr turning young Polish people
were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony, at the Catholic church
at this place, at 9.00 a. m. The
bridal party, the bride leaning on
the arm of the groom, followed by
Mr llobt. Zohonek and MissJezews
ki. Mr. dezewski and Miss Gappa,
entered and were seated m the rear
scat of the church. Soon Father
Ractka appeared iu a white
lace robe anil the bride and groom
went to confession, after which they
marched up the center aisle in the
order they entered, until tho front
p*ws were reached, then the bride
and maids were seated at the right
and the groom and attendants at the
left. After music the bride and
groom marched to the altar while
bather Radka delivered a short talk
to them. Next followed the ceremo
ny proper, followed by mass, at the
close of which a lively march was
played and all marched to the In me
of the bride, where a lovely dinner
of everything the heart could wish
to eat and drink was served, the
most attractive feature of which was
the bride's cake, a most gorgeous
affjir adorned with a beautiful bride
nnd groom of wax standing beneath
a bridal wreath of candied {lowers.
The bride’s costume was of purple
silk, trimmed in white satin, ribbon
and braid. The maids woie clad in
blue costumes trimmed in white sat
in. braid ann ribbon. The groom
and his attendants were dressed in
black and wore while flowers. After
dinner was served dancing was par
ticipated in at the opera house. The
young people are well and favorable
known to all of our citizens and nl!
join us in wishing them a long and
happy wedded life.
I. G. U.
1)1 Vll»K DAlMTI Kji.
Miss Kratna RelI w.-vi surprised^?)
with a party last Friday evening, it
j b°ing her birthday. A large num
l)^r of her friends and neighbors were
| present and eft her a number of ap
propriate presents as a substantia)
I reminder of their visit.
A. \V. Throckmorton joifneved
to St. Paul the fore part of last
week, ami he and the blizzard arriv
ed in Lou p pi tv about tiie same time
and bolli agreed to remain there a
day or so,
A large party of people; young
and old. assembled at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Bolts last
Tuesday evening and gave them a
royal welcome to their new home in
this neighborhood.
Temperance meeting next Sabbath 'in the
Presbyterian ball. Loup City, at 10:30 a. m. and
in Rockville at 3 p. m. Rev. McC.ihaa expects
that these meetings will be addressed respect
fully by Mrs. s. M. Walker. Dist. Sect., of the
W. C. T. U., and Kev. W. II. D. Il^rnadny. Sec.. |
of the Omaha District ofthe Anti-Saloon
Leacue. and tbat there will be a Union meet
ing in the M. E. church at Loup City, at 7:30.
addressed by both speakers. Allare cordially
Later advices from Kev. Iiornaday. are to |
the effect that he will not be able to till the j
above appointment.
Rev. W, E. Matthews will till the pulpit in
the M, E. church next Sunday, morning and
evening as usual in consequence of the inabili
ty of Rev. llornaday to be present.
There is no better medicine for the
babies than Chamberlain's rough He
medy. Its pleasant ta*te and prompt
and effectual cure* make it a favorite]
with mothers and small children. It
quickly cures -their coughs and cohls.
preventing pneumonia nr other serious
consequences Ii also cures croup and
has been used in tens of thousands of
cases without a sing'e failure so far as
we have been able to learn. It not. only
cures croup, put when given as soon as
1 tbecroupv cough appears, will prevent
the attack. In cases of uhoopingcough
it liquifies the rough mucus making it
easier to expectorate, and lessens the
severity and frequency of the parox
ysms of eoughieg, thus depriving that
disease of all dangerous consequences.
! For sale by Odendah! Dro*.
If you want information about Cape
Nome country, bow to g« t there mo!
| what it costs, write to J. Francis. Gen.
Pa-s. Agent, B «V M. It R. It in Nebr.
• Omaha, Neb. 2 10 4 v
_ m _
; to your friends. When joa treat a
i friend to whiskey, give him the best.
HARPER Whiskey is the beverage for
your friends and for you. Sold by—T.
II- Els nek, Loup City. Neb.
A Night of Terror.
“Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the braye Genera! Burnham of
Macbius, Me., when the doctors said she
would die from Pneumoni i before
morning" writes Mrs S. II Lincoln,
who attended her that fearful night.but
she begged for Dr King's New Discov
ery, which had moie than once saved
her life, ami cured her of Consumption.
After taking, she slept a I night. Kur
il her use entirely cured her."
This marvelous medicine is guatanteed
to cure ail Throat, Chest and Lung Di
seases. Onlv 5Uc and SI 00. Trial bot
tles free at Odendahl Bros.
A Frightful ftlnnrt«r.
Will often cause a horrible Burr,
Scald, Cm or Braise. Bueklen's Arnica
Salv?, will kill the pain and promptly
heal it Cures Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Boibs, Corns, ail Skin Eruptions. Best
Pile cure on earth. Only 23 its. a box.
{Cure guaranteed. Soil by Odendihl
Tli«* American Summer lam!.
‘The overland Limited" via Union
Pacific makes many hours quicker time
between Missouri River and San Fran
cisco than any other line. Finely equip
ped with Double Drawing Room Pal
ace Sleep* rs. Buffet Smoking ami Lib
rary Cars with Barber Shop and Pleas
ant Reading Rooms, Dining Car-', Meals
a-Ia-carte, Pintsch Light. Steam Heat.
For tickets, advertising matter and
full information call on or address—XV.
D. Clifton, Agent.
IturklenN Arnica Salve
Has world-wide fame for niaiveious
cures. It surpasses any other s i)v«*, lo
tion, ointment or balm for ('uts, Corns,
Burns. Boiles. Sores. Felons, Uicers,
Tetter, Salt Hheum. Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands. Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only *5e
at Odendahl Bros.
Sewing machines cleaned anil repaired
on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Le ye orders w ith J. A Angler
12 22 En. Angier.
I have gome good Velvet Chaff Seed
w h< a' for gale
A H. Simmons.
Loup <’ity. Neb.
When you want your
; watch put in GOOD REPAIR,
i take it to G. H. Morgan, the
He does nothing but first class
I Loup City's up to date Jeweler.
Can be found at Henry Roll
ings Shoe Store.
Main Office 11th A O St*
13 year* in Omaha and
i ii Nervous, Climu 1c anti
Private DISEASES of
All Private Diseases and
ElsctricitjfMED™ k
enables us to cunrantee to
euro all curable cases of
the Nose, Throat, Chest
Stomach. Liver, Blood,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
— Lost Manhood, Nieht
Emissions, Hydrocele. Var
icnrnc. Uonorrhea, (ileet. Piles, Fistula and
I I oars. Diabetes and Briffht's Disease.
t “$100.00 fora case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON wocannot cure if cnrable
Stricture and.Gleet Cured at Home.
and t unsttiUition KKKL. tionie
Hiinect lij] rnail in all diseases a specialty,
Ail utcdicino furnished. Call or address
with s: im.i f«ir circnlar. free bool;, and receipts
- write them today P. O. Box 224-. Office
In Uicbards IjAt., 11th & o. Lincoln, Nehr.
Goods in Plain Red Figures.
pai-KAge .... . ------- - . - . . .
starch. cent?; Inrrfl ginger snaps, 20 cents; 1 lb best currents, 11 cents; 1 lb seedless raisins, 11 cen •>; l
gall-mean fanevsvrup, 37 cent; 1 gallon can, best sorghum, 43 cent; 8 bars silver leaf soap, 25 cents; 0
lamp fines, anv ?«>, for 25 cents; choice tomatoes per can, 10 cents; ten ounce can K. C- backing powder for
8 cents; fit teen ounce can iv
C. baking powder for 12 cents; twenty-five ounce K. C. baking powder lor 20
cents; clothes, pms, 4 doz. for 5 cents; New England mince meat, for 10 cents per lb; best axle greese 5 cts.
7 h >xes matches for 5 cents; Celluloid starch, 8 cents; Wooden Egg cases, holds 12 doz. egg every
farmer should have one. per ease 25 cents: Basket egg eases, holds ten dnz egg, 15 cents each; best broom
made for 25 cents; five ecut sack of table salt for 3 cts; grape nut, per package 13 cents; Tea from 25 cents
a lb upward; class wash board worth 50 cts goes for 35 cts; Ivory soap, 4 cts., cove oysters for 10 and 16 cts
a cat), cow brand soda. 5 cts; 3 lb can syrup for 11 cents, 3 lb can sorghum for 13 cents; Shreaded wheat
biscuits 10 c's; rubbers for fruit jars 3 cts a dozen, stone churns . cts. a gallon.
one half
me new
ik*? 'w b price
There never was h better time to buv
A large stock of men s boys’ aud children,s hats going at less than one half price
(bios at one fourth their value
for 25 cents; ex'.ra flue
numerous to mention
glass goblets 5 cents apiece.
There are so many goods that it is impossible to give you prices on them or desciibe
them through the newspapers. You must call and look them over and 1 5'ill make }Oti a
price that will satisfy you. Below you will timl a few prices:
Arbuckles coffee, 124 cents; X X X X coffee 114, ceDts; ten cent
best he for 7 cents; Tiger fine cut tobacco, 6 papers for 25 cents*
Battle Ax Tobacco, 34 cts; Standard Navy tobacco, 34 cents; Grandpa's Tar Soap 4 cts. a bar, ten cent
birdseed for 7 cts; ten cent jotlle bluing for 5 cents; package corn stare!., 5 cents; package gloss
B Best prints, 4 and 5 ceuts a yard; imported Saxony yarn at
a nricp. men's mittens, at your own price; finest neck ties for very little
ladies and childrens hose; cotton flannel at 8 cents, worth
14 cpnt^ a vard; ladies and childrens w >ol drawers at less than half regular price; men s cotton flannel and men s
woolen r ndershiris g*dng at 50 cents; on hie dollar; gent s culls. 10 cents a pair, wonh 25 cents; 56 inch
cloaking flannel at 50 rents a vard worth 85 cents; red white and yellow all wool tl mnel for infants and
and childien at one-half regular Come in and see my button stock. I arn selling them for less
than one third their value. You will want them.
It is impossible to give you prices on boots
and shoes. I still have a large stock of
men, women and children's shoes <>n hand. If I can fit you 1 will save you 50 cts. on every dollar you buy*
B vs Felt boots and rubbers, size 4 and 5 complete for only $1.00 a pair; children's arctics for 35 cents a
pair; Men, women and children’s rubbers for less than half price.
bowles for 20 ecu’s each, worth 50 cts; china
ght for 25 cents; glass sauce dishes, eight
(71 ass tumblers, 7 for 25 cents. Other goods to
T. L. Pilger is going out of business, and he is selling his goods for less than factory
trices. All kinds of goods are advancing, and arc going to be higher. Pilger is going out
of business and he is making extra low prices on all his goods. Call and see him.
All my store fixtures are for sale. They consist of iron safe, show cases, thread cases,
hose rack and other li.vtures.
Don’t fail to take in bargains the next GO days. You can t make money any faster than
by buying your goods of Pilger. 1 pay the highest market price for butter and eggs.
x a
Cl i Y. XKBH.
1 )**iiv er.
I U'ieiia,
Salt Lake Lily.
San Francisco,
and ail points
Going last
No. 52 Passenger. .7.55 am
No. to Freight .. is 5< i>. m!
No. M Pa.-senger.4.15 p m.
No. 59 Freight.12:50 a. ua.
Sleeping dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats tree) on through trains. Tickets
sold and hagg age check el to any poml iu
the Timed States or < una la.
For in forma: ion, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write t » U. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. Fit A NO I a, Geu'l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska.
No. Sfl leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7 :3d tt. til.
No. gs leaves Monday. Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) p::a) p.'in.
No. vtd leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 v. m
No ST arrives daily except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. in.
No. \5 arrives daily except Sunday-(pass
enger) 7.35 p m.
First class service and close connections
cast, west and south
St. .Joseph,
Gamas Lity.
St. Louis,
anil all points
Hast am] South.
Stood Death O^.
E. I> Mil ml ay, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex . one** fooled a grnv< -diggt r. He
says: "My brother was very !>».* with
malarial fercrand j tundieo. 1 | crsuad
ed him to try Kloctiie Bitters, and h**
was soon much better, but ccrmi.ucd
their use until be was wholly cured. I
am 'Uie Electric Bitters saved hi* life,”
This remedy expels malaria, kills di
sease germs and purities the blood; aids
digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and
.fcnwles, cures constipation, dy*pep«i»,
nervous diseases, kidney troub'e . fe
male complaints: gives peif.-ct healrii.
Only ode at OdemUhl Bros.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Ne’». i
January J5Ui, ttnio, f
Notice is hereby nixen t the fuitoW
ing named sillier has tiled notice of his
intention to make final proot in support
of it is claim, and that said proof will
he made bet ore J. A. Angter, county
jndxc of Sherman, county, at Loup,
t ity Nebraska, on March 3rd I9d>,
viz: Paul Micktsh, Homestead Ent
ry, No. ISlit, for the North East
quarter of section Si. Townsnlp 13
north of Banco 15 west of the Gilt p. m.
tic names the tollowin ' witness to prove
his coni muons residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, via:
William Quinn, Ravenna, Nebr.
Herman Wilke, Sweet Water *•
Ch is Butler *’
Jacob Wolf,
J. \7. Johnson, Register.
NO rir].;
Mv iiprinj liiid mn ni<r si.mpivs km*
at h im! air! parti* <* wi-hi"jr to
hH\». a suit or pair of pants mad*’, I
will kindly atlvi-e them to plaoo in tlirir
oni r now s<> as to have them « hen ih*}’
vxant them. Ytiiirs Respiotfuily,
Loap rit\*s Kashiouab e Tailor.
Don’t Be Fooled!
The market is being: flooded
with worthless imitations ot
... TEA ...
To protect the public we cal!
especial attention to oar trade
mark, printed on every pack
age. Demand the genuine.
For Sale by all DruggiatS
Three Trains Daily
( One night to Utah.
Only -
( Two nights to Cat, Ore.
From Missouri River.
For tiino tables, folders, illustrated
books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter
ritory traversed, call on—W, D. Clif
ton, A gt. Loup City, Neb
Arrone sending a sketch and dcttcriDlinn mnv
on!e!cty ascertain onr opinion frc3 whether ah
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through .V Co. receive
special notice, wit hout charge. In the
Scientific Hntericatt,
A handsomely illustrated weofelv I nrcest eir
eulation of ativ scientific journal. Terms, ?:■ a
year; four months, |1. Sold by ail newsdealers
MUNN & CB.3S:E'Mto'- New Ifort
Branch Office. G25 F St., Washington, D. C
Notite la hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated on the 2*3th
day of October, IMS* and duly tiled
in jhe.ftlce of the county e’erk of Sher
man county, Nebraska, on the 1st, day of
November, l;9S, at 8.30 o'clock a. m. and
executed by ,t. t zaplewskl to A. M. Temp
lin to secure me payment of one prom
isory note, dated October 2»>th, 1898 and
title one year after date, for the sum of
• 108001 and upon which there is now due
and unpaid the sum of #717.40, defuult
having been made in the payment of
said sum, and no suit or other proceed
inga at law having been instituted lo re
cover sulci deut or any part I Hereof, ana
the said A. M. Tempiin having sold and ;
usMgmd paid promisor? note and mort
gage to tiie Union Mock Yards National
Unuk, of South Omaha, Nebraska, which
Hank is th** owner and holder thereof;
therefore, I will, sell the property In said
mortgage rtcreribcd. lo-wlt: fourteen
(if) head of cows, each about six (d) years
old and two (2) l eilers, each about three
(i) years »?;<l: each of said animals being
blanded with <*x Head brand on the lett
hip; at public auction, near the liou?e of
J. Cxaplewski on the South Hast quarter
of Section sixteen (HP in Township fifteen
(15), north of Range tonrteen (It), west of
the fill. p. m. in Sherman county, Nebraska
on Tuesday the Oth day of March, 1900,
at the hour of 1 o.clock, p. m, ofsaidday.
i Dated February 8th, 1900. f9mS.
THE Uxiox Stuck Yards IUnk. Assignee.
A Free Trip to Paris!
Reliable persons of a mechanical or inventive mind
desiring a trip to the l*aris Kxpomition, with good
i salary and expenses paid, should write
| The FATKNT fUCCOKD, Baltimore. Md. 1
” ASTKD--IIonest men or woman totra
’* vel lor large house; salary #65 monthly
and expenses, with increase ; position per
manent: inclose self-address stamped en
velope. MANAGER. SSOCaxton bldg , Chi
cago 111. 7 1-19
” honkst persons to represent us as Man
agers in this and close by counties. Samry
*'.*<> a year and expense's Straight, bona
fide, no more, no less salary. Position per
manent. Our reierences. any bank in any
town. It is mainly oiMee work conducted
at home. Reference. Enclose self-address
ed stamped envelope. Thk Dominion Com
pany, Deut. 3, Chicago. io 3 ii5 1910.
AGENTS WANTED.—For “The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,** the
world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat
Halstead, the life long friends aad admirer
of the nation’s Idol. Biggest and book;
over 500 pages. 8x10 Inches; nearly 100 vsigea
hail-tone illustrations. Only #1.50. Enor
mous demand. Big commissions. Outtlt
free, chance of a lifetime. Wute quick.
The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor (a non
Building .Chicago.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially dipests the food and aids
Mature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and
alx other results of imperfectdigestion.
Prepared by E C DeWltt & Co.. Chicaao.
For sajs by J3DENDAHL DRQ3..
t>oup Cjty. Neb.
► Notice in “ Inventive Age ”
► Book “How to obtain Patents”
Charges moderate. Nofeetillpatent is secured.
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
L E. G. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D. C.^
To PATENT Good ideas
may be secured by
oar aid. Address,
Baltimore. Md.
—T T —- Baltimore, Md.
Subscriptions to The Patent Record *1.00 per snnnml
Our fee returned if we fail. Auv one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. •• How to Obtain l
Pateut’’ sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notice, without charge, in The Patent Record,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. 0.
i c k - l-j o a d «
«nd Livei
Sold by all druggists
or sent by mail.
Ncrvlta f'rdicc! Cc., Cfeleifa