The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 26, 1900, Image 10

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    Lioaal Dsws.
I>r. Room*. the <iefttist.
Boockaer the fa*hiooal>ie tailor.
Owr Ashton local* failed ta material
ly tht* week.
A tech of wild geese passed north
mm the eitf NtaOaf morning.
F E Brewer put a number of new
denha la the *rb joI* this weea.
teaks steries are beginning to circu
lar. but aw owe has barn bit yet.
There ate tb read diatricts in Sner
mM twenty and Toarbucl d strict*.
finite a number of old (eopla are re
parted •«* (he sick Hat in this cointuu
Jim liepew pulled the hay out of the
top of h • well Monday. Link out for
the of we hard
*• nekoowleitge *.be receipt of a drs ft.
the price of a year* eubsmptton from
•or aid time friend Julian Buaa. Tbioki
Fleam call aad settle you' subscrip
tion account if you hare not already
dawn y We mast hare money to aet
* tie past due hills.
Mm. Ed. Angier went to j*t. Paul last
Friday aad had aa operation pei formed
for female troubles latest report ia to
the effect that she ia doing well.
ir a woman ever get# so “homely"
lie len t worth looking at she'd batter
tea*-K «*y Mountain Tea Bring* back
the litaam of ycatb. 35 cent*.—Ask
four druggist*.
Mr. aad Mrs C. S. Hat hurst went to
Omaha aad Canard Bluff*. Monday last
ta visit relative*. Mr. Uayhurat will
parches* goods while ta the city.
Paul Mkrsish of :* went water, mad# us
a friendly call wh.-e ia the city Mondar.
Me will prove up on hts hocn^-iesd
aaaa, a antic* of which ia uaw being
published in this paper.
Mr* Edith Holmes daughter of Mr
aad Mrs George l>ee arrived in the
city last Friday evening fiom bit botu*
at riwr*K«. C ol on a vi* t to her par
eata. Ileraon Lao. accompanies her.
A baby girl came to the borne of Mr
bad Mrs F. M. Henry Monday evening
yd eapressed a determination to tnak*
it* home with them. Mr. Hewy amilad
aad aaid all was doing well when seen
Thai day.
Tb* Time* man Is offer ng bl« paper
for TS corns a year now. He sees
tbore U no show to raise (bo quality un
less be changes politics hence is com
pelled to lower tbe price to maintain
aa equilibrium.
G. Q. Appleton. Justice of Peace,
Ciarkat urg. X J..*sys. Dr Witts Lit
tle Lariy Kleers are tbe best pills made
for eoskstifmtion. We use no others’*
it digests what yon eat and can not be'p
hot cure dyspepsia and stomach trou
ble —Odendahl Bros.
We arc informed that Mr and Mr#.
Wesley Pedkrr hare returned from tbeir
< anad sa visit to their home at Hsa
il ags They retamed by way of Wau
•eon Oh-o, asd r sited Mrs. I’edler*
mother who is now at that place.
Mr*. W. T Gibson has been quite low
during the latter part of last week and
the Am half of this, but at present i#
considerable better. She will go to St.
Paul Saturday, tomorrow, for treatment
at the hospital.
F B. TkirsiaiJ, Health Inspector of
«-h.cago. says. * kodol Dynlepsia Cure
oanaot be recommended too highly. It
cawed me of eevore dyspepsia.** It di
gests what you eat aad cures i adige«- j
tion, heartburn and all forms of
dyspepsia Oden<*ahl Bros.
This ha* beou aa unpreeedented open
and mild w ater for this country. The
ground is not frozen and tbe dower
plant* which are left out during the
winter season, are beginning to shoot
forth, gras* on the b:uffs ia showing
itself aad spring seems at band.
Mrs L. E. Walworth nod daughter
>*die left last Saturday morning for
their o*w b«tae In Chicago, and from
arete r. uei • »Je Le-p « ity a last
farewell a* their home They have 11 v
•d many yean among us and will be
greatly missed The beat wishes for
-be.r future go with them.
J I. Bevry. Logsnton. Fa., writes,
"I am willing to take my oath that 1
was eared of pnemoc.:aentirely hr the
we* Ooe Minute » ough Cure after doc
tors fa.eld. Italaocurrd my children
of whooping cough. *■'Quickly relieves
nod ceres cough*, colds, croup, grippe
end throat end lung trouble*. Children
ail Mao h Mother* endorse it Oden*
dabi Bros.
Mr. 8 s Bulla of Graad Island, and
a representative of the American Beet
Aogsr Co., wns in the city Friday, look
log up the question of interesting our
farmers io sugar heel raising. He left
contracts that may be examined by
ttwe interested.« ith T. >. Nightingale.
The company pays from four dollars up
per ton according to their quality, this
price Ison board cars at l.oep City.
I want to let the people oho suffer
trom rbeumatUm and sciatica know
that<*hamherlain's Fain Balm relieved
me after a number of otber medicines
had failed. It Is the best liniment 1
hare ever known of.—J. A. Inxiget).
Aipbrettn. Go Thousands have been
cured of rheumatism by this remedy.
Ooe application relieve* the pain. For
a*Je by Odeodahl Bros
The German masquerade ball last
Saturday wight, was a grand success, as
. t.ermaa dances generally ere. There
was id cowp e manned. Three prizes
wet* given by Mr. fciener. ooe for the
beat gentlemans costume, awarded to
John gboewmg. which was a box of ci
gars The second was a bottle of wine
for the best ladies costume and wat
awarded to Mies Kate Johansen The
(oat was a bottle of berr and a link of
ami was giren to Mr. E. D.
T M Heed will sell you a sewing
machine from |13 up.
You should call at T- M. Reeds when
you want anything in the furniture line.
He has a fine stock to select from.
B<>g* sold on the Omaha market last
Tuesday for §1 TO per ewt. And yet
the |M*ps don't want to sea prosperity.
Frsnk Lorcbick droped in to «ee the
editors last Tuesday and left a silver
dollar to pay for a years subscription.
A surprise party was sprung on It. J.
Nightingale by a number of bit friends
last Monday night in honor of bia birth
If you want your watch Dut in good
tepair by the only first class workman
in the county call on G. II. MoBiikN.the
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles—
tb« famous little pills known as De
Witts Little Early Risers.
For a clear skin, clear all the way
hrougb. transparent enough to let sun
ah ae. rosy cheeks show through—take
Roe*y Monutaio Tea—Ask yonr drug
All those knowing themselves to be
indebted to us are requested to call and
settle their accounts. Give this matter
your prompt attention and oblige.
Wait for Dr Roomie, the dentist of
9t. Paul who will make regular visits
to this city. First class work, prices
reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
f*iie doesent Indicate quality. Beware
of counterfeits and worthless salve of
fered for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve.
D v. jtt’s it the only original and infalli
i • cure for piles and all skin diseases.
Odendabl Bros.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
- :i •ecau-e its ingredients are such that
it can't help doing so. ‘The public
can rely upon it as a master rented) for
all disorders arising from imperfect di
gest ion.**-James M, Thomas, M. D., in
American Journal of Health, X. Y.
The little racket which occurred on
our street la*t Monday evening, seems
to be tLe culmination of sins of omit
sum as well as commission. Public
opinion seeroi to be entirely on one side
and the other sida might add to their
b*rpineas v riMorming or taking a
I. T. Travis. Agent Southern K. R.
Sr ina. Ga . write*. ‘ I can not say too
much in praise of One Minute Cough
Cure. In my case it worked like a
charm.'* The only harmless remedy
that gives immediate results Cures
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl
The school board baa posted notices
to hold a public school meeting at the
primary school building on February 3,
the object being to gst instructions
from the patrons of the district regard
ing the sale of the old primary school
building and grounds. There should be
a good turn out so that the board may
learn the wishes of the people.
The statement of the county treasur
er for Jenuery. shows that there was a
balance on hand of $32,824 42 on July
l«t lMW and that there has been a total
collection of $24,016.34 since the July
settlement, thus making a grand total
of $56.»40 76. Of this vast sum there
has been $39,518.20 paid out in the last
»ix months, leaving a balance of only
$17.0* '* in; on hand at January settle
‘1 am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grippe."
i hou-auds owe their lives to the prompt
action of this never failing remedy. It
Cores coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
troubles, Its early use prevents con
-umptiou. It is the only harmless reme
dy that gives Immediate results.—Oden
dahl Bros.
Uncle Georg* Ware, brought to our
desk the other day a paper from klaold
home in Meline, 111. The paper has a
half page map of the three cities. Mo
line. Rock Island and Davenport, the
youthful haunts of Uncle Georg* and
the Mecca oi bia world. It it edited by
P 9 McGIynn, an old friend of Mr.
Ware and is an up-to-date metropolitan
journal. Geerge Ware jr. has taken ap
bia residence there.
A German by the name of Keehler*
• iving 8 mile* north west of Arcadia,
i c >m mi tied suicide last Sunday by tak
i mg poison. He was in yery faircircum
->tantes but bad purchased a number of
l cattle, and gave a mortgage lor part of
j the purchase money and fearing that
he could not meet it when due, became
ie-pondent and committed the act. He
was a member of East Lincoln Masonic
j lodge arid the masons of thia city went
| up to the funeral. He was burled at
Arcadia, on Tuesday.
Mr. Frank Paperniek and Mis* Mary
| Mecbalski, both of Oak Creek this coun
ty were married at the Polish Catholic
church in this city, on Monday January
22, IkOO. Rev Father Rntka officiating
i I be oride and groom, preceded by the
Ashton cornet band and followed by a
large procession arrived iu the city a
b »ut ‘Ja m,and at once proceeded to the
church where the neptiel knot was tied,
t he procession at once took up the re
: turn march. Everybod waa gaily array
ed in their best, vari colored streamers
of ribbon bedecked the two leading
young sen who were on horseback.
They were followed by the Ashton band
which treated the maey people who had
turned out to see the gay wedding par
ty, to a choice selection as they paused
through the city. They continued
on their way to the home of the bride,
where the festivities according to their
eustoms will continue during the night.
They were a merry assemblage and the
sunshine of tbeir hearts were mirrored
upon tbeir happy faces. May they
live long and prosper is the wish of the
Loup City, Neb. Tan. Oth, 1900
The new county board, which is
composed of S. N. Sweetland, John
Jens. Lewis Bechthold, John Boek
ing, W. C. Dietrichs, O. L. Way,
and Albert Dickerson, met this day
as by law provided.
The board proeeeded to organize
by electing S. M. Sweet.and to the
chair, afteer which they proceeded
to business, all members b?iog pres
On motion the chair is authorized
to appoint the standing committees
for the year 1900.
H. Smelser came befoie the board
and requested that the board sur
render to him the depository bond
of the Bank ef Ashton filed in Jan
uary 1898, which request was
Ail depository bonds of the Ashton
Bank were surrendered.
The application of A. P. Culley
for a return of depository bonds of
tne First Bank of Loup City given
tor years previous to 1900 was on
motion granted.
The depository bond of the Bank
of Ashton for $4,000.00 the Bank
of Ashton, A. P. Culley and H.
Smelser as sureties, was on motion,
On motion the contract for furn
ishing Sherman county with the
articles enumerated in Lot 1, of
•‘Notice to Printers,” was awarded
to the Omaha Printing Company.
On motion the ariicles enumer
ated in lots 2 and 3 of “Notiee to
Printers” was awarded to Benschoter
& Gibson, said lots include all the
stationery work, ballot printing,
and court dockets.
On motion the oontract for pub
lishing legal work was awarded to
Romine A. St. Jolrn, of the Litch
field Monitor.
On motien board adjourned to
January 10th, 1900.
Fell board being present on this
date the following business was
The chairman reports the follow
ing perminent committees.
On Finance.—Way, Dickerson,
On Claims.—Dietrichs, Bechthold,
On Roads.—Boeking, Bechthold,
On Bridges.—Dickerson, Diet
richs, Jens.
G. S. Laininger, coantj Superin
tandant appeared befoie the board
and made application that his sal
ary tor the year 1900 be fixed at
$900.00, that he be allowed offiae
room and that an appropriation of
$40.00 be made for the institute.
On motion the salary of Superin
tendent was fixed at £700.00 and
the three rooms now occupied by
the superintendeat and sheriff be re
rented for offices for 1900, at a rent
al of £75.00 per annum. The re
quest for the appropriation of 40 00
for institute fund was granted.
The fee books of David Kay,
county judge were examined and
found carrect as follows:
Fees 1st quarter 1899.... $103.51
“ 2nd « “ 75.52
“ 3rd « “ 75.13
“ 4th “ “* _ 118.13
Error. 14.00
*• ... 4.60
Total fess 391.07
The fee books of H. 0. Patton
was examined and found correct as
Fees 1st quarter 1898.... $292.95
«• 2nd “ “.... 476.79
“ 3rd “ “ _ 287.65
“ 4 th “ “ _ 169 55
Total 1,146.9*
The county clerk is instructed to
advertise for sealed bids with plsns
and specifications to be filed in the
county clerks office, on or bsfore
March 5th 1900, for the building of
all bridges that may be required to
be constructed by the county during
the term of one year from the let
ting of the contract, such bids to be
by the lineal foot, and contract to
be let for the building of such
bridges as may be required, at a
specified sum per lineal foot. Bids,
plans and specifications to be made
on wood bridges, on high water and
low water bridges. Plans for wood
low water bridges, to be prepared
to suit quick and heavy streams, to
be 16 to 24 feet long on good long
oak piling, and the wood high water
bridged to be 24 to 40 feet spans,
with suitable approaches to be set on
good long oak piling and span tim
ber to be full length of span. Bids
also to be filed for spans in Loup
river bridges that may require re
placing during the term of oue year.
The bond of Jens Christensen, as
justice of the peace of Washington
twp., was on motion approved.
Official bond of Leon Jezewski,
treasurer of Ashton twp., was on
motion approved.
Contlaued aext week.
The Rockville Presbyterian church holds
its social this week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. li. M. liiddelsee, on Friday evening. All
friends of the church and Sabbath school are
cordially invited.
Preaching next Sabbath by Rev, J. M Me.
Cahau. in the Presbyterian hall at Loup City,
at 10:30 a. m. In Austin, at 3 p. m. and at
Rockville at 7:30. Please uttnnd.
On Sunday evening Feb. ith Presiding Elder
C. A. Martin, wiill hold quarterly meeting
services at the M E. church and quarterly con
ference on Monday morning. All are cordially
—— ♦
▲ party of our young folks enjoyed
a pleasant evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hyslop last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Botts of Hazard, have re
cently moved into this neighborhood
and reside on the Hyslop place.
Miss Bessie Emery of Wiggle creek
visited over Sunday with friends at thU
We were gratified to note that seven
of the teachers from Divide and its vi
cinity attended L. R. C.. at Litchfield
on Saturday. A very interesting and
enthusiastic meeting is reported.
A number of out German friends at
tended the hop and its accompanying
festivities at Loup City last Friday eve
Miss Matie Steyena Sundayed at the
Divide bouse, the guests of the three
school ma'ams.
Over one hundred people attended
Divide lyceum last Thursday evening.
Among the leading features of the eve
uing were the “Why we never married*’
confessions and the little folks “Topsey
Turvey" song. The ladies won unani
mously ou the negative side of the Wo
mens Suffrage question. The date of
meetiug was changed to Friday evening
and in two weeks, the question to be
debated is: Resolved, that tbe President,
Vice President and tbe United States
Senators should be elected by popular
Mrs, John Stewart gave an old fash
ioned dinnerparty last Friday in honor
of her mother, Mrs. Anderson of Iowa.
About thirty eld friends and neighbors
were present and sat down to the sump
tuous repast the hostes* had prepared.
Mr. John Roberts of Omaha, and Miss
Maggie Riedel were married at the
home of the brides parents, three mil«-s
south of this citv, on Monday, January
22, 1900, at 12 o.cloek, m. Rev. Hustoe
of Arcadia, Congregational minister
The wedding was a quiet one, there
being but the immediate relatives pre
sent the bride is one of Sherman coun
ty’s highlj respected young ladies, she
moves in the best society and has a host
of friends and admirers. We are not ac
quainted with the groom, but under
stand that he Is well to do, and occu
pies a paying and trusted position as
salesman in one of the leading tmpli
ment establishments of Omaha. He is
to he congratulated upon bis excellent
choice for a life partner. Mr. Roberts'
parents are residents af Arcadia, where
the happy couple goes for a brief visit
before going to Omaha, their future
home. The best wishes of all go with
It,* better than ready money because
it cure* rheumatism, constipation, sick
headache, indigestion. Rocky Mour>
tain Tea.—Ask your druggist.
A pure whiskey agrees with any food,
in fast aids dig%6tion. It tones the
stomach, increases the flow of the gas
tric juices and so promotes strength and
flesh. A pure whiskey like HARPER
Whiskey—SOLD BT—T. H. Ei.sner,
Loup City Neb.
Dr, Cady's Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifler and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and the best in use to put a horse
in prime cseidition. Pricc25 centa per
package. For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
‘ DeWitt's Little Early Risers did me
more good than all blood medicines and
other pills,” writes Oeo. II Jacobs,
of Thompson. Conn, prompt, pleasant,
never gripe,—they cure constipation,
arause the torpid liver to action and
give you clean blood, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite.
My son has been troubled for years
wite chronic diarrhoea. Sometime ago
I persuaded him to take some of Cham
berlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. After using two bottles of
the 25-cent size be was cured I give
this testimonial, hoping some one simi
larly afflicted may read it and be bene
fited.—Thomas C. Bower, Gloncow,
O. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
-.—— - ♦ ♦
A Keen Clear (train.
Your best feelings, your social posi
tion or business suceess depend largely
on the perfect action of your stomach
and Liver, Dr. King's New Life Pills
give increased strength, a keen, clear
brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box
will make you feel like a new being.
Sold by Odendahl Bros. Druggists.
Main Office 11th* O Sts
12 years in Omaha and
in Nervous. Chronic and
Private DISEASES ef
All Private Diseases and
Elsctricity medicine
enables ns to rnarantee to
cure all enrable cases of
the Nose, Throat, Chest
Stomach, Liver, Blood,
Skin and Kidney Diseases
—Lost Manhood, Nijrht
Emissions. Hydrocele. Var
icorele, Gonorrhea, Gleet. Piles, Fistula and
Kectul Uleers. Diabetes and Bright’s Disease.
HT$100.00 for a case of CATARRH.
BLOOD POISON we cannot cure if curable
„Stricture and Gloet Cured at Hama.
hxnniinatioD and Consultation FREE. Home
treatment by mail in *11 diseases * specialty,
All medicino furnished. .Call or address
with stamp for circular, free book, and Receipts
—write them today p, Q. Box 224, P*«ce
la Rickards Elk., 11th St q, Llncofm,>iabr.
An Experience Which, According to
the Victim, Made Sherman** DeBnl
tlon of War Seem L<lke the Descrip
tion of a Sunday School Picnic.
“Well,” said the Footprint to Slug
Seven as ho settled down on his stool
and began to throw in a handful of
type, “if I didn't have a time of it get
ting down hero oat of those moun
I tains. ”
“Been up in the mines?” inquired
Slug Seven.
"Yep,” replied the Footprint. “Just
enme out. Footed it from Angels to
Milton yesterday and rode into Stock
ton on a side door sleeper last night. A
Fide doer sleeper,” continued the Foot
print. "is not the most comfortable
mode of traveling. Personally I prefer
to ride on a red cushion, but the heart
less and exorbitant demand of the rail
road trust for spot cash compelled me
to walk or come as freight. I came as
“Sure,” said Sing Seven.
“The unpleasant feature of the trip,”
continued the Footprint, “was the base
betrayal of confidence on the part of
the brakeman with whom I negotiated
fer an undisturbed passage. For a cash
consideration of six bits and a drink of
liquor he verbally contracted to waybill
me from Milton to the division end at
Stockton. We went up street to take
the drink and—well, you knowhow one
word brings on another. By train time
the $4 I had sunk in my jeans had been
fished to the surface and sent across the
bar for red liquor.
“The brakeman was full when he
started for the yards. So was I when I
started after him. The brakeman con
fided to me on the way through the
yards that be owned the whole train
and I could ride anywhere and anyway
I wanted to. I told him that I was sur
rounding at least a quart of Milton
whisky and if it was all the same to
him and he had a nice, dry, empty box
car I would be shipped as an unbroken
original package. He agreed, and we
went over where the train was stand
ing made up to find that empty. The
brakeman ran a door open, gave me a
hurried boost in and ran the door shut
and locked it After a bit I struck a
match to look about and what do you
euppose that cuss had done?”
“Give it up,” said Slug Seven.
“Billed me as livestock, by guml
Fact I There I was locked in a box with
two mules, both loose, and all of us
good to keep company to the division
end. What was that Sherman said
about war? Said it was hades, didn’t
he? Well, it ain’t It’s only an imita
tion. The real, orthodox, rose colored
hades is to spend a night in a locked
box car with two mountain ranch mules.
“It isn’t a long ran from Milton in,
and I concluded, after the train had
bumped along about three miles and
those scared mules bad begun to charge
around and kick a rat-a-tat-tat-tat on
the sides of the car, that the only plan
of campaign left to me was a flank
movement and a sudden mounting of
one of the animals. It wouldn’t be a
dream of pleasure on that mule’s back,
but it would be safer than dodging four
rapid fire hind heels unlimbered for ac
tion. I got on the mule all right, and
after a little bucking he steadied dow*
tolerably well The animal was evi
dently scared to death and seemed to
take comfort in being straddled by a
“Well, I was just chuckling to my
self over the state of affairs in the live
stock department of the Espee railway
and figuring that another hour would
6ee us in the division yards, where my
friend the hrakeman would open the
door, when the train stopped, evidently
at a siding, as I knew we weren’t near
a station. We bumped about a bit and
I took a double wrap in the mule’s ears;
then we stood still while some other
cars were bumped about and then I
heard two short toots of the whistle and
a rumble that gradually grew fainte*
The train had pulled out and we were
side tracked. 1
“We staid there till morning, too,
and I rode that son of a jackass, with a
backbone like the ridge of a church
roof, up and down and around that car
every weary minute of all that weary
night To quit riding meant to go to
sleep, fall off and have the liver and
high lights and half tones trampled
and kicked out of me by two scared
mountain mules.
“I estimate that Irode that mule 1S6
miles and three furlongs in that car.
and the car traveled 17 miles before be
ing side tracked. The remaining three
miles of the 20 between Milton and
Btockton I made on foot, thus complet
ing a journey of 156 miles B fur
longs in a straight line between two
given points that are but 20 miles
apart, a mathematically impossible feat,
accomplished by one jackass with the
aid of two relatives on the male side cf
the house. ’’
The Footprint sighed as be paused to
bite off a chew of tobacco, and Slug
Seven took advantage of the opening to
remaxk that a man who had traveled so
far under such circumstances must be
dry.—Chicago Inter Ocean.
Hew York a City of Auction*.
New York is the city of auctions
There are 800 reputable auction houses
and three times that number of auc
tioneers in STew York, and they do a
yearly business of about $75,000,000
This does pot i^ke into consideration
the transactions of scores of small auc
tioneers who devote themselves entirely
to the wants of the egst side.—New
York Herald.
Stirrups were unknown to the an
cients. They were first used in the fifth
century of < Jr era, but were not in
common nee even in the twelfth cen
tury. _ _
"A young man came into our store
yerterday suffering from a severe attack
of cramp colic,” writes B. F. Hess, mil
ler and general merchant, Dickey's
Mountain, Pa. "He had tried various
home remediea without, relief. As 1 had
used Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy I gave him a dose
and it soon brought him out all alright.
I never saw a fellow so rejoiced.” Sold
by Odeudahl Bros.
For Sowing call oil
T. M. Bead.
When you want your
watch put in GOOD REPAIR,
take it to G. H. Morgan, the
He does nothing but first class
Loup City’s up to date Jeweler.
Can be found at Henry Doll
ings Shoe Store.
Department of the Interior.
Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. »
January 15th, 1900. f
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before J. A. Angler, county
judge of Sherman, county, at Loup,
rity Nebraska, on March 3rd 190>,
viz: Paul Micklsh, Homestead Ent
ry, No. 18L1S, for the North East
quarter of Section 2>>, Township 13
north of Range 15 west of the 6ib p. in.
He names the following witness to prove
bis continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, viz:
William Quinn, Ravenna, Ncbr.
Herman Wilke, SweetWater “
Chi is Butler „ „ "
Jacob Wolf, “ •• "
J. W. Johnson, Register.
When you waut ao attractive a«i
don’l try to multiply words but use
plenty of space, and a few announ
Old People Made Young
J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of
the Vermontville, Mieh. Echo, has dis
covered the remarkable secret of keep
ing old people young For years he has
avoided Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In
digestion, Heart trouble, Constipation
and Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit
ters, and he writes; “It can't be praised
too highly. It geutly stimulates the
kidneys, tones the stomach, aids dige
tion, and gives a splendid appetite. It
has worked wonders for my wife and
me. It's a marvelous remedy for oi l
people’s complaints.'1 Only 50c. at
Odendahl Bros.
Made Young; Again
“One of L>r. King’s New Life Pills
each night for tv.o weeks has put me in
my‘teens’again” writes D. II. Turner
of Dempseytown, Pa. They're the be-t
in the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowels. Purely vegetable. Nevergripe.
Odiy 2oc at Odendahl Bros.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvelous
cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo
tion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns,
Burns, Boiles, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chap
ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible
for Piles, Cure guar anfeed. Only 25c
at Odendahl Bros.
Paid Dear For His
B, D. Blonton of Thackeryille. Tex.,
in two years paid over $300 00. to doc
tors to cure a Running Sore on his leg.
Then they wanted to cut it oft’, but he
cured it with one box of Bueklen's Ar
■ ica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Piles.
25 cts a box. Sold by Odendahl Bro's,
Odendahl Bros., guarantees every bot
tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
• ill refund the money to any one who
is not satisfied after usiug two-thirdsof
the contents- This is the best remedy in
the world for lagrippe, coughs, coid?,
croup and whooping coughs and is
pleasant and safe to take It prevents
any tendency of a cold to result in pneu
monia. Odendahl Bros. 3-1-19
Have you
You may have heard
and have? a vague notion
that it is cod-liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea
tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
purest and the best in the
world, but made so palata
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Nearly all
children like it and ask for
looks like cream; it nour
ishes the wasted body* of*
the baby, child or adult
better than cream or any
other food in existence. Jt
bears about the same rela
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to miik. If you *
have had any experience (
with other so-called “just as «
good” preparations, you J
will find that this is a fact. \
The hypopho$phite$ that are ®
combined fwith the cod-liver oil ^
give additional value to it because g
they tone up the nervous system g
and impart strength to the whole 4
body. «
$oc. and $i .00. all druggists. I
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. |
B. A. EcDowell, traveling
salesman for Dr. Wards Re
medies.—Wait for the wagon.
Don’t Be Fooled!
The market is being flooded
with worthless imitations of
• ••TEA ■ ••
To protect the public we
especial attention to oar
mark, printed on every
age. Demand the
For Sale by all
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anti all points
Ea-t ami South.
Den Ter,
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
ami all point*
No. 52 Passenger.7.56 a. m
No. GO Freight.12.50 p.m.
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. m.
No. 59 Freight.12:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cara
(seats free) on through trains. Ticket#
sold and itaggiige checked to any point la
the United States or Canada.
For information, maps, time tables and
tickets caii on or write to R. L. Arthur
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. s« leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. m.
No. 8b leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p in.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p.'m.
No 87 arrives daLy except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. m
No. \5 arrives daily except Sunday (pals
enter) 7.35 p. in.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
Dr. J. W. Jones wishes to announce
that he is alwav s prepared to attend all
calls, either day or night, or in country
or town. i}jvd22
Sewing in tchines cleaned and repaired
on short notice. All work guaranteed.
Leave orders w ith J. A Angier
12 22 Ed. Angikr.
YY” ANTE I) — Honest man or woman totra
" v< tor large house; salary $05 monthly
and ex; enscs, with increase ; position per
manent; inclose s.df-address stamped en
velope. MANAGER, 330 Caxton bldg., Chi.
cago III. 7 1-10
” itoM 'T pel S' i:? to represent us as Mai in ihi' and close by counties. Salary
I 'on year and expenses. Straight, bona
fide. noii.oi ■, no less salary. Position per
nianent. Our references, any bank in any
town, it is m.iinly office work conducted
at home. Reference. Enclose self-address
ed stamped envelope. The Dominion Com
i’axv, Dept. Chicago. to 3 25 1900,
AGENTS wanted -For “The Life And
Achievements of Admiral Dewey,” the
world's greatest naval hero. By Murat
H i stead, the life long friends and admirer
of tin1 nation’s idol. Biggest and book;
ov< r .v-0 p»•». s, - v inches; nearly 100 pages
half-tone Illustrations. Onlv 91.50. Enor
mous demand. Big commissions. Outfit
tree, chance of a lifetime. Write quick.
The Dominion company, 3rd Floor cuxton
Building .Chicago.
Just Saved Ills Life.
It was a thrilling escape that Charles
Davis of Howerton, 0., lately had from
a frightful death. For two years a se
vere lung trouble constantly grew worse
until it seemed tit*must die of Consump
tion. Then he began to use Dr. King's
New Discovery and fately wrote: ,#It
gave instant relief and effected a per
manent cure.” hitch wonderful cures
have for 25 \ cars, proven it's power to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung troub
les. Price oOc and $1 00. Every bottl«
guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Odei
dahl Bro’s drug store.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artlficially digests the food and aidf
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestiv# or
gans. It is the latest discovereddigttt
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently curat
Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache.Gastralgia,Cramps,ana
all other results of imperfectdigestion.
Prep-ared by E C DcWltt A Co.. Cblcaoo.
For sale by JODENDAHL DROS..
Loup City. Neb.
Notice in “ Inventive Age ”
Book “How to obtain Patents’*
Charges moderate. No fee till patent is second.
Letters strictly confidential. Address,
' E. G. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C.,
ITT Til 'i ¥J To PATENT Good Idou
ll W kll
liiiLJU ihe "na.
Subscriptions to The Patent Record $1.00 peraanun^
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention wiu
promptly receive our opinion'free concerning
the patentability of same. “How to Obtain m
Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notice, without charge, in The Patent Record,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Scud for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C.
Sick -Hoad •
ache end Liver
Complaint,* *
Sold by all dragflats
or sent by mall.
Nerrlta IH-dice! Co., Oilcan
I 25CT5.
Reliable persons of a mechanical or inventive mind
desiring a trip to the Paris Exposition, with good
salary and expenses paid, should write „ . i
-s The PATENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. \